#Gen 7 is the region I’m more attached too.
jaynosurname · 5 months
It’s weird how I felt literally nothing towards the announcement of Pokémon Legends Z-A
Especially because X was my first Pokémon game so you’d think I be hyped as hell. But nah… I don’t really care.
0 notes
Welcome to the first event!
Now until July 31st!
If you were considering doing something, but were too busy, etc, before or if this is your first time hearing of it, good news: You have a whole other month! (Until the day before the next full moon.)
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This will take place between the dates of the next two full moons: June 3rd and July 3rd. (Edit: Now until July 31st!)
June’s is the Strawberry Moon, also called the Rose Moon and the Hot Moon.
July’s is the Buck Moon, also called the Hay Moon, Thunder Moon, Herb/Wyrt Moon, and Claiming Moon.
Depending on the region both are also known as the Mead Moon, hence the name and theme of the event. (The Mead Moon can also refer to the full moon closest to the summer solstice, which is in June most of the time, but is in July this year.) 
The summer solstice is June 21st, Midsummer Eve is June 23rd, and Midsummer Day is June 24th.
There are 3 ways to participate: fic, art or playlists involving 3 or more of the 21 prompts:
3s and 7s, self-expression 
Creative number 21
Fall into Altered Reality 
Frightening, enlightening or fun
Aphrodisiacs can induce
lovers, friends or strangers to fuck
The avatar of a dancing deity
Becomes a velvet antlered Buck
A courtship hunt before the Claiming
Games and riddles with the Fae
On the night of the next Full Moon
Rendezvous for a roll in the Hay
Herbs and nectar for a Honeymoon 
Converts Hot water into Mead
In the light of the Midnight Sun
A mischievous Midsummer Night’s Dream
Rumination, rambling, and Revelry 
A Ritual at the Rose of a thousand thorns
A Solstice feast of wild plum and Strawberry
Awaits between rainbows and dark Thunder storms
--Event info below--
Rules and requirements:
New or unpublished works are accepted for this event. Feel free to combine with other ongoing or upcoming events.
For Writers:
3,000 words minimum using 3 or more of the 21 prompts. 
This can be one work or multiple works of at least 1,000 words each. No maximum for word count or amount of works. 
For Artists:
Use 3 or more of the prompts to create visuals (drawings, gifsets, manips, vids/edits, moodboards, etc.) Can be one work or multiple. 
For Mixers:
There are 2 options for standalone fanmixes:
Use 3-7 prompts to make a playlist of 21 tracks. At least 3 tracks per prompt used. (For example: A playlist with 4 prompts — 5 songs for Rose, 7 songs for Full Moon, 3 songs for Thunder, and 6 songs for Altered Reality.) Arrange them however you like: all grouped together in segments, whatever flows best, randomly, etc.
Make a playlist of 21 songs with 1 song for every prompt in any order.
If you’re attaching a playlist to a fanfic or art post:
Do whatever you want, but you get extra cool points for 21 tracks and including 1 or more songs for every prompt that you use and/or 3 songs for at least one prompt.
Put your playlists on Spotify, YouTube or both so I can listen to them. 😉
This is an event for fans of Sterek, but it’s Sterek & Stuff for a reason. I’m a multishipper and some of you might be too, so the deal is if you pay the Sterek Toll you can do other Teen Wolf ships (or pre-ships and gen) in separate works in your series should you desire.
The Sterek Toll is:
At least 2 prompts and 1,000 words of Sterek for writers.
At least 2 prompts and 1 piece of art for artists.
Music is generally up to interpretation so unless you go out of your way to say it’s not for Sterek don’t worry about it, lol. But if mixers want a toll too then it’s 2-7 prompts and a 14 track playlist.  
All Sterek all the time is of course always welcome and there will be a Sterek Only subcollection on AO3 and separate Sterek and NonSterek posts on Tumblr. (Assuming anyone does NonSterek, lol.)
