#Gemini sign up bonus
referraloffer · 2 years
Gemini Crypto Promotion: $150 Bonus & Referral
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neptuneschldd · 2 months
Short Astrology Observations. 🤎
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(2 things. Thank you for 400 followers🤎 I appreciate all the support and love AND I haven't posted in a long time, im really trying to get back into posting astrology. Doing this post for enjoyment and as just a bit of a warmup to get myself back into posting again but for now, I hope you enjoy🤎)
🍂 • Having your Sun in Aries/Leo in the 12H can create an internal conflict on the native on how they are perceived by the community. The sun shines naturally in these signs but in the 12H, it can be dimmed, creating a conflicting image on the individual.
🍂• Leo Suns are easiest to notice, they not only have a bright personality but they exude a certain gracefulness and elegance. I notice they have a golden glow to them.
🍂 • Having an Air moon (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) at a Scorpio degree (8°, 20°) definitely creates a stoic and mysterious personality, unless other aspects/influence say otherwise. In addition, these people hide their emotions often, they remind me of the "🫥😶" emojis. These individuals also have a great amount of self taught self-control.
🍂 • Having Part of Fortune in 3H/9H or at degrees 3°, 15°, 27° make the individual a born influencer. these people gain the most from using their voice and sharing unconventional ideas.
🍂 • Uranus-Midheaven aspects create individuals who are innovative. Not just in their ideas but how they go about certain situations, they tend to do things the way they see fit for themselves rather than go with what other says they should do. These people are the type to have different pathways in life than most around them, they may pick a job that non-traditional or delve into the science field.
🍂 • Individuals may aspire to or already act more like the sign in their 3rd house. They may possess the traits of the sign in the house, it's how they communicate and how people close to them may view them as.
🍂 • Having Personal Sagittarius placements makes someone naturally charming, something about Sagittarius placements makes the individual witty and exciting to be around, they have a way of joking and talking that makes people around them hooked on them.
🍂 • Individuals with Personal 8H/Scorpio placements tend to easily attract people who hate them at first and will try to upset them, but literally a week later they'll be all up in their face. Bonus points if the individual has placements in angular houses (1H, 4H, 7H, 10H), or in fire signs.
🍂 • Regulus aspecting Sun/MC or Ascendant is a fame aspect. Especially if the aspect is applying. These people may have fame related to their occupation or their image/looks. Effortless fame.
🍂 • Having A mix or Scorpio/Pisces and 12H/8H placements make you a transformation magnet, it's likely these individuals are always changing, when they leave for a long time and return they never come back the same people.
🍂 • Sun/Saturn-Pluto aspects may indicate struggles with a father figure. Moon-Pluto aspects may indicate struggles with a mother figure. These struggles may consist of distance or just a transformative/impactful effect on the individual.
That is all for now, have a lovely day.
- J.
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astrochaosmind · 7 months
Astro observations
people talk about air moons being detached , aloof and all that when it’s actually earth moon that’s are way worse at showing the cars or they have weird ways of dealing with their mental state
I will always stand by Geminis idc , they are not ‘fake’ they match energy so if your vibes is off they’ll blend in with that energy and mirror you and plus maybe don’t be so boring🥰
Scorpio moons/taurus/pisces moons + risings can be into dark/grunge aesthetics and styles
cancer suns are really possessive over what’s theirs no jokes like they’ll threaten you for no reason
4H/cancer mercury people can be really sensual , nursing and supportive with their worth if they have air also in their chair they may lie a lot
scorpio risings have this special effect about them that I just can’t believe, their style is impeccable and especially when they have piercings👩‍🍳😘
Capricorn/10H mars are very pragmatist when achieving their goals and how they reach it and can be a little bit of a perfectionist, too be honest it gives that “NEVER BACK DOWN , NEVER WHAT??” energy lmaoo✨
sagittarius/9H mars can be enthusiastic and energetic about their work/goals bonus points if they have libra placements too (can a sag have libra placements too??)
any fire sign especially aries/leo are the most cocky ones besides sagittarius
people with gemini/sagittarius in their chart are very scatterbrained/chaotic when at work overall they have a million unfinished projects and tasks they need to do and catch up and can eventually become snappy if too overwhelmed my art teacher has this placement lolll
libra/aries placements can be people pleaser and allow people too walk over them easily
scorpio and aquarius/pisces/taurus can be very into occult things like astrology/tarot🔮🪬🩻🧿
libra 12H people can have turbulent relationships
people with Scorpio and virgo in the big 6 calls for very much overthinking and be a detective
2H/taurus venus are very indulgent with their money and will spend it on their lover just like libra will they both value beauty,aesthetics, and being comfortable with the people they love the most plus quality time is THEIR LOVE LANGUAGE OR CAN BE😁
mutable moons/mercury are very unpredictable they like they’ll do something for a certain period of time but than one day they’ll do something completely different
libra 5th could be very talented and expressive through painting,makeup and cosmetics etc.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #12
• People with Gemini placements are such goofballs and unintentionally hilarious! 😭 Tell me why I was listening to Boyz-n-the-Hood by Eazy-E which was written by Ice Cube (Gemini sun/mercury) and I heard Eazy say “Her father jumped up and he started to shout. So I threw a right cross and knocked his old ass out.” 🤣😭😭
• I’ve noticed with Fire placements have a thing for cars. They’re the ones that tend to know all about cars and are into car racing & motor crosses, etc…
• If the only Earth placement you have in your chart is your mars then you might sometimes stop to strategize and might learn to save money better later in life.
• People with Aries moons and Libra risings 🤝 thinking everyone is either in love with them or is after them.
• Libra/Gemini placements be out here making fan/stan pages the most!
• Air moons be the main role-play people on instagram.🌚
• Pisces suns with Aries moons are so cute!! Literally very bold & honest yet very sweet people!
• Cancer suns with Virgo risings are good dancers!!
• Virgo suns with Aries moons and Leo mercuries/Leo venuses are so mean!! Literally won’t shy away from arguments/fights. Might act very conceited too if underdeveloped. I love these people lmao!😭🤝
• Libra mars love making plans/goals but most of them are just all talk.✋🏽
• Taurus suns with Leo moons are literally my favs!💞
• if you’re a Pisces sun-Aquarius moon then most of your relationships including your first might be Aries sun-Taurus moon in composite.
• 10H venuses 🤝 habitually asking people if they’re okay.
• Virgo moons 🤝 asking for Aquarius moons’ advice.
• Capricorn sun parents tend to be very loved and respected by their kids!💗
• Leo moons will literally only talk about their feelings when they truly snap and they’ll be super dramatic about it too. No wonder though, even if you encourage them to talk about their feelings on multiple occasions, they’ll still refuse to. Unless you both have a deep emotional connection. They themselves are the type to tell you they don’t like talking about their feelings because nobody gets them. They also tend to have a “Trust nobody.” mentality and can be very set in their ways.
• Sagittarius suns with Taurus sun fathers either don’t tend to have them in their lives or they reject their dads later in life.
• Asc-Jupiter tend to have some sexy thick thighs!😩
• Asc-Mars/Jupiter have very attractive shapes!🥵
• Leo placements/degrees are so charming and very attractive people!!
• Asc-Moon tend to have slightly rounded faces with cute chubby cheeks!!🥺
• Asc-Sun tend to be natural leaders and normally have great hair!
• Aquarius suns with Aqua moons are so friendly and charismatic!🤍 Bonus points if they an Air rising
• Libra risings with Sag venuses are so charming, teasing and good looking.🥵
• Scorpio suns with Virgo moons and Aries mars are the down to earth, very attentive types who tend to get mad easily!😂💜
• Water suns with Air venuses are some of the nicest, friendliest people who love to crack jokes and care about their friends a lot!!🌷💞
• Gemini suns with fire moons tend to say the most random yet funny things!🤣
• Leo moons and Aquarius moons tend to develop deep bonds despite clashing often. They might be the type of ex’s to stay friends or keep going back to each other because they tend to develop a deep trust with each other that they don’t with others!❤️‍🔥
• Libra sun-Capricorn moon-Sag venus siblings/best friends are the type to vent, ask for advice, not take it, then come back to you and tell you how you were right about the whole the thing and they should’ve just listened to you… Then repeat the cycle all over again.😭
• Mercuries at Fire degrees/in Fire signs tend to say the most cruel shit when they’re mad especially if they have an Earth mars at Air/Fire degree or they have their mercury in an Air sign/house.
• Air risings with Fire mercuries are very charming but tend to cuss a LOT and you’ll notice it when you get to know them better/they get more comfortable around you.
