#Geoff Lamb
genevieveetguy · 1 year
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. I let you in.
Talk to Me, Danny Philippou & Michael Philippou (2023)
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codywiththeladies · 3 months
Assigned animals for my au. TDI I realized I had a majority already and I came up with the ROFI cast like a few days ago? From RR, I only had Dwayne and Junior figured out but the rest I figured out today. Also no reboot characters bc I haven’t even watched it yet
Owen: bear
Justin: white tiger
Cody: red squirrel
Courtney: Birman cat
Gwen: hyena
DJ: goat
Lindsay: spotted deer
Tyler: beagle dog
Izzy: poodle
Noah: spaniel dog
Trent: groundhog (9 letters)
Harold: caribou deer
Beth: beaver
Heather: Dobermann
Leshawna: panther
Ezekiel: raccoon
Duncan: wolverine
Sadie: hedgehog
Katie: porcupine
Geoff: golden retriever dog
Bridgette: otter
Eva: Siamese cat
Alejandro: lion
Sierra: maned wolf
Mike: monkey
Scott: roof rat
Dakota: horse - alicorn
Cameron: holland lop bunny
Dawn: Florida white rabbit
Lightning: carpathian shepherd
Zoey: red panda
Staci: pig
Anne Maria: lemur
B: seal
Sam: sheepdog
Brick: ferret
Jo: wolf
Max: chinchilla
Amy: opossum
Sammy: opossum
Leonard: raven
Sky: snowy owl
Topher: servai cat
Scarlette: red fox
Shawn: singapura cat
Sugar: pony
Beardo: american black bear
Ella: flamingo
Dave: dachshund
Jasmine: emu
Junior: roborovski dwarf hamster
Dwayne: Meerkat
Kitty: burmese cat
Emma: burmese cat
Josee: lynx
Jacques: arctic fox
Ellody: barred owl
Mary: grey parrot
Tom: llama
Jen: hare
Lorenzo: capybara
Chet: mink
Rock: badger
Spud: skunk
Laurie: camel
Miles: donkey
Kelly: caracal
Taylor: bobcat
Devin: border collie
Carrie: silver fox
Stephanie: jackal
Ryan: bull
Brody: sea lion
Jay: armadillo
Mickey: armadillo
Ennui: coyote
Crimson: wolf
Pete: gopher
Gerry: mongoose
Tammy: lamb
MacArthur: German shepherd
Sanders: Labrador retriever
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hlficlibrary · 1 year
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HL Fic Library 🌚 Supernatural Fics
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
🦇 domestic monsters (series) by @g-uttertrash {E, 234k}
Harry is a witch from a long line of power, an ancient line that’s one of the strongest left alive in their hemisphere. He can cast spells without a word if need be, fly on a broomstick, and has a black cat (a kitten, really) named Felix that is his animal familiar. He can shape galaxies in his cupped hands and can destroy them just as easily. He can choose exactly how to use his power, for encouragement and support, or for more nefarious causes if he wishes to.
And as fate would have it, he’s scared of haunted houses.
(Harry is a witch who carries around a stuffed pumpkin, Louis is a vampire with too much time on his hands, and their best mates Zayn & Niall aren't exactly what they seem...)
🦇 Collision by itjustkindahappened / @tequiladimples {E, 226k}
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
🦇 Run Like the Devil by benzos / @churchrat {E, 139k}
Harry stops pouting, but his frown is still fixed in place. “Are you sure?” he asks. “You know it’s your soul you’re signing away.” He sounds…sad? No, that’s not right, but there’s something.
Christ. This is the most incompetent demon Louis’ ever met. If he hadn’t seen the red of his eyes he wouldn’t believe he was a demon at all. How’d he get this job if he isn’t trying to convince Louis to deal? Or is it just another trick? A ploy for sympathy?
“I’m sure,” Louis says. “Come over here and kiss me.”
Supernatural AU. Louis hunts demons; Harry's the strangest demon he's ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
🦇 House of The Rising Sun by @itsmotivatingcara {M, 101k}
“It wasn’t me.” Louis said after they’d walked a block in silence, Harry glanced over in surprise but this time Louis didn’t meet his eyes, instead looking ahead. The moonlight cast shadows under his striking cheekbones, and not for the first time, Harry thought he was eerily beautiful - though immortality would likely have a hand in that. “It was supposed to be, but I got caught up in something else.”
“Something more important than murdering a witch” Harry snarked, “Will wonders never cease.”
He felt Louis’ irritation before he spoke again, “Careful, little lamb.” He murmured.
Little lamb.
Harry despised the nickname Louis had given him when they’d first met nine months prior. Little Lamb to the slaughter, Louis had said mockingly.
Or The Originals AU that no one asked for.
🦇 Black with Autumn Rain by whimsicule {T, 93k}
“Thank you,” Geoff says, taking a sip of his tea. “What did you tell him?”
Louis has a sip as well, lets the tea burn down his throat too quickly, too hot, and he feels it all the way down to his stomach. “The truth. Essentially,” he replies after a moment, licking his lips, relishing the slightly bitter taste of the brew that’s never quite strong enough for Louis’ liking. At least it’s not decaf. “That my dog scented it. That I didn’t touch the body. That I came here first thing.”
Geoff nods pensively. “Did he believe you?”
“Probably not. There’s only so many people who can drown on dry land before it gets fishy.”
or: Harry is a journalist, Louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren't exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
🦇 The Devil In My Brain by @princesshalo {E, 74k}
“Jesus Christ!” Louis yells as he jumps back in reaction to Harry once again popping up out of nowhere.
Harry doesn’t even flinch.
“Quite the opposite.” He jokes, holding out one of the drinks for Louis to take. A freshly sizzling vodka Red Bull; his favorite.
Louis’s initial reaction is the thought you remembered.
His rational brain says, “No thanks.”
“Louis.” Harry says it like a concerned parent, the tone of it matching the way his mum used to say Boo Bear, you have to eat your vegetables to grow up big and strong, and that ignites something feral within him.
“Satan.” He counters, same tone coupled with a glare and a pair of arms crossed over his chest.
Louis used to be good friends with Harry, until he woke up alone and immortal with no one to blame but The Devil himself.
🦇 Tied to Fate by @littlelouishiccups {E, 52k}
After his estranged father’s death, Harry inherits a castle in England that has belonged to his family for generations and he knows nothing about. When he breaks up with his boyfriend, Harry decides England is the perfect place for a small vacation. He isn’t prepared to meet Louis Tomlinson, a ghost who once lived in the castle and has haunted it for over five hundred years. He’s even more unprepared to fall in love with him.
🦇 we should open up (before it's all too much) by @disgruntledkittenface {M, 43k}
“I’m not–” Harry breaks off, his voice strangled as he clutches his phone in his hand. He takes a breath and looks up, trying to keep the tears threatening to spill over at bay. “Louis, I’m not very good company these days. I–”
“Harry,” Louis interrupts, his raspy voice soft and soothing. “I get it. Sometimes it’s just easier to be alone, yeah?”
Harry nods, blinking back the last of his tears.
“But it can get lonely,” Louis states. Harry nods again even though it wasn’t a question, finally looking back at him. “So why don’t we try being alone, together?”
Struggling with grieving and depression since his dad died, Harry has never felt so alone. It’s too much to cope with on his own, but he feels like a burden when he tries to open up with people.
Then he meets Louis.
🦇 The Haunting of Louis Tomlinson by @helloamhere {T, 31k}
“I'm not afraid of ghosts,” Louis said.
Every single magnet unstuck itself from the fridge and fell to the floor in a clattering cascade.
“I'm only a little afraid of ghosts,” Louis said.
OR: Louis is a plucky Gothic Heroine, Harry is a Mournful Spirit, and Big Country Houses are full of mystery and suspense, as Big Country Houses ever are!
🦇 Where the World has Come Together by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup {M, 26k}
For the crime of elven blood running through his veins, Louis Tomlinson spends his days protecting the human kingdom he’s been cast out of. Forcibly tied by magic to the very walls that encircle the city, he and the other guards do what they can to find some semblance of a life.
Then, against Louis’ wishes, someone new is added to their number. How is he supposed to share living quarters with a monster?
🦇 The Blood of Love by @mugglemirror {E, 25k}
Harry is a nurse and Louis is a painting worth more than a thousand words. As desire and darkness encompasses him, Harry has to learn the secrets of Thorne Hills manor before he succumbs to the mystery that surrounds him.
🦇 Campus Creatures by @kingsofeverything , YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf {E, 25k}
It’s senior year for werewolf Louis Tomlinson and vampire Harry Styles, and as presidents of their respective fraternities, they’re determined to do it right.
Though what that means is anybody’s guess.
🦇 In the Strangest of Ways by SunTomato / @sun-tomato {NR, 17k}
Louis Tomlinson is a historian with English Heritage, specialised local history and folklore. When he is hired to research the origins of a mysterious music sheet, he soon finds he’s not the only one at the manor; a dark presence keeps following him around. The more time he spends at the historic site, the clearer it becomes that something tragic happened here. And when the haunting sounds of a melancholy piano piece accompanied by the vague shadow of a beautiful male figure appear, Louis is determined to find out who this beautiful man was and what happened to him…
🦇 it's time to find your wings again by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed {T, 12k}
The first reports are dismissed, as tall tales or folklore. As mental illness, poor Bathilda, she’d gone loopy. As people simply getting scared in the dark woods and seeing things, making things up. Magic isn’t real. Mythological creatures aren't real.
But then the first one is caught. A faun, that little Meg from around the corner swears has attacked her in the woods, and everyone comes to the marketplace to see the faun be hanged for its crimes. Louis doesn’t want to go, but at the same time, he finds himself unable to stay away. Not when this proves what he’s wanted to believe all along, that magic is real.
Louis is twenty when he starts working at the prison. His fascination for supernatural creatures had turned into something most closely resembling loathing over the years, due to the many stories of their evildoing, and although he still doesn’t believe in hanging them for their crimes, he does believe in keeping the town safe. In making sure that his siblings get to grow up without fear of being kidnapped or hurt. As the oldest son, it feels like his duty to make sure that no creature in the wide area will ever pose a threat to anyone.