To count as a Sterek fanfic Stiles and Derek have to be together by the end of the work. The story should focus on them, but feel free to include other characters too. 
Sterek Plus and Sterek Poly go in the other ships category and is subject to the Sterek Toll.
Any background ship.
Crossovers as long as the focus is on Sterek (or other TW characters if you’ve paid the Sterek Toll.)
Angst, whump, and dark themes as long as the story (the last related work if it's part of a series) ends on an upbeat or hopeful note and there’s nothing from the Nope section.
No permanent death of Stiles or Derek. If you’re doing a series in the same setting they both have to be alive and together (or have the possibility of being together in the future) in the last related work. This applies to other TW works too. (No permanently killing off whoever is in any other main ship either.)
No miserable, tragic endings. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect and happily ever after, but the last related work should at least have a hopeful or “we’ll make the best of this shit” ending for Stiles and Derek (or other main ship.) 
No explicit descriptions or depictions of sexual activity under 16. (Kissing, dating, references or vague descriptions are okay.)
No bestiality. (As in regular animals. Xeno /Tera with beta or full shifted Derek, Stiles, etc, is okay.)
No scat.
No death or gore fetishes. (As in rotting corpses and gaping wounds and stuff. Bloodplay is okay.)
No Real Person Fiction.
Make sure to tag accurately!
The event starts at 5:30am PDT (12:30pm GMT) on June 3rd so please don’t post before then. 
Now officially ending at 11:59pm PDT on July 31st (6:59am GMT on August 1st,) but late posting accepted.
On Tumblr:
Tag your work here with #mead moons and #mead moons (prompt) for each prompt that you use. (Ex: #mead moons fae.) At @sterek-and-stuff-events. 
If you’re doing multiple works put links to the previous works in each new post. The requirements (3 prompts, 3,000 words for writers, etc) have to be met by the end of the event.
On AO3:
I’ll post the links to the AO3 collections on the morning of June 3rd. There will be a main Mead Moons collections and subcollections for Music, Art, Stories, and Sterek Only works. 
If you’re doing multiple works put them in a series. (Mead Moons or something related to your prompts.) The requirements (3 prompts, 3,000 words for writers, etc) have to be met by the end of the event.
Post your works to the main collection and relevant subcollections below.
The collections:
The main collection. Everything goes here.
Sterek only works.
You’ve reached the end!
Once more the prompts are: 21, Altered Reality, Aphrodisiacs, Becomes, Buck, Claiming, Fae, Full Moon, Hay, Herbs, Honeymoon, Hot, Mead, Midnight Sun, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Revelry, Ritual, Rose, Solstice, Strawberry, and Thunder. (They're up to your interpretation!)
Thanks for checking out the event. I hope you enjoy creating and/or reading, looking at, and listening to the works! 
I'm @triskhellion
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broken-clover · 4 years
Who is your favorite Gym Leader from each generation?
Fun question! When I was thinking about it, I didn’t realize that I never really got super attached to the gym leaders until recent generations, I’m not sure if it’s something about how the writing is different or if I’m just older now and pay more attention to it.
Generation 1- Sabrina
Up until visiting Gen 1 once again in Let’s Go! I never cared much for the 1st gen gym leaders. For the most part, Sabrina was the only one who stood out to me, because of her absolutely horrifying appearance in the anime series back when I used to watch it as a kid. I remember anime Sabrina being one of the first things I ever considered to be truly terrifying on TV, with her doll-self’s creepy voice and her ability to turn other characters into dolls, so even when I got older and no longer found her frightening, she still has a place in my memory. Plus, the psychic-type leaders always tend to have such cool designs and abilities.
Generation 2- Clair
I like Clair because she’s an asshole. 
