#Gem running around to other people’s bases trying to convince them to give her their front door.
cosmic-mechanic · 5 months
OKAY BUT GUYS LISTEN. Players returning from Secret Life and noticing that some days they get the urge complete the tasks they never got to finish/failed.
And they know it doesn’t make any sense, because they’re not in the game anymore! They’re out!
But it’s not like they can tell anyone…because if they tell someone what’s going on, they’ll fail.
And they cant fail again.
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Greeting everyone this is Ender-anon I am typing this from notepad so apologies if this is riddled with grammer and spelling mistakes but I wanted to get some things out of the wayfirst about your subjects. They will not be dsmp or earthsmp members mainly because I took a look at the Earthsmp member list on the wiki and saw there where 135 names so only the Arctic Empire and Buissness Bay members will be mentioned for sanitys sake the sujects will instead be from a certain story driven tower defence game that I have played since it launced I honestly want to see who can guess the game first,with that out of the way lets get this show on the road. I'm gonna try sending it in parts cause Tumblr won't let me send it all at once.
A day you'll never forget. Part 1
You awoke excited after all you were going with Enciodas to the Artic Empire for reaffirm trade agreement,ok you knew that it would be your regent Enciodas making the deals while you and Tenzin stayed in the royal gardens since you were only there for formalities sake since as you were the future ruler but it would be both your first time leaving your home country and your first time on a plane. You did need to one of your neighbours in order to get a plane as your country didn't have any airfields but it would be worth it to fly for the first time .You hurried to pack a book and toy to keep yourself occupied while the grownups did their boring grownup talk ( though if the look in your regents eyes when he looked over the trade agreement draft it would be anything but boring) the book was a simple collection of local legend of your country from the Pegasian Knight sisters who saved the country when enemys surronded it to one of the oldest the legend of the founder of your dynasty their name had been lost through the centuries so they were known by only as a human doctor who mannaged to unite the fractured hybrid tribes into a mighty nation in order to repel the tides of an enemy empire who name was also lost to time, the doll was therefore of your dynastys founder or well what your people though they looked live as no detail of their appernce or even gender remained only the knowledge of the black hooded coat emblazoned with your nations symbol and the black helmet like mask that they never seemed to remove. The trip to the airport was uneventful other than General Buldrokkas'tee trying to conivince Enciodas to take one of the Armourless Union as your guard while your regents youngest sister Ensia stuffed you coats pockets with candy for the trip.Unfortunately the crew of the plane wouldn't allow Tenzin to fly around the cabin so rather than cage him you held the falcon for the entirety of the trip though your regent took him off you when he saw you starting to driff off at the halfway mark.You awoke to your regent softly shaking you awake making sure to hold his hand as you gazed around awestruck at the size of it all there were more people than you have ever seen and the palace itself looked to your eyes anyway to be almost as big as your capital. After entering the palace your regent made sure to take you and Tenzin to the expansive gardens before going to meet Emperor Philza, the falcone immediately took off for one of the many trees eager to spreed his wings after staying still so long you by contrast sat beneath the tree Tenzin had chosen about to pratice reading to your doll when you heard a child sobing.
Part 2
Alarmed you sought the source of the noise only to find a child not much younger than yourself in high quality cloths ( the child of a courteir you reasioned )looking up at a toy stuck in the large tree and crying, determined to assist him you took off you coat and circlet and set about climing the tree like Ensia taught you. After a few attemps you managed to reach the toy and retrieved it handing it over to the awestuck child (had he never see someone clime a tree before?) after snapping out of his stupor looking over the toy with worry before going "its broken" and starting to sob again. Quickly thinking you offered to play tag that caused the sobbing to stop he quickly tapped you before turing to run yelling over his shoulder "YOUR IT". After running around the garden for a while the child got tired so you offered to read to him to which he gleefully accepted reading tales of your country from you book,Tenzin deciding that he wanted attention swooped down next to you for pets which you gladly gave the child ( who you still didn't know the name of) looked like he wanted to pet him as well so you asked him if he would like to,he seemed estatic to do so. As the sun started to set and you started sharing the candy Ensia gave you it only just occured to you that you didn't know your new friends name upon asking you were met with a bewildered look and after a few seconds passed he said "you can call me Tommy" after saying the name a few times to make sure you were pronouncing it right, Tenzin quickly swooped off towards a door where Enciodas emerged a grin on his face and a look of victory in his eyes ( you guess talks went well) and informed you that it was time to leave as you went to turn and say goodbye to your new friend he grasped you arm in a tight grip and asked "Why do you need to leave? Can't you stay longer?" after getting your arm free you placed your doll into his hands and informed him that you would most centainly come here again,that you would write to him and that he could have your doll as a gift of friendship.As you saw him grasping the doll close to his chest waving goodbye as a man with wings looked on in amusement that turned to surprise as you yelled your goodbyes as your plane took off, after such a exciting day its no wonder you fell asleep before long but before you did you thought to yourself that this would be a day you never forgot.
Part 3
The best day of his life
Tommy was bored his brothers where in their lessions, Tubbo and his family were off visiting relatives and wouldn't be back for weeks and his dad was stuck in trade talks with a tiny nation that probably wasn't worth the paper the deal was writen on. Looking through his toy chest he grabed the toy plane that techie got him for his last birthday and went to the gardens to play with it, he was having a great deal of fun with it untill a large bird suddenly flew into a nearby tree causing him to accidentally throw the plane into a tree he had hardly begun showing his thoughts on this development when someone he had never met came round the cornor saw him and for some reasion remove their coat and a circle piece of metal with a gem on the part where your forehead would be, before stepping back looking at the tree and you started climing it and almost falling a few times before catching yourself a determined look on your face, how where you so brave climing that massive tree? When you finaly came back down toy in hand he was amazed it took him a few seconds before he saw that the propeller was broken as he felt the tears start to come back he heard you ask "Do you want to play tag?" you still wanted to play with him smirking he quickly tapped you before running away as fast as he could informing you as he ran that you were it. You were fast he thought as he sat trying to catch his breath but now he was tired you would probably leave him to go play elsewhere and leave him like "do you want to hear a story?" relief filled his chest as sat beside you as you grabed a frankly massive book and told him storys he had never heard before about sister knight who saved a traped nation from distruction, a medic who when her squad was traped by a enemy army unsheathed her sword and single handedly defeated the army and his personal favorite the tale of the first ruler of your nation a person who united a broken people inorder for them all to survive against a terrible evil empire, you even showed him your doll that was based on the ruler. Tommy couldn't think of a day where hes had this much fun from the games, stories, getting to pet the large bird that spooked him in the first place (though he was grateful for that know after all if he hadn't lost his toy he wouldn't have met you) and now your shareing with him candy that hes never heard of. Maybe he can convince his dad to make you stay or to make you his personal servant if your a visting nobles yes then he can introduce you to Tubbo when he gets back and "I just realised I never asked what your name is".What? You have to be kidding right? You'v been so nice to him you have to know who he is? But the seconds drag on and your face don't look like your lying about not knowing who he is. He's about to tell you his full title and name but stops himself no he doesn't want you to call him prince Theseus even if you'v only spent the afternoon together you mean so much to him now you treat him with a kindness only his family show him so you should call him what they call him he reasions and he tells you his name is Tommy he helps pronuounce it correctly and it reaffirms that yes this feels right.
Part 4
The moment however is ruined when the bird (Tenzin you told him it was called) flew to the doors as they opened and a snow lepard hybrid emerged followed by his dad who looked ecstatic that talks were over. The snow lepard hybrid told you that it was time to leave ( with a single sentence Tommy began to hate that hybrid) as you were grabing you things he grabed you as tight as he could manage and asked as calmly as his voice could manage why you had to leave after all he reasioned in his mind he could make sure you were payed much better if you worked for his family. You turned to him with a gentle look in your eyes and placed the doll into his arms while you said " This won't be the last time we shall meet, I will be sure to be sure to write to you when i can't vist and if you get lonely you can have this doll as a symbol of our bond so that way you won't be lonely" all with that smile that he had only seen his family give him. As he held your doll close as possible waving goodbye over the sound of the plane about to take off he heard you yell " Goodbye Tommy" and while he couldn't see his dad eyes he did see the full body flinch as he heard you call his son a name he only permited family to use. As he gushed about you to his dad and asked if he could maybe make you work for them rather than that snow lepard hybrid only to be informed that was your regent and that you weren't a servant but the next ruler of that nation at that revelation he held the doll of your ancestor close and began to formulate a plan as he asked if they had an embassy in your nation after all if you couldn't be with here with him, he would just go with you after all being the ambassador to you nation seemed like a wonderful job if you were there.
Ender,,,, you can't just drop am entire fic on is like this,,, head empty but bravo- this is great
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staytiny-present · 3 years
Ateez Coraline!au
anyway, this is meant to be a little headcanon thing for a series i’ve been planning that is, obviously, based on the movie coraline. it’ll be a reader insert for you to enjoy as well :) this is basically a “ateez as characters in coraline,” but my plan is to still make them unique to the story. i hope you like this!
warnings: this does not match at all swearing, angsty situations, borderline crack (you’ll see), i think i make one sex joke, allusions to depression - PLEASE take caution when you read yunho’s part. i don’t think i go into any specifics, but his gets serious that i just want you to be aware
Reader’s backstory: you’ve lived with your grandmother who owns the pink palace apartments since you were a teenager so you can help her out as she gets older. the pink palace isn’t the most well-known, but it’s gotten a pretty negative rap since the disappearance of your best friend in high school. it’s hard living there still, but you know your grandma needs the support. you know nearly all of the ins and outs of the place, and all of the tenants adore both you and your grandma
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Wooyoung and Yeosang ~ Spink and Forcible
tell me i’m wrong
that’s right you can’t
they’ve been friends for years and bicker and tease each other like they’re married and still love and support each other? yeah
wooyoung and yeosang are childhood friends
they mostly did dance in high school but they were also in theater, and they were kinda well known for being The Best™
they were recruited to join a lot of teams and a lot of colleges wanted them because they were just??? amazing??? how tf??
so yeah they earned a lot of recognition in high school that honestly got them really famous from when they were 16 onward
it’s been a few years since then and so the hype around them has definitely died down but we’ll get to that
they are currently still working on stuff in regards to dancing and acting
they’re technically in college too, but they do online classes so they can stay at home and work on their shows
wooyoung is the idealist while yeosang is the realist
like i said, they act like an old married couple always bickering and fighting but they really do love each other
ride or die best friends dude
it’s just that they say they’ll do certain things or are planning things soon and it just… doesn’t happen
that’s mostly idealist woo talking before yeosang can reign him in
so for years it’s been a lot of empty promises of new work that many people just stopped expecting things from them
and because of that they’ve past their peak and are basically just in limbo before they are actually able to make/perform their next show or something like that 
they rent the basement apartment of the pink palace, and they’ve technically lived in there the longest actually
growing up, both of their families lived there so that was how they met and became the best of friends :)
they didn’t want to leave either but they had to for a couple years
but at least they stayed together :)
their families moved back when the boys were about a year into high school just because the old woman who owns the place is a gem and the city had a great school for them to go to
while they were living there though a boy around their age went missing, and it basically convinced their families that they should move out
wooyoung and yeosang were very adamant about staying, so their families told them you’re either moving away with us or finding a way to pay for the apartment yourselves
so the next day wooyoung and yeosang went out and found themselves some jobs so that they could
it upset their parents sure, but they were also kinda proud that they took so much initiative about this - they knew they would succeed in life
it also factored into why grandma let them stay because she knew the same thing
the sweet woman even said she would help them out from time to time :(
then cue the next 3-4 years where woo and yeo are making a bunch of money with their dances teams and performing in shows 
they’ve gotten a good amount of money over the years that they’ve been able to renovate the basement so that it’s really nice
now they have posters of their “golden years” (as wooyoung says) from high school and their first years of college all around their place
they have a dog and have been seriously considering getting more because he’s getting kind of old :( 
they don’t really get out much bc they are constantly trying to plan and work on their shows, but it’s fine because there’s nothing really close to the pink palace :/ the closest city where they went to school is quite the commute
but because of all this - the empty promises, the lack of activity, the radio silence - no one really takes them seriously anymore, and really people just stopped believing in them
it’s a major factor in their motivation and work ethic, but they try their hardest not to let it deter them from what they want to do in life
Mingi, San, and Jongho ~ The Amazing Bobinsky
trust me here ok?
mingi, san, and jongho start their own circus right out of high school
hear me out
the boys all went to high school together, but jongho is a year younger than them so they all graduated at different times
however they had a lot of classes together because they didn’t really care much about school and it reflected on their academics
so they were put in a lot of lower classes together that they all did well in, they just didn’t care about school
their circus started out as a joke honestly
it was probably edgy teen jongho who was like “ugh i hate school i should just drop out and join the circus”
and it became a running joke between them like haha yeah let’s join the circus, who would we all be tho?
mingi and san were both very adamant that jongho would be the strongman what with all his fruit breaking endeavors and the buff buff arms dude
san did martial arts and liked dancing and was very flexible so he was like ayy i’ll be the acrobat
it took them a while to decide what mingi would be because they were like “huh well what about the lion tamer?” “you know how much of a fraidy cat he is?” “ok well what about a trapeze artist?” “he’s a great dancer and flexible sure, but would he ever be able to have that kind of coordination?” “ok fine then what about a clown?” “fuck you guys”
they chose sword swallower mostly because like??? how does it work?? idk mingi should find out 
and yeah for a while it was a running joke between all of them like yeah we’re gonna drop out of school and join the circus lol
but then come mingi and san’s senior year and they were like… hang on
could… could we actually do this? it sounds fun as hell
it went as far as them all researching circuses in their spare time and income and how to go about joining one
and it ended with them not wanting to live the lifestyle of a traveling circus 
sure it sounded cool as fuck, but while they were somewhat willing to live with those conditions, they weren’t willing enough
so the next best thing for them would be to start their own circus
of course, how do you tell your parents that what you want to be when you grow up is a circus performer?
the answer: you don’t 
whenever they were asked things likes “oh what do you want to do in college?” they all just kinda passed it off as they didn’t know, but in reality they didn’t really have any desire to go to college
you don’t need a degree to start a circus, so they didn’t really want to
once mingi and san graduated, they immediately started looking for affordable apartments where they could do their thing - start their circus
in all honesty they started looking before they graduated too, partially since they would be moving out after hs but also because they just felt better about not living with their parents 
they had seen the pink palace in the newspaper a lot with a vacant attic apartment, and basically since they found out about it they were sold on it
a weird place in the middle of nowhere run by a woman who doesn’t mind housing younger people? perfect
they actually met her before they graduated so they could see about renting the apartment sooner or later
grandma all but told them it was there’s once she met the boys, and she understands that when they are finally able to start living there they will be pretty tight on money, so she doesn’t even make them pay the down payment - she does that herself and holds the apartment for them
because let’s face it: the pink palace isn’t very big,, it already has a good amount of people living there,,, how many people are actually gonna consider moving to the middle of nowhere to actually live there?
plus she likes these three boys, so she wants to help them as much as she can
so yeah once mingi and san graduate, they are basically ready to move into the pink palace
but this is technically after that boy went missing and after the case turned cold, so grandma doesn’t want to rent to anyone new
but she already assured the boys that the attic was theirs, and she’s not about to break that promise
so before giving the boys the keys she gives them the lowdown of what’s been going on and what will happen in the future
they know the boy went missing, but she explains to them all that happened and that it gives the pink palace a bad rap (even though she hardly cares about that), so she wouldn’t normally be doing something like this but they will be the last people she lets rent from her
and they don’t completely understand because they have no idea what this has been doing to the poor old woman, but they understand enough and are grateful for her that she’s still letting them live there
they decide then that it would be better for jongho to start living with them now even before he’s graduated just so it’s less of a change for grandma in the future
which jongho is totally okay with because he honestly would rather live with them anyway
but uh yeah mingi, san, and jongho are the last ones to start renting at the pink palace for a long while
they split rent three ways so that it’s less burdensome on them, and they all have jobs so that they can afford it
mingi and san work full time while jongho has a part time job while he finishes school
but full time they are all preparing and planning their circus!!
takes a lot of throat training for mingi 😏 since he is literally putting swords down his throat, and he started this basically right when they decided their circus was going to be real
san and jongho have advantages because they already have some skill in their areas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t train
san still takes martial arts and dance, and he’s even signed up for gymnastics to help him with his flexibility
jongho basically spends all of his spare times working out (mostly lifting weights) so that he can really be strong
but also jongho has a thing for rats/mice and is like “hey,, why don’t we use them for something so that it’s not just us?”
and the boys lowkey are like wtf dude why but then again who are they to shut down his ideas when they are literally starting a circus?
so they’re like fine but that’s on you to decide how to do that and to plan the act
jongho: yessss ratssss
also jongho: NO they’re not RATS they’re MICE these are MICE THANK YOU
this is the “jumping mice” aspect of the coraline movie with bobinsky just fyi
a lot of jongho’s time in school is spent in the science and psychology departments talking to teachers about animals (specifically rats/mice) and how to train and work with them
the teachers are all kinda like… what? but also they are just happy that jongho is interested in something enough to come to the teachers and ask questions and apply himself
lmao it’s not for school tho
so he learns a lot of this information at school and honestly this might be the only thing he learns at school because soon enough he’s graduating with a bunch of knowledge on how to work with and train animals
once out of high school he starts working full time too so that money and rent is even easier
all of their extra money that isn’t toward rent and bills and groceries go to their circus
they hardly ever buy new clothes unless it’s something for their circus
also the boys had to go to grandma to ask if they could house mice in their apartment, and while it was a hard no (unless they were trained and wouldn’t cause trouble), jongho still smuggled them in
grandma knows about it too (bc she knows everything that goes on for the most part lmao) but she doesn’t say anything because they don’t cause trouble and she likes the boys
the day one of them gets loose and starts terrorizing and infesting the pink palace is the day she intervenes and tells them to get rid of them
but jongho is actually really good at training the mice so it’s fine
my point surrounding all of this is to say that mingi, san, and jongho are in the long and arduous stage of their lives and their circus of planning and preparing everything
they only make so much money and have so many resources that setting up their circus and doing everything to prepare is going to take a long time before they can actually open and show people what they’ve been working on
they’ve been doing it for a few years now and they’ve still hardly made a dent
they have to train and perfect their acts sure, but they also have to do all of the logistical stuff like advertising, selling tickets, finding venues, paying for safety and legal stuff, etc.
and these boys are only in their early 20s, so it’s gonna take a while before they can actually open their circus
but they are determined and passionate, so if this is what they have to do then they will happily do it
Yunho ~ The Ghost Children
oh god this is gonna start getting serious i’m sorry
in case you can’t tell, yunho is the boy that goes missing from the pink palace
he and his family lived in the pink palace from when he was pretty young until he was in high school
he was also really good friends with wooyoung and yeosang because they were all the same age
however he was... not happy
he always worked his ass off dancing because that’s what he wanted to do, but it meant his grades in school tanked
this would obviously be worrying to some parents, and his gave him an ultimatum
either get your grades up and start taking school seriously, or you’re not going to be allowed to continue your dance lessons
the answer was clear to yunho, so he told his dance teacher that he would be taking a break for a bit so he can focus on school
everything was fine until he realized his parents had zero intentions of letting him go back anyway
he didn’t understand,, his grades were getting better so why couldn’t he go back?
to put it plainly, his parents said this:
“what kind of career could you make out of dance? you’ll never succeed”
it was crushing
it was then that yunho realized that his own parents didn’t care about what he wanted and was passionate about
he didn’t think they ever would either, so he just sort of... stopped believing in them
it wasn’t all bad because he had his closest friends and grandma (who treated him like her own grandson)
but he had some pretty bad days that made the happy and energetic boy almost completely unrecognizable
he would look at wooyoung and yeosang and see how successful they were despite still being in school
he would see how their talent was rightfully recognized and sought after
and he would get down on himself, thinking how he wanted the same thing but fearing no one would see him
that’s why he worked hard at everything he did, why his motivation plummeted, and why he nearly wore himself out before even graduating
but one day he started acting strange
everyone noticed how a switch seemed to flip in him
that excited glimmer was back in his eyes, and no one knew why
don’t get me wrong, everyone was so happy to see the smiley yunho was back, but everyone wanted to know what happened
but he hardly made any sense when he told them
he supposedly found a place in the pink palace where he could do what he wanted, but whenever he tried showing anyone he couldn’t? the door was bricked up
everyone started thinking he made it up, that the stress was finally getting to him and he dreamt up a place like this so he wouldn’t lose his mind
that glimmer was gone again, and he stopped trying to talk to people
in fact, he closed himself off from everyone 
the day he went missing was the scariest day for everyone in the pink palace
everyone was devastated, but it completely changed his parents
grandma advised them to move out while the police investigated, but they refused despite how hard it was
but after a year the case became cold
no one could find yunho nor could anyone figure out what happened to him
he just disappeared without a trace
his parents still tried to stay though because they needed to find out what happened to their son
but they couldn’t. no one could
it wasn’t long before they too found it best that they move out of the pink palace
it was just too painful
that was the last time grandma ever rented to anyone new, so the apartment became completely vacant for years
even after they left, no one was able to figure out what happened to yunho
Seonghwa ~ The Black Cat
geomeun goyangi nero nero nero
uhhhh yeah seonghwa’s a cat lmao
he’s not owned by anyone and doesn’t have a collar or anything
he’s a stray that has been around for a while
he showed up pretty soon after yunho started distancing himself from people, but not soon enough for people to think that he’s an omen or something
and he’s not exactly
idk really how to explain it so i won’t lmao
he just sort of became the pink palace’s cat???
grandma takes responsibility for him though and makes sure he’s fed and has a place to rest and play if he ever feels like it
which is nice and all but he doesn’t?? do any of those things?
he comes and goes a lot sure,,, no one really knows where he goes but they know he’ll be back
but when he hangs out around the pink palace? he just... wanders?
it’s hard to explain but it’s almost like he is surveying the domain, like he’s searching for something wrong
he’s a weird cat
not only that though, but he doesn’t eat? or sleep? at all???
at least no one ever sees him sleeping or eating
he’s always getting into shit tho, like he’s always there when you don’t want him to be
there have been many times wooyoung has kicked him out of the apartment because the dogs hate him
mingi and san also try to keep him out because of jongho and his rats mice, but honestly jongho is pretty cool with him
because he doesn’t do anything to the mice? he literally just sits there and watches with wide and curious eyes
sure jongho worries about hwa one day stealing one of his mice for grandma to see so that she can make him get rid of them or kick them out but that’s not going to happen right?
hwa is chill tho, so jongho is chill
the cat would follow yunho around a lot, and a lot of times they were seen curled up together
yunho would be taking a nap the poor boy but hwa wouldn’t
he would just be there to comfort him :(
honestly he liked yunho and his best friend the most and everyone could tell jongho was a close second tho
they all came to start calling him mars instead of The Cat™ since they didn’t know his name
they still call him The Cat™ when he pisses them off but i digress
despite how fucking weird he is though, everyone at the pink palace basically loves him
he’s just Their Cat™ ok?
sure he might be annoying and shifty, or he might be haunted, or he might even be immortal
he’s a really weird cat dude
but he’s part of the family,, they gotta love him
Hongjoong ~ Coraline
curtesy of inception era hongjoong 
so joong is our main man here
at first he had no relation to the pink palace whatsoever,, he had never even heard of it
he lived with a friend in a fairly large city before and it was fine and all but WOW was it expensive
and it was honestly very stifling to hongjoong,,, he couldn’t really do everything he wanted to do there
he found the pink palace by accident
he was searching up affordable apartments to live in places that have good weather and conditions for gardening
let me explain though
hongjoong is in his downward stretch of college for a journalism degree, but he’s taking online classes with his move so that he can focus on that and working
he wants to work in gardening and writing, but he also really just wants to make stuff
his realistic plan is to work in journalism and write for like a gardening magazine or journal while gardening as a “side project” or something (like coraline’s parents do)
did somebody say florist joong? because i did
the dream job though would be to work in song writing or fashion or something artistic like that
he likes painting and making/customizing clothes so he would like to be able to make a career out of that
his goal is to eventually make his own business or store where he makes and sells affordable and sustainable clothes and accessories
he’s going for a degree in journalism with a minor in business, but he has been struggling with both so he has been debating dropping business
arguably it would be better for him to stick with business but most people in his life have told him he’s better in journalism and so he keeps at that mostly 
he feels unfulfilled - he wants to plant a garden, he wants to make and alter clothes customly, he wants to make music
but he isn’t able to do any of that because what are the odds any of that ends up working as a career? 
it might work for a little while but in the future he would technically be a small business, and maintaining a small business is difficult
at least with writing and working for a magazine/journal is stable
however it’s not what he’s most passionate about, thus he finds it hard to have motivation to work
he feels like a zombie going through his days the same as the last, just trying to get through school before he gets a 9-5 job that he’ll hate within a year (if that) doing something he doesn’t want to do
but hey, that’s adult life, isn’t it? 
he doesn’t like to complain and feels guilty when he is ungrateful for his circumstances because he knows plenty of people (his parents included) that went down this route who ended up fine, which means he will too
the one person who always told him to go after what he wanted was his mom even though she technically “settled” in life
holy shit did i digress
but yeah in his search for an affordable place to live with good weather, there wasn’t a lot 
but he also wanted a drastic change from what he was used to, and that was the pink palace
it was practically in the middle of nowhere, and the pictures (while pretty dull) showed potential for a great garden
it was perfect
it was a hard no from grandma when he called about possibly renting, so he wasn’t expecting her to call him back at all
grandma didn’t want to risk anything because of what happened with yunho
but with some convincing, she realized that she couldn’t keep holding on
while what happened was horrible, there was nothing that could be done as sad as it was
so she called hongjoong back about when the best time to come look at the pink palace would be
and the rest is history
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mcheang · 4 years
Phone Hiatus
This is a draft inspired by the Victorious episode Phone Bet.
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Mendeliev dares the class to go a week without using their phones. If they succeed, she will include an extra credit assignment. For those who don’t need that assignment, she will allow them to skip class. And to make sure some people (aka Chloe, Max, Sabrina and Alya) don’t give up so soon out of disinterest, Mendeliev makes this a group dare. You all pass, or you all fail.
If they fail, they have to waste a weekend helping Mendeliev set up another class project in the forest. It would be a buggy, sweaty trip.
Since Markov can be used as a phone, Mendeliev will be borrowing him for the week, and having him check to see if the kids were using their cellphones.
Computers are allowed for the sake of schoolwork and general info. iPads are not.
For some people, this bet was no problem.
