crazy4garff-127 · 3 months
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I LOVE THESE SCENES! hiccstrid, Stormfly and Garff! Garff is my favourite!
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saturnniidae · 5 months
Garffiljorg, my beloved, beautiful son.
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Happy Mother's Day with Heathlegs & Baby Garff!
Race to the Edge, Season 3, Episode 9 "Tone Death"
Happy Mother's Day, everyone! Wanted to give you guys this in celebration of Mother's Day. While I baked 5 batches of cookies for my mother, Heather got a baby dragon for Mother's Day. Guess no matter what, I can never compete against dragons. 😂
Hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day! And keep Heathlegs in your mind as you go about your day celebrating with your own mothers. If you don't have mothers or have crappy mothers, don't worry, Heather's got your back with a nice lullaby! 😎😉
Heathlegs, Heathlegs! Oi, Oi, Oi!!
— Minlout3Heathlegs3RuffthrokFan
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
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Here is baby Garff!!
And thank you to those who watched me stream the making of this little guy!
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 years
THW!Hiccup: Ah yes lets just shove all the dragons in one giant underground enclosure. What could go wrong?
No Dragon Left Behind!Hiccup: Garff nearly ate Smidvarg, time to put an entire ocean between the two of them.
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krattgirl124 · 2 years
More headcanons and fun facts for TNG AU.
Gothi left the A Team after dying from a fight with dragon hunters, her purple Gronckle disappeared soon after and her flock of terrible terrors are now just wandering Berk trying to find a new trainer.
Spitelout left the A Team after that same fight where his Nadder, Kingstail, was badly hurt and couldn’t fly as well as he used to.
Gustav sold Fanghook to dragon fighting, now Gustav himself has become a bigger threat without his dragon, running around and biting other hunters to keep them in their place.
Gustav does wear a muzzle.
Asdis is going to be the future queen of Defenders of the Wing and Chieftess of Berserker island, this is going to add on a lot of stress to her where she barely has any free time. This in turn will cause Halvor to try and help his sister out as much as possible, trying to lessen her load with everything going on in Berserker Island.
In this AU, Viggo was also there at the chief counsel when Drago destroyed the whole place and the chiefs inside. He was there because his parents were there and he was getting some experience before he became chief. His parents died to an armored Rumblehorn and Viggo was barely able to escape with his life.
Later, Drago went out and destroyed the entire Grimborn village, the only reason why Viggo and Ryker are still around was because their grandfather lead them both deep into the forest to hide out the initial attacks.
After everything that’s happened in the events of Race to the Edge, Viggo has terrible nightmares and tries to avoid sleep as much as possible. He also avoids volcanos as best he can as the intrusive thoughts will tell him to finish the job.
Astrid and Snotlout became almost best friends after they both married their husbands, but that doesn’t stop Astrid from occasionally smacking Snotlout with a chair every time he’s acting a fool.
Gobber has adopted many kids and young dragons, he’s a single father of many and all the gay dragons are all his friends.
Garf becomes mates with a female Deathsong named Harmony, they are very much happy together.
Out of all the original dragon riders, Harmony only likes Astrid and doesn’t try to shoot her on sight.
Meatlug adopts two baby Nadders whose mother died.
Snotlout has an amazing singing voice and will constantly serenade to Tuffnut. He did it once in the middle of the night and got a barrel thrown at him by Ruffnut.
Speaking of Tuffnut, he started suffering with Imposter Syndrome after Gruffnut impersonated him so perfectly that he’s scared of it happening again, so he and Snotlout have come up with a code word that they could tell each other every once in a while to show that it’s still Tuffnut (the word is “Tears”). So now, if Gruffnut does impersonate Tuffnut again and comes across Snotlout, if the code is said and Gruffnut doesn’t respond correctly, his schemes will be foiled instantly.
Puffnut was born on Loki Day, making her birthday April 1st. With this as a point to start, Ethan was born 9 months earlier on July 8th, making Fluffnut being born July 1st.
Dante’s birthday is November 15th.
Runa never blinks when people are watching, it freaks everyone out except Halvor, because he knows stuff no one else does.
During a visit to Wingmaiden island, Snotlout got the chance to name a baby Razorwhip, little guy’s name is Winglout.
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f-angy77 · 2 years
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Garff 🎃 Collab with @garff.4.life 💖
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tfsshko · 1 year
What if Deathsong hatchlings have large frills while they grow from teen to adult, and they curl and flip everyother way ?
Baby Garff don't know why he keeps stumbeling over like a German Shepherd puppy.
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*Passersby are shocked and uncertain when they spot Garff sticking his upper body out of Lightning McQueen’s open roof while Snow Queen, as her human alter ego, Elsa Frost, drives down the street, Michael and KITT right behind her*
Garff: (proudly gives out his siren call)
Elsa Frost: How are you doing up there, buddy?
Garff: Hmmm...
