#Edelweiss Journey
eorzean-wayfinder · 5 months
New graphics, who 'dis? - Goblin edition
Last installment with all my Goblin kids, they are the nest batch in my altaholic addiction and overall the new graphics are I think going to treat them well. I've also found after talking to several friends that the 'crystal' default setting in the creator isn't kind to ANYONE.
New on the left, old on the right.
L'devah Fhey - looks the same, if only a bit older.
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Troy Maerten - I LOVE IT. He actually looks more like the half elezen that he's supposed to be.
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Duq Tribeless - All my dark skinned kids are looking SO MUCH BETTER.
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Edelweiss Journey - She looks good, the same. Won't really need any changes.
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Clematis Journey - Edel's sibling. I've never gotten him to look the way I want him to, until now. He might need some tweaking just to see what the options look like but otherwise yaaay.
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Blu Dalmasca - I think the crystal lighting just isn't nice to him here. I'll have to see if he needs any changes under different lighting.
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Garaav Nioremont - Overall I like it. some small changes might be needed but it will take getting him into the actual game to see.
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Blilly Lee Black - He's one I could never get to look right, but also the only character not a complete OC. Difficult with someone based on a character from another game, but I think he might actually finally look the way I want him to be with the new graphics. Also even as accurate as this hair is.... I think it needs to change, all I can think of when I see it is fucking Asahi...
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cutiecusp · 5 months
Hi loves, I'm CC, and I've just started on my writing journey! I love all things Call of Duty, so have started writing a few drabbles about our favourite Operators :)
Simon 'Ghost' Riley 💀
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Edge of Heaven (Part One) (Best Friend Simon)
Baby i'm your man (Part two) (Best Friend Simon)
Daisy (Regency AU)
Forbidden Fruit (Ex husband Simon)
Spoilt, Forbidden Fruit Part Two. (Ex husband Simon)
Matchmaker (Text series) part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen, part fourteen, part fifteen, part sixteen, part seventeen, part eighteen, part nineteen. part 20, part 20.5, part 21, part 22, part 23 part 24, part 25, part 26, part 26.5 part 27, part 28, part 29, part 30, part 31. part 32, part 33
Captain John Price 🪙
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Something old, something new. (Part One)
Something borrowed, Something blue. (Part Two)
Vegas! Part one
Father John (my first fanfic)
Devotion. part one, part two. part three. part four, part five, part six
Phillip Graves 🔫
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All i wanted was you, part one
Ignorance, Part two
Finally. (Bf! Cherry popping,)
König 👑
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Edelweiss (Regency AU)
One Last Call
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick 🧢
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Lily, a regency AU
Keegan P Russ
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For better or worse, part one, part two, part three
Birthday. (Team 141)
Lake, (Eddie Munson)
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chromatasia · 3 months
Isabeau with flowers please [:
“You know there’s meaning in flowers, right?”
The question came without warning, and Isa looked up at Odile from where he lay on the ground. The researcher (or, not-researcher, he supposed) kept her eyes on her notebook. The question didn’t come unprompted; the two currently sat in the fields surrounding Jouvente, and in those fields were, well, flowers. This wasn’t Isa’s first time visiting the fields - he’d grown up here, after all - but it felt… different. More meaningful.
“I know some basic stuff, yeah. Flowers are quite popular in the city!” Odile nodded, humming to herself as she scribbled something in her notebook. “Any reason, madame?”
“Oh, no, not at all.” She covered a smirk with her hand and, oh no there was definitely a reason. “Just curious, since you’ve received quite a few flowers on our journey, is all.”
And she was right! He did! The flowers he’d received from his family lay protected at the bottom of his travel bag, protected by the rest of his items. How poetic, he’d first thought.
“Do you know what the flowers mean?” Isa asked, though he expected the answer.
“If you show me, I’ll probably know,” Odile answered, closing her notebook and placing it on her lap. Isa lifted his head from where it rested on his bag and started digging through it, taking the various items out and spreading them around himself.
“…Flower-ology?” He proposed, causing Odile to laugh. Yeah, there was no secret research, but it was still fun to throw out guesses.
“That’d be botany, Isabeau. And no, I just know quite a bit from my travels.” One day he’d manage to get a story about Odile’s mysterious past, but that wasn’t for now. Isa looked into the bag and - there, wrapped in string, were the flowers. He pulled them out gently, taking care not to loosen any of the pressed petals.
Isa pulled a flower out a random and held it up. “Bonnie gifted me this one, I think. A little bit before we reached Dormont.” Odile leaned forward and nodded.
“Our little Boniface has quite the knack for choosing flowers, then,” Odile said with a small smile. “This is an Edelweiss, said to symbolize courage. That’s quite true for you, I’d say.” Isa gave a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I mean, I'm not that courageous, madame. Just doing my job!” It was part of being a Defender, after all.
“Still, Boniface admires you quite a lot, for all their teasing.” Her face dropped minutely, her eyes narrowing as she averted her gaze. “It truly is cruel, how brave they needed to be, in our journey.” Odile sighed and shook her head. “We can’t change the past though.” She leaned back, and looked back at the collection of flowers.
“I see a Zinnia in there, Isabeau. Who was that from?” Isa perked up at that, and the chance to ignore the weight of their journey.
“Oh, Mirabelle gave me that one! She said a villager gave her one as thanks, and thought it’d suit me.” Despite how long it had been since their victory over the King, passing villages often tried to extend their thanks to the saviors, much to Mirabelle’s apparent discomfort. Isa had taken the flower with a smile and given her a tight hug.
“Zinnias represent eternal friendship, supposedly due to how easily they grow in certain regions. Something with the abundant flowers representing how frequently the recipient was in the giver’s thoughts, if I am remembering correctly.” Isa nodded, twirling the flower in between his fingers. He loved his whole family, but being with Mirabelle since the beginning of her journey made their connection… special. He’d been there for her since the start, all the way up until the end of their journey. Had seen how she’d Changed, despite her protests that she was the same old Mirabelle. He smiled at the thought of his friend.
“Yeah,” Isa muttered, smiling to himself, “that fits.” He glanced at the rest of the flowers, and - oh!
“This one was from you, madame!” He held up the slender plant, the large leaves carefully covering the delicate flowers. Odile smiled and nodded.
“Yes, the Laurel. A common sign for victory across multiple countries.” She brought a hand up to her chin as she got lost in thought. “Boniface had asked, once, whether or not it could be used in cooking. It can’t, thank Gems they asked, but I did tell them of its meaning. Then they insisted I gift the ones they collected to the rest of our group, as a good luck charm.” She chuckled to herself. “I suppose not a sign of good luck, but we did succeed, by all odds.”
“Well, thank you for the gift, madame!” Despite the fact that he was sitting, Isa gave an exaggerated bow, and Odile sighed at the gesture as he giggled. “I shall treasure it to the end of time!” She flicked him on the forehead, which only served to send him further into a laughing fit. Isa flopped back, the grass cushioning his fall, and took a deep breath.
“Just one left, I suppose.” Isa held the flower up to the sun, ignoring the way his face grew warm as he looked at it. “This was from Siffrin, not too long ago.”
“I can tell, based on your expression.” Isa shot up at that, and Odile snorted at the appalled look on his face. He floundered for words but, well. It was Odile. She’d counter any one of his arguments made that no, this was definitely not from Siffrin, and he always smiled that happily when he looked at gifts from his friends, not just from a certain cloaked rogue.
So, rather than arguing, he simply flopped back down and groaned, covering his likely-dark face with a hand.
“…Is it really that obvious?”
“…Can you tell me what it means, at least-?”
“ZA!! DILE!! WE FINISHED OUR SHOPPING!!” Isa sat up abruptly, trying to school his face into something that didn’t look like a flustered mess, and Odile sighed and waved behind Isa.
Looking back as he stood, Isa saw Bonnie running at top speed, arms behind their back, towards himself and Odile. Jogging behind them was Mira, clutching a couple of books, and Siffrin, who wore an easy smile and their face. Upon looking at Isa, they ducked their head under their collar.
Bonnie proceeded to collide directly into him with a hug, throwing Isa from his thoughts and into hugging back the preteen.
“Sorry if we took too long!” Mira called as she approached, taking a deep breath in as she slowed her pace. “The library was much larger than I expected and-“
“Mira, Mira it’s fine! But only if you rant about them if they’re bad.” She giggled, and that seemed to help her. Siffrin came up behind her with a mischievous look on their face and-
“Besides, Mira, we had the whole day booked.” Mira and Bonnie collectively groaned as Isa laughed, clutching the tulip in his hand close to his chest.
