#Gelfling Iry
lordsofthecrystal · 1 year
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Artwork of a gelfling by illustrator Iris Compiet, scanned from The Dark Crystal Bestiary: The Definitive Guide to the Creatures of Thra. ✧
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Happy Valentine’s/True Love’s Day
Here we have the wonderful and dear ships @jack-toons and I have; EnchantedSandstorms, OceanPetals, and WanderingSails. As well as introducing EnchantedSandstorms’ childling, Iry ,and WanderingSails childling, Zuri.
What most of these kisses have in common are that they are from romance movies my mom introduced to me lol EnchantedSandstorms are doing the end kiss from, Titanic. OceanPetals are doing a kiss from, Tristan’s and Isolde. And WanderingSails are doing a kiss from, The Notebook.
I imagine that these kisses happen when the pairs have been reunited after a long while. Especially EnchantedSandstorms and OceanPetals because neither Shiyoon nor Fleur join Cha’l or Razer on their voyages. Or maybe Shiyoon does, she gets along with Captain Sera lol. Fleur is afraid of big open water. The closest she’ll get to a boat ride is a small boat ride on the river or not far from the docks.
I think WanderingSails’ kiss might be their first kiss as an official couple because the two of them hung out a lot after meeting. They also weren’t shy of stealing a few kisses with one another.
OR! This is everyone’s first kiss that was shared out in public.
Iry and Zuri is referenced from the kiss in the movie, My Girl. I have never seen this movie though. The kiss between these two is probably Zuri saying that they should give each other their first kiss so they don’t give their first kiss to someone who they regret. Or maybe that was the plan but Zuri got the jitters and stopped it. Iry and Zuri have an interesting friendship, especially since their personalities are so different.
I love these ships! They are too precious and aahhh their stories are so good!
Shiyoon, Razer and Sammi belong to Jack-toons and you can see them all on their dark crystal page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
Both Iry and Zuri belong to the both of us
I hope you all enjoy today and enjoy that discounted chocolate tomorrow!
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The Dark Crystal Adventure game
What's Inside?
Within these pages you will find everything you need to create Gelfling characters with your friends and venture into the amazing and unique world of Thra.
In this hardback book (Approx. 290+ full-color pages) you will find:
High-quality hardback with three ribbons to help you keep track. Easy to learn rules, perfect for the first-time player. Massive 200-page adventure for you to explore with your friends. Unique transparent overlay pages with hidden information. Fold-out scenes for epic locations from Dark Crystal lore. Handy double-sided reference bookmark and a map of Thra. Illustrations by Brian Froud, Chris Cæsar, and Iris Compiet.
Choose a Gelfing clan, and build your character. The rules of the game are designed to help new players create characters and get started in the world of storytelling games, but the adventure is designed to be playable in any RPG system with new and veteran players in mind.
The book features a 200 page adventure to play through, with unique artwork. It gives all players all the information needed to run a successful campaign, through a pre-made adventure, but also the tools needed to create your own. The possibilities are endless.
This is a hardback book and it comes with a beautifully designed dust cover to help protect it. Several pages fold-out or have transparency overlays, it has three ribbons, a separate bookmark, plus a handy pocket to store your character sheets between sessions. 
Link to Purchase
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tofadeawayagain · 3 years
Create for Thra, Day 2: Original Characters (Post 2 of 2)
And now for my “baby gelfs”. I’m very nervous about introducing these to the wider world, so hopefully you all like them :). Once again, these babies are from my Maudra series. I can’t draw, and as such I don’t have any art to share - I hope you enjoy these little word sketches and the short excerpt from a piece I’m working on at the end.
Elidi – Drenchen
Elidi is the eldest daughter of Maudra Naia and Amri. She is the perfect combination of her parents. Her skin is like her mother’s, deep green with a hint of gold. Her eyes are bright blue with gold flecks – in the dark, her pupils get just as large as her father’s, rendering her iris nearly unnoticeable. During the day, her pupils are only slightly larger than a daylighter’s – it’s enough to make her sensitive to light, though, and she often wears clothing with hoods to drape over her head when the three suns are at their highest point. Her hair reaches to the middle of her thighs and is done in the traditional style of the Drenchen maudren with decorated locks and beaded braids. It is silvery-white just like her father’s, except for the streaks of deep Drenchen blue and a lighter Grottan teal. She is petite. She inherits her wings from her father’s side of the family, though they are black, purple, and indigo just like her mother’s. Elidi is cautious – though she is fierce just like her mother, she also has her father’s tendency to investigate her circumstances before charging into them. She doesn’t trust immediately, and she has a knack for reading people’s emotions and seeing through any artifice. Elidi studies vliyaya and healing with her mother and Aunt Eliona in addition to preparing to be the next Drenchen maudra. She is an extroverted introvert and prefers to spend time with family and close friends wherever possible. Although she is good in front of a crowd, being in the spotlight fills her with a nervous energy. Luckily for her, she looks less like she’s nervous and more like she’s on the prowl when she fidgets. The clan knows her to be a competent healer and leader and trusts her in her position as second-in-command to Maudra Naia.