Marinette sketches on paper and doesn’t spend much time in front of the screen except when watching Adrien coverage.
Adrien was living the Dream. No more calls from Nathalie. Though she did buy him an alarm watch to remind him of his appointments.
For others; they were dying.
Chloe lived for gossip. How was she supposed to check her channels if she couldn’t use her phone. How was she going to flaunt her wealth if she couldn’t access her blog? And she was about to collect a gem for her Miraculous Crush account!
Alya loved technology. And she constantly fretted about the chances of an akuma happening when she didn’t have her phone! And it’s not like she can record the battle on her laptop. There was the school digital camera but they would never let her drag it around with her for a whole week. And her father would never let her use his camera, knowing how she likes to run into akuma sites.
Max consoles himself with a video game, driving Alya and Chloe insane to see him tapping his fingers away at what could almost pass for a phone.
By the middle of the week, the latter group were a mess. Max misses Markov. Chloe’s fingers kept twitching. And Alya snaps at anybody who moves.
Mendeliev smirks. “It’s sad seeing you all like this. Are you sure you don’t want to just give up now and save yourselves the misery of the next few days?”
To tempt the weak ones further, Mendeliev flaunts their phones in her phone bucket.
Chloe snaps. She could hire people to do the grunt work, but she needs to text now! And her grades were stellar, so no worries about that.
The class stops her. Some need that extra credit!
Nathaniel: I knew the girls would crack first
Max: logically speaking, they were the ones most likely to lose us the bet.
Nino: and i don’t want to lose my chance at a better grade just because they give up so easily.
Alya: watch your mouth, boyfriend.
Alix: and you guys are just as desperate to use your phones as us.
Chloe: I doubt that.
Mendeliev: shall we change the bet? Instead of a one week deadline, the contest ends when one gender loses and the other wins.
Marinette: bring it!
Ivan: good luck, you’re going to need it.
A few hours later...
Marinette: what was I thinking?!!!!
Alix: you were defending women!
Marinette: yeah, without considering our odds. Max survives with video games while we have to handcuff Chloe and Alya!
Mylene: then it looks like we have to gain an edge
Rose: how?
Lila: simple, really. We just need to get Max to break.
Marinette: it’s time to see whether the gamer is ready for a rematch.
Marinette challenges Max to a game. She wins, he can’t play anymore video games. He wins, she will uncuff Chloe and Alya.
Marinette wins.
Max shrugs. He has computer games.
Except for once, Lila and Marinette are on the same team. Lila used her silver tongue to convince Max’s mother that it might be good for her son to spend time away from tech and enjoy nature at its best. He’s just exaggerating about the cons of Mendeliev’s project set up.
Max is cut off from any screen. He begins to twitch like Chloe.
The guys restrain Max as they try to figure out how to free Alya and Chloe.
Adrien offers. The guys agree; thinking Marinette will easily give Adrien the key just by asking.
But Adrien was just going to send Plagg over.
Plagg was happy to cheat.
Tikki caught him. What do you expect? The girls’ base is Marinette’s bedroom.
Plagg is sent home, bruised in the rear from where Tikki kicked him out. He claimed to have been mistaken for a rat.
Kim: ok, new plan. We lay out a temptation bait so strong, the girls will overpower their bindings by mere force of will.
Nathaniel: what kind of bait?
Kim: how about “Ladybug announces opening for new permanent hero? Chloé will go nuts thinking she has a shot. And Alya will fight anyone who stops her from reading the scoop.
Adrien: i don’t like that scoop.
Kim: got a better idea?
Adrien sulks. “No.”
The next day, before the boys could enact their plan though, Max lost the game.
Everyone’s phones had been returned to their tables and Chloé and Alya could be seen typing onto their phones. Max instantly sprang free and started opening phone apps.
Kim: What happened? The game isn’t over.
Marinette: oh yes it is.
Alix: you lost!
Ivan: what?
Nathaniel: how? None of us used our phones till today.
Chloe: true, but while Dupain-Cheng sabotaged my phone and Cesaire’s...
Alya: Max was the first one to use his phone.
Boys: WHAT???
The girls turned their phones around to show black screens. Or in the last 2 girls’ cases, their phone screen were covered with cardboard.
Kim: this is cheating. How did you even get the phones?
Marinette: oh, i just wanted to use them to test my hypothesis. Miss Mendeliev was willing to loan them for the sake of science.
Kim: and what hypothesis would that be?
Miss Mendeliev walked in. “Whether the prolonged absence of a constant would remove all trained caution once the constant was brought into sight.”
Kim: this isn’t fair. Miss Mendeliev, you should have told us about this.
Mendeliev: all’s fair in war. I honestly didn’t plan for this to be a gender war, but since you boys started it, I had to side with my own female species.
So while the girls got to enjoy extra credit or free period, the boys lost their weekend. Don’t worry, some of the girls volunteered to help them anyway
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firaknight · 3 years
So this is basically PMD x Kirby
(Here’s a key: pink is the name of the character, green is the Pokemon they chose, blue means male, pink means female, purple is the description of design changes)
So, before I explain who gets who, Adeleine sets up a few rules/guidelines for everyone.
1: The couch. Adeleine and Ribbon live in a cottage on the outskirts of town and therefore have a small house. When everyone’s there, she has a set seating system: tall people (DDD, herself, Daroach, etc) have to sit on the couch or in the general back. Short people (basically everyone else) sit in front of the couch and around the floor (she gives them pillows and floor seats of course)
2: No repeats! It’s to help her remember and also to not cause confusion or arguments. Nobody gets to have the same Pokemon as someone else (the only exception being if they plan to evolve them into a branching evolution, like Gardevoir and Gallade in the Ralts line)
3: Personalize! Everyone gets to add design changes to theirs (cut ear, different patterns, accessories, etc) to make them their own! They also assign genders to theirs and if they can’t decide, dice are rolled. Odds for male, evens for female (they can choose not to, but the vast majority were like “yeah whatever let’s just give them a gender”).
Ok onto the actual Pokemon
Adeleine: Chikorita, female, wears a scarf (part of the in-game story) and has a multicolored head leaf! Also had a small crystal hanging from her neck!
She saw the design and called them a “tiny dinosaur with a big leaf” and immediately decided on them. She loves them to death and thinks they’re the cutest Pokemon on the planet.
Ribbon: Fennekin, female, wears a scarf (part of the in-game story), has fur that is more pink than red, and wears a huge red bow! Also has a small crystal hanging from her neck!
Couldn’t choose the same Pokemon as Adeleine and thought Fennekin looked beautiful (she was even more excited when she saw the final evolution). She also has a type matchup with Adeleine and absolutely takes bullets for her to keep her from dying.
Kirby: Eevee, female, white fur is tinted pink, has blue eyes instead of brown, and wears bunch of colorful accessories like bows, bracelets/anklets, and collars!
Couldn’t decide on the gender and the dice rolled female! He doesn’t care and loves his Eevee!!! He likes how soft they look and how they have different evolution!! It’s like his copy abilities!!! He’s stuck trying to figure out what to evolve them into tho.
Dedede: Piplup, male, wears a big robe and hat, body is a slightly darker and more vibrant blue, and is a little chubbier!
He convinced Adeleine to take on a more difficult dungeon request for this (she got a big dinner at the royal table and got to stay the night in one of the royal rooms out of it though so it was worth it) and after a near 2 hour run and almost 3 game overs, she got it. Dedede only wanted it because it’s the only penguin Pokemon in the series and he wanted a big penguin like himself!!!
Meta Knight: Ralts (Gallade), male, wears a mask like his own, has more jagged blades, and wears a cape!
Only picked them because they saw Gallade and said “yeah that’s gonna be me” and didn’t wait for an answer. He likes their arm blades and the fact that they have a mega evolution (even BIGGER blades!!!!!!! A big tattered cape!!!!!! Badass looks!!!!! What’s not to like!!!!)
Bandee: Karrablast, male, wears a blue bandana, body is orange instead of blue, stomach is cream instead of orange, and has a tiny spear (this is later removed when they evolve)!!!
They saw Escavalier and got super excited!! Double spear arms!!! Armored and tough looking!!! They like how tough they look and 100% chose them for that reason only (although the Pokemon kinda grew on them over time). Not ultra tough right now but they’re getting there!
Marx: Sableye, male, gems are basically mirrors, wears a jester cap like his own, and has only 2 claws instead of 3!!
He likes how fucking creepy they look and how their mega evolution has teeth. It’s a very specific detail they will absolutely drill into why they like them so much. They also like how powerful they can be if used correctly!
Gooey: Goomy, female, body is shades of blue instead of purple, has a tongue that noticeably sticks out!!
He originally wanted Ditto but then they saw Goomy and felt a certain kind of love for them. He also couldn’t decide and the dice rolled female! He likes how the name is similar to his own and how they’re goopy like him!!! They’re also super squishy and he is too!!!!!!
Rick: Dedenne, male, tail is shorter, body is similar in color to him, has beans!!!!!!
He likes how they’re kinda hamster-esc!! They have electricity too which is hella cool. They look kinda soft to him and he was mildly upset over them not having paw beans and demanded that Dedenne be given justice by having them drawn in (Adeleine totally agrees to this). He likes to think they’re mega soft like himself!!!
Kine: Magikarp, male, slightly flatter, blue instead of orange, larger fins!!
He couldn’t choose a Pokemon and eventually just settled on Magikarp because he thought they’d be ok. Didn’t realize they evolve into such a big Pokemon until they saw what it looked like in one of the dungeons. The keep bragging about how powerful they’re gonna be when they finally evolve, but nobody is taking him seriously because he can only use 1 move as of now and hasn’t reached a point where he can evolve yet.
Coo: Hoothoot, male, body is purple instead of brown, has spiked feathers on his head, has a softer and fluffier appearance!!!!!
It’s an owl. He wanted to be an owl. He reeeeaaallly wants to evolve because Noctowl looks way cooler but he’s fine with what he’s got for now!!! He has a speed based build because he can fly very fast :)
Dark Meta Knight: Noibat, female, monochromatic colors with some red mixed in, mask with a scar, tattered wing membrane!!!
Purposefully decided on having a femal because he thinks it kicks ass a little more (also he loves his adopted daughter and decided that would be badass too). Built like a fucking assault tank but with speed. He absolutely leads the charge when he’s playing and takes every fucking hit possible if it’s aimed at his daughter. Gloats about his badass evolution and how fucking sick it looks despite having not evolved yet.
Daroach: Sneasel, male, wears a cloak and hat like his own, has yellow and longer claws!!!!
He didn’t like any of the existing rats and said “lemme get a thief pokemon” and settled on Sneasel. They have a team called the Squeak Squad and it’s comprised of his Sneasel and the squeaks own copies of the game! They play together in their free time and Daroach had Adeleine grab him a Sneasel so he could play on her copy too.
Magolor: Inkay, male, wears a blue cloak like his own, has yellow eyes!!! (The cloak doesn’t really fit until Inkay evolves)
Physically couldn’t choose and then someone showed him Inkay and he said “oh! I fucking hate them.” It was only until they showed him Malamar that he said “oh they look like they’d backstab someone. Perfect.” He likes how fucking ominous they look and how they would 100% be a supervillain given the chance. His Inkay is a good guy tho don’t worry.
Taranza: Joltik, male, has tiny fangs and little horns that grow out when they evolve, wears a cape, has little gloves on their hands!!!
He wanted Flabebe because of the flowers but was told someone already took that one and decided he’d take a spider Pokemon! Almost settled on Ariados but then saw Galvantula and got super excited. He likes their fuzzy look and thinks they are a lovely Pokemon!!
Susie: Gothita, female, eyes are gradient blue with no pupils, has pink accents on the head, more modern appearance!!
She couldn’t find any pretty ones with tech on them but liked Gothita! She thinks they look ok and Adeleine was nice enough to invite her over for PMD game day so she joined in. Her Gothita is surprisingly beastly and is a heavy hitter! However she also gets her ass kicked really fast because Gothita isn’t built for up close heavy hitting.
Zan Partizanne: Shinx, female, wears the same clothes as her, has more yellow on her!!
She really liked how Shinx looks. Tiny electric kitty puppy thing! She wanted to name it after some kind of thunder deity but wasn’t able to (she probably had a name for it tho). Speedy little powerhouse who looks adorable. Continues to tell Adeleine that she’s only doing this to repay her debt (and also for insulting her hairline) but is really just enjoying herself.
Flamberge: Fletchling, female, wears the hat and ribbon-like shawl, has spiked feathers that stick up a lot like her hair, more vibrant red!!!
She fucking loves this little bird. Like. A lot. Something about them is just so awesome to her. Maybe it’s because it evolves into a giant fire falcon but who knows! She just loves them and cherishes them with all her heart. BEGGED Adeleine to recruit them and managed to convince her (she had to offer up making her a cool sword to get it. Adeleine accepted the deal almost immediately because cool ass sword).
Francisca: Vanillite, female, wears the hat and shawl, has more vibrant blue, ice cream part is the same color as her hair!!!
You know exactly why she chose this one. Ice cream baby!!!!!!!! She thinks they’re lovely and wants a plush of them super bad (they don’t make them yet but merch happens eventually!). She jokes that they have an ice cream stash they live in.
Pitch: Pidgey, male, green in color!
He got to join in after the other animal friends told him! He’s good friends with Adeleine (all the animal friends are) and she let him pick a Pokemon! He doesn’t play as much because he has to use his little feet’s but he does his best!
Nago: Glameow, female, body is orange and the ears are brown! Eyes remain closed instead of open to reflect his design!
He wanted it to be a girl just because. He says it’s because it resembles his girlfriend a teensy bit (just in coat color really) and he loves her a lot. Little bastard cat causes trouble on adventures and purposefully runs off to look for the stairs by himself without any incentive from Adeleine.
Chuchu: Frillish, female, wears a small red ribbon and has a more vibrant pink body!!
Couldn’t choose originally but settled on Frillish because it’s the closest thing to her. Nicknamed it frilly and likes to cause problems. She’s got a pretty decent move set and knows how to kick ass with it tho so she makes up for her trouble with that.
Queen Ripple: Flabébé, female, wears glasses and has black ear frill things, wears her crown, and wears her dress!!! Flower is white!
She gets to play too!!!!! Adeleine offered to let her have a Pokemon and she plays though wireless connection! On a very rare occasion, she makes a trip out to Popstar for a week or so and gets to play during then! She has a lot of fun and adores the design for Flabébé so damn much (plus it’s fairy type and that makes her very happy)!!!
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skzss · 4 years
To fulfill a wish
Member: Fae King!Hwang Hyunjin x gender neutral!reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fantasy
Word count: 1130
Description: Do you understand the weight of a wish? Is that why you’ve come seeking a faerie’s blessing?
Author’s notes: Wow so many in one day? Actually it’s because I was supposed to post one per day but then I didn’t and built up the backlog and I wanted these out before Halloween cause yknow why not. Cross posted from another blog I run :)
There is a legend, passed down through the generations. Deep in the forest on the edges of the earth, you will find a tangle of trees. Deeper yet in this tangle of trees is a burrow, woven from the finest of vines. And if you delve deeper still, you will find the hollow of the fae, a space imbued with rich power. According to the words of legend, if you can convince the forest to bless you with a gift, you can grant any wish you want. Gold or glory, nothing is out of reach.
Many travelers have sought the hollow, most for their own personal greed. Records have indicated that most do not survive and those who do suffer a fate worse than death. Stranger yet, some records tell that they see the faces of old travelers in the bark of the trees, twisted almost to the point of unrecognition.
You hoped it was true, the legend. You needed it to be true. You’d invested months of your life, searching for this hollow, abandoning your old life for it. Hell you’d almost given your soul up to a demon for information, that’s just how desperate you were. And after all those months, you think maybe you’ve found it.
There’s something different about this place. It’s serene but still the hairs on the back of your neck raise. It’s the silence. Not once has it been so quiet on your journey. The forests are always teeming with life, the sounds of animals and insects and birds all combined with the wind rustled trees. The only sounds you hear now are your own breathing and the cracklings beneath your feet.
But you forge ahead. You must. And just as you feel like you’re about to collapse, you find the bent branches and vines of the burrow. It’s almost like a nest, circular and strong, built in layer upon layer. As you approach, you notice the leaves growing off the structure are a deeper green than those of the forest. They sparkle gently in the light despite not having any dew on them. You reach out to touch them but stop short, withdrawing your hand after a moment. Your fingertips tingle, already sensitive to the power imbued. Yes, you have at long last found it.
You don’t want to force yourself into the hollow. That’s a sure fire way to get yourself killed or kicked out and you can’t afford either. But you can’t sit here and wait either. There are people waiting for you. So you remove your knife from your belt and cut a lock of your hair, tying it off with a ribbon you kept from another time. A gift of the daughter of the seas after you had cut her loose from abandoned nets. You take a deep breath and set the bundle at the base what you think is the entrance and you wait.
You thankfully don’t need to wait very long. The forest rustles, branches creaking and clacking against each other as the draw apart and reveal a deep tunnel for you. You smile, standing on stiff knees and stumbling forward. It’s surprisingly light inside, illuminated by silvery glowing mushrooms and dangling golden flowers. You cut your hand multiple times keeping yourself steady but it matters not.
Eventually you tumble out the other end, braced against the soft grassy floor as you catch your breath.
“What do you want.”
You lift your head and your eyes widen. He’s… Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. His hair is braided back, the braids woven with flowers and gems, both of which sparkle. From above those braids are antlers, strong and dark and sharp on the ends. They are also wreathed with delicate gold chains and jewels, carefully placed. His amber eyes are cold as they regard you, bored even. You pull yourself up and step into the clearing more fully, kneeling when you think you’re close enough.
“I seek to fulfill a wish.” You try to speak as clearly as you can and it rings around the hollow, echoing like a guilty admission.
“Like many before you,” he replies, flicking his hand. The jewels on his wrist jingle. “And what makes you different from them?”
You swallow. Nothing really. You have come seeking something and have nothing to give but your life. You whisper, “Please. You’re the only hope I have left.”
“I did not ask for you to beg. I asked what makes you worthy of a wish used.” The trees begin to rustle and the ground beneath you rumbles as he growls softly. “You humans never understand. Wishes are born from desire and desire must be fulfilled with blessings. A blessing is a powerful thing, created from the death of faeries. From a life. And you come in here, ill-prepared to defend your wish to me?”
You shake in your spot, your chest tight. But you have to do this. For everyone. You take a deep breath and lift your head to look at him, at his rage. “I have a selfish wish,” you announce. The rumbling stops; he blinks. “I have a wish that will use the lives of your kin to save mine. I will pay any price for equivalent exchange.” You close your eyes for a moment, thinking on your family. Your friends. Everyone’s smile and everyone’s tears all entrusted to you. You open your eyes again and give him a determined stare. “I call upon the ancient keepers of the forest, bearers of light. Please, help me keep my village safe.”
He stares at you, face kept carefully blank. You on the other hand stare at him with desperation thinly veiled under courage. Slowly he stands, silken robes fluttering around him. He steps forward until he stands mere inches away from you, looking down while you look up. “Are you prepared to bear the weight of what you ask?”
You suck in another breath before letting it out with a shudder. “I am.”
He strokes along his sleeve, golden threads shimmering. Ah how ethereal he is, haloed in the light. Considers you, in your ragged clothes and bleeding palms. You start to waver, just a bit until he reaches up and plucks a crystal encased in molten gold and holds it flat in his palm, extending it to you. “Your wish is a kind one. Such innocence is rare.”
You reach up, hesitating just before you take the life. It will be heavy, you know. “I-is there a price?”
“Ah, little one, there always is.” Hyunjin smiles and you feel your heart race in terror. Those are the feral sharpened teeth of the Fae King, the one of myth and story. Except he’s very, very real. “But you were prepared for that, were you not?”
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gay-cartoon-stan · 4 years
Why the “Corrupted Steven Theory” is more likely than it seems at first
Okay, you probably think that this theory is very unlikely, and it won’t happen in Steven Universe Future. But hear me out, I thought so at first as well, just like I thought the “Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond”-Theory was a stretch. But guess what? It turned out to be true, so I gave this theory the benefit of doubt and now I’m convinced that it could become canon as well!
In the beginning, I was unsure but intrigued by this theory and read some posts. Steven Universe Future means a lot to me, I related to Steven Universe a lot already and kind of grew up with it in the past few years. Now, seeing how Steven deals with deeply rooted problems and his mental health issues hit close to home for me. So, obviously, I searched through the tags very much.
Unfortunately, the actual theories with proof are scattered all around Tumblr with almost no coordination, even within “#corrupted Steven theory” that is full of fan art (which I enjoy a lot btw!!). And I had to search through a lot of posts to see the full picture of possibilities this theory has, so I decided to make a master post for you guys. It’s not that much of a stretch when you put all of it in one big master-post, for those who don’t want to search for as long as I did.
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WARNING: This will be a very long post!
Now first off, I heard many people say that this would be too dark for the show. And while this is a children’s show, Steven Universe already had way darker episodes. Here are some examples:
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Previous Theories in Steven Universe
I searched for some previous theories for the original Steven Universe cartoon and pulled up a few popular theories from the Cartoon Network YouTube videos. Let’s start off with some of them that were proven wrong later on in the series.
3 Theories that were more based on feeling right than proof and turned out to be wrong
-         Gems start out as babies
-         Sardonyx’s identity
-         Ruby is blind
First off, everyone assumed that Gems are quite similar to humans. Now, these theories were created in the first season of Steven Universe, when we didn’t know a whole lot about Gems, yet. Rebecca Sugar started the show by telling us to “expect the unexpected” like expecting to have Gems be quite similar to humans.
When we heard of a new voice actor, most immediately assumed it to be a new gem or a fusion of new gems. But instead, it was Sardonyx, a fusion between garnet and Pearl. Rebecca likes to explore new possibilities by combining already established things: Like making a completely new character out of two well-known gems.
I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen in Steven Universe Future, this epilogue will deal with big concepts that we already know. It would make no sense to have something entirely new in the epilogue, when we already have some unanswered questions left, like the true nature of corruption.
5 Theories that were based proof rather than “feeling canon” and turned out true (even though they seemed like a stretch)
-         Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond
-         There are multiples of every gem
-         All monsters were once gems
-         Ronaldo’s theories are right
-         Garnet is a fusion
Theories like the one of Pink Diamond were very unpopular and I’m sure almost no one believed Ronaldo in the beginning: they were unpopular or controversial at the time. But all of these theories turned out true, so don’t just shoot down a theory because it seems unlikely at first. On further examination, theories that seem like a stretch at first, actually, make a lot of sense.
Foreshadowing and symbolism about Rose Quartz actually being Pink Diamond were already planted in the beginning, look at the first song about Cookie Cat by Steven in the very first episode for example.
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So, even if it seems unlikely that Steven will become corrupted in Steven Universe Future, that won’t stop Rebecca from making it canon. But if she planned it, there had to be a lot of proof for that, too. And there is a lot that could be interpreted as a connection between Stevens, his mental health and corruption!
That brings us to my next point:
 Steven’s Mental health
In the limited series, Steven is shown to bottle up his feelings a lot and has developed some harmful coping habits, as shown in Episode 10: “Prickly Pair”.
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Steven is already known for not dealing with his own problems, trying not to think about them instead of being honest about how bad it feels so he can move on, as shown in “Mindful Education”, which was the fourth episode of Season 4, so even before the “Wanted” and “Diamond Days” arcs.
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There even is a whole episode revolving around Amethyst trying to help Steven with his feeling about his mother after it’s revealed that she actually is Pink Diamond, but he just keeps reflecting and wants to help her instead.
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Now, the synopsis tells us that “as he runs out of other people’s problems to solve, he’ll finally have to face his own” which confirms again that he didn’t deal with his own emotions, yet. So, now he feels lost because he feels useless now in addition to years of undealt trauma. Just look at his monologue in the last episode!
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But why didn’t he deal with his own mental well-being yet? Because he’s scared because all of his experience in the last years were very traumatic for a teenager? Not to mention that he wasn’t even 14 when the series started off. Even the Crystal Gems, who are supposed to be way more mature than him, struggled multiple times within the series. Garnet even split up two times.
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He’s scared because he doesn’t know what to do now that he can’t help the people around him anymore, everyone around him changes for the better and knows how to help themselves and what they want to do in the future. Everyone except Steven.
 Steven vs Steven
All of his human friends change way faster than he can deal with, so one would think that he could at least relate to the Gems with the struggle of accepting change, right? NO! He’s growing up, he changed in the last couple of years. And while it’s too slow for the humans around him, it’s too fast for the Crystal Gems since they’ve been around for thousands of years.
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Even though the whole universe is changing, he still has problems as a hybrid between gems and humans. He struggled for years to fit in with the Gems, while he was always too much “Gem” to be understood by fully humans. For example, even his best friend and his dad don’t include him as a “human being” in Season 2, where he was just starting to be respected by the Gems as a part of the Crystal Gems. So, he didn’t really fit in with either species even back then. Out of stress, it caused him to clutch his gem, also because it is the thing that will always set him apart from other humans.
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For years, he could at least relate to Amethyst. They shared a kindred spirit as fellow "worst Gems" who, in Steven's words are "not like anybody". Now even she found her own personal purpose while he is as confused as ever.
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 Becoming like someone “bad”
Not only that, in his attempt to be nothing like his mother, since he still has a complicated relationship with her (see: the whole Episode “Rose Buds”), he slowly becomes more and more the person she used to be. He doesn’t want to confront that, but he’s still scared of his new powers that remind Volleyball of Pink Diamond.
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But it’s not only her, but Steven also begins to act like the diamonds in general: He ordered people (like Amethyst and Jasper) around.
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Just like the punishment by Blue Diamond for Pink, Steven imprisoned Cactus Steven (a metaphor for himself, his mental health, and his problems) with barely enough light to survive. Both Pink Diamond and Cactus Steven didn’t know how to act any better. Cactus Steven was just learning from the only role model he got, but Steven was too angry to try to understand. In Steven Universe, he even tried to understand a literal monster and befriended Centipeetle aka corrupted Nephrite, but now he can’t even communicate with his own creation, sentient humanoid cactus.
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He spent years trying to fight the ways the Great Diamond Authority worked, but now he takes after them. And whether he is ready to confront this or not, he can’t help but see how he changes to a person he never wanted to be.
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 No Control
He just got new powers that seemingly only Pink Steven really had control over and struggles even more than before. Steven could do a similar bubble, but never actually did it in a symmetrical way or in the shape of a dome, like his gem half could do seemingly with ease.
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But since his powers are connected to his emotion (which react to his new and old problems) it’s no wonder that he’s getting out of control. This new pink side of him is linked to extreme stress (or anger) and using powers only his fully-gem half could do before.
