#George Handy
normalnorman · 7 months
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Was asked for a size comparison like a week ago Im so sorry that I only did it now. I didnt fix up the models just like i do for the renders, didnt include some characters because complication of the scale and making renders wouldnt have been as easy on such a big thing
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lavafet · 9 months
HELLO I AM ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH YOUR ART STYLE. Found you from your MFN stuff and boy howdy are you fanning the hyperfixation flames /pos
I'm glad I can provide more MFN content! I love the game a lot and I would love to see it grow more of a fanbase :}c
Let me try pouring more gasoline on that fire 🔥
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Rouch practice sketches below :] no warnings!
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jt1674 · 9 days
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sounwise · 1 year
The audience [at the first concert in Washington DC in February 1964], despite the various parental presences, was mostly teenage, and very hot. In the seat next to me, a little girl was bouncing up and down and saying, ‘Aren’t they just great? Aren’t they just fabulous?’ ‘Yes, they are,’ I said, somewhat inadequately for her, I suppose. ‘Do you like them too, sir?’ she asked. ‘Yes, I do rather,’ I said, all too aware that she couldn’t understand what this old man was doing sitting next to her! But perhaps she was put more at ease when the boys played a song like ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’, and everybody in the audience started singing with them, for then Judy and I just found ourselves standing up and screaming along with the rest. That may sound daft, but it was exactly the same screaming that adults do at football matches. And for us especially, in the midst of sixty thousand people who were all enjoying themselves to the full, identifying completely with the people who were performing, people we knew intimately, people with whom we had made all the records and every little bit of music—in that situation it was all too easy to scream, to be swept up in that tremendous current of buoyant happiness and exhilaration.
[—from All You Need Is Ears, George Martin]
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
"disturbed, depressed, inadequate": Edward Cullen & George Costanza, cringefail twinsies
as we all know, Twilight and Seinfeld are canonically set in the same universe. we see blatant clues scattered throughout both series. (e.g., Stephenie Meyer prefacing New Moon with the entirety of Jerry Seinfeld's opening stand-up from season 4's "The Outing;" Jerry making a Twilight reference in "The Soup" episode of Seinfeld, etc.) most notably, we see Edward Cullen & George Costanza's personalities mirror each other in a way that extends far beyond "pure" "coincidence." upon closer examination, they are the same person in parallel universes.
the two are, canonically, absolute losers seemingly broken beyond repair, self-saboteurs who waffle between moments of self-aggrandizement and self-loathing. their negative self-image, insecurities, & belief that they do not deserve love are recurring themes in their respective series.
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among other things, George describes himself as "disturbed, depressed, inadequate," ("The Visa," S04) "completely insecure, paranoid, [and] neurotic" ("The Beard," S06). he is the self-proclaimed "Lord of the Idiots" ("The Apartment," S02) who is sure of only one thing: "There is no bigger loser than me" ("The Strike," S09).
in the Twilight Saga, Edward repeatedly calls himself "selfish" & a "monster." in Midnight Sun, he's a "coward" (37), "evil" (374) & an "obsessed stalker" (94). clearly depressed in the way he describes his "long melancholy" (138) as "an unending, unchanging midnight" (136), he quickly pinpoints the feelings behind his hatred for Bella: "What I really hated was myself" (26). his distaste for Mike Newton & jealousy of Jacob Black stem from his insecurity, while his paranoia has him assuming, among other things, that a meteor will crash down & bonk Bella out of existence (131). Edward's telepathy has him always on the alert for intruders, resulting in baseless conclusions. "Idiot," Rose calls him (97, 129, 145, 202, 314). idiot, indeed.
Edward & George's low self-esteem compel them to lie, unable to live up to the perceived expectations of others. after Edward saves Bella from a car accident, he lies to her to keep her away. "I had a show to put on now. I knew the role I would play—I had the character down: I would be the villain. I would lie and ridicule and be cruel" (MS, 90). beyond shielding her from his true nature, he is shielding her from a deeper truth: "I didn't deserve any link, any claim to her at all" (728). that is, Edward does not consider himself worthy of Bella's love. he even point-blank admits it to her at prom: "I'm not worth it." (782)
George, too, struggles to live up to assumed perceptions: “You see, this is what I do with women. I start out too strong, now I have to become real. That's when it all falls apart. What good is real?" ("The Visa," S04) like Edward, he engages in deceptive tactics throughout the series to keep his partners at arm's length, from creating falsehoods about himself to preventing his fiancée from fraternizing with his friends & entering his world. ("The Pool Guy," S07) Edward, more succinct, sends Bella the same message in New Moon: "My world is not for you." (37)
in fact, one of the few traits George & Edward possess that is not negatively regarded is their ability to lie. Edward's declaration that "I was not an incompetent liar" (MS, 77) seems an understatement when, not 10 pages later, he says, "Perhaps I was too good a liar if I could fool Carlisle" (85). he claims to feel guilty; then again, Bella often notes him lying outright or by omission in the series.
