#Gav Murphy
edenh333 · 6 years
Prepare to Try - How a Let's Play Series Changed My Life
Prepare to Try – How a Let’s Play Series Changed My Life
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I’ve been a gamer since I can remember. The language and visuals of video games are ingrained in my subconscious to the point where I frequently dream in video game format. I played The Legend of Zelda for hours when I was six, eating grilled cheese sandwiches and obsessively trying to find every temple and every secret, but having to start over again every day because for some reason, my save…
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nchlsdmn · 4 years
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New Clone Phase armor plus new Clone Squadron! The blue armored Clone is Captain Murphy, followed by Jax, Whiplash, Hot-Shot, Thrasher, Toby, Phaser, Smoke, Gav, Ash, Dead-Weight, and Hatch.
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rosie-janeposie · 4 years
Quaffles, Bludgers, and Quarrels Ch. 2
Chapter 2: All in the Swing Summary:          
Ellie's eyes widen as a Bludger came roaring towards them. The redhead tightened her grip on the bat McNully headed to her. She stood up, she took a purposeful step forward and swung.
Ellie turned her head when she noticed Orion making his way to the Commentator's box. The dark-haired boy scanned the box to stop at the small girl holding the Beater bat. Ellie gave him a weak smile; it was a half-second before she lowered the bat. The bat was soon behind her back as a blush crossed her face.
Hello, my Lovelies!
So, my computer ate my files. I am so sorry for the delay.
Ellie is about to get thrown to the lions pretty soon. But that is for another time, is it not? Right now, she is trying not to step on toes. Plus, she is having fun ruffling a few McNully feathers. Don't worry, Rowan will be joining us shortly. :)
I do not own any of the Hogwarts Mystery Characters. I do however, own Ellie Bennett.
McNully quietly watched the pitch as the Ravenclaw team began warm-ups. If his plan worked, there would be a 27.4% chance for Williams to gain interest in helping Ellie. Murphy had caught glimpses of her practice with Skye, as unorthodox as Skye's help seemed. Ellie was: driven, resourceful, fast (for a school broom), clever, and talented.
Perhaps, that was why Skye was so stubborn to try and help the redhead. It was hard to tell if Skye was annoyed or impressed with the girl's persistence. All McNully knew was that he couldn't sit in the Commentator's box spying on Skye's "secret training sessions." Skye was running the poor kid into the ground. Plus, they were not that secret... As if Skye was humble enough to keep anything Quidditch related a secret. That… and Skye kept dragging this poor girl down to the pitch before a friendly or a Ravenclaw pract-
Oh …
McNully watched as the vibrant blue-haired girl shot past the Commentator's box. Skye in her own way of trying to gain Orion's attention. She knew Orion wouldn't listen to Skye's boasting. He would, however, pay attention to the enigma that was Ellana Bennett. The girl who is willing to be bombarded with bludgers. The redhead riding a bucking broom. The second-year batting dizzy gnomes off the pitch. Skye may have talked a big game, but she did have her heart in the right place. It was just masked under her own need to prove herself to her father. Damn, why couldn't girls be easy to understand? "Good move, Parkin."
"What was that?" A small voice asked to his right.
McNully jumped slightly; he and Ellie sat together in the Commentator's box as the remnants of Ravenclaw's team performed drills. "Thinking out loud. Oh, before I forget, take this!" Murphy leaned forward, his eyes strayed to the beater bat he kept in the box for practice. It wasn't uncommon that a rogue bludger or two would set course for the box. He handed the bat to Ellie's waiting hands." There is a 23.7% chance your reflexes are better than mine."
"What do you want me to do with it?" Ellie blushed as soon as the words left her mouth.
"How else are you gonna hit a bludger?" McNully quirked an eyebrow, "You want to be a Beater, right?"
"I wasn't ready, okay!" Ellie couldn't help as she stomped her feet. Her cheeks puffed and flushed with embarrassment. "I had a lapse in memory, okay?"
"If you say so Curse-breaker," he paused briefly, he saw the glare that crossed the round face looking at him. A small part of him wondered if the rumors were true about her temper. If so, this was not the place to test his luck. Recognition crossed his features; McNully gave a polite nod before turned back to the pitch, "I mean, Bennett."
A small smirk crossed her features; she won't tell him it was because of the audible crack in his voice. "It seems we made progress, McNully."
The Blond placed his hands up jokingly in surrender, as he set his sights on the players on the pitch. Ellie watched with interest as the Ravenclaw team seemed to split into their respective positions. "There seems to be good communication on the pitch between the Ravenclaw chasers. Though they are all relatively young, they act as though they have been working as a team for years. Careful boys, there is a 59.89% chance that Miss Parkin may have some ideas up her sleeves. I hope you can keep up!" McNully's voice resounded over the pitch.
Ellie's eyes flickered to Skye immediately, due to her vibrant blue hair. Perhaps, that was her reason for the vibrant color to draw attention. The female chaser turned her head towards the Commentator's box, her tongue sticking out as she zoomed past. On her coattails, through the air, were two boys, one she recognized immediately as Anderson. He was a lean sandy-haired boy, his cheeks were sunburnt, and it shown against his ashen complexion. Anderson, according to Skye, was new to the team this year. On the far-side was a dark-haired boy, with an attractive dazed smile as he flew laps around the pitch. Orion Amari, apparently caused a lot of talk being the youngest Quidditch Captain at Hogwarts. Ellie gulped, there was a lot of talent on the Ravenclaw team, how was she going to compete? "So, what are the chasers attempting?"
McNully smiled as he leaned towards the girl, "They are attempting an original play that I created." He gave her a quick wink.
"Ah shucks," she stated, giving him a look, "I see I'm not the only one who is subject to great McNully wisdom? Here I thought I was special."
He gave her a look, "Don't patronize me."
She smiled at the pout that crossed his face, "You love it."
"I think you need to review the definition of 'love'..." He murmured. Ellie smiled while McNully rolled his eyes; the Blond leaned forward to announce the next move being performed on the field. "Amari, Parkin, and Anderson are attempting the  Thimblerig Shuffle. " Ellie smiled at the excitement shown in the face of the blond in front of her. "Watch as the Ravenclaw Chasers have quality teamwork, they have a 78.9% chance of it succeeding." His words reflected the pride he held in his Quidditch strategy. "It does give a subtle nod to the Porskoff play, though the Chasers need to rely on their broom work and quick hands."
"So," McNully covered the microphone when the younger girl spoke up, "I hate to ask…" she noted, looking out at the field. Williams seemed to be merely dashing up and down the field. But otherwise in his own world, "What am I suppose to be learning?"
McNully turned his head back to the field, "Williams is a good Beater, little slow flyer, but he has power." McNully noted as he also turned to watch the players, "He also knows to watch his teammates' blind spots." Murphy turned to look at Ellie. Ellie could see this part of McNully she had only seen once before during their initial meeting. "You see Bennett, part of a good offense is to have a strong defense. To have a strong defense, you need to know where your weaknesses are."
Ellie nodded as she watched the action on the field as she paid closer attention to Williams. Perhaps it was just her personal bias, but he just seemed to be drifting around the p, watching his teammates fly through the air.
"Williams!" Ellie watched as Orion called to the circling Beater. "Try to knock the quaffle out of the Chasers' hands!"
Ellie quirked an eyebrow as she saw how quickly Williams acknowledged the orders given to him. Williams adapted to the task dictated to him. Gone was the cranky… "McNully, what year is Williams?"
"Fifth-year." He had gone from the cranky fifth-year who was complaining on the field before the Ravenclaw practice. He seemed to be all talk complaining about Orion; however, he seemed to take his orders and suggestions without much defiance. "Williams is not as bad as he appears to be," McNully commented as he covered the microphone, "That was why I  tried  to have you talk to him."
