#thra true loves day
gretchensinister · 6 months
@purplebloodedmajesty also gave me the word "brick," and this time I was able to keep it short like I intended.
UrSu calls UrMa the Peacemaker. UrMa is glad to wear the name, though sometimes he thinks something less grand might be more true. He is more often simply a Maker, a maker and repairer of things among the urRu. What furniture they have, he joins. What metals they use, he forges. What walls they have, he builds. Every object in urRu life, from the largest table to the finest needle, has passed under his hands.
He is perfectly willing to say that this work is less significant than his moderation of disagreements—holes in companionship are more difficult to repair than holes in pots—but what he keeps to himself is that he thinks that both kinds of work might grow from the same root.
Mystics will always need things—objects, that is, to keep a focus on UrMa’s everyday concerns. UrMa accepts that there may come a time when they do not need objects, but on that day, they will not be mystics as they are now. So. Mystics need things. And UrMa has noticed that they are easier with each other when they have all the things they need, when they do not need to wait for tools, when they do not have to make do with broken things.
A rake with missing teeth, say, should have no effect on the patience of an urRu. Very well. But it does. And so UrMa makes sure that there is no bad rake for anyone to be stuck with, even if they were the last to arrive to help with the gardens.
Mystics need enough things, in fact, that all the things they need for all the tasks of necessity and beauty do not fit easily or comfortably in their cells. It distresses many of them; UrMa knows this well. UrYod is baffled by the space taken up by his notes and mathematical tools, even if their volume is easy to calculate. UrAc was always aware his records would grow as the trine passed, but how can truth and chronicle fill so large a space, even when so carefully composed? Are they not trying to live simply? Have they become bound by the material? On another hand, UrUtt is embarrassed by his overflowing cell, though UrMa has told him he doesn’t see anything improper or excessive for the Weaver to have. And UrMa himself—there are so many things involved in the making and fixing of other things.
And so today he makes bricks. He makes them with care, as if each one is precious, but he still makes many, many bricks. And when these bricks are baked he will use them to build structures upon Thra’s soil, as if he had as much right as any gelfling, and the urRu will be able to have space in their cells but also all the things they need, kept dry and easy to find and in good repair.
It will be easier for urRu patience and forbearance to be sustained, with such structures.
UrMa knows that this will not seem quite right to some—UrZah will not like it; it does not seem like the urRu way. So UrMa already has plans to ease the shock of the brick, pressing spirals and grooves into it that vines will be happy to hold. UrNol’s tending will veil UrMa’s work, make it so lovely and green that there need be no grumbling about it.
And if ever he needs to account for himself, UrMa knows he has seen and done enough to argue well that peace is often made with things.
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amri-and-art · 1 year
A short story i might turn into a fic--Your thoughts are welcome in the comments
     “He’s alive, I just know it. I can feel it.” Naia pleaded with Kylan to come with her. 
          “Naia,” He started, sympathetically. “I’m sorry, but Gurjin is dead. We all know he is. He’s been gone for almost a Unum. Leaving the swamp is practically a death sentence, you should know that.” 
              The songteller spoke true, and Naia knew that. Leaving the swamp is dangerous, but he wasn’t right about her brother. That much she was sure of. 
   “Even if he lives, I cannot come with you. I have to take care of my family. I stand by my word.”
           Naia groaned. 
       She stood, “I’m sorry, but you’re wrong.” She scooped up her young daughter and left the small tree house Kylan had called home. She pushed through thick vines and brush until she entered her home through a window. 
        “Naia! Did you find someone to come with you?” He asked excitedly. “No.” She spoke softly, setting her daughter on the moss covered floor to play with her siblings, leaving Naia and Amri to talk. His ears flattened. 
          “I cannot let you go alone. It isn’t safe.” 
                  “I know. That is why I must do it alone.” 
       He shook his head. 
              “Naia Please. Do not stay for me, for them.” He begged quietly, gesturing to the children that sat playing loudly on the soft floor. She sighed. She pulled her short curls into a bun, tying it at the back of her head. “I need some air, I’ll go get dinner.”
      Amri watched as Naia disappeared from the same window she came in through. He leaned against the kitchen counter behind him. The small house was just big enough for the six of them, and he liked it that way. 
         “Father! You’ll never believe what I found!” Amris oldest son pushed through the front door, a giant beaming smile spread across his face. 
      “Really?” He asked.
   “Yes! Look!” Amri wiped his hands on a nearby towel and tossed it on the counter. His brow scrunched when he saw what Kaapa pulled out of his bag. A Muski. It was tiny, and flew straight out of the bag and into Amris hair. 
              “I don’t know! It’s completely undarkened!”
        Amri pulled it away from him gently to look at it. Its black inky eyes were full of innocence and youth, not a speck of purple tainted them. It chirped and wrapped itself around Amris hand. 
    Moments later Naia returned with a pack full of Sogberries, and soon Amri was sinking his sharp grottan teeth into the sweet pink fruit. 
        Kaapa talked all about his findings that day, and his parents warned him not to stray far. It reminded Amri of when he was a childling, and snuck out of the caves at night to find ingredients for his experiments. 
It was hard to find joy given their situation, but reminiscing on past memories, and dreaming of the future was one way to do it. 
           After the Garthm were released from the Castle of the Crystal, many Gelfing were killed, nearly all of them in what seemed to be no time at all. As a result, many childlings were orphaned, and were taken in by anyone willing to care for them. Amri remembered the day like it had been only a night ago.
    The first children to be found, Kaapa and Hakira were much younger when they had been brought to Naia and Amri. They had two of their own children only a few Trine later. But he loved his own children just as much as the other, and often forgot the eldest two were not his, but was just as often reminded by Kaapas long Spritan ears, and Hakiras Vapran wings  
    When the topic arose of them being adopted, Amri always tells them yes, they are not his, but a gift from Thra, as all children are. 
    That night, after all was still, and her children were asleep, Naia climbed through the trees, all the way to the top. She laid on the large branches of the Apeknots and stared at the stars. 
   She felt dizzy after a while. There were so many of them, all so different and unique. 
It hurt her brain when she thought about how vast the heavens were, and even Augura didn’t know how many stars just gelfling eyes could see, perhaps too many to count. 
    She thought maybe, somewhere out there, there was a place. Another planet like Thra, without Skeksis, and without fear. Without death, and without pain. 
          It was a silly thought, and she knew that, but she let it entertain her mind for a while before she crept back into her hammock and fell asleep.
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thanatasia · 5 years
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Happy True Loves Day/Valentines Day from Jen and Kira!
This is still a wip but I wanted to have something done for today. Be on the lookout for a full colored version of this! They are the OG babies and I plan on making some more art for them!
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arwenkenobi48 · 2 years
Dark Crystal Drabble - The Poet Is Plotting
(A short bit of prose featuring my new OC, SkekEz the Poet and SkekSil the Chamberlain. Something fishy is going on at the Castle of the Crystal.)
There was a knock at the study door, but nobody answered. “Hmmm…” SkekSil the Chamberlain murmured, before knocking again. “Hello? Poet? Are you in there?” He wheedled in his singsong voice. Again, no response. The door was unlocked and as a result, the chamberlain was granted easy access.
Upon entering the study, he saw his ally, SkekEz the Poet, slumped exhaustedly over his desk. He had passed out from a long day of writing, his ornate pen still clutched feebly in one bony claw. Beneath his beak was his latest sonnet, completed only minutes before. Uttering “Hmmmm…” again, SkekSil gingerly removed the paper from the desk and read it in fascination.
Why, oh why
Do I write for thee?
I write for thee from love
But alas, too late
I behold thy fate
A cold, cold being
Destroys thee from hate
How in Thra could they despise
Thy cunning smile
Thy scheming eyes?
They came for thee
Out of the blue
Someone shall pay for that
‘Tis true
It normally took quite a lot to disturb a character such as SkekSil, but he could feel a shiver waltzing along his prickly spine nonetheless. Who was the poet referring to? Who was destroyed? Who, or what, did it? And most importantly, who was going to pay? It was probably best to ask the author himself.
SkekEz felt something poking his beak. He made no sound and refused to move, hoping whatever it was would go away. Then he felt the poke again and a claw shaking his shoulder. “Rise and shine.” Cooed the chamberlain. SkekEz sat bolt upright in an instant with a ferocious snarl. “Who dares disturb me from my- oh, it’s you, my lord Chamberlain.” “Hmmm, yes, indeed, friend. In the flesh, mmmm.”
SkekEz adjusted his monocle slightly and took a few minutes to get his breath back. “How did you get in?” Was all he could think to say. “I knocked, door was open, I came in,” SkekSil shrugged. “Ugh, I thought I’d put a sentry in front of that door,” mumbled the poet, rubbing his eyes. “Besides, with all due respect, what are you doing here at this hour of the night?” But before SkekSil could answer, the scroll of poetry clutched in his claws spoke for itself.
“Oh, SkekSil, I wasn’t ready to publish that yet,” SkekEz complained. “Hand it over at once,” He extended his skeletal fingers, the knuckles of which cracked like broken glass. “Why, yes, of course, dear poet, Chamberlain shall return scroll at once, but first, have question about latest poem.” SkekSil whined. SkekEz eyed him dubiously. “What about it?”
Putting the lesser questions in his mind to one side, the chamberlain cut to the chase. “Who shall pay, hmmm? An enemy of the Emperor? The General? A…gelfling?” SkekEz seemed to regain his composure and reflected SkekSil’s devious smile back at him. “That, my dear SkekSil, is for me to know and for you to find out.” He rose from his desk as he said this, creeping closer and extended one bony finger with which he lightly tapped the tip of SkekSil’s beak. Without another word, he calmly took the scroll from the befuddled chamberlain and prowled out of the room, leaving SkekSil with more questions than answers, a short and baffled “Hmm?” and an even colder shiver down his spine than before.
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galaxy98 · 3 years
SaSan Week
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Throughout the history of Thra, some Skeksis and Mystics would leave an impression on certain clans. For the Stonewood, it was the Archer and the Hunter. For the Dousan, it was the Heretic and the Wanderer. But there was no other pair that had ever came close to the amount of intrigue and mystery than the Sifans and their connection with the Mariner and the Swimmer. The impact they left on the clan and their culture is so well known that many hope to achieve that level of success. But what happens when the two of them are alone with themselves. The Hunter and the Archer have an animosity with each other and none of them would hesitate to kill the other if they had the chance. The Heretic and the Wanderer have both grown to love each other, despite the shortcomings they had to deal with due to their impulses. But for these two specifically......well....the answer is somewhere in the middle.
Why did I create this ship week?
For those who may not be familiar with me, I’ve somewhat been championing the inclusion of SkekSa and UrSan in particular for 2 reasons
1. They have very little canon material, which makes them ripe with story potential
2. Same thing as #1 except it’s related to fanon
It’s because of this, I decided make the foundation of this ship week to be centered around interpretation and scenarios. Which leads to the next point.
Day 1/Calming Tides: We’ll start things off with something a little bit simple. “Calming Tides” is where any participant could create any fluff/wholesome scenario involving these two. I like to think that when the both of them unwind for the day, they get the chance to meet each other for the evening. Maybe they catch up on certain things that happened in their lives? Maybe they exchange gifts? Either way, the sky is the limit. Or in this case, the sea.
Day 2/Humor: While one could argue that their relationship is a very serious commitment, it it very likely that these two engaged in pranks or clap-backs with each other. Especially when said relationship is in an “off” period.
Day 3/Singing Time: Singing isn’t exactly the core trait of their identity. But when they show off such talent, they are bound to excel at it. Whether it be from singing shanties to their fellow crewmen, or singing a song in a language that was once thought to be forgotten.
Day 4/Oasis: This day, specifically, is for any participant to place the emphasis on the atmosphere in their work. For example, SkekSa and UrSan dancing on top of the Vassa as the clouds clear the night sky. Or, SkekSa and UrSan resting on the sands of Cera-Na as the three suns set.
Day 5/Open Heart: Open Heart is for scenarios in the angst or bittersweet variety. Sometimes, there comes a point where certain feelings just come out. Whether through fighting, contentious debating over what they think is best for the gelfling, or having to deal with the self-loathing, there comes a time when they just need each other and nobody else. Let’s say if UrSan finds SkekSa in drunken state. For the Swimmer, it either means that a crew member of hers had died, dealing with the complications of the Skeksis court, or just having a bad day in general. All it takes is for UrSan to tuck her under arms and then....SkekSa would just let it all out.
Day 6/Past, Present, Future, or What If?: According to Mother Aughra, there are multiple timelines and scenarios that could constantly change. In the case of Day 6, participants are given a choice to pick a certain time in their relationship or possibly choose the wildcard choice with the “What If?”. Like what if SkekSa joined with UrSan in the rebellion? What if UrSan became the Master and SkekSa became the Empress?
Day 7/”To be I instead of we”: As we close off SaSan Week, we conclude this day with SkekSa and UrSan in their true UrSkek form. This is like Day 6, except it deals a lot with their “complete” identity.  Because there’s a reason as to why she gravitate towards Sifan culture. SaSan sees her own culture as monolithic and something that crushes any kind of freedom that comes in their path. It’s very likely that she is ashamed of the fact that she is an UrSkek. Almost to the point to where it becomes self-loathing. Being separated was once thought to be the best thing to ever happen to them, because they finally get to carve their own path. But in the end, they are two halves of the same soul. SaSan can’t change being a UrSkek, but she is still her own individual, regardless of norms. Individuality is everything people, myself included, strive to achieve in the world. But so is loving others and learning how to love yourself.
-When participating in the ship week, remember to use the #sasanweek and current year, or tag @sasanweek​
-You are allowed to use a medium of your choosing. I’ll even likely take a one-shot comic or an audio clip
-Trigger warnings are necessary depending on the work. Especially when it concerns Day 5.
-Outright NSFW is not allowed
If you have any additional questions that you would like to ask me, then DM me @simkim704​ and we’ll sort things out from there.
Thank You and I can’t wait to see what this fandom comes up with!
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dragonladdie · 4 years
Can we get some uhhhhhh Rian and Gurjin hating each other at first headcanons?? 😳🥺😢
*turns neck all the way around to see u* IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED
Gurjin goes to the castle, immediately sees Rian and decides that he finna bully him
Well that's not 100% true lmao
Homeboy thinks Rian is only in the guard because his father is the Captain
Gurjin has to share a room with this lil shit
Rians always abandoning post when he shouldn't, stealing food, etc., so at first Gurjin acts aloof towards him
Gurjin picks on Rian for just about anything; his height, his phobia of spiders, literally almost anything that'll piss him off, albeit it's mostly just harmless quips
Surprisingly, Rian almost always claps back so quickly that it leaves Gurjin speechless
But, Gurjin thinks he's all talk until one day, after a particularly nasty comment during battle training Rian absolutely wrecks his shit and Gurjins just *Gabriel Iglesias voce* "Oh I gotta shut tf up,,,,,,,,"
One day, Gurjin sees Rian leave his post, and, since he's still bitter about Rian whooping his ass, he snitches to Ordon
At first, Gurjin is satisfied... until a little while later he rounds a corner and sees Ordon straight up yelling at Rian, and the Stonewood boy looks genuinely upset
Gurjins shocked, and after a moment it occurs to him to step in
He tells off Ordon, surprising all three of them, and Ordon decides to fuck off after telling Rian that he's "got more important things to do than scold a misbehaving childling that can't even stick up for himself."
After Ordon leaves, Rian turns on Gurjin and tells him that he should have stayed out of it before storming off, leaving Gurjin alone
He decides to be nicer to him after that
They rarely talk to each other for a full unum
But, they realize they have something in common: They love annoying the fuck outta Tolyn
They both accidentally team up to prank Tolyn, and use their free time to talk shit about him and Kylie Jenner his stupid Vapra girlfriend
Cause absolute chaos around the castle together
Everyone's like "Oh Thra now there's two of them."
They actually like spending time with each other now
Probably a couple unum into their friendship and Gurjin realizes that???? Rian's actually kind of hot????? And he has pretty eyes and a cute laugh and smile and??????????????
Rian notices this too, but quicker than Gurjin because hes a Hopeless Romantic™
They gradually get more and more flirty and affectionate with each other
One day, the two are rough-housing in their shared room,,,,,, and they fall on each other,,,,,, and their faces get really close,,,,,,, and,,,,,,,, yknow,,,,,,, they kiss 😳
Now they're chaotic boyfriends
Mira comes along another couple unum later and long story short they're chaotic n poly let's fuckin get it boys
The three raise hell in the castle for a couple trine until. You know
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skekheck · 4 years
All About the Seven Clans: the Stonewood
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Clan Index: Dousan Drenchen Grottan Sifa Spriton Stonewood Vapra
The Stonewood, once known as the Woodland Folk in ancient times, lived in the Endless Forest (or in other versions called the Dark Wood). Made strong and resilient from their environment, they were the perfect soldiers and constituted the majority of the skeksis army. While they were a warrior clan, the Stonewood were peaceful who valued gelfling culture and songs. Their hometown, Stone-in-the-Wood, was the site of major historical events throughout Thra’s history. 
The Stonewood totem animal was the Fizzgig and their core elements were fire, the hearth, and keeping of the song and essence of gelfling culture. Their clan color was red, their sigil was beige and green with earthy tones, and their pennant color was red with green and yellow detail. 
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The Stonewood were some of the strongest and hardiest of all gelfling. They had an olive complexion with green or greenish-blue tinting. Like gelfling from other clans, Stonewood tints were visible on the face but were restricted to the forehead, temples, and around the the eyes. Hair was black, brown, or a mix of both with highlighted sections of blue and/or green. Styling was very minimal with some braiding and styled up in ribbons or clips, but were mostly kept loose. Eye color tended to be blue or various shades of brown. In the J.M. Lee book series, Stonewood wings came in a variety of colors. Shoni, Rian’s mother, had brown and red wings with two large black eyespots accented by other dapples of orange, gold, tan. Maudra Fara in this version had dark burgundy and gold wings.
Stonewood clothing was described to have browns and other natural foresty shades like greens and grays. They preferred to wear leathered armor over regular civilian clothes regardless of their profession. They were also known to carry light weapons on them at all times. 
Strength, courage, and hardiness were traits the Stonewood valued and emphasized, especially towards other clans. The Stonewood way was to remain put and endure so they grew strong and prospered. All of these values made them perfect warriors. But despite this, the Stonewood were very peaceful. Much like the Fizzgig, their totem animal, they only fought to defend themselves. There was a heavier focus on the community as well as culture and song. 
