#Gay saber
cereallox · 2 months
i drew the best girl again theres no one better she always serves so much
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hakydaki · 11 months
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idk just a new tiger oc :) his name is saber
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cestacruz · 4 months
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Anyway since i dont think i actually posted these, have this
Bitches from a Monster AU theyre all gay
Uhh more in the tags cuz i dont wanna type here
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terrific-twist · 3 months
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😭I have been lacking lately. My motivation down the drain sorry!!!
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cumulo-stratus · 10 months
Spencer Reid x fencer!Reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Male!reader
Description: reader is a fencer and is competing in the 2023 mens saber nationals and spencer invites the team to cheer on his boyfriend. (Could be read as ftm) (Also spencer is like low key autistic in this)
CW: slight swearing
A/N: i am a saber fencer, and i have been for years lol, so dont worry abt any mistakes in technique although its not gonna be accurate of an official tournament because it just makes more sense for the plot. (but if yall have any questions feel free to ask in the comments!), and tbh this fic is completely self indulgent lol, bc i couldn’t find anything like this so i decided to make my own :)
3rd person POV:
The days was finally here, after months of training and practicing for hours every week. There were so many nights Spencer had seen you walk through the door so tired and sore that you coud barely stand too many times to count. But it was all worth it, because today, Y/N Y/L/N was competing for wold champion.
Spencer decided to surprise his boyfriend by showing up with the whole team, decked out in French flags, showing their pride for him and his team. Y/Ns first semi-final bout was starting soon, and spencer was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he and his friends filed into the reserved seats for people related to the fencers. Spencer starts rocking in his seat and Derek looks over at him and says “hey pretty boy, you seem pretty excited, but you’re gonna fall out of your seat if you keep rocking like that!” With a wink. Spencer looks down shyly and says “Sorry, im just excited for his first bout.”
“Dont worry about it genius, im just teasing.” Derek responds. Then Rossi speaks up with “Am I the only one who’s confused as hell on what a bout is?” Small laughs erupted from the team at Rossis comment. Spencers eyes light up as he gets ready to tell him all about what he learned in his research of fencing. “A bout is combat between two fencers in competition. When score is not kept, friendly combat between two fencers is referred to as an assault. A single bout can go to 5, or 15 depending on the situation.” Spencer stated as if he was citing a book, because he probably was.
Finally the lights over the audience dimmed and the lights come over the strip. And then the 4 fencers came out of the back in their whites with blades and masks raised in the air. When Y/N finally comes out last, the entire team cheers and yells and whistles at the top of their lungs, even though the team got a few weird looks for their enthusiasm they didn’t care. And when Spencer and Y/N made eye contact Y/N blew him a little kiss, and spencer practically melted. “Ooh! Looks like pretty boy over here's got heart eyes for his little boyfriend!” Said Derek teasingly and spencer gets even more flustered. But theyre conversation is cut off as the first 2 fencers come out onto the strip, and the team got excited looking for your French flag patch and imposing Ukrainian coach who they’d heard a lot about from Spencer, (who’d in turn heard from you) but failed to find it, and they realized since there was 4 semi finalists there would be at least 1 bout without you in it. But the profilers still watched the bout intently, amazed at the ref calling points for seemingly simultaneous touches, with spencer explaining what the refs thought processes most likely was as they watched. And finally the bout came to a close with the Hungarian Aron Szilagyi losing 15-12. And then came out Y/N, ready for his first bout of the day. He was facing Ziad El-Sissy from Egypt. After about 10 minutes of hard fencing the score was 14-14. And after a small break and talking to his coach, Y/N walked back up to his en garde line and shook his arms out and took a deep breath in before going to en garde position. "En garde! Prêt! Allé!" And you burst forward convincing your opponent that your were going to attack, so in return they lunged forward with a double advance lunge. But you knew that's what he was going to do, so you made him fall short with a couple retreats before pushing him to end of the strip and striking with a quick and strong lunge to the chest. The crowd went wild at your attack and the referee called the point, " attack touché, point!" With their left arm raised towards you. You had won the bout and you were so happy. After meeting with your coach taking a water break and watching the next bout, it was your turn again. This was your chance to win, and become the national champion. The team went wild when they recognized the familiar patch on the young mans knickers and the imposing Ukrainian man standing off to the side. Y/N was facing Sandro Bazadze from Georgia. At first he was losing, bad. You could see spencer and the rest of the team sitting quietly watching in the hopes that the score would improve. It was currently 10-4 and you were down, but slowly you started gaining back points. A feint attack here, a quick sharp attack in the middle, a long attack down the strip with a sharp lunge to finish it off. And suddenly the score was 13-12, you. And with every point you won, spencer and his friends cheered louder.