Oria – Drenchen
Oria is Naia and Amri’s second child and is two trine younger than Elidi. She’s only a few inches shorter than her father. She inherited her intensity and her Drenchen wings from her mother, but the rest of her is all Grottan. Oria’s hair is the same silvery-white as her father’s. The humidity in Sog makes her hair slightly wavy, but by mid-day, it is almost always straight and heavy. She keeps it long, though not as long as Elidi’s, and she only keeps a few braids in her hair as a marker of her status. As her father’s star apothecary and alchemy apprentice, Oria can usually be found in the workshop, her hair messy and tied back away from her face, and goggles strapped over her eyes. Her eyes are bright gold, and her gaze is so sharp that she can intimidate people easily. Like her sister, her pupils can expand and contract depending on the ambient light. She doesn’t look much like either one of her parents, but she is a spitting image for Amri’s mother. Though she inherited her wings from Naia’s side of the family, they are a bright teal blue and glistening silver. With high cheekbones and skin that is closer to gray than green, Oria’s unique looks in the swamp of Sog make her stand out – and she loves it. While her older sister is uncomfortable in the spotlight, Oria lives for it. She’s the life of every room, and she wears her emotions on her sleeve. People know where they stand with Oria – she doesn’t wait for the invocation of hard-talk to express her feelings. She loves the water, and if she’s not in the workshop, she’s likely exploring the lakes and waterways of Sog. Oria is likely to get herself into trouble at any opportunity, and she treats rules more like guidelines. She is fiercely competitive with her younger brother, and though she is happy in her chosen career, she longs to see the world – but she can’t leave the swamp. No one can.
Zain – Drenchen
Zain is Naia and Amri’s third child and is only one trine younger than Oria. Zain is mostly deaf (except for low tones like thunder), and he uses the Dousan sign language to communicate. He is a carbon copy of his father, and during his younger years, he even wore the same hairstyle. As a young adult, he changes his style, shaving both sides of his head and keeping the rest secured back in a braided tail or bun. Zain’s skills with healing vliyaya rival those of his oldest sister, and he trains alongside her to become an advanced healer. Like Oria, he is extroverted; however, he keeps his emotions on lockdown. He values his family above all else, and though he is fiercely competitive with Oria, they have an intensely close bond. He also has a close bond with his baby sister, Zenna, and is the one Elidi goes to for advice due to his level head and calm demeanor.
Shiri – Grottan
Shiri is Deet and Rian’s second child. She was born only months before Oria, and they grew up as the best of friends. Shiri is very shy and doesn’t make new friends easily – as such, her circle is very small. Shiri’s childhood is marked by periods during which her mother is overwhelmed by grief at the loss of Shiri’s older brother, Jen. Shiri never gets the chance to know him, but she feels like she is always in his shadow. Though she is raised to follow in her mother’s footsteps as the next Grottan maudra, Shiri isn’t sure she wants to be a maudra at all. She’s got an ear for music, and she’d much rather become a song teller. She learns to play her father’s old lute in her spare time. Shiri’s got Rian’s tan skin and blue coloring, but she has Deet’s messy hair and long ears. Her eyes can adjust to the ambient light, and they are a deep blue color like her father’s. Her hair is a dirty brown with streaks of Stonewood blue, and her wings have the characteristic bright blue and orange coloring common among the Stonewood. She is the same height as her mother, and she’s quiet most of the time – unless she’s singing, that is.