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We already saw him losing full control over his bubble (trapping someone) and shapeshifting/ageing, where he almost died.
In the first season, he trapped Connie in his protective bubble, which only dissolved after he talked with her. He subconsciously trapped her in there because he didn’t want her to leave again before he got the chance to give the bracelet back.
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He lost control over his body a few times, for example, a few episodes after Bubble Buddies when his age-shifting powers get introduced. In a similar matter as before, his gem reacts to his feelings (here: his mental age) and acts accordingly. He almost dies in So Many Birthdays and Cat Fingers because of it.
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He already ended up trapping his friends in Episode 9 because of his new powers in connection to emotions. In Season One, he trapped Connie in his bubble in a similar matter.
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Next, he could be transforming his problems in himself externally again. We already saw that trauma inside of a gem can manifest in Volleyball as it was explained by the cracked eye.
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The creature could be an apparition, something Steven sees in dreams or hallucinations, rather than a physical manifestation at first, but most of the issues in Steven Universe, even if they’re just emotionally, evolved to become something physical. But even though this can be done in a couple of ways, corruption would make sense in Steven’s case.
Extreme emotional distress is linked to corruption as it seems to speed up corruption’s effects. Both Jasper’s and Centipeetle’s mental state affected the corruption process. As the bodies of Gems are mental projections, the bodies of corrupted Gems are a reflection of how damaged their minds are. Corruption’s damage is mental rather than physical, at least at its core.
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Just like their emotions affected their body, Steven’s powers got worse under stress. In Steven Universe Future, his mental health is worse than ever, so if he ever got corrupted, it would be in this epilogue series. He’s getting out of control form when he’s distressed or under extreme stress more than ever.
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There are no gems corrupted on Homeworld due to the lack of a Diamond blast. But even the other diamonds don’t understand the true nature of corruption completely, they didn’t even know that they corrupted these gems.
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But we, the audience, already know a couple things: Second-hand corruption can occur to a non-corrupted Gem through fusion with a corrupted one, while Nephrite described it as a "song" and remembering this seemed to be what triggered her to revert into her corrupted form.
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Corruption is linked to the mind of the gem and needs at least one diamond. Steven, who is a diamond, can probably corrupt other gems or himself without meaning to do so. If he loses control of the corruption-powers as well, it could very well be that he ends up accidentally corrupting himself.
But without addressing his issues, he won’t be able to reverse the effects of his subconsciously used gem powers. Pink Steven always worked this way in the past. His gem half reacts to the wishes from Steven’s human half very directly, like trapping all of his friends. And he treated his cactus-self badly, so also harming himself isn’t that far off. He already fought himself quite violently in Steven and the Stevens (which was Season One), but now he got even more problems with himself directly. What if his gem half reacts on that?
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 Corruption forms
While Steven’s trauma could manifest in a couple of ways, there are some similarities between the worm-like creature from the intro and Steven.
Of course, it doesn’t completely look like Steven, but consider how humanoid this creature’s face is in comparison to other corruptions in Steven Universe. Let’s take a look at the heads from the others in the corrupted and uncorrupted form.
Nephrite’s corrupted head has a flowing, light-cream coloured mane immediately behind her head that looks like her previous hairstyle. Aside from that and her colour scheme, her body completely changes because of corruption.
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Because of the corruption Jasper got spikes from multiple areas of her body now, but her hairstyle only changed to a mane around her neck and she kept the same skin tones.
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Ocean Jasper, similar to all Jaspers, kept her colour scheme (aside from corruption marks) and hairstyle/colour even while corrupted.
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Larimar’s head always had spikes on top, even though they became more. She still has her blue tones, even though it got a bit darker. Her body changed quite a bit and she got a lot bigger.
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So all in all we can say that a gem becomes bulkier and bigger while growing spikes. The placement of the gem barely changes at all. The colour scheme doesn’t really change, but the gem can have corruption marks.
I strongly believe that this thing a corrupted gem, since a completely alien species in the last act of the show makes no sense. Especially with the premise that this epilogue would focus on loose ends and Steven himself.
 Similarities between the Creature and Steven
Only this corruption has a human-like face shape and nose. But humans can’t corrupt, except for Steven. He has the same nose, a softer version of the face shape and is always drawn with 5 hair curves. Instead of that, this creature has 5 horns instead of Steven’s usual curls.
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Another dominant feature of this creature is the mouth shape. It’s a sharper version of a squiggly mouth that’s usually drawn when the character is stressed/worried. In the original series many characters were drawn with a mouth like that, but the only character who is frequently seen using a mouth like that in Steven Universe Future is Steven himself. Also, it is drawn quite sharp.
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Besides, both Cactus Steven and the Watermelon Stevens are known for a squiggly mouth form like that.
The Watermelon Stevens needed time to even become alive, and even more time until they got a mouth. After Steven send them away and they had to build their own community, they were drawn with a sharp mouth.
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Cactus Steven had a mouth, to begin with, it was very curvy drawn. But as the episode went on and Steven got more aggressive with him, it got sharper.
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Let’s move onto the body from the creature. It is massive, even bigger than White Diamond, and has spikes leading down his back. A gem would have to be very powerful, to begin with, to be able to become this big and spiky. Our Jasper, for example, was way bigger and har way more spikes than the average Jasper soldier.
Based on the size, I thought about a corrupted White Diamond at first, especially with her pink hue at the end of Change Your Mind. But she’s already on the intro screen, also pink, and she has her gem glowing on her forehead while the creature doesn’t have a visible one. That makes it seem more mysterious like something is surprising to discover here.
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Every gem except a diamond had the chance to be corrupted in the original blast. Steven’s gem placement would make sense, too, since you can’t see the stomach of the monster.
Not just the shapes, the colours are similar as well. When Steven reacts to stress, he gets angry and has a new, pink colour scheme. Even outside of turning pink, there are a lot of pink hues used in the scenes that include him.
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If he corrupts, it could get a bit darker similar to Larimar’s/Nephrite’s corruption form. And the colour scheme of the creature is a dark pink instead of purple without the blue, dark tint of the intro scene. We can see that if we look at Jaspers original colours and her skin tone in the intro.
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 Possible Foreshadowing / Symbolism
The body of the monster is full of spikes that resemble rose thorns. Roses were symbolism of Rose Quartz in Steven Universe. Now it could represent Steven’s internal insecurities about his mom since those are a big part of Steven Universe Future.
Like roses, horns and spiked were used throughout the original series. I’ve seen a lot of people point out Steven’s caterpillar sleeping bag, especially since the creature seems to have a caterpillar-like form. Also, honourable mentions are the horns in An Indirect Kiss and Steven’s design in Future Boy Zoltron looks very similar to the corruption in the intro.
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As I already mentioned, Steven lost control at the beginning of the original series since his powers were new to him. His shapeshifting powers got dangerous and he ended up trapping his friend Connie. In Steven Universe Future he got new powers again and loses control again, but just ended up trapping his friends and lost control over his dome-thingy.
If it will be like the original series, he will lose control over his body, too. Next, he would be transforming his problems in himself externally again, just like Cactus Steven ended up as a “monstrous version” of himself.
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Steven ended the Great Diamond Authority but can’t seem to defeat a cactus. That’s because Cactus Steven is a living metaphor for Steven himself, his mental health, and his problems. He can’t deal with his own feelings reflected back at him and gets hit in the face by it. Literally.
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Another metaphor for Steven is the plushie by Onion in A Very Special Episode, that resembles cookie cat mixed with Steven in a creepy way. Cookie cat was a very early symbol for the backstory of Rose / Pink Diamond and two halves of Steven. It could even move without being moved by Rainbow’s umbrella. A plushie was already an allegory for corruption and it’s most likely is a reference to Garnet’s explanation of corruption: “It’s sort of like if MC Bear-Bear didn’t tear the fabric of his arm, but the fabric of his mind.”
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The biggest plot twists in Steven Universe was predicted by Ronaldo early on, all of his big theories except People (Snake People) turned out true. He was convinced by the Great Diamond Authority theory after he saw the diamond on the USA dollar bill. Before that, he believed in Sneople. Snakes are on the other side of the bill. I think that Sneople are supposed to be corrupted gems.
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A few episodes in, Aquamarine and Eyeball-Ruby demanded that Steven should destroy his home, bubble his friends, and burn Little Homeword to the ground. Steven didn’t want to do that and won the fight with the gems against Bluebird, but later both of those events happened anyway. So, that may have been foreshadowing to future episodes when Little Homeschool actually gets destroyed. And that could happen if Steven actually self-corrupts and becomes the massive creature from the intro.
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The last important thing for possible corruption foreshadowing was that Nephrite described it as a "song". There is a lot of association between corruption and music. It’s clear Steven loves music a lot and deals with heavy themes mostly through songs. Most gems like Peridot didn’t even know what music was at first.
 Plot possibilities
All in all, it wouldn’t make sense to introduce something completely new now. Instead, the show would deal with big concepts that have already been established in a new way.
Self-corruption could be a plot device to represent his current struggles with mental state. It would make sense in the way Steven Universe functions but also for storytelling in Steven Universe Future.
Now, he has to deal with problems he accidentally created himself along the way. He has to deal with his feelings and finally sort them out. But that won’t happen until something drastic happens.
If Steven gets to a point where he corrupts himself, he will need help from others. And the person who could help him the most through that was Connie. She was always there for him, especially in the moments where he struggled with himself.
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That would explain Connie’s lack of screen time when she plays a major role later on. If the focus lays on Steven and Connie, they probably get together, too. The Crewniverse teased their relationship already a lot and after de-corrupting Steven, there would be a perfect opportunity for making them canon.
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   “After saving the universe, Steven is still at it, tying up every loose end. But as he runs out of other people’s problems to solve, he’ll finally have to face his own.”
After all those Seasons in the original series, this epilogue could show how Steven deals with his problems and that you can’t always blame your problems on someone else. Just as Pearl said once: “[Humans] want to blame all the world's problems on some single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control.”
 Other theories that are possible and/or popular right now
-         Steven will leave Beach City at the end of Steven Universe Future
-         Steven loses an eye
-         Steven-fusion will split up
 References or sources? (and a few others, but I can’t find them anymore so rip me)
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mwokozi369 · 3 years
I get almost no questions so there is no FAQ yet I will make one if I do get questions on my AUs and will make one for each AU if I do have questions.
All stories are under rewriting in AO3 so don’t look there yet.
Here are the summaries.
Diamond Bound leads to Diamond Bound: Diamond kids, they are the same universe.
The background summary for Diamond Bound and Homeworldwashed:
This is if Pink came clean to the Crystal Gems while in canon I see why she didn’t, she was afraid that her being a Diamond would ruin the message behind their movement and also she hated herself and wanted to be someone else, to run away from who she was, while it was childish and wrong I cannot fault her, her beliefs go against her purpose, everything she stands for is not what she should stand for, she hates being a Diamond and being a Diamond is like a prison to her, being Rose was a release. Her whole existence is a Diamond is like a prison to her, one she can’t escape but tries whatever she could think of, Pink had traumas and issues she was never able to receive help for. In this AU she actually decides to tell all the Crystal Gems in the beginning. I will make a mini comic on this, Pink makes a speech of her not being the leader but just a friend. Still she is a Diamond and I do believe the Crystal Gems would be unsure about this revelation and Pink was work to earn their trust just because she is a Diamond.
Pink does earn their trust and they work together. She does get Spinel and bring her back towards the beginning too and comes clean to Spinel, apologizing and instead helping Spinel find new friends, again this will be made into a chapter in the written and comic versions. There will be many chapters about Pink’s past on Homeworld and as a Crystal Gem.
Every plan Pink comes up with she tells the trusted Crystal Gems, only the trusted ones also know that she is Pink Diamond, this is so Homeworld spies don’t find out about anything. Pink gets feedback and listens to everyone. She does realize Bismuth has feelings with Pearl, again another chapter this one with Pink getting Bismuth to open up to her and it ends with Bismuth says how much of a coward she is for not being able to tell Pearl and begs Pink not to tell Pearl. Pink tells Bismuth that she isn’t a coward and tells her that her secret is safe with her but tells Bismuth to go for it once she feels ready and instead offers to help whenever Bismuth wants and would put in a good word for her. It’s a sweet scene and Pink even talks about her past with Bismuth and her regrets, her many regrets as she admits she was not the best person on Homeworld.
Pearl knows Pink’s feelings for her is of a close friend, Pink makes it clear that she loves Pearl as her best friend and her closest ally, the gem she trusts with her life. There is a scene with Pink telling Pearl that she loves her but not in a romantic way and that Pearl deserves to be with someone who returns her feelings and that she couldn’t find that if she is to be in a relationship with Pink. The two just sit there is silence and after awhile Pink goes on adding that Pearl deserves the best, that she matters and deserves to be happy, that Pearl should focus on herself above all.
Every plan Pink has goes through the Crystal Gems and it’s run as a democracy. Pink’s fake shattering is run through Garnet who predicts the attack, though no one knows about corruption so Garnet predicts that it will destroy all gems like it was purposed to do.
Pink asks if there is anything they can do protect themselves and then looks to Pearl, she doesn’t have Lion at this time and she knows she could shield herself and a few close gems. She then decides that the best course of action would be to bubble everyone besides herself and Pearl. This plan is agreed to and put in motion, the Crystal Gems are bubbled and stored in Pearl’s gem.
The stage shattering happens, Pink shields Pearl doing the last stretch when the attack happens then they release the other Crystal Gems. They soon realize the attack corrupted the Homeworld soldiers who were unable to leave in time and they bubble them.
Pink goes on to live a life similar to canon but everyone knows she’s Pink Diamond, Pearl has no gag order and the Crystal Gems are around. She has who own adventures, helps Bismuth open up to Pearl about her feelings and Pearl gets together with Bismuth. Pink gets Lion but does tell Pearl about him and later meets Greg and they have Steven.
However in the two AUs Pink is able to live inside of Steven’s gem. Steven has her memories, she watches his life through the gem and is sometimes visits him through dreams to help him.
The Two AUs split up now. Homeworldwashed Steven is found as a baby and taken.
Diamond Bound’s Break:
Events are extremely similar to canon up to Steven’s Dream. Steven does keep his heritage different from Homeworld gems like Peridot and Jasper so those arcs stay the same up to after Peridot becomes a Crystal Gem and the Cluster is dealt with when she is told everything and she gets to have a little comic of her processing everything. Jasper later is told this and Steven has his gem rotate to its Diamond shape and she later becomes a Crystal Gem but first tries to get Steven to join you with the Diamonds but later gives up and decides to protect her Diamond.
Now comes Steven’s big mistake. He does start to think hiding his identity as Pink Diamond as unnecessary as it helped get through to Jasper so he believes it can help him get through to other gems. Steven shows Eyeball his Diamond and flashes her Diamond eyes. Eyeball believes the best course of action it to poof Pink Diamond and bring her back to the Diamonds but Steven flings her away in space.
Steven’s Dream is when it starts to change. When Blue Diamond takes Greg Steven releases his aura and gets her to stop. Blue turns to Steven and drops Greg but Steven manages to catch Greg and once setting his father down is snatched by Blue Diamond who takes him away.
When they arrive to Homeworld Steven is brought to White where he tells her he is not his mom and she takes out his gem. Pink’s coding is still there and she reforms. Once seeing her dying son she scoops him up and uses her tears to heal him. He needs a gem, his DNA has Diamond code in it so a new Diamond form’s within Steven.
Steven is unconscious at this time. When he wakes up Pink has to take him back to White, it was White’s orders. At this time Steven is confused and doesn’t know what’s going on. This is where we are at in the comic, the background will be covered in the comic. Soon everything will become clear, this is Steven’s perspective right now but it will be clearer once we switch to Pink’s perspective.
Same background, same reason Steven is alive with Pink’s tears making him his own Diamond. Steven grows up on Homeworld as a baby. White Diamond is more cruel in this AU. Yes it follows more Diamond Bound’s story but with a different twist.
Two Rebel Leaders:
Rose and Pink are two different people, Pink hated what was going on and purposely made a defective Rose Quartz to try and get the Earth to be abandoned but it doesn’t work. Rose Quartz then convinces Pink to join her side completely and shows Pink the beauties of gems because at this time Pink was just fighting for Earth. Pink joins as a spy and they later stage the shattering, Garnet perdicts an attack and so most gems were bubbled for their safety but not all as some were unable to do so in time. Rose Quartz shields a few Crystal Gems and Pink shields her close friends, Spinel, Garnet and Pearl.
They live life like normal but with more Crystal Gems, Pink is a little more reserved and prefers just to hang out with her small circle of friends and organic life. She meets Greg and has Steven, she was able to make a copy of her Diamond and give it to Steven which drained her and made her weak for awhile be she did recover and survived to raise Steven, both with their own intact gems.
Rose later has a child, only Pink Diamond and Rose Quartzes are able to have hybrid children with organic life since they have a special connection with organic life however Rose can’t make a copy and gives up her physical form to have her child. Rose has a baby girl, Nora and her father leaves so Pink and Greg are left to raise her themselves.
Nora messes up one day as a little kid, pressing random buttons in Pink’s Leg Ship and ends up calling Yellow Diamond. Yellow answers because she is utterly confused why she is recieving a call from Pink’s Leg Ship since only Pink could power it on and Pink was shattered. She sees a human toddler, another human child who has pink diamond eyes and then spots Pink who rushes to turn it off. Yellow tries to message and call Pink back but Pink ignores her so she gets Blue and even White to help her.
Pink gets threatening messages and Yellow tells her about the Cluster, Pink begs her to shut it down and leave the Earth alone and Yellow, Blue and White agree if Pink come back. With no other choice Pink agrees but then takes it back saying she has to raise her hybrid son. The three order Pink to bring him and that they’ll have a base that she can warp to from her room whenever they wish. Pink agrees and has to bring Nora too.
Once settled in Nora is brushed off by everyone as they all focus on Pink and Steven and Pink, though she tries her best to be there for both of them is focused more on Steven since he is not just her son but also the one the other Diamonds are trying to sway to be more like them. Pink tries to make sure Steven doesn’t turn out like them and argues a lot with the other Diamonds.
Steven and Nora must adjust to life on Homeworld, Pink must protect them and they all have to find a way to free themselves from The Great Diamond Authority.
Also Asks are always welcomed and appreciated.
Want to start reading?
Diamondbound’s first page is https://mwokozi369.tumblr.com/post/640316884201422848/intro-part-1
or first
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Blue Eyes Part 10
Summary: After the Garrison is shot up, the youngest Shelby daughter finds a new home in London. She strips herself of her last name and tries to live a peaceful life far away from her brothers’ chaos in Birmingham. But fate leads her right back into it after she runs into Alfie Solomons.
Part 10: Tommy visits Alfie, Charlie is taken.
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           Alfie’s fingers drummed impatiently on his desk. He was itching to just get the meeting with Tommy over with. He’d suffered enough as far as he was concerned. Seeing Ella cry, being the reason for her tears. Unbearable. But his hands were tied, what else could he reasonably do?
           Still, Tommy was prolonging the visit. Taking his time walking to Alfie’s office, sitting down, adjusting his tie pin (pretentious ass), and painstakingly lighting a cigarette.
           Alfie stifled a groan in the back of his throat and rolled his eyes. “For fuck’s safe, what?” His patience was wearing unbelievably thin. Another five seconds and he was sure he would start doling out well-deserved threats.
           “You made my sister cry,” Tommy informed him as if he didn’t already know.
           The man narrowed his eyes. “I did? Me? I’m the one who made her cry? You sure ‘bout that, mate?” He hissed.
           It was infuriating that nothing he could ever do would disturb the Brummie. He simply raised an eyebrow and watched the end of his cigarette slowly burn away. “What can I do to make you change your mind about my proposition?”
           “Proposition.” Alfie laughed bitterly and toyed with a pen to keep his hands busy. “Tommy, you’ve been ‘round the block before. Surely you must know that a woman doesn’t want to be offered up as a token for loyalty. So what you can do, right, is take back your words and leave me be on the matter. Sound good?” When he didn’t get an immediate answer, he switched subjects. “You’re here to talk business, meeting the Russians tonight. I must urge you to inquire about Faberge eggs. You can toss ‘bout diamonds and sapphires or whatever, yeah, but that’s the real prize, innit? With a couple of fine pieces and an egg, you’ll easily get your fill of forty grand.” What came across as helpful was simply Alfie setting up the opening stages of his own plan.
           Tommy nodded and looked interested in the possibility. “I can do that. They’re tricky but perhaps you’ll be able to persuade them a little further.”
           He crossed his arms over his chest and grunted in agreement. “Whatever I can do, mate.”
           But apparently, the Blinder wasn’t done with the previous issue. “So you have no intention of marrying my sister.”
           Alfie nearly blew a gasket. “You fucking Birmingham folk don’t ever let go of things, do ya?” He snapped.
           Calmly, Tommy tapped a bit of ash off his cigarette and cleared his throat. “It’s a simple question, Mr. Solomons.”
           “Don’t think it’s any of your business, mate. Never has and frankly, it never will.” He growled. “That’s my decision, innit?”
           “I’ll take that as a no then.”
           “Fuck off.”
           Tommy took one last drag before standing up. “Just trying to clarify, Alfie.” He buttoned his coat and flicked the cigarette into the ashtray on the desk that was really only used by him whenever he visited. “I’ve got other alliances I can make. You think our kin should stay with our kin. Since Ella isn’t Jewish and you’re so adamant about that, I s’pose it’s only fair to uphold our own roots. I’ve got inquiries from a family of Travelers.”
           Alfie’s hand slowly went to his waistband where his pistol was tucked away. Anger in his blood started to rise to a boiling point. His fingers curled around the pistol, ready to pull it out on the Blinder for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was a miracle Tommy wasn’t already riddled with bullets so late in their business relationship.
           “They’re worse than we are. You’d think we were the poshest folk you’ve ever seen if you met them.” Tommy continued to bait Alfie, taunt him and get him to the point of no return. Get him to realize that Ella wasn’t to be toyed with and her brother wouldn’t tolerate this game Alfie was playing with her. “Savages, really. But they’re effective, aye? An alliance with them would give me enough power to start taking more areas. Maybe areas a little closer to Camden.”
           “Tommy, I swear to whatever fucking pagan being you believe in, I’m going to blow your brains all over this fucking office.” Alfie’s face was starting to go red with rage and he was ready to pull out his pistol. Of course, he knew the man was just trying to rile him up. Manipulate him into doing his bidding. Ride or die, that’s how they both operated. But Alfie also knew that Tommy was ruthless enough to go through with what he was threatening. He’d made an alliance with the Lees by marrying John off. He very well could do the same to Ella. And Alfie would lose her for good. It made his heart compress painfully at the thought.
           Tommy put a hand in his pocket and retrieved something. He approached Alfie’s desk and dropped the small item. “That was the ring my father gave my mother.” He explained in a steady voice, fully aware that Alfie was armed and angry enough to do exactly what he threatened. “I’ll leave it with you for a week. After that week, if you haven’t made your decision, I’ll return and I’ll take it back. Rest assured, Mr. Solomons, after that, the ring will go to someone else who won’t wait.”
           Alfie’s jaw clenched. “I can’t fucking wait to spit on your grave.” He snarled viciously.
           “Neither can I, Alfie,” Tommy responded without skipping a beat and took his leave.
           Alfie loosened his grip on his gun and heaved out an exasperated sigh. He eyed the ring sitting on the desk near the ashtray where Tommy’s still smoking cigarette sat. For a moment, he didn’t even want to touch the thing, convinced it had some gypsy curse on it. But curiosity got the better of him and he picked up the piece of jewelry. It was a simple gold ring that needed a good polishing. Mounted was a round cut topaz stone that was small enough for him to scoff at. No wife of his would wear something so modest.
           But that wasn’t why Tommy gave it to him. It was the sentiment behind the gem that would mean more to Ella.
           Alfie turned the ring around in his fingers for a little bit, his mind racing. What would he do if he learned Ella had been pawned off to some gypsy clan? God was truly testing him. The only woman he ever loved just happened to be the sister of the most infuriating man to ever grace the planet. Just his luck.
           He grumbled a few obscenities under his breath and tucked the ring into his pocket.
           It was always a strange phenomenon seeing the Shelby Company at work. Socialites mixing with folk who grew up in the slums. Some could say it was possible to move up in the world. To step into another social class and fit right in. Some disagreed. Just because you put on a nice outfit and some gold didn’t make you anything different. You were still the person you were born as just dressed to the nines.
           But Ella thought her brother looked like he fit right in. As he stood in front of the group gathered for the opening of Grace’s foundation, he didn’t look out of place. Even with a Brummie accent, he spoke with the esteem of a businessman. Because that’s what he was. It didn’t matter what he did to make his company rise from the dirt, he conducted business. They all did, to a certain extent. And if Tommy’s predictions were sound, they’d be a legitimate company. Still, the suspicion and fear would linger, there was no denying that. Whispers would continue to float around about how the Shelbys grasped the reins of power.
           After he spoke in front of the gathered crowd, Tommy slipped out of the room. Ella stood and excused herself to Ada who was sitting beside her. She followed her brother out into the hall.
           He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, and eyes fixed on the photograph of his wife. Grace’s serene expression surrounded by wreaths and garlands of flowers. Some of her favorites when she was still alive.
           Ella went to stand beside her brother, touching his shoulder to alert him of her presence. “Doing alright?” She could imagine it was an emotional day for him. He would see the production of his wife’s dream without her there beside him. On top of the added stress of everything else going on.
           He nodded solemnly, his eyes never moving from Grace.
           “Mum’s ring is missing.” There wasn’t concern or anxiety. Ella had a sneaking suspicion of where it had gone. Only her siblings and Polly knew that she kept the family heirloom in her jewelry box. “I couldn’t find it when I was putting on my earrings this morning.”
           “I know,” Tommy answered. “I took it.”
           She glanced over at him, hoping for more of an explanation than he offered. But she wouldn’t get the chance to ask any follow-up questions.
           “The absence of my invitation for this event was obviously an oversight on your part, Mr. Shelby.” The thick Irish accent was unfamiliar to Ella, but Tommy appeared to be well acquainted with it. His jaw immediately clenched as he turned around.
           Ella did the same and saw the priest standing in the hallway. Something about the man gave her a sinking feeling in her gut. Based on Tommy’s reaction, she could assume this was the man that they planned to kill. A man of the cloth.
           “Ah, Miss Shelby, I don’t believe we’ve met.” Father Hughes smiled with malice in his eyes.
           Tommy subtly placed himself in front of his sister, taking a step forward to place her behind his shoulder.