The score was 14-13 and you just needed one more point, the audience fell silent as the ref called, “en garde, prêt, Allé!” And you sped forward with your arm starting to extend, and then you pounced into a lunge and the referee called halt, to the crowd it looked like a Simultaneous. But as soon as you heard the word you stopped and immediately came closer to the edge of the raised strip where the referee was standing slightly below you, your mask off to the side, discarded and forgotten in anticipation for the call. And as you and your opponent discussed with he referee, spencer began to wring his fingers so tight it was hard to tell if any blood was getting to them, he seemed more nervous than you. But finally the referee took a step back and announced “attack, touche, point!” With their arm raised above their head to their left. That was your side, it was your point. Spencer jumped up and start he’d cheering loudly with the rest of the crowd as you jumped and started crying tears of joy as you hugged your opponent who you’d known from your old days at junior Olympics. Spencer could believe it, he was so happy for you that the muscles in his jaw hurt from smiling so big.
Spencer's POV:
I had watched the medal ceremony and I couldn't wait to see Y/N. I decided to meet him in the locker room area before he went out and got crowded by people. I just wanted a moment alone with him and I was gonna get it.
when I walked into the room y/ns back was turned to me while he took off his lemme (pronounced le-may) and all that remained where his whites. I walked up behind him quietly and hugged his waist while snuggling my head into his neck despite his sweatiness
y/ns POV:
I felt arms snake around my waist and immediately knew it was Spencer. "Bonjour mon Cherie. Qu'est ce que tu fais ici? Tu n'as pas besoin de m'embrasser au fait, je suis très en sueur Chérie." (Hello my darling, what are you doing here? You don't have to hug me by the way, I'm very sweaty.) I said with a smile in my mother tongue as I was to tired to remember speak in English. But Spencer didn't mind, he knew French anyways. "Ça c'est bon mon amour, Tu as fait un incroyable, et tu mérites un câlin" (it's okay my love, you did amazing and you deserve a hug) Spencer responded while turning me around and unzipping my jacket for me. I kissed him and mumbled a "merci" as he pulled it off my shoulders and folded it up to put in my bag. After placing down the carefully folded jacket he lifted his head and placed his lips on mine. I could smell the faint scent of coffee and the paint he had used to draw the flag on his face. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance as our lips danced together in sync as our tongues danced to their own tune, we were making out.
(Back with the team)
"What is taking them so loong?! I have a figurine of them fencing I had specially made!" Complained Garcia as she held up the figurine that had yet to be given to y/n. "mama it's a couple in a locker room what do you think they were doing?" Derek said with a sly smirk. "Ughhh I don't need that image in my head right now!" Replied the technical analyst just as y/n and Spencer walked up to them continuing their conversation in french forgetting about the language barrier between them and the rest of the team. "Ce dernier point était incroyable cependant!"(that last point was incredible though!) spencer said. "Je sais! Je pensais que j'allais le perdre!" (I know! I thought that I was going to lose it!) you responded. Hotch cleared his throat loudly and looked at the young pair. You both looked at each other looking like they just been caught. “Déso- sorry!” (Sor-) you apologize. Morgan just shakes his head and chuckles. Finally Rossi speaks up, “well it seams like congratulations are in order.” And starts to make his way over to Y/N for a hug but gets stopped partway there. Y/N put his hands out in the universal signal for stop, and said “thanks for the congratulations but i think everyone should stay at least a couple feet away cus i am stinky! I dont wanna kill anyone’s noses”
“That didnt seem to stop pretty boy over here” said Derek with a smirk gesturing to his mussed up hair and smudged face paint. Both spencers and Y/Ns face turned bright red as the rest of the team laughed at the teasing.