🦇 Far Afield by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird {T, 11k}
Harry Styles is a witch who owns the best flower shop in Manchester. Lottie Tomlinson is planning her wedding, and brings her brother along to her first appointment. Both men have been having a bad day and sparks fly.
🦇 Just Your Jinx by @larryatendoftheday {T, 10k}
Harry Styles may or may not have accidentally jinxed his extremely fit new neighbor, and it's not so easy to make things right.
🦇 Babe, There's Something Lonesome About You by patdkitten / @babyarcanacasey {M, 8k}
Louis is a hedge witch, who lives a lonely, solitary life. He's quite happy with his shop in Door County, selling New Age magics to the tourists. He also has his cats and his birds to keep him company. But his best friend Liam thinks he needs someone around, and he's got just the person: Liam's friend Harry is coming to the area for the tourist season and since Louis has all this space....
🦇 Somethin' Old and Red by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense {NR, 5k}
There was a ritual with these things. He’d pour a splash into a wine glass —his favourite little joke was telling humans he loved a nice glass of red every now and again— then sat down in his living room and listened to music while he drank. Every time he changed the record —or, what was it they called them nowadays? 8tracks? MP3s? Playlists? It was difficult for Harry to keep up with the technology, especially as much as things had changed over the last few decades— he would change the music before refilling the glass. He liked to savour his meals. He could get at least two evenings out of a bag that way, which worked very well for Harry’s schedule. His wine glass was in front of him on the counter, and he was ready to pour.
🦇 The Hidden Hills Restaurant by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose {E, 4k}
“Are you sure you want to hear about this? Wouldn’t you rather hear about what I’ll do to you? How often? How long? How many fin—“
“I like to get to know my potential clients before agreeing to anything,” Louis says and lays down the menu. He’s thinking of steak. Something meaty, juicy, and hearty.
Harry’s arched eyebrow at the word ‘potential’ doesn’t escape Louis’ notice.
or the one where Louis is a personal feeder and Harry is the vampire to be his next client
🦇 Rapture by @allwaswell16 {E, 3k}
It was New Year's Eve in Victorian London, and a lonely vampire could no longer resist the stunning lamplighter he watched night after night.
Or, a vampire Harry fic because what says the holidays like Victorian vampires?
🦇 Just a little taste by @lunarheslwt {G, 3k}
“Little dove,” Louis crooned, making Harry shiver a little, affected, “you’re shaking. Do you want to bite?” Harry stilled. He knew what Louis was asking. He knew Louis probably could sense how in dire need of comfort he was. He knew Louis was offering. And yet- “No,” he whispered, even as he felt the strong urge to let his lips trace the well-known path to the spot he usually bit into, “I could hurt you.” “Harry, my darling, you haven’t hurt me once in the numerous times you’ve needed to bite. Today will be no different. You know it’ll do you good.” Harry sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, torn. In the end, it was an offer he was too weak to resist. “So…do you want to? Little taste?” “Yeah,” Harry rasped out, “please.”
Or, Harry is a vampire that comes home one night, grappling with the darkness that comes with being one. Louis offers him unwavering love, acceptance and the one thing he needs but is reluctant to ask for; permission to bite for the sake of comfort and safety seeking.
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lunefuforu · 1 year
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I've been making a long list of funfacts I've came up with for my lackaocs, I decided that I may as well share these publicly now tho just so you guys can get to know them better.
It's a lotta word vomit so be prepared for that lmao
I will be continuing to add more over time whenever I think of new things, or if anyone has any suggestions that I like enough to add n make canon. If you have questions then shoot me an ask to my inbox.
Gale: Trans and Bisexual
Matilda: Bisexual
Marie: Trans and Asexual Demiromantic
Tony: Gay
Riley: Pansexual Demiromantic
Gale 6'0
Matilda 5'8
Marie 5'11
Dot 2'9
Tony 6'0
Riley 7'2
Gale's voiceclaim: John Mulaney
Matilda's voiceclaim: Jessica Rabbit
Dot's voiceclaim: Shirley Temple
Riley's voiceclaim: Geoff Castellucci
Marie's voiceclaim: Jennifer Tilly
Tony's voiceclaim: Aizawa Shouta [English]
Gale's nicknames for the others;
Matilda: May, May dear, Darling, Love, My Beloved, Honey, Sweetheart, Belle, Muffin, Sugarplum, Baby, Babe, Beautiful, Amour
Riley: Big guy, Buddy, Bud, Cousin, Sully
Marie: No nicknames for her, he just calls her Marie. Or Ms. Brooke formally.
Antonio: Tony (casually, most of the time), Antonio (formally, usually), and Mr. Brooke (more formality). Though sometimes he may call him Sheik.
Dorothy: Dot, Sweetie, Peanut, Button, Princess
Matilda's nicknames for the others;
Gale: Darling, Honey, Babe, Baby
Antonio: Tony, Old man, Menace (these are of endearment)
Marie: Angel Eyes, Daisy
Dorothy: Dot, Small one, Sweet pea
Riley: Big one, Brooder, Dove
Marie's nicknames for the others;
Matilda: Hilda, Dear, Blossom, Sister
Antonio: Tony, Dear, Dimples, Daffodil, Brother
Dorothy: Dot, Dear, Sweetheart, Rosebud, Babydoll, My Angel, Little lamb, Ladybug
Gale: Gale (most of the time), Mr. Wolfgang (formally), Dear, Smiles, Sunflower
Riley: Riley (most of the time), Mr. Sullivan (formally), Dear, Honey, Wallflower
Tony's nicknames for the others;
Matilda: Tilly, Matty, Baby sister, Sourpuss, Bitsy
Marie: MarMar, Lil sister, Sunshine, Angel Face
Dorothy: Dot, Dotty, Kiddo, Shortie, Little one, Thumbelina
Gale: Wolfgang, Bright eyes, Wonder boy, Screwball
Riley: Sullivan, Big man, Mac, Chap, Goliath
Riley's nicknames for the others;
Gale: Cousin, Little man
Matilda: No nicknames for her, he just calls her Matilda. Or Mrs. Wolfgang formally.
Antonio: Tony (casually, usually), Antonio (formally, most of the time), and Mr. Brooke (more formality)
Marie: No nicknames for her, he just calls her Marie. Or Ms. Brooke formally. Though sometimes he calls her Ma'am.
Dorothy: Dot, Little one, Sweetheart, Pumpkin, Precious
Gale is that malewife ken-coded husband to his wife he will do anything for.
Matilda is the girlboss wife, she wants to become a detective, though it's very difficult. Sometimes she has to do dirty work in order to get what she wants.
Gale may or may not be willing to do the same, though not in the way Matilda does it. She does things methodically and quietly. Taking advantage of word, minds and weaknesses.
Gale on the other hand, does things more hands-on. He's worked on railroads for many years before his current journalist job, so he's extremely physically fit.
On off days, the pair like to dance together, while Gale sings to his wife. It brings her immense joy.
Matilda has many plants, she's not a gardener like her sister, but she shares a similar green thumb interest. Though hers are more towards ferns, ficus, and other such greens than flowery plants.
Gale and his cousin Riley don't talk much, Riley still wonders why Gale left all of a sudden because Gale never gave a reason why. But Gale does mail to him, and well as to his mother, who is sick in a hospital. Gale's father left a long time ago.
Matilda, Marie, and Tony's parents are both still alive and around, just two old folks living peacefully at home.
Marie will give you a flower nickname once she gets to know you well. Being a florist, she just loves flower symbolism.
She also calls everyone dear on default. She has that sweet motherly energy to her that warms the heart.
Despite how unconditionally sweet she is, if she senses any of her loved ones are in danger, she will use physical force if necessary. She is far from a pushover.
She's lactose intolerant, but she still can't help but consume dairy products sometimes.
Because Tony feels indifferent to words, he's more of an "action speak louder than words" kind of guy. You want to impress him? Show him, don't tell him, otherwise he doesn't give a damn. You want him to know how much you like him? "I love you" isn't going to cut it on a first date, how is he supposed to know how genuine you are? You absolutely despise him? Attack him. He doesn't care about your mean little words, you better show him how much you hate him.
He has a knack for ice skating and ballet, two skills that were crammed into him when he was younger, but he doesn't mind them that much. Though he likes his piano skill more.
Because of his knowledge on medical procedures when he was working to become a surgeon before quitting, he is a great help if you need some assistance fast but don't want or can't afford a hospital. Just don't tell anyone because he doesn't technically have a medical license.
Tony has hyperopia (farsightedness), meaning things up close are blurry for him. Which is why he has glasses, but usually he doesn't need to wear them all the time doing regular stuff, he mainly uses them for work so he can see what he's doing precisely and clearly.
People often mistake Riley for being scary because he's big and doesn't talk much if not at all, but in actuality he is just socially inept and would rather give you a pat on the back than punch you in the face.
If he's at a party, a place with a lot of people mingling, he would not talk at all. Complete silence. All you would get from him are nods, headshakes, facial expressions, and grunts.
The bigger the crowd the less he speaks.
The only exception of this is if he's on the job. Lots of people could be around or in a burning building, but he still has to give orders, call out to victims, etc.
He has a pet dove named Petunia.
Since Riley lives up north, his fur is usually always very fluffy all the time, especially during the winter. If he goes down south and stays for a while, he's going to shed a LOT. Expect clumps of fur in shower drains.
(I got bored one day and decided to plan out Dot's future so yea)
After 18 years pass from 1927 into 1945, when Dot is 23, she begins her career as a singer/musician. She plays several popular genres at the time throughout the 40s, like country, jazz, etc. Trying to find her footing. She has a few song that are received really well, but nothing big. Yet.
