#Geopolitical challenges
pebblegalaxy · 10 months
The Belarus Border Crisis: Unraveling the Humanitarian and Geopolitical Challenge Testing the EU
In the harsh landscapes of Eastern Europe, a humanitarian and geopolitical storm is brewing at the border between Belarus and the European Union, revealing a crisis that transcends mere physical boundaries. Thousands of migrants, caught in a perilous struggle for survival, are entangled in a web of political maneuvers orchestrated by the authoritarian regime of Belarusian President Alexander…
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legalattorneyblog · 11 months
Ongoing Conflict Between Israel and Palestine: A Look at Its Consequences
The continuous strife between the two regions has resulted in severe disruptions to the education system and the economy, hindering the progress and development of both communities. The recent incident involving the reported burning alive of Israeli soldiers held hostage has only intensified the animosity and deepened the scars of this long-standing conflict. Moreover, the presence of extremist…
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plastictoad · 11 months
i can and I will keep blocking people who think the eurovision tag is the place to put their lukewarm takes on the Israel-Palestine conflict 👍
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big-bird-nerd · 1 year
I know people have grown immune to the notions of “both sides-ism,” which is the proper move when you’re dealing with politics and history that you have direct experience with, are directly affected by, and know the history of. I think what people don’t realize is that the bourgeoisie will and does weaponize this to promote belief in racist myths, using it as a method to make people resistant to or outright immune to actually studying the conditions and history of the place they are trying to make you hate. I really think people would do well to understand why and how the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion functioned well as propaganda despite being complete and total bullshit, and yes it’s because people wouldn’t listen to Jewish people who told you it was bullshit because it played on very real hatred of Jewish people and of fears born of violence and oppression people faced in their everyday lives (which was not from Jewish people, but the bullshit protocols tell you otherwise).
Like, if someone is making a massive claim about something occurring in another place, particularly if it’s weirdly familiar to things happening where you’re living, and there is a large amount of people *from within the groups being talked about* who deny the claims, you should probably at least be ambivalent, if not use that as a sign for further research.
“But information from the other side is biased!” It is good to be aware of biased information. Understand that there is no unbiased information; the information you know is also biased info. It requires research of multiple perspectives to determine the truth from biased sources. The best way to determine degrees of truth within biased sources is to study the histories of the locations and relations between the cultures in question.
“Information from the other side is propaganda!” It is good that you’ve grown aware to the basic functioning of propaganda and are staying aware of how information manipulated you. Keep in mind; people said the same thing about Jews denying the Elders Of The Protocols Of Zion, a document that any sensible modern person knows was bullshit. If you’re afraid of being manipulated through misinformation, then read critically, but do not deny something just because it’s inconvenient to your current understanding of social oppression, one that is itself still biased. Also understand that since all information is biased, any political information is necessarily propaganda, which includes the sources of whatever has given you your current information; you should be reading that critcally too to avoid being manipulated. In fact, you’re vastly more susceptible to propaganda from home since the propaganda is actively targeting you, as propaganda tends to focus largely if not entirely within the confines of the country the government operates; nobody gives a shit how Americans feel about their country insofar as Americans aren’t actively calling to blow them up.
“Oppression isn’t unique to America/the west, and we must stand with all people who are oppressed!” This is correct information; oppression has a history across the entirety of the world. However, what it’s missing is an understanding of the meaning behind the fact that oppression is systemic and how this relates to being part of a colonial, imperial country. While your energy is not wrong on an individual level, the fact that it doesn’t account for your own racist colonial government makes it misguided in a way that supports the racist colonial system where you live. Racist misinformation and myths are used to manufacture consent for colonial and imperial violence upon another nation. That means uncritically spreading and believing such information promotes the colonial and imperial characteristics of your government.