Elsa: That’s what I figured. You’re too majestic for people not to stare at you.
Michael Knight: Hey, Garff, if you ever get tired, you’re welcome to hitch a ride with us.
KITT: Ahem. I don’t know if I would feel comfortable with a giant beast taking over my entire backseat space, Michael. My upholstery is very fragile.
Michael: I’m sure Lightning’s is super invincible.
Elsa: Yeah, before anyone asks, he is a dragon!
KITT: Michael, why is a strange woman driving Lightning? Where’s Snow Queen?
Michael: I’m not sure, buddy. (He calls out to Elsa) Hey! Miss! Why are you driving Snow Queen’s car? Did she lend him to you?
Elsa: Not exactly. I can't discuss that out here. We'll have to find someplace private.
Lightning McQueen: (whispering) How does he not know that you're in disguise? Everyone knows that superheroes have alter egos!
Elsa: It’s okay, bud. The less people know, the better. I can't always walk around in my super suit all day. It gets uncomfortable real fast.
Lightning: I thought after all this time that at least your close inner circle of friends would realize that you have a life OUTSIDE of crime-fighting! (Up top, Garff yawns)
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shootingstardraw · 6 months
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luckiandkryii · 3 months
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Got some new colored pencils
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crazy4garff-127 · 3 months
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Some HTTYD Activity books!
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My own Book of Dragons... I purchased on Amazon!
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DREAMWORKS Colouring Book!!
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DISPLATE Metal poster of the Furies!
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Posters and ART!!!!!!!
Since this is my HTTYD blog... Here is most of my collection!
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Final figures....
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HERE Is the other giant Alpha Toothy!
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Even my bed! That's all really
Hope you all like this!
I am going to probably get more items in the future cause HEY, WHY NOT!?
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Feel free to explain your position in the comments or tags, but any harassment, over-the-top fighting, or personal attacks will result in you being blocked. Do not attack real people, be they fans or creators, over fictional characters.
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leowifefang · 1 year
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Time lapse of this piece to the song “The Vikings Have Their Tea” from the first How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack.
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nartml · 6 months
Toothless (and generally most dragons) lost all his personality in thw.
Gone was the loyal, protective, intelligent, curious, silly, expressive, understanding, and sassy/snarky dragon we adored more and more through each new installment in the franchise.
Who is this puppy in thw and what did he do to Toothless?
Look me in the eye and tell me that if anyone, dragon or not, was to pluck Hiccup off his back and send him into the ocean to die, they wouldn't get a minimum of two blasts in the face.
Yes, Toothless is playful and silly and adorable, but only around the people/dragons he trusts, and especially around Hiccup specifically.
Otherwise, his guard is up, he is wary, and he himself has to evaluate whether or not someone is safe to be around.
"Hey, I guess Dean dumbed him down because he wanted to show the effects of domestication—"
Woah there, big words.
Domestication? The definition of domestication is "the process of taming an animal and keeping it as a pet or on a farm".
That is not what's happening on Berk.
Dragons were never pets to humans. (If anything, humans were their pets.)
They stood by the Vikings' sides out of their own volition, and were free to come and go as they pleased.
We see this clearly in GoTNF.
They wouldn't let a human they didn't trust so much as touch them, let alone allow them anywhere near their backs.
They are the ones that choose their riders, or if they even want one, not the other way around.
And they weren't exactly "tamed" either. Or rather, nobody tried to alter their nature and innate instincts.
In RoB, we clearly see that Vikings are the ones who adjust, who adapt accordingly, because dragons are gonna do what dragons do.
And those instincts of theirs were honed. They weren't tamed, they were trained.
The notion that wild dragons are more powerful because they're wild makes no sense to me, because while wild dragons have raw power and raw instinct, trained dragons arguably have more than that.
They learn to work with other dragons, and they're able to pull off some incredible moves, because their bodies are, well, consistently trained.
They go on dangerous missions on the regular, for fuck's sake. During which, they also have to think. The dragons aren't told what to do, nor are they steered by their riders constantly (and when they are, the dragons trust them to do so)
They can take the reins as well (and when they do, the riders trust them to do so), but most of the time, they both move together in sync, understanding what, and how it, needs to be done.
In what world would such a lifestyle weaken them, or threaten to erase their aforementioned instincts?
I don't get Dean's point.
And Hiccup? What's up with the poor decision making?
Because I know damn well Hiccup wouldn't let dragons take over Berk to the point where, within the first ten minutes of the movie , half of it collapses. An event which apparently everyone is used to, because nobody worries about it.
He put an ocean between Garff and a couple of dragons because of how incompatible they were, in terms of needs and way of life.
He relocated dragons constantly, so as not to overcrowd and/or to protect the Edge.
Even when he was, what, 15 in RoB/DoB, he was mindful of the way he handled situations, to ensure Berk and the Vikings wouldn't be overwhelmed with dragons.