The Stonewood had great respect for nature, but were also aware that they lived in one of the most dangerous regions on Thra. They understood that no gelfling was on top of the food chain and had to adapt to an eat or be eaten world. They favored a hunter-defender archetype: to understand the cycle of life and have the knowledge to protect oneself as well as their loved ones. But they chose to abide by the laws of nature and frowned upon things like hunting for sport.
The Stonewood Clan had the second largest population of all seven clans, only succeeded by the Vapra. Thanks to an abundance of resources provided by the forest as well as by other clans and the skeksis, their population flourished during the Age of Division. There were smaller Stonewood villages spread out all over the forest to compensate for the clan’s size. This process was difficult for them to accept as it went against some of their traditional values. The Stonewood were known to be slightly more advanced than other gelfling clans as they had sophisticated weaponry and armament to protect their homes with. 
Daily Routine
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A Stonewood’s day started off with the sound of clangs of blacksmith hammers early in the morning. The maudra and her elder council assigned daily tasks to all adult gelfling. Those whose jobs took them outside of the village said their good byes and departed early. The others that stayed met with their groups to discuss the day’s plan. Work continued until sunset when the clan’s hearth is lit for the communal supper with the accompaniment of a song or two. Lanterns full of firebugs were kept alighted for gelfling working nightshifts. 
Aside from nightly songtelling, the Stonewood had other pastimes. The most notable of them were sports and competitions. Regardless of whoever won, all Stonewood showed great sportsmanship and encouraged one another. A popular pastime among childlings were Ipsy battles. During mating seasons, the otherwise peaceful male Ipsy would fight other males for the affection of the female. Childlings would collect Ipsy males and staged battles between them. When the battles concluded the childlings would return the unscathed Ipsy males back to the forest. 
As a large industrious community, the Stonewood Clan had a variety of jobs. There were blacksmiths, woodcrafters, stoneworkers, firekeepers, gardeners, hunters, and a dozen other specialists. Unlike in most clans, songtellers were seen as integral to the Stonewood as other occupations. The clan had unique professions as well. One were wayfinders: they were responsible for helping travelers on their journey and kept them from getting lost within the Endless Forest. Sometimes, a wayfinder would spend days aiding a gelfling. Another was staba-senta or “wood watchers”. They were more keenly aware of the balance of creatures within the wood and were charged with maintaining and upholding it. 
Stone-and-Wood Crafting
Inspired by their environment’s requirements for resilience, the Stonewood turned the trade of stone-and-wood crafting into an art. It was a highly sought out skill for its high difficulty and importance in fortifying the village. Stone-and-wood crafters were able to weave wood, trees, and stone together to create many homes for the clan. It took many trine to learn the skills and even more to execute them. A woodcrafter would spend their entire life growing wood into specific shapes. For stone cravers it took generations to shape a single rock.  
Although some Stonewood used metal swords and the like, hunters and trappers preferred stone tipped spears and finely crafted stone daggers. Stonewood spears, their preferred weapon, were renowned for their durability and perfect balance. 
Stone-in-the-Wood’s Famous Instrument Makers
Among Stonewood’s crafters lived one family who were famous for their instruments. They were often away from the village collecting materials from all over Thra. They built their instruments from ordinary materials like wood and stone, but also mixed unusual ones. Some items included melted crystal sand, Sifan driftwood, fine shards of bone, and hollow feathers. It was said that the materials used in these instruments invoked the voice of Thra itself. Among their instruments, their lyres were the most popular. Even the All-Maudra’s musicians sought them out for their unique sound. Despite being busy, the family took up apprentices so they too could create unique instruments. 
Stonewood Legends: Jarra-Jen
Songtelling and folklore were an important part of Stonewood culture and they had plenty of songs about famous characters and legends to tell every night around the hearth. One of these popular characters was Jarra-Jen the Lightning Born who came from Stone-in-the-Wood. As his epitaph suggested, his birth was heralded by lightning. He was characterized as fearless, charming, and curious with an intensity only rivaled by the forces of nature. Whenever he returned home, he’d always brought treasure and mouth-full of stories from his adventures. Many of his stories were told around campfires and memorialized on the stone slabs found on top of Bolentor’s rise.
Some songs were created to explain the origins of things such as him being the one to plant all seven Great Trees. Others were meant to entertain or teach lessons, whether they were true or not. One favorite epic was called Jarra-Jen and the Horn of Thunder. After passing a series of tasks, Jarra-Jen defeated the tyrant Creghel and freed the gelfling he enslaved. Another song, which was more popular with younglings, was called Jarra-Jen and the Fizzgig King. It taught younglings from digging and accidentally disturbing hibernating fizzgigs during the colder seasons. Jarra-Jen accidentally steps on the Fizzgig King’s tail and was swallowed hole. In order to free himself, the hero tickled the inside of the king’s throat which expelled him. The sound effect of the king’s flatulence was left up to the songtellers to put their own unique signature on the song. 
While Jarra-Jen was a Stonewood legendary figure, his tales were told and celebrated by other clans and regarded as a hero of Thra.
Stonewood Legends: The Hunter
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For every hero there was also a villain and no Stonewood villain was as popular as the Hunter. He went by other names like Bone-Mask and Four-Arms, but many agreed that he was a bloodthirsty one-of-a-kind monster who loved hunting for sport and ate his prey whole. Stories about the Hunter were told to older childlings to keep them from wondering the forest at night, like the short song “Beware the Hunter”. Legends of the Hunter were found all over the Endless Forest and surrounding regions, even finding their way in Spriton and Podling stories. “The Hunter’s Knife” was a notable non-Stonewood myth sourcing the Mystic Valley as the Hunter’s birth place and the noises that came from it was his heart (which he carved out to continue his evil deed unrestrained) who desired to return to his body. Some songtellers, like Kylan, told stories featuring the Hunter and Jarra-Jen together.
Not many Gelfling believed the Hunter existed, but the legends were based on skekMal the Hunter. He was an outcast skeksis whose main hunting grounds were the Endless Forest and its surrounding regions. He was as bloodthristy and fearsome as the songs described him. So skilled was he in his profession that he remained undetected by most Gelfling, with the exception being the Dousan who guided him through the Crystal Desert. SkekMal’s prey didn’t usually include Gelfling unless under certain conditions as he, in his own words, considered weak and preferred stronger creatures. This was different in the book series as he hunted indiscriminately. He bathed in gelfling essence to mask his scent which made it easier for him to catch prey.  He also prevented podlings from expanding outside of the forest and Spriton plains as he hunted them down and delivered some as slaves for the other Skeksis. Regardless, skekMal was always a terrifying force and feared by many even by his own kind. 
SkekMal’s reign of terror finally ended at the Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood which was his (at least seemingly) first and last public appearance. Before killing Rian, his latest target, his other half urVa the Archer sacrificed his life in order to stop him. As the two were spiritually connected, skekMal died as well.
A Stonewood diet was varied which included meats from game caught by hunters and the many fruits, vegetables, and other edible plants growing in the dense forest. They would also purchase foods that couldn’t be grown or produced in the Endless Forest. Stonewood dishes were prepared near the clan’s hearth and were commonly roasted, baked, and seared. Food was served in groups and were noted to be jolly, hearty, and unforgettable. 
Peachberries were one of the well known native fruits found in the Endless Forest. It had a sweet and sour flavor that was easy to pick. More dangerous to obtain fruits were that of the bluemouth. The bluemouth was a carnivorous plant that lures prey in with its sweet smelling nectar and were dangerous to Gelfling. The fruit of the Bluemouth Tree was considered a delicacy for that reason. The fruit of the arara (or screaming) tree was less dangerous. As a defense mechanism, it produced poison by screaming. It was deadly to smaller animals, but for Gelfling, it put them in a dreamlike daze.  Other foods included merkeeps, a delicious tuber found in traditional Stonewood foods. 
Stonewoods usually washed down their foods with a cup of cold water from the Black River. Other noteworthy beverages was the Stonewood Brew, a type of alcohol that trickled down from trees into a giant trough called the Brew Trough. Both natives and outsiders alike served themselves or each other with the cups stacked near by.
Stonewood Apothecary and Recreational Poisons
The Endless Forest had the most diverse flora and fauna, including ones that were venomous and poisonous. Stonewood apothecaries had an important role of supplying treatments and antidotes for a variety of inflictions gelfling received. And on the flip side, they found ways to use harmful substances for more benign ones. Even usually fatal poisons could be altered (through fire, water, or soil) and distilled into potable liquids. Plenty of these recreational poisons were traded among themselves and other clans.
One of the more involved distilling methods were from the poisons created by the arara tree. When produced in smaller quantities, it had a relaxing effect. Apothecaries got the help of experienced harvesters who stealthily picked the fruits off the tree before it had time to produce its signature scream. When given to the apothecaries, the berries were placed into bowls of water and the apothecary would scream in the perfect tone of the screaming tree. The berries would react and produced its slime which dissipated. It was later reduced into a measurable substance and bottled. 
Stone-in-the-Wood, Hometown of the Stonewood
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Stone-in-the-Wood was the main village of the Stonewood Clan. Like their namesake, they lived in shell and stone homes interwoven into trees. It was surrounded by mounds of rock and a lake that sat next to the Black River. It had sections for tourists and traders as well as private ones exclusive to Stonewoods only. The Crucible, the clan’s hearth, lied at its center with the Stonewood Great Hall beyond it. 
The Great Hall was the home of the Stonewood Maudra. It had a large chamber where they held court. When a gelfling, or sometimes podling, misbehaved guards would send them into the Rascal Hole. It was a small jail held down beneath the floor of the Stonewood Great Hall and not too far from the maudra’s throne. 
The village was the second largest gelfling settlement. It became a popular tourist and trading site as the village was a necessary stop to go anywhere in the Skarith region. Beyond that, Stone-in-the-Wood was believed to be the original home of the gelfling, making it one of the oldest gelfling civilizations. It was also the location of important historical events in Thra’s history. 
The Historic Battles of Stone-in-the-Wood
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Two historical battles took place in Stone-in-the-Wood. The first battle was also the conclusion of the Arathim Wars. When the Arathim were kicked out of their ancestral home by the skeksis for refusing to join the Alliance of the Crystal, they rebelled. The rebellion was a series of attacks throughout the Age of Division until thirty trine before where Age of Resistance series began. The First Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood began while Ordon and Fara searched for the dual glaive which was rumored to help end the war. The village was evacuated when the Arathim arrived with Maudra Vala and her warriors there to defend it. At first the Arathim had the upper hand, decimating the gelfling forces and inflicting a fatal wound against the maudra. She survived long enough to see Ordon arriving with the dual glaive. After killing several Arathim, he plunged his sword into an Ascendancy of Silk Spitters and drained them of its essence. Ordon promised to let the Arathim live if they stopped their assault on the gelfling. The weakened Ascendancy gave in and retreated from the village but promised this wasn’t the end. This event officially ended the Arathim Wars. 
The Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood was the first major battle of the Gelfling Resistance. Stone-in-the-Wood previously had a failed assault on the skeksis in both the TV and book series where the Stonewood were thwarted by the skeksis or the Arathim. The survivors of that failed assault returned to join Rian and his small rebellion ready to fight the skeksis. There were casualties on both sides, including three skeksis and Maudra Fara who sacrificed her life protecting All-Maudra Seladon. But it also brought the return of Mother Aughra and unity of all inhabitants of Thra when the other six gelfling clans and their former enemies the Arathim proclaimed their support of the resistance. This was the gelfling’s first major victory fighting the skeksis. 
Bolentor, the Pride of Stone-in-the-Wood
Also known as the Stone Tower, it was a large mount of rocks weaved together by vines, roots, and trees. The stone’s rise was where Stone-in-the-Wood was positioned. Its top was covered in talking stones featuring the dream-etched legends and folklore of the Stonewood Clan. It told of Jarra-Jen’s adventures, stories of Gyr the Songteller, and Aughra’s teachings. Strangely, many of the rocks that constructed the mound originated from other regions of of Thra like the Claw and Grottan Mountains. Speculation were all over the place from a giant moving the rocks there to being petrified droppings of an enormous bird. 
A favorite theory came from the song called Maudra Melyff the Rock Singer. Though the gelfling in the tale was actually unnamed, many agreed that she fit the description. According to the song, the maudra was so lonely that when she sang the mountains were moved and offered their boulders to keep her company. A different version of this tale was found in the book series and the maudra was named Maudra Ynid the Tree Singer. Similarly alone, she wept at the heart of the Endless Forest and with the Cradle Tree’s blessing, stones multipled from the Earth and became Stone-in-the-Wood. She was also said to be the sister of Mesabi-Nara, one of the Drenchen’s first maudras. 
The Stonewood had a name-day tradition that revolved around Bolentor and was considered a rite of passage. Younglings whose sixth name-day anniversary landed within the same season were sent to climb Bolentor without the guidance of adults with a chisel in hand. Once they reached the top, they found a stone and carved a sigil into it. That sigil became the sign of their name which was memorialized among hundreds of others before them. 
The Crucible
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At the center of Stone-in-the-Wood was the Crucible, both a monument and hearth. Like other gelfling hearths, it was the gathering place of the Stonewood during important occasions. It was where the maudra made her announcements and conducted ceremonies. Traders from other regions would come to the Crucible to be welcomed by the village. 
Within the Crucible were dozens of swords and other weapons. It tied with a Stonewood tradition: whenever the clan returned from a battle, their warriors placed their weapons within the Crucible to be melted until there’s nothing left. It was the Stonewood’s way of leaving their aggressive acts and memories behind and go back to their normal lives. In some cases, the melted remains were used as other symbols. After Maudra Vala died, her sword was melted and forged into a crown. Her daughter and successor Fara wore it as a reminder of the battles that were fought, the cost of peace, and to never forget those who lost their lives.
It was one of many examples of the Stonewood’s relationship with their patron element fire. Gelfling from this clan were described to have “fire in their hearts and whose embers never died”. It’s no wonder that the Stonewood gelfling Rian was the one who lit the fires of resistance and sent out his message of rebellion through the Crucible.
The Wall of Destiny
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The Wall of Destiny was a giant prophecy that foretold the end of skeksis rule. It was discovered by Jen and Kira when they stumbled upon ruins of a gelfling settlement. At least in the book series, its location resided within Stone-in-the-Wood. In that book’s version of the Second Battle, the gelfling defeated the skeksis through song and their combined singing formed the creation of the Wall of Destiny. 
Another version of its creation happened when both Gelfling and Podling were taken as slaves by the skeksis. Dismayed, they looked into the fires of prophecy. Seven circles of seven Gelfling, (which totaled 49 Gelfling), laid on the hilltops at night. With magic their dreams were made into stone and the Wall of Destiny was created. 
It told the Gelfling their quest: to find the lost Shard and heal the Crystal by the next Great Conjunction. However, the skeksis saw the prophecy too and feared the Gelfling would succeed. To stop them, the skeksis sent their Garthim and Crystal Bats to find and kill all gelfling. However, at least two survived: Jen of the Stonewood and Kira of the Vapra. Jen ultimately became the Gelfling foretold in prophecy that reunited the shard with the Crystal and ended skeksis rule. 
Olyeka-Staba the Cradle Tree
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The Cradle Tree was the Stonewood’s patron tree. It towered over all the others within the Endless Forest whose trunk was as wide as the Black River. It was the originator of all other trees and what the forest felt and heard was also heard and felt by the Cradle Tree. It was only a short distance from Stone-in-the-Wood and many gelfling visited it often. Stonewoods sat underneath the tree and hoped to hear its wisdom while others came to inspect it for illness as it determined the health of the entire forest. When one lied beneath it, they would experience a soothing sensation described as being cradled by one’s mother. “The Cradle Tree’s Lullaby” was a popular song sun by Stonewood mothers while rocking their childlings to sleep. 
Like the other Great Trees, the Cradle Tree struggled to keep the darkening at bay. In the book series, the Cradle Tree was so sick with it that it displayed vivid hallucinations which preyed on the fears of the individual. Both Naia and Kylan went through this ordeal with Naia being haunted by apparitions of her brother and Tavra. It also attacked her with vines and roots until she was helped by Kylan. Naia was able to dreamfast with it and healed it of the darkening. 
Relationship With the Skeksis And Other Clans
The Stonewood benefited from the influx of traders and visitors, but it reinforced clan-first mentalities. To preserve a sense of safety, stability, and culture, the Stonewood created public and private sections of the village. The clan was kind and friendly to any outsiders but would treat them coldly if they trespassed on private property, on accident or not. Besides that, they seemed the most susceptible to clan stereotypes, seeing how some were highly suspicious of the Dousan and ignorant of the Grottan. While the Stonewood believed they were tougher and sturdier than other gelfling, outsiders viewed them as aggressive and arrogant.
Being geographically the closest to the skeksis, the Stonewood were frequently called upon to be guards at the castle of the Crystal. In fact, they made up the majority of the skeksis’ army up until the late Age of Division. Plenty of Stonewood were elated to get their recruitment letters as it was seen as one of the biggest honors a gelfling received. Because of this, the Stonewood believed they had a more intimate relationship with the skeksis than other clans. 
That ultimately created some resentment towards the Vapra. Many Stonewoods believed the skeksis were in error by choosing the Vapra as the ambassadors and leaders of the gelfling clans. It wasn’t a secret either as the Stonewood had passionate conversations about the topic. Even Stonewood Maudras would make mention of it while in the presence of Vapran representatives. These vents never went too far as they knew disagreeing with the Vapra was also a disagreement towards the skeksis. Such comments risked their reputation as well as access to resources and valuable supplies. Despite it being a well-known secret, the Stonewoods kept it to themselves. 
Of all the clan relationships, none were more well known than the rivalry between the Stonewood and the Spriton. The severity of the rivalry were different between the TV and book series. In the timeline established by the Age of Resistance, the rivalry was seen more in childlings and didn’t go as far as name-calling and rumormongering. With a mix of the skeksis’ meddling and Stonewood’s overall competitiveness kept this rivalry alive. In contrast to the book series, however, was more serious. The Spriton were a warrior clan in this version and fought over territory with the Stonewood over the trine. 
Legacy of Stonewood: Jen
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Although most gelfling were wiped out during the Garthim Wars, their legacies were kept alive by their survivors. Jen was the son of at least one Stonewood parent and seemingly the only surviving member of his clan. He was rescued by urSu the Master who took him to the Valley of the Mystics and raised him in safety. On his death bed, urSu cryptically explained to Jen about his destiny. He was able to succeed in his quest with the help of Kira.
Jen seemed to know some small things about his heritage. He wore the Stonewood sigil on his clothing and was taught how to play the firca. urMaj the Cook attempted to make him gelfling food, but Jen noted it never tasted right  It was possible that what Jen learned he passed it onto future gelfling civilizations and preserved what was left of gelfling culture. 