To stop dancing around the biggest example of this; while you may have only the best of intentions for people in North Korea, the fact is that misinformation that makes people afraid and hateful of the DPRK, yes even its government, exists to justify the imperial history and ongoing actions that your governments take part in. They aren’t interested in saving the people of Korea any more than they were when they were “spreading Christianity to the natives to save their souls.” Their interest is in stealing the trillions of dollars worth of minerals in the DPRK, which necessarily means massacring the people who currently live and work there and devastating the landscape in potentially irreparable ways. This is already well proven from how the Korean War went, with some villages completely and totally destroyed by US bombing, as well as the use of biological warfare, which has had long term consequences on Korea as a whole and beyond; the US doesn’t care because protecting the people isn’t on their agenda, they just want the minerals.
Discussing the nature of misinformation is not overlooking or erasing the existence of oppression and bigotry in other countries any more than acknowledging The Elders Of The Protocols Of Zion is complete and total misinformation is denying the existence of Jewish bourgeoisie (a minority but still technically existing) or denying the imperial colonial violence enacted by the Israeli government on Palestine. People did not spread the Protocols because they predicted the current state of Israel and wanted to stop it, they wanted an excuse for perfoming and enacting pogroms on Jewish people, up to and including Shoah.
To use a more historic example, there was a lot of oppression and systemic violence in the Aztec Empire. According to surviving reports, it was an expansionist slave empire, not exactly the best of places to live. However, you see I said ‘surviving.’ The remaining accounts are largely Spanish colonial accounts, as the Spanish completely destroyed the empire, massacred the peoples across South America, assimilating and genociding peoples wherever they went. Even if all accounts of the horrors of the Aztecs were completely and totally true (which is rather doubtful but I’m not an expert), it does not mean the information was learned and spread because the Spanish wanted to save the Aztecs. It is an excuse for the genocide was enacted upon people. People back in Spain probably had good intentions when they talked about improving the life conditions of people in Spain. Improvement to life conditions did not occur; life was destroyed and people were enslaved to a genocidal power, and to this day are still fighting back strongly against the systems of oppression that continue trying to kill everyone off. Even if the entirety of the Spanish colonizers said they only hated the Aztec government, it doesn’t mean the violence they perpetrated did not primarily target the civilians and even the oppressed groups and slaves.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s a lie, I’m not going to be acting on it and I don’t support the state anyway.” People do not make up lies about a hated national group with good intentions in their heart, and the existence of such lies should immediately alert you to violent intent, and spreading those lies must be understood as supporting those violent intentions and actions. This is what it means for racism to be systemic; your individuals beliefs and intentions don’t matter if your actions allow for the systemic oppression and violence towards these groups.
Western governments, and particularly the US, represent the most powerful global imperial force. They do and will continue to use misinformation to manipulate people into submitting to its systems of violence that seeks to oppress not just people in its own borders, but those in other borders too. You don’t have to like the governments of other countries, feel free to dislike the governments of China, Russia, DPRK, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, or whatever. If you are truly anti-racist though, you must not spread racist misinformation, even if to you it only would be harmful to the governments of those cultural groups; the government doesn’t lie to criticize the governments of other nations, but to push towards war to crush, rob, rape, and murder the people who live in their borders. Being anti-racist must necessarily mean not spreading these lies and even better, not allowing those you know to believe and spread such lies, for the good of the oppressed people in your own country as much as around the world. After all, misinformation spreads and creates hatred, and the people living within your own borders will enact that hatred on the people in your country, even if you won’t.