Koa – Sifa
Koa’s parents are both Drenchen; however, they left Sog long ago to join the Sifa. Koa grew up on white sand beaches and on the decks of ships, but he’s always wanted to see the mainland and explore the swamps where his parents grew up. Koa is tall for a Gelfling, and he’s also bulky from his days manning the sails and loading/unloading cargo. He’s got Drenchen locks, but they are covered with Sifan bells and golden trinkets. As a young adult, Koa gets a job working on Elder Onica’s ship, which docks in Sog’s port city of Seaside, only a day’s kayaking distance from the Great Smerth.
Zenna – Drenchen
Zenna is Naia and Amri’s youngest child. Born ten trine after Zain, she is the baby of the family. She looks like her mother, though her eyes are Amri’s dark honey brown. Like her Uncle Gurjin, she is usually unruffled and steady of temperament. Though she isn’t yet sure what she wants to become, she knows she loves the ocean.
 And now, an excerpt from mah girl Elidi’s POV:
“She watches the ripples on the surface above as she drifts in the current. The water is cool along her neck, crisp in a way she isn’t yet used to. She knows the concept of cold, though she’s never felt it herself before. The water isn’t cold, yet, but it has certainly changed.
The rains have not stopped for three days. The waters surrounding Great Smerth have long-since spilled over the edges of the Glenfoot, and the islands Elidi grew up knowing have vanished beneath the surface of the swollen lake. It is almost as if they never existed at all. Like her people, they are hidden away, waiting for the storm to pass.
Has it passed? She looks at the line of crystal embedded in the bluestone on the lakebed. Though the vein went clear three days ago when the suns burned as one, Elidi still hasn’t touched it. She doesn’t think she ever will. She tried once when she was a childling. Her mother had been nearby and tugged her away. Naia had clung to her when they’d surfaced, and she’d shouted at Elidi as she never had before or since. She hadn’t been angry – she’d been terrified. It’s a sound that’s never left her. 
There is a great splash at the edge of the Glenfoot, and Elidi rights herself in the water column as her sister plunges to the very bottom of the lake. Oria’s at her side with two pumps of her wings, and she raises her hand immediately. Elidi presses her palm to Ori’s, and her sister’s anxious voice fills her mind.
They’re waiting for you in Mum’s chamber. They’ve been telling everyone that we need to leave Great Smerth.
Elidi’s brow wrinkles, and she looks past the ripples at the towering heights of her home. Her mother’s balcony is only three levels up. She’s accustomed to seeing her mother standing there, proud and wild. But the balcony is empty, save for the wind and the rain and stray apeknot leaves knocked loose in the deluge.
We’re not leaving Great Smerth. It’s just a bit of rain. Elidi kicks for the surface, and Ori stays with her, hand in hand.
Aunt Pemma is with them. She’s trying to keep them from starting a panic. She thinks we’re fine here in Smerth, but she wants to evacuate New Domrak.
Have they found Deet, yet?
Oria pulls her hand away. Her expression is all the answer Elidi needs, and the two girls continue to the surface surrounded only by the muffled silence of the water.
They glide over the submerged Glenfoot and toward the stairs that lead into the Great Smerth. Elidi plants her feet on the lowest stair and as soon as her head clears the water, her sense of peace is shattered. The glade is louder than she’s ever heard it. People are calling out to one another on the rope and wood pathways strung through the canopy above, and as Gelfling move their belongings out of the residences on the ground floor, the Stone’s Way echoes in a cacophony of anxiety.
She takes a deep, steadying breath, and then she climbs the staircase, exiting the lake and entering the great tree. She keeps her head high, attempting to project a sense of confidence that she doesn’t feel. When will Mother come back? she asks herself. Perhaps they’ll stop panicking when Mother comes back…
Oria remains at her side, only one step behind, all the way to the third floor landing. Elidi can hear the council members bickering all the way in the hall, and she exchanges a frustrated glance with her sister before entering the room.
She stands tall and says nothing until they all look at her and come to a silence. It’s something her mother taught her long ago, and with her short stature, it’s a technique she depends on to gain attention. Her Aunt Pemma gives her a firm nod of approval, and she can feel Oria standing behind her, tall and firm. She’ll hug her sister and her aunt later. For now, she has a job to do.
She catches every eye in the room, then raises a single eyebrow. “Which of you are responsible for all this huff-puff, then?”
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sretan-art · 5 years
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Showing off some headcanon stuff for gelflings! I wanted a basic eye color chart for myself as well for designing characters haha. The eye colors are not exactly biologically correct but..... eh. Fantasy critters. For the eye colors, both the purple and rose gold are listed under the blue groupings because they’re caused by less or lack of pigments, meaning more of the blood from the eye veins show through. Grottans have their own little thing cuz it also includes iris size. 