There, in that sprawling Azalea field, he never felt more at home.
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burningablaze · 1 year
Bakugou and Kirishima x Reader - Caring for the Dragon
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A/N: This was a request from @wertzunge so I hope you like this 💖
Summary: After Kirishima was cursed and felt horrible that he almost hurt Bakugou and you, he needed to be reassured that both of you are fine. Lucky, you and Bakugou know just what to do
Lers: Bakugou, Kirishima, and Reader
Lees: Kirishima and Reader
Words: 1,260
As Bakugou, Kirishima, and I sat on a field full of flowers just outside of the city, Edelin, everything was silent but the tension between us three wasn’t. Kirishima was still upset over what happened that night. It was still hard to see him lose control of himself even though he was cursed.
I tried to break the tension by making small talk. “Hey, have you guys ever seen these flowers before? They’re really pretty,” I said, pointing to the field around us. Bakugou just grunted in response, but Kirishima looked over and smiled slightly.
“Yeah, I think they're called Edelweiss. They’re supposed to symbolize courage and devotion,” Kirishima said, picking one of the flowers and twirling it between his fingers.
We sat in silence for a few more minutes, just taking in the peaceful scenery. It was a nice break from the chaos of our journey ahead. But eventually, Bakugou spoke up.
“Look, I know what happened the other night was messed up, but you can’t blame yourself for what happened. You were cursed, it wasn't your fault.”
Kirishima sighed. “I know but I just can’t help feeling like it is.” He wrapped his arms around his knees and brought them close to his chest.
Bakugou gave me a look then smirked. “Outsider, do you think we should change his mind?” He asked with a teasing voice. I also smirked. “I definitely think so.”
“Wait, what are you guys doing?” Kirishima asked nervously. “He’s strong as hell so I’ll hold him down while you tickle him.” I nodded. “Right.”
“Wait, no no no! Don’t tickle me!” Kirishima curled in a ball with a slight smile. “C’mere you overgrown lizard!” Bakugou pounced and wrestled Kirishima, trying to get his arms. “Wait, Bahahahakugou!” “Ha, your already laughing before we started tickling you!” Bakugou said.
Bakugou resisted Kirishima’s wrists above his head with all his strength and I straddled his thighs. Kirishima shook his head side to side. “Bakugou, Traveler, please don’t!” Kirishima laughed in between. “Sorry, Kiri but you gave us no choice,” I started to gently tickle his sides.
Kirishima squirmed underneath me but he wasn’t going anywhere. “Ehehehehehehehehe! Bahahahakugohohohou! Trahahahavler! Plehehehease I’m reheheheally ticklish!”
“Heh, we know, shitty scales,” Bakugou used one hand to keep Kirishima’s hands pinned while he used the other to dig his fingers into his ribs.
Kirishima arched his back and threw his head back. “NOHOHOHOHOHO! IT’S SOHOHO BAHAHAHAHAD!”
“Outsider, tickle his belly! I want to hear him really laughing!” Bakugou said as he kept his ruthless tickling on Kirishima’s poor ribs. I dug my fingertips in the middle of Kirishima’s belly and he was roaring with laughter. His tail thumped on the grass and his wings flapped behind his back.
Kirishima’s laughter echoed through the clearing as Bakugou and I continued our relentless tickling assault. It was a rare sight to witness the usually stoic and tough Kirishima reduced to fits of uncontrollable laughter. His vibrant red scales glistened in the sunlight, reflecting his sheer joy.
Bakugou, always the mischievous one, couldn’t resist pushing Kirishima's ticklish limits further. “Come on, outsider, tickle harder! Let’s see if we can make him cry from laughter!” He exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I obliged, increasing the intensity of my tickling, causing Kirishima's laughter to reach a whole new level.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA! BAKUGOU, STOP! I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!” Kirishima pleaded between fits of laughter. His pleas only fueled our determination, and we continued to tickle him mercilessly. His laughter filled the air, mingling with the sounds of nature around us.
As Kirishima’s laughter intensified, so did the movements of his tail and wings. His tail wagged back and forth like an excited puppy, while his wings fluttered with a newfound energy.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of laughter, Kirishima’s body began to relax. His breaths came in gasps as he tried to regain his composure. A wide, satisfied smile adorned his face, his eyes sparkling with happiness.
“Bakugou,” He managed to say between breaths, “You... you really got me that time. My abs... they’re gonna be sore tomorrow.”
Bakugou chuckled, a rare glimpse of amusement dancing in his eyes. “Good. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before you feel crappy.”
Kirishima softly smiled. “Yeah, thanks anyways. I needed a good laugh.”
Bakugou smiled as well and ruffled his hair. “Whatever, you idiot.” He muttered, his voice carrying a hint of fondness.
Kirishima chuckled and playfully pushed his hand away. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt if someone else gets the same treatment,” He said mischievously.
I glanced at Kirishima and couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. “Huh?” I questioned, not sure where this was going.
Bakugou’s gaze shifted towards me as well, a devious smirk forming on his lips. “You don’t say,” He remarked, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief.
My eyes widened in realization, and I slowly started inching away from them. “Wait, wait, guys! Nohohoho!” I pleaded, my voice filled with both anticipation and dread.
But it was too late. Kirishima and Bakugou swiftly moved towards me, tackling me to the ground and pinning me down. Kirishima held my arms firmly above my head, while Bakugou wasted no time in digging his fingertips into my sensitive armpits.
I squirmed and burst into laughter as Kirishima and Bakugou mercilessly tickled me. My pleas for mercy only seemed to fuel their determination. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to catch my breath between fits of laughter.
“Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bakugohohohohou! Stohohohohop!” I pleaded, my voice barely audible amidst the uncontrollable laughter.
“Aww, what’s wrong? Too ticklish?” Bakugou teased as he started to poke down my ribs and to my sides. “Ahahahahahahahahaha nohohohohoho plehehehehease!”
“Are your sides more ticklish, huh?”
I arched my back and tossed my head side to side.
As I gasped for air, trying to catch my breath, Kirishima’s tail slithered its way under my shirt. The sensation of the scaly tip against my belly sent shivers down my spine, adding another layer of ticklish torment.
“Ahahaha! Kirishima, no fair! Ehehehehehehe!” I managed to protest between giggles. But my pleas fell on deaf ears as he and Bakugou intensified their tickling, now targeting my most vulnerable areas.
Kirishima smiled as he kept tickling me with his tail. “You look so cute right now, all giggly and so happy like this.”
I couldn't help but blush at Kirishima’s comment, even though I was too busy squirming and laughing to respond. The combination of his warm smile and the relentless tickling from both him and Bakugou was overwhelming, but in the most exhilarating way.
“Okay, okay! I gihihhihihive up! Let mehehehehehe breheheheathe!”
“Oh you can’t take it anymore? You ready to tap out?” Bakugou teased as he squeezed my sides rapidly.
“Yehehehehes! Plehehehehease stohohohohop! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”
Bakugou finally stopped tickling me and Kirishima slid his tail out of my shirt and rested on the grass.
I panted heavily, trying to catch my breath as I lay on the grass, my sides still tingling from the intense tickling. Kirishima and Bakugou sat beside me, their laughter echoing through the air.
“Damn, you're really ticklish, huh?” Bakugou said with a smirk. I blushed slightly. “Shut up!”
Bakugou chuckled and stood up on his feet. “Alright, let’s go you two. We’ve spent enough time here. We need to get going.”
He grabbed his bag and started walking away without us. I sighed loudly. “We’ve almost been tickled to death and we have to start walking again?”
Kirishima laughed loudly and got to his feet as well.
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valentinbelleyh505 · 8 months
new Smiling Critter: Lemolly! ☁️
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Desc: this is Lemolly, they like the most is seeing the sky and stars, they also loves playing in the snow only when it's winter, they also heal their friends when they are hurt. they are always ready for a great adventure or a journey!
Scent: Edelweiss
Inspo/Inspiration: Makini from The Lion Guard and Maurice from Madagascar
Pronouns can be She/He/They/It
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anamelessfool · 3 months
OC pride asks
For Primo: 6
For you, the writer: 14, 16, 18
OC Pride Asks
I'm 36, and there's a lot of stuff that's new now compared to twenty years ago. I've come into my own and found a label for myself (queer), although I'm personally indifferent to labels. But I think it's important to a lot of people and I support anyone who chooses a label. So that's where I'm coming from, and my characters reflect that.
I have all the characters’ traits in my mind when I write them, but sometimes they just never explicitly come up.