Years pass and it's 1954, rockabilly starts and is growing. Dot is 32 at this point and she goes into rockabilly which evolves into rock and roll and Dot evolves with it, that's when she started to become a big hit. She specializes in rock music, becoming one of the most popular female singers, even at age 50 in 1972 she's putting on shows and cameoing with other singers/bands. She's not one who retires as she ages, she wants to make music til the day she dies.
Until at age 61, 1983, she has a big vocal chord injury which stops her from singing for some years, something she was warned about in her 50s after she experienced some vocal strain back then. Though despite the damage done to her voice, 7 years later after some rest and surgery, age 68 in 1990, she come back to record some more original songs and features in others, but less bombastic and more mellow since her voice was a bit deeper and raspy. Which was a good move since she couldn't sing rock anymore, and her new voice went well with the genre shift.
She did so for 10 years until her voice forced her to quit singing altogether age 78, 2000. Though she didn't stop playing guitar, her main instrument of choice since she was young, making a few instrumental tracks and cameoing in other songs, until her death in 2008 at age 86. Playing music until the end just like she wanted to.After 18 years pass from 1927 into 1945, when Dot is 23, she begins her career as a singer/musician. She plays several popular genres at the time throughout the 40s, like country, jazz, etc. Trying to find her footing. She has a few song that are received really well, but nothing big. Yet.
Years pass and it's 1954, rockabilly starts and is growing. Dot is 32 at this point and she goes into rockabilly, which evolves into rock and roll, and Dot evolves with it. That's when she started to become a big hit. She specializes in rock music, becoming one of the most popular female singers, even at age 50 in 1972 she's putting on shows and cameoing with other singers/bands. She's not one who retires as she ages, she wants to make music til the day she dies.
Until at age 61, 1983, she has a big vocal chord injury which stops her from singing for some years, something she was warned about in her 50s after she experienced some vocal strain back then. But she did still make music with her guitar, her main instrument of choice since she was young, like instrumental tracks and cameoing in other songs. Just because she couldn't sing didn't mean she couldn't still make music.
Though despite the damage done to her voice, 7 years later after some rest and surgery, age 68 in 1990, she come back to record some more original songs and features in others, but less bombastic and more mellow since her voice was a bit deeper and raspy. Which was a good move since she couldn't sing rock anymore, and her new voice went well with the genre shift.
She did so for 10 years until her voice forced her to quit singing altogether age 78, 2000. Though she just went back to what she did when she lost her voice last time, making instrumental tracks and cameos. Until her death in 2008 at age 86, playing music to the end just like she wanted.
I started to like Marie and Walter the drummer getting together. Marie doesn't mind being on the sidelines she just wants a happy quiet life, then there's this guy who is always on the sidelines ignored all the time. I imagined Marie giving him flowers, making him feel special, but also helping him feel content in being an average joe that's not caught up in a lotta things. I just think it's pretty cute
Just like his cousin, Gale is also good with kids! But not in the way Riley does it. Riley is tender and nurturing, Gale is fun and silly. But that doesn't mean he's irresponsible, he wouldn't go give a child a knife. In fact, someday in the future, Gale and Matilda become parents. The amount of children they have are unknown yet since I haven't decided.
Like it says in Gale's bio, he is partially deaf. It's his left ear that cannot hear anything at all, the most would probably be faint muffling if you get up real close to it, but that's weird so don't do that.
He's had several instances where people mistake him for being completely deaf in both ears, sometimes it caused some people to scream directly in his face, thinking that if they are loud enough he could hear. He's had to correct that he can hear you loud and clear from his right ear, right after it stops ringing-
Sometimes they think they can say whatever they want as clear as day right next to him. It got awkward when Gale turned to look at them.
Sometimes he's even had a couple cases of people mistaking him for being blind, not deaf. Those were very awkward instances.
Riley doesn't respect cops. He despises people who take advantage of their position of power. Considering his own job and what he's lost and the many other things he's witnessed on the job, it's no brainer.
Riley still lives in Rochester Minnesota, he can't uproot his job to leave. If he's ever downstate, he's just visiting his cousin, but he won't stay.
If you recall that one short comic where Mitzi was getting pictures of Mordecai with her camera, then commented on his baggy clothes to get a silly pic of him, she also mentioned getting him some fitted clothes. Well, I had an idea that Tony was actually the tailor that made Mordecai his new fitted and symmetrical clothing. I presume this was back in 1920-1921 cuz that's the years Mordecai worked with lackadaisy, making him 21-22 at the time. Tony was 24-25 at that time, and already had a tailor shop going, he started it when he was only 18. Risky move starting his own business as a young man, but it paid off because he made a name for himself with his work. That's why he was recommended to Mordecai, and ever since then Mordecai goes to him for his tailor needs.
Also if you look at Tony's design, he's pretty symmetrical, which I think would give Mordecai a lil incisive to trust him with the clothing lmao
The sickness that is debilitating Gale's mom to have to live in a hospital for 24 hour care is cancer. The doctors don't predict she'll live much longer. She was diagnosed a year before Gale left the state, after years of feeling weak and unable to do most tasks. Gale wishes he could be by her side, but he can't go back. He's made mistakes.
The moment at the beginning of the guardians of the galaxy movie where Peter doesn't take his mom's hand then runs away, I imagine it went down like that for Gale. After a year of her being in the hospital, and the day after Gale makes his big mistake, he goes to see his mom one last time. She reaches out to him, asking him to take her hand. Time feels like it moves slow, Gale has so many thoughts going through his mind. The pain he feels looking at her is immense, the look in his eyes says it all…if he takes her hand, he'll never want to let her go. He runs the other way, running out of the hospital, then fleeing the state.
That inspired this doodle here
A big part of Gale is he's trying to run away from the past, run away from pain, running forever and ever. He does things for his wife to help her dreams, but also because he's convinced himself this is just how it's meant to be for him. He's a man stuck in the past and doesn't believe he deserves a second chance. He doesn't want that on to his family, which is why he ran out the hospital, and why he never told Riley he left until after he was already gone. Riley actually had to track him down himself. The letters Gale sent to him and his mother were not sent through mail but by more secret means, so his address were never on the letters. (<- MAY CHANGE THIS) And it's also why he's never told Matilda what he does for her, she doesn't know a thing he does. She is only aware of her deeds, and she doesn't want to tell him about them because she wants to protect him (even though he is aware), but she's unaware he's doing much worse things than she is doing.
Gale's a good man in his heart, at his core. But he doesn't think that. He believes his kindness is an act to hide what he really does, even though he truly is kind, he just thinks he's acting.
The Brooke siblings do love their parents and their parents aren't bad people per say, but they do have personal issues they've never worked on that do strain their relationship with their kids sometimes because the parents are not aware of their own problems and how they're acting it out. (But even if it's pointed out, they ignore it or flat out deny it.) Especially to Tony, being the eldest he's been dealt the brunt of it. If it's something not directed towards him, he makes it directed towards him so his little sisters don't deal with it. Their family is complicated, it's not all black and white on who's the bad guy and who's the good guy. It's just parents who have repressed issues from their past that they are too stubborn on getting help for. Which is another reason why Tony deals with it the most, because he's the oldest, they want him to lead an example.
Just a lil more deeper explanation on why Tony is so laid-back and unphased by things, as said in his character bio.
Tony was the first one Marie came out to, when she was little. She told him she wanted him to call her Marie, and he did so no questions asked.
Marie's softness back then was more of a timid soft than her current kind yet firm softness, so she was too quiet and scared to stand up for herself. But if she got bullied, Tony would scare them away. Matilda although youngest, would do the same, though her threats were more visceral than Tony's which made her scarier than Tony to some.
As Marie aged she learned to be more stern and unyielding, but she kept her gentle nature, believing she doesn't have to be mean to be strong.
Because of Tony's experience in medical practices and sewing/knitting, he's skilled with sharp objects, as mentioned in his bio. He's very quick with them, so quick that he could thwip a needle straight at your throat, puncturing an artery, without you even processing what just happened. He likes too keep needles in his pockets just in case, plus they're easier to hide than a gun tbh, not just cuz he's skilled with em.
Gale is very skilled with a large hammer because of his previous railroad job.
Thinking about Gale's backstory, I'm gonna change up his attitude when he disposes of someone.
I used to have him be like "I'll do anything for my wife I will get her anything she wants by any means necessary" and then kindly kill someone like yor does in spy x family "May I take your life?" But thinking more on it, he wouldn't really be like that tbh-
Again like I mentioned some messages above, he thinks he is a bad person so he thinks it's in his nature, even though it's not. Deep down he feels guilt, but masks it by believing he deserves it.
SO he would only dispose of someone if they are an actual threat to his wife, not just like- some guy who declined a deal she proposed. He'll just try to convice them to change their mind, sometimes using scare tactics if it calls for it, but not with the intent to kill. And even when he does kill someone he is vocally apologetic to them.
Mind you he's still a "I love my wife I will do anything for her" but now with less mindless following and more of a morale and motivations lmao
The situation to cause Gale to leave the north without a word was a train accident that he believes to be his fault since there was no indication given it to be otherwise at the time, which scared him so much on going to jail and how the situation would affect his family that he left in a panic. Little does he know there was ulterior motives behind the accident, and he was just a scapegoat since he was a railroad worker at the time. The work he did had been tampered with, but he just thinks he did the work wrong.
Gale is very new at this whole "running from the law" thing since he's never really done anything wrong, which means of course there are slip ups in his attempts. Like he hasn't changed his name, that's the first thing you do when you wanna hide is get a new name, but he didn't like the thought of abandoning a name given to him by his mother. The second is the letters he sends to his mom and cousin. He does his best to keep them a secret through his sending strategies, but sending a letter at all is not hiding yourself well. It just goes to show that ultimately he has no idea what he's doing at all despite how secretive he can come across.
Luckily for him the state ruled it an accident so he has no part in the statement, though investigations are still being looked in to since some investigators believe foul play. Even some not-so-savory people want it to be looked in to, since that train contained some important not-so-savory passengers that perished. At that might catch up to Gale, whether he likes it or not. Not to mention his wife who is working to become an investigator herself, who has a very keen eye on things and probes questions very diligently, he can't really keep secrets forever.