(the little colored dots show the prevalence of each color in each of the clans)
The wings are based mostly on descriptions from the books, or just generally What I’d Do. Because I just like drawing wings. All of the wings also would have color and pattern variety, as well as some difference in shapes. They’re meant to be rather a general idea. 
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giusy-saba · 4 years
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Some Gelfing’s sticker I did for my @redbubble profile. If you like them check ‘Giusystuff’ I matched every character with a particular flower that explains their personality •Kaylan- Amarillys= pride •Brea- Iris= faith •Deet- Lily= pure •Hup- Wisteria= friendship •Gurjin- Carnation= energy •Seladon- Geranium= devotion •Naia- Aloe= integrity •Tavra- Bay leaf= triumph •Rian- Centonchio= change #darkcrystal #darkcrystalageofresistance #gelfling #podling #kylan #brea #tavra #seladon #hup #rian #deet #gurjin #naia #thra #flowerlanguage #clipstudio #digitalink #characterart #instacomic #stonegrot #vapraclan #drenchenclan #spritonclan https://www.instagram.com/p/CFsTWvdH44O/?igshid=azbclhlcb7ri
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
So a friend on Discord asked for Gelfling traits for references. *INHALES* it was the occasion for me to write down there all the traits depending of the clans that I had remarked and noticed for now ! It took me so long I now copy and paste them here, an exploit !
This might not be full and I might have forgotten facts from books and BG characters which could change the references, but this is what I saw for now. Could help you with OCs making !
Vaprans : relatively pale skins, but sometimes light yellowish too. Yellow, green, brown, grey eyes (blue maybe ? I don't remember), hair white, blonde especially patinum blonde, silver, red, brown or black, with sometimes lavender (the fact it could be fully lavender in some individuals or is just an emphasis on the hues is debatable) or pink shades and locks, often straight but sometimes curly. Ears are not big but not small either, quite horizontal and triangle shaped. I noticed them and Spritons had some instances of "animal-like" faces with very small eyes and particulary long faces and muzzles making them look unhuman at all (look at that one girl Paladin, or the Deterge master). Some glittery "freckles" could be observed if we squint our eyes on Seladon and maybe a few others but they could be makeup, but if not it could be either something Vapra have the possibility to share with Sifa (Onica and Ethri have those too) or only a Sifa trait Seladon took from her Sifan father. Their wings, a pair, are slightly transparebt and look like stylized dragonfly's, light blue
Grottans : the smallest, lightest (yet still strong) Gelflings. Their skin is green or yellow/yellowish green (maybe even grey, or even white if we take account or Amri's book looks), their skull structure is both squarish while thin, and they have big ol' round doe-like ears. Their big doe eyes are brown, amber or black (maybe more but we didn't see a lot of Grottans), and their hair is white, silver, blonde especially platinum or red, with sometimes light green shades and locks, straight or fuzzy. Their wings, a pair, are transparent and white/lilac, and even if they do look like Vapran's, they are slightly broader and rounder, almost like a mix of dragonfly's and butterfly's
Stonewoods : they tend but not always (Ordon is pale) to have a peach-like skin compared to others, very often with hues of green in random places of their body notably the forehead and ears aeras. Their hair is brown light or dark (maybe some are even black haired) with sometimes green or blue locks or shades, always straight. They often have gracile traits despite their warrior reputation, with Na'vi-like nosebridges (except Fara...) and thin yet not skinny triangle faces. Their ears are big like Vapran's and are horizontal and shaped like the halves of an almond (except Fara's which look like Vapran's. Maybe she is not fully Stonewood). Their eyes are green, blue, brown, orange or reddish/brownish-reddish, yellow/amber too if we look at the comics, and some can have 2 colors in one iris like Rian whose eyes are both blue and orange. In the books their wings are described as moth-like, but in AoR we only see Fara's and they look like Vapran's, maybe of another light (hard to see) but if indeed she does have Vapran blood... (first the ears, now that)
