gaz-arts · 2 years
Drew this baby when they first revealed the game, now the games out so it felt fitting to show off the best boy again
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marcogiovenale · 3 months
oggi, 18 marzo, gazart @ teatro villa lazzaroni - per la palestina
OGGI, lunedì 18 marzo 2024 dalle 18:30 alle 21:30 GAZART – ARTISTI E INTELLETTUALI PER GAZA Teatro Villa Lazzaroni, Roma Ingresso libero A che serve fare arte, parlare di bellezza o crearla tacendo sull’abominio? Questo evento, nato come conseguenza dell’appello dello storico e giornalista Angelo d’Orsi e del regista Alessandro Negrini rivolto al mondo della cultura sull’assordante silenzio nei…
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iiireflexiii · 1 year
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The Fate of Flowers photograph taken on August 5, 2018 by Gary Hickin (Gazart), contemporary British photographer
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mikrofwno · 5 months
Η Μαρία Κηλαηδόνη στο Gazarte Roof Stage - Καλεσμένοι της οι Δώρος Δημοσθένους και Μανώλης Φάμελλος
Η Μαρία Κηλαηδόνη και οι μουσικοί της, την Κυριακή 18 Φεβρουαρίου στο Gazarte Roof Stage, παρουσιάζουν μία μουσική παράσταση με φωτεινές και γλυκές μελωδίες, με τραγούδια από την προσωπική της δισκογραφία, από άλλους Έλληνες συνθέτες που αγαπάει αλλά και από την αμερικάνικη blues, jazz και country σκηνή, που είναι και οι βασικές επιρροές της μουσικής της.  Η Μαρία, γνωστή για την ικανότητα της να…
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rockattitudegr · 5 months
O θρυλικός μουσικός και skater Tommy Guerrero επιτέλους στην Ελλάδα για μια μοναδική συναυλία, το Σάββατο 6 Απριλίου 2024 στο Gazarte Ground Stage! Τη συναυλία θα ανοίξει ο αδελφός του, Tony Guerrero, με το μουσικό του project El Diablitos!
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thanasismaikousis · 2 years
Η Anneke Van Giersbergen επιστρέφει, επιτέλους, στην Ελλάδα!
Η Anneke Van Giersbergen επιστρέφει, επιτέλους, στην Ελλάδα!
Η αγαπημένη του ελληνικού κοινού, Ολλανδή μουσικός Anneke Van Giersbergen, επιστέφει, επιτέλους, στη χώρα μας, μετά από μακρά απουσία 7,5 (!) ετών, το μεγαλύτερο, ίσως, κενό χρονικό διάστημα, που έχει σημειωθεί ως τώρα, μεταξύ δύο εμφανίσεών της στην Ελλάδα και το αναφέρουμε, διότι είναι εντυπωσιακό, δεδομένης της αμοιβαίας αγάπης μεταξύ της Anneke και του ελληνικού κοινού, η οποία μετράει…
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sinavlia · 2 years
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sgiandubh · 2 months
I'm interested to know whether you came to enjoy Greek music during your many years living in Greece. Do you have any favorite Greek artists or songs that you'd be willing to share? I always enjoy your posts about Greece and all your travel stories for that matter 🙂
Dear Greek Music Anon,
This is a beautiful question and you have made my day: thank you for asking and come back whenever you want, whoever you are - you are always, always welcome!
If you think Greek music is just this...
... then you are touristically biased, Anon. And that is ok, to some extent and not really your fault, because this is exactly what they will have you listen to, when you make the childish mistake to book that Greek Evening on your cruise or tour. For some unfathomable reason, this is what they imagine foreign guests should be shown. But then there is music for their and their friends' souls, something completely different and a whole universe to discover.