Notable Stonewood Members
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Rian: Son of Ordon and Shoni who lived during the late Age of Division. He was a castle guard who witnessed his girlfriend Mira be drained by the skeksis. Taking the only proof of the skeksis’ betrayal, he was marked as a traitor and wanted by the lords to keep their secret hidden. Rian started as well became the unofficial leader of the Gelfling Resistance. Like his father, Rian ended up wielding the Dual Glaive. 
Ordon: A veteran of the Arathim Wars and the first wielder of the Dual Glaive. He was promoted to be a captain of the castle guards after his victory in the First Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood. Not knowing that the skeksis were the true perpetrators, Ordon personally requested to seek out Rian in the hopes of curing the supposed sickness that caused his “treachery”. 
Maudra Fara the Rock Singer: The Stonewood Maudra who succeeded her mother Vala during the late Age of Division. She believed in strength and loyalty and did whatever she believed was necessary for her clan. She played a big part in the Arathim Wars as well as being the first maudra who challenged the skeksis when she learned about the truth.
Shoni: Rian’s mother and husband of Ordon who lived during the late Age of Division. 
Jen: The seemingly last surviving member of the Stonewood Clan nearing the end of the Age of Division. Saved by urSu the Master, Jen was raised by the mystics so that he would fulfill his destiny of ending skeksis rule and save Thra. 
Maudra Vala: A Stonewood maudra and mother of Fara. She lived during the late Age of Division and took part in the First Battle in Stone-in-the-Wood where she was fatally wounded.
Thriya: A songteller who lived during an unknown time in the Age of Division. She spent her entire life traveling all over Thra to learn about the cultures and songs of each gelfling clan. 
Mythra: A book series exclusive character. She was the younger sister of Rian who supported him while he was branded as a traitor. She also took part in and survived the Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood.
Timtri: Rian’s younger brother who only exists in the book series. 
Maudra Melyff the Rock Singer: Believed to be one of Stonewood’s first maudras. She was credited with the creation of Bolentor which would become the home place of the Stonewood. In some iterations she’s known as Maudra Ynid the Tree Singer and was sisters with the Drenchen’s first maudra. 
Old Ari: An old songteller who lived during an unknown time within the Age of Division. 
[Sources: Song of the Seven Gelfling Clans, the official Dark Crystal website, Shadows of the Dark Crystal, Song of the Dark Crystal, Flames of the Dark Crystal, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, the Dark Crystal Film, The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance: An Epic Return To Thra, The Quest for the Dual Glaive, Creation Myths, Author Quest: The Gelfling Gathering, Heroes of the Resistance, the Dark Crystal Bestiary] 
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soultek · 4 years
Love Bites (And So Do I) - SkekSo/Reader/Skektek (Dark Crystal: AoR)
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Author’s Note:  Alright, like a whole year later let me post the fic that I made this whole damn blog for!!! And then didn’t finish until now-!
I mean I wasn’t gonna post it but then... I... This blog is literally called So(ul)Tek. These two are... why it’s called that. 
Anyway, happy to provide this fandom with some content (sorry it’s so late!) that’s for sure! 😊😊
Disclaimer: Age of Resistance/The Dark Crystal and all associated characters nothing to do with me / title taken from song of the same name by Halestorm / obvious female reader.
Premise: The arrival of a creature such as you to Thra attracts the attention of more than one Skeksis. The Emperor is quick to claim you as his, and will mark you as such. He can fulfill your every desire, but he does not own your heart. When you need love, to feel like someone in this strange land actually cares for you, you go to The Scientist.
Words: 1641
Warnings: alluded to sex / biting / mentions of blood / not really a poly relationship and yet kinda *is* a poly relationship. / monster kink (I guess!)
It wasn’t a good night unless you were bleeding. Unless you could wake up with marks. Jagged wounds from sporadically placed teeth, running from your shoulder down, in an arrow towards a sharper puncture mark. Your skin was so easily marred – such was the nature of your body. And the perforations ran on both your back and your front. Covering them was more of a problem. And sometimes that was because they were not meant to be covered – but to signal to others whom you belonged to. Not that they did not already know that, but on sheer number of teeth alone it was obvious as to whose bite had left indents in your skin. He couldn’t risk them over your neck – if he caught you just wrong then he would no longer have you; and that presented problems. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t scratch those talons across your delicate skin, and on occasion dig them into your neck; feeling your heartbeat as your blood pulsed through your veins. Life. Yours not eternal like his. But a life that could be his to give or take.
 Whilst he may well have had your fear, your respect, and every desire and carnal thought you’d ever had… he did not have your love. That, and your heart, belonged solely to another. And the Emperor only let you have that relationship because it kept you happy, and if your heart was happy… you’d come back to him at night for what you really needed. He just had to keep his court in check – though he would think the Skeksis to whom you gave your love would not dare step one toe out of line.
 It was a strange union – in that nothing would ever come of it. Foolish to think that anything would. You were not of Thra. And he was not of Thra either – but you were still not of the same world. He’d given up on that notion some time ago; but at least he knew that you would have a union with no other either… And yet it was something. And he had to keep you. You were as tall as the Lords of the Crystal, smart and sarcastic – holding your own against any one of them if it was called for. And agile, quick on your feet – if he called for you no matter where you were, you could be at his side in minutes. A fraction of the time he knew it would take any of his court. Almost as quick as Skekmal, in fact.
 As the morning light broke through the windows to the Castle you studied the lesions in the mirror. There was honour in being marked in such a way by the Emperor, and the sheer ecstasy it brought you under the cover of midnight… But running your fingertips over those indents the morning after, when your head was clear and there was no lust running through your veins, brought you a different kind of clarity. You would have to return to the one you loved most looking like this. And he would notice. Eventually. You may be able to hide them – but the Emperor would not allow you to cover them in his presence… Your eyes swept the room with a sigh; he had already left for court duties. Allowing you and your body the respite of sleep. You pulled your dress on and slipped quietly back to your own room, it wasn’t much, but it was still somewhere of your own. You couldn’t stay there too long, however, doing nothing more than changing your clothes before you made your way to where you really wanted to be…
 It was cooler in this part of the castle, making your way down to the lab, sticking close to the shadows and walls. You were about as wary of the Gelfling guard as you were any other Skeksis; and you certainly didn’t want to run into any of them so far from the Emperor’s side. You knew the temperature would change a little as you reached the Scientist’s workspace; here you were closer to the centre of Thra and the molten rock that flowed sluggishly through the heart of the planet.
You padded softly through the castle, and paused at the door with a smile to watch, as you reached your destination. He was already tinkering away, muttering to himself as he did so. You rested your head against the door frame, smile growing. As you listened a while you realised that Skektek wasn’t just muttering to himself, but he was grumbling. You wondered which of the others had set him off today – not that he ever needed much of a reason – and couldn’t contain your laugh well enough, as a small chuckle slipped out. This immediately alerted Sidetic to your presence, and the little green fluffball - whom Skektek called ‘friend’ - chirped happily at you from his cage.
The Scientist turned from his work with a huh, and his amber eye focused on you. “Oh-!” He placed his tools down and fussed with his clothing for a moment as he stepped back from his work bench, “Top Gear.” You weren’t sure exactly where this cute nickname Skektek had fashioned for you had come from, but it made you immediately beam. “I wondered if I might be able to help you today?” There was only a moments hesitation, “Surely the Emperor would prefer you to accompany him?” It stung a little, that hurt in his voice, even when he knew it had to be this way. “Not that he requested.” “So you have not cleared this with him?” Skektek took a step back towards his workbench. “I haven’t, but what I do with my own time is not of concern to him.” You voice was firm in it's conviction. “No, but you and I…” He trailed off wistfully and fumbled with his tools for a moment. “Perhaps you should confirm that you will not be required in court today.” “He would keep me there out of spite for me wanting to be here!” You crossed the room, begging him not to ask you to go. You needed Skektek now, you needed to feel loved - as if someone cared for your more fragile emotions, needs and desires.
Pushing yourself between him and his work, your eyes were determined, “If the Emperor wants me, he can come find me himself-!” “I-!” You cut the Scientist off before he could protest, “I’m staying. Relegate me to a corner if you must, but I would rather be useful.” There was a silence between you that you tried not to see as uncomfortable as his eyes searched yours, your head tilted, frown absentminded; you always worried about his mechanical one. Something you weren’t sure you could forgive the rest of his species for. You were a fairly good engineer, that much was true, but you also knew you had nothing on him – and everything here on Thra put you a little out of your depth. “Please…” Begging wasn’t beneath you, and your voice wavered the perfect amount, “don’t make me go.” Skektek was almost reluctant to say it, and he looked away from you again; “You can stay.”
Although relieved, you didn’t move from your position between him and the bench, and all of a sudden your emotions overwhelmed you, finding your eyes flooding with tears that you tried to keep from spilling. Startled by your first sob, Skektek recoiled, before - bringing his clawed hands up to nestle on your cheeks - giving his best attempt at wiping those tears away. “Now, now, there’s no need for that.” You gulped them back, hands upon his, not quite lacing your fingers together, “S-Sorry. I just…” You didn’t need to finish the sentence for him to know, and he lifted you up onto the counter top. Your clothing fell just a little more suggestively than you had meant, but you weren’t about to readjust anything at the significance of this pause.
You noticed the way his eyes lingered on your now exposed thighs, and wondered if perhaps you could make something of that. That you could be loved on now… that you could wash away the way last night was currently making you feel, now you were in this moment with him. You pulled Skektek into your body gently, planting a series of sweet, chaste kisses over his snout. The Scientist's movements were instinctive, even when his hands trembled the way they always did, and he began to inch your dress down your body. You couldn’t help the spike in your heartbeat, that tender flutter of anticipation you felt. Every. Single. Time.   He paused; hesitation apparent by the fading marks on your shoulder, across your chest and thighs. You would wait days between one and the other, just to hope that they would fade quicker. But they never did. “Please…” You pulled Skektek’s eyes back to yours, fingertips delicately ran his beak, “…I need you…” “But- I-” Try as you might you could not keep him from tracing his Emperor’s markings. And you swallowed hard. “Bite me.” “…What!?” The Scientist nearly recoiled at that. Why would you ask such a thing of him? Your love was delicate, you came to him to recover, to revel in being loved, for once. Not to be broken as you were upstairs. If you awoke with him - and it was always with him - he would curl himself around your body protectively, tail always wound around your legs. And when he slept with you in his arms tangled in his sheets, he emitted a sound not unlike a purr. And in this strange land, that was where you felt safest. That was where you felt like home. “Please.” You took his talons back in your hands, “Mark me. As yours.”
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Archaia’s Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance #12
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The Journey into the Mondo Levidian Part 4
In this installment, they do not journey into the Mondo Levidian at all. Maybe this should have been titled Into the Guts and Back Again: A Gelfling’s Tale.
In part one, newly All-Maudra’d Mayrin deals with a Sifan separatist crisis but also plenty of unresolved mother-induced insecurity issues. She charters a ride with Captain Kam’Lu to speak to the separatist leader Fenth but a sea monster sinks the ship.
In part two, Mayrin and Kam’Lu are adrift at sea on a raft following the sinking but then they get eaten by a sea monster. The two meet the monster gut dwelling Boblings and learn that they have a limited time before the Mondo Levidian returns to the deeps and then there’ll be no escape for a trine. With the Bobling King’s daughter Gunda, the two set off on a journey out of the Mondo Levidian.
In part three, Mayrin, Kam’Lu, and Gunda set off on a journey to the Mondo Levidian’s porticol and fight a lot of Zoa. Mayrin and Kam’Lu become friends on the basis of name-shortening. And Mayrin flies Kam’Lu out of the closing porticol to save him from Zoa and prove her mom wrong.
So they’re out of the giant fish so what more is left of the story at this point? The answer is beneath the keep reading.
So let’s get started!
Dot arrives on SkekSa’s totally sweet monster/ship which she is very proud of.
SkekSa: “Greetings and welcome to the greatest behemoth in the Silver Sea, Ambassador Dot’leth! You’re aboard an unstoppable ship built with Skeksis ingenuity. Does our mastery of nature itself make you tremble in awe?”
Dot: “I assume you mean the second greatest behemoth in the Silver Sea, considering the attack on the Sifan ship that cost the lives of All-Maudra Mayrin and Captain Kam’Lu --”
SkekSa: “Well, yes, that was reported... but the captain of this ship has yet to find any proof of the alleged creature that destroyed the Sifan ship.”
Now, at first blush, this seems like SkekSa slipping up and accidentally admitting culpability like Prince Humperdinck in Princess Bride and his fastest ships.
But when the Mondo Levidian emerges from underwater, SkekSa goes from ‘what the heck’ to ‘i WANT that.’
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SkekSa: “Second-greatest behemoth in the sea... bah! What does that ignorant old Vapran know about the sea! The only monsters here are --”
Mondo Levidian: -emerges-
SkekSa: “Oh. What other secrets are hiding in this infernal world...?”
SkekSa: “It’s been many trine since SkekSa discovered such a wonder -- and a majestic creature such as this deserves a naming ceremony! Vassa... You will be mine! The Mariner sails only the greatest creature -- er, ship -- in all of Thra!”
I had been assuming that the Mondo Levidian attack was a conspiracy by SkekSa to seize power for her preferred Gelfling clan. But it seems like it was just crazy random happenstance that she and Fenth got opportunistic over.
Also, holy crap, Dot has a full name?
And Fenth and Dot are implied to have History, being a little awkward around each other.
Over on top of the sea monster, Mayrin and Kam’Lu discover that the Zoa (led by the Zoa wearing clothes. The Necrozoa?) are following them up and out of the porticol. Mayrin and Kam’Lu have to take to the air again to try to escape to SkekSa’s ship.
Watching all of this happen, SkekSa settles on ‘bored of this.’
SkekSa: “New plan. SkekSa doesnt’ care anymore about your Gelfling squabbles.”
Fenth: “But...! But....! You said I could have power! We had a deal!”
SkekSa: “And SkekSa is bored of politics. I want that creature. I will be unstoppable, and all of Thra will be mine to explore! Entire lands waiting to be named -- named after me!”
I kind of like that SkekSa’s priorities are 1) Giant monsters, 2) Naming a lot of shit after herself, 3) The Sifan, I guessss. 2.5) is probably ‘ugh Skeksis politics uuugh.’
Mayrin manages to lead most of the Zoa swarm in front of the Mondo Levidian which jumps up and eats them.
She lands on the deck of SkekSa’s ship and has a moment with Kam’Lu.
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This very good friendship has just become a kissing relationship.
It has been a hell of an enemies to lovers for them, huh?
The remaining Zoa and the Zoa-in-clothes, identified as being a queen Zoa? land on SkekSa’s dreadnought and Mayrin declares that the Zoa stand before a United Thra “Vapran courage and Sifan honor!” and for the Zoa to turn back or be destroyed.
Then there’s a massive Zoa vs Gelfling fight scene with SkekSa yelling for them to get off her ship.
I adore her.
Fenth gets upset that Mayrin is uniting the Sifa and Vapra and decides ‘hey, all kinds of things can happen in the heat of combat’ and throws an entire ass sword at Mayrin’s back.
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But Kam’Lu blocks the attack with the goo shield (which he evidently kept). And its a bit of a broken pedestal moment considering Kam’Lu’s personality in issue one was ‘hey did you hear this cool stuff Fenth is saying??’
Kam’Lu: “Vile traitor! I trusted you! I believed in your lies and your wisdom! I thought you would lead us to something better... But you are the poison to all Gelfling-kind -- a poison I can no longer willingly imbibe!”
Good for you, Kam’Lu.
The war against the bugs ends when Mayrin stabs the queen Zoa in the eye and yells a defiant speech to her.
Mayrin: Queen, I am not one for violence -- But I will resort to it if I must! I will do whatever is necessary to save my kind -- just like you. We are the same! Please! Turn away! Turn away and end this needless bloodshed!”
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And the queen Zoa does.
Whether actually moved or cowed by Mayrin’s speech or because she’s smart enough not to go in for sunk cost, the queen and the remaining Zoa take off.
Good job, Mayrin.
Although, it is funny that you tried to sue for peace when you earlier described the queen Zoa as “a monster filled with blind hate, resentment, and beastly rage. Something born in the pit of despair and darkness... Something that knows only hunger and power.”
But it won’t be the first time that Gelfling were way off in regards to the Arathim slash offshoots, nor the last.
Still, it feels right that the final boss of Mayrin’s plot was a giant monster queen wearing her mother’s clothes that she fends off by confidently telling to buzz off.
Fenth tries to blame the whole situation on Mayrin for leading the bugs to the ship, which is technically true. But Kam’Lu has become Mayrin’s biggest supporter because the boy believes with all his heart.
Kam’Lu: “You’re wrong! Mayrin is here because she had to save us at all costs! She is here because she is fighting to keep the seven clans together! She has been through a bizarre adventure, struggling through the stomach of monsters unknown!”
“I was just like Fenth -- I distrusted Mayrin because she was a Vapran. But Mayrin has saved my life too many times to count. She proved her strength in the toothrakes! She outwitted the horrifying King Bobling! She fought bravely and earned the respect of the greatest warrior of Bajula! She is what the Sifa clan needs. What all Gelfling need! In the darkness of the Mondo Leviadin, Mayrin led the way. I believe in her.”
“And I swear, from this day to my last, when my body is taken by Thra, that I will fight for her -- by her side. As her friend... Her captain... Her...”
And then he trails off there because Mayrin holds his hand and the poor boy only has so much processing power.
Also, he kinda embellished Mayrin’s accomplishments by saying she outwitted the “horrifying” Bobling King. That guy was a kitten.
The Sifan Maudra is intrigued by all this love biz and asks Mayrin what she would do if the Sifans do decide to leave the clans.
Mayrin: “If we are to separate, then the seas will weep for the lonely Sifa clan. The mountains of Ha’rar will shake in the bitter Vapran gales. We must be the shining light of Thra -- together!”
“We are the living monuments of everything that touches us, be it the good and warm that gives us hope... or the malice and greed that drives us down darker paths. And... I wear my mother’s colors. I know it. I feel it -- I accept it. But I am not my mother.”
“I promise that I will bleed for you! I will fight for you! I will break my body in half to ensure that you have yours! To sail the sea as you see fit! So please, give me the chance to prove it to you! Give me the chance to fail and to succeed! if you do... Perhaps we may all grow old together -- knowing what unity is meant to be... knowing what love is --”
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Fenth is less than thrilled. Not just for his thwarted ambitions but because SkekSa has thoroughly gotten sick of him and is probably annoyed that she had to sit through all these speeches without even getting a giant sea monster.