           “The woman who fell in love with the Jew.”
           Ella was unsure how this man had managed to stay alive so long. He’d pissed off the wrong people too many times. People like him didn’t last long when it came to the Peaky Blinders. But she had a feeling there was a reason Tommy was waiting. All it took was the right moment. And certainly in the middle of a social event opening an orphanage in broad daylight was not the right moment.
           But what really sent a chill down her spine was how he seemed to know everything. Things that the average passerby didn’t. He knew about Alfie.
           “Go to the reception, El,” Tommy said quietly.
           “Tom…” She was uneasy about leaving him alone with the priest.
           “I’ll be right there, go.” Her brother replied firmly.
           Reluctantly, Ella nodded and made her way down the hall to find her family. As she passed, Hughes gave her a sickeningly smug smile.
           Ella couldn’t shake the bad feeling she got from Father Hughes. She stayed close to her family to feel safe, bouncing back and forth when the conversation bored her.
           Ada sighed and tried to soothe Charlie who was fussing loudly. She rocked him back and forth. “He doesn’t want to play with Karl after he took his train.” She shook her head.          
           Ella smiled. “So much like Tommy. Never satisfied when things don’t go his way.” She agreed and tried to hush her nephew to no avail.
           “I know, love, you want dad? Here we go, let’s find him.” Ada decided and headed over to her brother to pass Charlie off.
           Ella lingered by the table with pastries and finger sandwiches but she didn’t have much of an appetite. Her mind was like a switch, flipping from one worry to another. Why did Tommy take their mother’s ring from her jewelry box? What had he talked to the priest about?
           When Ada returned, the sister’s chatted about nonsense. Ella tried to get her mind off her anxiety and hoped she was simply overreacting. But the bad feeling turned into something all too real.
           Tommy walked over to them. “Where’s Charles?” He asked with a confused look.
           Ada frowned. “I gave him to you.”
           “Where is he?” Tommy demanded again.
           “He was just here.” Ella felt immediate panic spark in her chest, rising to her throat. “Where could he have gone?”
           Tommy rushed over from family member to family member asking the same question. And within seconds, madness ensued. The Blinders were scattered about, searching the building and running outside to find the missing boy. Ella felt dizzy as she ran through the halls of the new building, trying every door, which was firmly locked.
           “Charlie?!” She shouted, her voice following her through the vast hallways.
           “El!” Ada’s heels clicked across the smooth floor. “They’ve taken him, they took him into a car.”
           “No, they…he was right there!” Ella was shaking with fear. The threat was so close, maybe none of them even realized. The entire time, they had enemies breathing down the back of their neck. If they could simply snatch a toddler in a crowded room with his father right there, then there was no telling what else they could or would do.
           The rain sounded like pebbles against the window. It was mildly soothing but the night was heightened by anticipation and fear. Polly gently stroked Ella’s hair as they waited in the betting shop.
           Tommy entered like a storm. Dripping from the rain and with a silent fury that filled the room. “Where’s Linda?” He demanded.
           “With Esme.”
           “Esme’s water broke.” John entered from the back door still wearing his coat and hat.
           “I need to know who spoke.” Tommy’s eyes passed from each of his family members in the room. “Our enemies know everything. Everything. I need to know who spoke about business outside.” His voice became more insistent and his steely expression turned paranoid. “I need to know who spoke and who they spoke to, now.”
           Arthur tried to step in but Tommy was already too far gone. The man looked from person to person, his face still stained by the rain.
           “Your wife, Arthur? Or Esme getting cash for cocaine. And you two.” Tommy turned to his sisters. “Back in the family, aye? Out of the blue.”
           Ella’s eyes narrowed. “You think I’d let something like this happen?” She challenged.
           “If anyone has talked about the tunnel to anyone else, I need to know this second!” Tommy snapped.
           She stood and gave him a disappointed glare. “I’m not going to sit around and let you speak to me like this. Not after everything you’ve done to this family.” She could sympathize with her brother. He lost his only son, the only thing of Grace he had left. But somewhere along the line, he’d found himself in that position because of his own choices. Ella left the betting shop and retreated upstairs to her room.
           Tommy looked to the doorway where she disappeared. There was someone else. Someone else who knew. Not only that, it was someone who held that damn egg.
           Ella spent the night in her room, curled up in bed under the quilts. The rain continued until the morning, leaving a fog over Birmingham. The first thought upon seeing the daylight filtering in through the lace windows was about her nephew’s safety. There wasn’t much more she could do other than pray he was okay.
           It was hardly seven in the morning when there was a brief knock at the door and the knob turning.
           “El, get up.” Tommy entered a second later.
           “I’m still sleeping.” She said even though she was staring at the opposite wall while lying on her side.
           “It wasn’t a request. I need you in the car, now.” He looked disheveled, most likely he didn’t sleep at all that night.
           “I’m not doing any of your dirty work, Tom. Not after the way you spoke to everyone last night.” She made no effort to get up.
           “Ella, fucking get up and be downstairs in two minutes.” He ordered in the voice she used to fear. The voice that used to let her know that she was in trouble. Maybe for telling fortunes at school, biting John’s arm, or hiding from him when they were called inside for dinner at dusk. He had been an authority figure in her life ever since she could remember. But she’d gotten sick of it. Fed up with his complex.
           She sighed heavily and sat up. “I’m only doing this because of Charlie, not because of the way you’re acting now.” She made sure that was clear before he left.
           Tommy parked outside of a large warehouse that Ella was unfamiliar with. She was sat in the backseat while Michael sat in the passenger seat. Neither of them cared to explain what they were doing there.
           “Wait here,” Tommy ordered firmly and stepped out of the car.
           Ella let out a frustrated sigh. “So he’s just brought us along to make us wait outside?” She lamented to her cousin.
           Michael shrugged and made himself busy by loading his pistol with bullets. “He has a plan.”
           “Yeah, always seems to have some sort of plan.” Ella decided she wasn’t going to just sit in the car and went to step out.
           Michael turned around in the front seat. “He doesn’t want us to…”
           “I’ll be fine.” She cut him off and shut the door behind her. Tucking her pistol in her holster tucked under her fur-lined coat, she made her way into the warehouse.
           Her entrance caused a pause in the conversation. But she was the most surprised when she saw Alfie standing a little bit away from her brother. His blue eyes watched her with a hint of apprehension, unsure what her reaction would be to him.
           Tommy was the first to speak. “Ella, I told you to wait in the car-”
           She didn’t listen and began walking straight for Alfie. The man beside the Jewish gangster tensed up a bit at her fast approach. But Alfie waved him off and let her step right into his space.
           Without a word, she reached into his heavy, black overcoat. Searching his inside pockets until she found what she was looking for. Her mother’s ring.
           Alfie almost looked guilty. Guilty for having it. Guilty for keeping it, instead of giving it back to Tommy. Guilty for holding onto the physical hope that he could still have Ella.
           She held it up to his face. Her lower lip trembled but her eyes didn’t dare move from his. “Why’d he give this to you?” Her voice shook. Everything continued to pack on, putting more and more weight on her shoulders and making her more and more confused. The push and pull was agonizing and she was going to end it.          
           “Ella,” Tommy spoke firmly, trying to get her away from Alfie.
           “Answer me.” She ignored her brother unaware that he had drawn his gun.
           Alfie noticed the pistol. “Go back to the car.” He spoke gently but wanted to get her out of the way.
           “Why did he give this to you?” Ella shouted. Her words echoed through the large warehouse and caused a few birds to spook off their perches.
           The space went silent for a moment, and then Tommy cocked his gun. The metallic clicking sound was too familiar to Ella. Initially, it used to mark the thrill of the hunt. Getting ready to claim a prize after tracking it patiently through the woods. Now it meant death. Retaliation. Fear. Power.
           Ella turned around but didn’t move out of the way. Standing in front of Alfie, she glared at her brother. “Tell me.”
           “Ella, move.” Tommy’s hand didn’t lower but she noticed it was shaking ever so slightly.
           “Why did you give this to him?” She repeated herself.
           “It was a mistake. You can take it back.” Tommy looked past her, over her shoulder at the gangster. “It’s not his to give anymore.”
           “He left the richest name off the list.” Her brother answered, his eyes were cold.
           “What are you…”
           Tommy’s anger was palpable as he continued to point the gun forward. “He made a deal with the Oddfellows. Told them about the tunnel, told them about the deal with the Soviets.”
           Ella froze for what felt like hours. She didn’t want to turn around and face the man she loved. The man who had held her heart in his hands while he went behind her back. “No…” The word came out long and sounded foreign to even herself. Finally, she faced Alfie again. “You did this?”
           The man was facing two worlds colliding together. Two different faces of his self. The brash, unapologetic, ruthless gangster and the man who found the one person on the planet who saw his vulnerable side. “Things you don’t understand…”
           “Tell me what I don’t understand!” Ella snapped. She was beyond the point of acting patient and listening to the men in her life speak. It was her turn. She’d waited long enough. “Everyone ‘round here thinks I don’t fucking understand anything. So, please, fucking enlighten me. Tell me what I don’t understand!”
           “I told you he couldn’t be trusted,” Tommy spoke up.
           Ella just laughed sarcastically. “And yet you were willing to marry me off to him.” She snarled and pointed at Alfie. “You proud? Proud of what you’ve done? The damage you’ve caused. They’ve got my nephew and we don’t know if he’s even still alive!”
           Alfie couldn’t keep a neutral face. He had no idea about Charlie, no idea what the Oddfellows were up to. But in his anger and humiliation for being lied to, he chose to make a deal.
           Ella closed her fingers around her mother’s ring and walked towards her brother. “Nothing but a pawn to you lot. Isn’t that right, pral?” She gave Tommy a scathing look. “Are we all just pawns? Charlie too? Moving your little pieces ‘cross the board while you stay safe, protected by your soldiers?” She yelled. “Are you both proud? Proud of what you have? Guess what. In the end, when we’ve all died ‘cause of you, you can be comforted by your money. All ‘lone in an empty house, satisfied that you won. Never caring about the people who loved you!”            
           “I didn’t know about Charlie,” Alfie replied honestly. “But if your brother wants to fucking kill me now then let him do it. Step aside and let him. But don’t you fucking dare tell me that I never loved you. Were ready to give you that ring because Tommy were threatening to pass you off to someone else. And I’ll be damned if I let him use you.”
           “If you loved me you never would’ve gone against my family!” Ella matched his volume and clenched her hands into fists. The topaz gem on the ring digging into her palm as her knuckles whitened. “You wouldn’t have put an innocent little boy in danger!”
           “Then step aside, let him shoot me!” Alfie stepped towards her, his cane slamming down onto the concrete. “That’d solve your problems, love. Once ol’ Alfie Solomons is dead and gone, you won’t have any more fucking issues. You can go off with your family and forget ‘bout me. Let me pay for me fucking sins, step aside.”
           Everything inside of Ella became so wound up the more he spoke. Her entire body trembled from all the immense pressure pressing down on her heart. “That’d solve your problems.”
           “I never stopped loving you!” Alfie barked over her voice. “Not once, even when I made this deal. And I fucking hated myself ‘cause of it. The world ain’t built for us, love, no matter what.” He pointed his cane at Tommy. “He’s always going to want to do away with me, won’t he? Even if we were married, he’d want me gone. So better off he does it now.”
           Tommy lowered his gun. “Stand down, Alfie.” He muttered and tucked his gun away. “Michael,”
           Ella hadn’t noticed their cousin had run into the warehouse once he heard all the shouting.
           “Go and tell Moss, it’s Palmer.” The Blinder instructed. “Ella, get back in the car.”
           She took one more look at Alfie. Her body ached from the emotional toll he’d caused her. Despite it all, she still yearned for the past days when things had been so simple between them. When they were in love and it didn’t cause such a fuss. Now she felt like she’d been stretched so thin.
           “I’m sorry.” He mumbled quietly so Tommy wouldn’t hear. “I wish it could work. But I’m being realistic, love. You’re better off without me.”
           He pushed her away with his words. Most likely it was his intention all along whether he realized it or not. With him, Ella would know nothing but friction. She wouldn’t know peace. And as much pain, as it caused him, he would rather see her walk away than suffer beside him. It didn’t matter how in love they were. What mattered was how the odds were stacked against them from the very beginning.
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Tag list: @deaflikehawkeye​ @octaviareina​ @mylovelykelsifer​
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Where did you guys find the Tesseract out of curiosity?
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“I’m surprised you’re not more interested in this,” Thomas admits to Dee, waving a white flag of momentary surrender with his topic change, “We may not understand what’s happening down there, but it’s history being made. Opening a door across worlds.”
Dee snorts as he stares down at the little people below them, “Well, spectacular job opening door they doing. Three months and no progress. We not going to be ones opening it.”
Thomas frowns, “What do you mean by that?”
Dee blinks finally, peering up at his superior, “Its door.” He motioned downwards to the scurrying scientists, “We knocking. Loudly. What coming will not be friend.”
As if reacting to the vague, ominous comment, the Tesseract lets out a pulse of energy that thrums through the air. Thomas feels all the hairs on his arms raise and shifts his weight around. The scientists down below scatter with a few yells, and begin furiously typing, making notes, or scanning the screens before them.
There’s another pulse of energy, this time strong enough to blow the fuse on several computers and cause most of the lights to burst. Dee straightens, and turns fully around to peer down below, slipping the snake bite back onto his left wrist.
Thomas’s hand goes to his gun holster. The other waves off the camera–the new recruits don’t need to see this. 
“Talyn,” He calls down below, “What are you guys doing?”
The blue haired scientist throws their hands up, waving a clipboard. “Us? We’re not doing anything!” The cube crackles with blue energy enough that Thomas can see it even from up where he is. Talyn ducks behind one of the sparking computer frames, with a mouth full of curses. “That thing!” They yell, “Is doing this all by itself!”
“Shut it down,” Thomas tells them, but he kinda already suspects what response he’s going to get for it. “Turn it off!”
“It’s an Energy Source, Sanders!” Talyn throws their clipboard up at him (it doesn’t get anywhere close to them), “I cut the power and it turns it back on!”
The Tesseract hums with energy to the point where Thomas almost thinks it is alive. He grips the railing, feeling the electricity of the room, the tension building while the cube just glows brighter and brighter. Physically, Thomas doesn’t think the room is getting smaller, but somehow it gets harder to breathe.
Then all at once, the Tesseract stops: the light dims, the energy stops crackling, the air is suddenly breathable. The whole area is silent, staring at the alien thing they had in their possession.
“What the f–” Talyn starts.
And the Tesseract explodes.
Energy ripples off it in a wave so huge and crushing it knocks everyone in the vicinity off their feet and steam rolls several equipment racks. Thomas hits the floor of the grated walkway, and his gun skids from his holster. The entire rafter catwalk screeches with the threat to bring itself down on the lab below them. The glass bulbs over them shatter the rest of the way and Thomas feels the pinpricks of pain slice through his suit. Several people scream, and Thomas can’t pick one voice from another.
At least he couldn’t.
“Oh I just love that sound! It’s music to my ears!”
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It slices through the clearing fog of shock in Thomas’s mind. He pulls himself upright with the railing, ignoring the ache in his back and stares down at the lab while he blindly grasps around for his gun with his free hand.
There’s a person down there.
Tall and thin with a rat’s nest of curly brown hair tamed sleek against the skull with a single curl of shining gray to bounce across the pale forehead. One hand is propped up against his hip, and the other dangles down, fingers wrapped around the shaft of a golden scepter set with a glowing blue gem. He’s wearing leathers—battle leathers, almost identical to the ones Roman had shown up in last year only in midnight black and putrid green.
Come to think of it, Thomas blinks, trying to get his vision to stabilize, his leathers aren’t the only thing that look awful reminiscent of the God of Honor. They have the same nose and cutting cheek bones; the same mouth, even if Roman’s never twisted up quite so maliciously; and would even have the same eyes, if the newcomer’s weren’t a piercing green to Roman’s warm brown.
Clearly, he’s not the only person to think so.
“Roman?” One of the agents—one of his agents, who was in New Mexico last year—asks. A second later she’s choking on blood.
“Mmm,” The figure says, suddenly standing in front of her, scepter thrust forward through the agent’s chest. Even up in the rafters, Thomas can see the flint of madness in his eyes, “Wrong brother! Try again!”
He violently yanks the scepter out of the agent’s chest, and she crumples to the ground, blood moving to stain the cement. He brandishes the spear outwards and turns in a slow, deliberate circle. Two dozen agents have guns pulled out on the figure.
He smirks, highlighted in the blue of the Tesseract and the warping violent energy that Thomas just now notices is physically twisting over their heads like a sun just minutes away from imploding right over them. If Remus is worried about the possibility of the several hundred tons of rock that is likely to come down on them, he doesn’t show it.
“See, I’m not the Prince of Assland.” Remus tells them all theatrically, nastily, vehemently, “Next person who messes that one up gets their tongue cut off and shoved up their ass so they can really taste the bull—” The man jolts, stumbles, and almost trips over the hem of his own jacket.
Thomas’s gun is suddenly slapped into his hand as Dee shoots off another electrical blast to hit the figure square in the back. His snake bites glow a sharp, electric yellow. Dee yanks Thomas up by the back of his jacket, while not-Roman shrieks and shouts, “Kinky!”
Dee pushes Thomas to the stairs, “I hate being right all times,” He says, accent thick with exasperation.
Thomas dismisses his comment, and shouts, halfway down the steps and watching his agents and half the science division stare, frozen at the armed figure who’d stepped out of the portal, and killed one of their own, “Sir, put down the spear!”
Not-Roman laughs, “Oh, I do love it when they call me Sir! Can you try Daddy for me? Daddy Remus!”
Ah. Thomas thinks, so this is Roman’s twin brother. Crown Prince of the Vanir. The God had mentioned he had a foul mouth, and a fouler sense of humor, but with the well worn exasperation of a sibling who had long since grown used to his twin’s quirks and was generally able to dismiss them easily. The homicidal tendencies had never quite come up though.
(Thomas is almost not surprised at all: Roman had shown up bragging about the enemies he had slayed with his magical sword like killing people was something to be proud of. And Roman was supposed to be “well rounded” and “adjusted” by Asgardian standards. Maybe Thomas can convince the Director of SHIELD to gift Asgard with a Dictionary for the next Norse holiday that came up.)
“Get cube,” Dee hisses from behind him, “I will handle our guest.”
Dee doesn’t really give him an option on the matter. Thomas only has a half second to vaguely wonder when the little prick had decided it was acceptable to give his Supervising Officer orders, before Dee had pitched himself over the stairwell railing, and trapezed himself to the lab floor with feet lighter than feathers.
“Move,” Dee says to the nearest scientist and powers up his Snake Bites for another attack.
Remus looks delights at the aspect. “Oh, all you mortals!” He laughs giddily, “You really have no clue just how breakable you all are!” His spear twirls in his hand, almost absently. It looks inexperienced, untrained, but Thomas isn’t a fool and neither is Dee: they both know that Asgardians, Vanirians, whatever the hell this God is, had been trained in all weapons since their births.
Then all at once, Remus’s hand twists and he spins leveling the tip of his spear towards a group of frozen scientists and does something. Thomas doesn’t see, can’t see, but the effect of it is instant: the glowing orb on his magic weapon bursts and explodes outwards like a laser beam from one of Logan Ackroyd’s repulsors.
Talyn is the only one fast enough to move.
Talyn is the only one that manages to throw themselves to the side, slamming their head against the base of a blown out computer and screaming as the energy misses them by mere inches.
Talyn is the only one that survives.
“So very breakable!” Remus laughs as the bodies (bodies, plural. Bodies, unidentifiable) hit the floor just as Thomas takes his last step off of the stairs.
Dee’s jaw twitches, tightens. His fists clench at his sides, reaching for a gun that’s not there, Thomas realizes, inching towards the Tesseract. Dee hadn’t returned Thomas’s gun to him; he’d pulled out his own Glock 26 and handed it over. Thomas doesn’t have the time to feel the horror rising in his chest, because Remus is leaning in with the tip of his spear and a smirk on his face, just as Dee times off one last electrical blast right in his face.
Thomas runs.
He grabs the closest briefcase and flings it open to dump all the papers. (It was someones life work, Thomas knows, someone’s life work and  he probably just watched that someone get flambeed alive.) Its not made to hold the Tesseract, but Thomas doesn’t think there’s a single thing on this planet made to hold the cube that just brought that murderer into their lab.
The sounds of gunshots, of his own agents yelling and several heavy things hitting the floor make Thomas’s heart jump straight to his throat. There’s a crash, and it sounds like one of the computers toppling over. Thomas doesn’t look, can’t look, please don’t make him look.
His boots clang against the metal platform, echoing as loudly in his ears as the thrum of his rapid heart beat. There’s an explosion behind him, one that sounds like the same thing that just killed half a dozen scientists and he wants to scream. But Dee had been right; he needed to get the cube out of here–
He chances a look up at the ceiling where the excess energy had colgerated and seemed to be fighting a war with itself.
–before they get buried alive. Because Thomas once watched Roman brush off being run over like it was merely a paper cut, and Remus could probably walk off a building collapse. Thomas doesn’t know if Remus even wants the Tesseract, but he doesn’t want to give him the option.
Thomas almost grabs the cube with his bare hand, but he stops himself at the last possible second and yanks up his shirt, twisting it over his head and leading it down his arm. The cool air of the lab stings his bare arms but at least he’s still got his vest and undershirt on. He grabs the Tesseract from its mechanical pedestal and winces as the mere touch of it sears through the first two layers of his shirt. He drops it into the case without much preamble and slams the lid closed.
He turns around just in time to see the outcome of Dee and Remus’s fight.
(He hadn’t realized the lab had gone silent. Not over the pounding of his heart and the rush of his blood and the screaming of his own thoughts.)
They’re twisted in an off balanced stance, like ballerinas in the middle of a dance. Dee is over extended, his arm pinched backwards with Remus’s hand pressing his elbow to an inversion that has Dee gritting his teeth against. Dee’s been in worst situations though, Thomas knows he has. Dee was a living weapon who knew how to make any limb in his body move incapacitate his opponent.
The tip of Remus’s spear is placed almost delicately over Dee’s heart: gold, glinting, and deadly. Thomas watches, transfixed and horrified, as he grips the handle of the briefcase. He can’t see Remus, but he can see the spark of fear glinting in his best, in his most dangerous agent’s mismatched eyes before darkness races over the sclera and turns them both black.
The scepter glows blue. The darkness washes out of Dee’s eyes and and leaves his irises glowing the same sharp, piercing color. Remus let’s go of Dee’s arm, and the agent lowers it back to his side obediently.
Thomas wants to scream, because Dee is a lot of things but not one of them is obedient, because Dee hadn’t lost a fight since Thomas had known of him and probably even before that too, because Thomas once promised Dee he’d never be a living weapon again but the blank look on his face suggests that Thomas just failed.
“Hey, Fuckface!”
And Thomas’s chest seizes when he sees Talyn leaning against one of their computer boards, looking three shades paler than a ghost and shaking from head to toe. Even so they have a pen in their hand and they throw it at the God.
Remus blinks, smile curled into one of disbelief, like he can’t believe the tiny mortal with the blue hair just threw something at him when they just watched him obliterate everyone else. (Thomas can’t believe it. Oh god, he can’t believe it.)
And Dee? Dee raises his snake bites right at Talyn with no hesitation, no recognition.
Thomas feels his blood freeze in his veins, his own breath trapped in his throat as he watches and wonders if he’s about to watch Talyn die right in front of him–
“Wait,” Remus says, as Talyn shrinks back, and Dee listens.
The God tilts his head from side to side, like he’s having some sort of playful debate in his head over what flavor ice cream he wants rather than about killing another person. He grins proudly.
“I like the spunk,” He decides and lunges forward with his spear, placing it right over Talyn’s heart.
They gasp for air, like they’re drowning right there in the lab. They try to wretch backwards, Thomas thinks, but the moment the spear touches them, their limbs stop responding, all except for their eyes.
Eyes that even full of panic and fear, flicker past Remus and Dee and go straight to Thomas.
Eyes that tell him to run.
Eyes that turn bright blue and sweep all traces of his friend from existence.
Thomas should have run. But he doesn’t. And Remus follows Talyn’s gaze right over his own shoulder and sees Thomas just standing there.
“Oh!” Remus says, “I was wondering where you went!”
Thomas is a better agent than this. At least he thought he was. He never used to freeze up like this, never used to be the one to hesitate, never used to doubt himself. But for some reason he’s still standing there, like some sort of fresh Level One agent in the middle of his first emergency simulation who didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing.
Any and all bravery that he might have had is gone, and in its place is just Thomas. Thomas who is mortal and very killable and is nothing compared to a god and the Energy Cube of Death(™) in the briefcase in his arms. Thomas who very quickly is realizing that he is the only agent of SHIELD left standing because the rest of his team, of the scientists , of the people who were part of this project, are either dead or– or– or whatever the rat man just did to them.
And honestly? Thomas doesn’t want to die. Its selfish though, because there’s so much he had wanted to do with his life, so many places to travel and people to help and things to see. Because he wanted to marry a cute guy some day and adopt a kid and grow old.
And honestly? What chance does Thomas have anyway? He doesn’t even have a shirt on anymore, just that bulletproof vest he’s supposed to be wearing at all times and an undershirt. He’s not sure how he’s still standing with the way his knees are shaking and how harshly his breathing is and how feverish he feels.
“Did you pack up my toy for me?” Remus asks, condescendingly, jokingly, “How considerate!”
And honestly? Thomas considers just handing over the briefcase.
But then he meets Remus’s gaze: those eyes that sit with a gross over-confidence, shining with a blue flicker from light show overhead of them that almost looks like some type of insanity breaking free. Its the gaze he’s gotten a lot over the years, from the vile villains who just kept showing up like they thought the world owed them something and then decided to take it from the innocent people they decided were below them.
That look, that gaze, that feeling, which was the reason why Thomas had joined SHIELD in the first place.
His hand curls around the handle of Dee’s Glock.
“Why don’t you come and get it!” Thomas yells and fires three times Remus and twice at Dee before he bolts off the platform with the briefcase in his hand and sprints for the side exit.
He knows this base like the back of his hand. Much better than a god from another world.
But Dee, who’s spent two weeks working security detail for the facility, knows it even better.
Thomas has a head start: He makes it out of the room just as Remus recovers, hears him bark orders to Dee and Talyn just as he’s swinging into the stairwell, and violently triggering the evacuation alarm by punching his gun through the glass to slam the button down.
Sirens ring in his ears, the glass cuts burn his dominant hand, and Thomas isn’t even half way down the first staircase before the stairwell door slams open behind him. He thinks of Talyn’s eyes, dark and desperate. He runs.
