#Gay Will byers
chronicoverthinker · 2 months
That moment when the eldritch monster haunting your city hits you with the gay thoughts instead of the horrific visions 🤕 (I just wanted to draw byler as stock images)
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conanssummerchild · 4 months
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that one post that was like mike needed his platonic bestie rubbing his back and calling him petnames to tell el he loves her or smth
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lol101elated · 5 months
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Bros looking each others lips☺️ Please that's so normal thing for "just friends"
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bylersbear01 · 6 months
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Both of these scenes are so similar and the captions both say … after the just! I can’t help but think they planned on byler endgame/ Mike being gay since s1.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Eddie, Nancy, and Robin were sitting around the Byers' kitchen table eating brownies.
Eddie: *squinting* I kinda . . . I kinda want to get Steve pregnant.
Nancy: I get it. I mean, it totally freaks me out at the thought of something growing inside of me, but Steve. . .he just looks so. . .
Robin: . . .Breedable. I would breed him platonically.
Will and Dustin had entered just moments before.
Will: Oh, God, I think they got into Argyle's special brownies.
Dustin: You hide the brownies, and I'll hide Steve. I am not ready to become the babysitter just yet.
Will: On it!
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lab-trash · 1 year
I wanna see a Stranger Things fic where the party is trying to figure out why Steve and Eddie are suddenly so close and one day while they're all speculating, Will just walks up to steddie and asks some queer coded question like— okay, here
As the party mumbled, Will stared at the two boys. They seemed... close. Closer than him and Mike ever were, but around where Will wanted to be with Mike.
Will walked toward them, even as the party whisper yelled after him, asking what he was doing and telling him to stop.
"Oh, hey little Byers," Eddie greeted.
"Are you two friends with Dorothy?" Will asked, albeit a bit abruptly. He saw Eddie's face morph into a smile.
"Yes, indeed we are," Eddie said joyfully. "Are you friends with Dorothy?"
"Uh... well, I–" Will's panic was saved by Steve.
"I'm sorry, I don't know a Dorothy?"
"He's asking if we're gay," Eddie explained.
"Ohh," Steve drew out. "Yeah."
And with that Will turned around and walked back to the party.
"You guys can stop speculating, I know why they're so close all of the sudden," Will said, getting all of their attention.
"What? You were over there for like 30 seconds," Dustin criticized.
"Well what is it?" Max asked.
"Oh, I can't tell you," Will said, "It's between friends."
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byler-alarmist · 7 months
I wonder what WIll's face would be if Mike tried to play footsie with him like that girl in Lenora
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Mike 'boys only' Wheeler should kiss Will 'a day free of girls' Byers.
I don't make the rules.
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elephantshoetoo · 2 months
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Hello fellow Bylers!
Because I care about Byler a normal amount (I swear!) I wrote the fanfic "The Byler Files" for my daughter, who is equally obsessed with Will and Mike from Stranger Things and needed to see them get their "crazy together" happy ending. Hopefully, we'll all get to see the real thing next year when season 5 comes out (pun intended), but who can wait that long?
Please check it out if you also love Byler, and leave kudos and comments -- the feedback means a lot to me.
(Fanfic writers get paid in compliments.😊)
Byler Mom
*If you follow my daughter, @pinksmonkey you've probably seen her posts about this already.
*This fan art, "Castle Byler," is also drawn by me specifically for the fanfic, and available at RedBubble under the username ElephantShoe.
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*link to my fan art:
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octopusoptimusprime · 2 years
thinking abt how one of the core differences between mike & will is that will treats himself like his younger self has died, but mike treats himself like he’s purposely killed his younger self
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sky-neverending · 2 years
When Will finally came out to the entire party, he did it from the floor of Steve Harringtons living room. He wasn’t planning on doing it at all. Ever. He was terrified. Terrified of losing the people that meant most to him.
But then he walked in on Steve and Eddie stealing a quick kiss in the kitchen, and he froze, and hell, he almost passed out.
Eddie and Steve rushed toward him, pushing aside how terrified they were to help this poor boy who looked like a deer in headlight in front of them. Steve pulled him into his arms, because he knew that face. It was the same one he had made after Eddie had kissed him for the first time. Before he knew who or what the hell he was. So he just hugged Will until his breathing returned and his face was no longer whiter than a bedsheet.