She grabs him and drags him away through the crowd while everyone is distracted being jubilant.
SkekSa: “Take a long look at the Silver Sea, Fenth -- It will be many trine before you witness it again... Skeksis friend SkekTek the Scientist has plans for Gelfling who fail!”
Huh. Wonder what that means. This is way too soon for draining to be on the table.
On the cliff above Raunip’s pass, the Sifan and Vapran come together for the wedding of Mayrin and Kam’Lu.
Dot assumes that Mayrin chose the venue so she can fly Raunip’s Pass with the power of love but Mayrin chose the venue so she can deliberately not do that because she’s done following her mom’s path.
Mayrin: “You have taught me the most important thing, Kam’Lu -- that I am the only one responsible for the path I fly. That we must all chart our own path -- and that we cannot do that when the dense cloud of grief fogs our vision. And that to be my best self -- no matter who it is that I am -- I must be myself. Faults and failures and scars and all. Understanding that acceptance is not the same as failure. We must think of the future of our kind.”
Its also implied that Mayrin is already pregnant as she declares that she’ll name her firstborn Seladon, after Mayrin’s mother.
... It is incredibly ironic. Mayrin declares that she’s going to set her own path and then chooses her mother’s name for her daughter. The daughter that she’s going to repeat a lot of Seladon I’s parenting mistakes with, giving Seladon II a whopping case of insecurity and unfortunately no character building adventure with a hunky sea captain.
Hm. I wonder what happens with Kam’Lu. That whole family situation probably would have been less of a timebomb with him around. Alas, the sea is a harsh mistress. Full of fish and salt.
So, the last arc of Archaia’s Jim Henson’s Dark Crystal Age of Resistance comics. I still have two of the YA novels to read but with the cancellation of the show, who can say when there will be more comics.
But the comic ends strong. We visit another parent when they’re young and get to see more wild Thra life. We get to see SkekSa! She’s a delight. We get to see another side of the Sifan than the brief appearances in the show.
Thanks for the good times, Archaia’s Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance comic.
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dkscribe88 · 4 years
Tavronica Week Prompt 7: AU
And now, for my final entry for this year’s first annual Tavronica week. I decided to set it in modern times. They’re still on Thra and still Gelfling, but they’ve adopted a way of life similar to humans, including going to college and playing sports, such as ice hockey. Tavra is team captain, single, and focused on helping her team win the final game of a tournament against their rivals, lead by Tolyn. Onica is a Psychology student who recently became single and is dragged to the game by her best friend, Tae. Tavra always seemed like she would be a jock if she were real, and the only sport I really ever played was ice hockey, so I decided to write her playing it. I hope you like this last fic. It’s been a blast writing for this event, and I’m proud to say I met my challenge of 7 prompts for 7 days. Can’t wait to do it all again next year! So now, sit back and enjoy my final entry for this year. Beware, it’s the longest one yet.
The roar of the crowd was deafeningly loud throughout the halls of Ha’rar State University’s hockey stadium. Flooded with fans of both the home team, the Ha’rar State University Fighting Paladins, and visiting rivals, the Sami Thicket University Landstriders; the atmosphere was tense. It was the finals of a two-day tournament. Both top seeded teams played two games the day before, easily routing their opponents. Their head-to-head battle had always been assured, the latter two games merely a formality. Both teams stared daggers at each other whenever the Paladins locked eyes with a Landstrider. There’s bad blood between these rivals, the wound freshly opened after what had transpired a few hours before…
Earlier in the day, the home team had arrived two hours before they were to hit the ice, hoping to do some warmup exercises in their locker room before suiting up, only to discover that the whole place had been destroyed. Bags had been dumped out, equipment strewn randomly throughout the room, and jerseys were being soaked by the showers. Their hockey sticks were no longer in the racks, and no one would have found them, had the team not experienced this sort of attack before. The Paladin’s team captain, defenseman Tavra just sighed before casting her gaze upwards, confirming that the sticks were indeed glued to ceiling.
“Sheesh, they could’ve at least come up with a more original way of wrecking our stuff. C’mon guys, cleanup positions. Ready? Go!” The team quickly got to work straightening things, accomplishing their tasks efficiently, having done so many times before. They kept a scraper and a bottle of nail polish remover taped under one of the benches for occasions such as this, which easily dissolved the super glue. It took a little longer to get everything back in order this time though, as the Landstriders had taken the time to remove the tape from their sticks before gluing them. It was a tedious task, retaping everything, but Tavra and her crew knew everything needed to be perfect, or they wouldn’t stand a chance. STU’s captain, Tolyn the Terrible, did his best to crush anyone that stood in his way, using any means necessary. The Landstriders led the league in both penalties and player ejections. They’d already given four different Gelfling concussions, ending the player’s seasons early, and in one case, ending it for good, the injury so severe it caused brain damage, forcing the player off the team and out of school altogether.
Forty minutes later, the locker room was back in usable condition. Tavra took her place in front of her team.
“Alright! Everyone get in line for warmups. First, we stretch, then after that 20 jumping jacks. When I say go. Ready? GO!”
Meanwhile, at the campus dorm rooms…
“C’mon, Onica! It’ll be fun, I promise. The game is going to be great and there’s gonna be a sick afterparty, with lots of hot gelfs for us to hit on, so let’s go, please? You need a new girlfriend, or at least someone to take your mind off Effiny and I need to get my flirt on. It’ll be good for you to get out.” Tae had been trying to convince her friend to attend the game with her for the last few hours, not wanting to go by herself.
“But I’ve got that test coming up for my Developmental Psychology class and I haven’t even studied for it yet.” Tae rolled her eyes.
“You’ve never had to study for any of your Psych classes before. You know every bit of that material frontwards and backwards, sideways, diagonal and upside down. If that’s your best excuse my victory is assured.”
“But I won’t even be able to get into the afterparty. You have to know someone on the team to attend and I don’t, so I see no reason to go.” Tae refused to give up.
“That doesn’t matter! I told you, I know the goalie. Zili promised that if we showed up, she’d get us in. Zili’s a bit weird, which she claims is a common trait amongst goalies, but she’s also true to her word. Please, I don’t want to go alone.” Tae had been nice so far, but it was time to pull out her secret weapon. She kneeled down next to Onica’s chair, lower lip jutting out in a pout, eyes turned up in a begging fashion, glistening with small tears in their corners. Onica had to give her style points for being able to cry on demand. She tried to turn away, but there was no escaping the power of the fizzgig pout. Unable to fend off the adorably cute assault any further, Onica let out a groan.
“Ugghhh! Okay, fine! I’ll go. But you owe me. More than one.”
“Yes!” Tae jumped up, giving her roommate and best friend a hug. “Thank you so much, Oni! There’s this new guy on the team, Galen, and Zili’s promised to help me get a chance to talk to him. Oh, I can’t wait for you to see him, he’s so dreamy. He’s tall, and Sifa, like us, with some Spriton and Vapra mixed in. He’s got beautiful tanned skin and dark hair with little bits of silver here and there, ooh-hoo-hoo just the thought of him makes me quiver!” Onica gave her friend a look of disbelief and slight disgust.
“Sounds like a creep if you ask me.”
“No! No, he’s not, actually. Zili said he’s really kind and soft spoken most of the time. When he does talk, he’s so deep, and he’s got a great sense of humor, too.” Onica smiled at her then, reassured of Tae’s choice to pursue this guy.
“I can’t wait to meet him, then. I hope you find happiness this time Tae. I’d hate for you to be stuck with someone who doesn’t appreciate you.” Onica’s face turned slightly sullen, then. Tae put a hand on her shoulder.
“Are you talking about Effiny? Onica, that girl has serious issues with where her priorities lie. She didn’t know what she had, being with you. But soon, Onica, someone will come along who loves you for you, I’m sure of it. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet them tonight. So, come on. To the game!” Tae jumped into a pose, pointing dramatically towards the door. Onica gave a small laugh, before getting up and ready for the night’s activities.
The two young women made it to their seats as the two teams warmed up on the ice, each circling around their zone, while some fired pucks at the goalie, who easily blocked them all, giving Zili a confidence boost to start off with. Tavra was gliding along on her skate’s edges, keeping an eye on her own players, looking for signs that each was ready, and smirking when she found they were. She got in line to shoot then, firing right from the line in a slapshot, typical of her defensive position. She’d placed a spin on the puck, causing it to look as if it were warping in the air as it curved toward Zili’s glove side. Tavra nearly got it in, but at the last second, Zili’s eagle eyes tracked it and she caught it neatly in her mitt.
“Nice try, Captain! Maybe next time, yeah?” Zili teased her. Tavra smacked her stick against the goalie’s pads affectionately before gliding off to the back of the line, only to freeze as a sinister gaze met her own.
“Tolyn,” she whispered bitterly. The big jerk was Spriton, tall and strong, or in Tolyn’s case brutish. The sound of ice being carved sounded from behind her, letting Tavra know her two assistant captains had her back.
“That guy almost makes me ashamed to be Spriton.” Kylan muttered, glaring with all he had at the man, who only sneered back.
“Don’t let him get to you Kylan. I’ll make sure he doesn’t hurt you this time. I’d never hear the end of it from my brother if I did.”
“You’re damn right about that, Naia.” Another player had joined the assistant captains.
“Speak of the devil. Hey, Gurjin. You ready to rumble?” Naia asked her brother.
“Oh, you know it. Gotta get revenge for them breaking my poor Ky Guy’s arm.” Suddenly, the scoring siren went off, signaling the players to leave the ice as it’s resurfaced in preparation for the game’s start. The Paladin’s gathered once more into their locker room. Tavra, Kylan and Naia stood up front as everyone else kneeled, waiting to hear some inspiring words from their captain.
“Ok, we’ve got a tough game ahead of ourselves here, people. We know just as much as anyone else that the Landstriders don’t fight fair. Expect attacks from all sides and keep your guard up. Their goalie is weak on their stick side, so do your best to aim at the space between the arm and torso, as well as high on her right side. Stay away from that glove hand, it’s too good. Now raise your swords, gelfs…” Everyone’s sticks rose in the air. “Brave paladins of HSU, are you ready to defend yourselves, your honor, and your school?” The team let out their best roars of approval. “Are we ready to face the beasts in battle, skate blades sharpened, sticks taped?” Another roar resounded throughout the room. The coach signaled for the group to head out for introductions.
“Ok gelfs, charge!” The Paladins stormed out of the locker room, cheering wildly, though it was completely drowned out by the outrageously raucous crowd. The visiting team was just getting finished with their introduction.
“And, at center, the Landstrider’s leading scorer and captain of the team, number 66, Tolyn!” Loud boos overwhelmed any cheers there might have been for the Spriton center, causing him to shake his stick angrily at his many detractors.
“And now, the roster of our very own home team, the Ha’rar State University Fighting Paladins!” The crowd cheered loudly in response. “For the tertiary line, at left wing it’s number 86, Mira!” A thin Vapra girl quickly skated out on the ice, waving to her fans. “On right wing we’ve got number 18, Deet!” A Grottan girl and Rian’s girlfriend skated over to bump gloves with Mira. “And at center, number 8, the incomparable Rian!” The Stonewood skated out strong, charming all the ladies as he waved to the crowd. “For our secondary offensive line, we’ve got our newest player, number 45, Galen!” A Spriton, taller than both Kylan and Tolyn skated reservedly onto the ice. “Coming in on right wing like a thief in the night, it’s number 13, Periss!” The youngest of the team, a Dousan boy with a rakish attitude glided out, taking bows and throwing kisses as he went. “And, at center, number 7, Bold Gurjin!” The great oaf was light as a feather as he slid past his teammates, giving Kylan’s helmet an affectionate smack as he passed him. “And now for our secondary defenseman. On the right, give it up for number 3, Brea!” Tavra’s younger, bookish sister skated calmly into place, absorbing any information she could about her enemies. “And on the left, it’s number 69, ladies let out a cheer for Rek’yr!” The tattoo-faced man skated grandly into place, blowing kisses to his many lady followers, who screamed in response, one of them fainting.
“And now, everybody give it up for our starting roster. On left wing, we’ve got number 4, the mysterious and shadowy Amri!” Amri had already snuck into his place in line at this point. “On right wing, number 32, our ever-melodious Kylan!” The lanky Spriton skated calmly into place, doing his best not to be intimidated at the sight of Tolyn pretending to slash his throat, the universal bully sign for ‘you’re dead meat’. “And at center, number 17, it’s Fierce Naia!” Naia charged onto the ice, letting out a growling war cry as she bumped gloves with all her teammates, nearly knocking some of them over in her zeal. “And starting for the defense, we’ve got number 49, Ellis!” A Vapra senior a few years older than Tavra skated out. “And don’t forget his partner, your favorite player and mine, that devastating lavender tornado, the Tremendous Tavra!” The crowd got even louder somehow as Tavra regally entered the rink, smiling at her comrades and looking disdainfully over at her opponents. “And last, but certainly not least, that eccentric and crazy girl you know and love, the goalie, number 00, Zili!” Zili skated out powerfully in her heavy goalie pads, ready to protect and defend her net with all she had.
“Whoo! Yeaaayuhh, let’s do this!” Zili riled up the crowd even more, forcing the officials to wait several minutes until things died down to start. The Skarith Land’s flag was lowered down over the rink by wires, as the country’s national anthem played. Once it was over, the teams headed for their respective benches while the captains of each team came and shook hands. Tavra took her hand out of her glove, offering it to Tolyn, who merely scoffed at it and took off to his own bench. Tavra looked at Kylan and Naia.
“Well, you can’t say I didn’t try.” The three skated over to their team, who were being given a last-minute pep talk by Coach Madso.
“Alright, lads and lassies, get out there and follow the plan. Don’t let them goad you into penalties we can’t afford. Stay onside, and for Thra’s sake, protect each other. We don’t need anymore broken arms, right Kylan?”
“Y-Yes sir!”
“OK!” Tavra barked. “Sticks in!” Everyone gathered in a circle, sticks placed in the middle, pointed downward. “Paladins on three! One, two, three-”
“PALADINS!” With that, the other lines went to the bench and the starters to their places. The referee checked to make sure each goalie was ready, and the centers faced off. The puck is dropped, and the game begins!
It’s late in the third period. Both teams are exhausted from holding each other to a standstill. Neither had scored so far, and the crowd was getting restless with tension. Back and forth across the ice they raced. Naia had the puck on a small breakaway, Kylan assisting her as they passed the flat black object between each other, desperate to keep it away from the Landstriders. Suddenly, Kylan got pinned to the boards as he tried to dig the puck out from the edge of the rink. The enemy player’s skate kept blocking his stick and he couldn’t twist his body the right way to get it. What Kylan didn’t see was that across the rink, Tolyn had locked onto him. He charged, barreling straight at the unwary Spriton. But just as he was about to slam the music major into the boards, something tripped him from behind. He landed flat on his face, sliding hard into the boards from his momentum. A whistle was sounded, stopping play.
“Number 17, Paladins, two minutes, tripping.” It didn’t matter that Naia had stopped Tolyn from breaking Kylan’s clavicle, she got stuck with the penalty. Now they were one gelf down, on a powerplay in the Landstrider’s favor, at the very end of the game. They only needed to last two minutes, but with Tolyn lurking out on the ice, it might as well have been two trine. Coach Madso called timeout, gathering his brave Paladins to his benchside.
“Alright my soldiers, this is what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna hold the line as best we can. I need Gurjin on right, Deet, you’re on center. Use any tricks you’ve got to be in front of that net. Tavra, Brea, you’re in at D. Tavra, you’ve got the fast slapshot. Everyone else, get the puck into the Landstrider zone, and then get it to Tavra. She and Deet will do the rest. Are we clear?” Everyone nodded. “Good. Paladins on three. One, two, three-”
“PALADINS!” The selected players went to their spots. Deet took the faceoff. When the puck dropped, Tolyn made to tackle the small Grottan to the ground, but when he aimed high, she went low, ducking beneath his arms and skating away with the puck. Gurjin plowed through his opponent, flanking Deet on the right. Tavra and Brea trailed behind, stopping just inside the Landstrider blue line. They skated circles in place, watching the puck bounce back and forth between Gurjin and Deet, trying to thwart their attackers and draw them away from the net so Tavra could get a clear shot. The clock began to wind down. The two-minute penalty passed and Naia quickly skated to the bench, where she was replaced by Amri, who drove hard into the occupied zone to help Gurjin and Deet. Deet passed to Gurjin, who was immediately dogged by Tolyn and his right wing, Lun. Pinned against the boards, all Gurjin could do was kick his leg, which he did, successfully knocking the puck along the boards and over to Amri, who slipped and slid around his attacker like a snake through wet grass. His ears perked as he heard Coach Madso cry out.
“Hey! Get it to Tavra! She’s open! Ten seconds left! Make the pass, Amri!” Amri whipped around, searching for his teammate. Tavra was in shotgun position, ready to take aim as soon as she’s given ammo. Amri flicked the puck over to her. She barely stopped it before pulling her stick back and firing it hard through the air and over the center of the ice. The goalie reached for it…It’s…It’s…CLANG! It’s deflected! But what’s this? SMACK!
The crowd waited with bated breath. Tavra stared forward, dropping to her knees.
Wee-Ooh! The scoring siren finally sounded. It’s good! Deet had indeed been waiting, and when the puck glanced off the post, she was right there with the rebound. Her teammates suddenly surrounded her, giving a group hug and patting her hard on the back, screaming they’d won. Tavra, still on her knees, looked upward, not trusting the scoreboard. It was 1-0 Home, and the clock had one tenth of a second left. The following faceoff was just a formality, as the clock ran out and the siren sounded once more, signaling the end of the game, and of the tournament. Trophies were handed out in a ceremony before everyone started to head home. But, just before the team left the ice, Gurjin shouted to the crowd:
“Victory party at Gyr Hall!” Cheers were heard as they departed to the locker room to shower and change before heading to the party. Tavra took her time cleaning up, in no rush for the festivities. All she wanted was to enjoy the energy rush she’d gotten from a game well-played. But, as team captain, she was obligated to go, at least, that’s what Naia and Gurjin said. Kylan gave her an out, but he was quickly overruled by Rian and Deet, so Tavra had no choice. She would socialize, whether she wanted to or not.
“Tae, do we have to go to this thing? All that crowd noise gave me a headache.” It was Onica’s last-ditch effort to escape the party. Tae just rolled her eyes.