Ellie let her lips form an 'o' as she watched the older boy fly around the pitch. There had to be a method to McNully's madness. Ellie became enticed with the movements of the players before her. Ellie watched as a boy with a frame similar to Williams sat at the far end of the pitch. If she remembered what Skye had said during her Quidditch training and bits of commentary she heard from McNully, that boy was Daniel Travers. She has seen him here and there talking with Chester. He looked different with his blond hair tucked into the Quidditch helmet.
Travers was focused as the young Chasers set course towards the goalposts. It seemed that Orion seemed to be attempting to gain Anderson's attention for a pass. Williams was proving to be a formidable obstacle for the Chasers.
"It seems Williams is attempting to retrieve the quaffle from Anderson." The bespectacled girl watched as Williams attempted to bump Anderson's broom, "but just a reminder ladies and gentleman, there is a fine line between a bump and a foul!"
"And there is a fine line between commentary and being annoying," Skye yelled in jest as she flew past the Commentator's box.
"Ladies and gentlemen, there's an 81.9% chance Parkin is now doing her Transfiguration essay by herself tonight!" Murphy noted nonchalantly into the microphone as the player continued their motions. Ellie let a snort passed her lips. She was apparently not the only one who got roped into Skye's academics. "Your  Felifors  essay, I'm sure will be blown out the door..."
Ellie's eyes widen as a Bludger came roaring towards them. The redhead tightened her grip on the bat McNully headed to her. She stood up, she took a purposeful step forward and swung.
"Nice back-hand." The Blond commented. McNully's arms were raised to guard his head, "We just need to work on your follow-through, though."
Ellie turned her head to retort his comment when she noticed Orion making his way to the Commentator's box. The dark-haired boy scanned the box to stop at the small girl holding the Beater bat. Ellie gave him a weak smile; it was a half-second before she lowered the bat. The bat was soon behind her back as a blush crossed her face. Orion merely stared at her with a raised eyebrow, "I see, nice swing." He turned back towards the field, "WHY IS THERE A ROGUE BLUDGER?"
As the captain zoomed away, McNully's laughter broke the silence, "You can breathe again, Bennett." Ellie dropped the bat onto the ground, her eyes watching as Williams, Skye, and Flanigan wrestled the bludger back into the equipment box. It was McNully's voice that snapped her back to reality, "Come on, Orion is not that scary."
"Does he always have that stare?" Her voice was small as she collapsed back onto the bench.
"More or less," the Blond noted, shrugging his shoulders. "You're on his radar now, though."
"Yeah, as the idiot just holding the Beater bat…"
"Could be worse…"
"Shut up, McNully."
She felt a wad of paper hit her in the side of her head, "Someone has to keep you on your toes." He wheeled his chair back to look her in the face, "Relax, or you will psych yourself out for the friendly." He leaned forward to pull up his bag. Ellie watched with curiosity as McNully pulled out a white-striped box; he leaned over, offering the brightly-colored candy, "Have a JellyBean."
Ellie, without looking took a random Jellybean. She lazily popped the candy into her mouth. Her eyes widen at the sudden wave of heat that invaded not only her mouth but her nose. She started to cough, "Black-Pepper."
"Ugh," Rubbing her nose Ellie scanned the locker room at the random faces surrounding her. She recognized a few faces here and there from previous friendlies. Ellie took a deep breath as she peeked out the archway dividing the pitch and the changing rooms to scan the stands. If it was like her previous experiences, the stands would be filled with bored students looking for something to occupy themselves. Ellie did find comfort knowing that in the Commentator's box, McNully would be rooting for her even if his motive was to recruit her for the house team.
Deep breath…  Ellie turned to the locker room. She was on the Blue team for this friendly; she tried to see if she did know any of her teammates. It seemed other than in passing in the hall, one worth noting. Her eyes pause as she spotted a familiar purple-and-gold scarf.
"Andre!" She called, walked over to the other second-year boy. The redhead knew that she wasn't that good of a friend with the tan-skin boy. In fact, other than his help during flying class, Andre never seemed interested in talking with her. However, seeing him in a Blue-pinny was as close to seeing a friendly face.
Andre turned towards her shock evident on his face, "Oh, Curse-Breaker, fancy seeing you here. I didn't realize you liked Quidditch."
Ellie smiled, "Of course! My father would take me to Kenmare Kestral games whenever he could. Jacob would whine and say that the games were boring…" Her lips snapped shut. What was she thinking? Andre didn't need to hear about her brother. Just because she missed him didn't mean that everyone needed to hear about the famous Jacob Bennett. The same Jacob Bennett went from her superb big brother, who would read her The Tales from Beedle the Bard to the insane figure of the rumors. "Anyway, I have been a little hesitant; Penny was the one who told me to try out for the team. I always wished to play Beater."
Andre quirked a cautious eyebrow at her, "Did you hear anything from Amari yet?"
She dragged her toe into small circles in the dirt, "Not yet. But what about you? Everyone was so sure you would be on the house team."
Andre let out a humble laugh, "It seems Flanigan will be going nowhere anytime soon. That shouldn't dampen my spirits, though." The redhead jumped as an arm draped across her shoulders, "But, it's okay. How about we do this then, I'll root for you to become Ravenclaw's next best Beater. In return, you'll root for obviously the best and most stylish Seeker in Hogwarts History."
She smiled, holding out her pinky to the second-year, "Sounds good."
Andre gave her an odd look before he hooked his own pinky around hers, "You are certainly an oddity, Curse-breaker."
A sharp-whistle sounded, causing everyone to jump. "Teams make your way to the field. The friendly will begin momentarily."
"Showtime," Andre noted, patting the redhead on the back. "Let's have some fun."
Ellie smiled at him as she shouldered her Quidditch bat. She followed closely behind Andre and other members of her impromptu team through the archway. A light breeze presided over the pitch as the other team in Grey Pinnies stepped onto the pitch. It was nerve-wracking as the first Friendly she ever participated. The redhead didn't realize that people had to sign up prior to ensuring all the positions were filled on the field.
"It's a beautiful day for a Quidditch Friendly, with a 98.3% chance of edge-of-your-seat excitement!" The familiar sound of McNully erupted over the stadium. The sound of dedicated spectators followed shortly, "We two impressive impromptu line-ups for today's friendly. Just reminder for anyone new to how friendlies work, teams are made up of students from multiple houses. Winners receive bragging rights and 1 House Point for their respective houses." Polite claps could be heard around the stadium.
While McNully was talking over the megaphone, Madame Hooch was ushering the players towards her. "I have decided to make this Friendly is learning opportunity since many of the houses will be holding tryouts this weekend. Hufflepuff House will be holding Tryouts this Friday after dinner. Ravenclaw will be holding tryouts this Saturday morning before breakfast. Gryffindor tryouts following that afternoon." Her arms were resting on her hips as her yellow eyes went between all the players. "If you have questions, today is the day to ask."
"Pipsqueak," a low female voice noted, "Bennett." Ellie turned to see a familiar blonde girl glaring at her. Ellie was staring at Grey's team's female Beater, Erika Rath. Ellie could distinctly remember the glare she received from Erika Rath in the Great Hall when she happened to bump into the blonde. Ellie had the impression that Erika was anything but a friendly face. The redhead watched as Erika's eye dropped to the bat that hung at Ellie's right side. Ellie straightened her back as she tried to readjust her grip. Erika made a point to acknowledge Ellie's current hand position, "That is how you break your wrist." Ellie was surprised as Erika pulled the bat from her hand. What surprised her more was when Erika grabbed her arm and placed the bat back into her hand. Moving her hand to grab just below the swell of the bat. "This is how you hold your bat." Erika made a point of showing Ellie how much easier the bat swung, and in theory, Ellie would be able to flip her bat with ease.