As stated above, Dot will grow up to mainly be a guitarist and singer, but she does have an appreciation for drummers too because of her mom's partner being a drummer himself. Also she started playing guitar when she was 12 years old.
Since Riley design changed so much I'd like to update that he is no longer 6'10 tall he is now 7'2 tall, and I will be editing that to the height list at the top. Totally not a nod to him being a werewolf noooo
The bracelet Riley wears is a nod to his girlfriend's color scheme (his gf is a friend's oc)
btw if you notice that I gave Riley an earring as well. In the 1920s it was mainly just sailors that wore [an] earring[s] if it were a man. Sailors believed that if their bodies were recovered at sea the person finding them could take the earring as payment for a proper burial, or they were used as a status symbol for sailing around the globe or just being out at sea for a long time in general. The great lakes in north america are considered "inland seas" and Riley lives in Minnesota. So yea Riley used to be a sailor
He hadn't sailed for too long, just his teens and a bit of early adulthood too. He joined the fire department at age 22, but he still knows his way around a boat, been out sometimes for leisure rather than work now. In fact, he probably would have stayed being a full time sailor in the great lakes if he never experienced his parents perishing in a house fire, that's what gave him the drive. He's had a fascination for the fireman job growing up, but never really thought of it as something he'd do til that happened.
Tony got married to @pestiforousalt's oc Peter Davis
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tooti-fruiti · 3 months
The Awake-a-thon
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As you were sleeping, having a nice dream, you suddenly heard an air horn go off and you screamed.
"Fuck! What the hell?"
"Did Chris do that?" Katie asked.
"Probably." Sadie said.
All the girls got up and got dreams and walked outside with everyone else.
"Morning!" Chris said. "Hope you slept well."
"Hi Chris. You really buff in those shorts." Heather said.
"I know." He said as he winked at her.
"Now, I hope you're all ready. Because you're next challenge begins in one minute!"
"Oh excuse me! I don't think that's enough time for breakfast!"
"Oh, you'll get breakfast Owen." Chris said. "Right after you run 20 kilometers around the lake!"
"Oh so you're funny now?!" Eva yelled as she ran up to hit Chris, but then DJ held her back. "You know what I think would be funny?!"
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as Courtney tried to calm her down.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?!"
"A little. You have thirty seconds!"
Video Diary-Number 3-(Y/n)
Okay, seriously. Eva is starting to annoy me.
There's no reason to be so angry all the time. And what was she thinking?
Did she really just try to punch Chris?
She would have probably been kicked off if DJ didn't hold her back.
You all got into a line to start running as Chris started to count down.
Once he said go. Most of you started running, while the others walked.
After you got to the lodge, you saw Duncan, DJ, Geoff, Eva, Justin, and Beth already there.
You sat down beside DJ and groaned.
You nodded.
"Same." He yawned.
After he said that, a lot of other campers rushed in.
"Clear a table, stat!" Owen said as he carried in Noah.
Leshawna dropped to her knees exhausted. "We made it..."
Then the last person arrived, which was Harold.
"What took you so long?!" Courtney said. "We just lost the challenge!"
"I think I'm having heart palpations." He wheezed.
"Wait, if he lost. That means we won the challenge!" Gwen said.
The other team started cheering before Chris stopped them.
"Woah woah, that wasn't the challenge!" He said.
"What did he say?" Gwen asked.
"Who's hungry?" Chris asked as he pulled back a curtain to reveal a buffet of food.
Video Diary-Number 4-(Y/n)
The buffet looked absolutely amazing.
There was turkey, pie and cake. And pizza and soda.
It was much better than the grey slop we've been eating for the past few days.
After you all ate the food, you groaned and moaned from over eating.
"Okay Campers." Chris said into a megaphone as he stood on the table.
"Time for part two of your challenge!"
"I thought eating was the second part..." Owen said.
"What more do you want from us?" Gwen asked.
"Weird goth girl is right." Heather said as she rubbed her stomach. "Haven't we been through enough?"
"Um, let me think about that....no!"
"It's time for...the awake-a-thon!"
"The what-a-thon?" You asked.
"Don't worry! This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins the challenge!"
"So, what you're saying is the 20k run and the turkey eating frenzy, were all part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?"
"That's right Gwen!" Chris said.
"...man he's good."
"Move move move!" He said as you all walked out of the cabin.
About twelve hours later, all of you were still wide awake.
"Sun's setting." DJ said.
"Yeah.." You said as you took in a deep breath.
DJ turned to you and smiled. "So, if you win, what are you gonna do with the million?"
"Oh man." You laughed. "I have no idea. What will you do if you win?"
"I'll spend half of the money to help animals."
"You really do love animals, huh?"
DJ smiled and nodded.
"That's...really sweet." You smiled.
Suddenly, Tyler screamed and you jumped back to see what he was looking at.
He was staring at a sleeping Katie and Sadie.
"Dude what was that?" Duncan asked.
"I uh...saw a bee?" Tyler said as Chris came over.
"Congratulations campers, we're at 12 hours! And since the sun is starting to set...time to take things up a notch!"
Chef walked out in a lamb costume carrying a bunch of books.
Duncan, Geoff, Trent, and Bridgette all started to laugh.
"Fairytails!" Chris said once you all stopped laughing.
You looked over at the other team to see who was asleep and saw (Ex/n) wave at you.
You rolled your eyes and looked away.
Chris picked up a book and cleared his throat.
"Once...upon a time...there was...inside this...boring kingdom...a boring village...and inside this...boring, sleepy...village...filled with...very boring children...who did very...boring things..."
You threw your head back and groaned.
"How many more of these is he gonna read?"
You yawned and started to get drousy.
While Chris was in the middle of reading the second fairytail, you fell asleep.
"Aw gross it worked! Dude pissed himself!"
You woke up to Duncan saying that and you sat up and rubbed your head.
"Oh man..." DJ groaned.
"Hi DJ." You yawned as Chris walked out with a coffee.
"What is the matter with you people? Fall asleep already!"
Gwen crawled over to him and tugged at his shirt. "You gotta hook me up man, I'll even eat the grinds...anything!"
Chris chuckled. "Alright! Gwen, Trent, Heather, Duncan, and Eva. You five stay with me. The rest of you are free to leave. And go take showers, you stink!"
You walked away with Bridgette and DJ back to the cabins
"Do you know what time it is?"
"I think it's 12." DJ said.
"Thank you." You yawned before going to the bathroom.
After you freshened up, you went to grab some food and came back to the Bass Cabin to see stuff being thrown out the door.
"What's going on?" You asked.
Then she threw a book out the window and went back inside.
"That's what's going on." Geoff said.
"Hey guys." Heather said as she walked up to the group.
"Wow, what a mess."
"Someone stole Eva's mp3 player and she's throwing a fit until she finds it."
"Oh, you don't mean this, do you? I was wondering who it belonged to." She asked as she took the mp3 player from her pocket.
"I found it by the campfire pit, you must've dropped it." She said as Eva stuck her head out the door then rushed over and grabbed it.
"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"Sure thing." Heather said as she walked off.
Eva then turned around with an awkward smile.
"So, I guess no one took it after all."
You all glared at her.
"Okay...maybe I overreacted a little..." She said before laughing awkwardly.
Video Diary-Number 5-(Y/n)
Yeah I definitely know who I'm voting for tonight.
During the campfire ceremony, you sat around the fire as Chris walked out with a plate of marshmallows.
"You all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only nine marshmallows on this plate."
"When I call your name. Come up and claim a marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately grab their belongings, return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers, and leave the island. And you can never come back. Ever."
"The first marshmallow goes to Duncan."
"Bridgette, Courtney, Katie and Sadie, Tyler, DJ, (Y/n), Geoff."
"Campers, there is only one marshmallow left on this plate. And this marshmallow goes to..."
Eva gasped.
Harold sighed happily and took his marshmallow.
"Eva. The dock of shame awaits."
Eva growled and stood up. "Nice. Really nice. Who needs this stupid fucking TV show ANYWAY?!"
As she walked past Chris, she angrily kicked him in the leg.
"Ow! Fuck!"
He then clutched his leg and looked at the rest of you.
"You're all safe tonight."
You all put your marshmallows on sticks and held them over the fire.
"To the Killer Bass." You said.
"And to not ending up here again, the next time we have a challenge!" Courtney added.