(Small time skip)
After lots of congratulations, good jobs, high fives, and handshakes from the team The group started walking out to their cars after deciding to meet up at a pizza place for celebratory dinner afterwards and Y/N decided to lean on his boyfriends shoulder after his knees buckled multiple times in just a few minutes (istg this happens to me all time after fencing and especially after tournaments). When they got to the car and sat down with he bag in the back, Y/N fell asleep almost as soon as he sat down. Spencer looked over at his boyfriend and admired him in his candid state. “World champion…” mumbled spencer to himself with a small smile, he was just so proud of y/n. And spencer thought about that the whole ride back to the hotel.
The end… :)
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Thanks once again for the amazing art
Here are some more hunger pic of the hungry boyfriends
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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Steamy Saturday
An obviously gay but crafty detective, Francis Morely; suggestive banter between Morely and his straight, ex-football player sidekick, Tiger Olsen; a camera behind a two-way mirror in a notorious bathhouse run by the sinister Joe Cannelli; blackmail and murder of privileged high society members; and the blond, sultry "nymphomaniac on the make," Vivien Holden -- this pulp novel, The Gay Detective, published in 1961 by Saber Books in Fresno, California, is all kinds of steamy!
The suggestive cover art bears the caption, “Francis and Tiger found out what they needed to know. The Trick now was to get the nude Vivien out of the bathhouse and to safety.” The excerpt on the flyleaf has Francis "mincing a bit towards his new car . . . 'Oh, I can see that you're going to be a big help to me. . . . So, there you great hulk. Now get moving.' Glancing around to be sure they were unobserved, Tiger put a hand on his hip and flipped his other wrist. 'And whoops to you, too,' he said with his boyish grin." And the quote on the back cover makes a reverse implication of St. Paul's statement, "there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.”
Quite tame by today's standards, The Gay Detective, considered the first published gay American murder mystery novel, was written by Lou Rand, a pseudonym for Lou Hogan (born Louis Randall, 1910-1976), a professional chef, columnist for Gourmet magazine, and author of The Gay Cookbook (1965). Saber Books was one of several imprints owned by Fresno author and publisher Sanford Aday, a notorious purveyor of steamy pulp fiction, who was eventually tried and convicted of distributing obscene material.
View other pulp fiction posts.
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felinae-felidae · 1 month
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Uhhh it's May 4th so have an oc wip 🫡🫡
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saline-coelacanth · 5 days
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Second set of Pride Month chibi doodles! I have one more set to make after these ones which I will probably get done tomorrow.
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morgenstern16 · 1 year
I was going through some old chapters to check up on something for a theory and something that struck me is how cutely Makima is drawn in chapter 2:
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Look at this girl. She’s an absolute angel after the hell that is Denji’s life. No wonder the kid fell head over heels for her. Even her ringed eyes don’t seem that sinister with all that apparent warmth. People say “Makima’s so creepy! How could anyone not realize she’s bad news!” Look at that smile. How anyone with that be evil?
Let’s look at Makima at the end of part 1, when shit has really hit the fan:
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Yeah that’s the Makima we all know and love. No physical transformation of appearance but creepy as all hell.
(yes yes I know full well there are shots in chapter 2 where Makima is portrayed sinisterly when she orders Denji to kill the muscle devil, but I’m making a point about how the framing of Makima’s appearance changes over the course of the story)
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transguygardner · 9 months
sometimes (most the time, people need to do this more often) you need to engage with the source material in order to understand the intentions of what is being presented to you
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myfandomistingling · 1 year
"What's your type?"