"Thank You?" Ellie was unable to hold the surprise on her voice. Erika merely shrugged before she walked back to her side of the field.
"Just be sure to keep that grip during the match." The older girl noted, "Hate for you to break your glasses."
Alright, my lovelies!
Please leave a Kudos and/or comment down below!
See y'all next time
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funkyrights · 4 years
Mostly just making this blog as a hub for tumblr where we can link to everyone’s personal accounts and all that!
This post will be updated if/as anyone else makes their personal spaces.
Main Instagram: @/thewitchforeverlives no age restriction as it’s a general account for everyone to share
System Twitter: @/GRRBARKBARKSYS
Main blog: @thewitchforeverlives
Evan & Mark Hansens' blog: +18 only @evanistotallyokay
Shane Oman’s blog: +18 only @goodomans
Rich Goranski’s blog: +18 only @fieryblip
Ben’s blog: @chlorinebreath
Melchior Gabor’s blog: @famishedsaint
FAHC Michael's blog: @litdynamite
H. Chandler's blog: @blacklightchandler
Casey Becker's blog: @daisychainpoet
Annabeth Chase's blog: @wisegirlsuperiority
Ethan Nakamura's blog: +18 only @violenceofdevotion 
Ryan Torres’ blog: @torresofterror
Win's blog: +18 only @ironicallylosing
Nick's blog: @king0fsunnyvale
Alex Chen's blog: @fosterhomedropout
DMs are open!
Emoji Key under the cut:
Nicolas Goode: 🦬
Annabeth Chase: 🧢
Clarisse La Rue: ⚔
C. Beckendorf: 🛠
Thalia Grace: 🌩
Nico di Angelo: ☠
Teddy McLean: 💌
Frank Zhang: 🏹
Travis Stoll: 🧨
Ethan Nakamura: 🗡
Leo Valdez 🔨
Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos: ☀️
Artemis: 🌙
Mr.Blofis: 🐡
Rich Goranski: 🔥
Jake Dillinger: 🏆
Evan Hansen: 🌳
Cynthia Murphy: 🧺
Shane Oman/Khidros: 🍓
Tavros Nitram: 🐮
Sollux Captor: 🍯
Kanaya Maryam: 🐛
Lil Hal: 🤖
Elle Woods: 💖
Agent Washington: ⭐
FAHC Michael: 💣
Victor "Russ" Russel: 🎥
Casey Becker: 🌼
H. Chandler: 🥀
Hannah Washington: 🦋
Bolin: 🍜
Nigel Bumble: 🐝
Ricky: 🎄
Jack Kelly: 📰
Melchior Gabor: 🖋
Ryuji Sakamoto: 💀
Ben: 🦦
Peter Pevensie: 🦁
Peter Parker: 🕷
Branch: 🌿
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Ren Matthews: 🎸
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Will Gorski: 🚓
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River Barkley: 🎹
Jacques Snicket: 🚕
Noah Turner: 🎃
Mark E. Hansen: 🌲
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Eurydice: 🌹
Moana: 🥥
Kenai: 🐻
Bucky Barnes: 🦾
Wendy Christensen: 📸
asxdefter: 🎮
Yang Xiao Long: 🐲
Dodger: 🐱
Jesse Cox: 🕹
Legion: 🔦
Sonny: 🚬
Jason "JD" Dean: 🔫
Mogar: 💎
Mad King: 👑
Sonny de la Vega: 🎆
Alberto Scorfano: 🐟
Alistair Theirin: 🧀
Lyna Mahariel: 🌱
Pallas: 🪶
Manolo Sanchez: 🕯
Edd Gould: 🥤
Asterius: 🔗
Megaera: ⛓
Hermes: ⚕
Ares: 🛡
Hades: 🪦
Simon Kalivoda: 🦄
Kate Schmidt: 📣
Samantha Fraser: 📟
Cindy Berman: 👚
Tommy Slater: 🪓
Sarah Fier: 🐷
Ryan Torres: 🔪
C. Berman: 🪣
Jacket: 🐔
Maverick: 🎱
Akihiko Sanada: 🥊
Win: 🫀
Applejack: 🍎
Pipp: 🎠
Carlos Garcia: 🎶
BENdrowned: 🩸
Mashirao Ojiro: 🥋
Alice Hale: 💘
Kenya Kobayashi: 🎞
Juliet O'Hara: ⚖
Izuku Midoriya: 🐰
Yoon Ji-su: 🎧
Lee Eun-Hyuk: 👓
Chester: 🪴
Bumblebee: 📻
Carter Davis: 🧁
David: 🐯
Fred Jones: 🪤
Gwen Grayson: 🃏
Zach Braun: 🔋
Nell Oman: ♠️
Nemo: ♥️
Ilse Neumann: 💜
Luke Isaac Castellan: 🤞
Burgess Sawyer: 🐗
Tubbo: 🐐
Eric Arthur Leone: 🐀
Lenny: 🐬
King Shark: 🦈
Percy "JJ" Jackson: 🌀
Leon S. Kennedy: 🕸
Marshall Lee: 🍟
Hawke: 🦅
Bethany Hawke: ⛅
August "Auggie" Hildebrandt: 🥘
Finley: 🦪
Dewey Riley: 🍩
Mr. Peanutbutter: 🥏
Nikki: 🍬
Jasper: 👻
Ray Narvaez Jr: 🎂
Achilles: ⚱
Lara Croft: 🧭
Jase Voorhees: 🏕
Eva: 🥇
Karina Jacowitz: 🥍
Shitty: 🏒
Kent Parsons: 🥅
Benji Applebaum: 🪄
Bumper Allen: 🎤
Agent 17: 🪙
》 Gav: 🪙🗡
》 Ry: 🪙🔫
Miles Wingrave: 🕰
》 Peter Quint: 🕰⌚
Jean Havoc: 💥
》 Lust: 💥💋
Josh Sauchak: 🔑
Mendel Weisenbachfeld: 📋
Frenchie: 💊
Annie January: 🌟
Jay Corduroy: 💸
Dallas Margolin: 🦌
Boffy: ⛏
Benvolio: 🏳
Brandy Barr: 🔎
Davy Zlatic: 🎻
Ered Miller: 💔
Joey Tribbiani: 🎬
Jesse Tuck: 💧
Filbo: 🍊
Garfield Logan: 🦖
Jack Hodgins: 🦴
Jake Long: 🐉
Takashi Shirogane: 🌠
Allura: 🌌
Hunk Garrett: 🍱
Jerry: 🚭
Julien Solomita: 💿
Jude Lizowski: 🍋
Johanna Mason: 🪵
Katie Mitchell: 📹
Kevin Moskowitz: 🐋
Noah Garrett: 🏍
Sarah Avery: 🏔
Oz: 🔴
Launchpad McQuack: ✈
Robin Hood: 🦊
Ryan Phan: 💻
Michael J. Caboose: 🔷️
Nelson Muntz: 🏈
Winston: 🦍
Shane Madej: 🌭
Ram Sweeney: 🍻
Skipp: 🍂
Tré: 🎺
Foxy: 🍕
Sunset Shimmer: ☄
Henry Griffin: 📿
Ace Torrington: ⏳
Xavier Delsin: 🍒
Shiloh: 🍑
Price/Prep: 🤍
Blake/Jock: 💙
Baron von Gikkingen: 🎩
Aiden Grant: 🥈
Steve: 🧱
Jesse B. Schmidt: 🐖
Dust: 🔮
Herobrine: ⚠️
Tim Drake: 🩹
Dick Grayson: 🎪
Jason Todd: 🛑
Conner Kent: 🕶
Poison Ivy: ⚘
Phase: ⚛
Ani: 🧋
Horace: 🔱
Paul Munsky: ⚾️
Sapnap/Nicky: 🏮
Louis: 🙂
Trace: ⚜
Trevor Sterling: 💼
Atsuko Kagari: 🐇
Amanda O'Neill: 🧹
Brad Hamilton: 🍏
Hans: ❄
Bug: 🐞
Petey: 🚀
Lyra: 💫
Louis: 🎭
Legoshi: 🐺
Jack: 🌻
Riz: 🍅
Pina: 🐏
Brett Hand: 🧃
Susie Carter: 📏
Nea Karlsson: No emoji yet
Mac Loudon: 💐
Evander "Crash" Kostas: 🍍
Alex Chen: 💭
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filmniller · 4 years
4 ud af 5 matrjosjka-dukker
Jeg har altid været fan af Luc Besson både som instruktør og forfatter, og her er han (igen) begge dele med endnu en historie a la Nikita om en smuk professionel dræber af hunkøn, denne gang en russisk en af slagsen, endda spillet af en russer, som oven i købet er fotomodel ligesom filmens hovedperson, der af KGB sendes til vesten for at snigmyrde udvalgte personer. Sasha Luss, som debuterede i Bessons forrige film (den om Linda og Valentin) imponerede ham i den grad, at han gav hende hovedrollen her. Hun står distancen med bravur, godt bakket op af Luke Evans, Cillian Murphy og ikke mindst Helen Mirren i endnu en uforglemmelig præstation som bebrillet, kæderygende KGB-mellemleder. Trods utallige twists er slutningen til at forudse, men billedsiden er ren vaniljecreme med masser af sex, slagsmål og skud. Som altid hos Besson er teknik og æstetik i højsædet.