“You’re fine. Don’t be such a drama queen. Besides, Zili knows we’re here, we can’t just walk out on her. There she is, Zili! Over here, girl!” After meeting up with the goaltender, who was just as weird as Onica had heard, Zili escorted them over to Gyr Hall and the party held within. The voices of others were all that was heard within the crowded dorm hall. The music was still being set up, but Gurjin kept interfering to flirt with Kylan, who was in charge of tunes. Zili moved passed them, searching for the boy Tae wanted to meet with. Galen was finally spotted talking to Amri, joining them when Zili called him away.
“Alrighty. Galen, this is Tae. Tae, Galen. Ok, let’s see some love sparks fly. Go on, you two. Scoot!” The two walked off, Tae apologizing to Onica for leaving her there with her eyes. Onica sighed lightly, she knew this would happen. She opted to plop down on a vacant couch, people watching to pass the time. Twenty minutes went by, during which Onica grabbed herself a beer from a nearby cooler. She sipped the bitter liquid slowly, not desiring a buzz, but merely drinking it as something to do. Just as she’d talked herself into grabbing one more, there was shouting coming from the front street. Changing her mind on the drink, the redhead decided to see what was going on.
A tall Gelfling of Spriton descent stood in front of a group of students, some of which Onica recognized as being part of the Landstrider’s roster. They’d had their helmets off when receiving their second-place trophy.
I guess that means the one in front is Tolyn. Not the most attractive of team captains, is he…Onica thought, watching the scene unfold. More shouting was then heard coming from the dorm’s side entrance, before a group of Paladins emerged, a beautiful silver and lavender haired woman at their head. And that must be Tavra. What an attractive Silverling. Perhaps Tae was right. Maybe I should find someone else. Tavra stepped right up in Tolyn’s face, not backing down.
“This is a private engagement, my good Landstriders. Please leave, before things get ugly.” The cracking of knuckles reinforced her words, Naia’s fists providing the sound effect. Tolyn just gave a cocky grin.
“Aww…is the big, brave Paladin afraid one of us Landstriders are gonna hurt one of her friends again? By the way, Ky, how’s the arm?” Kylan grabbed his forearm, defensively pulling it to his chest.
“I-It’s fine.” Gurjin stepped in front of his boyfriend.
“Leave him be, Tolyn. You touch him, and I won’t stop at just your arm.” Kylan grabbed Gurjin before he did something foolish, attempting to calm him down. Tolyn just scoffed.
“Tch! You need to keep a better leash on your Drenchen mutt, Tavra. Kylan betrayed his own, so he’s fair game to us.”
“Oh, my Thra, he changed schools! There’s no betrayal in that. STU didn’t have a music program, so he switched. You can’t fault him for that.” Naia jumped in, standing next to her brother and further blocking Kylan from Tolyn’s wrath.
“I take back what I said,” Tolyn paused. “It looks like you’ve got two Drenchen dogs you need to teach discipline to. You really got your work cut out for you, don’t ya, Katavra.” Tavra flinched at the use of her full name. Only her mother called her that, and when it happened, it wasn’t going to be good. Tavra stared at Tolyn coldly.
“Just leave, Tolyn. You’ve had your fun. Enough is enough.” Tavra turned, attempting to end the incident, but Tolyn wasn’t of the mind to leave. Onica watched as he snuck up behind her back.
“Oh, no. H-Hey! Tavra, look out!” Onica’s warning came too little too late, as Tolyn turned Tavra by her shoulder, only to haul back and hit her right on the jaw with a sickening crack. The poor woman was knocked off her feet, saved from hitting the ground by Gurjin, as Naia charged forward with the rest of the team in retaliation. A fight broke out, the Paladins easily outwitting and out-brawling their opponents, only to chase after them as they tried to retreat. Gurjin had left Tavra with Onica, who had approached to see if she could help. The Drenchen charged into the melee, flinging Landstriders left and right. Brea came over to where her sister lay with a washcloth and ice, handing them to Onica before grabbing her phone to call campus police. The Sifa placed the ice gently to Tavra’s already swelling jaw. The dazed Silverling gazed up at her, a strange smile spread across her face.
“Hmm…I must be dead…” Onica looked at her oddly.
“What makes you say that?”
“I’ve got a beautiful, red-haired angel taking care of me. If this isn’t paradise, I don’t know what is.” Onica chuckled at the rather forward-speaking Vapra.
“Well, I’m afraid this isn’t paradise, but if you’d like, I can care for you a little while longer.” Tavra smiled at her, before suddenly pulling her in for a dazed and clumsy kiss. Onica pulled back, blushing wildly.
“I’d really like that. My name is Tavra. And what is the name of the gorgeous angel that’s caring for me, if you don’t mind my asking.” Onica blushed even further, beguiled by the Vapra girl’s charms.
“I’m-uh…I-I’m Onica.” Tavra took her hand, holding it up to her lips for a kiss nearly missing it because of her dizziness.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, my dear lady Onica. I hope we can get to know each other better, that is, once my jaw stops hurting so much. *Groan* Coach is going to be so mad at me if I can’t practice tomorrow.” Onica placed a gentle hand to the uninjured side of Tavra’s face.
“Lucky for you, my hobbies include learning traditional Sifa herbal Less side effects than regular medications. And I guarantee you’ll be up and skating by tomorrow. Now, let’s get you up and into bed.” Onica helped Tavra to her feet, the Vapra swinging an arm around the other girl’s shoulders.
“You’ve known me less than ten minutes, and already you’re trying to get me into bed. My, my, don’t you work fast.” Onica rolled her eyes, but still laughed quietly.
I think I’m beginning to like this girl. With that last, lingering thought, the two walked unsteadily into the dorm, and into a wonderful new relationship.
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pop-punklouis · 4 years
hi hope! i saw that you’re really big into film and tv. do you have any tv shows you could rec? i need something new to watch.
hiya grey! and of course. i always have tv shows on hand to rec
• Dark (3 Seasons)
When two children go missing in a small German town, its sinful past is exposed along with the double lives and fractured relationships that exist among four families as they search for the kids. The mystery-drama series introduces an intricate puzzle filled with twists that includes a web of curious characters, all of whom have a connection to the town's troubled history -- whether they know it or not. The story includes supernatural elements that tie back to the same town in 1986.
• Portlandia (8 Seasons)
this absurdist series set in Portland, Ore., that gently pokes fun at the laid-back Pacific Northwest city and the many eccentric characters that call it home. Among the many recurring guest stars on the series are Ed Begley Jr., Jeff Goldblum, Natasha Lyonne, Kumail Nanjiani and Kyle MacLachlan, who plays Portlandia's mayor.
• Parfum (limited series)
When a woman is found murdered with scent glands excised from her body, a detective probes a group of friends who attended boarding school with her.
• Trinkets (2 Seasons)
A grieving teenager finds an unexpected connection with two classmates at her new high school when they all land in the same Shoplifters Anonymous group.
• Fleabag (2 Seasons)
A dry-witted woman, known only as Fleabag, has no filter as she navigates life and love in London while trying to cope with tragedy. The angry, grief-riddled woman tries to heal while rejecting anyone who tries to help her, but Fleabag continues to keep up her bravado through it all.
• I Know This Much is True (limited series)
Middle-aged Dominick Birdsey recounts his troubled relationship with Thomas, his paranoid schizophrenic twin brother, and his efforts to get him released from an asylum. (Mark Ruffalo’s best performance to date)
• The Vow (limited series)
Following the experiences of people deeply involved in the self-improvement group NXIVM, an organization under siege with charges including sex trafficking and racketeering conspiracy brought against its highest members and founder Keith Raniere
• The Outsider (limited series)
Based on Stephen King's best-selling novel of the same name, "The Outsider" begins by following an investigation which at first seems like it will be simple and straightforward but things change as it leads into the gruesome murder of a young boy by a seasoned cop. When an insidious supernatural force edges its way into the case, it leads the investigators to question everything they believe in.
• Peaky Blinders (5 Seasons)
Britain is a mixture of despair and hedonism in 1919 in the aftermath of the Great War. Returning soldiers, newly minted revolutions and criminal gangs are fighting for survival in a nation rocked by economic upheaval. One of the most powerful gangs of the time is the Peaky Blinders, run by returning war hero Thomas Shelby and his family. But Thomas has bigger ambitions than just running the streets. When a crate of guns goes missing, he recognizes an opportunity to advance in the world because crime may pay but legitimate business pays better. Trying to rid Britain of its crime is Inspector Chester Campbell, who arrives from Belfast to try to achieve that goal.
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a wealthy couple -- video store magnate Johnny and his soap opera star wife Moira -- suddenly find themselves completely broke. With only one remaining asset, a small town called Schitt's Creek, which the Roses bought years earlier as a joke, this once-wealthy couple must give up life as they know it. With their two spoiled children in tow and their pampered lives behind them, the Rose family is forced to face their newfound poverty head-on and come together as a family to survive.
• Mindhunter (2 Seasons)
Catching a criminal often requires the authorities to get inside the villain's mind to figure out how he thinks. That's the job of FBI agents Holden Ford and Bill Tench. They attempt to understand and catch serial killers by studying their damaged psyches. Along the way, the agents pioneer the development of modern serial-killer profiling.
• Mr. Robot (4 Seasons)
Young, anti-social computer programmer Elliot works as a cybersecurity engineer during the day, but at night he is a vigilante hacker. He is recruited by the mysterious leader of an underground group of hackers to join their organization. Elliot's task? Help bring down corporate America, including the company he is paid to protect, which presents him with a moral dilemma. Although he works for a corporation, his personal beliefs make it hard to resist the urge to take down the heads of multinational companies that he believes are running -- and ruining -- the world.
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• Maniac (Limited Series)
Annie Landsberg and Owen Milgrim are two strangers who are drawn to the late stages of a mysterious pharmaceutical trial. Each has a different reason for participating in the experiment -- she is disaffected and aimless, fixated on broken relationships with her mother and sister, while he has struggled throughout his life with a disputed diagnosis of schizophrenia. The radical treatment, using pills that the inventor claims can repair anything about the mind, draws Annie, Owen and 10 other subjects into a three-day drug trial that they're told will permanently solve all of their problems, with no complications or side effects. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned.
• The Witcher (2 Seasons)
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• Living with Yourself (Limited Series)
A man who's burned out on life and love undergoes a mysterious treatment, only to find that he's been replaced by a better version of himself.
• The Society (cancelled after one season unfortunately)
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• I Am Not Okay With This (1 Season)
I Am Not Okay With This is an irreverent origin story that follows a teenage girl who's navigating the trials and tribulations of high school, all while dealing with the complexities of her family, her budding sexuality, and mysterious superpowers just beginning to awaken deep within her.
• The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (1 Season)
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance returns to the world of Thra with an all new adventure. When three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power, they set out on an epic journey to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world.
• Grace and Frankie (6 Seasons)
Two nemeses become bonded jilted wives after their husbands reveal they have been having an affair with each other since the 1990s and now plan to get married.
• Special (1 Season)
A young gay man with cerebral palsy branches out from his insular existence in hopes of finally going after the life he wants.
• Russian Doll (1 Season)
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• American Vandal (2 Seasons)
American Vandal is a half-hour true-crime satire that explores the aftermath of a costly high school prank that left twenty-seven faculty cars vandalized with phallic images. Over the course of the eight-episode season, an aspiring sophomore documentarian investigates the controversial and potentially unjust expulsion of troubled senior (and known dick-drawer) Dylan Maxwell. Not unlike its now iconic true-crime predecessors, the addictive American Vandal will leave one question on everyone's minds until the very end: Who drew the dicks?
• Immigration Nation (1 Season)
A rare and expansive look into the consequences of unfettered power, Immigration Nation is a powerful, harrowing indictment of the current state of American immigration.
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sweetiepie08 · 4 years
All I Ask of You (Chapter 5)
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance fic
Deet x Rian
She walked into his life when all seemed lost. He accepted her when the other surface dwellers didn’t. She was gentle. He was brave. Their first impressions dwelt in their minds and their feelings grew as their journey wore on. They supported each other, comforted each other, and gave each other strength. Together, they were a light in the darkness.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. 
The plants around Rian withered and died.
Gone. She was gone. Not gone in the way Mira or his father were gone, but still lost to him.
He tried to follow her, but bramble and thorns stopped him at every turn. He would never make it through the forest, not like this. He needed to go back and resupply if he wanted even a chance of finding her.
He turned and trudged back to Stone-in-the-Wood. The jubilant sounds of celebrating gelfling only put a lump in his throat and a weight on his heart.
Though they won, the battle only brought him horror. Dueling the General and plunging his sword into flesh, the reemergence of the Hunter and nearly getting his head torn off, Deet taking the full power of the Emperor’s magic.. Terror ripped through him when he saw that beam hit her. She screamed out in shock, in pain, in fear, and he was once again helpless to stop it. Once again, he could do nothing but watch as someone he loved died.
But she did not die. She struck back, taking out one of the Skeksis, proving the Lords were mortal. And if they were mortal, they could be defeated.
After the Skeksis retreated, he was concerned only with ensuring his friends were unharmed. He hugged Gurjin, saw Brea embracing her sister, then watched Deet wonder off into the woods.
When he made it back to the village, he was acutely aware of the eyes on him. Strangers looked at him like he was some sort of hero, but he didn’t feel like one. While everyone around him was filled with elation, he felt lost in a haze.
“See, there he is,” Gurjin cried, bringing Rian back to the surface.
He looked up to see his friend and Mother Aughra resting on the steps of the Maudra’s Home Hearth and his feet carried him to them.
“What’d I tell you?” Gurjin went on. “Probably snuck off for a snog.”
“But Deet’s not with him,” Kylan whispered back.
“Rian?” Brea stood up to greet him. “Where’s Deet? When we couldn’t find you two after the battle, we thought you were together.”
“Deet…” he muttered, watching their faces slowly melt into dread. “Deet is…” He choked on his words and his friends exchanged fearful glances.
“Deet?” a new voice behind him spoke. He turned to find himself faced with Deet’s father. “Has something happened to my daughter?” Every fear imaginable flash through this father’s eyes.
“Deet is alive,” Rian stumbled out, unable to keep this poor gelfling in suspense any longer. “It’s the Darkening, I think. Her eyes were purple and I could see veins in her arms.”
A grave look passed on Aughra’s face. “Maudra Argot tells me the sanctuary tree gifted her with its powers,” she said, standing up and walking over to them. “If that is true, she may have taken its ability to absorb the Darkening without being completely destroyed.”
Hope grew in his heart. “So there’s a chance? We can save her?”
“As long as she still lives, there’s always a chance, but I haven’t a clue how to reverse it.”
Rian’s eyes turned back to the forest. The spot Deet disappeared through drew him to it like a magnet. He needed to find her. He simply needed to. “I’m going after her,” he declared. “Someone needs to bring her back. If the Skeksis get to her first…” That was a chilling thought. They saw how much power she wielded and, whether they wanted to take her out or harness it for themselves, that made her a target. It wouldn’t be the first time they made a gelfling their slave.
“But how will you find her?” Kylan asked.
“Her power’s leaving a trail,” Rian explained, recalling the path of dead plants that lay in her wake. “I should be able to catch up.”
“But the animals that were possessed by the darkening became aggressive,” Brea argued. “You saw what she can do. What if-”
“She wouldn’t hurt me!” Rian snapped. “She wouldn’t hurt any of us. She…” He looked around at his friends’ worried faces, all seeming to ask how he was so sure. But how could they forget? This was Deet they were talking about, kind, brave, gentle Deet. He couldn’t imagine a force in Thra that would compel her to harm an innocent creature, let alone one of her friends. “I just know she would never do such a thing.” And if they were in my place last night, they’d be sure too.
They knew nothing of the word they shared the previous night. He didn’t feel right telling them. It felt too intimate. They were words he might have kept secret even from her if he thought she wouldn’t reciprocate. But the drink and the dread of the coming battle possessed him and he asked her to pretend to love him, just to ease his grief and loneliness from a moment. It was a greater gift than he could imagine when she promised her love was real.
“Rian…” Mother Auhgra took him by the shoulder. “The road diverges here. If you choose the path that leads to Deet, take caution. It is true she is still there. Her light has not gone out. But that’s not all she is anymore.”
“Thank you, Mother Auhgra. I will head your advice. But as long as there is still a spark of Deet left in the world, I won’t lose hope.”
Mother Auhgra nodded and gave him a half-smile. There was a look of thoughtfulness on her face and her third seemed to see beyond the path before him. He knew from legend Mother Auhgra could all the paths gelfling could take and where they might lead. If this was true, and she didn’t try to stop him, which he took as a good sign.
“And you, sir,” he said, turning to Deet’s father. “I promise you, and your husband too, that I will return your daughter safely to you.
“Thank you,” her father said, tears forming in his eyes. “I can tell you’ve been a good friend to her. I trust you will do everything you can.”
Deet’s father then pulled Rian into an embrace. He couldn’t help but feel some sorrow in his heart. He’d hugged his own father for the last time the night he died. Rian already had his last chance, but Deet hadn’t, not yet, not for a long time. She would see her family again. He’d make sure of it.
The door to the Home Hearth opened and Seladon stepped out. “She’s ready,” she said, a grim look on her face. “You may tell the Stonewoods they can come in now if the wish to pay their respects.”
“Respects?” Rian asked, breaking away from the hug. “Respects to who? What’s going on?”
His friends all exchanged worried glances before Brea stepped forward to speak. “I’m afraid we have some grave news as well.”
Rian looked down at his Maudra lying motionless on a table in her throne room. Around him stood the remainder of the Stonewood warriors. Seladon let the Stonewoods in first to pay their respects before the other glelfing.
The mood hung like a shadow over their heads. Maudra Fara had been their leader since the end of the Arathim Wars. She took the crown before she even came of age. She was strong-willed, just, and brave. More than that, she loved her clan above all else. Sadly, while she led a great many into battle, she was left with a much smaller number of mourners.
To Rian, though, she held a special place in his heart. She was a good friend of his father and he had the privilege of knowing her as more than their clan’s leader. He got to peak behind the Maudra’s stern demeaner and saw Fara’s softer side. He watched her tease his father and have a laugh at the great warrior’s expense, one of the very few who could. When she visited the castle, she always made time to check in on him and ask how he was. Her love for her people showed in the time she gave to each one of them, even a childling growing up away from his clan.
Truly, they would never see another like her again.
Which left one question hanging over them all. “Had she chosen an heir?” Rian asked, looking down at his Maudra’s quiet face.
She died without children, and so, she would have chosen a successor to carry on if the worst should happen. Which it did.