Ok, ok, let me explain. So in general, I really like when gym leaders break up the pace of the story and offer the player something different. It is nice when things go over smoothly, but adding in a bit of newness to the gym progression system. Clair is the last gym leader in the Johto league and obviously is already a pretty powerful trainer. But after you beat her, she refuses to admit defeat out of pride and demands you perform a separate task at the Dragon’s Den before she’ll give you your badge. Most of the female gym leaders tend to be demure and polite, so I really appreciate Clair being allowed to be cocky and self-assured of her own capabilities. Overall she makes for something refreshing in Gen 2′s plotline.
Generation 3- Winona
I think gen 3 is probably my least-played. I visited Johto in HeartGold and Kanto in the same game and Let’s Go! but I never got very far in Alpha Sapphire and never even touched the originals. So like with Sabrina, this is a pick made based mainly on the anime portrayal. Gen 3 was my peak anime-watching time, and I’m pretty sure by this point I’ve seen pretty much all of the episodes from it. And of what I saw, I absolutely adored the episodes with Winona. I loved her design, especially with the ponytail and the bird-shaped aviator cap. The episodes leading her up to the gym battle involving the Fortree carnival were an absolute delight, and I thought the gimmick for her gym battle was amazing. I always thought the anime’s adaptations of gym battles were so fun to watch from all the new concepts they introduced. The whole fight basically took place on giant elevators in an open field, slowly going higher with each round. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
(Though Wattson comes in at a very close second, he’s an adorable old man and I adored his goofy personality)
Generation 4- Crasher Wake
For the generation that I consider to be my real ‘first’ and have probably spent the most time in, I remember remarkably little about any of the gym leaders...except for Crasher Wake. Because how in the holy name of Arceus does someone forget a guy as fabulously ridiculous as Crasher friggin Wake. You first meet him while he’s singing his own theme song, for crying out loud. But despite having such a big personality, he isn’t a jerk and seems to genuinely enjoy battling in any form, even when he loses. He’s just a genuine delight.
Generation 5- Elesa
Talk about a fun gimmick. I love all the new design ideas and concepts that were introduced in gen 5. Something about the atmosphere of it feels so different compared to every other generation, and I love it for that. And a lot of that manifested in the Pokemon gyms. While I’m not sure what exactly it has to do with her job as a model, Elesa’s gym was just so much fun to mess around with, being a puzzle made out of neon rollercoasters that you get to ride around in. She wins just on aesthetic. Also bad puns. And those fabulous headphones.
Generation 6- Valerie
The first Fairy-type gym leader, and man, did she make a good impression! The cutesy theme was maybe a bit obvious, but I also love the sense of eeriness she has too, working in a creepy forest town and possessing those unusual blank eyes. She really feels like a unique standout design. And everyone tells me the dollhouse was easy to navigate, but I kept getting so very, very lost...
Generation 7- Kiawe
I love how overly-serious he is, I find it really charming. His pre-battle challenge was another fun one, and I could never tell if he was just messing with me or if he is just very seriously pulling his hiker friend into the chaos. Plus, I liked the inclusion of him being relevant to the new Alolan Marowak, with them both involved in traditional Alolan dancing. It’s just one of those little things that makes the region feel like its own place with an individual culture, even if it doesn’t ultimately impact the story much.
Generation 8- Allister
Autistic ghost onion. Enough said.
(+Milo bc big buff herder husband)
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To everyone: what would your Pokemon teams be and why?
Oh good god.
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Well… this is going to get complicated. At least from me.
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Let’s start with assuming no legendary Pokemon. Makes life a bit easier. Of course only a bit.
So… first off a lot of this depends on generation and limit. If you’re asking for a full team that I would have with rotations and stuff, we’re looking at… probably close to 10 full teams of 6, maybe even more.
In my defense, I’m a major Pokemon fan and I really really like a lot of them.
Of course, if we’re going to cut down the team to a more manageable six which can be from any region/gen, but only one from each region/gen to keep things interesting and varied… well, it would depend on a lot of things, including mood and such, so if one were to ask me this question again it would likely change. But, here would be, as I feel right now, the team I would use if I was limited to only six, one per region/gen.