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tigerinthestars · 7 years
What Can Go Wrong Part I
Summary: What was supposed to be a simple heist spirals out of control. Everything seems to be going from bad to worse. What was Murphy's Law again?
Also, the one where Jeremy saves your life.
Pairing: FAHC!Jeremy x FAHC!Reader
Words: 1,510
Warnings: Language and violence.
A/N: This was supposed to be a nice, little one shot. Now it’s like 6k words long. I’m splitting it up to make it easier to read, the next part will be posted next week.
Changed my mind, Part II is already up! Part III will be up tomorrow.
Thank you to the lovely anon that gave me the motivation to finish this! Now to focus on that Ryan x Reader fic…
Y/C/N = Your Criminal Name (or nick name… whatever)
Read it on AO3!
Part II ~ Part III
Shit. That was the word of the day. What was supposed to be an easy touch and go deal became a shit show within minutes.
You were currently crouched behind an over turned desk in a dingy warehouse, the afternoon sun barely coming through the disgusting windows. A trusty pistol was griped tightly in your hands. The chaos around you was truly astounding. You, along with Jeremy and Ryan, were attempting to hold your ground against goons while Geoff and Michael retrieved important documents which highlighted your rival's, the Copirate, recent activities upstairs.
“The package is secure! I repeat, package is secure!” Geoff yelled through the comm unit in your ear, yet you barely heard him over the sound of gunfire and explosions.
“Thank Christ,” you heard both in your ear and from behind you where Jeremy was crouched, sharing your choice of cover, “What’s the ETA on evac?” Jeremy pushed his hat up an inch before peaking over the table to fire off a few rounds from his assault rifle.
“3 minutes,” responded Jack, her voice sounding through the comms and a layer of static.
“Make that 5,” a British accent spoke up, sounding strained, “Choppers dead. Getting a car.”
“What do you mean the choppers dead?” Ryan growled angrily from his spot behind a wall, "What the fuck did you do?"
"Don't yell at me, V, I'm handling it." Gavin's voice sounded out of breath which worried you more than your current predicament.
"You okay, GB?" You asked as you blindly sent a few bullets towards your attackers.
"I got it, found a car, heading your way now," Gavin spoke lowly, uncharacteristic of him.
"Copy your last." You said, unconvinced but there was nothing you could do about it now. You returned your attention to the dwindling number of men outside the warehouse. The poor light and smoky room made it difficult to aim decent shots, but the three of you had managed so far. You just had to hold out 4 more minutes for Gavin to get your team out and Jack will collect Geoff and Mich-
An explosion from your right rattled the foundation of the building and was followed closely by a fresh spray of bullets.
"They're coming from the West! Move!" Shouted someone, you weren't sure who, you just pushed as hard as you could to run to new cover.
"Dammit! Where are you?" That was Ryan, now next to you.
"I'm almost there, just hold-" Gavin’s squawking cut off abruptly.
"I'm here!" Jack interrupted "Let's go Dumbasses!"
"We're on our way!" yelled Michael, "Detonating charges now."
A series of explosions rock the north side of the building where the goons had been shooting from originally. It certainly did the trick as the shots died down for a moment and gave the three of you some time to get to a better position for your own evac.
"Gav, can you pick us up on the east side of the building instead?" The plan had originally been to run south, as far away from Michael's explosions as possible but with the addition of men on the west, that might be close to impossible now.
"I can try. No promises. 1 minute out."
It was weird to be on a mission where everyone was quiet, and the lack of friendly banter put you more on edge then the declining control your crew had on the situation at hand. Ryan yelling was typical, he was certainly a perfectionist at heart, but Jeremy’s lack of one liners, not a single weird question from Gavin, and none of Geoff’s sarcastic statements just made the tension around you worse.
And that was dangerous.
When you get stressed, you get anxious, and when you get anxious, you make mistakes. In your line of work, mistakes can be deadly. Death was not an option for you. You can't afford to make mistakes.
You stood to get a clear shot, popping one goon in the shoulder, another grunt took one in the gut and two more shots for his buddy. You knelt back down, gasping for air as you reloaded your gun. You had a bad habit for holding your breath more than you should.
"I'm here. On the south-east. Can't miss me." Gavin's voice announced on the radio. "We have company. Reds and blues."
"What? Already?" Jeremy asked, perplexed.
He was right to be confused. The police should not have been called out here for another 10 minutes or so. We knew the explosions would get their attention, but we had hoped to be long gone by then, leaving the Copirate's men to deal with the cops. This mission has really turned to shit.
"Hurry! I can't stay here long!" Gavin urged the three of us into action.
Ryan reloaded his gun, "Rimmy, go. Y/C/N and I will cover you."
"Got it." Jeremy got in position to run for the side door little ways away.
"Go!" You shouted as you stood again from your cover, Ryan mirroring your actions, as you both sent a spray of cover fire toward the enemy. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jeremy's ridiculous purple jacket moving quickly toward the door.
"I'm there. Y/C/N, your turn." Jeremy spoke out of breath.
"My turn." You repeated to yourself, crouching back down and reloading your clip again, waiting for Ryan's command.
"Go now. I'll be right behind you."
With that, you sprinted toward the door. The few obstacles in your way you simply vaulted over to make the distance smaller. You heard the pounding feet behind you, Ryan kept close as he blindly fired back at the goons, Jeremy helping lay down extra suppressing fire. When you made it to the door, you wasted no time flinging it open, the bright sun blinding you momentarily as your eyes adjusted to the outside. As your eyes adjusted, they searched for Gavin's borrowed vehicle, which was just at the mouth of the alleyway and not at all far from the door you were stood in.
"I see GB," Before you could even take a step toward him, gunfire coming from the opposite end of the alleyway halted your movements. Jeremy, who had come up behind you, pushed you down to the ground out of the way of the bullets, most of which clinked off the metal of the warehouse beside you.
"Shit, they've followed us!" Ryan said as he poked his head and gun around the corner. "Can you get any closer, GB?"
"If you cover me, I can." Gavin responded, revving the car.
"Then go," Jeremy stood tall and popped some shots off, Ryan soon joining him.
You huffed from your position, standing and joining the boys in their discount firing squad. Gavin drove forward under your covering fire, stopping a few inches behind you.