6. How does your OC feel about labels?
I'm no queer history expert but I think we have a wider range of labels now than in the 1960s/70s. Primo didn't even explore much before he returned to the Church. He had a lot of anxiety about attraction before the liberated environment of the Satanic Church of the Void. (His brothers, having been raised in the Church, had no such hangups.) If he were around today he would describe himself as pan.
I suppose his journey reflects my own, a little.
14: Any ace/aro OCs?
Yes! I've had one that was in the first ever story I wrote (and I took it down to work on it.) He’s a Sibling named Friar who works and lives in a satellite Church that Terzo visits just before his forced retirement. He’s a voice of reason character for the main character who has got herself wrapped up in Satanic Church of the Void drama. Nobody ever really explicitly says “hey, I am —-!” But in the way he interacts with everyone is reflective of his total worldview.
16. Did you ever change an OC’s Identity when they were already established?
I did, yes, for plot purposes. I like to have a “straight” (straight like in “straight man” in a comedy sense) person or relationship to oppose a main character or relationship. Like a “ghoul that acts normal around humans/their mission” Edelweiss Ghoul/Earth Ghoul/Alpha Ghoul vs. Omega who falls for his summoner and breaks a lot of rules. That way the reader feels the stakes more and doesn’t make assumptions about characters based on their lot in life, just their personality. These two characters Pamela and Frieda from my next three fics (the pre-retirement Terzo one and two Secondo ones) I turned from sisters to romantically involved. The way they acted around each other and also as a foil for Secondo’s own relationship hangups felt more like a romantic connection than a sibling one. It was a lot more interesting and flexible for me that way, so I changed it.
18: Do you prefer to give your OCs specific labels?
They’re in my head but never specified unless I do a profile of them or someone directly asks me. Also, in regard to the ghouls human ideas of gender and sexuality don’t apply to them. If anything all my ghouls are gender-fluid if we are thinking from human standards. I try to have a lot of different ways to be a ghoul featured in my work so readers get that impression organically. They’re human-shaped because their summoner is human, and there’s multiple ways to be human-shaped and how each ghouls reacts to that is based on their own personality. Aether Ghoul was cis female and she/her in his previous tour 400 years ago, but Edelweiss Ghoul has always been he/him regardless of how his body was constructed at the time. When the ghouls are in their natural astral living space beyond their human-shaped vessels, they are all they/them, and choose the form they wish. And a lot of times the forms are animals or just concepts and not human shaped at all.
Thanks for waiting for my really really long response!
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kyndaris · 6 months
Hello Madness, My Old Friend
From Octopath Traveler 2, I decided to keep with the theme of hidden cults and try my hand at the remake Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened. With only a few short weeks before my trip overseas, I didn't want to get sucked into a lengthy role-playing game and leave it unfinished while I was overseas. Which was why I chose to play games that wouldn't take too long but could still tell a compelling story. So, after enjoying the new direction of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One, I was eager to see what Frogwares would do to change of their first Sherlock Holmes games. Coupled with my obsession with the Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Cthulhu mythos, my excitement was tangible.
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Unfortunately, The Awakened did not live up to the lofty expectations set by the predecessor. Still, given the developer is headquartered in Ukraine and the game entered production soon after Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, I can forgive its many foibles.
Besides, Frogwares has never been a triple-A studio.
As such, I struggled with the stripped back gameplay and the jankiness of the game models. There were also several moments when the lighting, especially for hats, looked terribly strange and pulled me from the scene.
Faults aside, there were also many elements I loved about the game. Namely the story and the callbacks to Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One. This, more than anything else, made the two games feel connected. What's more, the backstory in Chapter One also felt conducive to the descent into madness that was Sherlock's story arc throughout the game. Yes, I would have liked some more backstory on the ultimate villain, with perhaps a nice tantalising story connection to our characters beyond a reference to the previous game of the same title, but alas.
Now, if you've ever played a Frogware Sherlock Holmes game, there isn't many surprises. In fact, I felt there were fewer instances for minigames. Gone is the combat and chemical mixing introduced in Chapter One. Sherlock is wholly dependent on the power of investigation and the occasional use of his extensive archives (which he seems to carry with him). This meant the story flowed better as Sherlock and John traipsed to several corners of the world in order to unravel the mystery of a missing Maori servant in the employ of the bullish Captain Stenwick.
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It isn't long before Sherlock and John stumble upon their first major clue: The Black Edelweiss Institute. There, they unravel the mystery of the mental institution, including how the previous director was disposed and taken over by the distasteful Professor Gygax who brutalises the patients and uses the Institute as a cover to procure sacrifices for an unknown ritual.
Despite a brief encounter with the unknowable, Sherlock and Holmes find letters pointing them to New Orleans. So, off they trot across the Atlantic where they learn details about an auction selling precious black opals and journey into the bayou to save Mr Arneson, a local man. There, they retrieve an ancient book.
Returning to London, the local bookseller is manages to decipher the unknown language, which points to a mythical sea god that looks very much like everyone's favourite eldritch being. With the help of maps at the bookstore, Watson is able to pinpoint the location for this grand ritual. Everything culminates in a 'battle' atop a lighthouse on the Scottish coastline, with the duo putting a stop to the summoning of Cthulhu to our plane of existence.
Riveting stuff, I must say! Although, as I've stated before, it would have been interesting to have had some more focus on the villain and their underlying motivations. Still, the relationship between Sherlock and John was compelling. Especially as they were still finding their feet as flatmates at 221B Baker Street and had yet to establish the strong rapport they would come to develop in the latter games.
As I've stated above, the gameplay itself isn't as good as its predecessor. No longer are there multiple cases to solve. The Awakened is primarily focused on the one major mystery of a disappearing manservant, which dovetails into a world of secret cults and their attempts to ritual summon something beyond human ken. Of course, in so saying, the case does come to a proper conclusion instead of leaving it open-ended to the player. No longer did I have to ponder if I made the right choice when it came to the cases Sherlock closed as I interpreted the evidence to their logical conclusions.
And because of this the game is also much shorter.
I finished The Awakened in only a few short hours and Howlongtobeat.com seems to indicate it's about 9 hours at most. That isn't to say short games are bad, and I'm thankful I didn't have to pay an exorbitant amount for it.
Another gripe I had were the mechanics themselves, such as the map not providing an indicator for where Sherlock was located. Thankfully, though, each of the sets were quite insular and there wasn't any significant fear one would get lost. Although, I'm sure if I had my direction challenged friends play, they might still lose their way.
Yet, I must confess I was still hoping for a meatier experience. Time will tell what the next Sherlock Holmes game will be or if there might be any new changes implemented to the pre-existing formula. I, for one, would be keen to see a slew of quality investigative games for my favourite detective. But for now, I will continue to wait even as madness beckons to me.
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animepopheart · 2 years
Are you able to say where/how you read your manga?? :o
Sure! I have a subscription to Shonen Jump, which is fantastic! It's only $3 a month for access to a lot of great series. But mostly, I receive copies for review on our site, where I help out with our weekly Reader's Corner column and sometimes do long-form reviews (we have one upcoming for the next volume of PMMM Magia Record: Another Story!).
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I've had relationships with different production companies in the past, but right now, we get most of our review copies from Yen Press and VIZ Media.
But even if you haven't worked your way into being a partner that receives copies from those companies in a more direct way, you can download digital copies online. They both offer many volumes through Edelweiss and NetGalley, where Kodansha and a few other companies also make digital copies available.
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And I do also order some that I'm keeping up with on my own dime, which primarily right now are A Galaxy Next Door, Wandance, Silver Spoon, Spice and Wolf, and Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
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novelswithariana · 8 months
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Genre: Horror, Gothic, Thriller, Contemporary, Adult, Fantasy
📚 Synopsis: From the critically acclaimed author of Bunny comes a horror-tinted, gothic fairy tale about a lonely dress shop clerk whose mother’s unexpected death sends her down a treacherous path in pursuit of youth and beauty. Can she escape her mother’s fate—and find a connection that is more than skin deep?
For as long as she can remember, Belle has been insidiously obsessed with her skin and skincare videos. When her estranged mother Noelle mysteriously dies, Belle finds herself back in Southern California, dealing with her mother’s considerable debts and grappling with lingering questions about her death. The stakes escalate when a strange woman in red appears at the funeral, offering a tantalizing clue about her mother’s demise, followed by a cryptic video about a transformative spa experience. With the help of a pair of red shoes, Belle is lured into the barbed embrace of La Maison de Méduse, the same lavish, culty spa to which her mother was devoted. There, Belle discovers the frightening secret behind her (and her mother’s) obsession with the mirror—and the great shimmering depths (and demons) that lurk on the other side of the glass.