1: Lucario. I’ve been a fan of this guy for so so long, ever since it was first introduced. I loved Lucario and the mystery of Mew as a kid (still kinda do). The whole concept behind aura is amazing. One’s spiritual energy/life force/ soul being utilized in combat? Being able to sense others and see without seeing? So awesome. Lucario is just SO. FREAKING. COOL. It’s design is wonderful as well. Jackel/Anubis? Yes please. Plus, I’ve been maining Lucario in Smash Bros. ever since Brawl. You better believe it’s making my team.
2: Tyranitar. Is it probably the weakest pseudo legendary when it comes to typing? Yes. Do I care? No. Tyranitar is BA. First, it’s one of the only two pseudo’s to not be a dragon. Yes, 8 regions, 9 pseudo’s, and only 2 are not dragons. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some dragons. But… variety would be nice, you know? But yeah, not a dragon, still awesome. It’s Godzilla for crying out loud! Plus, its design is just so good. It’s simple but perfect. It’s a giant Lizard creature that could fell mountains. It doesn’t need to be complicated, and is perfectly awe-inspiring and terrifying without being complicated. I also used a Tyranitar in my Ultra Sun playthrough, a male one named Typhon, Man was he fun to use.
3: Golisopod. Listen, if a Pokemon is good enough for YOUR BOI GUZMA to use it on his team, you know it’s a good pokemon. It’s the Alola take on Gyarados and Milotic (weak pathetic first stage with few moves  and while those two do have a slightly higher BST, that ain’t enough to keep my boy Golisopod down. Golisopod’s design is just so good. An Isopod mixed with a Samurai? Sign me right up thank you. It mixes the creepy crawly aesthetic of the bug type with the strong proud samurai perfectly and I love it. And yeah, sure Emergency Exit can be kind of annoying, but it allows you a second usage of First Impression. That is worth it. Also, it’s shiny is dope.
4: Toxtricity. Part of building a team means keeping in mind type composition. I love Grimmsnarl dearly and equally, if not more so, but I already have one Dark-type on the team, so Toxtricity manages to bag this spot. At least, for now considering my current mood. Ask me again tomorrow, or even in an hour, my answer may very well change. Anyway, Toxtricity itself. When I fist saw the design, I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt. It was… interesting to say the least, but I couldn’t figure out what I was looking at, or what it was supposed to be. But after some more time with it, learning more about it and using one I can say that Toxtricity is easily one of my new favorites. Quite possibly my absolute fave from Gen 8. A punk lizard that plays music? Rock/Metal? HECK. YES. The form change is also pretty nice. The stats don’t change between the two, but I honestly like it that way. Just the idea that more energetic natures would have an ‘Amped Up’ form based on an electric guitar while the more mellow natures would have a ‘Lowkey’ one based on a bass is ingenious. Same with the movepool changes. It makes sense that the different forms with their different music preference would have different moves. (My personal fave is the Amped Up, especially with its shiny colors.) Plus, an electric posion type? SO. COOL. Who cares about 4x weak to earthquake, this thing is boss! And Punk Rock is an amazing ability.