Me: O.O
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yotd2009 · 4 months
the thing about the queer media tournament that really gets me is that last i checked there wasn't a single mxtx work on it. like not even the untamed made it in and don't get me wrong the og mo dao zu shi books are huge but cql is def more popular among tumblr circles. idk it just really rubs me the wrong way how every single piece of western media that ppl have ever gotten a lil bit aggressive abt shipping with is there and then for east asian media there's utena and madoka magica and the handmaiden and last i checked that was pretty much it. and then for the rest of the world there's next to/nothing but idk enough to really make judgements there.
#like. really? no mo dao zu shi? no scum villain's self saving system? no heaven's official blessing? no nana?#i can think of at least 10-20 pieces of media more deserving of being in there than some of the western works that got in off the top of my#head. yuri is my job (self explanatory). fate/stay night (most of the cast is bi but esp rin bc she says it out loud + saber trans coded).#fate/extra (red saber canon bi + nameless archer. stay night lancer. kirei and issei are all there). black butler (grelle trans. also#eric and alan from one of the musicals + alois from s2 of the accursed anime + nina and possibly mey rin are all gay)#toilet bound hanako kun (kou and mitsuba went canon). the evillious chronicles (michaela. clarith and bruno are gay. bohemo possibly trans.#gallerian possibly gay). requiem of the rose king (self explanatory). project sekai (mizuki trans. minori and rui possibly gay).#cocoon entwined (literally a yuri). fucking honkai impact 3rd (lesbians but i don't play it so idk who). any uc gundam series w char and#amuro but especially char's counterattack (char and amuro explicitly confirmed to be gay 4 each other by author + movie focuses on their#relationship). also mobile suit zeta gundam (char and amuro together + kamille is a boy's name!). turn a gundam (gay character).#iron blooded orphans (gay character). the witch from mercury (about a lesbian relationship). melty blood (ries and sion lesbians).#guilty gear (bridget (self explatory)). sailor moon (mainly uranus and neptune lesbians but also apparently there are a lot of gay#characters i didn't know abt in sailor moon). the illustrated guide to monster girls (yuri moment). dramatical murder (yaoige). slow damage#(yaoige). sweet pool (yaoige). ouran high school host club (haruhi gender stuff and also her dad's whole deal). cowboy bebop (ed gender#stuff). fullmetal alchemist (envy nonbinary). neon genesis evangelion (kaworu and shinji). like half the villainess isekai out there.#haruhi suzumiya series (the girl herself is openly bisexual). omniscient reader's viewpoint (danmei). fucking re:zero has a trans girl in i#for god's sake. we're well past 20 so i'm allowing myself more fate. fate/extra ccc (red saber again but also gil and caster and bb and-).#fate/hollow ataraxia (follows same cast as f/sn). today's menu for the emiya family (follows same cast as f/sn again. also the switch game#metatextually canonizes shirou's crush on lancer if the interesting descriptions from f/sn and the various bits from f/ha didn't convince#you). fate/apocrypha (rider of black + saber of red transfemme nonbinary and trans guy respectively. the former is also bi). fate/samurai#remnant (f/sr saber nonbinary. also gil is there and rogue archer is def implied to be bi in f/go). fate/zero (waver gay rider bi. saber gi#and kirei are all there and at their most bisexual). the case files/adventures of lord el melloi ii (waver spinoff (self explanatory)).#fate/strange fake (gil and waver are there. also false lancer nonbinary and jester trans). fate/grand order (has p much every character fro#the franchise and more. notably added trans anime girl leonardo da vinci). ok no more fate. since the tournament has a p liberal definition#of media i'm including vocasongs. magnet by minato ft miku and luka (lesbian song abt lesbians). erase or zero by hzedge ft len and kaito#(magnet for boys). himitsu ~kuro no chikai~ by hitoshizuku and yama ft len rin and miku (angel rin falls in love w miku. disguises herself#as a human man to be with her). i think i've made my point clear but add my initial list of the big famous ones (-nana) from the 1st tag.#romeo.txt
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hidengifs · 2 years
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dingostrash · 1 year
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This was supposed to be a quick little thing but oops,
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meltorights · 1 year
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