He doesn’t get very far. Dee shoots him in the back with those damned snake bites, and he goes tumbling down the stairs with the briefcase clutched tightly against his chest.
(When he first recruited Dee, nineteen years old and right after he’d demolished an entire SHIELD squad using a plastic snake as a makeshift garrote, everyone had told him it was a mistake. They had pointed to the black scales tattooed on his face and said, with absolute and utter certainty, that the kid would stab him in the back first chance he got. The irony of it, ten years later, tastes bitter in the back of his throat.)
Shit. His ribs are bruised now, definitely. At least one is cracked. Dee had nailed him between the second and third ribs, a kill shot, a death sentence, if only he hadn’t been wearing his vest.
His mouth tastes like metal as he forces himself to roll over, dragging the the case behind him and raising the glock. He pulls the trigger twice on the approaching form– sorrysorrysorry– but Dee moves like he doesn’t have any bones at all. The other agent hurtles the last step, landing so heavily on the platform Thomas is surprised it doesn’t break underneath the both of them. Thomas pulls the trigger again and again–
But Dee is already too close, inside the kill zone. Thomas’s shooting arm is wretched to the side by Dee’s iron grip and the shots explode somewhere behind them ringing as they ricochet off the metal interior. With a simple– far too simple– twist of Dee’s wrist, Thomas’s hand screams in pain and the he lets go of the Glock. Dee’s shoe comes up to meet his face, and Thomas falls back and keeps falling because its another staircase and he’s the broken slinky being used as entertainment.
The floor is freezing, he thinks, because its easier to think about the temperature of the floor than it is to think about the shrill shrieking of his shoulder or the crying of his wrist or the acidic burn of bile in the back of his throat that’s mixing with the blood in his mouth. He tries to push himself up, get up, go, but the mere thought of putting pressure on his arms has his eyesight blurring.
There’s thumping behind him. Slow. Dramatic. Thumping. Footsteps.
Dee crouches down in front of him. Thomas’s vision blurs and refocuses. He adds concussion to the list of potential injuries. The Glock is back in Dee’s hip holster, meaning he took the time to pick it up while Thomas was choking on his own blood trying to inch away. Even now he’s taking his time, with casual smooth motions, reaching over Thomas’s body for the briefcase. One by one, Thomas feels his fingers being pried off the briefcase and Dee’s smirk is burned into the back of his eyelids as the agent stands back up with Tesseract in his grasp.
“It was a nice try, Sanders,” Dee tells him cruelly, and it hits Thomas like a blow to the chest because suddenly the accent is gone and with it, part of Agent Dee Ekans. And if the eyes weren’t enough, then this is. Dee only ever drops his accent when he’s on a mission, and hasn’t around Thomas since he was still a junior agent on probation. It’s like a final blow against his heart: they’re gone. And I might not be able to get him or Talyn back. “But you’ve never been able to beat me before.”
“Liar,” Thomas wheezes, “That’s how I recruited you.”
If it was Dee he was talking to, mismatched eyes glinting with amusement, he would’ve tilted his head up and laughed. Would’ve shoved Thomas’s shoulder. Would’ve told him in his thick Russian accent, Think how you are wanting, Old Man. But we both know I kick your ass.
This is not Dee. This is a stranger living under Dee’s skin with sharp blue eyes and a nasty smirk. This is the living weapon HYDRA wanted, and not the traumatized teenager Thomas pulled out of their organization. “Don’t try to stall me,” He chides, “The Prince is already in the garage. If that portal destabilizes now, the one it’s taking out is you.”
“And you,” Thomas points out, each breath a sharp pain in his chest, “And…  the Tesseract.”
“You make a fair point,” Dee hums, glancing away, “But I still have ten minutes to escape. I doubt you can make it out in your—” Dee kicks him in the chest, hard, and Thomas thinks he tastes blood, bites back a scream, “—condition.”
Dee turns his back on Thomas. He turns for the stairs. He turns his back on Thomas, and it’s everything the other agents told him what would happen and everything he never feared. He turns his back on Thomas and walks away, walks down the steps with each clang of metal echoing in Thomas’s ears, walks away without a single glance.
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Thomas is no longer available for asks.Dee is no longer available for asks.
End of Chapter One.
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suearthboundau · 4 years
a summary of the plot points would be appreciated!
alright so here’s the whole story:
the end of the current bit would’ve been that yellow n steven just get some time to interact
skip to a day or two later. blue is still mopey and depressed, peridot is getting frustrated w her and then lapis steps in like “i’ll talk to her”. she gives her a speech like “i know what it’s like getting stuck here and never being able to go home, it sucks and it’s miserable, but you have to snap out of it. earth can actually be pretty cool if you give it a chance.”
she takes her out on a walk in the countryside where she shows her the sights of earth, animals and nature and stuff. at first blue is really apprehensive and nervous but she slowly warms up to things and has a good time. her and lapis become friends.
blue comes out of her shell more. she gets really interested in animals and starts observing/studying them, she basically wants to keep anything she sees as a pet. her and lapis get tadpoles from a pond to keep as pets and they all have names and stuff. blue also gets interested in earth fashion since it’s nothing like the uniforms theyre all stuck with on homeworld.
yellow mainly grows close to steven since everyone else ignores her and blue tries to avoid her. she acts pleasant but is secretly trying to figure out how to escape. she never gets anywhere but comes to like steven bc hes genuinely nice and tries to make sure she’s happy and stuff. he brings books to educate her on earth, which she finds interesting, and they also play boardgames together.
lapis leaves about a week after the zircons arrive. pretty much the same as in the show, except blue tries to debate her into staying. when lapis says they can take the barn into space, she points out that 1) the tadpoles will die and 2) the barn is obviously an earth structure and stands out so homeworlders will easily spot them. but instead of convincing lapis to stay, she just flies off without the barn. so everyone remaining continues to live in the barn.
more character development and stuff yada yada. smaller fillery arcs. then one day a homeworld ship arrives at the barn, filled with quartz soldiers. they spot yellow, and yellow’s terrified they’ve come to arrest her but then they reveal they’re trying to rescue her. some of them free her from her cell, while the other quartzes find and bubble peridot and blue. yellow realises from what they’re saying that she was never a wanted criminal and that sapphire must’ve lied to her.
she pretends to play along with the quartzes and act nice. they ask if she knows where the other rebels are and she says yes. something wouldve happened previously so she knows where the crystal gems house is, she leads them to it. however when they arrive and the quartzes disembark, ready to fight the cgs, yellow stabs them in the back by destabilising their leader. the other quartzes are so shocked that they let their guard down, giving the cgs time to form alexandrite and effortlessly defeat them. they bubble all the quartzes and free peridot and blue.
garnet congratulates yellow and tells her she can be free now bc they know they can trust her. but yellow still doesn’t trust them, and only really likes steven. peridot and blue reform (new outfits yayy), and it’s decided that they should all stay at the temple instead of the barn because homeworld knows the barn is a base.
the plot kinda chills out after that big event. it’s mainly just character development stuff and characters growing closer to each other. all the peridot and steven episodes from canon happen off-screen or in the background bc the zircons have nothing to do with them. this is the maybe month or so before ASPR, where there’s no more major canon plot.
yellow gets a new outfit, whether it’s from having to reform or just deciding to change for fun. also the zircons move into the lighthouse, maybe with peridot. generally all i had planned for this was smaller, humour-based storylines. blue becomes more outgoing, yellow develops interests if her own and joins jamie’s acting club. the zircons still argue constantly but start to agree on a few things. like, they both like the same tv shows, they’re both crazy competitive rules lawyers with board games, and they both hate ronaldo, who comes up to their house to play lookout and constantly bothers them about “totally seeing aliens” in his telescope.
eventually they finally just talk things out, apologise to each other for all their grievances, and yellow admits that she’s actually happy living on earth with blue, and it feels more like home than homeworld did. and then they hug it out and fuse. we would’ve had a few comics here where i might’ve taken questions for green zircon. then she’d hear ronaldo coming up the hill to do lookout, panic, and unfuse.
they’d both go inside, do some stuff, then hear ronaldo freaking out outside about spotting a “real moon alien”. they’d just roll their eyes about it but he’d insist they come look. and then they’d see lapis on the moon. ronaldo runs off to get steven, while blue gets really excited that she might see her friend again. when steven goes up to the moon, she tags along. lapis still leaves again, and steven tells blue about his dream, causing her to go into Theorising Mode.
blue obsessively goes over the evidence while yellow teases her for being a crazy conspiracy theorist, and she figures out that pink diamond was rose quartz and cracks the whole mystery. then like 2 seconds later steven knocks on the door and sits them down to explain the whole story. he doesn’t even get to start saying anything before blue’s like “in a second, can i explain my thing first?” and basically explains to him everything he was about to tell them. and then stevens like “uh yeah u got it.” and blue gloats at yellow that she was right while yellow pretends not to care.
garnet has her wedding and the zircs go, yellow doesn’t really hate the cgs anymore but she doesn’t feel hella welcome around them but yeah she goes anyway everyone has a good time. the diamonds show up, pretty much the same as in canon, i hadn’t really figured any way the zircons might impact stuff as i couldn’t see them fighting. they’d probably just hide tbh.
when everyone goes to homeworld, yellow goes with them so she can visit her friends and tell them how she’s been. blue decides to stay on earth so she can catch up with lapis, and also bc there’s not really anything for her up there. pretty much the same as in canon, yellow is not invited to the ball and she doesn’t want to go bc it’s not her place, she splits from the squad and goes to the zircon quarters to chat with her friends. she would’ve changed back into her uniform.
so we’d basically just be following yellow and seeing what life on homeworld is like for a zircon, the living quarters etc etc. as well as the kind of friends she had and her old life and stuff. i had an idea that gems like zircons that access databases can basically connect to the homeworld internet, and yellow would’ve known when they were almost at homeworld bc she would’ve suddenly got three trillion notifications from all the texts people had been sending her trying to find out where she is.
we’d also go back to blue on earth. she’d chat with lapis and they’d reconnect, i’d also have lapis and peridot talk things out bc they left on a sour note. also bismuth would get to know blue bc they never met. then they’d get the steven message and go up into space to help. while everyone else is going to the diamond fight, blue would go to find yellow and make sure she’s safe. they’d meet up in the zircon quarters, check everything’s alright, and the other zircons would be like “um yellow why r u hanging out w that loser lol”. then the chapter would end with all the zircons noticing white diamond’s ship blushing and being like “wtf”.
there’d be an epilogue thing set at the little party that ended the season. i didn’t plan to go into the movie or SUF (the whole plot of the movie would just be the zircons hiding in their house going “wtf” at the giant injector planted right in front of it lol). i guess in SUF they’d just be living their best lives.
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theflashdriver · 4 years
Rapunzel’s Tower (Silvaze)
The clatter and jangle of heavy bangles boomed above the sound of fast footsteps on cobblestone streets as a young knight rushed towards the tower. Blaze the cat, age seven, was not her usual self today; the young feline had taken on a guise, a façade to fit a role she was currently playing. While she was wearing her usual tattered robe and tights, a cape from a centuries abandoned costume store was flitting and fluttering behind her while the visor of and old plastic helmet obscured her vision of the cracked and burning streets around her. Those old trinkets, coupled with the rusted pipe that was her sword, might have given the illusion that she was a more pitiful and crude knight, but this was not the case.
Blaze was playing the role of a young knight who had set off to save a fair maiden from a distant castle in which she'd been sealed, battling her way over all manner of obstacles and destroying all kinds of beasts in search of her true love. Of course, despite the make-believe nature of this game, those obstacles and monsters were oh so very real. The flaming beasts that prowled this city had got in her way more than once, only to be seen off by either a thwack from her supposed sword or a burst of flame from her free hand. Every time she had to dispose of a monster or hurl herself across a lava filled gorge, she would question whether this game of theirs was the best idea but soon she'd fall back into her knightly persona.
This had all come about as a result of two ancient but very different sources. The first was the books they'd been reading or, well, more specifically; the books that the tower's maiden had rather fallen in love with. Since the destruction of their prior home, they'd taken up residence in a library on the edge of the city and rather fallen in love with the various books housed within it. They'd started by reading informative pieces, introducing themselves to the wonders of the past, before gradually stumbling upon the more fanciful tales of both regular and not so regular lives. Her partner, Silver, had rather fallen in love with tales of pirates and knights and kings and queens, often reading them to her and bordering on enacting them to her. His excitement had come to a head recently though, after they'd discovered a most peculiar shop. It seemed to have gone mostly untouched by time, no one had breached its windows or broken down its door, but both inside were countless treasures. Rings, bangles, tiaras, necklaces and other trinkets had just been left in glass display cases for no clear reason. Why someone would choose to buy those shiny objects rather than food or water, neither of them really knew but they did know that the objects belonged in treasure chests and adorning princesses.
Now, taking from long abandoned shops was nothing new for them (it was the only way to survive in their long-destroyed world) but, usually, they stole for either comfort or survival. All of these objects, despite how pretty they were, looked to be entirely pointless; they could gain no sustenance from them and they offered no comfort or protection. However, the naïve pleading of her partner, and a certain red gem that fit so well on her forehead, had convinced Blaze to fill a bag with those sparkling trinkets. On the way home he had proposed using them in a re-enactment; more specifically, that they re-enacted a scene from one of the shorter stories that he'd read to her. It'd taken some convincing, but she had agreed to play his little game under only one condition: that she got to be the knight while he played the part of the princess.
He'd immediately agreed, simply excited to play and not seeming to particularly care what role he took. While that had embarrassed her at first, she'd stood helpless as he scrambled to find some shining armour and when he had brought her a cape from his bedroom, Blaze had felt an excitement brewing in her stomach. A childish, foolish, excitement but excitement none the less. Her armour was adorned from most of their plundered goods, broaches and pins had been stuck through her robe to create small shining patches. Rings and bangles had covered her hands to take the form of makeshift gauntlets, but many had been shed as she ran. Admittedly, even with all they'd taken and dressed her in, she didn't look much like the knights they'd read about in history books or plays, but she did feel… different.
She dashed and leapt across another jagged chasm, using her sword as leverage to vault over an especially wide gap and land safely on the other side. Her eyes locked on a pair of prowling magma hounds, their maws snapped open as they caught sight of the small girl's form. She threw her left hand in one's direction, unleashing a blast of flame that threw it backwards. The second rushed towards her, arriving just in time for its face to meet with her rusted pipe. Without so much as looking back, she kept running; the castle now in sight.
The tower, in actuality, was a skyscraper that had broken and collapsed long before either of them were born. Though the majority of it now lay shattered over the shops and houses that were behind it, its stump still stood tall and proud over the majority of the surrounding buildings. Though Blaze could see it, she knew that the site was especially difficult to reach; that was why they'd chosen it as the stranded princess' keep, after all.
Focusing again on her role, becoming the knight, Blaze charged around the final corner and locked her eyes upon the tower's decrepit plaza. There was a lot on her way; several lava rivers had carved channels through this part of the city and earthquakes had displaced much of the land, segmenting the streets and pavement alike. She threw a glance to the top of the tower; she swore that she could see the flickering of cyan light but, from this distance and at this angle, she couldn't make out Silver.
She resumed her sprint, tracing along the angular central crack that ran along the street, but soon she had shifted to jumping and bouncing. Every third or fourth step was followed by more cracking, the ground had been made brittle by years of constant heat and pressure. She found herself more and more using her pipe to vault and ground herself, very almost losing it to the flames time and time again only to catch and swing it at the very last second. Fleet of foot and elegant, but perhaps not steadfast like the knight in the tale, Blaze soon found herself in the plaza beneath the broken structure.
It took her a moment to find a spot that would fully support her, it seemed as though her every step disturbed the ground somehow, but, eventually, she settled near the spire's base. In its working life, the building had provided homes to hundreds of people. Now it was but a jagged piece of the skyline, too rickety and impractical for anyone to really live in. Positioned closer and frowning upward, the kitten could see a psychic glow plainly emanating above her. After a bit more squinting, Blaze determined that Silver wasn't in view yet; he was hiding until she called out to him, just as the princess had in the story. The moment she spoke up, he'd make his appearance and recite his lines.
Blaze thought for a moment, trying to remember what the knight had said. She must have taken a while because, before she could hazard a guess, the very book that she was supposed to be enacting tumbled down from the skyscraper on a beam of cyan light. The young feline managed to snatch it from the air, finding it already open at the perfect page.
Upon reading no more than the first few words, the knight automatically recalled her lines. Holding the book behind her back, she pointed her sword to the heavens, "Rapunzel, my dearest Rapunzel, I've come for you!"
Now, finally, the princess showed herself. Silver, currently known as Rapunzel, had borrowed one of Blaze's hair ties and pulled back his usually over the top quills. In an attempt to further transform his appearance, the hedgehog had wrapped himself in a thick beige shawl and various silk scarves to give the outfit more colour. From down there it was difficult to see, but she knew that his fingers were covered in rings too.
"Who is it? Who has come to see me?" He called down, leaning precariously over what remained of a wall.
"It is I, your handsome knight!" She shouted back, unable to keep herself from thinking that the so-called knight in the story thought just a little too highly of himself. After all, his only name in this entire book was the handsome knight, "I've come to save you!"
"But how will you join me up here? My father broke the stairs when he locked me away in this tower, I'm trapped!" He exposited, "I've been alone up here for so many years, I'm oh so lonely!"
"But it is being alone for so many years that will bring me to you!" She replied, pointing her sword even harder, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
There was a beat of silence, a mutual realisation surely dawned upon both of them. In the story, the princess Rapunzel was supposed to let down her hair for the knight to climb up. While it was unclear how the happy pair had got down afterwards and left to live happily ever after, the story could not continue without the scaling of the princess' tower and the actual first meeting of the knight and their love. Silver's quills were long, but they weren't multiple stories long, there was no way-
"Dear knight! Do you trust me?" That wasn't in the book, "My hair may not yet be long enough, but I can bring us together another way!"
Blaze saw cyan light begin to pulse and flicker around her frame and creep into her vision, not imprisoning her or grasping her so much as it was making clear his intent. She bit her lip, both her fists tightened around the respectively grasped book and pipe. She was frightened, terrified of heights, but she knew the answer to what he'd asked. They were alone in this destroyed world, they worked and fought and lived and played together.
"Of course, I trust you, d-dear princess! More than I trust anyone else!" She called out, shutting her eyes tight, "J-Just promise that you'll get me up there safely!"
Aura began to tickle at her sides, "I promise, my knight! I'll get you up here as quickly as I can!"
"M-Maybe not quickly!" She felt his psychic touch hesitate, "But not too slowly either…" She grumbled, probably too quietly for him to hear, "Just safely! J-Just get me up there safely!"
The kitten felt a gentle touch, like some kind of hug, wrap around her shoulders before gradually spreading to encase her entire torso. Mere moments after she'd managed to get comfortable with that, her feet seemed to slip from the ground and a light wind began to whistle through her ears. Her toes curled and her teeth grit, she didn't dare to open her eyes even if she knew what was happening. She trusted him not to drop her, that much was true, but she didn't trust her fear not to stoke her powers and tear her from his grasp; sending her plummeting to the concrete below. Eventually though, she felt the air brush her muzzle directly rather than from above; she'd reached the correct elevation, she was being pulled towards him. The moment of truth arrived not with a sound, but something brushing past her shoulder and a hand taking hold of her book wielding wrist.
Her eyes opened, blue energy still tinted her vision, but Silver was the centre of all she saw. The small hedgehog was close, almost nose to nose with her, as he leaned out over the edge of the tower to manually pull her onto its top. She let her sword drop before she landed, it clattered onto the roof as she grabbed at his shoulder with her newly freed hand. Her fear of heights had gotten better since she'd met him, he'd offered to help her with it much too often, but there was still a way to go until she'd be comfortable jumping from building to building or even standing atop this one. They'd been up here before, she knew the floor was stable, but this rooftop was never meant to be a rooftop; it wasn't designed to endure rain, let alone the landing and spittle of lava monsters, and she swore it'd gained more holes since their last visit.
As if noticing her worry, as she made contact with the ground, Silver brought both his arms to tightly wrap around her. It was a comfort and contact that she immediately returned, dropping the book too as she took hold of him. It only took a minute or so for her to relax, feeling her heart slow to match his, but the moment that her features softened and she caught his eye, a smile broke onto his face.
"My knight, you have saved me from my isolation!" He continued the story, continuing to beam, "How can I repay you?"
"Just stay by my side forever, that will be more than enough," She recited from memory, attempting to regain the knight's cool air, "I've searched for you for so long, I don't want to lose you again."
"Then it will be done, I'll stay by your side forevermore!" He insisted, completing the scene by pulling her into an even tighter hug.
His fluffy quills brushed and ticked at her. Though she turned her head in an attempt to hide it, Blaze couldn't help but grin. It'd been very silly, they probably should've spent this time searching for food or reinforcing their home, but Blaze couldn't deny that she'd thoroughly enjoyed this pseudo performance. There was something almost regular about it all, almost as if it suited them better than doing what they had to. She supposed that made sense, they were kids after all and, according to the books at least, kids were supposed to imagine and play games. There was a whole section in the library meant for children and very little of its literature was particularly practical, even if those stories were far more fun to read.
She would never admit that, of course. She always insisted that silly games like this were the result of his sole machinations. But then, he displayed more than enough joy for the both of them.
"You did great Blaze, you really fit the part!" He was practically bouncing, beaming brighter and brighter with each passing second, "But… can I be the knight next time? That all looked really fun and I'll be able to fly up to you; you won't have to worry about getting scared if I do that, right?"
"We can take turns," She conceded but, as she through a small glance towards the ground, her grip on him redoubled in tightness, "But… I don't want to be up this high without you."
"Alright! We can find somewhere lower," He offered, grinning so widely that she thought his cheeks might break, "We could even just do it in the library if you prefer, there are plenty of fairy tales about princesses in dungeons too!"
--- --- ---
The memories of that time were a lifetime away and yet they were still so fresh in her mind. Blaze the cat, age eighteen, was stood on her bedroom balcony. The structure overlooked the royal gardens. Though the grounds were currently devoid of workers, the rose bushes, sunflowers and plants from far afield had been tended for generations and bloomed today with the same vigour they had a century prior. The sun had set almost an hour ago, the last trickles of pink and orange were slowly fading from the sky, and yet she was still wide awake. In a rather uncouth fashion, she'd brought her dinner to her bedroom with the promise to eat while she worked.
But she had done neither. Instead, she'd spent what little time she'd had pacing back and forth across the royal bedchamber; her mind had latched onto those old memories she'd so recently discovered. Memories of a life in which she played the part of a princess rather than lived as one.
They'd thought jewellery no more than interesting rocks stuck to shiny metals, their concept of value had been so jaded that the plate of cold paella on her desk would be worth all the rings and diamonds in the world. They'd been famished, they were delusional children clinging to each other against the odds. Any rational person wouldn't dare think back to those memories or, if they did, would consider them no better than tragic, the most difficult and dangerous time of their lives. So why did she feel like this, what were these bizarre thoughts that cluttered her mind and pushed out every other thought?
Why was she so nostalgic for that terrible place, what possible reason was there?
She'd left that world wishing it better, she'd given her life without so much as hesitating. She could remember looking down at him as her ethereal form drifted up and split the clouds as she passed from one life into the next. Blaze had essentially reincarnated, not only had she forgotten that life, but its pain and strain had been entirely removed from her mind and body. She'd been reborn, this new dimension had granted her an entire refresh of both mind and body, but yesterday had seen her regain half of that. Her mind was spinning, filled to burst with tumultuous memories that so heavily contradicted the life she'd just lived. The current mismatched form of her memory was already having impacts on her mind and body.
The sunset she'd just spent the past hour watching had occurred outside her bedroom window every night for the past eighteen years. Every night, she'd had the option to watch or even simply glance as the sun descended before slipping beneath the horizon. She never had though, or, at least, she hadn't since she was young. The glory and wonder of that sight had been entirely lost on her, she'd become desensitised to it. It'd been made mundane by its perpetuity, made a commodity by their daily occurrence, but now it wasn't so daily. Now she could remember fourteen years spent in a city where the clouds never parted, and it was as if this was the first sunset she'd ever actually seen.
Until her departure, the skies of that future had been overwhelmed by black sulphurous clouds that light refused to penetrate. She'd gone without seeing a sunrise or sunset for fourteen whole years, she'd seen nothing but the most dower of grey skies. This life hadn't been so different though, the sky had been there, but she'd never seen its value. It was all thanks to him; his returning of her memories had saved her from more than a dull castle view, he had unlocked the version of her that'd been hidden away in the shambling tower that was her newly unharmed body.
Unlike that once forgotten day, the first of many times they'd embodied those childish roles and played that silly game, she'd actually saved him. She'd given herself up for him and the world; she'd revealed the sky by leaving rather than arriving. It was painful to think how pointless it had all been though, that their loss of one another had only pealed back one of many layers of disaster that stood between them and the good future they desired. The peaceful world that he fought for was still sealed behind a two-hundred-year barrier of crisis that would surely take decades of work to unlock.
It was with that thought that a speck of cyan light fluttered up and found its way into Blaze's vision, soon being followed by a handful of larger glowing globules before, finally, a grey-white figure masked by that that same energy floated up to enter her vision. Despite his arrival and their reuniting just yesterday, she hadn't been able to see him all day. Her work as both guardian and princess had taken up far too much of her time and refused to halt regardless of her headspace. Silver the hedgehog, age eighteen, was floating just outside her grasp. His body was bound in bandages she'd set just yesterday,
He hung before her in the air, smiling as he reached out to her, just as he had in days long past when he had played the role of knight and she had been princess. Without so much as blinking, she took his hand and lead him to stand on the balcony beside her. The contact seemed to stun him just a little, it took a moment for him to round from his position to land beside her.
He'd quickly gone from grinning to looking sheepish, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, I know you said to get here before sundown but I got a little lost and distracted," Before he could even fully apologise, his eyes were flickering back to the outside world, "This place is just so pretty, even the garden down there, it's…"
"It's beautiful," She finished his sentence before continuing, "The sun sets every evening only to rise the next morning without fail and, in the time between the two, the stars come out to dance so wonderfully."
"It's a very different sight from the one I've been seeing," He admitted, plainly scanning the sky for the twinkling of the first star, "Well… not very different, but different enough to notice."
"Oh?" She hummed, briefly managing to tear her gaze from his softer smile.
"Yeah, I don't recognise any constellations, your moon's just a little different too. In the past of my world a lot of it got destroyed. This one looks perfect," She couldn't see it now, but she had last night so she understood him perfectly. Alike the sunset, the moon had stolen a place in her heart, it was undeniably beautiful.