• The best sexual chemistries are when: E.g. Somebody has their mars in Taurus in the 4th house and their partner/crush has Cancer mars at an Earth degree!! Thank me later.😉
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actuallysaiyan · 4 months
I Think You're Holding The Heart Of Mine(Part 2)
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, my own spin on cursed techniques, Kento being such a sweetheart, some violence(just from the training), reader gets drunk, usage of the nickname "usagi-chan/bunny"
word count: 2.7k
pairings: Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
summary: Kugisaki is convinced that you and Nanami are a thing so she thinks about her next plans to figure out how to get you to confess. When you go out to dinner, a third party is there to surprise you...and to buy you drink after drink after drink until you're drunk and Nanami has to take care of you.
taglist(Wanna be a part of this? Just message me): @beneathstarryskies
Part one! Part three!
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“Ahhh so you and Nanami-sensei?” Kugisaki asks you as you usher her to a quiet place on the training field. She’s already got her hammer in her hand.
You laugh, “you and Itadori-kun have a good sense of imagination. But no, we are merely what they call “work spouses”. That’s all.”
You can tell she’s not really buying it, but she keeps quiet for the next little bit. She heads toward the clearing and gets into a fighting stance. You watch carefully as she begins to think out her first move, but you’re already ahead of her. Your fists are imbued with blue cursed energy, and from them a burst of water comes from them.
Kugisaki is so quick to deflect, and from that a sense of pride swells in your chest. She’s a tough cookie, this girl. She’s smart, clever and quick on her feet. She knows her worth and she knows how good her cursed technique is. You work on drawing forth another one of the powers of the twelve zodiac, a bonus from your own cursed technique.
You watch as Kugisaki has a hard time shooing off two cursed heads that have come from your own hands. The twins of Gemini try to bite her, and she swings at one of them. Then she slams her hammer down on the second one, just narrowly missing a bite from the other. The first one squeals in pain as one of her nails penetrate it.
“Very good, Kugisaki-chan!”
She scowls at your use of the honorific ‘Chan’, but she doesn’t allow it to distract her. She then watches you as you make a seal with your hands. This is the big one, the same Zodiac sign as your own. You’ve got a special pact with this one, and it will act on its own if you aren’t careful. Aries, the ram, charges towards the young sorcerer.
There’s a moment where you are sure she will be able to dodge it, and she almost does. But she is quickly knocked back on her ass, the ram dissipating as you call it back towards you. It disappears in a cloud of red smoke, and you know that you need to give Kugisaki a moment to breathe as she recovers from your attack.
“Well done!” You praise her, helping her to her feet.
She beams, “Thanks! I’ve been practicing!”
“I can tell. You’re getting very strong.”
You two catch your breath, speaking of other battle techniques. She’s becoming a very skilled sorcerer before your very eyes and it’s touching to see something like this. The fruit of your labor is blossoming beautifully. Someone was actually becoming stronger because of you, which was always something you doubted. When Gojo had asked you to take this job, you were sure he was losing it. But he’s got lots of faith in you.
“Hey sensei,” Kugisaki asks, hands behind her back. You know she’s scheming.
You smirk, “What is it?”
“Are you sure you and Nanami-sensei aren’t a couple? I wouldn’t tell anyone if you were!”
You laugh softly. If only she knew just how desperately you wanted her to be right. You’d keep it a secret if you knew it meant you could be with Nanami. You’d never tell a soul if it meant you could have his love all to yourself. Then you smile at her, ruffling her hair.
“Kugisaki-chan, I’m sure. It’s not a real relationship. Just a friendship.”
She seems so unconvinced. Which leads her to think up the next part of her plan. She knew she’d be getting the answer from you whether you liked it or not. She just had to do a bit of sleuthing. So for now, she drops the subject and pretends to be very much invested in the training. This makes you so happy and so proud of her work.
Little do you know, she’s got ulterior motives…
You’re running a little late as you get to the pub. Training lasted a lot longer than you intended it to, and the paperwork you had to attend to took a little longer as well. By the time you got home, you were just answering the messages that Kento had sent you almost an hour before you got off work. You apologized profusely, but he really showed no signs of being angry. He just let you know the time and place, like the gentleman he is.
What you aren’t expecting to see is Satoru Gojo sitting next to him at the booth that was meant for just two. He’s quick to bounce out of his seat and wave at you excitedly. You see how annoyed Kento looks, but his face softens when he sees you approaching.
“I didn’t think we’d be three. But the more the merrier, yeah?” You ask Kento, who’s trying to hide his displeasure.
“Right you are.”
Gojo is practically hanging off of you. He was looking over Kento’s shoulder when he had sent you the text, which prompted the older man to declare he was joining you both. Gojo was also privy to some knowledge that the pair of you were definitely so deeply in love with one another, but you wouldn’t budge. He decided he’d be the one to get you both together.
“Ahhh usagi-chan! I’m so glad you’re here! Maybe you can help uptight Nanamin loosen up!”
You laugh at Gojo’s nickname for you, “What’s wrong with Ken? I think he’s just hungry.”
Kento’s face turns a little pink when you take up for him. He’s always happy whenever you defend him against Gojo’s rudeness and teasing. Nanami didn’t really mind the teasing too much, but he had wanted this dinner to just be the two of you. With a sigh, he downs his drink and flags down the waitress.
“Make it two, please.” You ask her, flashing your best smile.
You sit down in front of Kento, and you gasp as Gojo climbs over you to be able to sit snug between you two in the booth. He sighs overenthusiastically as he plops his head down on his palms. You notice he’s got a drink in front of him, and it looks very sweet and sugary.
“This is the…what did she call it now?” He asks himself, cupping his chin.
Kento sighs, “Sweet Sunrise.”
Gojo laughs, “Ah! Yeah the Sweet Sunrise!”
You roll your eyes playfully. Kento looks at you, his heart skipping a beat whenever you flash that angelic smile in his direction. Gojo isn’t dumb, he knows when you two are flirting with each other secretly. Despite you telling him that it was just a friendship and a work relationship, he knows it’s so much more deeper than that.
The waitress returns with a tray that holds yours and Kento’s drinks, and she sets them down in front of you. Gojo then takes the time to order another one of his sugary drinks. It’s a bit silent for a bit when she leaves.
“Soooo, tell us how training went today! How is the little Kugisaki-chan doing?” Gojo asks, tilting his head at you.
You take a sip of your drink, “She’s showing lots of promise. She is a skilled fighter.”
Kento chuckles, “She’s got a good teacher.”
You blush at his praise and thank him. Gojo then gets closer and he praises you as well, a smirk forming on his face when he sees how this affects Kento. Kento scowls softly, drinking more of his drink. Then he flags down the waitress once more, ordering some appetizers for all three of you.
“Awhhh Nanamin is treating us tonight, usagi-chan!” Satoru is beaming at this.
“It was supposed to just be us two…” Kento mumbles under his breath, drinking some more.
Gojo perks up, “What was that? Care to share with the rest of the class?”
You see how Kento’s jaw tenses and he looks like he’s ready to get into a physical altercation with the white-haired man. So you soothe Kento’s nerves by changing the subject and you ask Gojo about Megumi’s progress.
Gojo smirks, “Megumi is doing well. I think he’ll probably end up even stronger than me!”
You gasp. “Really?”
He nods, turning his body towards you. You’ve got him caught in a discussion, which will keep the attention off of Kento for a little bit. You really get so caught up in Gojo’s conversation that Kento begins to feel like he’s being ignored. Eventually, the waitress returns and everyone begins eating. 
It’s not long before Gojo climbs over the top of the booth and declares he needs to pee. Once he’s out of sight, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. You slide closer to Kento in the booth and you take his hand in yours and give it a very gentle squeeze.
“Ahh finally, I get to spend a little time with my husband.” You say with a little giggle.
Kento smiles genuinely, “I was beginning to think I’d have to pull Gojo off my honey. It was terrible to see him hanging off of you like that.”
You begin playing with his long fingers, your own fingers tracing the veins in his hand. The alcohol is definitely making you even more bold than usual. Kento’s heart races a little as you become so tender with him. He wishes it was just the two of you. He lives for these moments alone with you.
“Don’t worry, you’ll always be my favorite.” You coo softly, leaning even closer.
Kento stiffens, he can smell your perfume as you get closer. The way your fingers keep tracing the veins on his hand. Then you trace up and down his expensive timepiece. He knows you’ve always been curious about that watch of his. You’ve asked a few times about how much it costs, but he’s almost embarrassed about talking about how such a little thing costs. It feels frivolous at times, but buying it reminded him of his past as a salaryman.
“My, my,” Gojo says as he comes closer. You sigh softly. “What is this? Nanamin, you sly dog.”
Kento groans, “Don’t pay him any mind.”
You laugh at the interactions between these two. They sometimes act like some kind of old married couple. Gojo annoys Nanami, and Nanami tries his best not to let his senpai get to him. You wondered if there was anything else going on between those two, but it seemed like this was all it was. Just a senpai hellbent on annoying his kohai for the rest of time.