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
<-Chapter Two
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duncankinnie · 2 years
the total drama og cast's opinions on horror and their favorite horror movie villains, in honor of halloween
ezekiel - he fucking hates horror movies. if he ever watched one he would be hyperventilating the entire time. annabelle bc he likes the name annabelle and he also likes dolls
noah - this bitch loves scary movies but mostly for the camp aspect of them. freddy krueger but especially in a nightmare on elm street 2
justin - no, he hates horror movies bc they make him scream and he's not pretty when he screams. patrick bateman and he follows the routine he lays out in the beginning sometimes
katie - she doesn't watch horror movies that often but when she does she's like, ok with them, better than sadie at least. she doesn't have a specific favorite villain, she'd probably say jason voorhees since it's the first one she remembers
tyler - he is ambivalent to horror movies, pretends he isn't scared but screams like a baby every time. jason half bc it's a cop-out and half bc he's actually super into jason X
cody - similar situation to tyler but nobody is paying enough attention to him to call him out on it. freddy but he's only really seen the 2010 remake
beth - is a total buzzkill. michael myers because she doesn't know any others and refuses to learn
sadie - similar to katie but not as good with horror movies. also jason since it's the first one she remembers
courtney - is surprisingly into horror movies all things considered. she really likes hannibal lecter, moreso in the TV show but she also likes silence of the lambs
harold - he's basically like randy from scream irl, but he isn't as good with scares as randy is. he really likes ghostface but only the original bc he fucking hates sequels
eva - likes horror movies but doesn't watch them that often, has a near unbreakable stone demeanor. she likes the deadites from the evil dead movies but controversially she likes the 2013 requel more than the originals bc it's a more straightforward horror movie
trent - he will watch a horror movie with you but he will not enjoy it. he thinks he likes the alien movies the most though
bridgette - horror movies totally harsh her mellow. whenever you ask what her favorite horror movie villain is she'll say the people in jaws
lindsay - she is also surprisingly into horror all things considered. her favorite villain is leatherface, she thinks she could fix him
dj - there is a whole episode dedicated to how scared he gets about anything horror related. he doesn't have a favorite bc he's scared
izzy - izzy LOVES scary movies! her favorite villain is all of them. she points at the horror movie killer and says "they just like me fr"
geoff - his mellow is also harshed. "whatever bridgette said"
leshawna - she doesn't watch many horror movies but she's not bad with them. she likes the cenobites from the hellraiser movies mostly bc of their designs
duncan - will judge you based on your tastes in scary movies. really likes chucky but will not entertain any of the queer themes (fanon duncan would though)
heather - it's basically canon that she's a saw superfan. obviously her favorite horror villain is jigsaw. she also ships so many of the gay fucked up relationships in the saw franchise
gwen - will also judge you based on your tastes in scary movies. unironically thinks the babadook is a gay icon. her favorite is candyman tho
owen - does not like scary movies because they're scary. michael myers is his favorite bc he's one of the few horror movie mainstays he finds he can handle
sierra - does not like scary movies with some exceptions. she does however really like stephen king's misery and thinks annie is the scariest villain she's seen. she also likes the predator movies
alejandro - honestly he doesn't actively seek out horror movies but he will watch them. he doesn't have a particular favorite, he just rly likes some of the lesser known villains
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
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This critically acclaimed show follows two FBI agents and a psychologist as they try to understand the psychology of serial killers like Ed Kemper, David Berkowitz, and Richard Speck so they can solve other cases. Mindhunter is a riveting and tasteful exploration of the human condition with outstanding performances from its cast, including Cameron Britton’s frighteningly accurate portrayal of Kemper.
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Though Netflix hasn’t officially canceled Mindhunter, the series has been on indefinite hold for almost four years, and the cast has been released from their contracts. It’s a shame because, according to Collider, the third season was going to have the cast go to Hollywood and meet directors Jonathan Demme (The Silence of the Lambs) and Michael Mann (Manhunter) as psychological profiling became more mainstream. Unless showrunner David Fincher decides to continue the series, chances are audiences won’t see the Behavioral Science Unit anytime soon.
I can’t say how much I miss this show! I still recommend it to people. I know Jonathan Geoff has said he would love to do a season 3.
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veryrealimagination · 1 month
Too Stoic to Measure That Name
For Whumplovers Writers Succeed Prompt week.
Prompts: Stoic, Desperate Measures, Too Weak to Walk, "Where did you hear that name?"
Captain Brackenreid did not let this latest news disturb him, as much as the worse case scenarios that popped up in his head threatened it.
The Corps members that rushed to the building to alert him knew how serious this was. No jokes, no lightening, and all the information was straightforward. Passing by the Builder Workshop, which James was thinking about renaming to incorporate Llewellyn into, had evidence of a massive struggle on the premises. Multiple animals were injured, as were the sheds and homes destroyed by whomever attacked. Searching the inside, they found blood and more damage, some of it gunshots and something dangerous that they couldn’t identify.
The worse part was that the three men had disappeared.
As far as anyone knew, the three had been working on a project together from the Alliance. Delivered by Meyers, which did not bode well from Brackenreid. Multiple times when he had visited Portia to work with the two older Builders, he tended to bring chaos, catastrophe, and harm to those around the area.
Because of the security surrounding it, they hadn’t left the Workshop land. Not even Fei had seen them in the Round Table, and Watts tended to visit on days before he went on long commission work so he didn’t have to stop and eat. Murdoch had gotten large quantities of ingredients a couple of days before. Pendrick had been on a resource gathering spree the week before as well. Watts had tended to the animals, making sure that they would have plenty of food by having most of it automated for two weeks.
They also put out the notice that they wouldn’t be taking any commissions, and Llewellyn mentioned that he wouldn’t be able to watch Johnny and Bobby at all until their project was done. They couldn’t even allow anyone in, Julia included. She had mentioned to Thomas that William had come by that unless they got seriously injured, she wouldn’t be able to see him either.
“Right.” Getting a list of orders, ideas, and threats for anyone willing to harm the men straight in his head, he started off. “Crabtree, Torva, search the entire city. Let’s make sure one of them didn’t wander off to get materials. Go out to South Block and those mines as well. Supposedly they stayed there, but if they needed something different-”
“Yes sir,” they agreed, before walking off to decide if they would be staying together or splitting up.
“Parker, Patty, I need you to interview the Pies and the McDonald’s. See if they noticed anything more unusual than normal.”
“On it, boss.”
“Understood, sir.”
Two more left, and now he was left with three. Henry, Geoff, and Violet. “Geoff, I need you to see if you can contact that ‘friend’ of yours from Atara and see if they’ve heard anything,” he whispered. Nodding, as he didn’t need to say it, he walked out. Turning to Henry, he gave a similar thing. “Henry, see if the Newsomes’ have heard much.”
“Got it.”
Violet wondered what her role at the moment would be. Sent for supplies? Running around as well? Information gathering? She didn’t feel as if those would useful for this. “Let’s go explore the Workshop and surrounding area, Hart. See what Meyers brought our builders,” he muttered, grabbing his coat. Curious, as she had only seen the outside of the house and the factory, she climbed onto her horse and quickly moved with Brackenreid.
A few civilians were standing outside of the fencing that separated the Builder’s home from the rest of the land. The animals were out of the area, the McDonald’s leading them over, or carrying as was the case for the lamb that was attached to Llewellyn, to get them to the larger barn that was for injured livestock and passive creatures from the town and lands. Nothing else had been touched, as those waiting about with tools knew the two men and the Civil Corps enough. Everything had to be gone through by someone with knowledge and expertise before it could be cleaned up.
“All right,” Brackenreid called out after disembarking. Hart watched, thinking about how he didn’t let weakness show while addressing the crowd. She had arrived to the town of Portia at the same time Llewellyn did. The knowledge that he was the Captain’s nephew was quick, considering that’s how he introduced the young man to her. The rest already knew about him. He hadn’t come by Portia in a couple of years, building in Ethea until he disappeared on a Ruin expedition. Brackenreid was incredibly protective of Watts when he brought him back after that. She merely stayed in the shadows after his attack from the Jump Dancers, with the man taking out his frustration and rage on the dummies. Only one was stupid enough to talk back during that time.
Seeing him cool at the moment, when he’s seen him disappear before being found while being experimented on by James Gillies, was a surprise. Why wasn’t he as angry, as worried, as he had been previous times before? What was different?
Violet straightened when she saw the crowd disperse, most going up to the Round Table. “Nothing being cleaned tonight, Hart,” he relayed, watching her get off the horse and leading it to a little area that hadn’t been damaged too much. His was also there, gnawing on grass. “Wang will come by in the morning for his morning commission and see what materials he’ll have to grab to fix the stable, shed, and coop. Murdoch and Pendrick are usually good at having reserves, but this latest project had been using up a fair bit. They likely won’t care if Wang helps them out be getting those repaired. Schematics and blueprints are stored in the factory, we can get him copies.”
“Should we start there?” she figured, “Get those out of the way, make sure that nothing was damaged or stolen.”
He nodded, as it would be a good idea for him as well. But, he had already seen something that meant that idea was smoke. “Gotta hit the house first,” he said, “Pendrick enacted one of his fancier locks on the factory doors. We’ll need to get either the key or its riddle answer over in the house.”
“Fancier locks? Riddle answer?” the woman questioned.
“Oh, yep. James realized a while ago that keys could be easy to nab, copy, and replace so someone else to sneak in when none of them were here. And normally, he had a simple key lock on the factory for more expensive projects, but this needed secrecy. Either someone with the passcode as he told them, or the hints to what it was that he kept inside, in case they forgot.” He paused a minute while checking the door. It hadn’t been forced open, but someone had slammed against it after it had been open. Making sure that the other side couldn’t close it until they could rush in. “Or I need to get in. Crabtree and Higgins are the only others that know about this. And I believe that’s because of their stay a while back.”
Violet carefully followed the man inside. Unfortunately, with all the furniture and display items thrown around and broken, she couldn’t see the personalities of the men that lived there. Instead, she had to focus on the destruction. The blood that she saw, both on the walls and the floor, wasn’t enough to signal the loss of a person. In fact, she believed it to have been multiple sources. “They fought back well,” she noted, pointing out the ones on the wall, “Several of these were made by people of multiple heights.
Brackenreid took a little solace in that. Even without a dead member to get information on, they might come across one later on. He focused on going through the books on the floor. He’s fairly sure that Murdoch mainly did them in alphabetical order, so putting them back after he checked them for random papers and codes before seeing if something else was missing took some time. Violet, for her little knowledge of the men and more for Builder psychology, took to checking a few side rooms. The kitchen hadn’t had much attention in the fight, so there wasn’t a lot of evidence.
Wandering, she ended upstairs, next to the three bedrooms. One was still locked, which she could pick in a couple of minutes. Maybe, if it was necessary. Another had destruction, so she went inside.
“Hmmm.” Looking around, she saw a few awards from across the Free Cities. Building, architecture for a little surprise, business. “James Pendrick.” Well, if there was a possible passcode for the factory, it might be in here. The desk in shambles, she carefully cleaned off broken glass and wood to see it clearer. Not much hadn’t been destroyed, but she pulled on a few drawers. Three didn’t come out on one side. Pulling out her picks, she carefully worked at the lock before managing to pop it.
The first bottom drawer had books, and a couple of peeks found them to be diaries. Most were old, at least a few years, so she slid it back and pulled out another. This had work related items. Notes on old projects, and a few newer ones. But nothing that she saw would be considered Security or Intelligence based. She knew Terrence Meyers was beyond just an Alliance member. Beyond likely what Brackenreid knew, unless there was history and background that she didn’t know about yet.