This is Greek music to me, Anon:
The best Greek female voice of all times (Callas does not count, for innumerable reasons, we do not discuss a Goddess), Our Lady of the Rebetiko: Haris (it means Grace, by the way) Alexiou. A true Dame Blanche, witty, warm and rightfully worshipped. When I was first introduced to her, I was so moved I almost couldn't open my mouth in awe. I was stupidly glued to my French formulaic praise and I remember I just mumbled something along the lines of 'eh merde alors, fuck it, I just wanted you to know that to me, you are not only the voice of my teenage years: you are the Voice of Time itself'. She laughed and the rest is, as they say, history.
This happened in November 2018, after one of her concerts at the Gazarte hall in Athens: a dificult comeback for her, after a cancer scare. We were very moved and fangirling AF, my Culture and Press colleague (remember her from the Mycenae story? Greek music made us instant friends - I was the only one to know what she was talking about) and I:
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I have blurred my former colleague's face. I am not sure she wants to be seen on Tumblr, LOL. And see, Anon? I really look like an overwhelmed twat, in this pic. Chances are I'd look the same at Landcon 2025 (what was the last price, 149 euros? Sweet Baby Jesus, the results).
Haroula's one time lover (speculation is still rife and many shipped those two during the late Eighties and early Nineties, unaware it was completely true) and probably the Greek equivalent of Sinatra is George Dalaras. A., my colleague, is absolutely nuts about him and as such a big, boisterous presence in this man's fandom. She follows him just about everywhere (I didn't understand her and residually still don't, to be honest), so it's not a surprise I quickly got to meet the guy, after one of his extraordinary stunts at the Klimataria, a well-known tavern and rebetiko joint smack dab in downtown Athens (I think it was one week before I met and befriended Haroula, funny that):
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Now, he looks like a banker. But back in 1993, he looked and sang like this:
This is his greatest hit, if you ask me. Βαμμένα Κόκκινα Μαλλιά (Dyed Red Hair) is the score of a very successful Greek TV series during the Nineties (don't ask, it's very syrupy) and legit one of the most beautiful Greek love songs ever written. But unlike A, I am completely chilled as far as Dalaras is concerned and I think it showed, when we met. He offered an autograph and I said no, just because I am completely dumb, like that. The trouble is, he gently remembered me and he always brought it up every single time we met (at a couple of events and receptions) - how's that for totally embarrassing, eh?
And then you have the opera divas, among which is my dear friend Sonia Theodoridou, one of the best Greek sopranos after Callas. Sonia came back to Athens after a rich career in Germany right in the middle of the economic crisis turmoil. Things were not easy for her and I have to say, bless her heart, she is not an easy person, either (which opera singer is, mind you?). But her voice is magical and she loves to play with it. See what she can do with a really meh song, written and successfully performed by Pandelis Pandelidis, the one-time local Justin Bieber (he unfortunately died in 2016, in a motorcycle accident):
The strange instrument you see in the clip is a Cretan lyra, by the way. I hate it with a passion. But I still love Sonia, no matter what.
We shared a lot of things, Sonia and I. Here is our first pic, together with her ex-husband, Theodoros (still a friend):
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These people are those I personally know and like/love. I haven't told you anything yet about the formidable, mythical Maria Farantouri, Mikis Theodorakis' muse or Vicky Moscholiou, another diva (different niche, though). Nothing about Miltos Paschalidis, either, the mathematician turned singer or Alkinoos Ioannidis, perhaps the best Cypriot voice after George Michael. The only reason I won't, for now at least, is that I don't really like mammoth posts. And this is quickly turning into one of those.
But I digressed. You asked me about my favorite Greek song, Anon. It's Manos Hatzidakis' Kemal - a masterpiece with a strong, subversive political message in the guise of an Oriental cruel parable:
Do I know it by heart? Of course I do (and I always, always cry, because I am a sentimental idiot, like that). Singing along with the locals at concerts, in taverns, in your car, on that bus ride, is a mandatory part of the Greek experience. And the most heartfelt homage you can pay to all those wonderful men and women who make our world a brighter, better place.
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clevernews · 8 months
Οι Miκro live στο Gazarte roof stage!