“Oh! Usagi-chan, you should have another drink!” Gojo knows he needs to amp this up if he wants to see anything happening between you and Nanami.
As if you were going to say no to that…
You stumble as you make your way out of the restaurant. You have to lean on the blond sorcerer as he guides you towards his car. Gojo left a while back, but not after getting you nice and drunk. He knew that Nanami would love the opportunity to take care of his drunk little wifey.
“You alright, dear?” His tone isn’t even the slightest bit sarcastic for once.
You nod your head, “Jus’ a little tipsy…”
He helps you into his car, buckling you up in the passenger side. Then he makes his way to the driver’s side. He’s had considerably less to drink than you did. He opted out on the drinks that Gojo had been buying you all night long.
“I’ll bring you to yours,” Nanami says as he begins driving.
“No, please…I don’t wanna be alone.”
This surprises Nanami to know that you’d want to have company while you’re in this state. You lean back on the seat and groan. You wish you hadn’t had that many drinks. But Gojo was paying and he kept egging you on. After the fourth or fifth shot, that’s when you knew you had messed up.
Kento drives you both towards his place. He knows you need someone to take care of you right now. You watch as he makes himself towards the affluent part of the city and the car turns into an underground parking garage. He opens his window and presses his thumb to a fingerprint lock. The minute it acknowledges it’s him, the bar raises and allows the car to drive smoothly into the garage. Then Kento finds his spot and parks the car. Once the engine dies, he turns to you and brushes some of your hair out of your face.
“You sure you don’t want me to take you home?”
You shake your head again, “Please, just let me stay. I’m not feeling good.”
He could tell you weren’t well. Your face was pale and your eyes were shut. He gets out of the car and then walks over to your side. Kento is helpful as he gets you to lean against him. Then he brings you towards the lift, pressing the button to call it down to you both.
“Don’t worry about it. What kind of husband would I be to leave his wife on her own in her time of need?”
This makes you blush and your heart wrenches. In your drunken mind, you desperately wish it was the truth. You wish this was where you lived. You want to be his wife and have this kind of life with him. Once the lift gets down to the floor you’re on, Nanami helps you on and then presses the button for the penthouse floor.
It’s a little ways up as you lean against the blond sorcerer. He smells amazing, something musky and leathery. It must be some pretty expensive cologne. You know that Nanami has a lot of money to be able to drive the car that he does and live in such a fancy building. You think to yourself that you wouldn’t even care if he had money or not, you’d still be completely head over heels in love with him.
Once inside his penthouse suite, Kento helps you into the bathroom. Gently, he wipes your face and removes your makeup with a warm washcloth. Then he takes your hair out of the ponytail you usually have it in and brushes it out softly. You have never had anyone take care of you quite like this. Not even any of your previous boyfriends had ever done anything like this for you.
“Thank you, Ken.”
Your words warm his heart. You’re starting to look a little better. He helps you up and guides you over to the sofa. The two of you lounge about and he pulls his phone out. Then your whole body stiffens when he wraps his arm around you and pulls you close.
“Let’s order some more food, yeah? You’ll feel better if you eat something substantial.”
You nod your head and snuggle closer to him. He lets you scroll through his phone and choose what you’re going to order. Once it’s been ordered, he gets up from the couch to procure a few more things for you.
This gives you a chance to have a proper look around. His place is so beautiful and luxurious. Much more fancy than your own place. You wonder how life could be if you lived in a place like this.
When Kento returns, he’s got some pajamas for you and a bottle of water. He hands them to you, allowing you the chance to head back into the bathroom to change. You get dressed in the silky pajamas, relishing in the scent of his laundry detergent.
“There’s my pretty little honey,”
You swear you’ve died and gone to heaven when Kento speaks those words to you. He gathers you up in his arms, his own clothes changed from his usual suit and tie combo to a sweater and some sweatpants. You’ve never seen him look so comfortable.
“And you look cozy as well, my dear.”
Kento looks deeply into your eyes, his hands pulling you closer to him. It’s like time has stood still as he leans in closer. Your lips are a mere inches away when you hear a loud buzzing coming from the kitchen.
“Oh! It’s the food,” Kento declares, his cheeks red.
He reaches into his pocket to confirm that the driver is actually here. Then you watch as he goes to the buzzer and answers it. 
If only…If only… you think to yourself. If only you hadn’t been interrupted.
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whimsicalpoet44 · 2 years
Cycle Breaker Placements
Placements I see in charts that indicate someone is here to work through generational trauma and promote healing. These placements can be really tough, but offer a really unique perspective of the world.
They can also reap the most benefits once they work through their lessons.
Biggest indicators are 4th house, 8th house, 12th house, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aries placements. Also big emphasis on harsh aspects related to Pluto/Mars/Moon/Saturn/Sun. But these are one that stick out to me the most.
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✨Pluto in the 12th House. This placement indicates a lot of childhood trauma. When I see someone with this placement, I know they've been through it. I have instant respect for them. Most individuals with this placement don't realize their own inner power. It's hidden in their subconscious underneath years of memories where they were told that they were powerless. They are SO powerful and they don't even realize it. Especially if their Pluto is in Scorpio, but this applies to all 12th House Plutos. Once they recognize their own power, they're literally unstoppable.
✨Chiron in Gemini/3rd House. These individuals have a fear of being seen. They struggle to use their voice and speak their truth. Their path is usually the road less traveled, and it can feel isolating at times. They might have felt like their opinions never mattered in childhood and struggle with a need to be understood. Once they use their voice, they can affect powerful change to those around them.
✨Lilith in Cancer/Lilith 4th House. This placement indicates that the person will be working through generational trauma related to the mother or the maternal side of the family. Emotional needs are likely not met in childhood, which causes the person to have trouble accepting/asking help from others. But they also can't completely help themselves. Nurturing their emotions helps them unlock all the power of Lilith.
✨Saturn Conjunct Moon. Saturn and the Moon have opposing energies. The Moon is nurturing. Saturn is the disciplinarian. Often times, it can also be interpreted to represent the Mother (Moon) and the Father (Saturn). The paternal figure might've been absent or ill. The maternal figure could've been stressed and emotionally reactive. Someone with this aspect basically has to become their own parent. They're forced to learn emotional regulation, self-respect, and self-love. It teaches them that they have value and they likely break a lot of toxic cycles during self-growth.
✨Mars in a fire sign + in the 4th House. Inheriting a parent's reactive nature is likely with this placement. At least this is what I've noticed when I've interpreted charts. Fire signs are quick to act and they are sometimes viewed as impulsive. With a fire Mars in the 4th House, they'll be forced to confront their explosive anger. If not, they can repeat toxic generational cycles. Their parents were likely aggressive and threatened their safety in the home. This is a REALLY tough placement.
✨Chiron in the 5th House. Inner child wounds are prevalent here. The individual's self-expression is limited or repressed, likely due wounds from a parent or caretaker in childhood. They hide the important parts of themselves and have a really hard time being vulnerable with anyone, including themselves. Embracing creativity and accepting themselves is how they heal. In the process, they break negative generational cycles.
✨Capricorn Moon. These individuals had a lot of expectations placed on them in childhood. They might have been forced to step up in their childhood and could've been more of a parent than their actual parents, raising themselves and/or siblings. They're seen as the responsible ones, and might have faded into the background, causing their needs to go unmet. Their caretakers could've put work before play, causing these individuals to adopt the same approach. They must learn how to be vulnerable and experience joy with others.
✨Venus in Scorpio (Bonus points if it's in retrograde). Trauma related to a person's sense of self-worth is common. They might have low self-esteem or struggle to navigate relationships. There's a possibility that your caretakers relationship was volatile, leaving them to be afraid of intimacy (i.e. Divorce). There could be possessiveness or jealousy in romantic relationships as well. Even obsessiveness. Finding a way to balance these energies and re-shape how they define relationships helps. They also undergo the most transformation in romantic relationships.
✨Moon Square Mercury. Emotions were not safe to express in childhood. They might have problems making decisions, constantly warring between their mind and their heart. They could lean onto old belief systems or coping skills, even when they know it doesn't work. After a while, they'll be forced to change their approach on how they deal with their emotions. Thus, breaking toxic cycles learned in childhood.
✨Saturn in the 12th House. Wounds here could be attributed to past life trauma, but it's usually agitated in childhood. These individuals are really hard on themselves and believe they don't deserve anything good in life. There's potential for memory suppression and a tendency to disassociate. Absent paternal figures are common with this placement. When they prioritize their mental health and work towards healing, they break generational curses.
✨Aquarius Placements. These individuals are often tasked with pursuing their own path and deviating from the "norm." Therefore, they struggle with trauma in childhood. They might have been bullied for their unique interests. They could be the family outcast. Whatever it is, they take their own path. They might break familial expectations that had been adhered to for generations. Therefore, breaking the cycle.