Violet was usually good out finding things out, but Brackenreid’s past was something that was casually passed around at the Civil Corps. The only big piece that she knew was Llewellyn’s father served with him in the Flying Pigs.
Flying Pig to Civil Corps was not a usual jump.
Still nothing, she closed the second drawer and tried the first. This was slimmer than the others, and she wondered what needed to be locked up about it. At first, she saw a variety of strange hunks of metal. Iron, bronze, copper. Each had the same general shape, but different faces. Some were smooth, while others had markings, or dials of numbers at the side.
It took a minute to realize she was staring at hundreds of locks. Ones that were unlocked with keys had the key inserted in its opening. The others had leather tags on a hoop that could be taken off when the lock was open. Dial ones had numbers, obviously. The others had carvings that matched the strange facings, but with added marks on them. Oh, those are the answers. This must have been the locks that Builder Pendrick designed personally and then used when locking things.
“That means there’s a tag in here without a lock,” she muttered, quickly pulling at all the tags. If it was heavy, she dropped it quickly. It took a few minutes to go through every single one before finding one at the back of the drawer. After finding one lockless, she grabbed it and shut them all again before relocking the desk.
“Found a passcode,” she said when hitting the ground floor. Violet didn’t want to stop. Moving quickly over to the factory, she glanced at the lock and the tag that she had found. Her hands gently worked through the answer provided on the tag until she heard it click. Pulling on it, Brackenreid joined in pulling open the door.
Inside, they shut the door to whomever could be watching the place before locking the inside with the same lock. “Alright, let’s see what Meyers have them cooking up,” he complained.
Going through the machines and workstations, it was clear that the enemy hadn’t been able to get in. A good thing for Brackenreid and Hart. That means it was likely the Builders would be alive. They were going to be needed for their knowledge, or their skills to rebuild what this was. At the center of their workspace was a strange contraption.
Neither recognized it.
But, it possibly got three Builders kidnapped. Had to be important, correct? “Captain, that’s not that big of an item,” she mentioned.
“Big enough to get attention.”
“Understood, but, perhaps we can draw the culprit out of hiding?” she proposed. “Let’s take this with us. But we keep two Corps members here on a rotation, letting the kidnappers believe that the item is still here.”
He liked that idea. “Making them think that the important item is still here and getting them to try for it,” he said. “Right. Let’s see how heavy this thing is. Then, I’ll stay here while you get up with it and send back two people. Having them patrol together will be safer.”
Pendrick couldn’t walk.
The three of them had been shoved into a room once their captors had managed to get them to their lair. Murdoch had several bruises on his arms and chest thanks to his fighting, and his neck swelled and darkened due to someone choking him. One of the thugs had stomped on his ankle, breaking the thing and rendering him unable to move. Between that and a bullet shot at Watts’s head before the thing was dug into his forehead, they had to stop fighting to stay awake and alive. The young man had gone between the two of them, trying to help with what he could until Pendrick pulled him down and made him sit by him.
He was now sleeping, collapsed against his side. Restlessly, but asleep.
“Are you sure it shouldn’t be you?” the man questioned, voice low when he heard footsteps, again. “I don’t know if he knows the outer areas of Portia well enough.”
“At the least,” William croaked, wincing as mere air hurt his throat. It was likely that he would have to visit the Clinic officially. And right at that moment, he would have troubles fighting anyone. “I can’t, James. He’s the only one of us that has any strength. To run, to fight. To get back home and bring help.”
James tightened his grip on the youngest for a minute before using it to shake him gently awake. Watts didn’t slowly awake as he did at home, it was a jolt. “Anything happened?” he whispered, sleep still coating his voice but not his thoughts.
“Not yet.”
Confused, he looked at Murdoch, who had inched closer to the door. “What’s your plan?”
Murdoch pointed at him while Pendrick explained, “You sneak out of here before heading back to Portia and get help.”
“And leave the two of you? No,” he hissed.
“I can’t walk, Llewellyn,” James said, “And William’s not at full strength. You’re currently the only one able to.” That, that wasn’t something he wanted to think about. “Murdoch’s working on getting the door open. He’s also been listening in on what’s happening outside.” Watts frowned, because that would mean he’s leaving them to possibly be killed.
Without a choice, the door was quietly opened. Very, very reluctantly, Watts got up and crept to the door. Once a set of footsteps went by, the door was barely opened enough to let him out. Murdoch closed the door, and badly made it seem as if the lock was in place.
He then went and sat next to James. “Watts is smart enough to get back,” he whispered. Light, I wish that was the only thing I was worried about.
Brackenreid received a warm meal from his wife with a grim stance, but soften enough to make anyone around realize it wasn’t her that was the problem. The Builders were still missing, two days after the Workshop was noticed to have been ransacked and the men missing. His nephew was still missing.
Light, should he have brought his nephew back here? Llewellyn had been attacked and grabbed a few times now. More than he ever heard in Ethea, even taking Orzu into consideration.
Seeing that two of his men came back from their rounds, he picked up his pack and headed out himself. Paired with Henry Higgins-Newsome, he barely paid attention to the blather that was coming out of his mouth. Just scanning the horizon for anything that didn’t look correct.
“Sir,” he said, pointing at something. They had gone farther than they usually did. Portia, considering its growth, had started creeping on areas that hadn’t been fully cleared. Which mean that they were a little too close to the Peripheries for his comfort. But, there were elements that had started hiding in the outskits that they had managed to control and contain. While there were still dangerous creatures and hidden hazard zones, people have been starting to work into the hostile land.
This didn’t look like any sort of creature, however. This seemed human, and a possibly dead one at that. Jumping down, he ordered Higgins-Newsome to keep his gun at the ready while he investigated. Getting closer, he thought he recognized the clothing on the person. They were facedown, so he wasn’t sure until turning them over.
“Llewellyn,” he breathed, finally seeing his nephew after two days of disappearing. The young man was unconscious, and didn’t react to him being moved around. That was dangerous. “Higgins! Clinic now!” he roared.
Doctor Ogden heard the commotion quite easily from her office. Running out, she saw the Higgins rushing in with a Builder between himself and Mr. Roux. “Where?” she demanded.
“Peripheries,” Higgins said, helping the nurses get Watts on a bed, “A good ways into the area as well.”
That didn’t bode well for Murdoch and Pendrick. Doctor Ogden started taking note of what she saw. “You’re going back?”
“Everyone’s been informed and we’re gathering. The Captain’s getting everything around to head back in. Parker and Patty are going ahead to see if they can figure out where he came from.”
Julia kept working on her new patient with Sendell when he started to leave. “We’ll be ready when you come back, Higgins-Newsome.”
A storm started up just as they made their way back to the area where Watts had been recovered. Everyone tightened their hoods and jackets, but none turned back. Patty and Parker had already found the site. An old building that someone had fortified fairly well. Buried in dirt and sand, it took a bit for Patty to show how they got in and out.
Once they were in, it was chaos. Quick chaos.
Multiple thugs and henchmen that realized the Corps had managed to find them started fighting back. Once the majority had been knocked out, the rest fled as the whelps they were, declared the Captain.
Then, George and Henry were quick to find the remaining two Builders. A solid three seconds of screaming was enough to realize that Pendrick would be needing some help getting out. His ankle was unable to hold any weight. Murdoch could move, but had issues with his throat and breathing.
“Actually, before we get anywhere, there is something of note,” Pendrick said, wincing at the storm screaming outside. It had gotten worse, and the members realized they would have to wait for a break before they could get back. At least, with the news that Watts was safely at the Clinic being treated, they weren’t in a rush. Murdoch had been given a soothing tea and soup before falling into a deep nap. The henchmen were locked away, and they would need to work out how they would get them back to the small jail.
He nodded, having had a bit of food from Violet’s pack. The woman had made sure there was enough to give them something for stamina. ���Maurice Majors.”
None of the Corps members, nor the Builder, had ever seen Captain Brackenreid’s face blanch as it did. Of course, that wasn’t as surprising as the fact that Violet also stilled, unnerved and chilled. “Where did you hear that name?” he questioned, voice lighter than a demand even if they could feel the issue behind it. James shook his head. “Pendrick, where did you hear that name?!”
“James,” Violet said, getting a surprise look from all of them, “Was he here?”
“If he was, he didn’t show himself,” he said, turning to the Captain. “One of them talked about how he was approached. Who is he?”
The man slumped against the wall he had been seated against. If he had brought alcohol, it would have come out at that point. “A bloody nightmare.”
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asprinterandamarathon · 2 months
BOTR - Day 26 - July 10, 2024
Diane checked out of Hecla CG and headed to Salida where she would be spending the next couple nights. When she got to town she decided to give her hiking boots a rest and donned her tennis shoes for a paved trail that wound around a lovely meadow just outside of town.
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Leaving Hecla.
On the path, she saw many tree swallows and another lifer, a Wilson’s Snipe. The effort earned her lunch. She had a pickled egg and a pickled jalapeño as a started and a nice Greek salad with lamb as her entree.
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Tree swallows on a fence!
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After lunch, Diane checked out some of the shops and neighborhoods of Salida. Then she checked into the Salida Hostel which she found to be clean, somewhat funky, and having a college vibe. Fortunately, she had a private room and bath.
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More of downtown Salida.
Out of necessity, Diane did laundry at the hostel. While doing that, she met one of the employees and even helped her fold sheets. Unfortunately for the lady, her car wasn’t working when it was time to come to work. In true Colorado fashion, she threw her raft in the river and floated to the hostel!
Back in town for dinner, Diane had a fine chicken panini served by a Robert Downey, Jr. doppelgänger. Be still her heart!
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Dinner with a view of the river.
Sweet dreams came easily.
On the other hand, the best laid plans… after some logistical challenges getting Paul R back to Crested Butte and us buying supplies for the rest of our ride (we could now eat real food since we had refrigeration), we started the ride for the day mid-morning.