5: Flygon. Man oh man was Flygon treated poorly. Added in Gen 3 as a solid pokemon, but with a better attack stat than a special attack one. True, not bad in it of itself but before the Special/Physical split, ALL Dragon-type moves were special. Meaning Dragon Claw, a solid dragon type move back in Gen 3, wasn’t yet a physical move. And Outrage wasn’t even something Flygon could learn yet (it wouldn’t be until Gen 7 that it became a TM). Then came gen 4. Now, I love gen 4. I truly do. It is by far my favorite Gen. And it did do something very good for Flygon. It gave the special/physical split, allowing some Dragon type moves to now be physical as well. But you know what else came along? Garchomp. Honestly, I like Garchomp, I do. But suddenly here we are with a new Dragon/Ground type that is a pseudo-legendary? My poor poor Flygon. And it didn’t get any better. I mean seriously, give Mewtwo and Charizard two megas but none to Flygon? WHILE GIVING ONE TO GARCHOMP WHO DIDN’T NEED IT AND WAS ITS BIGGEST COMPETITION?! Why Game Freak? Why?Anyway, mini-rant aside, I love Flygon. The design is incredible. The line is based on an antlion and is so cool. That sweet green design and the little lenses over the eyes? Perfect, just perfect. Plus, it has some sweet lore. Appearing in sandstorms with haunting music coming from its wings? Yes please. Beautiful pokemon that was done such disservices. It’s a shame really. With Megas gone, Flygon will likely never get that final boost it needs. Though considering it is in Galar while Garchomp isn’t… maybe Flygon will have a chance to shine again. (A shame though that it will never get to have a type change to Bug Dragon. Would be sick.) Regardless of the future though, Flygon will always have a place in my heart, and in my team. 
6: Zoroark. Yeah, I know what I said about team composition above with Toxtricity and Grimmsnarl. But  I also pointed out mood has a lot to do with it. Anyway, for Zoroark itself. Like Lucario, I’veb een a fan for so long, ever since it was first introduced. It’s kinda funny in a way. Zoroark acts as the perfect yin to Lucario’s yang. Lucario uses aura to sense things and to see, Zoroark is the maser of illusions. In it of itself, this illusion business is awesome, but add in how it counters Lucario and it works just so well. Typing as well, Lucario is a fighting steel, the type you’d think of for a chivalrous paladin of justice and truth, while Zoroark is dark (evil type in Japan), perfect for a sly illusion master. Of course, it’s not just dualism with Lucario. The line is just so amazing itself. Clearly drawing from Kitsune, Zoroark is a sly fox that is able to not just use illusions, but masters them to the point of being able to create solid constructs out of them (see the anime). It is just so cool, how can I not love it? Also, like Tyranitar before it, I used a female one named Vixen in my Ultra Sun playthrough and it was a delight. 
Anyway, that would be my team. You know, assuming all the limitations I put on myself and my mood at this moment. But if you guys enjoyed this and want to know more about my favorite pokemon, please let me know. I’m always happy and excited to talk about Pokemon.
Anyway, going to hand this over to the other mods. I’ve been monopolizing this ask for too long.
Ooo!! This’ll be fun to answer! Cause, well, I love Pokémon!!!
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But, forgive me for this; I haven’t played any of the games.
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So im just saying my favorite characters!!!
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1: Glacieon, I really, really like glacieons and have always loved ice type Pokémon. Mainly because I really like the cold. Like; really, really, like the cold. I also really like her attacks, their cool!!! (Pun intended)
2: Furret. Absolutely furret, I never knew why I liked furret, but. I’m just gonna blame it on me really liking Ferrets and cause I honestly have really liked normal types for some reason.
3: Vulpix (either one), I really like any fire type Pokémon mainly because I’ve always just had a very weird interest in fire and because vulpix can be either a fire or ice Pokémon I love that about them. And they remind me of a bunch of irl animals that I love!!
4: Smom , I LOVE THOSE LIL ICE BABEYS SO MUCH!?!? They are so cute-!? I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH???! They are all my children and I want to adopt them all, and I will. No one can stop me………except maybe the other mods-
5: Sylveon, absolutely. I always have such an attachment even with digital animals, so I absolutely would give my eevee enough attention and love for them to evolve into sylveon. Honestly, it’d end up be accidental, but, I still really love Sylveon, and wouldn’t care if I got more than one of them-
6: Flareon, listen- I just love eevees okay-? I love them all so so much, and would lay down my life for each and every one of them. Just 💞💞💕💖💓💖💝💞💖💕💝💓💕💞💖💞💖💝💘💖💕💕💞
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Ah, I bet you missed hearing from me! No worries, I’ll tell you my pokemon team, even if it’s not particularly exciting.