✨Pluto in Scorpio. Generationally, this is the one. Being mostly raised by boomer parents, they pulled the rug out from underneath their parents, calling out toxicity. They likely trigger their parents without even trying. They hold up a mirror, highlighting what their parents could've been if they had broken the cycle.
✨Sagittarius Mercury. They can't help it. They word vomit their observations. A lot of the times, it could be done with innocent intention. However, being catalysts for chaos, they open boxes that their families have tried desperately to keep shut. They are brutally honest and care fiercely about discovering the truth. Sometimes, they intentionally cause chaos for change. Letting little bits of information or truth slip, they can have their family in uproar and questioning their entire existence. They're the voice of truth. And their family can't escape it. And they might hate them for it. But they just can't help it. It comes out of their mouth before they have the chance to think about it. (12th House Sag Mercury individuals might have a different presentation/experience of this placement).
✨Pisces Moon/Rising. These individuals can have challenging relationships with their mothers or maternal figures. They typically lack boundaries and experience pretty intense people pleasing behaviors. They're also very different from the rest of their family, usually. They'll be put in situations by the universe to craft their own identity and stand up for themselves. They can be the first to educate themselves on boundaries and actually implement them.
✨8th House Suns. They are often used by the universe for change and upheaval. 8th House Suns don't always have to do something for this to happen. Their very existence can be triggering to others. This is because they are usually showcasing their best qualities by simply being themselves. This causes others to feel insecure, because they begin to recognize the qualities they lack inside of themselves. So, 8th House Suns end up becoming the family scapegoat. If you're an 8th house Sun, just remember that it isn't you. It's someone projecting their own problems onto you. There's power there if you know how to use it.
✨Neptune/Uranus in the 1st House. These individuals often have an air of mystery surrounding them. No one can really figure them out. So they end up having others project their assumptions about their character onto them. This is another placement where their very existence is troubling to others. Because they become a sounding board for others' insecurities.
I'll do more of these later and make this a series!
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
11th house: our ideal friends and how we are percieved in social settings.
This post will talk about the type of relationships that you like to hang out with according to the planet or sign that falls in that house, since one of the themes of this house relates to friendships and what type of person you appear to be in social events or gatherings.
As always, take it with a grain of salt, I hope it resonates with any of you and please don't copy or repost this post without giving the proper credits to the owner.
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Aries/Mars in the 11th house: you tend to attract people who are athletic, energetic, driven, enthusiast or, at the very least, you enjoy to hang up with people who have this kind of energy. On the downside, you could atract people who are agressive or violent. You are the most happy when you are able to spend activities with your friends that helps you to canalize your marsian energy such as sports. With Mars in that house, depending on how well developed that energy is, people look at you either with a little bit of fear since you show an aggresive side sometimes or they admire the driven energy that you posses.
Taurus/Venus in the 11th house: you are someone who likes to hang out with caring, responsable and reliable people. Spending time with people who shares the same passions, the same hobbies like cooking, art, photography, etc, isa big bonus too. The friends that you keep close to you not only posses some of this qualities but they also are a reliable source who can provide security to you and your self-esteem in the best of the cases. For example: they always keep your secrets safe. On social events, people look at you as someone caring to others, beautifull, maybe a little reserved but trustworthy. Be mindful of being too generous that people take advantage of you and viceversa.
Gemini/Mercury in the 11th house: you like to hang out with people who are smart or, at the very least, someone with whom you can talk a lot about different topics, no matter if both of you share the same opinions or not. The most important thing for you in a friend is having a mental estimulation between the both of you. You can also atract with ease a lot of people who are naturally chatty or gosspis a lot about everything. Being the ruler of the third house (the house of school) in the eleventh, it is possible that many of the connections that you have today comes from your school days. On the other hand, you may appear chatty, smart or someone who enjoys gossiping in a social gathering.
Cancer/Moon in the 11th house: you are the nurturing and empatethic group. In social settings, or when you hang out with friends, you prefer the company of those who embody the energy of cancer, of the moon. Someone with whom you can have an emotional connection, someone with whom you can talk about your memories, your past or someone with whom you can confess any emotional problem that you are going through at the moment. In social setting, you could be seen as the mother of the group. The nurturing figure who cares about others wellbeing.
Leo/Sun in the 11th house: you're either someone who captures a lot of attention when you get out in public settings, reunions or meetings with friends, or either you are someone who enjoys meeting people who have a bright personality. Just like the sun. You enjoy spending time with friends who are not afraid of being who they really are, who are confident and spread positivity around, because that makes you feel better and viceverse. You like to make them feel better too. Be careful of atracting egoistical people though. On the other hand, with the Sun in the house, people could look up to you with the same description that I've already mentioned.
Virgo/Mercury in the 11th house: you tend to make friends with people that are responsable, hard workers, detail oriented, intelligent and health conscious, or maybe you appear that way to others. Intelligence is something that you value too because, just like the sign of Gemini, this sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. You like to make people with whom you can talk about your day to day life, your work, your health and viceversa. You like to know the same things too. You don't mind to comment or recieve comments from others when you now that they are doing it to help you.Just be careful of not being affected by people who are overly critics and wants to look smarter and viceversa.
Libra/Venus in the 11th house: you like to be friends with people who are caring, loving and put the right balance between give and take. Treating others fairly and respectfully is a crucial element that your potential friends need to have because that is what you value the most. I mean, it's like, if one day I spend a lot of time giving you confort because you need, I will really like to think that you'll be there for me in case I go through something similar. Well, we are not perfect, so be carefull with cutting people off if they don't fit in this criteria unless they really step over your boundaries despite trying to make it clear what you don't tolerate. In social spaces, people see you as loving a fair to everyone.
Scorpio/Pluto in the 11th house: those who have this aspects, you tend to connect with a small group of friends, but when you do connect with someone, you do it with all your will. You defend and protect your friends with all your might and espect the same thing from them. If someone breaks your trust or confidence, you cut them from your life, even though that hurts and transforms you deeply. Only in a few cases there is a second chance but, despite this, they don't tend to be the same because they had breaked your values of intimacy, trust and respect in a relationship. On another view, you could have a transformative time while socializing (this can be both: good and bad), maybe it is easier for you to connect with people that went through traumas or transformative experiences through life. For others, you are someone who looks either intimidating or private in a social setting but, despite this, they can not ignore the fact that there is an inner power within you.
Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 11th house: these people tend to make friends with relative ease and tend to be popular due to their ability to uplift others through their light energy and sence of humor. Honestly, there have not limit in terms of who they want to be friends with. They can be friends with people that comes from different cultures, countries, religions or beliefs. They don't care much about these things in my opinion (unless the individual has strict rules/beliefs that alows them to only meet certain types of people), because they are naturally curious about the stories they have to tell. Despite this, a sence of humor and stories/knowledge is something that these natives value in friendships.
Capricorn/Saturn in the 11th house: these individuals tend to make friends with people who are either older than them or maturer. They don't socialize much due to circumstances or because they simply don't like it, specially with people of your generation. Be careful with that. And maybe that's because you were the younger sister/cousin and had to interact with much older people so, when the moment came to play with kids of your own age, you didn't know what to do or didn't understood why they were acting so immaturely. You may come across as someone serious/mature in their interaction or responsable and enjoy talking about the older generations, their experiences through life, and struggles.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 11th house: the natural sign and planet that rules this house. The type of people you like to hang up with are those who either share the same humanitarian nature as you or have a rebellious side that they are not afraid to show or they are seen as outcasts by other people. Your friends could belong to the groups such as the LGBT or the feminist movement, but it doesn't have to be. The most important thing is that you like to make connections with people that will accept the unique qualities that you posses, your rebellious side, your humanitarian nature without judgement. In a social gathering, people could see you as rebellious or as someone who brings a unique energy to the space that it's very magnetic if you use it well.
Pisces/Neptune in the 11th house: with Neptune or Pisces in this house, it is clear that you can connect easily with people who either share the same passion as you towards espirituality or are as imaginative as you or maybe they understand you on a soul level. With these aspects, it is possible that you are able to feel the energy or the emotions of the people with whom you spend time with. The downside of this, is that you could attract energetic vampires or people who have problems with drugs or alcohol. You could even hang out with them. Be careful with this, especially if you end up having problems with addictions. On a lighter note, if you had the last problem, this can give you a compassionate look towards people who went through hard process such as addictions and rehabilitation. In a social getting, you may look dreamy, mysterious, tired or ethereal to others.
I hope you enjoyed this post.
Send you love and light.
Tower Girl Anon.
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astroariska · 7 months
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Astrology threads sometimes way too confusing. There are so many words that just come out there and make us wonder what we supposed to do then??? It made people think impractical to make astrology into your daily lifes because it's hard to be understood.