Snow White meets Eyes Wide Shut in this surreal descent into the dark side of beauty, envy, grief, and the complicated love between mothers and daughters. With black humor and seductive horror, Rouge explores the cult-like nature of the beauty industry—as well as the danger of internalizing its pitiless gaze. Brimming with California sunshine and blood-red rose petals, Rouge holds up a warped mirror to our relationship with mortality, our collective fixation with the surface, and the wondrous, deep longing that might lie beneath.
📝 Review: If you're a fan of horror fiction or enjoy a spine-chilling read, "Rouge" by Mona Awad should be at the top of your must-read list. Awad's gripping tale takes readers on a dark and suspenseful journey, leaving them both enthralled and unnerved.
In "Rouge," Awad seamlessly combines elements of horror and psychological suspense, crafting an unsettling atmosphere that captivates from the very first page. The story is filled with unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats, eager to devour every word.
At its core, this story reflects on the beauty industry and media's exploitation of people's insecurities from a young age. "Rouge" exposes the damaging narrative that women are only valuable if they conform to specific standards. It also sheds light on the manipulation and fascination of older men with young girls, highlighting the power dynamics and the pervasive nature of such relationships.
What sets "Rouge" apart from other horror novels in the genre is Awad's unique ability to blend the supernatural with everyday experiences and emotions. The sense of dread and unease seeps off the pages, making even the most mundane activities feel unsettling. As the story unfolds, readers will question the boundaries between reality and nightmare.
This thought-provoking and captivating read leaves a lasting impact. "Rouge" goes beyond surface-level scares, delving into important social commentary while challenging traditional narratives. Awad artfully crafts a narrative that demands attention, prompting readers to question societal expectations and the damaging effects of the beauty industry. With its intricate exploration of mother-daughter relationships, manipulation, and the dark truths of society, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking a thought-provoking and emotionally charged experience.
🔍 Rec: People who have read ‘Silver Nitrate’ (Silvia Moreno-Garcia), ‘Black Sheep’ (Rachel Harrison) and ‘Death Valley’ (Melissa Broder) may like this book.
Thank you Mona Awad, S&S/ Marysue Rucci Books and Edelweiss for this delightful read. All opinions expressed here are purely my own.
🦋 Have you read any book highlighting the issues with the beauty industry?
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queenelleee · 11 months
elleeee. hi!!!!!! i just wanted to pop in and say hello :’)
i was clearing out my camera roll today, and stumbled upon the little drawing you gave to me before about an edelweiss flower. it reminded me that although life sucks sometimes, im surrounded by a lot of love and i shouldn’t take it for granted. it was so lovely to come across it again and be reminded of that. so i wanted to say thank uuuu. you’ve been here for a while throughout my tumblr journey and it really does mean a lot to me — i love knowing there is someone who is as down bad for oiks as me hehe.
anyway — i hope ur doing well!!!!! and i hope that wherever u are, u are also surrounded by love <333
Ari 🥺🥺🥺 my heart feels so full right now because it's been a long time and you still have my little drawing. You know what? I realized I've been here in this app for almost 2 years (or was it already two? almost 3??) and you've been one of the first people I interacted and made friends with. We don't always talk 24/7, but just like I've been with you on your journey, you were also with me on my journey here in this app and I can't stress how much you made an impact on me especially when we were all stuck during the peak of the pandemic. The part where we're both Oikawa truthers are just a bonus ☺️
To know that you're doing well already makes me happy. I'm also doing well and I'm lucky that I'm surrounded by people who love me. Though this week is exhausting and mentally draining I've been dealing with quizzes and laboratory activities left and right, your sweet message actually lifted my spirits. So, thank you 🥺😘
Did you know Oikawa won the Twitter poll about the Top Villains? Lmao that was hilarious coz why are people comparing him to murderers?? 😂😭 he just wanted to go to the Nationals 😭😭😭
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The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur
Alexandria Bellefleur knows exactly what a girl wants. Gorgeous love interest? Check. Book-related career? Check. Marriage of convenience that sparks an enviable romance? Double check. Bellefleur is in the LibraryReads Hall of Fame for a reason.
I have been desperate to get my hands on The Fiancée Farce for months, and when I tell you I had to stifle a scream when I saw that I was approved on Edelweiss, I’m not kidding. Normally, you have to be careful getting your hopes up so high when you only have the summary of a book, but I was hooked right away. Gemma and Tansy had such palpable chemistry, Bellefleur beautifully designs their complementary dialogue with such spark and sweet banter. Gemma is a swoon-worthy love interest, especially with some angst to kickstart her journey to do a little emotional development. Tansy is very sweet and as a book lover, it was so fun to see the shy bookstore worker get some attention from her beautiful crush. 
If you saw the cover and, like me, immediately made grabby hands at your screen of choice, you absolutely must get your hands on a copy. You won’t regret it!
I received an advanced digital copy from Edelweiss and was not required to give a positive review.
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athirstygoblin · 1 year
The Disciple of Waters
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Lady Eldath, the Quiet One guides me, and I, Nolee, am her loyal follower. But it had not always been so. I was foolish to be lead astray when I was younger, and I fell to betrayal and heartbreak. Divine blessing, and perhaps luck, brought me back to my Goddess. I spent years afterwards dedicating myself for Eldath’s peace... but I felt nothing. Eventually I left my monastery, hoping my lady will show me the way. To bring answers to my questions. To bring peace in my heart. To discover who I am. May Eldath guide me and may I stay steadfast in my worship.
Age: 30
Gender: Cisgender woman (she/her)
Race: Human, with some water Genasi blood in her
Class: Monk
Subclass: Way of the Four Elements
Sexuality: Demisexual Biromantic
Voice headcanon: Katie Leung (Caitlyn Kirriman from Arcane)
Love Interest: Halsin, Timothy Ferderis (partner's oc)
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Background: Acolyte
Trigger warning: Mentions of emotional abuse and manipulation, imprisonment, death, injury and disability
Due to an accident that resulted in her father’s death and her mother having her leg badly injured, Nolee’s mother, a Baldurian, sent her infant daughter away to the  only monastery for the Disciples of the Yielding Way, dedicated to the Goddess Eldath. 
Growing up, she was among the more mischievous initiates, causing trouble with the friends she made in the monastery; Yesna, a half elf, Brendan and Kai, both humans, Erras, a halfling and the eldest of the group, Arias, also human. Nolee struggled a lot with combat training at first, but with Arias’s aid, she eventually started picking up on skills and became a more prominent fighter in the monastery’s standards
Nolee developed something of a crush for Arias in her teen years, but was unaware he did not reciprocate her feelings, only pretending to so that he could use her. Their so called relationship was not healthy, as he would often manipulate and pressure her. The relationship, however, never got much further than soft touches and honeyed words exchanged between the two.
When Nolee was around fifteen, her friends, including Arias, convinced her to sneak away from the monastery and travel to Baldur’s Gate. While the group got into typical teenage mischief, there was also talks about leaving the monastery. Nolee, however, was not keen on the idea and protested against it, resulting in a heated argument amongst the group. Especially between her and Arias.
Once the group calmed down, they suddenly stumbled upon the corpse of a dead noble. Stunned and confused, Nolee did not expect Arias to turn her in to save the rest of the group, resulting in a burn on her wrist. She was left to rot in a damp and cold prison cell. Were it not for the help of a rogue whom she never saw again, she would have never escaped back to her monastery. Due to how late her wrist was treated, the wound developed into a scar which has faded over time.
She spent almost 15 years dedicating herself to her faith. Her dedication and hard work led to her becoming a master who would help train the younger initiates. She also made friends with newcomers Edelweiss and her brother Manuel. She started becoming mildly involved in assisting missions in her monastery, including assistance for the Harpers in the Shadow Cursed lands, though she never left the monastery itself.
She was happy there. At least, that is what she believed. Despite Nolee’s dedication to her faith, she still struggled with what happened to her fifteen years ago, with Arias. She found herself troubled, unable to find peace. So, she set off on a journey to try and rediscover herself, all while trying to understand her faith.
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sweetroyalberry · 1 year
edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?are they known to be courageous from then on ?
petal to the meta | x
Albeit somewhat generic, Mae believes that claiming to join Celica in her pilgrimage and general journey was an extreme moment of bravery that would change the course of her life. She knew that the princess wasn't going to put up much of a fight against her coming, but it meant a lot to be accepted nonetheless.