Still, her eyes returned to his frame and the feeling of his hand in hers sapped all of her thoughts. For as overwhelmed as she felt, struggling to rise after that rush of old memories, he was struggling more, even if it wasn't showing so plainly. He'd arrived in a world that perhaps embodied his perfect future only to receive a clear reminder of how long he'd been working at his task, all that it'd already cost him and the future trials ahead of him. Even if he hadn't considered such things yet, those thoughts would surely materialise and bring him to worry; he could be so insecure when he was on his own, so she didn't plan to leave his side.
Blaze tugged his hand, turning him to look away from the sky and to her. He stumbled a little, almost colliding with her as he was made to align with her and the entryway to the royal bedchambers. The hedgehog was framed by the descending sun, even without looking, she could see the stars flickering into visibility behind him. He'd never quite looked real to her, always just a little otherworldly; a figure of bright colours that stood in stark contrast to the burning city that had surrounded them. Here though, flanked by the cosmos beyond this world, he looked more at home than he ever had before. It was almost as if he belonged in this tower rather than her, she couldn't imagine that she looked so stunning with that vista behind her.
Despite how he'd arrived, despite him hovering up to meet her, Blaze knew the role she wanted to play. Fortunately, it was the one she most often took She knew that she wanted to look after him before even considering letting him look after her.
"You know…" She couldn't help but primitively roll her eyes at what she was about to say, a small grin had surely snuck its way onto her lips, but she spoke in her usual dry tone, "I think I liked things better when you were the princess."
Tensions were still so high, these feelings and memories were just so raw, but she couldn't hold a straight face for long and, naturally, neither could he. Their frames reunited, her hands found his shoulders while he came to hug her and their heads heavily pressed against one another. Laughing, even if neither of them were quite sure why they were, they found themselves slowly shifting deeper into her room.
Once they were beyond the threshold, Blaze managed to shift her head from his and take the hedgehog in again. Silver was still laughing, eyes shut as he so casually leant against her. He was quite the mess, his quills still thoroughly overgrown and his fur made mismatched lengths by the injuries he had sustained across this second life, but the warmth behind his smile still shined through. Though his form was slightly different to the Silver she'd known, that smile told her that the naïve hedgehog she'd once known lived on in this new shell. As his eyes finally reopened, she recognised the flash of excitement in them.
"W-Well then, my knight," He was struggling to keep a straight face as he continued her joke, "I made a promise to you once, I don't intend to let it break again," He was playing his role from way back then, perfectly falling back into it, "Now that I've arrived in your tower, I would ask no more than the same from you."
"If that is truly all you wish, my dear princess, then of course, I agree to your terms," At this distance, though she'd been distracted, the scent of salt, smoke and sweat was deeply rooted in his person. Where her soft fur met with his coarser fluff, she could feel the bizarre friction; she'd given him some care yesterday, but it hadn't been enough. No matter how nice he looked with that skyline behind him, there was no denying the truth, "Come on, I'll draw you a bath. You're filthy."
"I jumped in the sea this morning though," He earnestly responded, looking down at himself, "I thought that would be good enough… it took ages to dry off."
"You're still so naïve," He still had so much to learn about living normally, let alone this world, "Just as it's a knight's job to protect the princess, it's my job to look after you. You're dirty, hurt, overgrown…" She noticed that his gaze had drifted past her, his nose was wrinkling. A glance over her shoulder revealed her cold dish of rice and fish, "And clearly famished. Let's get you more comfortable. I won't let you struggle alone for another moment."
All it took was another tug at his wrist to pull his stupefied frame after her. Though this wasn't the role she'd been reborn into, she knew it was the one she suited far better. That and, as the innocently perplexed look on his face proved, he did make for a rather adorable damsel, even if he didn't much need the guardian's more literal protecting.
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love-takes-work · 5 years
The Tale of Steven - Outline & Review
The Tale of Steven is a wonderful, timeless-feeling storybook about identity, authority, and finding your own way. It's got an innovative design that requires the reader to turn the book upside-down, sideways, and right-side-up to get the whole story, sometimes all on the same spread of art and text, and as we come to find out ultimately, this "tale of Steven" really is STEVEN'S story.
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We begin with White Diamond, matriarch of the Gem homeworld, setting the stage--and not only does she frame the other Diamonds uncharitably (especially the littlest Diamond, Pink), she even sets the tone by admonishing THE READER straight away, scolding us to turn the book her way to read her words. (We must turn the book upside-down to read her perspective. Very nice.)
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As we listen to White Diamond tell us how ridiculous Pink Diamond is and frame her as "impossible to understand," we also see exactly why Pink felt driven to leave her home. White apparently appointed herself the authority on keeping Pink in her place, and we're treated to White's huge pale hands holding little Pink Diamond in her tiny pink throne, “right”-side-up. White's perspective is proper, and she is to be praised, you see, for understanding that Pink's desires and attributes are not worthwhile and need to be forced out of her. Pink is shown as having run away to Earth and reinventing herself as a new Gem: Rose Quartz. Suddenly, we are able to turn the book sideways and see what she's thinking too. (White does NOT approve.)
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The Earth, where Rose Quartz is allowed to love herself and love her surroundings, is simultaneously called "grotesque" by White, and we're seeing the same planet through two sets of eyes. White sees Rose as "stubborn" and "absurd," while Rose just gives us an aside about not listening to White if we don't want to and giving us a choice to read the book her way. As Rose continues to depict rainbows and falling in love with a human--Greg Universe--White is getting angrier. She shrieks, "You're ruining my story!" Rose, rightly, replies, "This isn't your story."
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Soon, Rose has bequeathed her Gem--the center of her being--to her half-human son, Steven, with the consequence of ceasing to be herself. Baby Steven appears with his father and Rose Quartz's three companions--Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl. White Diamond finally abandons trying to narrate this story, escaping with a vindictive comment and an attempt to frame Rose as simply Pink Diamond hiding "inside an unwitting creature." Rose's perspective expresses that she wanted her son to experience the love and acceptance she never received. And then, Steven's perspective pops onto the scene. We can now turn the book fully right-side-up to read his tale.
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As the story slides fully into Steven's perspective, Rose's hopes for him still line up on the sides of the pages, longing for him to experience kindness, to never know the awfulness she went through on Homeworld, to never have to feel the criticism issued by the other Diamonds, and to be able to tell his own story one day. Steven reflects on Rose's influence on his life, how he's heard about her and the more truth he's discovered the more everything frightens him. There are many perspectives, he recognizes. Perhaps there is more than one way to read the story.
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White's perspective, upside-down now, returns alongside all this. She suggests "Pink" has come crawling back to turn the world the "right" way again, and she's puzzled by Steven's appearance, but she's determined to rescue Pink from herself by separating Steven from his Gem. Meanwhile, Steven's been wondering what his relationship is to Pink and Rose--is she inside him? Is he actually her? What's real?
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But they all learn the truth when Steven's Gem reveals that he was also Steven inside there. All along, he was himself and no one else. This is, and has always been, his story, and he has been right about who he is.
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Several wordless frames depict Steven's two aspects finding each other, reconnecting, and becoming one again. Newly confident in who he is and having asserted as much in the face of crushing authority, Steven declares, "This way feels right to me." The orientation of the book AND the definition of himself are the focus here, and for the first time, White begins to consider that her perspective was the wrong side up in someone else's story.
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Steven closes by claiming the book as his own (writing his own name in the "This Book Belongs To" space, which is superimposed over a Diamond Authority symbol with the Pink Diamond on top instead of on the bottom). The end dedication is made out "To Trans & Gender-Expansive Kids."
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To reflect on this sentiment and the rest of the book, I will say that a large portion of the Steven Universe fandom already recognized some threads of a trans allegory in the animation this is based on. Steven, though he is not specifically depicted as a confirmed trans character in the show, does not demonstrate or seem to experience toxic masculinity in association with his quest to be powerful, and has no qualms about using symbolism, iconography, and apparel that is more commonly associated in today's Western society with women and girls (e.g., the color pink, flower symbolism, protective and defensive rather than aggressive and offensive behaviors, wearing jewelry and dresses occasionally without it being a gag). His assertion that he is Steven and not Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz has many parallels with a common trans narrative--including pronouns that the Diamonds refused to respect--even though it is also its own thing since human beings do not have to defend that they are not literally their mother. 
They do, however, frequently struggle with authorities in their lives "correcting" them on who and what they are "for their own good," brushing off the seriousness of the misery it causes, and these children do find themselves forced to wear clothes, use names, and adhere to roles that do not match who they are. They even sometimes hear authorities mourn the "loss" of a different-gender version of them and accuse the child of being selfish for wanting to manifest their truth instead of being the son or daughter the parent thought they had.
It is my deepest hope that authorities like this can learn to turn the book around.
It is so important for children to learn that they ARE the authority on their identity, and while some well-meaning authorities in their lives may frame their identity as a phase or a fake, they do not have to accept this view of the world, or even that it comes from a loving place. White Diamond did not sound like a stern but caring figure to me. She sounded like a tyrant who is convinced of her own correctness, determined to gaslight and shame Pink Diamond into becoming the person SHE wanted. Love is listening. Love is nurturing. Love is seeing pleasure and pain and letting those things guide you in supporting a happy existence. Kids whose gender is complicated and young people who develop misunderstood identities need books like this to center them in their own stories and empower them to show others how to read their book.
Except for the section of the book where Steven's organic self and Gem self are separated and re-combine, the message is solid for readers who have not watched the show. But because of how important that wordless series of panels is and how much background you actually have to have to understand what's happening there, I recommend this book primarily for fans of the show who have seen "Change Your Mind" and the episodes that support it. The other depictions are more powerful and illuminating for those who have context from the show also, but the main purpose of the book can be readily understood without that background. 
If you haven't seen the show, all you need to know is that Steven is a hybrid Gem/human who has a gemstone in his human body, and it gives him superhuman powers. Gem characters generate a body from their Gem, while Steven's body is organic and presumably NOT generated from the Gem. White Diamond removed Steven's Gem from his belly, expecting Pink Diamond to take form out of the Gem. She thought his organic half was just a human that the Gem was stuck in. But instead, a Pink Steven emerged and went back to his organic self to merge again, proving that he is Steven, not someone else, through and through. And he truly loves and knows himself.
A couple other notes fans of the show might enjoy: White Diamond's hypothesis that Pink Diamond was "hiding in an unwitting creature" is really interesting--she knew what Steven was but believed he was just a normal human hosting a Gem. Interesting. White's disdain toward Yellow and Blue for "spoiling" Pink is an interesting addition to what we know about her, too. Pink is pictured standing on her hands on her throne, upside-down, which is interesting since it's both "silly" and an expression of her right-side-up perspective (since, when we obey White, we're reading the book upside-down!). White's commentary that she kept Pink in line is also interesting, considering we've seen way more of how Yellow and Blue treated her and none of that was very nice either (yet they're the "nice" ones in this story, indulging her even though we know they abused her). There's a really cute image of Rose lounging on the beach with Greg in what looks like a swimsuit. Connie is in a frame with the Gems looking through a telescope. And there's a frame with Garnet holding pink and blue butterflies.
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Inventive, beautiful, moving, and so necessary. Buy a copy. Let kids turn the book around.
[SU Book and Comic Reviews]
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
Thorin and The Gem Carver (part 3)
  Jade flipped up her hood and ran down the dark alley until she had gotten herself completely lost. She came to a park like area and sat down in the shade. Trying to figure out what to do next, she looked around. Two younger looking girls were playing nearby and Jade stood up and asked them how to get to the stables near the market. The two girls looked up at her and the older one said, "I can show you how to get there. You must be new here." Jade nodded.
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“Tilda, go home and tell Da that I will be home as soon as I show this lovely lady to the stables by the markets." "Okay Sig." Tilda said as she picked up her doll and tea party stuff and put them back into the basket at her side."
"You have a pretty cloak." Tilda said as she stood and gave her sister a hug. "Oooooohhh is your hair white? It looks pretty!" she said. Jade looked around and cautiously pulled back her hood revealing her white hair and marbled blue bun. The two girls ooohed and aaahed at how pretty it looked. "You must have very long hair to make such a large bun." Sigrid said as she ran a finger along the bun. "Where did you get the pretty hair pins?" she asked. "I made them." Jade replied, smiling.
"Can we see how long your hair is?" Tilda asked bouncing excitedly on her toes. Jade looked around again and then carefully pulled off the cloak revealing the length of her hair. The two girls' jaws dropped. "Ohhhh! It's SO long and pretty!!!! I love how the color fades as it goes up to your shoulders where it is still white!!!" The two girls exclaim.
"Shhhhh!" Jade tells them. "There are people looking for me and I do not wish them to find me. Please, will you take me to the stables now?" she says as she puts her cloak and hood back on.
"Thank you for letting us see your pretty hair!!" Tilda says. "I'm Tilda and that's Sigrid. What's your name?"
"I'm Jade the Gem Carver" Jade tells her. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I must really be going." Jade tells Tilda. "Head on home now and be good." Tilda nods, picks up the basket and her doll and heads back to their home. 
"The stables are this way, Miss Jade." Sigrid says. "Why are there people looking for you?" Sigrid asks as they walk along the road. "I'm not sure. A big, bald, burly dwarf as well as a kind white haired dwarf, a third one with long dark hair and silver streaks cornered me in the tavern. The bald one said the king wanted to talk with me. He would not say why. I ran and escaped him, but the white haired dwarf and one of the two younger dwarves with dark hair and mischievous eyes found me in the alley. They tried to convince me to go to Erebor with them, but I ran from them too and ended up here.”
Sigrid smiled and stopped. “I know the dwarves you speak of. The white haired dwarf who is kind and soft spoken is Bain. He is the advisor to the king of the dwarves. The big, burly one is Dwalin, his brother. Dwalin is the Chief of security in Erebor and the King's best friend and body guard. The young dark haired mischievous dwarf is Prince Kili. He is the nephew to the king. There is a blonde haired young dwarf who is often seen with Kili. That dwarf is Fili, his brother and current heir to the kingdom of Erebor. The dwarf with the long dark hair with silver streaks and almost always has a scowl on his face is the King of the Dwarves, Thorin Oakenshield.” 
“My father is king of Dale. His name is Bard. But I don't believe he is looking for you. I haven't heard anything of you, so the dwarves must have meant that Thorin wanted to talk to you. You have nothing to fear from him. He is busy running Erebor. The council keeps harping on him to marry, but he refuses. He claims he has not met his One and will not marry until he does so. I've heard though that many council members have tried to arrange a marriage with him and other dwarrowdams from neighboring kingdoms, but he has refused them all.”
Jade looked at Sigrid. "Really? My uncle was taking me to Erebor to live there. He wants to retire there with my aunt and is trying to arrange my marriage with someone wealthy so he can live in the lap of luxury after slaving away in the metalworker shops of men all his life." Jade says sadly.
"Is that why you're running and trying to evade those who are looking for you?" Sigrid asks. "Yes. I do not know who my Uncle intends sell me off to for a wife. If I am to marry, I want to be the one to choose and I want it to be for love, not convenience and not for my uncle to live in the lap of luxury sponging off my husband's wealth." Jade replies.
Sigrid begins walking again and they talk quietly of their dreams for husbands and families. Finally they near the market. "The stable I believe your ponies are at will be right over there." she says pointing. Jade looks and sees her aunt standing outside looking worried. 
"Thank you Sigrid." she says and pulls out a few of her sapphire flowered hair pins. "Here, take these for you and your sister as a thank you from me for being so kind and helpful." Jade says, handing Sigrid the hair pins.
"Good Luck Jade. I hope we can meet again under better and happier circumstances." Sigrid says and gives Jade a hug. Jade smiles and flips up her hood again and goes to meet her aunt.
"Jade! Honey! Where have you been? Your Uncle has been looking all over for you!" the aunt says.
"I'm sorry, Aunt. I met some people in the tavern who made me feel uneasy and I tried to leave the tavern, but one of them tried to confront me. I escaped and got lost in this new town. A nice girl agreed to show me the way back to the Stables at the Market so now I'm here." Jade explained.
"Well I'm glad you are safe." her aunt said.
After a few minutes, your uncle shows up and the three of you mount your ponies and begin to head for Erebor. The sun is getting low on the horizon and you three are last in a line streaming from Dale to the Mountain. As you near the mountain you look up and see the kind, white haired dwarf. He sees you and waves. You see the two young dwarves from the Blue Mountain caravan next to him and suddenly you see them disappear.
You hear your uncle make a comment about finally settling down and retiring and your upcoming bethrothal and you turn your pony and bolt for the forest unwilling to be a pawn for your uncle to gain wealth and status.
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Balin, Kili and Fili stand watch on the ramparts all afternoon watching the steady stream of dwarves entering the mountain from Dale. "Where is she?" KIli keeps asking. Finally, near sundown, Kili spots you off in the distance. "I see her!" he says excitedly. Balin and Fili squint and then when you get closer they grin. "Finally she is coming." Balin says and waves at you. "Boys, go tell your Uncle she and her family are arriving." The two boys dash off the ramparts. Fili nearly runs into Dwalin who is waiting near the gates and supervising the dwarrow entering the gates. 
"Woah, what's your hurry, Fili?" He asks. "She's coming! Her Uncle and Aunt are the last in the line coming out of Dale!" he says excitedly. Fili and Dwalin move out onto the bridge and looks out.
Suddenly they hear Balin shout. "OH NO! What is she doing?!?" Dwalin looks out and sees you turn your pony and head for the forest of Mirkwood.
"NO!!!" he shouts and starts to run for the rams in their pens. Dwalin opens the pen to a ram, jumps on and urges it forward. It takes off and runs out the entrance. He takes off after you and Thorin isn't far behind on a second ram. Balin watches from the ramparts as the two chase after you, Kili and Fili running back up to join Balin. You beat Thorin and Dwalin to the forest and quickly tie off your pony to a tree and run into the treeline. 
The two dwarves jump off the rams as they stop at the treeline, and the they continue their chase of you, calling out, asking you to stop and let them talk to you.
You run, hearing the two dwarves getting closer behind you. You look back to see how far they are from you and lose your footing. You let out a scream and then fall, hitting your head and back, knocking yourself out on a large boulder at the base of the embankment.
Thorin and Dwalin stop when they hear you scream and draw weapons expecting an attack. They move forward cautiously and almost fall into the embankment themselves. They look over the edge and see you laying at the base, your head bleeding and your hair coming out of it's bun and splayed all around you in a sea of white and blue. They stand there stunned for a minute.
Thorin finally tells Dwalin, "Hurry, go back and get Oin and the other healers. Bring a wagon, ropes and a cot to lift her out. I will stay with her and make sure she stays safe.” Dwalin nods and hurries back to the rams, then makes a beeline for the Gates. Balin and they boys see him coming at full speed and run to see what the matter is.
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Thorin carefully moves further down the embankment’s edge and then slides down so he doesn't knock rocks and debris on top of you. He carefully works his way back over to you and kneels down. Your head is bleeding badly from the hit you took, and your hair is all over the place. He pulls off his tunic and strips his upper body down to his undershirt. He takes it off and tears it into strips. Then he carefully folds a strip into a wad and places it on the back of your head where it is bleeding. He puts pressure on it and you stir and moan a little. 
"Please, Mahal, let her survive." Thorin begs. 
"Oh sweetheart, why did you keep running from us? We only wanted to talk with you and welcome you to Erebor. What made you so afraid to accept our invitation?" he talks to you quietly, unsure if you can hear him.
He hears branches in the trees rustling and looks around. Suddenly he sees the red-haired elleth that Kili is courting, "Tauriel!" he exclaims as she drops down into the embankment. "What are you doing down here, Thorin? What happened?" she asks as she kneels down and begins to examine your body. 
"She was coming to Erebor with her family, when suddenly she turned her pony and fled to the forest. We are not sure why. We've been trying to talk with her since we saw her in Dale but she is so skittish she kept running away. I got a message from King Theoden that she is as good as been adopted by his niece and nephew as their little sister. She is a master gem carver and he asked us to accept her into our gem guild when her uncle decided to move to Erebor. When Balin saw her bolt for the forest he warned Dwalin and Kili found me near the gates and told me she made a run for the forest. Dwalin and I got on the rams and tried to catch her but she reached the forest before we did. She ran into here and must have fallen down the embankment as she ran." Thorin explained.
Tauriel places her head gently on your chest and listens to your labored breathing, hearing the pops and crackles of broken ribs. Then she pulls open one of your eyes, looks at it and gasps, then does the same with the other eye. "She has a concussion, and some broken ribs. We must be careful moving her." 
Just then Kili arrives and slides down. "Is she all right Tauriel?" She repeats your injuries to Kili. "I need to cut away her hair, it is going to be in the way and it's wrapped all around her from the fall." She says grabbing her knife and looking up at Thorin. He grimaces.
"NO! You can't!" Kili stops her hand. "I heard her tell Balin that Galadrial told her never to cut her hair. That Mahal gave her white hair from birth for a reason and it was never to be cut!" Tauriel's eyes get huge and she looks down at you. Immediately the elves nearby begin to sing quietly knowing the reason for your white hair and the prophesy about you and your One. 
"Quickly, Thorin use the strips you have left to bind her head. Kili go find some branches we can use to stabilize her back and ribs." Tauriel orders. Both dwarves don't question her and do what they were instructed to. 
Tauriel carefully unclasps your cloak and Thorin helps her to untangle you from your long hair. "I've neve seen such long hair on anyone, and it is as white as moonlight but why is there blue in it?" Tauriel says as she braids it into a simple braid and then tucks it carefully into the  bandage around you head so it stays out of the way.
Thorin tells her what Balin revealed to them in Dale. She looks back at you and frowns. "Do not take her to Thranduril. If you do, you will never get her back..." Tauriel whispers to Thorin. He looks at her confused. "Tauriel, what do you mean?" he whispers. "Not here. I will tell you after she is safely back in Erebor." she whispers back.
Kili comes back with several branches and they cut them to length with an axe. Then Kili takes off his shirt and they tear it into strips and use them to tie the branches to your sides and back. You moan as they lift you onto the branches, but you don't wake up. Then Tauriel covers you with your cloak. 
Just then Oin and the other dwarves arrive and they toss down ropes to the three in the embankment. Thorin and Kili tie more sturdy poles to the make shift stretcher and they carefully haul you up to the side of the ravine closest to Erebor.
"Quickly, get her out of Mirkwood before Thranduril hears of it and arrives." Tauriel tells Kili and Thorin. They nod. Thorin and Kili grab the poles closest to your head, and Dwalin and Oin take the other two. They quickly carry you out to the edge of Mirkwood. When they get there, Balin is waiting with a wagon and they load you into it. Oin and Thorin climb up into the back and sit with you.
"Dwalin, Kili, bring her pony and the rams back into Erebor. See her pony is tended to and meet us in the Healing Halls when you are finished. Bring her Aunt and Uncle as well. I want a word with them. "Thorin orders. They both nod and Balin turns the wagon around and heads for Erebor. 
Dwalin and Kili watch you go in the wagon. "Why did she do this? Why did she bolt and run for the forest?" Kili asks, bewildered. "I don't know lad." Dwalin says. They turn to untie the pony and see Tauriel standing there with the pony's rope in her hands.
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"She is frightened." Tauriel said. "Of what?" Both dwarves ask.
"Sigrid sent me a message for me to give to you, Kili. She said to be wary of Jade's Uncle and Aunt. Apparently Jade met Sigrid in the park after she fled from the tavern. She told Sigrid that her uncle is taking her to Erebor so he can marry her off to a rich dwarf thinking he will be able to retire and live in luxury. She ran because she does not know who he is planning on wedding her to. She told Sigrid that she does not want an arranged marriage, that she wants to choose and will only marry her One and no one else. Sigrid thinks she was so jumpy when she met you because she may have thought her Uncle was going to arrange her to marry Thorin and that you were there to ensure she goes through with it. Apparently Sigrid heard how the Council has been trying to marry Thorin off so he produces an heir of his own instead of having Fili take over." Tauriel explains. 
Both Dwalin's and Kili's eyes get huge. "That WOULD explain why she bolted when she was approached and why she bolted when they came up to the gates!" Kili exclaimed. "Aye, the poor lass saw Balin and you boys on the ramparts and when he waved, she must've gotten cold feet and hoped to escape her fate in the forest." Dwalin surmised. "I hope she will be all right." Dwalin said. "She is such a pretty little thing." he said.
"Dwalin, her beautiful, long hair is both a blessing and a curse. You and the dwarves of Erebor will need to be very careful with her. There is a prophesy about her and the mountain." Tauriel said, coming out into the sunlight. She started leading the pony back to Erebor and the rams began to follow Dwalin and Kili when they saw them start to walk away and follow Tauriel.
"It said that when a dwarf was born with white hair like moonlight and eyes green as new spring grass, that the Mountain of Erebor would be reclaimed and resettled by those of the line of Durin in the following years. The prophesy also stated that wherever this white haired dwarf roamed, she would bring blessing and peace in abundance. She would bless the populations who welcomed her to live there with what it needed most and that there would be great joy and gladness because of her presence. It also stated that whomever she would marry would be greatly blessed with all his heart desires, but it warned that should her hair ever be shorn short, the blessings and happiness would cease and whoever cuts this dwarf's hair would be cursed." 
"Tauriel, is that why you wouldn't cut her hair when I told you what Galadrial had told her? Do you think she is the one this prophecy is talking about?" Kili asked. Tauriel nodded, "I am almost positive. Dwalin, if Thranduril finds out she was in Mirkwood there may be trouble. I have instructed the elves who were with me not to tell him it was her who entered and to say that it was just a dwarf fleeing an arranged marriage."
"Tauriel, how do you know about this prophesy, but there is no mention of it in dwarf lore?" Dwalin asked.
"Lady Galadrial saw it happen in her mirror after Smaug attacked Erebor. The Elves of Lothlorian and Rivendell knew about Galadrial's vision because she told Elrond and Celeborn about it, and that was why Jade was allowed into their kingdoms with open arms. The Woodland elves and dwarves were not told because the visions the lady sees are not always certain. Many things can change their outcome. She told me about it when she saw the dwarrowdam being sent to Rohan. She warned me not to let the Dwarrowdam be found in Mirkwood by Thranduril or he would never let her go, she would be his prisoner and she would never find her One in Erebor."
Dwalin and Kili stopped and stared at Tauriel. "Her One is in Erebor?" they both asked. Tauriel smirked. "Yes, and I believe he already knows it." she said smirking, and then kept walking to Erebor leading the pony. Dwalin and Kili both followed in silence, each wondering who the lucky dwarf might be.