Have no fear. I am here to give you a mini thread about the 8th house.
Transformation : What the hell is this word? We never really use this world in our daily lives, isn't it? But really. Transformation is about realizing you need to ELIMINATE that shitty behaviour you didn't want to tell everybody that it's a part of you annd the reason why there is some drama in your life and REPLACE it with a better attitude.
Intimacy. It's not about getting that bombastic sex with your partner. It's about you realizing ... After all the shit and the shot you've been through ... All you need is that person and all you wish is that person to stay with you through thin and thick while wishing life could be better for you.
Power struggle : Simply the imbalance of the relationship that makes you feel you less than equal. Either it makes you feel you work it all or makes you feel you are so fucking useless. This imbalance, let your heart have the urge to solve it out while your heart cannot even simplify the problem within you two.
Inheritances : Doesn't always about money. Sometimes it's about debt. Sometimes it's about what the good, the bad and the ugly shit you share with your parental figure, caretaker or even another family member.
Rebirth : When you are realizing you are not the same anymore after shit happens. When you are realizing the current version of you is really way too different than the old version of you.
Power : Influence over someone, something or a cause that makes a really noticeable change in physical, material, phsycological, spiritual and mental of other people.
Bonus a mini thread about zodiac in 8th house.
Aries 8th house : You hate to acknowledge you are too offensive. But you do have a reason. Acknowledge it now and change the offensive feeling into more passionate attitude as a sign of leadership. Know the differences when you try to give support or just hate to see other being a competitor.
Taurus 8th house : You are way too rigid, slow, stubborn and sometimes ... a boring basic bitch that keeps repeating the same pattern in order to keep you same. It's okay. You've been through a lot. But maybe, you need to change the value that you hold because changing yourself is actually way easier than changing the world?
Gemini 8th house : The best advice to this placement is ... okay, sometimes it feels so good to process everything with your own logic. Math is mathing but you'll end up more anxiouse and less consistence than ever. Maybe it's because you're hard to gain focus but it's a signal you need more dynamic approach so your emotional life could be more interesting than just a typical sadness.
Cancer 8th house : Oh, do you hate feeling vulnerable? Do you think you're weak? What about realizing that your care and your need for nurture is the sign of you being a human being instead of feeling insecure about feel something inside you? Your feeling shows you that you are alive. OWN IT AS YOUR POWER and NOT YOUR FLAW.
Leo 8th house : You're tired of being strong and lead all the time, don't you? But please, just because you're trying to be strong for a long time then you justify all the drama you've punch in people's face. You just need to realizing that sometimes ... The rage is coming from your wounded little child in you that unhappy for the longest time. Remember that when you happy, you gain power.
Virgo 8th house : Oh, snap! You MADE A MISTAKE! Is it small? Is it big? You analyze it until you paralyzed yourself. But honey, mistake were made for you to learn by doing. Instead of punching yourself and hyper-analyze it inside your head, use your mistake to serve those who you love as a lesson that you need to share.
Libra 8th house : Sometimes, it's scary to be lonely but it's more haunting to be with the wrong people and trapped forever with them. But whatever the reason, don't you ever think that you have no right to get the partnership you really wish. You just need to understand that you don't need to please anybody to make them stay. Cheaters always cheat. Haters gonna hate.
Scorpio 8th house : You want to end this life because you feel you can't handle it anymore? But you didn't want everybody know that you're dying inside ... While you actually understand that the key of your life is to breath out your fear and insecurity.
Sagittarius 8th house : It's easier to run away, pack your bag, ghost everybody then pretends like you are the chillest person in the room instead to face how big the mess you need to tidy up. Sometimes is easier to tell people what to do rather to tell yourself what you need to do. When shit comes down, come into your higher self and find the meaning of it. Everything happen for a reason. It's happening not to you, but for you.
Capricorn 8th house : Numbing feeling and hardship makes you out of a breath. I swear, you need a mentor and become more diciplined in your way through because that's the only thing you could do to master this life. Every pain worth the gain.
Aquarius 8th house : If you're feeling like you're out of place, had nobody to stand with you or feeling alienated ... Maybe it's not because people suck. Maybe because your decision was made based how you quickly disengage and diconnected from people you love as you had 0 trust in them. Instead of feeling like you're the black sheep. Channel your brain competency into finding the right purpose, dream and community you're aspire to.
Pisces 8th house : Just because something ends, doesn't mean your life end. Remember. You're not rejected. You're redirected. You're in pain because life will challanges you to take a new path and plant new seed because it's a sign of a fresh start and brand new day. Put your rose colored glass now, it might over but it's doesn't end something. Connect to yourself. You'll found out soon.
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astro observations (10/24/22)
🪐 5th house saturns could hate to see children not be disciplined & heavily dislike disrespectful children. im not talking about any abusive methods of disciplining children, of course. but they could just hate to see children just not listen & be disrespectful & not even be corrected or spoken to about it. in turn, they may end up raising very respectful children.
🪐 always know what your solar return moon is. whenever the moon is in that sign, those are significant dates for that year for you. you could meet someone significant, start something significant, have an important conversation, or finally do something you’ve been wanting to do, etc…
🪐 as a gemini sun, i dealt with this virgo sun guy for the first time back in a mercury retrograde in 2021 and stoped speaking shortly after it was done. & now, we’re reconnecting again during the retrograde 🤣🤣. i just find that so funny AND our suns are also in mercury houses. his in the 3rd & mine in the 6th.
(^^ p.s. : mercury isn’t retrograde currently, i know. i wrote that when it still was. we stopped speaking when retrograde was done again y’all 💀💀 this is hilarious)
🪐 mercurial children cannot be quiet (as in not talking) to save their lives.
🪐 aries moon children cannot be quiet (as in not yelling) to save their lives.
🪐 cancer moon men tend to wanna date/marry someone who has similar traits to their mom. a lot of people do this subconsciously but i feel like it’s more of a conscious decision for cancer moons.
🪐 wanna live out all your sexual fantasies? find someone whose lust asteroid or eros is in 8th house. bonus points if it’s double whammy. you guys will always be on the same page sexually. thank me later !
🪐 scorpio/8th house placements in the solar return chart indicate a year of deep transformations
🪐 2nd house reflects our values, but so does your venus placement for sure. remember that the 2nd house is literally venus’ house.
🪐 adding onto that ^ , i see taurus & the 2nd house as the “values & pleasures” part of venus. while libra & the 7th house is more the “relationships” part of venus. but of course, those things intertwine. so they’re all (venus placement, 2nd house, & 7th house) important when considering what you need in a partner.
🪐 i think it’s pretty much common knowledge that you’ll feel deep emotional bonds/attachments to the people in your water houses (4th, 8th, 12th). but the same also applies to anyone who has their birthday on the degree of any of those houses in your chart.
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astrowithkaro · 2 years
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 💋
My astrology notes but this time they're a little spicy - keep in mind that this doesn’t necessarily have to be 100% accurate to you so take what resonates! I bring up both darker and lighter themes.
Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karolina
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❣️ If you’re genuinely looking for a very straightforward and passionate love, look no further than fire signs. I find that even though water signs tend to represent emotions and such, they’re almost always going to be confusing or give mixed signals. Find yourself a mature fire sign who is very clear about their intentions with you and are attentive to your needs. Fire signs tend to also be the signs who stay passionate the longest without letting the love die out.
❣️ If his mars is in 12H, he has ✨erectile dysfunction✨ These people usually watch porn a lot, especially from a very young age. This might be why they are more prone to any sort of sexual dysfunctions. This placement could also be a red flag in men if they keep their porn addictions a secret - it's probably because they watch hardcore/unusual porn.
❣️ I can imagine Virgo Venus men enjoy having quiet power. I think they might be really attracted to traits such as emotional intelligence and perhaps even trauma bonding through sex. They might like movies/books with themes of psychological sex or crime.
❣️ If you want the type of relationship where they will want to constantly give you money and buy you things, look no further than people whose mars sign is the same as the sign in your 8H. Material gworlll.
❣️ Mars conjunct Pluto are literal sex gods, the Wattpad kind. This is generally a very humble placement who are really mature with their sexuality but don't distance themselves either. They are perfectly capable to swallow you whole with the amount of pleasure they are able to provide. Although these tend to have trust issues, usually taken advantage of or very closed off because no one is able to give the same energy back.
❣️ Scorpio mars/venus have a thing for tight hugs or holding a partner really close during sex and I think it's so so wholesome ;) Generally speaking I'd say touch and sensuality is the way to these placements' hearts.
❣️ The 5º in significant planets can point towards very high sex appeal. That's because the 5th degree is the erotic degree in astrology. For example Marilyn Monroe has her MC in 5º 10H, thus her being the sex symbol from the 1950's.