Oι πρωτοπόροι της ηλεκτρονικής ποπ, επιστρέφουν μετά από 8 χρόνια στην Αθήνα, για ένα live στο Gazarte roof stage, το Σάββατο 4 Νοεμβρίου. Οι MIKRO σχηματίστηκαν το 1997 στη Θεσσαλονίκη από τον Νίκο Μπιζένη [a.k.a Nikonn] (φωνητικά, synths, προγραμματισμός) και τον Γιάννη Λευκαδίτη (κιθάρες-μπάσο-σαξόφωνο-σύνθια). Οι δύο φίλοι είχαν ένα κοινό όραμα για μια ηλεκτρονική μπάντα με αναφορές σε ποπ,…
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kamari2038 · 2 years
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HRV ch.5
Source of Screenshots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6PGp8TF9Qs&t=19636s
Thanks GAZArts for the awesome video! A cool movie with the whole game played through.
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rulinarulina · 2 years
Μίνως Μάτσας: «Από κοντά» στην κεντρική σκηνή του Gazarte
Μίνως Μάτσας: «Από κοντά» στην κεντρική σκηνή του Gazarte
O Μίνως Μάτσας έρχεται στο Gazarte για τρεις εμφανίσεις.  Ο Μίνως Μάτσας τις τρεις πρώτες Δευτέρες του Δεκεμβρίου (5, 12 και 19/12) θα βρίσκεται στην Κεντρική Σκηνή του Gazarte. Mαζί του οι: Κώστας Τριανταφυλλίδης, Μυρτώ Βασιλείου Στο σημείωμά του, ο Μίνως Μάτσας αναφέρει για τις παραστάσεις του: «Είμαστε μονάχα στην αρχή, βλέπεις. Σαν να βρίσκονται τα πάντα μπροστά μας…. Τρείς βραδιές, όπου όλοι…
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gaz-arts · 2 years
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Summer may be ending but that doesn't mean the fun in the sun needs to end too.
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travellingnews · 2 years
Ο GR.EC.A με Νέο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο
Ο GR.EC.A με Νέο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο
Ο Ελληνικός Σύνδεσμος Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου, GR.EC.A. (Greek E-commerce Association), το εθνικό όργανο για τον ταχύτατα αναπτυσσόμενο κλάδο του Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου, ανακοινώνει ότι κατά την Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση, καθώς και τη Διενέργεια Αρχαιρεσιών για την ανάδειξη των μελών του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου που διεξάχθηκαν στο Gazarte στις 15/06/2022 και κατόπιν απόφασης του Διοικητικού…
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blendmishkin · 2 years
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#tb ακριβώς ένας χρόνος πριν με #rootsevolution και @sugahspank στον Κήπο του Μεγάρου Μουσικής. Τα λέμε στο @gazarte 27 Ιουνίου! https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce71_xyqezy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mikrofwno · 5 months
Η Μαρία Παπαγεωργίου για δύο εμφανίσεις στο Gazarte Ground Stage
Ύστερα από μία σειρά σημαντικών παραστάσεων και συνεργασιών και μετά από την ιδιαίτερη αίσθηση και τον ενθουσιασμό που προκάλεσε η πρόσφατη παράσταση – πρόταση που κόμισε στην ελληνική μουσικήμε τη νέα ανάγνωση των έργων του Θάνου Μικρούτσικου, η Μαρία Παπαγεωργίου παρουσιάζει σε δύο μόνο συλλεκτικές συναυλίες τη νέα της πρόταση στην ολοκαίνουργια σκηνή του Gazarte, το Gazarte Ground Stage.Την…
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kulturformidlet · 5 years
Lys i mørket
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Denne anmeldelse blev oprindeligt publiceret på teateravisen.dk
Gazart har i samarbejde med Aaben Dans lavet en alvorlig lille danseforestilling, der på poetisk vis forhandler følelsen af tab. Der dvæles ved, hvordan det er, at mærke livets begrænsning som barn, og hvordan det føles at være ladt tilbage. 