"Get in!" Gavin ordered.
Jeremy glanced back at you, "Y/C/N, go."
You grunted in response and made your way to the passenger seat on the diver side. Ryan and Jeremy moved as a unit to the opposite side of the car, Ryan a step-in front of Jeremy. You found yourself holding your breath as you tracked them slowly sidestepping to the passenger side of the car. Once they opened the doors you finally allowed yourself to let out the air you were holding. Your relief was short lived, unfortunately, as the sirens got close enough that you were seeing the red and blue lights bouncing off the walls of the ally.
Gavin floored the car as soon as the doors shut, taking off as quickly as the car could toward the Copirate goons. All your heads were lowered as bullets rained down on the car from both the front and the back. The car barreled down the ally, towards the goons, who had only seconds to dive out of the way.
"You alright?" Jeremy was talking lowly to you. He had pulled his dusty sunglasses off his face and you could clearly see the worry written in his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm good."
You gave him the best smile you could manage, and he just chuckled and shook his head in response before reaching for you. His hand curled around your head, fingers getting tangled in your hair, and he gently pulled your head closer to him. His lips pressed a kiss to your forehead and he mumbled into your skin.
He pulled back only slightly, "I said good." He smiled at you, "Let's keep it that way."
"You got it, Rimmy!" You stifled a laugh at his ridiculous name before having to brace your hand against the seat in front of you as the car lurched when Gavin made a particularly tight turn.
“Bloody hell, you two. Get a-”
Gavin’s sentence was interrupted by an armored SWAT vehicle slamming into your getaway car full speed. The impact threw your car into a roll across the freeway, broken glass and bullet casings filled the air. Your head slammed into the inside of the door which sent your world into darkness.
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emo-seal-creations · 7 years
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My dad specifically requested that you all see this image of Finchy at the Baywatch premiere, in full sight of THE ROCK a.k.a. one of my proudest moments. Thanks to Gav "Stormcloud" Murphy for the photo and for taking Finchy on an adventure! http://ift.tt/2rG7sTX
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aoifelockhart · 7 years
Has your opinion of the Yogscast changed since you and Gav Murphy basically said they were evil and deceived children on the Daft Souls podcast a few years ago?
Amazed you haven't put your back out with how hard you're reaching with this. The fact you just asked a question 5 times in a row about a personal opinion expressed several years ago (that you've blown completely out of proportion) tells me you need to reassess your priorities, my friend. Literally no-one cares.
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enmusasblog · 3 years
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Artisten Nick Murphy, alias Chet Faker, släpper ny singel  Producenten, låtskrivaren och multiinstrumentalisten Nick Murphy, alias Chet Faker, släpper idag en ny singel tillsammans med en musikvideo till låten Feel Good. Låten är hämtad från Murphys kommande album Hotel Surrender som ges ut den 16 juli.  Musikvideon som släpps med låten är producerad av det hyllade produktionsbolaget Freenjoy (The Weeknd, Ariana Grande/Doja Cat, Travis Scott) och visar Murphy på rullskridskor i den kaliforniska öknens solnedgång. Videon avslöjar Murphys relativt okända passion för rullskridskor, vilken fick förödande konsekvenser under inspelningen. ”Jag bröt handen när vi filmade, men jag ångrar ingenting.”, menar Chet Faker. Se videon här Låten Feel Good är med på det kommande 10-spårs albumet Hotel Surrender, inspelat och producerat av Murphy med mixning av Dave Fridmann. Fridmann återintroducerade de dämpade basgångar och finstämda gitarrer som kännetecknar Chet Fakers sound som fått en publik världen om på fall. ”Låten handlar om att må bra. Videon gestaltar mig som mår bra och att prata mer om det kommer bara att döda atmosfären.”, säger Chet Faker I oktober 2020, efter sex års uppehåll, återupplivade artisten Nick Murphy sitt hyllade Chet Faker-projekt. Först ut var den lugna låten Low som resulterade i att han fick medverka i den amerikanska TV-showen Ellen DeGeneres. De två senaste singlarna Get High och Whatever Tomorrow har sammanlagt över 18 miljoner streams på Spotify och har hamnat på hundratals olika spellistor på Apple Music, Spotify och Amazon Music.   Nick Murphy är uppvuxen i Melbourne, Australien. Chet Faker-projektet startade 2012 med EP:n Thinking In Textures som gav Murphy priser för Årets genombrott och Bästa Independent EP på australiska AIRA (Australian Independent Record Awards). Året därefter släpptes hans hyllade cover på Blackstreets låt No Diggity som hördes i Becks nya reklam under NFL-finalen. Debutalbumet Build On Glass kom 2014 och hamnade på de australiska listorna, bland annat tre gånger på Triple Js Hottest 100 topp 10-lista. Det egenproducerade solo-albumet resulterade i både platina-försäljning och fem ARIA priser; Bästa manliga artist, Bästa independentrelease, Best Cover artist, Årets Ljudtekniker och Årets Producent. År 2016 kom uppföljaren som släpptes under hans egna namn, Nick Murphy, vilket även är namnet han använde på EPn Missing Link (2017), studioalbumet Run Fast Sleep Naked (2019) och instrumentalinspelningen av låten Music For Silence, i april 2020 (en ambient-samling som först släpptes på meditationsappen Calm). Nick Murphy har uppträtt för utsålda festivaler och scener världen över, både under sitt eget namn samt under sitt alias, Chet Faker. Han har uppträtt på bland annat Coachella, Glastonbury och Montreal Jazz Festival så väl som Laneway Festival, Groovin the Moo och Splendour in the Grass hemma i Australien. Nu är Nick tillbaka i studion igen och samarbetar med artister som Flume, Bonobo, Banks, Kilo Kish, Marcuyhts Marr och Dave Harrington. Albumet Hotell Surrender släpps 16 juli. För mer information: https://www.facebook.com/chetfaker/ www.nickmurphy.com För intervjuer kontakta: Anette Ståhl / Enmusa Music, tel: 0707-180 120  [email protected]   För mer information kontakta Ulrika Hammar / BMG, tel 0705–295 312 [email protected]
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fotbollsdressbarn · 4 years
fotbollströjor barn ronaldo  att göra dem kommer v
fotbollströjor barn ronaldo  att göra dem kommer vi att bli mycket bättre och mycket bättre. "Rangers spelade match bakom stängda dörrar på tisdag Gerrards spelare möter Bury i fredags i sin första officiella vänster inför säsongen - även om de redan har spelat sitt första spel under deras ny manager. Rangers mötte walesiska mästare The New Saints i en vänskapsmatch bakom stängda dörrar på Hummel Training Center på tisdag och Gerrard, enligt Daily Record, utfärdade en
gå och imponera på mig ”utmaningen till hans nya anklagelser inför Europa League-kvalet mot FK Shkupi den 12 juli. Resultatet? En 3-1-seger för Gers, med Serge Atakayi, Jamie Murphy och Ross McCrorie som alla fick sig på poängsidan. Matchen gav möjligheter för ungdomarna Glenn Middleton och Zak Rudden, plus nya signeringar Connor fotbollsdress barn  Goldson, Nikola Katic och Jon Flanagan.