❣️ If a chart has lots of 5H placements, that can indicate someone who might be non-monogamous. These people tend to make space for their sex life, they enjoy it being active and might not be interested in any long-term relationships. This could also be interpreted as a "player" placement. Bonus point it it's in Aries, Gemini, Aquarius or Sag.
❣️ Virgo mars could use sex or masturbation as a coping mechanism or a stress reliever on the daily. They enjoy having a planned sex routine which brings them closer to their romantic partner. They might really like the idea of a BDSM contract to spice up their sex life.
𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖎𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖞 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊
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iren-n-ire · 7 months
Astrology Observation 16
🚩 Take note that I'm not a professional astrologer, I just share what I experienced (or observed).
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The 12h stellium transit can experience supernatural things at this time; revealing secrets by the help of the supernatural world can happen (bonus, if you have this in Scorpio reason)
North node in 24° in the sign of aries, you're having an epiphany or awakening about your purpose in this world, what you're meant to do.
Transits are like the opposite version of natives, because it shows that you experience it temporarily unlike in natives which are nothing new to them, it happens all the time, in born or if not all the time, at least once in a week, month or year.
Mercury in Leo degree but placed in 12h (both or if Sun is also here) transit have a hard time choosing or following both sides, should I keep it low or should I let it show? Brag/share about it or not at all? A never-ending crisis LOL, this would be more challenging if the native has stellium or prominent Leo and Gemini placements.
Varuna in Leo 8° transit, if you're a public figure (influencer, streamer, etc.) be careful of what you share online because it might blow up! This is also great for the figures of occult to show your craft, it will highly impact the members of the occult.
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❤ Thank you! See you on my next post! ❤
💋 Be you, Do you, You are You! 💋
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cardboardheartss · 2 months
My Mars Persona Chart just makes sense 😙✨
I have a whole Gemini stellium, and I have thought and said this multiple times that i LOVEEEEE intelligent men!
+ if he wears glasses… that’s a bonus point for him lol 🤓
Mars being in Leo makes sense too… but this could mean I could possibly be attracted to my co-workers because of the 6H placement… idk… but anyways! I LOVEEE men with long hair and nice toned up bodies too!!
When it comes to me liking non black men, they need to have a little more tan-ish skin… I can’t do overly pale men!
My Sagittarius placements with Juno speaks volumes too… I feel more so attracted to foreign men.
Saturn rules over tattoos and my Saturn is aspecting my ascendant and I truly do like men who have tattoos. But he shouldn’t overdo the tattoos because I don’t want a partner who looks like MGK.
My Pisces ASC ruler (Neptune) in the 12H makes sense because I would love to have a partner who’s highly intuitive but with Aqua being there, this could lead to some detachment to spirituality on his side or he could possibly find an innovative way to connect to guides idk…
- one thing I’ve also picked up is how ALL my crushes from school were like top achievers or just naturally intelligent.
✨Like for my recent crush,LS, he does Physics, Business Studies, Computer Applications Technology & Pure Math. In terms of the body… he is slightly toned because he plays soccer and has to stay fit.
✨My ex-crush from 2 years ago was a nerd nerd! He was introverted and he got 1st place every term for academic achievement! He would get 80%+ for EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT. Every teacher loved that boy… like I’m telling you… he would leave the award ceremony with all the subjects certificates for 1st place.and a bonus for him… he also wore glasses too!!!
✨My crush from primary school, slightly has identical facial characteristics as Jude tbh… but anyways. My crush from then was really smart too but I really can’t remember the proper details because I either forgot or my subconscious is stopping me from talking about him.
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side note: this persona chart has heavy water & air sign placements and that made me realize that majority of my celeb crushes have major water & air placements.
Jude : Cancer stellium (Tropical) & Gemini stellium (Sidereal)
Jaehyun : Aquarius stellium
Sebastian Amaruso : Aquarius stellium
Taehyung : Aquarius Venus
Alex landi : Scorpio Pluto, Moon & Venus and Cancer Mars
free me from air sign men… 🥺😔💔
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starseed-twenty · 2 years
💫 Jupiter in the signs 🪐
Not enough people talk about how Jupiter is special in describing the kind of life you want and your version of success in this world. Jupiter is all about the bigger picture, so the sign you have in Jupiter can weigh heavy on the kind of life you want for yourself to feel fulfilled, because it is the larger picture, the bigger image, the story of your life that you see. And your approach to that can be determined by the sign Jupiter in.
You grab life by the balls and run with what you have in mind. You decide on what you want and live by that. This can then make life easy for you in terms of decisions. You're decisive because of your fierce and daring nature. This can make people intimidate by you (and not like you because you make even come across as selfish). Or love you for your honesty. At the end of the day, you'll stay being resilient to what you have in mind for your life.
Your image of success is being able to browse through life doing exactly what you want to do and not what anyone else tells you to do, or if they do tell you, it should be something that makes and comes from an authoritative figure, not someone similar to you (by age and circumstance) or younger.
The things you usually need and want to feel fulfilled vary, but they always stand on one ground: that they need to be true to who you are. The image you want to set up for the picture of your life, the true story of your life. So you rarely oblige by living out what people want from you. You don't care. And you never will. [If you do care though, it was probably a matter of life or death].
You're probably the most peace-loving being in your circle or with people that know you. And I don't mean you always seek peace and are a peace-giver or people-pleaser. I mean peace is just the theme of how you go about life, you get bored by up & down and in & out theatrics. You like relaxation.
Your version of success is most likely being surround by your favourite things (and perhaps looking like a million bucks is an added bonus). You want luxury and you want comfort. You don't want to ever feel discomfort or tension or hardships in your life, you like the finer things and you appreciate the finer things.
Things you usually go for in order to feel fulfilled are then anything that makes you feel comfortable and make you think 'Ah, this is plush. This is nice'. And most likely, the things you seek and desire are always things that connect with your five sense. A delicious taste, a pleasant smell, a soft touch or nice grip, an aesthetic view or a beautiful sound. These things fulfill your life's desire [comfort].
You go through life in a happy go lucky way, so much so that you actually get confused sometimes about what to really do and which path of fun to take. Because there's so much to do and you want to be busy at it all. You just wish you split yourself in two (or three or four) and do it all at once. But… you end up just moving in little steps and dabbling in a bit of everything.
Your version of success is having a bunch of achievements under your name, small and big, and then feeling fulfilled that you enjoyed the journey. Because life for you is pretty much learning and exploring and talking about everything there is to life (and I mean everything), you don't have this whole big, grand idea about life or about yourself, you just take little steps and walks in everything and call it 'part of the journey'.
Things you like and want to feel fulfilled are most likely things that are just easily obtainable for the moment you need them. For example, a camera to start or continue your YouTube channel, or a waist trainer to motivate your physical health journey, etc. These useful things leave you content enough to feel fulfilled and lively.
The angelic energy swoops in the minute you think about life in the bigger sense. You seem like a sincere and pure figure of art. Down under? You're boiling with so many plans on what you want to do on life. And you act on them day by day. You want it all to be taken care of. But not with a rush. Steadily, and always in a manner where you care about others as well.
Your version of success is pretty similar to Taurus where you want comfort, but the kind of comfort you envision isn't really about having plush things that meet the eye like Taurus, but that meet the heart as well. And success for you is knowing that you touched people's hearts as well. In whatever way, you just had some kind of beautiful impact on them.
Things you need and want to feel fulfilled are pretty much things that bring out the softness in you. That allow you to feel good inside. You want to be surrounded by an energy that feels like home; a house that feels like home, a job that feels like home, a partner that feels like home, etc. These are things that most likely make you feel fulfilled and satisfied in life.
You go about life with a 'king' or 'queen' mindset. And I don't mean you are cocky or think you're the best (which you may be, but just not in a bad way). I mean that you love yourself and think of yourself in a respectable way, so it's more of a deeper energy. You have a dignified and gracious way of thinking of yourself and your life + the bigger picture of it.
Your version of success is most probably having things people can envy. It doesn't have to be material things, but it can be as well (like a luxury house, car, beautiful body, etc). It could also be attributes like just being an amazing person, a grounded yet confident person, a person who can you use their heart and their mind well, a person who's humble but also a king/queen. You aspire to be what people can aspire to be.
Things you need and desire to be fulfilled are things that reach the level of greatness you have in mind for you and your life. People that are great, a body that is great, a car/house that is great. You don't want to feel like you're settling. You see yourself as amazing, so it's only right to be surrounded by such as well.
The way you go through life is very interesting. It's a beautiful mix of both organized and chaotic. You have number things you see for yourself and try to handle, which gives your life a bit of a chaotic feel to it, but what makes it organized is the way you try to put things into a smaller perspective that's easier to handle, and you through life that way.
Your version of success is… A clean image. And I don't mean your life is perfect and you don't have any wrongs that have happened or are happening. But that you can handle all of them, and you handle them with grace. The emphasis here is that you handle it all with grace. So to you, being successful is being an image of grace and having things under control.