Spritons : their ears are not small but relatively small compared to others (not counting Kylan who is half Stonewood and does have Stonewood ears), they are on top of their head and a bit triangle-shaped, like field mice's. Their skin tend to be peachy, yellowish or even tanned/caramel. Their eyes can be black, brown, amber, orange, grey or blue, and sometimes slit-shaped, at least almond-shaped. They seem to be the only clan with one hair color only, black (Kylan has green shades, but again he did have a Stonewood father so it might just be his Stonewood side again), always straight. Again like for Vaprans some of them like the farmers Rian meet have more animal-like faces than human-like faces. Wings are unseen for now, but if that one assertive Gelf soldier in the sequel comics is one like I did conclude in one analysis, they might look transparent and lavenderish and be 2 pairs looking like a butterfly's and have a pair of "antenae" on them, but only if INDEED she is a Spriton (and she could pefectly be not fully Spriton either and just wings looking like another clan or be a mix of different clans)
Drenchens : the tallest and often bulkiest Gelflings. Their hair is mainly green or turquoise, but it can also have blue, brown and (greyish or dirty ?) purple/pink in them, and thus have a dull rainbow effect in these cases, furthermore they look curly, fuzzy or frizzy even. They also have lips looking quite plump and faces and jaws looking quite squarish and strong (unless it's a family trait since the 3 main Drenchens we see are related, the same way the Vapran Royals have pretty red lips). Their eyes are brown, amber or blue/grey, and their ears are almond-shaped, sometimes looking up their head (dunno if they just perk them up for that or if on the contrary they lower them when they look horizontal). Their skin is either green or has hues and shades of green, if so it is either yellowish or caramel/peach. Interesting to note they have little bumps on their forehead and are the only Gelflings to have gills allowing them to breathe underwater. In the books, their wings are fin-like and are the only wings not to be able to fly but just glide and swim. If Kira is Gurjin's daughter like those theories say, they should do and look like hers
Dousans : the less seen, so it's harder to describe. They have smaller ears, small like Spriton's, almond-shaped and horizontal, and their faces are a mix of squarish and round. Their eyes seem to be either grey, yellow or amber/orange (maybe more ? Kensho has turquoise eyes, but does he have leucism like I HC it, or is he even fully Dousan ?) and are quite wide apart for many giving them the effect of big curious staring owl-like eyes. Their hair is bicolor or tricolor mix up either white, black, brown or reddish (again Kensho has it fully white but AGAIN is he fully Dousan or does he have leucism ?), hard to say if they only are straight like Kensho, his mom and Rek'yr since all the ofhers wear hats and helmets. Their skin is very hard to tell, it's often covered in blue, green, yellow and orange makeup and tatoos, hard to tell which is which. But if we take account of their hands (hoping they are not painted) and of Kensho and his mom, they can be yellowish or brown/caramel. Their wings are not seen for now
Sifans : HARDEST to describe since they are a clan made of many clans mixed up together so the current Sifans often have traits of different ancestor clans in their blood line... However I noticed than most recurring traits but not present in everyone is often a peach/pink skin (not always since Freckles is pale ; again he might have vapran blood), a round face (except Cadia), and red or reddish hair (not exclusively since the former Maudra had it blue, Alyadon is blonde and Freckles has half of his hair white/silver but again he might be half Vapran), straight, wavy or curly. They often have cold colors for their eye color like grey, blue or green, as well as yellow. Their ears are often (but not always like a BG Sifan) horizontal and often (again not like Cadia's which look quite unique, like almond yet slightly curved downward) shaped like a curved-to-the-inside triangle making it look like a fish fin, and they often (except not cadia and Freckles) have green marks on their faces and ears. Like for Vapran or at least Seladon they have (or at least just Onica and Ethri) glittery "freckles" unless they are makeup ; but if they are not makeup it could be a Sifan trait Seladon got since after all she IS half Sifan but just mainly Vapran-passing. Their wings are unseen for now
Some Gelflings also have freckles, and some have more human-like faces with slightly shorter muzzles (Rian, Ordon, Mayrin, Seladon, Rek'yr, Onica...) while others have them longer and giving them a doe/mouse-like face (Deet, Brea, Tavra, Kylan, Amri...). Also they do have a small numb round tail pointing downward but the only time we saw it was on Jen so we can't know how if it's the same for all or depending of clans
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gemlore · 4 years
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drew some gelfling eyes!
Deet - BIG round oval pupils, highest brow arches. Dark brown color.
Rian - Average-sized, round pupils. got a ring of gold coloring around the center of his iris. small brows.
Brea - Med. sized, oval/almost square-ish pupils. Brows are high and have a slightly more prominent brow ridge
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