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badlands75 · 5 years
Badlands75RT @cymrogav: This video I made of Kermit dancing to the Succession theme tune is my film of the year... https://t.co/3TF6lcWRi2
This video I made of Kermit dancing to the Succession theme tune is my film of the year... pic.twitter.com/3TF6lcWRi2
— Gav Murphy (@cymrogav) September 26, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Badlands75 September 26, 2019 at 10:21PM via IFTTT
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CSI Number11 - Sagen om det uhørte bevis
  Men ikke i første omgang. I første omgang så jeg lige dollar tegnene. Et par velhælvede L.A.-advokater ringede til mig. Virksomheden havde syv efternavne i sin titel og et af disse navne var på telefonen. Jeg slog opmærksom på, da de spurgte, om jeg kunne se på nogle 100MB Zip-diske, fortæl disse fyre hvad der var på diske, og hvad plejede at være på dem. Jo, jeg er altid spil til et lille show og fortælle. Et hundrede megabyte var ikke så lille da. Efter låsning og billeddannelse af diske tog jeg en lille spadseretur gennem filstrukturen med gamle Norton Utilities i vedligeholdelsestilstand. Fandt nogle filer, der ikke burde have været der. Fundet slettede filer, der var nyere end filerne på diskene. Fundet at et diskoptimeringsprogram var blevet kørt - muligvis overskrivet filer, der tidligere var der. En defrag operation, der kan frag filerne. Du ser, når en fil slettes, sker der ikke meget i første omgang. Det er som om nogen slettet en post i indholdsfortegnelsen - computeren er for dum at vide, at den stadig er der, bare fordi indekset til filen er blevet ændret. Men indtil noget skriver over indholdet af den slettede fil, ligger den stadig der og venter på at blive tilsluttet igen med en mappe og venter på at blive afsløret igen. Efterhånden vil slettede filer have tendens til at blive overskrevet, og som det viser sig, er en defrag en hurtigere måde at overskrive slettede filer - i det mindste nær den forreste ende af disken - så de bliver uoprettelige. Disse få filer, der var blevet slettet, og som vi genoprettede, og de få filer med de funky datoer overbeviste vores moneyed kunder om at tabe lidt mere mønt og få mig til at flyve ned til Sydøst L.A. for at trække diskdrevne fra ni computere. Efter at de fortalte mig sagens historie, forekom det mig, at jeg kunne rejse ind i løvehulen. Her var aftalen. Dette firma lavede beholdere til tærter og kager og alle slags lækker fremvist og indeholdt godbidder. De gjorde dem til Costco og hundredvis af andre butikker. Du selv har bestemt haft mad i disse containere. Fremstillingsmetoden var unik og hemmelig og baseret på proprietære software-tilførselsinstruktioner til brugerdefinerede maskiner. Virksomheden var værd omkring 60 millioner dollars og var ejet af flere medlemmer af samme familie. Størstedelen af de stemmeberettigede aktier gik med ideen om at sælge selskabet. Minoriteten ønskede ikke at sælge. En vis mængde shenanigans følges. Mens de øverste medlemmer af flertallet gik på at forberede dokumenter til at sælge, gik minoritetsmedlemmerne om at hemmeligt etablere forretninger andre steder med en dyb-lommepartner. Derefter gik de om at sabotere den oprindelige operation, ødelægge et stort antal designs, der gjorde virksomheden speciel. Da jeg gik ud på stedet for de beskidte gerninger, syntes alt, hvad der kunne gå galt, for at gå galt. Murphy arbejdede overarbejde gratis. Flyvninger blev forsinket og annulleret; Bilreservationer forsvandt, og de tog ikke American Express, men endelig var jeg på vej ud af LAX til byen Sandofay Wells. Jeg ringede til min assistent for at se, hvordan tingene gik. "Steve, er du okay?" Selvfølgelig var jeg - hvad ville være forkert, bortset fra forsinkelser? "Din mor ringede - hun havde en præmonition, du var død." Det var godt ud af det blå. Jeg ringede til min velsignede mor og lod hende vide, at intet meget var galt - jeg var bare ude på en koncert og ikke bekymre dig. Men så begyndte det at komme til mig. Ubesvarede flyvninger, mærkelige bilpolitikker, tingene forsinket og reservationer væk. Så advarslen fra min mor. Hvem skulle jeg skulle beskæftige mig med på webstedet? Jeg går ubevæbnet ... Jeg besluttede at trække mig over og roligt fortælle min kone, hvor de vigtige papirer var, hvem kreditorerne var og vigtigere, hvem skyldte os penge. "Nej, skat, intet er forkert. Jeg tænkte bare på det. Kys, kys, vi ses i aften." Jeg kørte til lokationen og steeled mig selv for ... ingenting. De dårlige fyre var ikke der - de havde boltet dagen før og alt var godt. Dette var den eneste røde sild af turen. Jeg tog dybt indånding og gik ind i laboratorierne. Der var ni computere, og om det samme antal mennesker, der ønskede at tale. Hør, jeg kan tilberede et blåt ordstykke på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt, men når jeg forsøger at arbejde, er for mange ord for prøvende. Jeg tog billeder, logget serienumre, skrev beskrivelser af systemerne, deres brugere, deres placeringer og drevene. Jeg mærket hvert drev og placerede det i en antistatisk taske, derefter i en polstret beholder, så i en stor kasse med de andre drev To af fyre gav mig en rundvisning i butikken. En anden fyr ønskede hjælp til at gemme en fil. Flere fyre forsøgte deres bedste for at ignorere mig. Nogle fyre brugt deres computere helt op til det øjeblik, jeg måtte lukke dem ned for at tage diskdrevene ud (Bevar bevis faktisk). Og to af gutterne havde interessante historier. En af disse to sidste var en ansat konsulent. Han fortalte mig, at han var blevet ansat for at prøve at finde de manglende filer og computer tegninger. Han udførte en installation af AutoCad på systemet, hvor filerne var i færd med at overskrive ca. 300 MB dataene! Hans bekymring var at lade mig vide, at kopien af AutoCad var legitim - ikke piratkopieret. Jeg var dumbfounded. Den første bevisregel er ikke at ødelægge nogen! Vand under broen. Han var ikke en retsmedicinsk fyr, og jeg ville beskæftige mig med situationen, når jeg havde lavet et retsmedicinsk billede gennem en skriveblokerer, og se om der var noget tilbage. Den anden fyr med en historie var flertallets øverste medlem. Den onde gamle onkel. Han sad mig på sit kontor i en time eller mere og fortalte mig hele historien. Det var en temmelig tæt match til den, jeg fortalte ovenfor. Lovkontoret ringede og bad mig om at sidde stramt, mens en af advokaterne bragte endnu en computer. Det tilhørte Pablo, det yngste medlem af familien, et medlem af mindretalet og den mest teknologiske kyndige af gruppen. Dette ville vise sig at være den vigtigste. Men mere på det senere. Selv om jeg stoler på din pind-til-det-iveness, læser en fuld fortælling af det arbejde, jeg gjorde, ville tage mere opmærksomhed end jeg selv har, så jeg vil springe ret hurtigt til konklusionerne. Der var mystiske huller i dataene på flere af harddiske, hvilket tyder på, at store dataudvekslinger var blevet slettet. I disse huller var både specifikke og tilfældige mønstre af bytes. De syntes at være blevet overskrevet med ikke-fil data. Der var et spøgelsesbilledprogram på et par af de computere, der havde filer slettet fra dem, og de samme filer optrådte på de zip-diske, jeg havde set på tidligere. De samme filer var blevet kopieret fra Zip Disks til Pablo's computer. Perp'en brugte Ghost's hurtige billeddannelsesfunktioner til at stjæle data. Denne samme version af Ghost, der var på par kompromitterede computere, var også på Pablo's PC og ingen andre steder. Områderne for slettede filer var blevet erstattet med mønstre, der var i overensstemmelse med et fildestruerende program. Se og se, Windows-registreringsdatabasen på Pablo's computer viste, at det for nylig havde et program kaldet "Shredder95" på den, konfigureret til at producere bare sådanne mønstre. Shredder95 var et tidligt kommercielt fil-shredding-program, og selv om det var blevet afinstalleret, blev registreringsdatabasen, der viste det, kun fundet på Pablo's computere. Da programmet blev afinstalleret, spredte det ikke selv restene. Vi ledte til en deponering, med mig dandied i min slips og abe-dragt. Om morgenen på dag et af deponeringen fik jeg en uvurderlig coaching fra en senior partner af firmaet, der har fast med mig til i dag. Jeg fik at vide: 1. Tal ikke over advokaten og spørg spørgsmålet - vent altid indtil han er færdig, for de kan stille noget andet end det du begyndte at svare på - og det kan give væk ting, vi ikke ønsker at give. 2. Fortæl ikke vittigheder. Når en jury læser transkriptet senere, kan de ikke se kroppens sprog eller høre latteret i aflejringslokalet. Jeg blev pinligt opmærksom på dette, da jeg senere læste transkriptet og så mine spøgende ord, "Jeg bliver nødt til at spørge min mama" helt uden for konteksten. 