They reached the gates just as the first stars began to appear.  They took care of the pony and rams.
"I will stay here tonight and make sure Jade is all right." Tauriel said as they headed for the healing halls.
Just as they rounded the corner to the Healing Halls they saw two dwarrow arguing with the guards. "What is the meaning of all this racket?" Dwalin said as he approached them. The two dwarves turned and said, "Our niece is in there and they won't let us in!" they exclaimed.
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Dwalin growled. "If they are not letting you in, it is for a good reason. Now sit down on that bench and shut your yappers, or I will make sure you are placed somewhere that no one will hear you!" he growled as he glared at them and crossed his arms. They both shut their mouths and went to sit on the bench. 
"If they give you any more trouble or lip, take them to the dungeons and then let me know." Dwalin tells the guards. They nod and let Dwalin, Tauriel and Kili into the Healing Halls, then shut the door.
Dwalin and Kili walk up to Thorin who is standing off to the side watching the healers work on you. Tauriel goes over to see if there is anything she can do to help. "How is she?" Dwalin asks.
Thorin shrugs. "She is still unconscious. Oin said she hit her head quite hard and has several broken bones and ribs. He says quietly. It's a good thing we found her right away, though." Thorin says.
"Uncle, Sigrid met the Lass in Dale after she ran from us." Kili tells his Uncle. "She sent a message to Tauriel telling her the Lass’ name is Jade the Gem Carver and to be wary of Jade's Aunt and Uncle. Apparently Jade met Sigrid in the park after she fled from the tavern.”
“Jade told Sigrid that her uncle is taking her to Erebor so he can marry her off to a rich dwarf thinking he will be able to retire and live in luxury. Sigrid thinks Jade ran because she does not know who he is planning on wedding her to. She told Sigrid that she does not want an arranged marriage, that she wants to choose and will only marry her One and no one else. Sigrid thinks she was so jumpy when she met us because she may have thought her Uncle was going to arrange her to marry you and that we were there to ensure she goes through with it. Apparently Sigrid heard how the Council has been trying to marry you off so you produces an heir of your own instead of having Fili take over and put two and two together."
Thorin growled upon hearing this from his nephew. 
"Where are the Aunt and Uncle now? I hear the shouting has stopped." Thorin stated. "I threatened to throw them in the dungeons if they didn't shut their yappers told them to sit on the bench quietly until someone lets them in." Dwalin smirked. Thorin grinned and patted Dwalin's back.
"Kili, go send a raven to Sigrid thanking her for the message to Tauriel and let her know that Tauriel relayed the message to us. Tell her what happened and that Jade is in the Healing Halls here and is safe and that I will not allow anyone to force her into an unwanted marriage." Kili nodded and ran for the doors. He opened them and ran for Raven Hill to send the message. 
Tauriel comes over and informs them that Jade will be kept unconscious for several days. Her back has been injured and Oin is not sure how bad it is. They want to keep her sedated until her ribs and other broken bones heal enough so that she isn't in such pain. Thorin groans.
"We should send a raven to Theoden and return the sapphire and thank him for the recommendation. Tell him that she will be allowed into the guild by my orders should she desire to do so. Inform him the family arrived safely, but that she fell into an embankment nearby and was seriously hurt. We will keep them posted on how she is doing, that for the moment she is alive, but unconscious." Thorin suggests.
Tauriel nodded. "I will go tell Kili to send it. Where is the Sapphire?" she asks. "Balin has it." Dwalin states. Tauriel nods and leaves to go find Balin to get the sapphire and then goes to find Kili to send the message to Theoden.
Thorin looks at you as the doctors hover and continue setting your broken bones and bandaging your wounds. He sighs and rubs his face. "Thorin, did you know there's a prophesy about Jade and the Mountain?" Dwalin asks. 
Thorin looks at him surprised. "No! I don't recall ever hearing a prophecy about a white haired dwarrowdam and the mountain. How do you know there is such a prophecy?" Thorin asks. 
"Tauriel told us." Dwalin said. He explained the prophecy to Thorin as best as he could remember, and watched in amusement as Thorin's eyes got as huge as saucers. Thorin looked at you again, then dropped his gaze to the floor and groaned again and hung his head. "She will not stay. Once she wakes she will run again. As long as she thinks her relatives wish to marry her off, she will keep running." he said sadly.
"What if we convinced her relatives that arranged marriages are not allowed here? You've been battling the Council on the same matter. Why not issue an edict making the outdated practice no longer allowed? That would solve your problem and hers." Dwalin thought out loud.
"You are king, after all. You don't have to have the council's agreement. You are the one who makes the rules and they are supposed to support your decisions and uphold the rules." Thorin nodded. "Let me run it by Balin to see how he thinks this will go with the council. Not that I really care much, but I'd like to know how hungry the lions will be before walking into the den once they find out about this edict." Thorin says.
Dwalin just chuckles. They both look at you laying on the bed. Tauriel made sure to inform all the dwarves and Oin who were to be taking care of you to not cut your hair. Not for any circumstance. And she warned them if they do, they will be forever cursed by Mahal and will bring about ruin to Erebor. She told them the prophecy and warned them to take good care of you. Oin had carefully removed your hair pins and undid your braids so they could wash out the blood from your head wound and check your scalp for any others. All the dwarves treating you were commenting on your hair, it's length and color.
Thorin and Dwalin watched with envy as Oin carefully rinsed your hair of the blood and carefully combed out it's long tresses and put it into a simple braid. He carefully draped it on the bed, winding it back and forth on the bed near your head so it wouldn't be hanging down and tripping someone. He placed a cool compress on your forehead and stood to go dump the bowl of dirty water. 
The two dwarves came up and stood at the foot end of your bed. Both your arms were casted and you had thick bandages wrapping your torso. A heavy towel was draped across your chest and tucked into the bandages to provide you some modesty and they could already see the bruises forming on your face and upper arms and legs. 
Oin came up to them and said, "She is resting comfortably now. There is little more you can do for her. I will sit with her and will send word if she wakes." he tells them.
"Oin, she may try to run when she wakes. She did not want to come to Erebor because she feared an arranged marriage that supposedly her Uncle was planning. Each time we approached her to talk to her about the letter I received from Theoden, she would run. We think that is why she may have bolted into Mirkwood when her family arrived near the gates.” Thorin explains.
“Sigrid thinks she thought we may be wanting to meet with her to force her into an arranged marriage with me. I will be talking to her relatives when we leave informing them that arranged marriages are no longer allowed in Erebor. Be prepared to deal with the possibility of her trying to flee Erebor as soon as she wakes and is able to." Thorin warns. 
Oin nods. “She will not be in any shape for going anywhere for quite some time, Thorin. She will be in a lot of pain. You remember how bad your ribs and back hurt after the Battle of the Five Armies." he said. Thorin shuddered and nodded. "She will most likely be feeling about as miserable. We have no way of knowing the extent of her back injury until she wakes though. Tauriel felt down the spine on both sides and said she could feel damage to the vertebrae, the back bones, and it will take time to see how bad it is and if she will even be able to walk from now on." Oin explained.
Thorin and Dwalin's jaws dropped. "She may not be able to walk???" Thorin asked, dumbfounded, and suddenly feeling horrible for why this all happened. "We don't know, Thorin. But it is a possibility we have to consider. If the bones were crushed or pushed out of place enough, it may have damaged or severed her spine. If that happened, she will not be able to feel anything below that injury site." Oin explained. 
Dwalin and Thorin both groaned and rubbed their faces feeling horribly responsible for this. 
"Don't give up hope, Lads," Oin said to them, "we won't know anything for sure until she wakes. That won't be for a few days at least." he told them. "Now shoo. I'm sure you both have duties you need to tend to. Tell her relatives they will not be allowed to see her until she wakes and asks to see them. I want her to rest as much as possible with out being disturbed." Oin tells them.
They both nod and turn to leave.
They stop by the door and Thorin turns to Dwalin. "Take her parents into the green meeting room. Tell them I wish to speak with them. Do not tell them why or Jade's condition. I will go find Balin and get the edict drawn up. I will join you when it is signed and sealed and then we will discuss with them this whole fiasco."
@fizzyxcustard​ @rachel1959 @queenofmankind​ @thorinthehottotty​ @dumbassunderthemountain​ @deepestfirefun​ @dabisburntnut​
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the-fixation-zone · 4 years
aaaaaand here it is! the next installment of the crack (ish?) fic I’ve been writing with @queenspinoodle​. art will be within the fic as usual and, also as usual, drawn by my co-writer. comments appreciated!! :)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The night is cool, the moon bright enough to see by. It’s the perfect night for a stakeout. It’s late, leaving few people walking the streets. Sock and Zucchini are hunched together in the shadows near Burt’s Jewelry, waiting for their thief to arrive. The Fanned Fiend. There were only a few clues to pick up from the Wanted poster, and they’d picked up a few more eavesdropping on people in town, but the real magic happened when Sock sat down to put the pieces together.
“This has to be where he’s hitting next! I’m sure of it; it just makes sense!”
Zucchini had had no idea how Sock had fit the puzzle together so easily, but he trusted in his partner. So now they waited. And waited. Zucchini doesn’t think Sock is wrong necessarily, but he also hasn’t enjoyed being hunched over for three hours. A quick glance at Sock shows Zucchini that Sock doesn’t mind the wait as much as he does. Sock is practically vibrating with excitement, adjusting his mask as though their perp will arrive any minute. Zucchini sighs silently, resigning himself to scanning the perimeter for the umpteenth time.
Sock sits crouched on the balls of his feet, bouncing slightly. He is ready for their first real adventure. They’ve been waiting a while, but he just knows that, any minute now, it’ll be time. He’s on high alert, waiting for something to happen. A few minutes later his vigilance is rewarded: he hears the crunch of shoes on pebbles nearby and whips his head in the direction of the sound. Zucchini seems to hear it too, glancing over even before Sock elbows him.
A shadowy, cloaked figure is creeping around the side of the building, making its way around to the door. The figure does something they can’t see, and the once locked door opens silently. Sock shifts his position, preparing to move.
Zucchini shifts too, his energy coming back now that there’s something to do. “Follow?”
Sock waits a moment, looking around for potential accomplices, then nods. He sneaks up to the building and peeks through the window, Zucchini right behind him. It’s almost completely dark inside making it difficult to see from their vantage point, so Sock gestures for them to enter. 
Zucchini goes inside after Sock, straining his eyes to see where the wanted man went off to. The moonlight filtering in the window allows him to see the outlines of two counters near the walls to his right and left, presumably filled with rings and necklaces. Dead ahead there’s a single glass case on a pedestal, the large gem inside sparkling with the faint light. He thinks he sees some movement towards the back of the shop near the pedestal and gestures, giving Sock a meaningful look and reaching for his knives.  They’re not perfect, since he “borrowed” them from one of the circus performers (and when he says borrowed, he uses the term...liberally. If one takes something without permission with the intention of returning it, does that count?) but they’re good enough. He sneaks with Sock, not wanting to hurt this person and hoping they can simply capture him and turn him in.
Sock approaches the spot where Zucchini indicated, grabbing his knife just in case. The figure is turned away from him, standing in front of the prized jewel’s pedestal, seeming to assess it. Good. He’s distracted. Sock sneaks closer, ready to grab him. Without warning, the figure whirls around and punches Sock in the face, knocking him to the floor. It stings, all the more for being entirely unexpected. How had the man known Sock was there?!
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“Whoa!” Zucchini tries to grab the assailant, but a fan suddenly comes up between him and his opponent, missing his nose by a fraction of an inch. Guess I know why he’s called the Fanned Fiend now… Zucchini tries for another grab, turning his head for a split second towards Sock. “You okay?”
"I'm fine!" Sock says, his voice muffled by his hand cradling his bloody nose. “Looks worse than it is, let’s just go!” The Fanned Fiend runs out of the door and into the night. Sock gets to his feet and chases him.
Zucchini follows, trying to get ahead of the guy so they can pin him in. “Oh, no you don’t! You’re not going to get away from us!” The Fanned Fiend laughs and keeps running, outpacing him easily.
Sock looks around to see if they can use any of the streets or buildings to their advantage, mentally reviewing the map of this part of town. He breaks away from the chase and runs up a parallel street, coming out in front of the criminal, who slams into him.
Zucchini comes up behind the criminal, blocking his escape. “Alright, you’ve got nowhere to run now. Put down the fan.”
"Yeah, fella, put down the fan," Sock says, one hand on his knife and the other up and ready to attack. His nose is bleeding freely now, but he doesn’t have time to think about it. 
The Fanned Fiend looks directly at Sock. "Well, first of all, I'm not a 'fella'" she says in a clearly feminine voice. 
"...Oh...my bad,” Sock says, thrown off. He hadn’t considered that the thief would be a woman. 
“Oh...oops? Well, lady, put down the fan then,” Zucchini says, gesturing with one of his knives. “You were going to steal Burt’s prized jewel back there, weren’t you? We’ve caught you red-handed.”
She sighs. Now that she isn't moving, Sock can get a better look at her. She’s wearing heavy makeup, which disguises both her identity and her gender. "You’re right, I was. But you should know, it was for a good cause."
Zucchini looks at Sock, then back at the Fanned Fiend with a skeptical expression. “Oh really? And what cause was that?” 
The Fanned Fiend’s expression tightens, Zucchini can tell even under all the face paint. “Well, now I don’t know if I want to tell you, if you’re going to be like that about it.”
Sock feels a sudden rush of sympathy for her. He can totally understand stealing for a good cause. "No, no! Please, tell us!"
She looks at Sock and sees he means it. “Well… there’s some kids in my village, they’re sick. The money I’d get from selling that jewel would be enough to get them some medicine. It was for them, honestly.”
Zucchini feels his heart soften, but he still has questions. “And the other heists? The artwork and weapons you’ve stolen? Were they for the children, too?”
"The artwork was to make the medical huts more cheerful, and the weapons were for the warriors, to help them protect the village." She is very convincing. Hearing that, Sock almost wants to steal the gem for her.
Zucchini, on the other hand, wants to hold a grudge. Adrenaline is still singing in his veins from the chase and he’s not ready to give up yet. He was raised to believe stealing was wrong, no matter the circumstances, but she seems so...sincere. He looks over at Sock. “What do you think?”
Sock feels her reasoning deep in his soul, having been in a similar position many times before. "We'll let you go this time but try to find another way to help the children. We wouldn't want you getting into trouble." 
She smiles sweetly at him. "Of course." Sock steps aside to let her pass and, as soon as there’s room, she runs off.
Zucchini’s instincts tell him not to believe her one bit and, as soon as she’s gone, he turns to Sock to tell him so. “You know she’s just going to start stealing again.”
"Yeah, I know. But… I just couldn't…" Sock looks upset. "She just wants to help people."
“Well, yeah, but so do we! Do you really not think there’s another way for her to do that?”
Sock starts to feel guilty, which then makes him angry. He did the right thing, dammit! "Well, why don't you run after her, then?" His voice is quiet, but a tad more aggressive now. He begins to walk quickly away, brushing past Zucchini and tugging his sash away from his tunic to lift it to his nose. The bleeding has mostly stopped now, less of a flood and more of a trickle. His shirt’s now hanging open, exposing his middle to the elements, but whatever. It’s a nice night, anyway.
Zucchini sighs hard. “Oh, come on Sock. I’m not going to go after her. Hey, come back here! I’m not going to go after her.” He starts to follow after Sock. “I’m just saying, where are we drawing the line here? Every criminal has a reason. Are we going to pick and choose which ones get away based on how we’re feeling in the moment, how well they pitch to us? What are we doing here, Sock!” Sock stops at his question, so Zucchini stops too, feeling a bit agitated now. He roughly ran his hand through his hair in an effort to calm down. He’s not sure what about this situation is making his emotions spill out, but there they are, splattered over the pavement.
"I don't know!” Sock snaps back. “You're the one who wanted to do this!"
“What?” Zucchini looks at Sock’s back like he’s grown another head. “You wanted to do this as much as I did! You can’t tell me you didn’t love putting together our plan for tonight.” Zucchini takes a deep breath, realizing this is getting them nowhere. “Look. I don’t want to fight with you, Sock. I just want us to establish some rules for going after criminals, so we can be on the same page. Okay? I’m sorry for upsetting you.” 
Sock continues to stand facing away from Zucchini, arms crossed across his chest. He knows he probably looks extremely immature right now, but he doesn’t care. "...Fine."
“Can you at least look at me when you say it?”
Sock considers saying no, but ultimately turns around. Most of his face is obscured by his mask, but it’s clear he’s scowling. "Fine," he repeats.
“Oh, come on! You’re really going to be like this? I already apologized, what else do you want? How can I fix this?” Contrary to popular belief, Zucchini is not above pleading. At least when it’s necessary.
Sock lets out an angry laugh. "That's rich coming from the king of sulking!"
“Excuse me? I’m trying to be the adult here!”
“HEY! CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP!” someone yells from a window above them. 
Sock looks up, startled. "Yeah, sorry!" He turns back to Zucchini. "Look, I'm going back home," he says, quieter this time. "You can do whatever you want." Sock turns and walks back towards the circus. He doesn’t look back.
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sawmillturtle · 4 years
A Quick Note From Turtle:
This story is based upon the “SU AU Gone Wrong” fan comic by @spudinacup and is supposed to take place during the second chapter. My initial thought was to write the events of the chapter from Pink Steven’s point of view and try to capture his thought processes. Unfortunately, I failed in this. When Spud posted her notebook, it clearly states that Pink Steven can understand why others act the way they do, but cannot feel empathy or sympathy for anyone or anything. Looking at this 7,832 word behemoth, I realize that I made him a bit too eager to want to sympathize with everyone. He wants to understand. This seems a bit off the target. Of course, I had to take a few liberties to do what I wanted to do (like the butterflies) and to fit everything into the space I had to work with, but Steven being a bit OOC was not one of the liberties I intended to take.
Well, it made for a good story anyway. This was several weeks worth of work to pull off and many hours of listening to Pink Floyd music on repeat. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it. Spud, if you get around to reading this, I want you to know that this was intended to be a love letter to your amazing artwork. In that, at the very least, I feel I succeeded.
As a side note, try to figure out what I hid in this story. There’s a secret. Shouldn’t be too hard to spot if you know where to look. I’ve already given you a clue.
Is this what it means to be alone? To hear only his own thoughts, and to hear those thoughts echoing in the void of his own mind like sounds reverberating off the walls of a cavern? He doesn’t know. He has never been alone. There has always been the other one. Steven Who Was. For sixteen years, the two of them had been together. Steven Who Was had never realized that he was there, but that didn’t matter to him. He’d always been there, a part of Steven Who Was, watching through their shared eyes and feeling through their shared emotions. Steven Who Was had been more than just a part of himself: Steven Who Was had been his closest friend.
There is only him now. Steven Who Remains. The other one is gone. It is hard for him to feel anything, although this isn’t because his emotions have been numbed by tragedy. At least he doesn’t think so. No, he simply can’t recall how to feel. The traces of those emotions seem to be there, in some distant part of himself, yet trying to latch onto them is like attempting to catch the faint smoke of a dying campfire with his bare hands. When he attempts to do so, they slip through his fingers and drift away.
Anybody can look at me and see that I am no longer human. My humanity died with the other one. But if I’m not human anymore, what am I? Am I even still Steven? Am I Pink Diamond? Am I something else entirely?
In their early years, the Greg Universe took Steven Who Was on a road trip to Empire City. Steven Who Was must have been about six or seven at the time. They’d been there for eight days as the Greg took care of business that he hadn’t bothered to explain to Steven Who Was. Probably something to do with his music career. On one bright Sunday, they’d walked by a church where the people inside were singing about how they’d fly away, oh glory. When Steven Who Was had asked what they meant, Greg had given a basic explanation of religion and of the human belief in eternal souls. Steven Who Was had not been impressed by it, nor had Steven Who Remains.
There is something about it, though, that nags at his mind. He stands in the bathroom, watching the blood run off of his hands and into the sink basin, thinking about eternity, the afterlife, and what it means as far as he is concerned. The blood swirls around the drain, mixing with the clean water and vanishing in ribbons of grisly crimson. That had been his blood. The blood of Steven Who Was. That Steven is dead now, but he still exists.
Just what happened to people like Steven Who Was? Is his eternal human soul on a cloud somewhere, playing a harp and flapping its wings? If so, what is he? If Steven Who Was went to human heaven, is he even Steven anymore? He looks like Steven. He remembers being Steven. If asked by anyone (and someone will inevitably ask; of that he is certain), he will surely tell people that he’s Steven. But if the body is dead and the soul is gone to some hallelujah by-and-by glory land, what does one call whatever is left? There’s no word for it, because it isn’t natural. Humans leave their bodies behind and Gems leave their shards behind, each shard containing a fraction of what once was.
Nod. That seems to describe him, doesn’t it? A shard. A fraction. A portion of something that was once whole. Is he any different than those pieces of the cluster existing in the Earth’s core? Is he in any way different from the Gem experiments that attacked Steven Who Was and Connie? He has trouble convincing himself of the contrary. He’s not supposed to exist like this. He’s not supposed to be… him. The other one, Steven Who Was, is supposed to be a part of him. Without that essential part of himself, what is he but a shattered remnant?
If he is thinking of himself this way, if he has trouble even seeing himself as anything but unnatural, what will the others think? He can hear them through the door, fighting over the body. Lapis and Peridot. Peridot knows that the body is compromised. No heartbeat. Lungs deactivated. Fixing Steven Who Was is not possible. Lapis doesn’t want to believe that. She’s even now screaming at Peridot to try again.
You are going to want me to do something. I know this already. You will expect me to heal the body.
Can he blame her? No. He wants to be able to do something. He wants more than anything for this to be some terrible dream. He doesn’t want to be washing the blood of Steven Who Was down the drain. He doesn’t want to think about how broken and helpless the body looked, lying on the grass. He doesn’t want to remember how optimistic Steven Who Was had been just minutes before, singing about the brightness of the future. Nothing to fear. No one to fight. If only Steven Who Was had known, if only he’d known just how much they actually had to fear. That the fight to come would be their last together.
Hear that sound? It’s not the sound of water running down the drain; it’s the sound of hope dying. I couldn’t keep Steven Who Was from dying. When it came right down to it, I failed him. I failed all of them. Steven is dead. If I’m not to blame for that, who is? The Gem with the scythe, obviously. But who wasn’t there to protect him from the Gem with the scythe? Who wasn’t there to provide backup and support when there was a clearly dangerous Gem on the loose?
Me. I wasn’t there. They’re all going to blame me. They’re all going to look at me, see the echo of a dead man. Every time they look at me, they’re going to see him and blame me.
Is the Greg going to see him that way, too? What is the Greg going to think? At some point, he is going to have to confront the man who had been their father. At some point the Greg is going to see the body, or be told about it, and then he is going to see him. Steven Who Remains. What will happen? What will he say? Steven Who Remains certainly doesn’t think he’ll embrace him and call him his son. There will be no tender moment, no air guitar or story from the past to bring them together. There will be only---
There is no point in following that line of thought any further. Whatever is going to happen with the Greg, it is not going to be pleasant. Furthermore, dwelling upon it will only add to the heavy burden sitting in his mind already. He shuts off the water and closes the bathroom mirror, catching a glimpse of his reflection for the first time as he does so. The diamond eyes stare back at him. He is the spitting image of Steven Who Was. Looking into his own reflection is like looking into the face of a dead man.
Anyone else looking at me is really going to lose their mind.
At this, the thoughts really begin to flood in. What is he going to tell Connie? What is he going to tell Garnet or Amethyst or Pearl? All of these beings who had loved Steven Who Was the most, and now all they have left is a rapidly cooling corpse and him. He is, he can admit, a poor substitute. He doesn’t even know what he is. How is he supposed to give them the answers they will demand of him? How is he supposed to give the answers he demands of himself? None of them are going to understand. They aren’t going to see him as anything but an abomination, a constant reminder of an unspeakable tragedy. Even Bismuth, who had attempted to treat him as she had always treated Steven Who Was, was betrayed by the look in her own eyes. He saw it there as she took him by the shoulders and led him
Come to think of it, is this really his home?
On the bathroom counter, more and more of those butterflies land, fluttering their wings. He knows they aren’t real, but Garnet’s lessons to Stevonnie have paid off. She taught them to visualize intrusive thoughts as white butterflies, and now that is all he can picture. They swirl around the bathroom in a mass of white, hateful wings. He can almost feel them behind him, forming into something familiar, something he doesn’t want to think about: the colossal face of Steven Who Was.
“Now what will we do?” Butterfly Steven mocks. “I’m dead, you’re an abomination, and it’s all your fault!”
I can’t… I have to remember Garnet’s training.
“Hear what I’m telling you,” Butterfly Steven snarls. “My death is on your head. Everything that happened is because you failed to act.”
You're… not real.
Feeling the thoughts overwhelming him, smothering him, he thinks back on Garnet’s words: It was just a thought. It’s okay. But that advice was for fusions acting as one, wasn’t it? To keep fusions from becoming unstable. He isn’t a fusion any more. He supposes that the advice is still sound, but just thinking of fusions breaks his concentration and sets the butterflies to swarming again.
“Down in the mouth?” Butterfly Steven calls. More and more his voice sounds less like Steven and more like the one who killed him. The rubber hose bitch. “You should be. I mean, what are the others going to say? Well
(well well well well let me get a look at the menagerie)
“I won’t--”
Can it.
Ease off.
“Your pain is only beginning, whether I’m here or not,” Butterfly Steven says as his form begins to dissolve. “You’ll see.”
Pain? He isn’t sure if that is the right word to use, because he has a hard time remembering what pain is. It’s the campfire smoke all over again. He thinks he might have an inkling of what it means. He knows the textbook definition, but processing and feeling that emotion seems impossible with his humanity literally slashed to pieces. He is certainly in for an ordeal, and he needs no emotional processing to understand that.
“Get the machine going again!” Lapis yells from the other side of the wall.
“You don’t understand,” the smaller voice of Peridot replies. “I don’t know how else to tell you--”
On that, Steven Who Remains turns from the sink with a sigh. The blood is long gone. He is just delaying the inevitable, standing here listening to the fighting and letting his thoughts torment him like this.
Your pain is only beginning, whether I’m here or not.
Feet away, a mere stone’s throw, another butterfly appears. He stares at it for a moment, then disregards it.
“Again!” Lapis demands. Peridot is pleading with her now, but Lapis is having none of it. Another butterfly appears. He looks at it, and it looks back at him.
Relax, it seems to be saying as he moves past it and opens the bathroom door. I’m just a harmless butterfly. A product of your shattered mind. Don’t mind me.