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akwyz · 1 year
Europe's Strategic Foresight Report 2023: Sustainability and People's Wellbeing at the Forefront
🌍💡 EU's 2023 Strategic Foresight Report is out! Unprecedented investments, new wellbeing metrics, and a triple promise for sustainability. The future is green, digital, and inclusive! 🌱📊🤝 #EUStrategicForesight #Sustainability #GreenTransition
In the face of global challenges such as climate change, energy transition, and geopolitical tensions, the European Union (EU) is taking a strategic approach to ensure the sustainability and wellbeing of its people. The 2023 Strategic Foresight Report, recently released by the European Commission, provides a comprehensive look at the EU’s current socio-economic landscape and its future…
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worldwatcher3072 · 1 year
Unraveling the Rise of Authoritarian Leaders: Understanding the Complexities
In recent years, the world has witnessed a concerning rise in authoritarian leaders, challenging the foundations of democracy and raising questions about the factors contributing to this global trend. Exploring the underlying causes behind the ascent of these leaders is crucial to fostering a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics at play. In this blog post, we delve into the key factors that have shaped this phenomenon and shed light on its multifaceted nature.
Economic Insecurity and Discontent: Amidst economic inequality, job insecurity, and a sense of stagnation, many people have grown disillusioned with traditional political establishments. Authoritarian leaders often capitalize on this discontent by promising swift solutions and appealing to those who feel left behind by globalization and rapid societal changes.
Political Disillusionment and Erosion of Trust: Distrust in democratic institutions, perceived corruption, and a loss of faith in political elites have fueled the rise of authoritarian leaders. As citizens become disillusioned with traditional parties, they may seek alternatives that promise stability, order, and a break from established norms.
Identity Politics and Polarization: The growing divisions along lines of ethnicity, religion, nationalism, or ideology have provided fertile ground for the rise of authoritarian leaders. By exploiting these divisions, such leaders can rally support around a particular identity or group, using fear and grievances to consolidate their power base.
Technological Disruption and Information Manipulation: The advent of social media and online platforms has transformed the information landscape. Authoritarian leaders have adeptly utilized these platforms to spread disinformation, manipulate public opinion, and amplify extremist ideologies. Such technological disruptions have played a significant role in shaping narratives and influencing political outcomes.
Geopolitical Shifts and Nationalist Sentiments: Geopolitical shifts, global power dynamics, and the erosion of international alliances have contributed to the rise of leaders promoting nationalist or isolationist agendas. Economic uncertainties, migration challenges, and perceived threats to national identity have fueled a desire for strong leaders who promise protection and sovereignty.
Weak Democratic Institutions and Concentration of Power: The weakening of democratic institutions, erosion of checks and balances, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few have facilitated the rise of authoritarian leaders. A lack of institutional robustness and limited avenues for accountability can undermine democratic norms and enable the consolidation of power.
The rise of authoritarian leaders is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon that stems from a combination of economic, political, social, and technological factors. Understanding these underlying causes is crucial for safeguarding democratic values and promoting a more inclusive and resilient society. By addressing the economic insecurities, strengthening democratic institutions, fostering social cohesion, and promoting media literacy, we can work towards creating a more resilient democratic framework that safeguards the rights and freedoms of individuals around the world.
The rise of authoritarian leaders is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon that stems from a combination of economic, political, social, and technological factors. Understanding these underlying causes is crucial for safeguarding democratic values and promoting a more inclusive and resilient society. By addressing the economic insecurities, strengthening democratic institutions, fostering social cohesion, and promoting media literacy, we can work towards creating a more resilient democratic framework that safeguards the rights and freedoms of individuals around the world.
Note: This blog post aims to provide a general overview of the factors contributing to the rise of authoritarian leaders and does not explore each factor in exhaustive detail.
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kajmasterclass · 1 month
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signode-blog · 2 months
The People of The Country Which Cannot be Trusted : Bangladesh
This post is out of context to the actual subject on which I generally post but this is such a big news which has developed over the last few days that I could not resist from posting this. I have always believed that we cannot trust Pakistan but from the experience that I have got, I think if we are supposed to not trust the people of any neighboring country then that would be Bangladesh. Never…
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peacekeepersday · 3 months
Part II - United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS 2024).
Geopolitical tensions, the climate crisis, global mistrust and the dark side of technology, which Secretary-General António Guterres has called the "looming threats of the 21st century", are affecting the well-being and livelihoods of communities worldwide and the planet itself. National and United Nations Police are on the frontlines of averting and addressing these transnational threats.