3. Spis en let frokost, så du ikke falder i søvn efterfølgende - den anden side venter på det, så de kan slå på dig unawares med et besværligt spørgsmål. 4. Sørg altid for, at du forstår spørgsmålet. Hvis du ikke gør det, så spørg det igen. 5. Næsten aldrig svar på spørgsmålet med ja eller nej. Gør spørgsmålet selv ved at gentage det, som du svarer, især hvis det er et langt spørgsmål. Spørgsmålet, der begynder, "Er det ikke sandt, hr. Burgess, det ..." er næsten altid et rødt flag. 6. Fortæl altid sandheden, men svar kun på det spørgsmål, de spørger. Vær ikke hjælpsom ved at omformulere spørgsmålet, så det er mere fornuftigt. Du kan måske vide, hvad du mener, de mener, men det er deres job at stille det rigtige spørgsmål, hvis de vil have de rigtige oplysninger. Bortset fra joke jeg fortalte, de gange, jeg var for hjælpsom, de gange, jeg talte om spørgsmålet, og de gange, jeg talte for hurtigt, for retten reporteren at få det hele ned (en vane af mig, når jeg taler tech) de to dage af deponering gik ret godt. Der var måneder med e-mails, telefonopkald, rapporter om, hvordan tingene gik i retten, og så endelig, den store domstol dato. Endnu en gang prettied, jeg trådte ind i retssalen, klar til noget, tænkte jeg - men ikke for hvad der skete. Kort sagt var det: Selvom alle vidste, hvilke filer der havde været på computeren, og selvom jeg kunne vise, at de var blevet ødelagt af Shredder95 - den samme version, som Pablo havde og konfigureret på samme måde - og selv om jeg kunne vise, at det skete På den sidste dag havde Pablo adgang til computere i butikken, og selv om jeg kunne vise, at Pablo havde en kopi af de (stjålne) slettede filer på hans computer og på zip-diskerne, og selvom jeg formåede at finde en elektronisk kopi af Pablo's kvittering for Shredder, dommeren tillod ikke mit vidnesbyrd. Hvorfor ikke? Fordi jeg ikke selv havde set filerne, før de blev ødelagt, og derfor var noget, jeg sagde om deres ødelæggelse, høresag. Hvad siger du?! Jeg forestillede mig en ekspert i et andet tilfælde. "Ja, din ære, vi har stykkerne af toget, vi har identificeret de kemikalier, der bruges til at lave den bombe, der blæste den op, vi har serienummeret til detonatoren. Sagsøgte indrømmer at købe en detonator med det serienummer, han har de samme kemikalier i sin lejlighed, men vi så ikke sæderne på toget, før de sprang op, så vi kan ikke være sikre på, at de var de samme pladser. Lad ham gå. " Måske en overdrivelse, men da dommeren og min klient begge sagde: "Du er undskyldt, hr. Burgess," var det svært at vælge min kæbe op af gulvet. To års arbejde sluttede uden at jeg kunne præsentere det. En bund af penge brugt af klienten med intet at vise for det. Jeg fandt det forbløffende. Men du ved, det er ikke for mig at stille spørgsmål til dommeren. Rettssalen er hans slot og hvad han siger går. Mine klienter endte med okay, men ikke så okay som de kunne have været med det ekstra vidnesbyrd. For mig blev jeg betalt for at blive mentoreret af en proffs. Det er svært at slå. Mine fødder blev lidt fladere, og mine sko fik lidt gummi ... Det viser ikke altid alle roser i computerforensics, men gebyrerne kan købe en posey eller to og en dåse af Glade, og når du lukker øjnene på en sommerdag, kan du ikke altid fortælle forskellen. I et øjeblik blinker rapporterne og retssalen i reverie. Og så ringer telefonen med en anden klient, der har brug for os til at grave ind i den digitale verden igen. Dette er blot en af de mange "CSI - Computer Forensics Files: Real Cases fra Burgess Forensics." Hold øje med flere historier om dårlige gerninger afsløret af videnskaben.  
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gaminghardware0 · 6 years
Dark Souls’ narrator lends her voice for a Let’s Play channel from former IGN staffers
Earlier this month, Rory Powers, Daniel Krupa, and Gav Murphy announced a new YouTube channel called RKG. The new project essentially follows up on their popular Prepare To Try the trio ran while they were at IGN - a let’s play series all about working through some very difficult games. Now they’ve gone independent, and their first series comes with a special trailer featuring the voice of Dark Souls herself: Pik-Sen Lim. Lim voiced the narrator in all three Dark Souls games, and she reprises that role in a trailer for RKG’s first proper video series. “An optimistic hero with an unbreakable spirit. A frustrated loremaster cursed with knowledge. And a dragon king with a defiled past. They abandoned their thrones and converged in a new land, with new chairs. In this land, they toil away in a small room, awaiting the end of the world.” The voiceover concludes “It is called Retry, because sometimes the fire never fades.” The first episode of Retry - set to be the start of a Dark Souls 2 series - is scheduled to launch on January 26. from https://www.pcgamesn.com/prepare-to-try-dark-souls-2-retry-rkg
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trippyydoee · 6 years
Dark Souls’ narrator lends her voice for a Let’s Play channel from former IGN staffers
Dark Souls’ narrator lends her voice for a Let’s Play channel from former IGN staffers
Earlier this month, Rory Powers, Daniel Krupa, and Gav Murphy announced a new YouTube channel called RKG. The new project essentially follows up on their popular Prepare To Try the trio ran while they were at IGN – a let’s play series all about working through some very difficult games. Now they’ve gone independent, and their first series comes with a special trailer featuring the voice of Dark…
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tigerinthestars · 7 years
What Can Go Wrong Part II
Summary: What was supposed to be a simple heist spirals out of control. Everything seems to be going from bad to worse. What was Murphy's Law again?
Also, the one where Jeremy saves you from certain death.
Pairing: FAHC!Jeremy x FAHC!Reader
Words: 1,804
Warnings: Language and violence.
A/N: I changed my mind, I’m posting Part 2 today and the final part tomorrow just ‘cause. Enjoy!
Part 2 to this train wreck. Things get worse.
Y/C/N = Your Criminal Name (or nick name… whatever)
Read it on AO3!
Part I ~ Part III
You awoke to the sensation of being dragged. Your eyes blinked sluggishly in the bright light. Your ears rang something terrible. As the world slowly became clearer, you recognized voices and gunfire and your eyes fell on the sight of the burning husk of a car. Your mind took its time playing catch up before your name being repeated registered in your head.
“Y/N? Y/N! You gotta wake up, babe. No sleeping on the job.”
You knew that voice. You groaned at the pounding in your head that flared up at that moment. Jeremy. Your head swam as you attempted to concentrate on the world around you.
“Yeah, there you are.” The dragging sensation stopped, and a person entered your field of vision.
“Where’re your sunglasses? You look funny.” You slurred at him with squinty eyes, gesturing with a single finger in his direction which lazily circled in the air in front of his face.