It was to be a short, tough day with a 7 mile, 1200’ climb to start. Pitkin was the first town we would hit with a campgrounds outside of St Elmo as our final stop. We all settled in to the grind of a climb. Marc and Geoff were out in front so we had separated into a couple groups. At the top, I spoke with a woman who was waiting on her boyfriend who was trail running 19 miles. She told me that the passes we wanted to cross were closed and a lake we would ride around had flooded to cover the road with 3 feet of water. News to share.
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Jose on the climb…
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In Pitkin, we confirmed all the bad news. The original route needed to be scrapped. We found camping just outside of town and laid out a new plan. We would pound our way home tomorrow via a different pass and a shorter route.
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David checking out the lady Sasquatch after dinner.
Beers. Dinner at the Silver Plume food truck. Excellent food, by the way. A little rain. Bed just before dark. A lousy night sleep. Great stars at 1am.
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Everything Announced During The 2024 Summer Devolver Direct Presentation
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/everything-announced-during-the-2024-summer-devolver-direct-presentation/
Everything Announced During The 2024 Summer Devolver Direct Presentation
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This year’s not-E3 weekend video game events have begun, starting with Geoff Keighley’s Summer Game Fest showcase earlier today. Shortly after that, though, perhaps the zaniest publisher, Devolver Digital, took to the digital airwaves to showcase six of its games in the 2024 Summer Devolver Direct presentation. 
If you weren’t able to catch it, or if you missed the name of the game you’re excited to check out (or even its release date maybe), we’ve got you covered. 
Here’s Everything Announced During Today’s 2024 Summer Devolver Direct Presentation
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Possessor(s) is a new game from Heart Machine, the team behind Hyper Light Drifter and Solar Ash, and it’s coming to undisclosed consoles and PC next year. It features action combat inspired by platform fighters like Super Smash Bros. and is set in a quarantined city destroyed by interdimensional catastrophe. 
In the game, you control Luca, the host, and Rehm, her less-than-cooperative counterpart as the two venture through a sprawling metropolis filled with ruined skyscrapers to explore and secrets about what happened to uncover. Devolver says the story features multiple paths in an “open-ended world structure” and upgrades to discover that allows Luca and Rehm to explore previously inaccessible areas, possibly hinting at a Metroidvania-inspired city layout. 
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Tenjutsu is a jujutsu-inspired action roguelite from Sébastien Benard, lead designer of Dead Cells and solo developer at Deepnight Games, and it’s coming to consoles and PC sometime in the future. If you’re familiar with Benard’s work, you might recognize Tenjutsu (48h version), which he released back in 2022 – Tenjutsu is a fully fleshed-out version of that 2022 concept. 
Devolver describes the game as a “fast and fluid rogue-jutsu,” leaning into the game’s jujutsu roguelite action. In it, you control a renegade yakuza “hellbent on defying her former associates and loosening their grip on the Secret Garden City.” To do so, you must fight four powerful crime syndicates. To defeat them “you must master a brutal brawling system and build a diverse arsenal of weapons, upgrades, and martial arts techniques, breaking their hold on the streets in a flurry of violence.” 
While you have to take down all four crime syndicates, you can do so in any order. As you do, you unlock new weapons, combat moves, and additional areas to explore. However, the longer you spend doing this, the stronger your enemies become. 
Cult Of The Lamb: Unholy Alliance
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Developer Massive Monster still isn’t done with its 2022 hit game, Cult of the Lamb, as it’s bringing full campaign co-op to it this August. The Unholy Alliance update hits the game on August 12 and adds a new playable character: the Goat.
With the Goat joining the titular Lamb, players can now experience the entire campaign in local co-op. Devolver says this update includes two-player twists on existing minigames in Cult of the Lamb, like fishing and kuncklebones, as well as additional corrupted weapons, tarot cards, curses, and relics. While playing in co-op, players can swap weapons, deal extra damage when fighting back-to-back, and deal critical hits if their attacks are in sync. Plus, solo players get some new powers and abilities to play with, too. 
Elsewhere in the update, Unholy Alliance adds new buildings, fleeces, follower traits, follower quests, and more secrets to discover. 
The Talos Principle II: Road To Elysium
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One of our favorite games of 2023 – The Talos Principle II – is getting a three-part “coda” expansion next week, on June 14, called Road To Elysium. Devolver says it will reunite players with beloved characters and put your puzzle-solving skills to the test through a series of thought-provoking new stories. 
Road To Elysium follows the event of The Talos Principle II and continues the evolution of the robot world while providing you with a new perspective on some of the base game’s key moments. This expansion consists of three chapters, each with a distinctive look and feel:
Orpheus Ascending: Set in Ancient Egypt, in this chapter, you will explore the philosophy of love, death, and resurrection through the story of Hypatia and Sarabhai. 
Isle of the Blessed: This chapter allows players to hang out with Yaqut and Miranda as they join Cornelius and Athena on a “puzzle-driven adventure set on a stunning Caribbean island.” 
Into the Abyss: Devolvers says in this chapter, players will “return to one of the most dramatic moments from The Talos Principle II” to find out what happened to Byron when he was trapped in the Megastructure. 
The Talos Principle II’s Road to Elysium expansion launches June 14 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. It will cost $19.99. 
Anger Foot
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After delaying Anger Foot last year to 2024, Devolver Digital has given the first-person kicker (and shooter) a PC release date: July 11. 
If you’re not familiar with Anger Foot, it takes place in the caffeine-fueled S**t City, and tasks players with putting the boot, literally, to a menacing menagerie of merciless gangsters.
“Unleash the world’s deadliest feet on a colorful cast of anthropomorphic enemies, clearing out slums, sewers, and skyscrapers as you grab new weapons, unlock new sneakers, and upgrade your powers in absurd and wonderful ways,” a press release reads. 
The Crush House
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Devolver announced today that its reality TV-inspired “thirst-person shooter,” The Crush House, launches on PC on August 9. However, the publisher revealed a new demo for the game is available to download and play right now. 
In The Crush House, you play as Jae, a new producer for The Crush House. As Jae, you’ll take your camera into the show’s Malibu, California, mansion to keep viewers glued to their screens by filming as much drama, romance, and tension as you can find. However, if you fail to keep the audience entertained, your show will get canceled. 
And that’s everything announced during today’s 2024 Devolver Digital presentation. 
Let us know what your favorite reveals were in the comments below!
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ncisfranchise-source · 9 months
Aim for excellence — Brown exellence,” actor-producer Wilmer Valderrama told this year’s graduates of the National Hispanic Media Coalition‘s Series Scriptwriters Program as the eight-week intensive came to an end earlier this week.
Valderamma, the “NCIS” and “That ’70s Show” star, is a multihyphenate, activist and entrepreneur and a member of NHMC’s Visionary Alliance of entertainment industry figures who support the organization in Hollywood. He addressed the 10 participants in the TV and film writing program that includes virtual instruction, networking and mentoring opportunities. NHMC has run the Series Scriptwriters writer development program for more than 20 years.
“The writers in the program are an answer to the need to increase Latino representation in our writers rooms and make sure we are telling our own stories,” Valderrama told the group on Dec. 19 via video conference. “As we become the majority as the audience, consumers and storytellers, it is more vital than ever that we are committed to uplifting and supporting new voices.”
Participants in the NHMC program have gone to work on series and pilots for streamers including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Hulu and Max and for such studios as NBCUniversal and Paramount. Valderrama acknowledged that the graduates face an uphill climb as they build their careers. He emphasized that every step they take forward as creators is meaningful for past, present and future generations.
“There will come a time when you’ll feel like the only Brown writer in the room. Instead of it being daunting, think of it as an opportunity to be bold,” Valderrama urged. “The Latino revolution will come in the form of content. Immortalize what you want, the community deserves it. Make sure the leading roles in your stories look like you — this is a love letter to your parents and grandparents. Aim for excellence. Brown excellence.”
This year’s NHMC Series Scriptwriters Program graduates are:
Diego Lanao (New York): “The Right One Alive,” pilot, 2022 Latinx List Hayley Muñoz (McAllen, Texas): Staff writer, CW’s “Nancy Drew” Jeanette Dilone (New York): Short films, “Hoar” (2022); “Rizo” (2020); “Return” (2017) K. Broch (West Michigan): Blogger, makeup artist, podcast host, “She Said…Let’s!” Natalie Wood (Texas): Coordinator, Red Hour Films; support staff, “Severance,” “Chicago Fire” Paloma Lamb (Pasadena, Calif.): Writers assistant, “Our Flag Means Death,” “Marvel’s Echo” Ruben Mendive (Chicago): Participant, Hillman Grad Mentorship Lap, Outfest Screenwriting Lab; podcast host, “La Lista: A Latinx Writers Podcast.” Sofia Brown de Lopez (Los Angeles): Loyola Marymount University, B.A. in playwriting and screenwriting, 2019; short film “Gone” (2021) Victoria de la Concha (New York): Loyola Marymount University, M.F.A. in writing and producing, 2019 Zayda Exeliz (Los Angeles): Creative content manager, Universal Pictures
Pictured from top left: Mentor Geoff Harris, Wilmer Valderrama, mentor Omaira Galarza and participants Natalie Wood, Sofia Brown de Lopez, Zayda Exeliz, Jeanette Dilone, Victoria de la Concha, K. Broch, Diego Lanao, Ruben Mendive, Hayley Muñoz and Paloma Lamb
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cola-canine · 10 months
I hope Geoff Keighly rolls out the Bill Clinton kid onto the stage Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs-style
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ayrabelle · 1 year
Started playing Cult of the Lamb last night.
Geoff: this is all i can think of as you're playing - https://youtu.be/4aOHQ-sMCps
Me: well I'm def not in that cult since I'm actively encouraged to desecrate corpses.