The Stonewoods behind him were silent, save for some uncomfortable shuffling. He looked to Seladon, who shook her head. “We received no record of this in Ha’rar.”
“Where’s her lead advisor?” he asked, turning to the other Stonewoods.
“That would be Cohl,” one of the Stonewoods answered. “They evacuated with the other non-combatants.”
“And her guard Captain?”
The Stonewood shook his head. “One of the first drained, sir.”
His heart twisted. Of course. It made sense. Take out the clan’s leadership first, leave the maudra alive to keep the rest of the clan in line… Great Thra, he hated that he could think like them. “So who’s in charge here?”
They met his question with expectant stares. He looked them over. They were foot soldiers and a few lieutenants. They were used to taking orders or relaying decisions to their higher-ups. None were prepared for command. But the answer in their eyes was obvious.
After all, they answered his call. They followed his plan. They fought in his battle.
“It can’t be me, so who is it?!”
His outburst echoed off the walls. The Stonewoods shifted, exchanging glances. Their answer hadn’t changed, despite his protest, and he couldn’t blame them. No Maudra, not captain, and no advisors. Who else was there?
After some more non-committal shifting, Seladon spoke up. “Who is your fastest rider?”
One of the Stonewoods stepped forward. “I am, Maudra.” Finally, an answer.
“Go to the place where the non-combatants are hiding and bring them news of Maudra Fara’s death. The lead advisor should act as leader of the clan until a new Maudra is selected according to your clan’s customs.”
“More than one should go,” Rian added. “The Skeksis may have retreated for the day, but there’s no telling what they might have lurking in the forest.”
As the Stonewood warriors decided amongst themselves who should go, Rian turned to Seladon and tried to convey his thanks in his eyes. She nodded and smiled slightly in return.
Once a decision was made, the Stonewoods split into two groups, those who would escort the non-combatants back to Stone-in-the-wood, and those who would prepare Maudra Fara’s funeral ceremony. They left to carry out their duties, leaving Rian and Seladon alone in the throne room.
“She shouldn’t be buried until the rest of the clan returns,” Rian said, turning back to Maudra Fara. “She’ll want to say goodbye to all of her children.”
“Of course.” Seladon said, approaching Fara’s body. “She was a titan. A fighter to the end.”
“Yes…” Rian couldn’t stop staring at her still face.
“We must fight in her place,” she continued, placing a hand on his shoulder, “now that Thra has called her home.”
“Killed by the Skeksis, you mean,” he seethed. That little flare of anger was the first emotion to penetrate the numbness he felt since stepping in the room. He felt strangely sober, despite the circumstances. His Maudra lay dead before him and his eyes were shockingly dry. Perhaps he simply ran out of tears to shed. But a tiny flame of fury flickered in his heart like a candle in a fog. It could weaken and die or grown strong enough to burn down the whole world. Only time would tell which.
“Can I ask, why can’t you lead until a new Maudra is selected?” Seladon said. “You led the battle, after all. Your clan seems to respect you.”
Today they do. He shook his head to cast the thought away. “You weren’t out there when I explained.” He went on to tell her about Deet’s disappearance. “I made a promise that I would find her and bring her back safely. I can’t break that promise.”
Seladon listened quietly, no judgement on her face. When he finished, she nodded. “I understand. I’ll see to it that Fara is properly returned to Thra and a new Maudra is crowned.”
“Thank you. I appreciate your help,” he said, wishing there were words strong enough to convey his gratitude. She truly had no idea how much it helped him to know he was leaving Fara in capable hands. “I should say my goodbyes now. I won’t be able to stay for the ceremony.”
“I’ll leave you alone, then.” Her hand brushed his back one more time. “Take all the time you need.”
Seladon walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. The sound echoed off the walls. He looked down at Fara again. She still looked proud and strong, despite everything. He waited for words to come to him, but there were none. Strange how, now that he had time to say goodbye, he couldn’t think of what to say.
Say what’s in your heart, a sweet, familiar voice reminded him. A half smile tugged at his lips. He opened his mouth and started talking.
That night, Rian returned to his grandmother’s house to prepare supplies for his journey. He took a bow and quiver full of arrows from the armory, as well as an extra sword, just in case. While he knew the woods well enough to survive on the plants that grew there, he also took some warrior’s marching bread and an extra water skin.
As he was running a whetstone across one of the swords, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” Rian called, expecting one of his friends. Instead, Deet’s father entered the room.
“Sir,” Rian said, setting his sword aside and jumping to attention. “Is there something I can help you with?”
“I was just hoping to talk to you,” the older gelfling said, joining Rian in the living room.
“Of course, sir.”
“Lath’N” Deet’s father answered. “You can call me Lath’N. There’s no need to be so formal.”
“Alright, Lath’N,” Rian said, inviting him to sit down. “What can I do for you?”
“I just wanted to thank you for looking after my daughter,” he said sitting beside Rian on the sofa. “I’m glad she found such a good friend on the surface.”
“It’s Deet who’s been a great friend,” Rian said, feeling a warmth in his cheeks. “I’m only doing what she would have done for me.”
“That is good to hear,” Lath’N said, looking over the supplies on the table. “I see you’re preparing for your journey.”
“Yes, I plan to leave as soon as the first brother rises. Don’t’ worry, I’m a good tracker and I know these woods well. I won’t lose her.”
“I have faith in you.” The older gelfling’s eyes lingered on Rian’s face. “Forgive more saying this, but you look tired.”
“Well, I did fight in a battle today. And trained with some the fighters this morning… almost died a time or two…” he trailed off. So much had happened, it felt like weeks had passed. It was hard to believe that, just this morning, he woke up with Deet in his arms.
“And that was all just today,” Lath’N said, summing up Rian’s thoughts. “But I didn’t mean like that. You look a different kind of tired. It’s not fair, really. You’re too young to look this tired.”
“A lot’s happened in the last…” He stopped as he tried to count the days in his head. How long had it been? Everything was starting to blur together.
Lath’N reached to the table and picked up the sword Rian was sharpening. From the way he held it, Rian could tell it wasn’t his first time holding a blade. “Fine sword you’ve got here. What kind of steel is it?”
“I don’t really know. I lost my sword the first time I fought the Hunter. This is a spare Naia and Gurjin brought me from the castle… Or, is this the one I took from the Circle of the Suns? Or the armory? Been through a lot of swords lately. Do you know about smithing?”
“Just tangential stuff you pick up through training.”
“Training?” Rian asked. “But, Deet told me her fathers were nurloc farmers.”
“I am now,” Lath’N laughed. “But in my younger years, I was a castle guard.”
“You? Really?” Rian let out a small laugh as well. “Forgive me but, there have only been about a dozen Grotton guards in history.”
“That’s true.” Lath’N smiled and extended his hand. “Meet number twelve.”
“It is an honor, sir.” Rian shook his hand vigorously. “You must outrank me.”
“I doubt it. I left when I was still young.”
“Oh, may I ask why?”
“Well, when I joined, I was young, with dreams of adventure. It turned out to be quite different from what I expected.”
Rian nodded. “It might sound strange coming from me, but the castle could be very dull.” He’d heard similar things from guards who’d come and gone. He’d tell them, ‘if you want adventure, you should join the Sifa.’ Most coming in didn’t realize how boring the castle was. Gurjin, who joined because ‘they say nothing ever goes wrong at the castle’, was the only one who had a different answer.
Lath’N laughed. “Yes, but that’s not what I meant. There were things I liked about it, like meeting gelfling from all the different clans. But everyone was so on-edge all the time, and always so formal. It was very different from Grot. We’re a small clan, so it’s more like a big family. We’re more laid-back and friendly.”
“That sound’s nice,” Rian mused. Although ‘laid-back and friendly’ hardly described his family…
No that wasn’t entirely true. His grandmother, for example, was always kind and comforting. And she told him funny stories from when his father was a kid, which was a plus. Then there were the times when he was young and his mother was still alive, and they all lived in a little house on the edge of the village. He remembered how his parents would smile and laugh together. How his mother would teach him old gelfling songs. How he’d watch his father practicing drills in the yard and how his father would invite him over to try the moves. How sometimes, on a quiet night, his mother would read him a story, usually and old gelfling folktale, and he’d look up to see him father smiling at them, just content to watch them exist.
It would be nice to have that again, but, it seemed like an impossible dream.
“The thing I think I disliked the most,” Lath’N continued, “was that, when you were out on escort duty, you had to hold yourself above the other gelfling, like you weren’t just like one of them.”
“I know what you mean,” Rian said. Lath’N general assessment was right. Life as a guard was not only dull, but tense. You weren’t a gelfling when you were on duty, but the Skeksis’ hands. You were meant to do their bidding without question. But they made it seem like it was a privilege to be serving them, like you were a step above everyone else. And that’s exactly how they’ve been fooling us for a thousand trine.
“I grew up in the castle,” Rian went on. “There wasn’t a lot to do as a childling. I was always getting into trouble. But you’re right. I was always on edge. I always had to be out of the Skeksis’ way. If I was too much of a bother, they might have had me sent from the castle, away from my father.”
Lath’N’s face looked grave. “That’s a terrible burden for a child to bare.”
Rian almost didn’t know what to say. Lath’N’s sad, disappointed eyes bored into him. He wasn’t disappointed in Rian, but in the circumstances of Rian’s childhood. No child should be forced to grow up as lonely as you did, they seemed to say.
Rian’s heart tightened and he forced out a laugh. “It wasn’t all bad. The guards mostly treated me like a little brother or cousin. And, when I got old enough, my father gave me sword fighting lessons every morning. Plus, I got to spend my summers in Stone-in-the-Wood. It was a lot like how you described Grot. The villagers were usually friendly and welcoming. At least, I had other children to play with.”
“You know, you light up when you talk about Stone-in-the-Wood.”
A soft, genuine smile came to his face. “I’ve made a lot of fond memories here.” Even just last night, he thoughts as he remembered the feeling of Deet’s lips of his.
Lath’N gave him a curious look. “And yet, when you came of age, you stayed at the castle as a guard.”
“Of course.” The comment surprised him. No one ever questioned his decision to join the guard, not even Rian himself. It was what he was always supposed to do, what was expected from him. “My father was the captain for most of my life. I was to follow in his footsteps.”
“Seems to me you have. He was a great hero, was he not? And now, so are you.”
“That…hadn’t occurred to me…” It was true, come to think of it. Victory crumbled to ashes so quickly, he hadn’t had time to process what happened. But, all those gelfling who came up to him and congratulated him, they must think so. Although, he was not the one who dealt the final blow. “Deet’s the real hero. She’s the one who sent the Skeksis running. Even before that, I never would have made it this far without her.”
“Deet is something special,” Lath’N said with a wistful smile on his face.
“Yes,” Rian agreed, a smile growing on his face as well. “Very special.”
“As are you,” Lath’N said, putting his hand on Rian’s shoulder. “Not everyone could go through all you have and come out the other side still standing, let alone continuing to fight.”
“I must.” Once again, Lath’N surprised him. Of course he was still fighting. What else was there to do? “We’re at war now and it’s a war I started, so I better finish it.”
“You can’t blame yourself for this.”
“It’s true through. I’m the one-”
“Are you the one responsible for a thousand trine of Skeksis rule?” Lath’N asked in a surprisingly firm voice. “This war was a long time coming and the fight is bigger than any one gelfling. I believe there’s an old Stonewood saying. ‘There are times when the blade is necessary.’”
“Yes, and this is one of those times. But there’s more to that saying. ‘The hand that wields the blade cannot help the fallen to their feet.’”
“So, you put your blade side when the fighting is done.”
“That’s right,” Rian sighed, looking at the sword on the table. “What are you getting at?”
Lath’N looked at him with his gentle eyes. “I only wonder if this is the life you would have chosen for yourself, if you had the choice.”
Words lodged in his throat. What would he be if none of this had happened? If he was never a guard? If the Skeksis never came to Thra? His whole life was so tied up with the guard and Skeksis and now the rebellion, it was hard to imagine anything else. His life would be completely different. Thra would be completely different. But, was there any point in wondering? The war had begun. The Skeksis needed to be dislodged if the gelfling were ever to be free. “It hardly matters now.” He may not get to choose but, if they won, future generations might.
“Still, it’s something to consider,” Lath’N said, picking up the sword to inspect it again. “When you set your blade aside, Rian, what will you do?” He put the sword back on the table. He then said his goodbyes, wished Rian best of luck, and left him alone.
Rian went back to preparing for his journey, but his eyes kept lingering on his sword and Lath’N’s question stuck in his mind. Should they win, should the Skeksis be defeated for good, should the gelfling finally have peace, what would he do? Could he set his sword aside? Could he find something else to do with his life, something he truly wanted?
They needed to win first. The war had to be fought. They were being hunted and killed. The Skeksis would wipe out all gelfling if they could. They needed to save Thra, as well as all gelfling-kind.
But, after that, if they won, Rian may, finally, have a choice.
The first brother had just cracked the horizon when Rian began his journey. Pure exhaustion was the only thing that allowed him to sleep that night. His mind was too full of dread to give him pleasant dreams, but, luckily, there were no nightmares either. Just a night of blessed, dead-to-the-world slumber. It was the best he could hope for, but it didn’t compare to the night before, holding Deet close and warm, his face nestled in her soft hair… It was only one night but the bed still felt empty and cold without her.
He stepped outside. A thin layer of fog hung in the chilly early-morning air. A few remnants of battle lay scattered on the ground. The streets were empty, but not like they were when he and Deet first arrived. He could walk through the village, knowing the gelfling were sleeping safely in their beds, or at least under the roofs offered to them. He was leaving this place full of life, but only for now. I’ll be back, he promised himself. And I’ll be back with Deet.
As he made his way to the edge of town, a voice broke through the morning silence. “Thought you could give us the slip, eh?”
Rian’s heart lifted at the sound. He turned to see his friends gathered behind him. “What are you all doing up so early?” He hurried back to them with a smile on his face. “You’re not planning on coming with me, are you?”
He was of two minds about that. On the one hand, he appreciated the support and the company. Plus, traveling in a group would be safer, should they run into any trouble. But, he needed to travel light and move quick if he wanted to catch up to Deet. Besides, the other gelfling would need leadership if they were to defeat the Skeksis for good.
“No,” Seladon clarified. “There’s too much to do while the Skeksis still reign.”
“And someone needs to make sure the clans are still standing when you get back,” Naia added.
He nodded. Of course, Deet was only one mission in this great game. They each had their own paths to follow. He could only hope they’d all lead back together again.
“We wanted to see you off,” Kylan said. “And wish you good fortune on your journey.”
Gurjin smiled. “And you didn’t really think you could leave without saying goodbye, did you?”
“Thank you, all of you,” Rian said, his heart full. “I know we all have our parts to play. I wish you all good fortune as well and that, someday, we will all meet again in happier times.”
“I wanted to give you this.” Brea stepped forward and handed him a little leather-bound book.
“Your journal? Are you sure?”
“I’ve written a lot about Thra’s history in there. The Skeksis have tried to stamp out much of it, but I want to restore it to all gelfling. Knowledge can be a powerful tool against a cunning foe. I hope it will help you on your journey.”
“Thank you. I’ll make good use of it.”
“I know you will.” Tears welled up in Brea’s eyes and she pulled Rian into a hug. “Bring her back.”
“I will,” he vowed, his resolve hardening even more.
“You’d better,” Gurjin said, his smirk doing a poor job of hiding his fears. Rian transferred from Brea’s arms to Gurjin’s. “Watching you make a fool of yourself over a gelfling you fancy is one of life’s greatest joys.”
Rian let out a breathy laugh. “There’ll be plenty of time for that.” He’d wonder how Grujin knew, but they’d been best friends long enough to become familiar with each other’s subtleties. He was sure Gurjin could read him as easily as he could read Gurjin.
His best friend released him and Naia stepped up next. “Deet’s a sweet girl,” Naia said, hugging him. “If you let anything happen to her, I’ll have your head.”
“I’d deserve it,” Rian answered.
When Naia was finished, Kylan took his turn to embrace Rian. “I know you’ll do everything you can to keep her safe but remember to keep yourself safe as well.”
“I’ll try.”
He stepped away from Kylan and found himself faced with Seladon. She was their All Maudra now, but in that moment, she looked shy and nervous. He could understand why. Most of them barely knew her. She was summoned to the Crystal with them, but she refused its first call. Their little band of friends had been through so much together. Perhaps she felt like an outsider.
She stepped forward but made no move to embrace him like the others did. “When you find Deet, tell her…” she cast her eyes downward, “tell her I’m sorry for treating her so poorly when we first met.”
“You’ll be able to tell her yourself.” He strode forward and embraced her. “I swear it.” Whatever mistakes she made in the past, she fought alongside them in their battle again the Skeksis. She was his sister in arms now. If they were to ever win the war, they needed to stay together.
The hug ended and he stepped back to see the sad smiles on their faces. He was grateful for them all. Their seeing him off was not only a testament to when great friends they were, but to how much they all loved Deet. “Thank you, all of you. When we next meet, I’ll bring happier news. I promise.”
“I’m going to hold you to that,” Gurjin smirked. “Go on, now. Go be a hero.”
Rian took one more look at his friends, then turned to head out of town. They called out their final farewells to him. Each one filled his heart with hope as he disappeared into the Endless Forrest.
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thanatasia · 4 years
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Behold Nairami and Ira, Bhihaar’s parents and the Stonesan siblings’ Dousan grandparents
Ira and Nairami are a pair of jewelry makers who help beautify the many Dousan of their Xeric. They were very close with their Sandmaster, which helped them a bit in giving Bhihaar the opportunity to be trusted in trading Dousan goods for “outsider” goods.
They wanted nothing but the best for Bhihaar and hoped he would find a traditional Fousan mate to start a family with. Their hopes were crushed when they found one of Maeve’s Stonewood charms in Bhihaar’s quarters. Though calm, the Dousan pair’s faces showed the amount of disappointment plain as day.
Despite Bhihaar’s attempts at showing them that the love he felt for Maeve was real and true, Nairami and Ira had withdrawn from Bhihaar and told him to be gone before the Brothers awakened. Bhihaar left out of respect and continued to communicate with his parents by sending gifts of drawings, charms and dried flowers, to let them know he held no animosity and loved them still.
Nairami and Ira couldn’t deny how much they missed their son. In their own time, they came to understand that perhaps the coupling of Bhihaar and Maeve was a good sign from Thra that things needed to change. Would they have preferred Maeve be a Dousan? Yes, but their love for their childling was stronger than tradition, however they didn’t want the clan backlash.