First off, a Pachirisu is a must for my team. I’ve always loved how hyper it can be and the mishaps it would cause. Plus, c’mon- who doesn’t like its color scheme?
I’d also incorporate Chimchar to my team. I’ve always had a soft spot for Chimchar, since it was my first ever starter and I leveled mine all the way up to 100 in my Pokemon Platinum playthrough.
Yamper definitely had my heart the moment I saw it! I have a really strong love for dogs, and its addition to the game got me so excited!! Kirigiri can vouch for me on that one.
Growlithe is also integral to me. When my dog was a puppy, I used to jokingly call her a growlithe. I don’t think I still have pictures, but I even got her a floof for halloween once so she could be in a costume with me. Also... Arcanine is seriously badass.
Wooloo is super cute too! I love that it rolls away from its problems, and I, too, wish to do that. Plus the braids immediately reminded me of Peko, so I was super soft for it the moment it was revealed.
Finally, I’ll add my favorite Eeveelution to the team: Glaceon! Something about its sleek design always made me happy, and the way its fur sharpens as defense is super interesting!
(If legendaries were allowed on the team, I would’ve added either Giratina or Shaymin. They’re my favorites.
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squirtle-bro · 5 years
Gen 7 Review
I played Sun, Moon, and Ultra Moon and thoroughly enjoyed them my first time through. Though, as I've replayed them, I've found they do move a little slow and are more tutorial-geared than I'd like. It's great to give new players the tools they need to succeed, but it's really tedious when you just want to start a new playthrough and GO. I liked the new pokemon, but looking back there weren't that many I grew a huge attachment to. There's very few I don't like, but the vast majority I'm just neutral towards, and that's not fun. Like, Rockruff is super cute and Lycanrc is really cool and I love the split evolution similar to espeon/umbreon, but I never bothered to try them because Rockruff is hidden behind a Rock Smash wall and you don't find Lycanroc in the wild till late game, plus why bother with generic new rock types when I already have an attachment to Gigalith or I could use one of the dual-type fossils instead? There were just so many great returning Pokemon, I never felt much of a draw to seek out the new ones except for a moral obligation to give some of them a shot. What about the regional forms? Absolutely great additions. Super fun typing changes, great connection to regional lore, and of course it set a precedent for more regional variants into the future. Granted, none of the alolan variants interested me because most were Pokemon that I didn't care a whole lot about the originals so I didn't have that nostalgia drawing me to their new forms. I ended up using Alolan Ninetales on my team and she was fantastic, so I know the variants were great Pokemon. The selection of Pokemon just wasn't for me this time around. But I'm so excited for the potential of one of my favs getting a revamp, especially since Galarian Zigzagoon shows it won't be only Kanto. The storyline worked fine for me. The Aether Foundation rubbed me the wrong way the whole game, but their twists as a group and as family connections still surprised me and it was a great ride. Team Skull was a delightful return to small-scale villains like Team Rocket, while still posing as a decent threat, though comically impotent. I loved experiencing a region at the dawn of its Pokemon League and really seeing all the connections between side characters across the islands. But when it came to all the Ultra Space stuff, I lost interest. It was just too sci-fi for me, but I thought it was still executed well. I liked the Nihilego superboss and ultra Necrozma, but they just felt like average big bosses and I didn't think much more of them afterward. But back to the Ultra Beasts. They worked well and I liked the otherworldly designs, but I wanted more out of them story-wise. They were mostly post-game legendaries and had no in-game lore. Just powerful Pokemon because the team you trained from pups isn't good enough. Many of the ultra beasts look very similar to main characters; I wanted something to happen because of that. Whether it's body snatchers or Lillie is actually a Nihilego, I just wanted more significance from the uncanny resemblances. All in all great game, great animation, and great connection to a variety of side characters! There was definitely a surplus of dialogue but I still enjoy myself. It was a refreshing switch-up from the usual Pokemon formula and I really like the games.