She was not entirely unfamiliar with life outside of the island, but it was still a lot to adapt to, which Mae gladly accepted as a challenge. What she valued most from this decision, however, was the experience and people she was able to meet. She learned about way more perspectives and viewpoints than she was able to know of if she just stayed home.
While she does hope that others saw her as more courageous from her combat prowess and swiftness, internally Mae recognizes the higher worth of the choices she makes. In a way, that is what had led her to her current enrollment in the Officer's Academy.
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sylseal · 2 years
Sam's Bad Day, Part 3 (D&D Fiction, ~5.2k words)
(Hi there! Part 1, Part 2. I hope you enjoy reading!)
The smell of smoke filled Sam's senses first.
They had jumped in Riley's cart as soon as they could, renting a horse from a nearby stable (that was how Riley had set things up for the move in the first place) and starting the long journey toward Sam's hometown of Edelweiss.
Yet, even only a few hours in, Sam could start to see the billows of black traveling into the skies. She was fiddling with her fingers, when Riley cleared her throat and spoke up.
"If we get there and there are survivors-" Sam gave her a look, and Riley was quick to add, "-which there are most likely, then I'll be able to help. I know a few first-level spells, and besides that, I've done some first aid before."
"First-level?" Sam blinked, not familiar with magical terminology.
"Oh," Riley grinned sheepishly, then explained, "Basically, all spells are classified on a scale, first through ninth level. The higher the number, the stronger the spell. One of my spells, Cure Wounds, is first level. It lets me heal others, or myself as needed."
At that explanation, all Sam could do was nod with a small "ah" escaping her. Then, they both fell back into silence again. The lump caught in Sam's throat wouldn't go away, and she couldn't help the horrible feeling in her gut.
To think, she had such a nice dream, too.
Few things had unsettled Riley as much as this.
No, not the idea of Edelweiss being ravaged; being an adventurer was not a career for the faint of heart, and Riley had seen plenty of towns that had gone up in (sometimes literal, sometimes figurative) smoke. No, what concerned her was Sam.
What if this broke her? What if seeing this caused her to spiral into grief and depression? Riley was no cleric; she was a good source of advice, and a good friend, but honestly, she wasn't a professional.
Still, she knew Sam would probably be reliant on her for comfort. She looked out onto the dirt road, and let out a small sigh. There was enough room for two on the driver's seat, thankfully. Riley had been driving, but, upon seeing Sam lost in her own thoughts...
Riley handed her the reigns.
"Here," she motioned them toward Sam, who gave her a look of confusion for a brief moment, "Take over. I'm tired of driving." Instead of arguing, Sam just nodded and took the reigns, which her elvish partner was grateful for. Smiling, Riley took that opportunity to pull her handheld harp from her Bag of Holding. Riley cleared her throat, then she began to hum, and play.
She didn't have any song in particular in mind, and eventually settled on playing to the tune of a childhood lullaby about love. At least, if nothing else, she knew Sam wouldn't mind her getting playing practice for a few hours.
"There it is," Sam whispered, her voice almost hoarse as Riley perked up. Sam's heart began hammering in her chest as she laid eyes upon...
"Oh gods," Riley whispered, one hand coming to her mouth to cover it while her eyes went wide in horror.
The entire town was gone, buildings little more than caved-in ruins and everything gushing black smoke into the air. Sam's hands began to shake.
"We," she swallowed after a long moment, "We need to go to the town square, remember? That's where my family's house was."
"Yeah," Riley nodded, probably holding onto the same vain hope that Sam was, that her parents had somehow escaped this level of pure annihilation. Yet, as they traveled, the destruction actually seemed to get worse the closer they got to the square. There was something else, too, something besides the smell of smoke and burning flesh. Sam sniffed the air.
"You smell that?"
"The smoke and-?" Riley began, but Sam shook her head,
"No, no, something else. That...in the air. It's like rotten eggs. Do you smell it?"
"...No?" Riley gave Sam a quizzical look now, to which Sam could only reply with a shrug. Sam just filed it away for later.
"Whatever, probably just me then." Sam could swear the stench was getting stronger the closer they got to the square, though. Regardless, they pressed on, until they reached what Sam knew had to have been the old square's fountain. Of course, it was an utter shadow of its former self now. And around it were situated five bodies, each burned too badly to recognize. And past the fountain, off to the northeast side...
"No..." Sam whispered, as the cart came to a halt and she jumped off, rushing to the smoldering wreck that had once been her home. The roof was caved-in, the windows smashed to pieces, and fire having claimed every memorable detail.
Sam fell to her knees, eyes wide and staring up at the mess, as tears began to pool and stream down her face. A wail tore itself from her throat, a horrified scream that sounded more akin to a banshee than a person. She doubled over, arms wrapped around her stomach, and she pressed her head to the ground.
It was gone; the whole thing was gone, not even a speck of her parents in sight. She just sat there, quietly sobbing for a long, long time as the sun began to set, and Riley gently reached out to touch her.
"Come on," she whispered, "Let's...let's get out of here, okay?"
Sam did not resist when Riley pulled her up, nor did she resist when she began to walk them both back to the cart. The only time she pulled away was when she happened to spot the shirt one of the burned corpses was wearing. The shirt had survived just enough for a specific patch to be still recognizable.
An area on the arm. With a small child's first stitch closing it up.
Somehow, the depth of Sam's sorrow increased then, as to be truly bottomless. She shakily began to reach out towards the shirt.
"Do you want to bury them?" Riley asked, assuming that was one of Sam's parents. Sam shook her head,
"He..." she barely got through the tears and the endless hole inside her, "he wouldn't want to be buried without mom. And...I don't know where in the hells she would be in this mess, since she's not with him, and...none of these other bodies have distinctive surviving clothes. So..." she swallowed, trying very hard not to scream. "I...yes, I want to bury them, so badly. But I don't...think it would be...would be..." she sank to her knees and broke down again. Riley approached and pulled her into a hug, something that Sam eagerly returned, as she began to weep.
Eventually, Riley was able to get her back into the cart, and Riley pulled out a handful of dried pieces of fruit, before handing them to Sam, who blinked.
"T-thanks, Ri, but I'm not really-"
"Eat," less of a request, more of a demand. Sam didn't argue this time, just...put one of the pieces in her mouth. Then Riley got up into the driver's seat, and Sam got up beside her, staring down at the handful.
Riley raised a brow, "What do you think you're doing?"
"Uh?" Sam said with a mouth full of fruit, before quietly swallowing.
"You need to sleep. I can meditate. Get in the back and eat, then try and get some shut-eye."
"But I-" she began, but Riley's stern look made her roll her eyes. "Okay, okay, fine. I'm going." She hopped off and skulked into the back, handful still grasped as Sam finally sat down. "Ready."
The cart lurched forwards, and Sam popped another piece of fruit into her mouth, lips quivering as she began to cry again from how nice Riley was being to her, and how much energy her family's death was going to take to process. The tears dried again, and she finished the last of the fruit. At least the eating was coming easy.
Sleep, however, was going to be a much harder proposition. She was so tired in the worst possible way. Way worse than the move, way worse than after the argument with dad.
The argument with dad...
Sam began to weep again, and would continue to sob all the way home, until at last, sleep managed to claim her.
When they finally did get home, it was morning. Sam's body felt stiff and uncomfortable, but that would pass. As they pulled up in front of the apartment, Sam got out and looked up at Riley.
"Need help returning the horse?" She asked, and Riley shook her head,
"No, I should be okay. I'll uh--I'll be back in just a few minutes, okay? Shouldn't be long. I promise." Sam smiled, and gently nodded,
"Okay. Don't...don't worry about me. I won't do anything dumb, promise. Just gonna...head inside and stuff." Riley gave a nod of her own, and Sam turned to go inside.
Her eyes landed on her mom and dad's gift, right where she left it. In the chaos of the day yesterday, she forgot all about it. Hesitantly, began to reach out for it. There wasn't really a point in not picking it up and opening, was there? Even so, with how hurt she already was, Sam...hesitated. Tears began to well up in her eyes and stream down her face. She knew this thing, whatever it was, was an object of love. She knew that, and what that meant. How much it was going to make her hurt.
Her effort crumpled to dust as she crawled up to the loft instead, cowardice flooding her mind while tears flooded her face. She fell onto the bed, and flopped down to cry into the sheets.
When Riley came home, she did so quietly. Minutes later, however, she gently knocked at Sam's door. Then, when Sam did not reply, Riley quietly entered, a plate of cherry pie in her hands.