Samproduktionen mellem Gazart og Aaben Dans, ’Når jeg lukker øjnene’ forener fornemt det konkrete og abstrakte i sit fokus på sorg.
Det indikeres allerede i titlen, for snart bliver det klart, at det ikke kun er den døde, der lukker øjnene. Det er lige så meget dem der efterlades, der gør det – både for at mindes, men også for at undslippe den hårde virkelighed; at farfar er væk for altid og evigt.
Leg og alvor, stopdans og mørke
Forestillingen begynder med fløjteri fra kontrabassisten på scenen, der trods sin forholdsvis unge alder fint illuderer bedstefar i kameluldstøfler og hat.
En både smuk og lidt klodset danse-stopleg udspiller sig mellem danserne (Fie Dam Mygind og Søren Linding Urup), der kæmper for at stå stille, hver gang Hans Find Møller abrupt stopper sin fløjten og sit spilleri.
Scenen er strippet, næsten tom og bagtæppet er holdt i mørke farver. Med ét går lyset ud og stemningen skifter fra drilsk leg til alvor. ’Det var den sommer farfar døde, og jeg opdagede mørket’, lyder det seriøst fra Fie Dam Mygind i det kulsorte scenerum.
Scenografisk snilde
Med kontrabas og bælgmørke mærker vi, hvordan farfaren stadig er til stede, selvom han er væk, og at sorg er en svær størrelse, kommer især fint til udtryk scenografisk: Danserne vikles ind i et uregerligt kludetæppe og roder rundt på gulvet under det, men sorgen er ikke sådan at vriste sig fri af.
Med hiv og sving og tovværk bliver kludetæppet både til en tyngende sky over dem og til bølger på havet med en dertilhørende svajende kontrabas. Stillbilleder fastfryser tiden momentvis, imens danserne messende verbaliserer ønsket om at ’Alting skal blive ved med at være som det var’.
Lyse og mørke toner fra kontrabassen akkompagnerer en decideret dansekamp mellem lys og mørke, og som en lille koreografisk genistreg bæres kontrabassen rundt som en kiste.
Det hele er enkelt og effektfuld.
Poetisk og jordnært
Skal man komme lidt malurt i bægeret, kunne man hævde, at legen med kliché-dualitet (lys/mørke, glæde/sorg, bevægelse/ stilstand, musik/ stilhed etc.) er for oplagt eller tydelig, og at det i hvert fald er for spinkelt et grundlag at basere en hel forestilling på.
Men nej. Til målgruppen er det umådelig fint balanceret at holde det abstrakte, poetiske univers jordnært, og man godtager derfor også uden forbehold den lidt banale pointe, at uden død intet liv.
Dertil er der en fin sanselighed i, at minderne ret konkret ’ligger bag øjnene’ - igen med reference til titlen. For selvom farfar er væk, så er han det alligevel ikke; ’Han er i dig og mig, når man lukker øjnene’, lyder trøsten.
Og denne farfar er lig med kogt torsk, grove hænder og nybagt brød med hindbærmarmelade. Det er ret fint midt i det triste og ikke helt til at stå for.
FAKTA Gazart & Aaben Dans: Når jeg lukker øjnene - Koreografi: Tali Razga. Tekst: Jesper Bræstrup Karlsen. Komponist og live musik: Hans Find Møller. Kostumer og scenografi: Nadia Nabill. Lysdesigner: Mikkel Jensen. Dramaturg: Sosha Teperowska. Medvirkende: Fie Dam Mygind og Søren Linding Urup. Alder: 8-11 år. Varighed: 40 minutter. Turneforestilling. Set 26. marts 2019 på Zangenbergs Teater (www.zangenbergsteater.dk), hvor den spiller til 30. marts. Kan opleves på Aprilfestival 2019 (www.aprilfestival.dk) i Hjørring. www.gazart.dk  
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