The United Nations Police contribute to the Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative and A4P+ priorities by building and supporting or, where mandated, acting as a substitute or partial substitute for host-State police capacity to prevent and detect crime, protect life and property, and maintain public order and safety in adherence to the rule of law and international human rights law.
A common vision and concrete commitments to further equipping the United Nations Police - UNPOL to effectively contribute to A4P and A4P+ priorities. Awareness of interlinkages between national and United Nations policing to increase global security.
Collective appreciation of the role of national and United Nations policing in overcoming systemic challenges affecting peacekeeping.
Joint understanding of the needs of the United Nations Police, including related to safety and security, and concrete Member State and Secretariat commitments to meet demands.
A common roadmap to realize the Secretary-General's vision of "a transformed United Nations police that is people-centred, modern, agile, mobile and flexible, specialized, rights-based and norm-driven", and that is also innovative, data-driven and tech-enabled.
United Nations Headquarters
Watch (Part 2) United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS 2024)!
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kesarijournal · 8 months
Pakistan Selections 2024 & its perpetual tightrope destiny
In the grand theater of South Asian politics, Pakistan’s post-election scenario is shaping up to be less of a triumphal procession and more of a high-wire act over a pit of economic despair, political vendettas, and regional brimstone. As the newly minted government takes the stage, one can’t help but admire the audacity—or is it naivety?—of stepping into the limelight where the plot twists rival…
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years
Global Fragmentation: Persistent Geopolitical and Economic Challenges and Their Impact
The world is facing a multitude of geopolitical and economic challenges, which are driving global fragmentation. This fragmentation is having far-reaching consequences, as it affects economies, politics, and societies. The fragmentation can be seen in various areas, including trade, technology, finance, and security. In this article, we will examine the key drivers of global fragmentation, the…
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moneyecon · 9 months
Major Challenges for the US Economy in 2024
Bye Bye 2023. Welcome, 2024! Fear of the Recession was always there in 2023. However, 2023 happened to be one of the Best of the Year for the economy. As the U.S. Economy witnessed robust economic growth, with inflation slowly moving towards the Federal Reserve’s target, Employment was strong, consumption expenditure acted as a savior for the economy as a whole. In other words, the economy showed…
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rodaportal · 9 months
European Immigration Policies: A Complex Quandary
🌐 Explore the intricacies of European immigration policies! From France's political dynamics to Germany's stance and transformative EU reforms, grasp the complexities shaping the continent's approach. 🤔💬
Join the conversation and stay informed! Check out our insightful YouTube video for an in-depth analysis: 🎥✨
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etccsy · 9 months
Nuclear Energy Between Peace And War: The story of destruction in the Middle East or its resurrection
In "Nuclear Energy Between Peace And War," Issam Khoury skillfully navigates the intricate interplay of nuclear energy, geopolitics, and environmental challenges in the Middle East. Meticulous in dissecting dual energy applications and geopolitical tensio
In a world where energy sources and geopolitical dynamics intersect, “Nuclear Energy Between Peace And War” by Issam Khoury stands out as a comprehensive guide. This book offers a deep exploration of the complex issues surrounding nuclear energy, shedding light on its peaceful and military implications and its impact on regional and international peace. In this article, we examine this…
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marketxcel · 11 months
A New Dawn: India charts the course for G20 Summit
G20 decisions hold global implications, impacting economies, industries, and people worldwide. Collaborative efforts among G20 members, invitees, and international organizations underscore a shared commitment to advancing development agendas and sustainable economic growth. India, drawing from its diverse and enriching experience, is poised to lead the way in fostering inclusive and innovative solutions on the world stage.
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news4nose · 1 year
India’s inclusion in the recent global iPhone 15 launch, aligns with Apple’s victory in the country. iPhones now debut simultaneously in India with other major markets, reducing unauthorized sales and boosting consumer trust through official channels.
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