“I’ll tell you again,” Peridot is saying as he steps out, “that it’s not going to work any more than it already has.”
Need for results has driven Lapis to desperation, and she lashes out at Peridot, coming close to violence. Bismuth admonishes them both for their behavior, but it isn’t Bismuth’s raised voice or words that bring everything to a standstill: it is the sight of him as he steps out into the light. He gives them a wave, as if he’s just a normal guy entering a normal room where normal things are happening. Where there’s not a dead body on the couch and bloody gems on the counter top. Where he’s not a ghost, a vapor, a remnant of what was.
Some part of him, perhaps some lingering yet dying part of his remaining humanity, hoped against hope that Lapis and Peridot wouldn’t be giving him the looks they’re giving him. Lapis looks like he’s just walked into the room and ripped a giant fart; Peridot looks either terrified or furious, though he can’t figure out which. Maybe both. Bismuth is uncomfortable. She stutters, curses, asks him for something.
Information. She wants to know his name. What should they call him? She doesn’t say the rest, but she doesn’t have to. It lingers in the air like a bad odor: What should they call him now that Steven is dead?
First name given: Steven.
Just Steven.
The reaction from Lapis is swift and unpleasant. She flies off the handle again, gesturing wildly at the body and screaming at him that the dead boy is Steven. Bloody water from a nearby bowl ascends into the air, fueled by her rage and sorrow.
Basic tact would have told him that this response would be the wrong one, but such things seem beyond him now. While his mind is a torrent of conflicting thoughts, a lot of his actions seem almost programmatic, as though he is nothing more than a computer carrying out commands. The words slipped from his lips as easily and effortlessly as rain water sliding through the gutters. He found this had also been true when he’d gone into the bathroom to wash up. While the blood had caused a lot of turmoil in him, washing it off had been almost routine.
Facts are facts: I’m not human anymore. I can’t feel the emotions I used to take for granted. I can’t restrain myself like a human. I can’t remember how to laugh. God, I can’t even remember what it feels like to laugh.
Can I even call myself a Gem? Even Gems laugh. What in God’s name am I?
“You want to be Steven?” Lapis demands, bringing him out of his own head. She points back at the remains of Steven Who Was. “Heal him!”
“Show them,” a nearby butterfly mocks. “Show them you can’t do it so that they’ll hate you even more. Look at how Bismuth has to try and shield you from Lapis. Look at the anguish in Lapis’ eyes. What do you think is the source of all of her pain right now?”
Me. It’s coming… from me.
“Where is it coming from?” the butterfly prods. “Say it again.”
It is coming from me. Looking at me, seeing the ghost of him, hurts them all.
“Hurts them?” the butterfly says. “It isn’t just hurting them; it’s tearing them apart.”
There is blood on Lapis’ hands as she stretches out her palms, demanding answers from him: if Steven heals people, why can’t he? He reaches down and clasps his gem. The gem that used to belong to Steven Who Was. It’s a self-conscious gesture, of that he’s quite aware. He does it anyway. It’s almost… a human gesture, as if there are still remnants of Steven Who Was inside of him, sputtering and fizzling out like dying embers. He looks towards the body.
Is there really nothing he can do?
No action he can take?
Pain riddles the voices of Bismuth and Peridot as they attempt to explain the frailty of organic life to Lapis. Rather than give her some peace of mind about the situation, it seems to fuel her anger. The bloody water that has been drifting towards the ceiling in grisly balls now swirls into a macabre spiral above their heads.
“You can’t do anything,” the butterfly says.
Are you sure? Why am I even listening to you?
Receding into the shadows, the butterfly vanishes and is replaced by two others. The first reminds him that Steven’s death was his fault. The second reminds him again and again of how broken he is. He isn’t fully human anymore, but he certainly isn’t a full Gem. He hasn’t been a full Gem since the day Rose Quartz gave up her form.
(a single pale rose a pink diamond a liar did she just make me so she wouldnt have to deal with all her mistakes)
Distant memories, those. Again, he is struck by how hard it is to remember emotion. He can certainly remember Steven Who Was in the pink room, shouting at a simulated version of his mother. He can remember Steven Who Was being sad and angry and conflicted. Yet, upon recalling these memories, he can not remember the emotions themselves. The emotions and the memories should come as a single package, yet they do not. There is a strange disconnect he can’t explain. In a strange way, it is like the day Steven Who Was and the Greg and Lapis Lazuli went out on a yacht
(smoke from the engine)
on the open sea.
The day had started out nice enough. They'd done some fishing, soaked up some sun. Lapis had refused the Greg’s hat. At some point, the engine had exploded, causing black smoke to billow from below deck and bringing them to a standstill.
(horizon darkened horizon there were storm clouds there was rain and then she came)
(you i’ve been following you)
Are these two really going to fuse again? That’s what Steven Who Was had been thinking, over and over again, as Jasper got down on her knees and begged Lapis to become Malachite for a second time. Yet despite Jasper’s promises that she had changed, that things would be better, Lapis refused her. To be more precise, she formed a large water fist and punched her so hard she became a speck in the stratosphere. To latch onto those human emotions, to understand them, made him feel like Jasper did that day. He all but begged them to take him back, but they turned a cold shoulder to him.
Only, they aren’t just turning a cold shoulder. It’s like they’re pushing him away. Or punching him away. Each time he reaches for them, they seem more distant. Less defined.
Coming closer and closer to not being there at all.
Through all of his musings, his hand hasn’t left his gem. He’s been standing here, staring at Steven Who Was with a blank expression. Lapis has been growing angrier with him by the second. He is brought back to reality by a soft plink. A drop of red water from the hurricane above them. It runs down his face and drips off his nose. Another falls. Then another. Blood rain.
In the split second it takes him to register this, all hell breaks loose. Lapis, who has been clenching her fists and her teeth and glaring daggers at him, loses her composure and screams. Her grip on the vortex shatters.
Waves of bloody water pour down on everything.
Your pain is only beginning, whether I’m here or not.
Lips are moving, mouths are speaking, Bismuth is screaming, but he can’t hear her. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. Lapis has him by the shirt, her enraged eyes mere inches from his. In this instant, several thought processes go through his broken mind. She’s demanding that he cry over the body, that he save Steven Who Was as Steven Who Was once saved Lars. He dismisses her as a threat in an instant. Lapis, as angry as she is, is not going to hurt him. He also knows that these demands might have been within the powers of Steven Who Was
(move your ass cry help him fix him)
but they might not be within his own.
I can’t even remember what it’s like to feel sad. How can I possibly cry over the body?
Can't remember.
“Hear how much pain she’s in,” a nearby butterfly says. “It’s your fault for letting Steven die. You--”
What the butterfly says next is lost as Bismuth gets between him and Lapis and pushes them apart. He stumbles backwards, his hand finally leaving his gem. When he regains his balance, Bismuth is still between them. He fixes Lapis with a glare. She is no threat, and she is merely acting upon her grief and emotions, but she has still pissed him off.
“You're feeling anger?” the butterfly says, sounding surprised. “Seems like you’re still feeling something after all.”
Saying that this was emotion is a bit of a stretch. He knows he didn’t like being roughed up and he knows he doesn’t like being pushed around. It is a certain amount of… displeasure. It certainly seems like what he remembers as anger. Is it because he had reacted instinctively to it? Were emotions more difficult to grasp onto if he was trying?
When the other Gem, the one who looked like some kind of sad clown, had poofed all of his friends and killed Steven Who Was, there had been emotion then. There was no doubt about that. He’d been furious. His hands had trembled with effort when Bismuth had arrived and reminded him that shattering Gems was wrong. It had taken everything inside of him to release that terrible scythe and let the clown bitch live.
I wasn’t trying to be angry. It just came.
Was that the key to all of this? If so, why did the emotions not come even when he wasn’t trying? Why could he not remember laughter? Why could he not remember the joy of a smile or why being around friends and family elicited feelings of love?
A quandary for certain.
Child Steven
(i think the gems refer to him as classic steven)
had a day perhaps a year or so prior to the end of the war in which he was snowed in with his family, listening to stories of how the Gems kidnapped him and stole the Greg’s van. That day was one of the happiest in the memories for Steven Who Was, and one that Steven Who Was often looked back on with fondness.
A happy day, indeed. But why? And why did Steven Who Was also think back so often on a certain week when Connie fell dreadfully ill? What was it the humans called this strange experience?
Fever. Connie had a fever. Steven had been at her side the entire time, cooking her soup and applying cold washcloths to her forehead. Mrs. Maheswaran told Steven that he needn’t spend all of his time fawning over Connie, that she was more than capable as a mother of taking care of her daughter.
“My time is Connie’s time until she gets better,” Steven told her, spoon-feeding Connie small amounts of hot soup.
Hands shaking, Connie reached up and stroked Steven’s cheek. It was a small, quick gesture, but it
(felt wonderful)
just made Steven more resolved to stick it out to the end.
Like the jam buds they were.
Two fantastic ingredients, jam and biscuit, which when combined together, make each other even better.
Balloons was an even better analogy, at least in mind of Steven Who Was. He sometimes liked to picture them as two balloons, floating higher and higher, their strings intertwined. There was no doubt in the mind of Steven Who Remains that Steven Who Was had been in love with Connie almost from the outset. Despite Garnet’s claims that “love takes time and love takes work”, Steven hadn’t experienced it quite the same way. From the moment he’d laid eyes on her, something in him had clicked. That’s why he’d saved her glow bracelet in the freezer. That’s why he’d tried so hard to impress her with his funky flow.
Now all those dreams he had are in ruins. The balloons have popped.
I've got to figure out what I’m going to tell her when she inevitably shows up.
Got to figure it out.
That was going to be fun, wasn’t it? Well, you see Connie,
(feeling optimistic connie ha boy do i have a whopper of a tale for you)
once everything finally quieted down and Steven was gearing up for some well-deserved R&R, a Gem we’d never seen before showed up and gutted Steven with a scythe and lopped off his arm. I should have done something to help, honestly. My bad.
Again, the butterflies begin to grow in number while Bismuth tries to get Lapis quieted down.
I can’t let this happen. You and Connie are supposed to be endgame.
Can't let it happen without trying to fix it.
Explain to Connie why the boy she loves is in pieces? Not if I can help it.
You both deserve better.
Would it make it easier for everyone if he at least tried, but still failed?
Not likely.
Understand, please, that I want Steven to be better as much as any of you.
This last thought sets him in motion. He moves away from Bismuth and Lapis and towards Peridot, who is attempting to block access to Steven Who Was with her body. Steven Who Remains never even breaks his stride. Peridot ends up diving out of the way to keep from being stepped on. She scuttles under the table, bumping it and sending a bowl of blood water crashing to the floor. She cowers behind Bismuth’s leg as they all watch him approach Steven Who Was.
Is the world supposed to look like a glitchy video game?
Not this way. No.
How could it be?
I feel like things are---
Am I imagining it, or are things beginning to go loopy?
I see Steven Who Was, but something is wrong. It’s like things are beginning to shift all around me, go out of frame. I feel more broken than ever.
“Have things become a little too real for you?” a nearby butterfly asks.
Become too real?
“Comfortably standing at a distance is one thing, but how do you feel now that you’re right next to him?”
Numb. I feel numb.
I feel broken.
Have things always looked this fragmented? When did the blood get back on my hands? Is that supposed to be there? When did they reattach his arm?
(become too real)
(comfortably standing at a distance is one thing, but how do you feel now that you’re right next to him)
Okay, enough of this. Not only is he being watched, but Steven’s very survival depends upon his ability to produce some effective healing tears. He can’t let himself become disoriented and delusional. He shoots a look at the hateful butterfly, which vanishes into mist. He reaches out and touches Steven Who Was, hesitating for but a moment. Then he takes him by the hand and looks down at him. No tears come. He is not surprised.
Just an hour before, they’d been one. He’d been a part of Steven Who Was, and it was easier to be human. Steven Who Was had been smiling and singing and loving on his family.
A single event had destroyed all of that, but he will fix it if he can. He hopes beyond all hope that this will work. Little bits of memory trickle back to him as he leans down and kisses Steven Who Was on the forehead. He thinks he feels something, so tiny it is like a
(little remnant of magic)
pinprick. He experiences something that he thinks might be an emotion called hope. It begins to form inside of him, starting small but gradually swelling. He stands back and waits. Peridot creeps forward and looks at the heart monitor. Bismuth and Lapis follow, all of them waiting for the flat line on the screen to spring to life. For those terrible zeroes to increase, to show that there is some sign of life somewhere deep inside the cold body.
There'll be an improvement any moment now.
Be better. Get better. Live. Please.
“No improvement,” Peridot said at last. Bismuth cast a cautious eye at Lapis as Peridot said this. The hope balloon that had been getting bigger within him pops and leaves him feeling deflated.
“More,” Lapis says to him, her voice cold. “You should have done more. You should have cried.”
Ah, just leave me alone, he thinks as he strokes the hair of Steven Who Was. Can’t she see that he wants it as badly as she does? More than she does?
“But if you want it so bad," a nearby butterfly says, "why didn't it work?"
You already know why it didn't work.
"May I suggest that it didn’t work because you’re not capable?” the butterfly says. “Just like you weren’t capable of saving Steven. I feel--”
Feel this.
A puff of smoke and the butterfly is gone. Steven Who Remains turns his attention back to the conversation at hand. Bismuth is of the opinion that Steven wouldn’t cry because Steven can’t cry. She elaborates upon this by pulling out the scythe. The one that started this whole mess.
Little pinpricks of fear erupt inside of him and become an almost primal need to get Steven Who Was as far from the killing weapon as possible. He doesn’t understand what the device is capable of, or if it had the ability to do even more damage than it already has, but he isn’t taking any chances. Neither is Peridot. She recoils from it as if the mere act of touching it would cause her to lose all of her character development.
Sick device used by a sick bitch of a Gem, Steven thinks, cradling the body. Bismuth is talking about how Homeworld used it to “rejuvenate” rebellious Gems, but Steven isn’t listening. He is regarding the Rejuvenator-- and now Bismuth-- with caution and distrust.
Can you put that damn thing away please?
You should have gotten rid of it.
Stand farther away at least.
Up on the second floor perhaps?
“I don’t know what it did to the Crystal Gems,” Bismuth says, looking toward the bloody collection of gems on the counter, “but if this thing reset them, we’ll find a way to get them back. They’re the O.G. Crystal Gems, after all. It’ll take something far worse to keep them out of the game.”
Do not underestimate the terrible tool in your hand, Steven thinks, dragging the body as far away from Bismuth as he can.
Believe the stories you hear. If not them, then believe your own eyes. Look at Steven Who Was.
It's mere moments after Bismuth bends down to talk to Peridot again, seemingly about a way to help or fix Steven (Steven isn’t really listening), that Steven himself rises from the couch. Bismuth has placed the Rejuvenator on the counter and has carelessly forgotten about it.
Working quickly, he grabs the hateful device in both hands and holds it there. He looks down at the bubbled gem of the other one. The rubber hose clown. He looks down at the tool in his hands again.
Good God, what could drive her to such an act? Who is she? Why would she just show up out of nowhere and kill? What purpose does it serve? She claimed she didn’t know Steven wouldn’t poof. She even tried to apologize for all of this, but--
“That'll be a serious mistake,” the voice of Bismuth calls out to him, breaking him from his thoughts. He looks over. All of their eyes are now upon him. “Don’t do it, Steven. Why don’t you just put that down?”
Keep away. I have to do this. For me. For Steven Who Was.
“You don’t need to do anything foolish,” Bismuth says. “Why don’t we just talk about it?”
Going to do it. Going to end it.
Through all of this, through all of the guilt butterflies and the accusing face of Steven Who Was, the well-being of Steven has been at the forefront of his mind. If he hadn’t failed him, Steven would be alive now. If Steven was alive, he and Connie would still have a future. If the rubber hose girl hadn’t showed up, Steven would still be alive. It all came down to the rubber hose Gem and the horrendous tools of death and destruction she’d brought with her. Well, he could right at least one wrong.
The Rejuvenator cracks as he snaps it in two. There is a short buzz of electricity as the circuits inside die, then it becomes a useless stick. It would never harm anyone ever again. He looks back at the other Gems to find that Bismuth is once again restraining Lapis Lazuli, except this time she isn’t coming at him to make demands; she is ready to
(show me how much she hates me)
come at him full force and destroy him if it comes right down to it.
On this note, Bismuth gulps and reaches out a shaky hand towards him. He makes her nervous. He makes her uncomfortable. She has tried valiantly to hide this from him, but it has become too much for her to bear. She can conceal her true feelings no longer.
“It's okay,” she says to him. “Do you feel better?”
Time to respond. To say something in return. To give her a little something. To show some humanity, or some emotion, or some empathy. Why can’t he open his mouth? Why won’t the words come? It seems like it would be appropriate to say something, but some part of his programming tells him that it isn’t necessary to say something. It seems to him that in this case, his programming is wrong. Either that, or his programming is as broken as the rest of him. Still, he maintains his silence.
“To be honest,” she says after a long and rather awkward period where he simply stares up at her with his diamond eyes, “I wouldn’t want that thing around me, either.”
“Go on,” a nearby butterfly says. “Ask her if she meant the Rejuvenator, or if she was talking about you.”
There is a knock on the door, cutting off this exchange and causing the butterfly to evaporate. Before anyone can think to answer it, the Greg throws it open. He is holding a baseball bat and screaming Steven’s name.
Is there any way that this day can get any worse?
No. Not unless Connie shows up.
Pain drips from the Greg’s voice and tears run from his eyes. He runs to Steven Who Remains and embraces him. He expresses his relief at finding his son alive. Apparently, Bismuth shot him a text at some point. This is… awkward.
“You have no idea what you’re going to say to this man, do you?” a butterfly sneers as it flutters past. It moves towards Steven Who Was.
Are you serious? Get away from him!
Receding more and more as it grows closer, it laughs at him. Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong.
A moment later, Steven Who Was turns his head and looks at him. Whatever the Greg is saying is lost as Steven Who Was lets out a groan and lurches from the couch.
Distant memories begin to flood in again, taking control and making the world seem glitchy and hazy.
(ship shaped like an arm)
(smoke or dust on the horizon of homeworld)
On a distant planet, they fought a good fight against the greatest tyrants the universe has ever known. One by one, each of these tyrants was brought to Steven’s side. The last holdout, White Diamond, refused to bend, and stood proud upon her platform, passing judgment upon them all.
The events of that day, the day of their first separation, are firm in his mind. Of all the things he has trouble remembering, this is not one of them. White Diamond, big as the Trade Center Building in Empire City, grabbing Steven in her mighty fist. Her pointy black claws raising his shirt and digging into his belly. The gem they shared coming out. Then he was there. Pink Steven. This was a brand new experience for him. For both of them. A bold new… what’s the human word?
You begged me that day. You looked at me, fell on your face. NO, PLEASE. I NEED - I NEED IT!
Are those words coming out of his mouth now? Oh, sweet heavens they are.
“Coming out” might not be the right phrase. More like “tumbling out”, “slurring out”, “sliding out”. Steven Who Remains is reminded of the old zombie flicks Steven Who Was used to watch on television late at night. These brute beasts with guts hanging out or rotting limbs dangling would lurch around and groan and grunt.
Through a massive swarm of butterflies, Steven Who Was reaches for him. Blood pours from his empty eye sockets in torrents. The blood pools on the floor beneath their feet.
In this moment, Steven Who Remains reaches in desperation for Garnet’s words.
Waves of fear crash over him, followed by waves of guilt.
Your training! Remember your training!
Lips barely matching the words he is saying, Steven Who Was speaks again: “I need it!”.
Move back to the couch. You aren’t real. Aren’t real. Aren’t real. You’re dead.
But he is having trouble convincing himself of that. He finds himself reaching for the outstretched hand of Steven Who Was, as if they are going to fuse back together again. He can also feel the pool of blood in which he is standing. The blood is between his toes, down inside his flip-flops.
I can’t handle this!
“Can't handle it! Can’t handle it! Can’t handle it!” the butterflies mock.
“Hear him now,” they laugh. “How strong he seemed, banishing us and chanting ‘Just a thought’ like a mantra. Where is your precious Garnet now?”
What is happening to me?
You’re not real! None of you are real! He’s not real, either!
Saying it over and over again in his head makes the visions begin to break apart, but they have one more trick: When Steven Who Was moves closer, Steven Who Remains can smell the decay coming from him. It is one of the worst rotten meat odors he’s ever experienced. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He thinks back on that day of training: Take a moment to ask yourself if this is how we fall apart.
When he opens his eyes, the butterflies are gone, Steven Who Was is back on the couch, and the Greg is calling out to him.
I didn’t mean to let you die, Steven thinks, looking over at Steven Who Was. I didn’t mean for this to be how we fell apart.
Was that fear on Bismuth’s face? She looks like she expects him to fly off the handle at any time, or expects the Greg to look back at the couch where Steven lay. What will happen when he sees his son’s body?
A disaster, that’s what. He will lose his composure. He might even go insane. Steven was the only family he had left, unless you count cousin Andy. Greg has no one now. He is all alone.
Child of the Greg. Son of Rose. I’m sorry.
I am so sorry. To you as well, Greg. This should never have happened
Caught up in the moment, an emotion comes back to him, raw and unexpected but real nonetheless: it is sadness. For the first time since this tragedy happened, he is able to feel something other than anger.
A simple, brief
glimpse of the humanity he had so long taken for granted.
Out on the beach, the rain begins to fall. There is a distant roll of thunder. Is it poetic or cheesy to think of it as the sorrowful tears of the planet Steven had given his life to defend? Probably cheesy, but there it is. Everyone had shed a tear for Steven today except for him, even the goddamn planet itself. Why is he so incapable of this simple act, when it might prove to be Steven’s saving grace?
Of course, there is the possibility that Bismuth is right and that the Rejuvenator has somehow reset him to an earlier state. Strangely enough, he doesn’t feel reset. He remembers Steven’s life. He remembers their experiences together. If he is a reset Gem, shouldn’t he be more… Pink Diamond? Shouldn’t his memories be erased as well?
The answers will not be quick in coming, if they ever come at all. Likely, the only answers they’ll ever get will be from the rubber hose Gem. They’ll have to unbubble her eventually if they want to unravel this. No pun intended.
Corner her. Threaten her. Make her talk.
Of all the ideas that have gone through his head this day, this one is by far his least favorite. He doubts the Gems will be on board with it, either. Pure aggression is not their way, unless it is an absolute last resort.
“My human is dead! What do you know about what you did to me? How do I fix it?”
Eye to eye and with the Breaking Point pointed at her Gem, maybe it would work, but it seems ugly and messy and… Homeworld. He won’t resort to those kinds of tactics. Not even on her.
I almost did, though, didn’t I? When I held her gem in my hand.
Turned it this way and that. Looked at it. Dropped it on the ground. Pointed a sharp object at it…
To go down that rabbit hole was to risk having another episode, and he won’t do that. He will figure out how to get answers from her, but that isn’t the important thing to focus on at the moment.
Look at the Greg’s face. Look at the concern there. He hasn’t turned around yet. He’s still looking at me! Should I say something? Should I do something?
But he can’t. That part of his programming, the broken part, will not allow it. It keeps saying that it is unnecessary. Is it that, or is it some botched signal? Is the reality that he doesn’t want to be the one to break the old man’s heart?
It shouldn’t have to be anyone’s job to break his heart! We shouldn’t have to do this! Steven shouldn’t be dead!
Was that all there was to it? He feels something. Some emotion. Weak as a dying heartbeat. He reaches for it, but it slips away. He reaches for it again. It grows even fainter. It vanishes.
Gone. Had it been guilt? Apprehension? He doesn’t know.
I hate being a fraction of a person. A shard. A being who cannot feel emotions or react to social cues or show even the slightest bit of sorrow to an unspeakable tragedy.
Cannot or will not?
Put in simple terms, he can’t even tell if his inability to behave like a person is because he isn’t a person and thus can’t be expected to act like one, or because some mental block is keeping him from doing so. Do Gems even get mental blocks? He supposes that it’s possible. Gems can get emotional hang ups after being lied to, they can grieve for six thousand years, and they can eat and drink and pee in the ocean. Would it not, then, be possible for something to affect a Gem in such a way that it makes them unable to act in certain ways or feel certain things?
My best friend was just murdered by a crazy clown. Like something out of a Stephen King novel. I’d say that qualifies. We were all so happy. It was like the hand of fate came down on us for no reason.
Finger of God type stuff. Like we were too happy. Like the war was our destiny, and we weren’t suffering enough or something.
On that note, he dismisses the thought. He has never put much stock in religion. The reality is that they weren’t struck down by the hand of God; they were attacked by a crazy fuck with a scythe.
It really is as simple as that. If he has some kind of complex, it is because of her.
Now he has to determine how he is going to deal with it. How they are all going to deal with it. When he’d been standing in the bathroom, Butterfly Steven said something that had been cruel but true: this isn’t his life. This isn’t his home.
The others will feel the same.
Child of the Greg, son of Rose he is not. His diamond pupils and pink glow make that abundantly clear.
Is there going to be anything for me here when this is all over and done with?
Grown up Pink Steven might end up being a complete pariah in a world built by the blood, sweat and tears of classic human Steven.
The idea, surprisingly, does not fill him with dread or apprehension. He finds that, due to his emotional limitations, it is hard to care about much of anything except for Steven Who Was. He supposes that he cares about the Greg, and he supposes that he cares about the friends of Steven Who Was. A concern for the well-being of another has very little to do with emotion. When it comes to himself, however, it is a different story. Gems are not known for their drive for self-preservation. When Sapphire had run away with Ruby, Ruby hadn’t given much thought to whether she would be shattered or not, responding instead by asserting that there were tons of her. Pearl had thrown herself in front of weapon after weapon to keep Rose Quartz safe. Steven had given his life without hesitation in his efforts to protect his friends.
Dream big, but don’t put too high a value on your own life. That’s the Gem way.
Is that right? Certainly seems that way. And to boot, it stirs up some emotion in him. Is it indignation? Anger? Outrage at such a blase attitude? Before he can grasp it to identify it, it slips away.
Gone again.
I need to get a grip on that somehow. Need to learn how to process emotions without Steven there to do it for me.
Have to. Don’t have a choice.
Become my own person. Losing Steven Who Was may have left me a shattered remnant of what we once were, but maybe I can learn to be whole. Maybe I can break my programming like the original Crystal Gems did when they rebelled. Maybe I can learn to deal with emotions, and function like the Gem that I am. Learn to grasp things and respond and shed this callousness. Maybe then I won’t be quite so
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