The arrival of Cha’l and Fleur prompted the elder couple to be a part of their lives but visits were limited and eventually they became very rare occasions (Cha’l and Fleur were lucky enough to have a relationship with them but Ofir doesn’t have a strong relationship with them because he doesn’t go to the Crystal Desert) Fleur takes a shine to crafting bone jewelry, Ira and Nairami are more than happy to show her how to craft something that would be the envy of any who saw it.
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grigori77 · 5 years
2019 In TV - My Top 10 Shows
This past year may have sucked balls in a lot of ways, but we certainly never got short-changed when it came to our TV.  There was an absolute WEALTH of truly cracking TV around, both on regular networks and on the various on-demand platforms, and so here is my pick of the best, my absolute favourites of 2019.
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Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof brings us a blinding sequel to comic book legend Alan Moore’s legendary graphic novel with a delightfully trippy, ruthlessly efficient rug-puller that seems pretty tailor-made for HBO.  Old faces return in interesting ways, while there are some cracking new “masks” on offer, particularly Regina King’s Sister Night and the always-brilliant Tim Blake Nelson as morally complex antihero Looking Glass (in some ways very much the show’s own answer to Rorschach).  It never goes where you expect it to go, and refuses to give easy answers to the questions it raises, effortlessly paving the way for more next year ...
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Amazon offers up its own edgy, thoroughly adult superhero property with this darkly funny antiheroic gem based on the cult Garth Ennis comic, expertly adapted by Supernatural creator Eric Kripke.  Karl Urban dominates as Billy Butcher, the foul-mouthed, morally bankrupt “leader” of a makeshift crew of mercenaries, hitmen and psycho killers devoted to “taking care of” superheroes when they inevitably go bad.  Season 1 ultimately serves as an origin story, showing how the team come together, laying quality groundwork for the incoming sophomore tour that promises to open the already fascinating world out significantly.
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More Garth Ennis, namely this blinder of a closing season for AMC’s consistently impressive adaptation of his best known series for Vertigo comics.  Surprisingly epic, deliciously subversive and constantly, darkly hilarious, this thoroughly non-PC series from showrunners Sam Catlin, Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen (yes! I Know!) certainly went out on a high note, providing its loyal followers with perfectly-pitched bow-outs and sometimes heartbreaking goodbyes for all its players, especially its dynamite leads, Dominic Cooper, Ruth Negga and, in particular, Joe Gilgun as unapologetic bad boy vampire Cassidy.  A worthy end to one of my all-time favourite TV shows.
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While it’s clearly taken its look from the wildly successful video games, Netflix’s second most ambitious long-form offering of the year takes its lead from the fantasy book series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski that started it all.  With its somewhat episodic set-up and decidedly twisted narrative timelines, it take a few chapters to get the hang of it, but there’s plenty to draw you in, from the exotic world-building to the frenetic action and compelling collection of richly crafted characters.  Henry Cavill is the titular hero, lovably grouchy mutant monster-hunter Geralt of Rivia, but the real scene-stealer is co-star Anya Chalotra as roguishly self-serving mage Yennefer of Vengenberg.
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One of the year’s two big sleeper hit TV surprises for me was this inventively offbeat allegorical Amazon fantasy series from The 4400 creator René Echevarria and screenwriter Travis Beacham. Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevigne are the star-crossed lovers at the heart of this intriguingly dark and dirty murder mystery thriller set in Victorian London-esque city-state the Burgue, in which humans struggle to co-exist alongside a struggling disenfranchised underclass of fae (fairies, fawns, centaurs and the like).  The racial turmoil undertones are writ large throughout, but this is far more well-written and lavishly appointed than you might expect on first glance, and almost ridiculously addictive viewing.
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My other big TV surprise was this wonderfully bizarre sci-fi anthology series of animated shorts from Netflix, mostly adapted from an eclectic selection of short stories from a wide range of top-notch literary talent including Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Marko Kloos and Alastair Reynolds (a particular favourite of mine).  As you’d expect from the brainchild of Deadpool director Tim Miller and producer David Fincher, this is edgy, leftfield stuff, frequently ultra-violent and decidedly adult, and the wildly varied nature of the material on offer makes for a decidedly uneven tone, but there are some absolute gems on offer here, my favourite being Suits, an enjoyably simple tale of salt-of-the-earth farmers on an alien world utilising clunky mech suits to protect their settlement from rampaging giant xeno-bugs.
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The show with the biggest cinematic wow factor in 2019 had to be this long-awaited prequel series to Jim Henson’s classic fantasy movie masterpiece, created for Netflix by, of all people, Louis Leterrier (yes, the director of The Transporter, Now You See Me and Clash of the Titans, if you can believe it). The technology may have evolved in leaps and bounds, but there’s a wonderfully old school vibe in the delightfully physical puppet effects used to bring the fantastical world of Thra and its denizens to life, so that it truly does feel like it’s based in the same world as the film.  This was EASILY the most visually arresting show of 2019, packed with exquisite character, creature and set design that perfectly complements the awesome work done by Henson and Brian Froud on the original, while the writers have created a darkly rich narrative tapestry that makes Thra seem a more dangerous place than ever.
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I was a HUGE fan of My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way’s magnificently oddball alternative superhero comic, so when I learned that Netflix were adapting it I was a little wary because I knew how spectacularly hard it would be for ANY showrunners to get right.  Thankfully Steve Blackman (Fargo season 2) and Jeremy Slater (The Exorcist TV series) were the right choice, because this perfectly captured the outsider nature of the characters and their endearingly dysfunctional family dynamic. Ellen Page, Tom Hopper (Black Sails, Merlin), David Castañeda and Emmy Raver-Lampman are all excellent as the more “functional” Hargreeves siblings, but the show is roundly stolen by Misfits star Robert Sheehan and Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn’s Aidan Gallagher as nihilistic clairvoyant Klaus and the old-man-in-a-child’s-body sociopath known only as Number Five. Consistently surprising and brilliantly bonkers, this was definitely the year’s most wonderfully WEIRD show.
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Writer-director duo the Duffer Brothers’ ultra-nostalgic 80s-set coming-of-age sci-fi horror series remains the undisputed jewel in Netflix’s long-form crown with this consistently top-drawer third season expertly maintaining the blockbuster-level standards we’ve come to expect.  This year the cross-dimensional shenanigans have largely been jettisoned, replaced by a gleefully nasty through-line of icky body horror that would make major influences like David Cronenberg and Stuart Gordon proud, as perennial teenage bad boy Billy Hargrove (the fantastically menacing Dacre Montgomery) becomes the leader of an army of psychic slaves under the control of the Upside Down’s monstrous Mind Flayer.  The kids are all brilliant as always, Winona Ryder and David Harbour really get to build on their strong-yet-spiky chemistry, and the show is almost effortlessly stolen by Joe Keery as one-time golden boy Steve Harrington and series-newcomer Maya Hawke as his nerdy new foil Robin Buckley, who were very nearly the cutest couple on TV in 2019.  Another gold standard season for a true gold standard show.
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Sadly, legendary author Terry Pratchett died before he could see the adaptation of one of his most beloved novels (and one of my all-time literary favourites too) see the light of day, but at least his co-author Neil Gaiman was around to bring it to fruition with the aid of seasoned TV director David Mckinnon (Jekyll, Doctor Who, Sherlock), and the end result sure did him proud, perfectly capturing the deeply satirical voice and winningly anarchic, gleefully offbeat and gently subversive humour of the original novel.  David Tennant and Michael Sheen could both have been born to play Crowley and Aziraphale, the angel and demon nominally charged with watching over the young Antichrist in preparation for his role in the End Times, even though they would both much rather the world just went on quite happily the way it is, thanks very much. This is about as perfect an adaptation as you can get, the six hour-long episodes giving the surprisingly complex story time to breathe and grow organically, and the result is the most fun I spent in front of my TV this year.
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Because there is not nearly enough content on them, here is a list of headcanons for all of the Mystics.
UrSu the Master.
Biggest Mystic.
Perpetually tired.
Someone please get this man a coffee.
Despite his role as leader, he constantly second guesses himself to the point of doing nothing.
Can only see one path moving forward and rarely entertains any other ideas.
Will say he doesn't play favorites. Big lie, UrMa is his favorite.
Every Mystic knows it, but none of them will say so.
Gets sad very easily.
Like, the wind could blow wrong and boom, sad lad.
Cries very easily, though will try to do so only when alone.
(Or around UrMa)
Tends to be intimidating upon first meeting him.
Genuinely cares for and loves all of the Urru.
Doesn't think he is a good enough leader.
UrSol the Chanter.
Is the Chamberlain of the Mystics. (Not nearly as bad as Chamberlain.)
Never lies.
Will occasionally use his voice to play pranks on the other Mystics.
Once had UrMa believe that he had a bird following him around for an unum (a month).
UrLii thought it was hilarious. UrSu, not so much.
The most honest of the Mystics and least likely to speak in riddles.
His honesty can come across as rude sometimes.
"UrAmaj, the food is not very good today."
When alone, will sing songs that only he can hear. They are sad songs, ones that display the true emotions that he keeps hidden.
Close friends with both UrZah and UrIm.
UrMa the Peacemaker.
Like SkekVar, has exactly one (1) braincell.
An absolute softie. The sweetest of the Mystics.
Is one of the Urru sad? Prepare for many kind words and hugs.
You don't want a hug? That is okay, UrMa doesn't mind. But he has a hug to offer in case you need it.
That one braincell takes him on many adventures.
If UrSu is out and about in the Valley, UrMa is not far behind.
Will often stare into space for hours. Usually trying to figure out one of UrZahs riddles.
There is not a mean bone in his body.
You could insult him right to his face and he would still love you. (Don't insult the lad please)
Even if a rare argument happens between some Mystics or if one is particularly depressed, those feelings don't last long so long as UrMa is around.
UrSu didn't talk to anyone for nearly a full trine when UrMa passed.
The Valley was much bleaker without him.
UrZah the Ritual Guardian.
So many riddles.
His riddles have riddles.
Will make a ceremony out of anything and everything.
Which is usually fine.
Some Mystics have had to put their foot down though.
No, UrZah, there doesn't need to be a ritual for when that particular rock has a shadow.
Will have conversations with UrSol for hours.
Those that listen in will become lost within seconds.
Even UrSu, for all his wisdom, will sometimes have no clue what they are talking about.
UrMa will just smile and nod.
Has a sand painting for just the occassion.
UrIm the Healer.
About done with the Skeksis' bullshit.
On housecall 24/7.
Daily check ups to make sure everyone is doing okay.
Visits UrTih. A lot.
Like, a lot a lot.
Always has bandages on hand in case someone is spontaneously injured.
Someone is usually spontaneously injured.
Grew close to UrTih over the visits and became good friends.
Worries most about UrTih, knowing how often he gets injured.
Like UrSu, just needs a break and a coffee.
Are his chants actually chants or is he just groaning in frustration? Whose to say.
UrTih the Alchemist.
My favorite.
I love him so much.
Enjoys his experiments.
Gets as lost in them as much as UrAc gets lost in his reading.
Will often forget to eat or sleep for the sake of completing an experiment.
Has caused an explosion on more than one occassion.
Was more social in his youth, began to seclude himself more as he aged.
Was closest to UrGoh and was hurt when the Wanderer left for good.
Was distressed at how often he got injured at the beginning.
Grew too used to it.
Scared UrIm half to death when he lost his eye.
One of the only times a Mystic actually cried out in pain.
Due to all the injuries, he developed Haphophobia (fear of touching/being touched)
That fear made UrIms job much harder.
UrMa found a solution.
UrTih. LOVES. Animals.
He especially had a soft spot for birds.
Has had many, many pets over the trine.
Named all of them.
Didn't cage them, he let them come and go as they pleased.
Only animals could touch UrTih without making him flinch and cower.
Was the most excited for reunification, hoping that perhaps that would make his pain and suffering end.
UrSen the Monk.
What is "a bath"?
Something completly foreign to UrSen.
Yet something so desperately needed.
Due to SkekLach, they are sick. A lot.
Like UrTih, they get visited by UrIm. A LOT.
A stinky Mystic.
The stinkiest.
Even so, is always polite in all they do.
Almost as sweet as UrMa. Almost.
Left nothing behind except for memories when they passed.
UrAc the Scribe.
Please sleep.
Insomniac to the point where the other Mystics worry.
"When did you last sleep?" "What year is it?"
Will read and write from sunrise to sundown.
Keeps all papers mere inches away from his face.
Cannot see far away at all.
Has grown used to recognizing all Mystics merely by their voices and how they walk.
Has a book filled with nothing but the pranks that UrSol has done.
Is the most easily amused. (Probably from the insomnia)
UrAmaj the Cook.
Always with UrNol.
Is the chubbiest Mystic.
Will often sneak bites of food in the middle of cooking.
Enjoys eatting in general.
Loves to visit gardens where the food is grown.
(With UrNol, of course)
Kinda sweaty honestly.
Has to take baths a lot because of it.
Will exchange dirty jokes with UrSol and UrNol.
Loves jokes.
Does not pee on walls.
UrNol the Herbalist.
Always with UrAmaj.
Has named every single one of his plants.
All of them.
No two names are the same.
Will mourn if a plant somehow dies under his care.
Will be genuinely sad for days.
Tends to be clumsy from lack of depth perception (missing an eye).
UrAmaj is there to help and guide him.
Besides running the gardens, his room is also filled with plants.
Has many that are extremely poisonous.
Also has some that move around a lot.
Had to be told he couldn't have a plant that spits burning acid.
Was sad about that too.
UrYod the Numerologist.
Is a quiet Mystic doesn't say much....
... Unless you get him talking, in which case sit down, this will be a while.
Even UrSol gets intimidated by how much UrYod can talk.
His speech tends to be broken up and stuttery, making it difficult to understand.
Knows the exact number of everything in the Valley.
Like, everything.
One of UrSols most common pranks is asking UrYod to start listing off the numbers of various things.
Such pranks have come back to bite him on the rear on more than one occassion.
A bit of an airhead.
If he talks for long enough, he will just become lost in his thoughts and his speech will drift off until he stops talking altogether.
Always knows the time, down to the millisecond.
Gets headaches a lot. Will count down the seconds until they end.
UrUtt the Weaver.
Knows the exact measurements of all the Urru.
Also knows exactly when robes need adjusting.
Is meticulous in their designing and outfits can sometimes take many trine before they are finished.
So meticulous that they never make a mistake in their work, despite how long it takes.
Can be intimidating if another Mystic tries altering their outfits on their own.
Just don't do it.
Honestly a bit of a drama queen.
One of the only Mystics to ever care about how they look (even by Mystic standards)
Likes to change their hair every now and then.
Will put it in braids/ponytails or puts little feathers or beads in it.
UrSan the Swimmer. (Note: haven't read the books)
Chill with a hint of sass.
Has definitely eaten fish before, much to the dismay of other Urru.
Initially wasn't a fan of SkekSa having random piercings. Grew used to it and made some for herself.
Will occassionally swim around in Drenchen waters.
Partly because she likes the swamp, partly because she feels like messing with the Drenchen.
Stays away from the Sifa due to SkekSa.
Will occassionally go to land and meet up with UrVa or UrGoh.
Despite knowing it is their ultimate fate, isn't 100% subscribed to reunification.
Kinda enjoys being a Mystic.
UrLii the Storyteller.
Chose to leave the Valley on his own.
Really only liked UrSol, and even then it was merely out of enjoyment for his pranks and jokes.
Is a hoarder. A bad one.
Likely has a piece of lint from back when he was still an Urskek.
Likes the Grottans, but only in small doses.
And by small doses, he means only one at a time.
When completly alone, he will talk to himself.
To the point where he has gotten into arguments with himself.
Has also gotten to the point where he ignores himself due to the arguments.
Loves gifts and keeps every single one (hoarder)
Maudra Argot is amongst his favorite Maudra to come around during his times in the Caves.
Fairly intelligent. Doesn't share it.
Knows all of the stories of Thra, even the ones only known to the Skeksis.
Tells himself a bedtime story every night.
UrVa the Archer.
Like UrSan, has also eaten meat.
Not as often, only when he has to.
Used to visit the Valley on occassion even after he left.
Will meet up with SkekMal and sit by a fire.
Can and will have actual conversations with his Skeksis half (even if they don't always last long)
An odd truce between the two.
Likes a nice cup of tea and a leaf roll.
Is absolutely shredded by Mystic standards.
By Aughra standards, he is the hottest Mystic.
Through his travels, he began to question reunification.
Also enjoys just being a Mystic.
When bored, will do arrow tricks.
Meets up often with UrGoh.
Would still sneak visits even after UrGoh went to live at the Circle of the Suns with SkekGra.
A part of him knew that he would never become one with his other half and did his best to live life to the fullest.
UrGoh still kept one of his old teacups.
UrGoh the Wanderer.
Cares for SkekGra even past their bond.
Knows where to go, no idea how to get there.
Will visit the same place many times just to see what changed.
Would visit the Valley and bring gifts and stories of his travels.
Had the most gifts for UrTih, knowing the Alchemist would find the most value in what he had to give.
Speaks slowly as his thoughts tend to wander, leaving him already moving onto the next thing while in the middle of a sentence.
Began to move and speak slower after SkekGra got a nail to the head.
It was his idea to make the puppet shows.
If his clothes ripped during his travels, he would be the one to sew them up, much to UrUtts dismay.
Likes physical affection and cuddles.
Loves to sing for the sake of singing rather than always singing for chants.
Has made up many of his own songs over the trine.
Might do a headcanons list with the Skeksis too, I dunno yet.
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skekheck · 4 years
All About the Seven Clans: The Grottan
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Clan Index: Dousan Drenchen Grottan Sifa Spriton Stonewood Vapra
Deep within the the caves of Grot (also known as Cave of Obscurities, Land In Darkness, and Hole In Ground) lived the Grottan. Long believed to be extincted by most “daylighters”, these cave-dwelling shepherds lived in peace and knew little about the world above. Rarely did the Grottan leave their caves and it wasn’t until the late Age of Division did they reappear to the other clans. Because of their subterranean life, they were the most attuned with Thra and the Crystal, even to that of the highly spiritual Dousan. 
The Grottan’s clan color was black/blue, their totem animal the Hollerbat, and their core elements were the night, shadow, and the past. Their sigil color was dark brown/black and their pennant colors was dark blue with brown detail.