Sam's eyes slipped shut, and she turned her head away. She didn't want to move. She didn't want to think. She didn't want to exist right now. Everything she had done felt like it was for nothing. Striking out on her own, what had it been for? What exactly had she been expecting to do?
"Sam...?" She pursed her lips, "Hey. Come here, you need to eat."
"Come on," Riley sat on the bed, and put a hand on Sam's shoulder. She was like a shadow against the wall, with her short black hair and her being covered by the sheets. "Sit up, eat. I have cherry pie~" she sang the last word, tempting her friend with her favorite treat.
"..." Sam did not verbally respond, but she sat up and turned to face Riley. She was crying. Riley handed her the plate, and Sam barely managed to whisper, "Thanks, Ri...Sorry, I'm just..." she shook, and sat up cross-legged. She put her plate on the bed, very shakily, and tried to calm herself. Riley pulled her into a side-hug. Sam hugged her back, squeezing her eyes shut. She just...breathed, shakily, and finally managed to push her thoughts into something resembling words. "I...don't know what to do now. I don't know...if I should keep being an adventurer. I don't know if I should give up. I..."
"Shhh," Riley pet her, running a hand through Sam's hair, "You don't need to decide that right now. You'll feel better after you eat, I promise. Then, after that, just..." she smiled, "Take some time to think. I've got things to do today, but I'll do my best to be in and out to check in, okay? You won't be alone today for long."
"Okay...okay..." Sam started sniffling, "I...thanks, Ri. I..." she began, eyes looking down at the plate, and she slowly began to eat. Between bites, she asked, "Where are you off to today?" Riley smiled and was quick to reply,
"A friend of mine in the Arcane Guild and I have some business, so I'll be at their headquarters. It's only a couple blocks away. So I won't be far, you know, if you need anything."
Slowly, Sam nodded, and took another bite before swallowing. Then, in the silence that followed, she decided to explain her plan for the day.
"...I want to open mom and dad's gift before anything else, but, I think that's something...something I have to do by myself." She slowly flicked her eyes up to Riley to search her for any sign of disapproval. Riley, however, only nodded and whispered,
"Okay. Then I'll get started with my day sooner rather than later, and like I said, only a few blocks away if you need anything. There's signs and everything." she leaned over, giving Sam another hug, something the raven-haired woman was all too eager to give back.
"Thanks," she whispered, and continued to eat while they sat, and mostly talked about nothing, talked about anything other than what had happened.
Finally, however, Riley had to go, and Sam had finished her slice of pie. Which meant it was finally time for her to open that package. The two said their goodbyes to one another, and then Riley left. Sam came downstairs, and settled on the couch again, staring at the package. The way it had been so hastily wrapped, yet expertly so...mom's handiwork, she guessed. But the handwriting on the note, "To Sam, from Mom & Dad," was dad's. Whatever it was, they had both talked about sending it, clearly.
Sam's hands shook, but she took a deep breath, then reached out and tore the package open.
Inside was...a scarf? It was a deep, dark red color, with gold embroidery up and down the edges in vine patterns with images of leaves in gold here and there. Sam blinked, looking over the scarf, and she recognized it almost immediately; this had been her mother's scarf, one she always wore in winter time, or just whenever she could. She'd had that scarf for as long as Sam had been alive and then some.
With that last thought, the initial recognition was dwarfed by an even greater one: her mother and father would have never sent something so sentimental and valuable if they hadn't forgiven her.
They forgave her...
Sam fell to her knees in front of the couch, and held the scarf close to her chest, as she began to weep over that fact. She had been so damn afraid that her parents had both hated her after she left. She had been so afraid that they wanted nothing to do with her. And yet, nothing could be further from the truth, she saw that now. Pressing her lips to the scarf, as if talking to them in the afterlife, Sam quietly whispered,
"...I'll make you both proud," her voice cracked, "I don't know how yet, I don't know what I'm going to do, but whatever I decide..." she began to put on the scarf, wrapping it around her neck, "...I will make you proud. Both of you. I swear it."
Normally, it takes a long while for a person to attune to a magical item. There is an adjustment period, typically about an hour or so, sometimes longer if the item is more powerful. But on very rare occasions, a person resonates with a magical item in such a specific way and with such intensity that the item snaps into attunement with them like a door being suddenly slammed wide open.
When Sam put on the scarf, she felt something start inside her, like a bundle of kindling had been lit by a spark. Yet, the warmth was familiar, like soft sunlight on your skin during a gentle spring morning. She knew that warmth. The same warmth she had felt just the night before last.
"The dream...?" she mumbles, looking down at the scarf as it glowed golden--and then she glowed golden. "...I...what is this...?" she held up her hands to look at them, watching as light emerged from her fingertips. That dream had only happened after she had acquired the package. Was it the scarf, attempting to communicate with her...?
Slowly, Sam stood up, and felt a wellspring of sunlight inside her, warm and comforting and kind. She didn't know what this was, but that feeling of warmth and light inside her felt right. Like a part of her she didn't know was missing had been dormant, trapped in slumber. This scarf, whatever it was, burst that dormant power open like a dam, and now it was hers.
An itching on her head prompted her to run her fingers through her hair, and Sam realized her hair was growing, getting longer and longer until it was at the middle of her back. Pulling it around, Sam blinked; it was still midnight black, but that was the only real change she saw. Why long hair? Granted, she hadn't exactly delighted in cutting her hair when she was little, but she always had done it out of necessity. Deciding to look into the bathroom mirror, Sam also saw that her eyes looked a little different--green, with flakes of gold sprinkled into them, like little sparks of sunlight. Sam gave them a good look-over, before deciding that the huge wellspring inside of her was more worthy of her attention right now. She stepped back out into the living room.
"'Everything you need is already within you,'" Sam mused, looking down at the scarf, "That's what you said, isn't it? At least, I'm assuming that the weird glowing form from my dream and you are one in the same, since you gave me the same feeling." She closed her eyes, continuing to ponder the dream, "...You said that all I had to do was let whatever was within me blossom. What...what did that mean? What are you? What did mom and dad give me? Why is this happening to me...?"
Yet, for all her questions, Sam received no answers. So instead, she decided to try and focus that wellspring of sunlight inside her into something. She didn't know how magic worked, but that feeling inside her had to be good for more than just happy emotions, right?
She didn't want to create fire or make the winds surge up, she just wanted a little something. She focused, feeling that sunlight course up her arm and out her hand. All she wanted, for right now, were some dancing lights.
Sure enough, as the warmth burst from her hand, three lights emerged from her palm and began circling around her. She beamed.
"Dancing lights," she whispered, "There has to be more I can do, though...I wonder..." Riley seemed to know at least a little about magic, and she had a friend in the Arcane Guild, right? After nodding to herself, Sam took a deep breath. "Still don't know if I want to be an adventurer, but...I at least want to know what mom and dad left me."
Strangely, there was this feeling that whatever was happening was not from the scarf--at least, not entirely. Part of Sam somehow knew that this was an inherent thing, something that had been there the whole time. Still, she needed answers. So, she locked up the apartment, and began to make her way towards the Arcane Guild.
Rare was it for a seasoned orc like Sarghun to have moments of disquiet.
Most raids involved opponents who posed a fairly decent challenge to the clan; that was the way of them, to pit themselves against others and grow stronger from it as a result. Even a raid lost did not instill a sense of disturbance in a veteran orc. It meant that the clan would grow wiser from the failure, and consider more carefully before challenging the enemy who defeated them in the past.
Yet, this morning, as he returned home to his clan, Sarghun could not escape the irritated feeling in his chest. They had crushed a town with no challenge, no threat. No point.
"Does something unsettle you, commander?" It was the voice of his second-in-command, Rhogar, as he pulled up alongside Sarghun, both of them atop their wargs. Rhogar was a young warrior, but full of passion and with his heart in the right place. Red hair, cut short, with a beard and longer tusks than most orcs. "Perhaps, something about our devilish friend?"
That brought Sarghun back to reality. He blinked, attention turning to Rhogar.
"Friend?" He raised a brow, "Ivory is many things to us, but I do not think "friend" is among them."
"We do her bidding. Do we often do the bidding of creatures we do not consider allies?" Sarghun narrowed his eyes at that, turning his attentions more directly to Rhogar.
"I have explained the deal my predecessor made with her, yes?" Sarghun's tone turned irritated, and Rhogar thinned his lips.