Things you look for and want in order to feel fulfilled are things that you can really build from and work through, whether it be objects that help you out with your career, or connections with people for the life you want to create. You want things to make sense, so your reality must be one where there are substantial things and substantial connections with people.
You are the definition of 'they are goals' and you understand that. It's what you pretty much live by, subconsciously and consciously. And when I tell you this placement births so many stars, I mean that. This placement is a priceless treasure. In whatever field of work you choose (art, sport, business, etc), success follows you.
Your version of success is being literally being successful. You are a visionary and have a lot of talent and ideas (being an air sign), and one by one you conquer them because of your cardinal and Venusian combo. That bold energy of being a cardinal sign as well as the nature of beauty & peace that Venus brings, you're just naturally a loveable character.
Things you desire and need to feel fulfilled are pretty much things that bring you peace. Anything that brings you peace. And you want joy, peace and beauty to be your niche as well, so looking good and being good to people leave you satisfied. You see life in the lens of beauty, so you don't desire anything else other than beauty and good energy.
'There's not enough to know, to think about, to create, to personify, to dig deep on' are words you most probably relate to more than others as a Scorpio Jupiter. Life doesn't end at just A and B. There's more to it and your walk through life consists of you trying to find more and do more, but all of this really is just for internal storage, it rarely actually ever leaves the inside - to the world.
Your version of success is.. put simply, power. Power being at play is what gives you a sense of drive and energy. That power could be one that's shown off or one that's hidden, but if it's there, it's what subconsciously translates as success to you. And so if you get put or put yourself in a position of power, you're most comfortable there and try to get the most out of it.
Things that you want and need to feel fulfilled are things that aren't really easily obtainable or that even meet the eyes. Anything that's kind of out of reach, or that's a little mysterious… you feel more satisfication in diving deep in those areas. And you may also want to look like the image of mystery or the unattainable; that can fulfill you sometimes.
Okay well this is obviously the best sign for Jupiter to be in, because well, Jupiter rules Sagittarius. So having this placement, you're living in the best state and alignment to what Jupiter wants: exploring the wonders of life, looking at life in an abundance mindset, trying to gain and give the wisdom life has to offer, etc.
Your version of success is becoming a master. I was going to say become a master at very specific things like the composition of music, or crafting images with sand, or of the making of wine, etc. But honestly, it's being a master at everything and having the highest knowledge (and knowledge you think is right. Don't know why you guys never think you're wrong lmao)
The things you need and want in order to feel fulfilled? I mean obviously everything. There's no limit to what can make you feel happy; from the little things to the big things. Deep down though, it is actually energy that feels good (and has fun in it too as a bonus). That's what brings out the best in you and what you truly desire to feel fulfilled.
I'm sure giving and receiving a lot of respect from many people is a major theme for you. Because the way you go through life and handle things isn't easy for you, but you still choose to show up and shine each time. You conquer and defeat, even if the odds where against you. Simply because, you're strong. And your strength is extremely admirable to many.
Your version of success is a well planned out life, and these plans coming into fruition. That's really all you ever want and see as success. You probably also think a lot of times about what you want and what can be the picture or trajectory of your life. The story you want told and how much hard work you put into creating this story, these are important to you. And no should disrespect you in those aspects.
There are probably a number of things you want and need to feel fulfilled, ranging from deep and wholesome things like a nice family with your nice partner, or tangible things like a grand house in a certain state with a luxurious car to suit it, but at the end of it all, it should all come from a place of 'this story is being written well'. You're just writing your story of life your way.
This is where Jupiter comes to play here. The cool, quirky, friendly energy of Aquarius really allows Jupiter to blend in well and make for a charismatic and diplomatic journey through life, where pretty much you think in free ways and don't give much attachment and depth to everything, but just simply have fun. And have everyone feel the joy and cool vibes.
Your version of success is most likely when you are able to see everyone eat because of you. I mean that probably sounds selfless (when in essence you're probably selfish sometimes), but the bigger picture for you is just really that you want people to either receive a piece of the friendly love you can give or at least become inspired by you. That is success to you.
Things that you yourself need and want to feel fulfilled (besides wanting to see everyone eat) are most probably things that just allow you to build a greater life for you and close ones. A connection to a place that makes money, or a tool that helps you get to making money. These are things you prioritize for fulfillment of life.
Your journey through life is met with a lot of sentimental moments and a fluctuating energy to so many things, like, "So many things matter. But when you think deep enough as well, nothing matters and life should just be lived however." You see and think things like that. And that pretty much becomes the story of your life. You value a lot, but you also think deep enough to just let it all go and let be.
Your version of success is then constantly throwing yourself in spaces of joy. That's it. Joy and happiness are all you seek and simply the energy you want to lay in. Though when times get tough, emotions hit like a hurricane, but you rise above it all swiftly, because you always choose joy (or perhaps because you're okay with sweeping it all under the rug).
Things you desire and need to make you feel fulfilled are actually things that can't even be described. It's little things, like that good morning text from your s/o or that one time a stranger gave you a hug when you needed it. As well as vague things, like idea of going through life with this one person or the idea of travelling to a specific place and what it will be like. Little things just somehow keep you fulfilled.
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stellarsagittarius · 8 months
☀️🌛 Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2023 Astrology horoscope for all Rising Signs 🌜☀️
[Ps. Personal reading are open. Here's the link to the how-to book one, and my Astrology Masterlist.]
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Wherever South Node is transiting in your natal chart, you will experience a dramatic decrease in that area of life. Our human nature of dwelling on the negative side makes us unable to see what the North Node is offering in the place of that House's reduced appearance.
The solar eclipse on the 14th of October might enhance this anxiety of feeling like you aren't fulfilling the expectations of your Libra house.
Currently, South Node is in Libra, so depending on what house Libra sits in your chart, you will feel like roadblocks just keep on happening and as if the Universe is guiding you towards something completely different. More than often this can manifest as anxiety and feeling like something is wrong, having constant doubts about your own abilities in that area of life, etc. Bonus w/ South Node in Libra: Feeling like you aren't friendly or social enough.
The thing is, you can relax and instead focus on the thing that is gaining a large amount of momentum in your life, aka the House, North Node is transiting. North Node is in Aries right now and it gives you independent control over your life. This is the time to be individualistic and put yourself first, fiercely and fearlessly. Bonus w/ North Node in Aires: You will excel when you lead yourself with full belief that you absolutely deserve what you want.
Sagittarius Risings have been thinking if they are social enough right now, because they been spending a lot of time with their passion projects, almost shutting out the world. Oh yes girl, the social world doesn't matter right now, do your thang right now.
Aries Risings wondering if they are being mean or selfish, because they just have been in that self love space right now. Yesss, girl, you don't have to care about anyone. YOU, are the moment.
Leo Risings are fiercely pursuing their greater meaning of life, but are left wondering if it's okay that they aren't catching up and being updated on the latest gossip. Damn, girl, it's all good. You don't have to catch up with anyone other than yourself right now.
Virgo Risings are courageously declaring their authority and position to everybody else. They aren't going to let anybody walk over themselves anymore. As long as you are bold and upfront with people using your giving nature, you are gold baby!
Capricorn Risings are taking time out and getting more private than ever. Don't be afraid of not letting other people know about your business, and if you see your career taking a bit of break now. It's time to relax babes.
Taurus Risings are having major psychic realisations. They are ending major karmic cycles, healing and putting their instincts first. It's no issue if you feel a bit unproductive or behind doing certain tasks. Take it easy.
Pisces Risings are putting their boundaries up, bichh. Girl, don't be afraid to cut people off that absolutely don't contribute anything to your life. This is the time to rely on no one, but yourself. Help yourself and don't you dare feel guilty about it.
Cancer Risings are getting that bag and reaching those milestones. This is your time to shine in the world out there. Family matters and the concern for privacy might have kept you from your full potential, but not anymore. This is one of the most prominent times to be achieving your goals.
Scorpio Risings are getting real grounded and productive. It's an amazing time for them to work on their health, take a new workout routine and get all active. Trust your primal instincts and make sure you ground your energy first and foremost.
Gemini Risings are making those connections, being more social than before and build their networks. Don't worry if you happen to ignore some creative projects and private fun time due to being the social butterfly. It's your time to hope and plan for the future now!
Libra Risings are learning to manage their relationships better. It's that time to actually be that good partner, that good friend, that good listener. More than this, focus on building healthy relationships with healthy minded people.
Aquarius Risings are becoming more intellectual than they usually are. With all the knowledge they have been accumulating they are finally having mental breakthroughs. It's your time to build your own opinions and define the world on your own terms. Don't worry if you feel less of a lawful person. We all are allowed to be chaotic sometimes.