“You’re okay.” Steve whispered, running his fingers down Wills arm to signify he was there, and that he wasn’t going anywhere. “Come on, take a breath.”
After Will pulled away, he gazed up at the two of them. “You guys are dating?” He said in a whisper, like he was scared someone was going to hear him.
Eddie nodded slowly, holding out a hand. Will took it reluctantly and was led toward the kitchen table, sliding into the seat and staring at Eddie and Steve across from him.
The next words to come from his mouth about shattered Steve’s heart. They were small and timid, meek and filled with fear. It seemed to take everything in Will to get them out without collapsing on the spot.
“And it’s… okay?” He started, eyes glued to the floor. “To be gay?” The last word was barely audible. It came out in a strangled whispered, like he was choking on his words as they pushed their way out his mouth.
“Will.” Eddie said, his voice filling the warm with warmth and comfort. “Will, look at me.”
Will did so, his head moving upward first and his eyes following after, slowing dragging from the floor to the table to Eddie and Steve’s faces. They were red, glossy, like he was biting back tears.
“Will.” Eddie repeated, reaching a hand across the table the testing it on Wills wrist, where the fabric of this shirt met the exposed skin. “There’s nothing wrong with it. Nothing at all.” He smiled softly, leaning forward. “And anyone who tell you that? Doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Okay?”
“Okay.” Will said after a beat, and the corner of his mouth quirked up a little bit. He repeated the word, a bit more confidently this time. “Okay.”
Steve looked at him, his expression full of pride. “We can keep this a secret. If you want, I mean.” He offered, and Will shook his head.
“No. No, I want to tell them. I just- I want to be the one to do it. Is that okay?”
“Of course it’s okay, kid.” Eddie said, patting Will on the wrist gently before pulling his hand away and looping it through Steve’s own. “Take your time. No one’s rushing you.”
The three of them stood, heading toward the kitchen door, when Will paused. “Do they know about you?” He asked, and Steve bit his lip.
“No. No, not yet. I’m not sure i’m quite ready to tell them, ya know?” Will nodded.
“I won’t tell anyone.”
Eddie smiled at him, squeezing Steve’s hand one last time before dropping it and walking back out into the rest of the group.
The next few hours went on as normal. The kids argued for about an hour over which movie to watch before Steve stood up plucked the movies out of there hands, holding them behind his back and shuffling them around. He needed up picking Labyrinth, which was Dustins pick (mostly because Eddie said he loved it).
They settled into their normal spots, Eddie, Steve, and Robin on the large couch, Max in her wheelchair with Lucas and El on the floor beside her, Dustin in a large armchair he had claimed all to himself, and Will and Mike leaning against the front of the coffee table, closest to the television.
And then Will just sort of said it. The movie was paused so Steve could get some more popcorn, but the room was still dark, and the words just spilled from Wills mouth. There was no emotions or theatrics or gathering of attention. Everyone was in the middle of conversation and he just spoke up.
After he said it, the room fell silent, and he could feel the heat of every pair of eyes in the room settle on to him. But he didn’t care. Because he had said it, and a sort of weight he didn’t know he was carrying lifted off his shoulders.
Robin was the first to move. She rushed toward him and pulled him into a hug, practically squeezing all the air out of his lungs as she did so. “I’m so proud of you.” She whispered into his ear, so only he could hear it, and then she pulled away with a soft small and a lingering warmth left behind.
Max was the next to make any noise, letting out a small chuckle from where she sat in her wheelchair. “Way to go, William.” She cheered, partially sarcastic, but there was a hint of pride in her tone. Lucas simply patted him on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring grin, and El shot him a thumbs up from the floor.
Dustin stared up at him from his chair, silent for a moment before a grin spread across his face. “So who’s your crush?” He teased. Will went red.
“Shut up, Dusty-Bun.” Eddie called from the couch, chucking a pillow at Dustin, who poorly dodged it and threw two more back in response.
“No throwing pillows in my house!” A voice came from the hall, and Steve walked in with his hands full of popcorn bowls. “What did I miss?”
“Wills gay!” Dustin supplied helpfully, and Steve shrugged.
“Cool. No throwing pillows in my house.” Was a he said, but Will caught the gleam in his eye as he say down, and the large smile spreading over his face.
Mike never spoke. Not until Will sat down, still and awkward on the floor beside him.
“Hey.” Was all he said, pushing his shoulder into Wills softly.