Jeremy laughed from behind a bandanna, “I don’t think that’s what you need to be worried about right now.” He took a pause to look around, noting the increase of cops closing in on your position. “We gotta keep moving. Can you stand?”
You groaned, rolling your eyes, “I better be able to ‘cause I sure as hell am not gonna be carried by any of y’all.”
“Alright, fair enough. Up you go!” Jeremy hooked his hands under your arms and lifted you up slowly, grunting with effort, and you helped as best you could getting your legs underneath you.
“There we are. You good?” Jeremy gave you a once over, noting how unsteady you were on your feet.
“Yeah, just give me a sec,” you huffed, using Jeremy’s shoulder to steady yourself.
“We don’t have a sec,” Ryan shouted over his shoulder, “We need to move. Now.” An explosion rocked the ground as a helicopter came crashing down not far behind you, accentuating Ryan’s point.
“In what?” You yelled back. “There’s nowhere to run!”
“Gavin’s getting a car, move up so we’re ready to bolt as soon as he gets here.”
“Fucking hell, this all went to shit, huh?” You said to Jeremy as he helped you walk towards Ryan.
“You can say that again.” Jeremy replied, nudging you this way and that to keep you from tripping over debris, the sound of crunching glass accompanied every step.
“I’ve been saying it all damn day.”
The firefight Ryan was engaged in was slowly growing as more and more police cars pulled up, trying to corner your group. Jeremy took up post next to him, providing extra cover fire.
You leaned yourself on the railing a couple feet away. You rubbed at your temples as the sound of another helicopter registered in your foggy head. When you looked for it, you noticed it was a news chopper, not a police copper. You scrunched up your nose and gave them the finger, sticking your tongue out for good measure. Hope that looks good on TV.
You then turned back to the immediate threat, realizing then that your gun was no longer in your hand. It must have fallen from your hand when the car flipped. No way you’re looking for it now.
“I don’t have a gun.” You announced, hoping at least one of them had an extra.
“We don’t have anymore. Just stay low and try not to get shot.” Jeremy answered over his shoulder.
“Right, I can do that,” you mumbled to yourself, hunkering down where you were for the time being. Hopefully Gav won’t be long, the asphalt and barrier aren’t exactly comfortable, and your head still hurt. You probably have a concussion, you thought bitterly to yourself. Just the cherry on top of this very shitty sundae. It’s not even fucking Sunday so you can make that joke, dammit!
As you sat mopping to yourself, the shootout went on while Gavin searched for a car. A minute passes, which feels like an eternity on this god forsaken freeway, and you begin to hear activity behind you. At least, you think you do. Leaning up to peak behind the barrier you were kneeling against gave you full view of the large median between you and an on ramp. That median was now flooded with police closing in on your position, closing in really fucking fast. You felt your stomach drop at the sight, the scene reminding you a bit of the Walking Dead or some shit like that.
“Cops on our six!” You yelled, “Closing in fast!”
Immediately, Jeremy and Ryan whirled around, quickly taking in their new predicament. You were already getting your feet under you, so you were ready to run at a moment’s notice. The two men by your side began firing into the new group of cops as well, but the ones that had creeped up on your rear were much too close. You found yourself trying to calm yourself once again as you felt your heart and breathing rate increase under the new stress.
“Y/N! Watch out!” Jeremy suddenly called out.
Your eyes flew open, you don’t even remember closing them, finding Jeremy easily before tracking left in the direction he was aiming where you saw the reason for the alarm. Cops were creeping around the barrier, which ended a few feet from where you were crouched. From that position they could clearly see and shoot you without anything getting in the way. You need to move. Now.
You pushed off the ground, trying to make a run for new cover, but they were already shooting at you. You knew there was no way you would escape this without at least a bullet wound or two. Then, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a flash of purple take up half your vision. Jeremy had darted towards you, a hand pushing you forward knocked you off balance and you landed rather gracelessly on the pavement. When you looked back up, a witty remark on the tip of your tongue, but you no longer saw Jeremy standing behind you. Instead you say his body lurch as a bullet ripped straight through his torso and he fell in slow motion, his hat toppled from his head and the bandanna he tied around his face fell awkwardly as he hit the ground hard.
You felt the blood drain from your face, you felt your heart stop, you felt your mind freeze. Everything around you were frozen in time. You're eyes stung as you refused to close them as the shock at what you saw rolled over you. 
"Shit, Rimmy!" Ryan yelled from behind you, but you couldn't even bring yourself to look in his direction, let alone speak to him.
Jeremy's been shot. He took a bullet for you. You'd always joked about this sort of thing happening but never had it actually happen before. Your chest hurt, you couldn't breathe, and you felt a familiar lump form in your throat. 
Gavin pulled up in a new car, bullet holes already riddled the car and blood was drying on the bumper. He stepped out immediately and began providing cover fire, "We need to get out of here!"
It was then that Ryan stepped in front of you, making his way towards Jeremy. You noticed that the gunfire had significantly lessened. Courtesy of Ryan, you figured. You couldn't bring yourself to move an inch, the horror of what you witnessed still hadn't fully registered in your brain. Was it fatal? Is he dead? Why isn't Ryan saying anything? What's going on? 
Please, no!
"Jer?"  You whispered to no one. Tears began trail down your face and your heart squeezed painfully in your chest. When Ryan began lifting Jeremy's lifeless body in his arms, a sob was torn from your throat.
"We need to go!" Gavin was next to you now, his hand wrapped around your upper arm. You used his grip as leverage to stand but immediately shook his grip off. You walked away from him, hearing his protests, and leaned down to pick up the cowboy hat that had fallen forgotten on the pavement. Then you turned to follow the Golden Boy silently to the car, barely able to make out the blurred shapes with all the tears falling from your eyes.
You numbly made your way to the passenger seat, Ryan placed Jeremy in the back and sat with him. Probably trying to stop the bleeding. No one spoke as Gavin began to make for a retreat.
It was in that moment you noticed a black SUV pulled up alongside you, a familiar black SUV. It belonged to the Fakes. The windows rolled down revealing members of B Team. No wonder the police had backed off, your back up had arrived. Another black SUV pulled up along the other side of your getaway vehicle, you didn't have to look to know that there was a third trailing behind you. B Team formed became an escort to guide Gavin and the rest of you back to the pent house quickly and safely to get Jeremy the help he needed as soon as possible.
Gavin drove as quickly as possible back to base, his shoulders drawn tense and his knuckles white on the steering wheel. The drive passed in shocked silence with only your choked sobs to break it as you tried your best to hold your distress inside. In your hands was Jeremy's hat, your grip on the brim was almost painful. You couldn't bring yourself to look behind you, to look at Jeremy or Ryan as he did his best to keep Jeremy alive. You couldn’t ask if he was already gone or if he was doing okay. You just couldn't.
Your car was guided below the building, into the garage under the pent house. There were a group of people stood waiting for you at the end of the garage by the elevator and the door to the infirmary. You saw a stretcher and your crew doctors, Caleb and Kdin, with their team of nurses next to them. You also saw Geoff, Jack, and Michael. It brought you some relief to know that they made it out alright, only minor cuts and bruises and soot proving they ever left this pent house in the first place.
As soon as the car stopped, the back-seat door was opened, and Ryan was stepping out to help them get Jeremy on the stretcher, Gavin had already made it to the other side of the car. You didn't even acknowledge the commotion around you. You just lowered your head to the hat in your hands. You no longer had the strength to fight your tears, your strength dissipated by the sight of home.
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sandwrite-blog · 6 years
We Visited Tokyo's Cute Kirby Cafe
We Visited Tokyo’s Cute Kirby Cafe
Nintendo’s hungriest hero now has his own eatery.
By Daniel Krupa and Gav Murphy
The Kirby Cafe recently opened in Tokyo, and it’s perhaps the cutest restaurant in the world.
Set within the…
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