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bokureii · 5 years
Questions for me
Here's some questions that people tend to note me about for some reason. (Notes are more for important stuff, you could just comment instead).
Also I know lots of people on here don't like reading and just wanna see art, you gotta actually read stuff for once :v, the poor writers who write on here needs love. 
  Feel free to take these questions and answer your own, I'd be interested to see! (You can edit some out like the 2 final questions) When did you start drawing, and why? I started drawing back in 2011 when I was 13, around September I think? You'll have to check my old account, DreamyNormy. I had no experience of drawing/art whatsoever before then, so I didn't know how to draw, nor was I interested. I started drawing because I wanted a new hobby, I was bored of getting angry at video games and I had anger issues, so this pretty much helped. Also I was encouraged by an old friend of mine. c:
Do you prefer traditional art or digital art? Answer is pretty obvious but I prefer digital art. I did do traditional art around 2013/2014 but I never posted them online. I can't post them online anymore because they been scrapped, rip. I really liked them, they were background drawings in oil pastel. I didn't know how to do background drawings digitally back then.
What’s your preferred canvas size? Normally I start with 3000x3000, but I reduce the canvas size to the sketch since I draw small.
Do you do sketches first before you start drawing the actual thing? The only thing I sketch is what I'm gonna draw before I line. I don't do any warm-up sketches, though I probably should!
What motivates/inspires you to draw? Music is definitely the most motivating factor for drawing. I'm passionate about music, in fact, I would've been doing digital music making instead of digital art if I wasn't encouraged to do art in 2011. Though, I dunno how far that would've got me to be honest. Other artists inspire me to draw!
How many layers do you typically use? Normally for a basic picture, like the Boku Phantump one I did a few days ago, it'd be around 9 layers, background, colour, colour shade, colour light, contrast, background reflection, eye flare, lineart and lineart colour. However if there's a detailed background involved, then it's like way more, 20 to 100 layers
What do you prefer to draw for comfort? Do you vent art? Simple things! Though, I don't really draw for comfort, I mostly just draw whenever I want to draw (As in whenever I'm bored). I don't like doing vent art, because if I'm depressed or angry, I don't want to draw because I'll just be repeating situations in my head and it distracts from the drawing. I rather just actual vent, I'm a very verbal person when I'm angry. There are emotions put into my art sometimes, but they're not negative :V
Do you prefer drawing your characters or random fandom things? I rarely draw my characters, don't I? So I guess I prefer random fandom things.
Do you use more warm or cold colours? I like a combination of both. Like warm colours for lighting and cold colours for shadowss, I rarely do the other way around
What’s your favourite music when drawing? I have an entire playlist of my favourite music, I don't really have one specific!
What inspires you to draw backgrounds? Other artists, they're all brilliant artists. Oh and music.
How often do you draw? Mostly once a week.
Does your drawing suit your style? I guess?
Do you sometimes want to have a different style? Yes, I do. Whenever I'm drawing other people's characters, I lead towards their style than my own and it's fun to do, a new learning experience :v
Do your drawings resemble you? Well, I'm the only person who can draw my own style anyway, haven't see any copycats!
What time of day is suitable for drawing for you? The middle of the day, like afternoon to evening time. The latest I draw is like 10pm to midnight :v
Where is your main source for submitting art? Unfortunately, it's DeviantArt, but I try to post on other websites like twitter and tumblr.
What do you wish your art had more of? I wish my art had more backgrounds. It's difficult to draw backgrounds.
What’s the hardest thing for you to draw? Perspective drawing. Trust me, it's the most hardest thing to do, 'cause you gotta think about the character, what part you should see, what part you shouldn't, and then the background perspective, got to get the size right, can you see this object from here, this object should be covering this up, etc. So many factors to take into consideration, I do it all in my sketching phase.
What is your favourite Pokémon? The one and only treestump ghost, Phantump! However it may change based on what pokemon I get attached to for Pokemon Sword and Shield.