“Hey.” Will responded.
The two smiled at each other before turning back the movie, but Will couldn’t help to notice how Mike seemed just a tad bit closer than he was before.
And as Will fell asleep that night, head on Miles shoulder, he couldn’t help but grin to himself. He had done that. And he hadn’t lost anyone at all.
i sort of hate this but i spent so much time on it that i’m gonna share it anyway. maybe i’ll make it better later. idk.
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chronicoverthinker · 2 months
byler leaks for stranger things 5 100% real
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conanssummerchild · 9 months
lol i think its silly that the only party members who have actually SEEN suzie now are mike and will (not counting dustin obviously) like what if we get a scene with like lucas or smth asking 'so is she (suzie) really hotter than phoebe cates?' and mike and wills gay asses just there like 🕴
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lol101elated · 5 months
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bylersbear01 · 2 months
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Their yellow matches perfectly 😭😭😭
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months
A/N: This just popped into my head. I couldn't help it. Needed some comedic relief before I dropped the angst one shot which I'm still working on.
Imagine Dustin having the gall to jokingly tell Nancy Wheeler that she needs permission from Robin to date Steve again. Nancy just gives him an icy stare to mess with him. He just sort of stumbles back into Jonathan, who also decides to mess with him and asks why he thought it was okay to push his girlfriend and ex-boyfriend back together. Practically sweating buckets now, Dustin stutters incoherently before Jonathan laughs.
"You mess with Nancy, and we mess with you too," Jonathan said as Nancy laughed. "I guess that would mean I would need Robin's permission too."
"Wait. . .are you still messing with me?" Dustin asked.
"Yes, well. . .about the whole permission thing, anyway," Jonathan said. "We're very serious about Steve."
"Or are we?" Nancy asked with a gasp.
"Guess you'll never know," Jonathan said.
"Are you both dating my babysitter or not?!" Dustin asked with his hands on his hips.
"Depends, who's your babysitter?" Nancy asked mockingly.
"You know damn well who - " Dustin was cut off by Steve entering the picture.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Dustin wants to know who you're dating," Nancy said with a grin and winked.
"Oh! OH! Well, Argyle, obviously, have you seen his hair?" Steve asked.
"Yes, yes, it's gorgeous! Steve, how long has this been going on?" Dustin asked with a scowl.
"So, you're bothered that I kept this a secret but not about the fact that I'm dating a man?" Steve asked.
"Are you still my big brother?" Dustin scoffed.
"Yes?" Steve asked in confusion.
The door to the kitchen had just opened. Will stood in the doorway, looking shocked as Nancy and Jonathan.
"Then, of course, I don't care. I never cared about what gender someone was before. It's always been about what's in here!" Dustin exclaimed, pounding on his chest. "My first crush when I got to Hawkins was Will!"
"What?!" Will asked.
"Oh, hey, Will," Dustin said casually and turned to face Steve. "Anyway, I'm happy for you."
"That's always been for me too," Nancy said, pointing at her chest.
"Cool," Dustin said, grinning.
"Okay, thank you for telling us," Steve said softly. "I kind of feel bad, though. I'm not actually dating Argyle."
"Oh, well, do you still like men?" Dustin asked.
"And women," Steve replied.
"Then thank you for telling me," Dustin said.
Steve shared a look with Nancy and Jonathan. They looked at each other for a moment before smiling softly at Steve and nodding. Robin entered at that moment.
"But I am dating Jonathan and Nancy," Steve revealed.
"What?!" Robin and Will exclaimed.
"Robin, you already knew that," Nancy said.
"Oh, right," Robin said.
"Did you know I used to have a crush on Will?" Dustin asked.
"No the fuck I didn't," Robin said. "Tell Uncle Robin all about it!"
She put his arm around him and led him out of the kitchen.
"Didn't you need something out of the kitchen?" Dustin asked.
"I've already forgotten what it was," she said.
"Are you okay with this?" Jonathan asked.
"Uh, yeah, it's just a lot of information thrown at me all at once," Will said, blinking owlishly.
Steve and Nancy smiled softly as Will hugged his brother.
"So, how did this start?" Steve asked.
"Dustin tried to tell me that I needed Robin's permission to date you again," Nancy said. "He was joking, of course."
"He's such an asshole," Steve said affectionately, thankful that it all worked out.
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