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Over hundreds of trine, the Grottan evolved to live within the dark, deep caves. They had the smallest population with only 37 members, but were believed to have lived three or four times longer than the average gelfling. Their skins were a variety of greens with pink or orange undertones. In the J.M. Lee book series, however, they had extremely pale skin much like the Vapra. Grottan hair was predominantly white-blonde with hair streaks of green, green-blue, red, and sometimes a combination of the three. They kept their hair mostly out (and messy) with braids and/or in ponytails. Their hair was adorned with beads, string, and sometimes random objects.  They were usually covered in dirt and didn’t regularly wash, but they never minded.  A Grottan’s wings were sheer and almost transparent.
The most distinguishing features of the Grottan were their large eyes and ears. Grottan eyes had very dilated pupils that allowed them to see in the dark. This in turn made them very sensitive to sunlight and it took a while for their eyes to adjust. Eye colors strictly stayed between brown and black. With their ears, they were able to pick up even the tiniest of sounds from miles away making them also the best at hearing. Some were even able to hear the vibrations of the earth and could make out the individual songs of rocks, sands, and mountains. 
Grottan clothing were made of nurloc rump and were mentioned to be very soft. The colors resembled worn-out rags and of dirt, mainly tones of gray and brown with a dark reddish color. Other colors were yellows and blues. Some preferred to wear black cloaks and others sported head wear. The Grottan were hoarders and wore random objects on their clothing that weren’t meant to be worn as accessories. They rarely wore shoes, preferring to go barefoot as it helped them traverse the caves.
According to skekNa the Slave Master, a Grottan’s essence improved eyesight.
Life Style
Being a small clan, the Grottan were closely-knit. There was a great focus on community and maintain strong relationships with one another. It took teamwork to make Domrak as well as the entire caves of Grot habitable for themselves and other creatures. The Grottan maudra and her elder council gave adults assigned duties based on the skills they learned from schooling and their apprenticeships. Activities were done in complete silence, pouring all of their focus and effort into their tasks. The Grottan strongly believed in the quality of work so they were given flexibility and lax with how much time they took with it. This idea reflected in all forms of their lifestyle, making them one of the most easy-going of the seven clans. They were also avid collectors and kept all sorts of objects and knick-knacks in their homes. 
The Grottan’s Observance of Thra, the Crystal, and Aughra
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As the Grottan lived underground, they were both figuratively and literally the closest to Thra. They held observance and devotion to the planet and the Crystal of Truth as well as honored life in the best way they could. Every day they would find a crystal vein and said quiet prayers to it with a loving expression. Because of their location if anything happened to Thra the Grottan were the first to know.  
Being the embodiment of Thra, the Grottan loved Mother Aughra as well. Until the late Age of Division, very few gelfling knew of her yet the Grottan spoke as if she was their friendly neighbor. Grottan maudras would send their apprentices above ground to seek her council and trade with her podling assistants for herbs and salves that were difficult to procure within the caves. They even wrote songs about her including the way to get to Aughra’s Hill and orrery. 
Plenty of songs that revolved around Thra that most gelfling thought were myth the Grottan believed to be the truth. Some of these myths, like the Song of the Six Sisters, were even credited by Grottan storytellers. As being keepers of history, plenty of artifacts found within the Tomb of Relics provided proof of their validity. 
Daily Routine
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A Grottan morning begins with the sound of a single note from a firca and followed by a bow across strings and a voice. The music grew so loud that it could be heard all throughout Domrak.  Childlings were sent to teachers to learn alchemy and other skills, older childlings were under apprenticeships to build on specialized skills, and adults set out to do their daily tasks. There were animal caretakers, shepherds, gatherers of certain material, fungi gardeners, alchemists, herbal sages, those who measured the water levels of the cave’s inner lake, and other occupations. The Grottan would spend much of their day dedicated to their duties.
Grottan Calendars 
Being underground, they had to use other means of telling the time of day, season, or trine. They were able to create an underground clock or sky calender of sorts using the tiny holes that shined sunbeams from the ceiling of Domrak. The walls were marked and as the beams traveled, it indicated the time of day. For night, the Grottan would use the reflection of the Sister Moons cast upon the lake. 
The water levels also showed what season and trine it was. A ritual which the Grottan called Moontide was performed when the water level reached the highest point. The Maudra Grottan would climb to the bottom of the Domrak cavern, marked where the water level touched the rocks, and labeled it with the number of trine.
The Art of Grottan Alchemy
The Grottan were resourceful and had a number of tricks which was thanks to their expansive knowledge in alchemy. The caves of Grot, which had a consistent cool temperature, made it an ideal place for storing items that would otherwise spoil or be unstable. This was especially true for valuable ingredients found above ground.  They could be studied and manipulated without the risk of destroying or igniting them. This made the Grottan the most magically wise of all gelfling. 
They had a vast knowledge of pastes, powders, bombs, elixirs, and more with various uses. Plenty were used for healing, igniting fires, or clearing out debris or animals. The Grottan knew how to carefully clear away debris from a collapsed tunnel with explosive without damaging it or the structure of the caves. They also knew how to carefully keep animals, such as the hollerbat, out of their ventilation chutes with smoke bombs. Of course they were taught to use them carefully but of course are prone to accidents. There have been notiable accidents with smoke bombs that if the smoke gets on a gelfling’s face they wouldn’t be able to see clearly for days. Many Grottan would carry their concoctions on their person having pockets within their clothing to hold containers or pouches. 
Alchemists and herbal sages overlapped each other because both were adept in alchemy and medicine. They had an endless knowledge of fungi in particular, which were a favorite among Grottans. They had extensive knowledge of uses from medicinal to poisons to the intersection between using toxic materials for healing illnesses from the toxins of other creatures. 
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The Grottan lived on a mainly vegetarian diet although they would eat meat from time to time. The caves provided a variety of flora, fauna, and fungi so the Grottan rarely sought out plants from above ground. They’d eat large portions of mushrooms and root vegetables grown from cultivated colonies by farmers. Leafy greens were considered a rare treat as they only grew in places where sunlight reached. These rarities were called “dayfare”. Of the game that the Grottan caught were mostly fish and creatures like armalig. This grew less common as quarry became more difficult to find as time went on. 
Grottan food was very flavorful thanks to the seasonings, seasoning pastes, and spices they used. Anything that was edible they would use. Grottan meals were not made the same way as each gelfling had their own unique way of preparing food. Grottans also applied alchemy to foods to preserve them. Pickling solutions were usually done with sugar, salt, and vinegar that improved its shelf life and gave intense flavor to otherwise bland ingredients. 
A staple Grottan food was the glowing mushrooms and moss which, when consumed, made the eater temporary glow as well. 
Although the Grottan never traded with other clans, their spices and seasonings would end up in the hands of other gelfling. Most likely, Aughra’s poddling assistants would trade them for other things. Grottan spices and seasonings would end up in places like Ha’rar’s Port Market fetching high prices for their rarity. For a time, the origin of their items were acknowledged but may have disappeared along with the memory of Grottans. 
Mutualism With Cave Creatures
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The Grottan had a mutualistic relationship with various cave creatures, particularly the nurlocs and hollerbats. It was thanks to these creatures that the Grottan were able to live within Grot. The animals were accustomed to their daily and nightly feedings from the gelfling. The Grottan learned to care for each species from the wisdom of past generations, including quantity and menu options which were given through careful oral instructions.  In exchange, the creatures benefited the Grottan in many ways.
Nurlocs aerated dirt as well as making conduits of fresh air from loosening soil when they dug. Thus, providing fresh breathable air for the Grottan and other life in the caves. The worms’ shedded skin, fur, and scales were seen as valuable material for clothing, ornamenting, and instruments. The antlers of water nurlocs, which fell off every thirty to forty days, were made into flutes. The hollerbats, the clan’s totem animal, provided the Grottan with material that would repulse outsiders. Their dung was extremely flammable but never emitted a terrible smelt when burnt. The dung was turned into a special paste called everburn which was considered one of the most valuable resources for the Grottan. It was used for fires, torches, lantern wicks, candles, and hearths. They were collected in bulk, sterilized and stabilized using salt, and made into the paste which was stored indefinitely in jars. It was said that a candle, when its tallow was mixed with the paste, would burn for days. 
Not all of the cave’s creatures were disciplined. To protect themselves from these unruly creatures, the Grottan utilized nonlethal alchemical methods like smoke bombs to keep them away. 
Sound echoed and bounced within the caves making it almost unintelligible by the time it reached a gelfling’s ear. It was hard for one to talk to someone if they were not in close proximity of each other. So the Grottan created a complex language called finger-talking to compensate. It involved tapping on the walls of the caves in specific patterns and rhythm. It was complex enough that it could relay complex emotions, meaning, and locations. The signals could be heard when one pressed their ear against the wall thanks to the way crystallized minerals within them carried sound.  A dozen conversations would go on at once so names were specifically distinguished by the speaker when relaying their message.
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Daylighting was a term used to describe Grottans going above ground, also known as “the top side”. It was considered a forbidden act as many hardly knew of the dangers of the world above. Only experienced gelfling assigned by the maudra were allowed to go. The tasks were usually done for finding ingredients and materials otherwise not found in the caves. There were few exceptions were the special missions to Aughra’s orrery as mentioned before. Trips above ground were always highly organized and planned so that they would go out and back in without making their presence known to other gelfling. They would almost always go out at night to avoid being blinded by the Three Suns.
Despite this, many Grottan (especially younglings) would go top side without the maudra’s permission. Those who were not immediately blinded by the suns would go as far as the Endless Forest and listened to all the unique sounds of wildlife and howling winds that weren’t found within their caves. But the one thing Grottan remembered the most was the sky, something that both fascinated and terrified them. It was said that they’d dreamt of it even trine after their trip. 
Domrak, the Hometown of the Grottan
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The Grottan hometown, sometimes called “Place-In-Shadows”, was hidden deep inside the rocky caves of Grot.  It was surrounded by tunnels, crevices, and ravines as well as a large lake. It was decorated with glowing moss and the dim but iridescent crystal veins that lined its walls. The Grottan would travel to their small cave homes on small canoes or bridges. Far beyond Domrak, aside from the Tomb of Relics and the Sanctuary, was the Breath of Thra. Generated from the center of Thra was a series of warm air/wind tunnels. Its currents went through a network of underground tunnels and could be used to travel to and from Grot. 
Remnants of the Arathim, the original residents of the cave, could still be seen from the multiple holes carved within the walls. Much of their relics have been removed or transformed, much like the Arathim thread-hooks. They were made by the spiders to hang their webs, but the Grottan repurposed and resculpted them to anchor their bridges.
Both in Age of Resistance and the J.M. Lee book series the Arathim attempted to reclaim their ancient home and destroyed Domrak in the process. In the show, the Arathim agreed with the skeksis to capture all of the Grottan using threaders in exchange for their home. But it was all a trap as the darkening had already infested it with darkened nurlocs killing them while destroying Domrak in the process. Rian and Deet convinced them of the skeksis plot against them and afterwards won their alliance in the gelfling resistance. The Arathim freed the gelfling they enslaved and evacuated with them from the caves.  
In the book series, skekLi the Satirist lead the arathim invasion. He strategically manipulated Naia and friends by using Tavra under the control of a crystal-threader named Krychk to keep tabs and eventually lure them to him. The invasion was successful that not only did they destroyed Domrak but also reduced the Grottan population. Naia, Kylan, and Amri were able to stop him and the Arathim with the help of urLii the Storyteller and urVa the Archer. 
The Tomb of Relics and Its Keeper
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The Tomb of Relics was the most sacred place in the caves that the Grottan watched carefully over. It was a giant catacomb protected by a heavy stone door filled with artifacts collected throughout history. Shelves, chests, and crates were filled to the brim with treasure such as books, tapestries, tools, artwork, and more. To get there, it took half a day’s walk from Domrak. 
How all of these artifacts came to the tomb was a complete mystery to the Grottan. They came up with many theories to explain it, like gelfling adventurers or Aughra herself putting them there. The closest of these theories, unbeknownst to them, was that of a slow, pale four armed creature which the Grottan wrote off as something that added a mysterious charm to the tomb. The four armed creature, named urLii the Storyteller, was the Tomb of Relics’ true keeper. One of the few mystics who lived away from his brethren, urLii traveled all throughout Thra to find and keep artifacts in a safe place. Being a very private individual, very few knew about him aside from Maudra Argot. It’s not clear if this was the same for other Grottan maudras. However, in the J.M. Lee book series urLii had a different relationship to the Grottan. He didn’t hide himself and freely taught childlings about all types of medicines and poisons.
Interestingly, it was the original home of the Dual Glaive. The weapon was placed inside a chamber by its creators skekGra the Heretic and urGoh the Wanderer for safe keeping. It was inaccessible to anyone but gelfling and lied within a passageway. It was protected by traps meant to test those who entered it. This included chasms, sharp swinging pendulums, and rock creatures similar to Lore. For those clever enough to spot them, there were secret passages that skipped all of these tests and lead right to the resting place of the swords. During the late Age of Division, Ordon and Fara bested the traps and took the Dual Glaive to help them fight the Arathim. 
A game called Gricksies was loosely based on the layout of the tomb. It was a race against time where the Grottan would go through a maze, threw shells, gems, and stones when they reached the end, and ran back before a candle burnt out. A ditty simply called Gricksies was sung to infants when their parents tended to them. 
The Sanctuary
A grand valley that lied in the heart of the mountains. It was the only place the Grottan were allowed to frequent outside of the caves (although was not technically considered above ground). Only visiting it at night, they would sit and meditated upon the song of Thra which they believed was best heard in the Sanctuary than anywhere else. The Sanctuary was once an ancient mountain lake or the elusive headwaters of the Black River as made evident by the petrified aquatic plant formations including plant and fungi that surrounded it. Remains of its ancient water were all but a small pond of shallow water found at the very base of the gorge.
The Sanctuary was once home to the bell-birds, which were capable of moving mountains with their singing. Every seven hundred trine, the birds would use the Sanctuary for roosting and finding mates. By late Age of Division, however, the birds went extincted. The bone shafts of a bell-bird’s feather were able to produce the song of Thra when blown into it. The birds also inspired a famous song created by Gyr called “the Bell-Bird and the Mountain”. 
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Also known as the Sanctuary Tree, it was the Grottan’s patron tree. They called it “the mirror of the mountains” because it had two faces. The first was a pink petaled tree that stood visible on one of Grot’s many mountain peaks. The other was an inverted stone tree that dangled deep in the Caves of Grot. The surface-side face had pink flowers that bloomed three times a trine and shed them late winter. The bottom-side face was a mystery as the Grottan knew it existed but none could find it. That was until late Age of Division where Deet happened to stumble upon it. One of the Grottan’s most romantic songs were based on the tree, which alluded to its two faces, was called the Mirror of the Mountain.
Other interesting aspects of the Sanctuary Tree was that it was capable of speech but only allowed very few to hear it. It was also capable of showing visions of the future with their flowers attached on its roots. It was noted to have a close friendship with Aughra who she would sometimes come to for advice. Like the other Great Trees, the Sanctuary Tree struggled to keep the darkening at bay until it finally succumbed to it when attacked by a pack of darkened nurlocs. Before it died, it gifted Deet with the power of darkening absorption. 
Relationship With the Skeksis and Other Clans
During the early Age of Division, the skeksis sought alliance with the Arathim. When they refused, the skeksis cast them out and gave the caves of Grot to more willing subjects: the Grottan. As they became sensitive to the Three Suns, they turned reclusive to the world and eventually became forgotten. Although they were the least influenced by the skeksis, the Grottan still had rituals and prayers based around them as they still held the belief the lords were protectors of the Crystal.  
As they rarely had any contact with other clans, the Grottan viewed them with skepticism. Whenever a Grottan would go top-side, they made sure to stay clear of other gelfling. This wariness was engraved by the Grottan maudras who did so in order to protect their clan as they believed other clans wouldn’t be kind to them. 
Although they’ve been isolated for hundreds of trine, Grottan have a unique connection with the Vapra. According to the Song of the Six Sisters, Thra entrusted the founders of each clan with elements of Thra to protect. The sixth clan known as the Silver Sea Clan was tasked with not only looking after day and night, light and shadow, but also the past and future. Because Thra requested seven clans and the original task became too difficult for one single clan, the Silver Sea Clan split into two: the Grottan and the Vapra. The Grottan became keepers of the night, past, and “dark things that should be left in shadows”. Due to these associations, other gelfling, especially the Vapra, feared them and eventually looked down upon them. The Grottan still carried these stigmas even after they were believed to be long gone. The Grottan equally didn’t like the Vapra as they were offended that their sister clan wanted nothing to do with them anymore even before they “vanished”.
The Grottan had many names for the gelfling that lived above. These included (but were not limited to) "daylighter", "sun-brain", "moon-child", "sky-baby", and "tunnel-screamer”. In return, outsiders sometimes called the Grottan “Shadowlings”. 
Notable Grottan Members
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Deethra: Better known as Deet, was a Grottan who lived in the late Age of Division. She was an animal caretaker with a deep respect and love for Thra. When the Sanctuary Tree revealed a vision to her about the darkening, Deet went above ground to warn the All-Maudra and joined the gelfling resistance to save Thra. 
Maudra Argot the Shadow Bender: The Grottan maudra during the late Age of Division, she was also the oldest maudra who lived during that time. In her youth, she frequently went top side and even assisted other gelflings in the Arathim Wars. She guarded part of the Dual Glaive within her walking cane.
Lath'N: Husband of Mitjan and father of Deet and Bobb’N. He tended to the Nurloc herds until he evacuated with his family when the Arathim invaded and the darkening took over the caves.
Mitjan: Husband of Lath’N and father of Deet and Bobb’N. Like his husband, he tended the Nurloc herds. He and his family evacuated when the Arathim and darkening invaded the caves.
Bobb’N: A small Grottan childling, he was the son of Mitjan and Lath’N and younger brother of Deet. 
Amri: A skilled alchemist who lived during the late Age of Division.  In the J.M. Lee’s book series, he helped Naia and Kylan with trying to find Gyr’s firca and eventually joined them on their quest to light the fires of resistance.
Maudra Ermet: A Grottan maudra who lived during an unknown time in the Age of Division.
Nep: A grottan who lived during an unknown time in the Age of Division. The apprentice of maudra Ermet, they were given special missions to visit Aughra’s orrery.
Sylus: A grottan songteller who lived during an unknown time. He was believed to be the originator of the Song of Six Sisters which he dream-etched onto a tome in his sleep. 
[Sources: Song of the Seven Gelfling Clans, the official Dark Crystal website, Song of the Dark Crystal, Tides of the Dark Crystal, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance: An Epic Return To Thra, Author Quest: The Gelfling Gathering, Heroes of the Resistance, the Dark Crystal Age of Resistance: The Quest, the Dark Crystal Bestiary ] 
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