What Pokémon do you like to draw the most? Eeveelutions, I used to be really bad at drawing quadrupeds, that's why I started drawing them so much, wanted to get better at drawing quadrupeds. Unfortunately I drew them too much that I neglected bipeds, sorry marshadows. :c
Could you draw my Pokémon character? This I get asked a lot, especially through notes, even though I'm pretty sure that on my main page, it says in big heading, "Stuff you don't need to note me about" and it says 'requests are closed'. So, please have some decency and actually read before you post stuff? Asking me requests just means you don't actually care about what's on my page and just want a free drawing. Do I have to make the heading even bigger? :I
What’s your favourite Pokémon region? What's your least favourite? Unova! Love everything about it from the Pokémon designs, music, story, characters and the dynamic (Dynamic was so lacking in gen 4, everything moved at the speed of Sinnoh). I hate Sinnoh/Kalos the most.
I want to see more of your drawings! Why don’t you draw more? I have a thing called life, I can't be on deviantArt 24/7 posting art, people have the misconception that we artists just magically make art with a button (I wish though). It takes time. Also it's exam season and also why don't you try draw more. >:v
Where are those visual novels that you were gonna do more of, Boku? For PokemonSaviors? Just be patient, the owner of the group is working really hard on making the next chapter, and I'll be able to do more on that in the future. I might do some visual novels on an old group in the future though. I have ideas. What does ":v" mean? I don't know. It was this habit of mine to type it like every sentence, someone I knew said it a lot, so it sort of rubbed off onto me. Here's my question to you guys though: Do I inspire/motivate you to draw? If not, what does?
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crystalelemental · 6 years
Top five things about Gen 1
Surprisingly, not as tough as it should be.
Stat experience actually was pretty nice, compared to EVs.  The ability to improve all the stats in the game at once was really nice, and helped to make just about anything viable in the main game.  Gen 3 and onward, you start to really feel the impact of low stats more than with the stat experience model.
Despite having very few of my favorites, gen 1 doesn’t have a ton of Pokemon I really dislike either.  They’re a solid baseline for the series.  While later generations have a lot more favorites, they also have a lot more Pokemon I actively dislike.  They’re more hit-and-miss, which I’d prefer honestly, but Gen 1 I’m better able to feel like going for variance than keeping with the same things all the time, because I’m not super attached to anything, and not super averse to much of anything.
I know people say this a lot, but there is something to be said for difficult rivals.  Gary was a lot more intimidating than most rivals.  Gen 3′s May or Brendan were an absolute joke, Gen 4′s Barry was really not that tough either, Gen 6 was completely laughable.  N and Hau were better challenges, but Gary was a really solid one too.
In Gen 7, especially with Akala, I was really hopeful for a more open-ended experience with the islands.  Basically, open up that region.  The routes are so interconnected and allow for so many ways you could have gone through things, but instead, it’s all set to just one path based on the plot.  Gen 1 was significantly more open in that regard.  Koga and Sabrina could be fought interchangeably, whichever you prefer first.  If you really wanted, you could come back to Erika, or beat Blaine before Sabrina if you felt you weren’t ready.  The interconnected options for routes also meant there were different ways you could get to Fuchsia.  It’s nice to have that variety.
Okay, Gen 2 and 3?  They really needed to beef up their TM options.  Move tutors were equivalent in Gen 3, so I guess those are okay.  But Gen 2 was missing Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Rock Slide, Body Slam, etc.  All these great moves were mysteriously absent in Gen 2 for no reason.  Gen 3 thankfully brought them back, but as far as early game options go, these were great.  You also got them really early.  You could have Earthquake by the halfway point of the game, instead of nearly the end of the game.  Also, Body Slam basically vanished as a TM after Gen 1, and as a Tutor move after Gen 3.  That desperately needs to come back.  Give Mega Glalie powered up Ice-type Body Slam with 30% paralysis rate.
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