"Yes." He nodded in affirmation. Good, at least in that, they had an understanding. At least, until he added, "You have explained to me that your predecessor made a fool's bargain with a devil, and he paid the price for it. What confuses me, however, is that you have chosen to uphold that bargain, when you could have decided not to. And now, we are attacking small towns instead of properly raiding worthy opponents." Sarghun did not lose his cool in spite of provocation. Taking a deep breath, he responded,
"How many clans do you think would do business with us if they knew we were so quick to turn our backs on old deals, on traditions? Ivory is a creature of punishment, one who specializes in those who turn their backs on fiendish contracts. If I choose to alter or end the deal now, she would seek out the other clans and ensure they knew we were not to be dealt with." He bared his tusks towards Rhogar, "We would choke and sputter come the earliest drops of spring." It was just as autumn began to turn over to winter, for context.
"We would rely on our honor," Rhogar replied with a hiss, "your reign has often shown how fair and full of integrity our clan can be towards the others; what is that reputation good for if not for being used in hard times like what you describe, Sarghun?"
"I will not go back on my word, Rhogar. I do not have a history of doing so previously, and I do not intend to start." Rhogar snorted at that,
"No, instead you, a proud orc commander, choose to be ruled by fear." Then, he increased the pace of his warg. The conversation was over, and Sarghun let out an exhausted sigh.
It was going to be a long day.
Sam had been expecting a grandiose tower when she went to the Arcane Guild, or perhaps a huge library. But instead, the building she was directed to by the signage was a small, humble thing, a corner store, almost, with a sign hanging over the door that read "THE ARCANE GUILD" in big, bold letters, over a moving image of a book turning its pages.
Still, if this was the place, Sam knew better than to judge a book by its cover. She pushed the ornately-carved wooden door open, and felt a soft breeze hit her as she walked inside.
It was a library. Just...not with any huge degree of magic immediately evident. As she stepped in, she saw a desk immediately on the left side with an older, bearded human man in robes, scribbling into a book. Yet, beyond him, further into the structure were rows of books upon books, with a staircase at the very back of the building that led up to the second floor (presumably). This looked very different from the structure outside; was this bigger inside than out?
"Yes, how can I help you?" The man at the counter asked, adjusting his spectacles and not looking up from his book.
"Uh--I'm looking for my friend, Riley. Bard, elf, long blonde hair-?"
"Ah, miss Holimion is upstairs on the second floor, though I will say, she is currently in conference with one of our members, a mister Aldus Grimholster. What is your name, dear girl?"
"Sam--Samara Cinderbrook." The man nods, writing more furiously in his book,
"Very well, miss Samara. Would you like me to notify her of your arrival with a messaging spell?"
"You can do that from all the way down here?" Sam blinked, before realization hit her, "Right, dumb question, Arcane Guild. Uh--sure! Yes please." The man gave her a small smile, then closed his eyes and spoke,
"Miss Holimion, your friend Samara Cinderbrook has arrived wishing to speak to you. Would you like me to send her up, or would you prefer to collect her yourself? ...Understood, thank you." He opens his eyes, nodding to Sam. "You may head upstairs, she will be waiting for you."
"Ah, thanks." she nods, "Uh--do I need to pay you for anything, or-?" The man smiled his small smile once more, and shook his head.
"That will not be necessary. Please, simply head upstairs, then leave once your business has concluded. This is, in part, a library, after all." With a small nod, Sam offered her own smile, and began to head up the stairs.
When she got up there, she saw a bunch of corridors and offices, running up and down a hallway that had a cross-section in the middle. Standing in the cross section was Riley, who perked up and waved as soon as she saw Sam.
"Heeeeey~! What's up? Everything okay? And...your hair got longer. And that's a new scarf. Mom and dad's gift, I'm guessing?" Sam walked up to her, smiling as she responded,
"Uh-huh. And it's, uh, not just any scarf. It's got some magic going on in it, and it...I have magic now, Riley. And I need to know what I can do with it, exactly. The magic is why my hair's longer, too. Dunno why."
"Uh...huh. Weird, but!" Riley beams, slinging one arm around Sam's shoulders, "Thankfully, you came to the right place! Aldus knows a lot about magic, and we have yet to settle his debt with me, sooo..." she beams, turning them down the eastward hall and walking to the third door on the left. When they reached it, Riley knocked three times (taking her arm off of Sam in the process, which saddened the new mage a little), and then opened the door.
Inside, books were arranging themselves across a bookshelf that took up two of the four walls, and at a desk sat a elf-eared man, about Riley's age, poring over three different texts, one of which had a spinning spell glyph above its page.
"Jeez, Al, I was only gone for all of what, two minutes?"
"Mmmmhm," he responded, not looking up from his books, "and I was already in the middle of something when you came in before. So I got back to work while you brought in-" he gave Sam a quizzical look, and she realized his eyes were glowing. "--a fellow mage? But she's...different, brighter. Like what I see on the clerics sometimes. Who is this?" Riley motioned to Sam, who blinked and sputtered for a second.
"U-uhm, s-sorry. I'm Sam, Samara Cinderbrook. I was actually hoping you could tell me a little more about my...magic-ness. It only showed up this morning. I put this scarf on and suddenly..." she made an expanding gesture with her hands. "...Magic. Any ideas?" Aldus looked over at Riley, who smirked and rolled her eyes,
"Yes, give her what she wants to know, and our debt is squared."
"Excellent," Aldus grins, "Well, miss Cinderbrook, I do have a couple of guesses immediately. The scarf is magical, but only faintly so. You, however, are practically brimming with it. Can you tell me a bit about your magic? Is it mathematical or innate? Prepared or known?"
"Come again?" she tilts her head, "Uh--definitely not mathematical. I just focus and the magic just...comes out." A nod from Aldus at that,
"Mm, I see. And do you have any martial proficiency? Any skill with a blade or the like?"
"Uh-" she blinks, "I have...some. Dad taught me how to defend myself with a short-sword, and I learned some hand-to-hand from monks when I was younger. Nothing like--like greatswords, or anything crazy like that, though I'd like to rectify that with a trainer at some point," she looks to Riley, who nods.
"I can teach you a thing or two. But for now, Aldus?"
"Mm. I see...well," he hums, "My initial assessment concludes you to be a sorcerer, but with martial training there is potential for overlap with a paladin."
"Uh--this is all flying way over my head..." she blinks, and Aldus takes his book, drawing on it briefly, and then turning it to face Sam. On the page was a three-circle venn diagram; one circle was labeled "Arcane," one "Divine," and one "Nature."
"There are three types of magic; Arcane, which is what Riley and I use; Divine, which is what the clerics and paladins use, and Nature, which the druids and rangers use. Sorcerers are a type of arcane magic user, like wizards, only they don't have to memorize or prepare their spells, they just have them innately. Moreover, their magic can be situated wherever the arcane circle crosses over with another circle. Your magic in particular seems to be situated here," he took a quill and circled the crossover between "arcane" and "divine."
"So, in other words, I can do what wizards do, and what clerics and paladins do?"
"I believe so. Does that answer your question?"
"Uh--kind of? I was more speaking...practically. Like, what can I do?"
"Ah, that." Aldus' tone was flat, enough to make Sam take note.
"I'm afraid the spells you know are different for each sorcerer. You'll have to just try things out, and see what happens."
"Oh, that's...disappointing." Sam pouted, and Aldus shrugged,
"I'm afraid that's sorcery for you. We have a dedicated list of spells for Clerics. I could produce a copy of it if you'd like? With the associated definitions and such." A nod from Sam, and Aldus brought over a book and began to make motions with his hands; he was casting a spell of some kind.
"What about one for wizards? Would that help me?"
"Uhm..." Aldus grinned, "...Wizards have one of the largest spell lists in the world, and from what I understand, Sorcerers get only a handful of those spells, so it wouldn't be much in the way of help to you, I'm afraid."
"That's...not great," she murmurs, and Aldus nods.
"Such is the plight of being a Sorcerer, I'm afraid. Can I help you with anything else?"
"..." Sam looked down at the desk, hands curling up. Well, at least she would get to know what half her magic did. "Uh...I-I don't think so," she murmurs. "Thanks."
The book Aldus had been casting a spell over now slid over to Sam, who flicked her eyes up to it and caught it with her hands before it fell off the desk. The list of cleric spells, she assumed. Standing up, she bowed her head, and looked to Riley.
"Let's get out of here, yeah?" Riley hummed, and Sam nodded. "Thanks, Al," she winked to Aldus, who gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
With the book in hand, the two turned to leave, though Sam quietly said to Riley,
"...I think maybe some practice with a longsword and short sword wouldn't go amiss."