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rainofdauwuand0w0 · 1 year
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Huh well, if you didn’t hear the news earlier from YouTube or twitter or whatnot. E3 once again is cancelled, mainly this time around due to well, not enough companies being there, Ubisoft was the latest to pull out last,that’s what I heard about? Ten cent and sega, Bandai Namco, and of course the mighty first three, Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox. More and more it is probably right to assume that E3 is dying while things like summergamefest and what not or the game awards or PAX or Gamescom. I think this may be the time where a shift is happening in the space, both in sense of games that people will pay for, and the way conventions similar to E3 may come to exist. It kind honestly surprised me when that four years ago yesterday apparently, is when Geoff Keighly, the host for summer game fest and the game awards, left hosting E3 to have and help create those two things, which kinda boggles my mind that someone saw the writing on the wall that long ago, pre-Covid? That’s kinda scary to imagine in my mind.
On the other side of the coin we have indie games slowly rising and clawing their way forth, more to the limelight, more to the front lines of gaming, pulling themselves up and bring themselves forth, figuring themselves out how to stand out from the crowd. And with the latest thing, bringing new ideas to the light or taking old ideas and introducing a new twist to it or shining it up to more modern standards, bringing in ideas in while most triple AAA company works are either too focused on the graphics, or too focused on making the moolah from their game continually, no matter if it was free to play or not, and with the new “inflation” based grow in cost, base games are going to be costing 70 dollars in America, 70 dollars! That’s may be a small amount overrall but it’s still a very noticeable and big number to buy games for! So while triple AAA studios are asking us to move on to this next big price jump, we have indie games, like, antonblast, or the current famous pizza tower (despite its issues of what the creator has said and has of course apologized for their past actions, but still it’s popular), Celeste, hypercharge, so many goddamn boomer shooters, selaco, hellslinger, wizordum, dusk, beyond sunset, ultra kill, deadlink, exophobia, and so many other options like patch quest for a rouge-lite where you can use a lasso to attach to a monster and then once “capturing” it, you ride it, or the rougelike and animal crossing combo that is cult of the lamb, where not only are you fighting demons, the highly addictive vampire survivors game, where you can become the bullet hell. And on steam, there is so many options of portal mods that have gained steam support to pay for the suckers like the painting initiative or portal:reloaded or if you want something portal-like with its own unique idea, entropy centre with is talking rewind gun and it’s talking main protagonist or what’s being currently made like ARTIFICIAL, which is a half-life and portal inspired puzzle game and it’s looking so interesting and neat. DEEP ROCK GALACTIC, With all it’s rock and stoning glory with destroying bugs ok hoxxes, and drinking many fantasy beverages made by a nice little robot to chill after a nice hard working day in the caves. Roboquest with its first person shooter rougelike goodness that is on Xbox gamepass and stuff. So many good possibilities is coming in the future and I look forward to the change that indies are gifting us
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vtgbooks · 2 years
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Geoff Nash RAISING YOU OWN SHEEP 1978 Vintage Sheep Guide Lamb Guide Homestead
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tooti-fruiti · 3 months
The Awake-a-thon
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As you were sleeping, having a nice dream, you suddenly heard an air horn go off and you screamed.
"Fuck! What the hell?!"
"Did Chris do that?" Katie asked.
"Probably." Sadie said.
All the girls got up and got dressed and walked outside with everyone else.
"Morning!" Chris said. "Hope you slept well."
"Hi Chris. You really buff in those shorts." Heather said.
"I know." He said as he winked at her.
"Now, I hope you're all ready. Because you're next challenge begins in one minute!"
"Oh excuse me! I don't think that's enough time for breakfast!"
"Oh, you'll get breakfast Owen." Chris said. "Right after you run 20 kilometers around the lake!"
"Oh so you're funny now?!" Eva yelled as she ran up to hit Chris, but then DJ held her back. "You know what I think would be funny?!"
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as Courtney tried to calm her down.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?!"
"A little. You have thirty seconds!"
Video Diary-Number 3-(Y/n)
Okay, seriously. Eva is starting to annoy me.
There's no reason to be so angry all the time. And what was she thinking?
Did she really just try to punch Chris?
She would have probably been kicked off if DJ didn't hold her back.
You all got into a line to start running as Chris started to count down.
Once he said go. Most of you started running, while the others walked.
After you got to the lodge, you saw Duncan, DJ, Geoff, Eva, Justin, and Beth already there.
You sat down beside Duncan and groaned.
You nodded.
After he said that, a lot of other campers rushed in.
"Clear a table, stat!" Owen said as he carried in Noah.
Leshawna dropped to her knees exhausted. "We made it..."
Then the last person arrived, which was Harold.
"What took you so long?!" Courtney said. "We just lost the challenge!"
"I think I'm having heart palpations." He wheezed.
"Fucking loser." Duncan mumbled and made you giggle.
"Wait, if he lost. That means we won the challenge!" Gwen said.
The other team started cheering before Chris stopped them.
"Woah woah, that wasn't the challenge!" He said.
"What did he say?" Gwen asked.
"Who's hungry?" Chris asked as he pulled back a curtain to reveal a buffet of food.
Video Diary-Number 4-(Y/n)
The buffet looked absolutely amazing.
There was turkey, pie and cake. And pizza and soda.
It was much better than the grey slop we've been eating for the past few days.
After you all ate the food, you groaned and moaned from over eating.
"Okay Campers." Chris said into a megaphone as he stood on the table.
"Time for part two of your challenge!"
"I thought eating was the second part..." Owen said.
"What more do you want from us?" Gwen asked.
"Weird goth girl is right." Heather said as she rubbed her stomach. "Haven't we been through enough?"
"Um, let me think about that....no!"
"It's time for...the awake-a-thon!"
"The what-a-thon?" You asked.
"Don't worry! This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins the challenge!"
"So, what you're saying is the 20k run and the turkey eating frenzy, were all part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?"
"That's right Gwen!" Chris said.
"...man he's good."
"Move move move!" He said as you all walked out of the cabin.
About twelve hours later, all of you were still wide awake.
"Sun's setting." Duncan said.
"Yeah.." You said as you took in a deep breath.
"So what were you in juvie for?" You asked.
Duncan smirked. "I ain't telling you that."
Suddenly, Tyler screamed and you jumped back to see what he was looking at.
He was staring at a sleeping Katie and Sadie.
"Dude what was that?" Duncan asked.
"I uh...saw a bee?"
You and Duncan gave each other a look before Chris came over.
"Congratulations campers, we're at the 12 hour mark! And since the sun is starting to set...time to take things up a notch!"
Chef walked out in a lamb costume carrying a bunch of books.
You, Duncan, Geoff, Trent, and Bridgette all started to laugh.
"Fairytails!" Chris said once you all stopped laughing.
You leaned over to Duncan and whispered. "We should get Chef a little bell to hang around his neck."
He snickered. "Totally."
You looked over at the other team to see who was asleep and saw (Ex/n) wave at you.
You rolled your eyes and looked away.
Chris picked up a book and cleared his throat.
"Once...upon a time...there was...inside this...boring kingdom...a boring village...and inside this...boring, sleepy...village...filled with...very boring children...who did very...boring things..."
You threw your head back and groaned.
"How many more of these is he gonna read?"
Duncan turned his head and saw Courtney walking in place.
"What is she doing?"
You lifted your head and stared at Courtney as well.
"Hey Courtney? What are you-"
"SHHH! Don't...make...me...lose...my...focus..." She panted.
You gave Duncan a look. "She's crazy."
You yawned and started to get drousy.
While Chris was in the middle of reading the second fairytail, you fell asleep.
"Aw gross it worked! Dude pissed himself!"
You woke up to Duncan saying that and you sat up and rubbed your head.
"Morning sleepyhead." Duncan said. "Check this out."
He gestured over to Harold who just woke up and realized he peed his pants.
You and Duncan started to snicker as Chris walked out with a coffee.
"What is the matter with you people? Fall asleep already!"
Gwen crawled over to him and tugged at his shirt. "You gotta hook me up man, I'll even eat the grinds...anything!"
Chris chuckled. "Alright! Gwen, Trent, Heather, Duncan, and Eva. You five stay with me. The rest of you are free to leave. And go take showers, you stink!"
You waved goodbye to Duncan and walked with Bridgette to the bathroom.
"Do you know what time it is?"
"I think it's 12." She said.
"Thank you." You yawned before going into the bathroom.
After you freshened up, you went to grab some food and came back to the Bass Cabin to see stuff being thrown out the door.
"What's going on?" You asked.
Then she threw a book out the window and went back inside.
"That's what's going on." Geoff said.
"Hey guys." Heather said as she walked up to the group.
"Wow, what a mess."
"Someone stole Eva's mp3 player and she's throwing a fit until she finds it." Country said.
"Oh, you don't mean this, do you? I was wondering who it belonged to." She asked as she took the mp3 player from her pocket.
"I found it by the campfire pit, you must've dropped it." She said as Eva stuck her head out the door then rushed over and grabbed it.
"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"Sure thing." Heather said as she walked off.
Eva then turned around with an awkward smile.
"So, I guess no one took it after all."
You all glared at her.
"Okay...maybe I overreacted a little..." She said before laughing awkwardly.
Video Diary-Number 5-(Y/n)
Yeah I definitely know who I'm voting for tonight.
During the campfire ceremony, you sat around the fire as Chris walked out with a plate of marshmallows.
"You all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only nine marshmallows on this plate."
"When I call your name. Come up and claim a marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately grab their belongings, return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers, and leave the island. And you can never come back. Ever."
"The first marshmallow goes to Duncan."
You smiled as Duncan got up to claim his marshmallow.
"Bridgette, Courtney, Katie and Sadie, Tyler, DJ, (Y/n), Geoff."
"Campers, there is only one marshmallow left on this plate. And this marshmallow goes to..."
Eva gasped.
Harold sighed happily and took his marshmallow.
"Eva. The dock of shame awaits."
Eva growled and stood up. "Nice. Really nice. Who needs this stupid fucking TV show ANYWAY?!"
As she walked past Chris, she angrily kicked him in the leg.
"Ow! Fuck!"
He then clutched his leg and looked at the rest of you.
"You're all safe tonight."
You all put your marshmallows on sticks and held them over the fire.
"To the Killer Bass." You said.
"And to not ending up here again, the next time we have a challenge!" Courtney added.
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
<-Chapter Two
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