Hope yall have a lovely October 🎃👻🍬🧣🍂
Stay tuned for more Astrology content 🏹✨️!!
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #3
Trigger mention: Abuse
• Trying to hide your emotions when you have a Sag/9H moon is a struggle!🥲
• If somebody has an opposite moon to yours then the chances you'll get along depend on your sun's element.
• Wanna meet somebody that's probably the complete opposite? Go for someone who has the opposite sun sign as you but the same moon.-however this might not work for everyone.
• You'll probably get along best romantically with someone who has your rising sign as their Venus sign!
• Aries placements in composite especially Aries sun not only appear mostly in first love type relationships. They also appear in relationships where there's a lot of physical attraction. Same goes for Sag.
• Aries moons literally have to be the 1st/best and tend to get competitive the fastest.
• Most Aries mars act like everything is a competition.
• Aquarius/Sagittarius/Taurus moons are literally the 'my way or the high way' moons lol.
• Cancer moons are so sweet! Must be protected at all costs!!
• Cancer stellium with Leo mars in a chart are so sweet and hilarious.
• Virgo suns with Scorpio moons & Virgo mars are freaksss.🌚
• Scorpio suns with Gemini moons are so chaotic!! Even if they have a water rising. Literally one of my best friends has these placements and there's always some drama happening in his life lol!
• Earth mars at Gemini & Sag Degrees (3, 9, 15, 21, 27) why are you so physically & mentally hot? 🥵
• Pisces mars are such sweet people, until you push them lmao.
• Taurus moons are so stubborn! They could be wrong but they'll still stand on what they said...
• Scorpio Venus/mars why all the mystery? Jk you guys are so sexy!😩
• Gemini Venus, you are so fun and mentally active. This is your confirmation to date a Gemini rising, I promise you'll never get bored!
• Fire mars are so protective over their kids!
• Met someone you felt an instant connection to and feel like theyre different from the other people in your life? Yeah well they probably have the moon sign of the house your moon is in. E.g 9H moon - Sag moon, 7H moon - Libra moon, etc...
• Air moons with 2H Saturn's or earth degrees in their luminaries literally learn to internalize their emotions. Maybe they had strict parents or didn't want to burden their parents with their emotions.
• Aries mercuries are literally innocent in a way. You can notice it better as they lighten up when they get excited.
• Fire mercuries or mercury at Aries, Leo or Sag degrees tend to grow up in really bad environments where there's violence or verbal abuse involved. They even themselves could be the ones who got verbally abused or they could've witnessed their parents fight a lot when they were little.
• Fire mercuries also tend to be very bold in speech even as kids.
• Mercury at Leo degree (5, 17, 29) can be very sassy or into drama!
• Mercury at Sag degree (9, 21) can be very nonchalant and careless.
• Mercury in Capricorn, I love how you guys talk!!
• Earth placements in the big 6 tend to have deeper voices.
•I feel like Fire moons in the singer persona chart tend to have a strong singing voice but it doesn't really show at first like how a Fire rising/sun would in the singer pc.
• Also Earth placements in the singer persona chart tends to give someone a more earthy voice. E.g Alicia keys has sun in Virgo in her and her rising in Taurus in her Singer persona chart.
• Scorpio Venuses are so loveable!
• Cancer mars definitely makes somebody softer and more affectionate. Bonus points if they have a water venus.
• Aqua Venus are very friendship oriented and I love that! They make very good friends!
• Sag moons love decorating their homes lol.
• Air moons and Earth moons make great friendship combos! But of course there has to be boundaries.
• Pisces-Sag friendships are so chaotic and fun!
• Somehow there's always a Capricorn-Leo duo?
• Vesta signs be making the most sense. Mine's in Aries and I'm very drawn to Aries/Mars energy or I tend to attract Aries placements especially Mars.
• Libra sun men can be so charming and friendly even if they don't like you lol.
• Aries mercuries are most likely to vibe the best with Sag mercuries but their best friend might be a Libra mercury.
• Somehow people with their rising in the same element tend to live similar lives? Or have similar experiences in life.
• Gemini suns with Cancer mercuries are so cute! They tend to be soft spoken.
• Sag venuses are so fun lmao!
• Pisces Venus got a rep for being 'delusional' but I beg to differ. Pisces Venus are one of the most loving and caring venuses and they tend to give their all in relationships even to the point where they might lose themselves in those relationships. And while it's not healthy they might stay in toxic relationships because they love that person so much, it's hard letting go of someone you've dedicated yourself and your time to.
• Okay but why do a lot of Pisces or people with Pisces placements not know or be afraid of swimming?🤭
• Leo suns when underdeveloped can be the fakest people fr. But besides that they're good people.
• Aries mercuries with Gemini risings just be typing anything because they type really fast lmao.
• Earth placements be taking hella long to reply back smh.
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seafoamreadings · 10 months
week of august 20th, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: mars is busy all week in intense ways, culminating by the weekend in an ingress into libra, your opposite sign. this is a lusty boost to your committed partnerships, whatever sort of commitment they may be, but note also that traditionally mars is a malefic and in fall in libra. so it's not all sunshine and roses. YOU'RE sunshine and roses, but your partner may be more in a different mood. or vice versa. or there is no partner and that chafes. but many successful generals have this mars placement; when you need to go to war, it's good to have him on your side.
taurus: perhaps you're not at your best this week (as reflected by your ruling planet venus) but venus IS still in leo and still glamorous. those of you seeking revenge glowups, the time is now. even if you're not, it's overall good for your psyche, persona, and spirit to keep your hair nice, and if you're going to lounge around in pajamas let them at least be silk or something.
gemini: hopefully you saw it coming and duly prepared. yes, mercury goes retrograde in virgo this week. household affairs may meet with dishevelment. personal matters may be muddied. you'll be made to retrace ground you hoped to be well and truly done with. just tidy it up this time around and at the next pass over those points in your life, things go much smoother. bonus points if you literally go clean up your house.
cancerians: people with some interest in astrology likely have been hearing about "how many" planets are in retrograde at the moment. yes it's a lot. no it's not freakishly unusual. either way, isn't it nice that the cyclic and beautiful moon never retrogrades? if you get a chance to go have a look and a conversation with her, thank her for her constancy even as she's known for always changing.
leo: the season of your sign, and the so called "dog days" of summer, wane and fade as the sun takes its glowing course into virgo. yet glamorous venus in her long retrograde remains with you. you still sparkle and shine. let someone else be the center of attention while you refresh yourself. the spotlight returns before you know it. meanwhile, take great financial care. no need to live as a pauper, but don't get yourself in unnecessary debts. and know the difference between luxury and necessity; your sign especially needs the occasional treat but not ALL the time.
virgo: harvestful virgo season kicks off this week and then, boom, immediately, mercury takes a retrograde. if you're starting or planning a harvest (even metaphorically) go back and double check that everything needed is in place. any machinery, and cleanup, any mercantile exchanges. expect setbacks. don't let them destroy you. hard times can be the most fruitful.
libra: in a busy week one of the potential highlights for you is mars moving out of your 12th house into your sign. it does, like anything, come with its own unique drawbacks but it will most likely for you present as energizing, invigorating, like a little bit of a stimulant or steroid. so obviously there are hazards but also it can be used as good medicine.
scorpio: many of the aspects this week are somewhat hard for you albeit in pretty indirect ways. the moon in your sign can also have you responding emotionally to any difficulties that arise, so pause between feeling and acting. meanwhile a mars-pluto trine, even in earth signs, is auspicious to you; you can call all your power back to you and really step into it at this time, but you need to do so intentionally.
sagittarius: while not outright horrible this week is a bit tenser for you than the last several weeks have likely been, and you may well be prone to overspending, overworking, and oversocializing. therefore be careful to take breaks in these areas to rest and to save up energy/money/peace of mind for a bit.
capricorn: if you're an academic, spiritual seeker, or other form of philosopher, mercury retrograde from this week is likely to affect that area of your life. don't despair at a delay; it turns out to benefit you later on. and for all capricorns, a mars-pluto trine this week presents you with difficulties, but once you overcome them you emerge more powerful than ever.
aquarius: mercury goes retrograde this week and uranus, your ruling planet, has slowed almost to a standstill preparing to do the same next week. and let's not pretend you don't have an affinity with mercury too. so brace yourself for a little brain fog, and take it easy on yourself and others trying to navigate a highly glitchy period. everything is weird, like we've switched dimensions. a little patience and compassion will go a long way.
pisces: retrograde saturn in your sign can feel a bit morose, heavy in a soggy way. the sun opposing it this week helps a little bit, and if you can be outside in actual sun, it helps all the more. expect a bit of chaos, power struggle, and confusion in your committed relationships, but don't let it bog you down too much. things turn around when mercury resumes direct motion after the impending retrograde which will happen before you know it.
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