Riley just smiled, like she had already known that was coming. It looked like Sam had something other than her parents to focus on after all.
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bhanu484 · 7 days
Things to Do in Udaipur in 3 Days
Udaipur, often referred to as the “City of Lakes,” is a mesmerizing destination that boasts rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. With its romantic ambiance and picturesque landscapes, it’s no wonder travelers flock to this enchanting city. If you’re planning a trip and wondering about the best things to do in Udaipur in 3 days, you’ve come to the right place! This itinerary will guide you through an unforgettable journey filled with breathtaking sights, delicious food, and unique experiences. Whether you’re exploring majestic forts or cruising on serene lakes, your visit will be one for the books. Ready to dive into an adventure? Let’s get started!
<<<<<<<<Things to Do in Udaipur in 3 Days>>>>>>>>>>
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The best way to explore Udaipur in three days is to visit the iconic landmarks such as the City Palace and Jag Mandir on your first day. Experience the local art at Saheliyon-ki-Bari and enjoy serene surroundings. Explore the majestic walls of the Kumbhalgarh Fort on the second day. Take a boat ride on Lake Pichola as the sun sets over this stunning cityscape to end your journey.
Best Tourist Places in Jaipur>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Day 1 in Udaipur
Your first day in Udaipur should be spent exploring the majestic City Palace. Visit the Crystal Gallery, which showcases exquisite crystal artifacts, and take a leisurely stroll around Jagdish Temple, renowned for its detailed carvings. The intricate architecture and stunning views of Lake Pichola are a must-see. Take a sunset boat ride on Lake Pichola, which offers breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and palaces, as you conclude your day.
Must See Places in Jaipur>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Day 2 in Udaipur
The magnificent City Palace is a must-see on your second day. With its incredible views of Lake Pichola, and a museum displaying royal artifacts, you can spend time exploring its intricate courtyards and halls. Afterward, visit Jagdish Temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Its impressive carvings are a must-see for art lovers. Wander through the local markets and find handicrafts, textiles, and souvenirs that reflect Udaipur’s culture in the afternoon.
Top Sights for Jaipur Sightseeing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Day 3 in Udaipur
Visit Sajjangarh Palace, also known as the Monsoon Palace, to begin your day. Perched on a hill, it provides breathtaking views of Udaipur and its lakes. The serene surroundings make it a great place for photographers. After exploring the old city streets, stop by local artisan shops for unique souvenirs and handicrafts. Take a boat ride on Fateh Sagar Lake in the evening and enjoy the breathtaking sunset.
Extra Days in Udaipur
If you have extra days in Udaipur, consider exploring nearby attractions. A day trip to Kumbhalgarh Fort offers stunning views and a glimpse into Rajasthan’s history. The fort is renowned for its massive walls and intricate architecture.
Another option is Ranakpur Jain Temple, famous for its exquisite marble carvings. The serene atmosphere makes it perfect for reflection and photography. These excursions enhance your experience of Udaipur’s rich culture beyond the city limits.
Best Eating Spots in Udaipur
Udaipur boasts a vibrant culinary scene. For authentic Rajasthani cuisine, head to Natraj Dining Hall. Its thali is a must-try for any food lover. Additionally, you can experience fine dining at the renowned Jag Mandir Island Restaurant.
For casual bites, visit the popular Café Edelweiss or Udaipuri Kitchen for delicious local snacks and beverages. Don’t miss out on trying street food at Bada Bazaar; it’s where you’ll find mouthwatering kachoris and sweets that capture the essence of this beautiful city.
Accommodation Recommendations
In Udaipur, there are various accommodation choices to cater to all budgets. For those seeking luxury, the iconic Taj Lake Palace presents a memorable stay with picturesque lake vistas and elegant dining options. On the other hand, historic boutique hotels like Jagat Niwas Palace offer a charming blend of comfort.
Transportation Tips in Udaipur
Udaipur offers various transportation options to explore the city. Auto-rickshaws and taxis are readily available, making them convenient for short distances. Always agree on the fare beforehand or use ride-sharing apps for a hassle-free experience.
For a more local touch, consider renting a bicycle or scooter. This allows you to navigate through narrow lanes at your own pace while enjoying the scenic beauty of Udaipur. Walking is also an excellent way to appreciate the charm of this enchanting city.
Ideal Time to Explore Udaipur
The ideal time to explore Udaipur is during the winter months, from October to March. The temperatures are mild and pleasant, ideal for sightseeing. Clear skies showcase the city’s magnificent lakes and palaces. During the peak summer months, temperatures can soar to 40°C (104°F), and heavy rains can disrupt your travel plans from June to September. Plan your trip wisely to enjoy all that Udaipur has to offer.
What is the best time to visit Udaipur? The ideal time for exploring Udaipur is from September to March when the weather is pleasant and perfect for sightseeing.
How can I get around in Udaipur? Auto-rickshaws and taxis are readily available. Renting a bicycle or scooter can also be an enjoyable way to explore the city at your own pace.
Are there any local festivals worth attending? Yes! The Mewar Festival in April and Diwali celebrations in October-November showcase local culture beautifully. Timing your visit with these events offers a unique experience.
What should I wear while visiting temples? Modest clothing is recommended when visiting religious sites. It’s respectful to cover shoulders and knees, so choose outfits accordingly.
Can I find vegetarian food easily in Udaipur? Absolutely! Udaipur has numerous vegetarian restaurants offering delicious local dishes, ensuring you never run out of options during your stay.
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ayodyamga2024mi4017 · 2 months
Sound Of Music
Director: Robert Wise
Robert Wise, a seasoned director with a background in film editing, brought a unique visual and narrative flair to The Sound of Music. His meticulous attention to detail and ability to balance grand musical numbers with intimate character moments were instrumental in the film's enduring success. Wise's background in editing is evident in the film's seamless flow and pacing, ensuring that the musical numbers are integrated organically into the narrative.
Based on the real-life story of the Trapp Family Singers, The Sound of Music follows Maria, a free-spirited young woman who becomes a governess to the seven Von Trapp children. Her infectious enthusiasm and love of music transform the stern household, bringing joy and harmony. As the shadow of the Nazi regime looms, the Von Trapp family, united by their shared love of music, makes a daring escape over the Alps.
Maria: A vivacious and unconventional young woman who finds her calling as a governess and mother figure to the Von Trapp children.
Captain Georg von Trapp: A stern and widowed naval officer who gradually softens under Maria's influence and the love of his children.
The Von Trapp Children: A lively group of children, each with their own distinct personality, who blossom under Maria's care.
The Abbess: A wise and compassionate nun who guides Maria on her spiritual journey.
Max Detweiler: A flamboyant and opportunistic impresario who becomes a romantic rival for Captain von Trapp.
The film is primarily set in Salzburg, Austria, in the 1930s, a period of political and social upheaval. The breathtaking Alpine scenery serves as a stunning backdrop to the story, contrasting the beauty of nature with the growing darkness of the Nazi regime.
Cultural and Historical Context
The Sound of Music is deeply rooted in the cultural and historical context of Austria in the 1930s. The film reflects the growing tension and fear as the Nazi regime gains power. The Von Trapp family's decision to flee Austria is a powerful symbol of resistance and the importance of family unity in the face of adversity. The film also showcases Austrian music and culture, particularly the folk songs and choral traditions that are integral to the story.
Sound Design
The sound design of The Sound of Music is essential to the film's emotional impact. The lush orchestral score by Richard Rodgers, combined with the stunning vocal performances, creates a rich and immersive auditory experience. The film's sound designers skillfully blended dialogue, music, and sound effects to create a seamless and engaging soundscape. The use of natural sound effects, such as the sound of wind and rain, enhances the film's sense of realism and atmosphere.
Key Elements of Sound Design:
Music: The film's iconic songs, such as "My Favorite Things," "Edelweiss," and "Do-Re-Mi," are seamlessly integrated into the narrative and contribute to the emotional core of the story.
Dialogue: Clear and natural dialogue is essential for character development and storytelling.
Sound Effects: The use of sound effects, such as the sound of horses hooves, creates a sense of realism and immerses the audience in the world of the film.
Ambient Sound: The film's use of ambient sound, such as the sound of the Alps, enhances the film's atmosphere and creates a sense of place.
The Sound of Music is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences of all ages. The film's combination of stunning visuals, unforgettable music, and compelling characters, combined with its historical and cultural significance, has ensured its enduring popularity. The film's sound design plays a crucial role in creating an immersive and emotionally resonant experience for viewers.
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