He understood that it's impossible for thousands of dragons to cohabitate with humans, and with each other, peacefully and without chaos.
Not to mention, he respected dragon culture and understood that some spaces were not made for the human eye. He made such a big deal about revering Vanaheim, and you expect me to believe he'd be okay with just exposing a place called The Hidden World, a delicate draconic paradise?
And wow, way to go, let's uproot the ENTIRE village, and go searching for this place that we don't even know for sure exists? Yes, very responsible.
And why not just make a life-changing call without consulting anyone, or thinking it through, based on what you alone think is best, while you're at it? Sounds like a great idea.
It's not like in previous installments he always made sure to have a team huddle to discuss (or at least inform the group of) their next move, even in the tightest of spots and with the littlest time; no, of course not.
His leadership abilities, his tactical and strategic thinking, his caution, his conviction and determination? Gone. Erased.
Who is this guy in thw and what did he do to Hiccup?
And as for Toothless and Hiccup's dynamic in this movie, something that Astrid said bugs me to an unfathomable degree.
"You gave him his freedom back, what did you expect?"
Woah there, big talk.
This paints a horribly ugly picture. It makes Toothless seem like he'd been held captive by Hiccup, that if he could've flown on his own, he would never have stuck around this long.
Which, much like the rest of this movie, is a load of horseshit.
Toothless is just as free, if not free-er than, as the rest of the dragons. Because while all dragons love and trust their riders, and vice versa, nobody has a connection quite like Toothless and Hiccup (save for perhaps Valka and Cloudjumper).
Toothless could've been flying on his own for a long, long time now. But he didn't want it. He was vehemently opposed to the idea.
Why? Because to him, flying was no longer worth it if Hiccup wasn't right there with him. Because Hiccup took the loneliness out of flying. Because Toothless wanted nothing more than to be by Hiccup's side. Hiccup was the one that made flying worth it.
A major theme of this movie is learning to fly on your own. Toothless had to learn how to fly without Hiccup, and Hiccup had to learn how to fly without Toothless (I mean, personally I'd rather them remaining inseparable soulmates that are mildly codependent. I recognize it's not necessarily the healthiest dynamic, but fuck if I care)
Toothless did this through meeting his mate, and falling in love (no matter how horribly written and designed she is, and no matter how I personally would've preferred for the Hicctooth bromance to remain undisturbed).
He met a creature that he wanted to follow and be alone with, a creature that made flying alone, with nobody on his back, worth it.
And more importantly, Hiccup had to realize that he's not who he is because he has Toothless, and subsequently the dragons. It's the opposite.
This is growth, and the realization that they don't need each other is important.
But why the fuck does that mean they have to say goodbye?
I don't need most of the people in my life. That doesn't mean I don't want them here.
The point was that Hiccup doesn't need Toothless in order to be someone.
Not that he didn't need Toothless, period.
(Even if the point was simply that he didn't need Toothless, which I could concede to, that again doesn't mean that Toothless had to leave, and take the entire dragon population with him.
To me, that sends a message of "if you don't need them, then they gotta go".
It's not what outgrowing a friendship looks like, despite the fact that many people choose to interpret it as such.
Sure, this movie shows what outgrowing a friendship is; if outgrowing a friendship means making room in your life for other people. If outgrowing a friendship means you found romance. Which is ridiculous.)
To further clarify:
I am well aware the shows aren't canon.
This, however, doesn't change the fact that all these series tie in with HTTYD 2 really well, and that they make sense.
They expand on the characters and give us a better grasp of the world in httyd. They allow us to understand everything better.
When you only have, at most, 150 minutes to tell a story, every minute of it needs to somehow add to the plot. To further the narrative. There is very little time for fluff.
In a movie, it's practically impossible to properly explore the characters' different dynamics, to give everyone their own arc, to let the audience bask in the slow moments and to let the characters just be.
In a series, however? Well. You've definitely got time.
For someone who only watched the movies, it would be pretty damn difficult to understand the mis-characterization in say, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins.
You don't know these characters that well. You don't know the well-established dynamics between the gang in the same way that someone who's watched the series does.
Which is exactly why I think that people who've watched them are the ones that dislike the hidden world the most.
I, too, am usually opposed to using non-canon material to make a point, but RoB, DoB and RTTE are the only spin-off series from a successful movie franchise I can name that make perfect sense. That succeed in accurately portraying the main cast, in realistically expanding on the secondary characters (like Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins, who now have the space to become part of the main cast), and in smoothly integrating new characters.
They also manage to beautifully explore this magical universe full of dragons, adventure, and mystery, while firmly establishing the dragons as an important part of ecosystems all around.
Whether it's subconscious or not, they create an unshakable image of how all the characters think, act, and interact. You spend a hell of a lot longer with the characters in a lengthy eight season series than in two movies.
But it's not a bad thing, because this image carved by the series fits in nicely with the image carved in all the canon installments of the franchise.
Well. Except for one, cough cough.
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