"I lie every second of my life," George brags in season 2's "The Apartment." "My whole life is a sham." other characters acknowledge & praise this ability. in the episode "The Beard" (S06), Jerry begs George to help him beat a polygraph test, calling his ability "a gift." just as Edward dramatizes his lying to "putting on a show," George likens his talent to singing opera: "It's like saying to Pavarotti, 'Teach me to sing like you.'" the advice he gives Jerry aptly sums up George's philosophy: "It's not a lie if you believe it." how fitting that this is the mindset Edward employs to stay in Bella's life a little longer.
George & Edward's relationships not only showcase their ability to lie but follow similar paths. George faces Edward's exact dilemma: the choice to deny his nature (to the point of becoming vegetarian!) for an attractive woman in "The Secretary" episode of season 6. "You're luscious," he says to a beautiful applicant for an open secretary position. "You're ravishing. I would give up red meat just to get a glimpse of you in a bra." George chooses not to hire the attractive secretary... but ends up sleeping with his 'unattractive' secretary anyway. Edward, meanwhile, does the opposite: he chooses vegetarianism and to date the object of his affection, albeit with personal turmoil. where Edward chooses to be the man, George chooses to be the monster.
unsurprisingly, however, their low self-esteem is a frequent barrier to their romantic pursuits. these insecurities even lead them to preemptively decide to break up with their significant other. in George's case, the breakup in season 3's "The Pez Dispenser" is a means for him to protect himself & regain control:
“A preemptive breakup. This is an incredible idea. I got nothing to lose. We either break up, which she would do anyway, but at least I go out with some dignity.”
Edward seemingly breaks up with Bella to protect her. he knows he will leave her by page 368 of Midnight Sun. by page 746, he admits he's lying when he swears he won't leave her. "[T]he time would come, I was sure now, when I would have to convince her [I didn't want her]" (747). best-case scenario, he thinks, she will outgrow him (781), though it's clear she intends on forever. despite the evidence from Alice that Bella will be a catatonic mess, he leaves...several months later, after a near-fatal brush with Jasper. one might argue Edward's fear of love & intimacy leads him to break up with her as a means to protect himself from the harsh reality that she will die.
ultimately, George & Edward's failures in physical & emotional intimacy are rooted, at least in part, in an aversion to sex.
for both, the desire to feed presents a barrier to their lovemaking. Edward is unable to prolong his kisses with Bella, citing his thirst. he compares himself to "an alcoholic" & Bella to "a glass of hundred-year-old brandy, the rarest, finest cognac..." (Twilight, 13). similarly, in season 9's "The Blood," George finds he is always hungry around his partner & can't make love to her without eating. his attempt to introduce strawberries, chocolate sauce, & pastrami on rye into the bedroom snowballs into him sneaking sandwiches into bed. though George, unlike Edward, can satiate himself without murdering his girlfriend, his desire to feed still leads to his demise.
this aversion to sex extends beyond a conflict with their baser selves, however. we see George & Edward's insecurities & low self-esteem take a central role in their inability to engage in intimate relations.
“I don't like when a woman says, ‘Make love to me,’" says George in season 3's "The Stranded." "It's intimidating. The last time a woman said that to me, I wound up apologizing to her.”
this quote perfectly encapsulates Edward & Bella's wedding night. despite being intimidated by Bella's demand for sex, Edward acquiesces. upon discovering he bruised Bella, Edward confirms his worst fears, calls himself a monster, and says: "I'm...so sorry, Bella. [...] I am more sorry than I can tell you" (Breaking Dawn, 61). he then promises, "I will not make love with you until you've been changed. I will never hurt you again." (66)
oddly enough, the bleak outlook Edward takes on his sex life (i.e., not possible (Twilight, 147) & unrealistic (Eclipse, 299)) mirrors George's feelings re: sexual intimacy in "The Pony Remark" (S02):
“You know, I've been thinking. I cannot envision any circumstances in which I'll ever have the opportunity to have sex again. How's it gonna happen? I just don't see how it could occur.”
is this aversion to intimacy with women a product of George & Edward being queer-coded characters? even if Edward didn't worship the ground on which Carlisle "the soul of [the] family" (MS, 96) walked to the point where he hopes his face resembles Carlisle's "perfect" one (24, 387), he constantly thinks of his creator & tries to live up to Carlisle's perception of him (28, 347, 383, 387). this seems innocuous enough until we consider the fact that the vampire genre itself has queer roots. vampires have always served as a symbol for social outcasts; homosexual depictions, from the 1872 novel Carmilla to the 2020s reboot of Interview with a Vampire, are a common feature of the genre. through this lens, the virginal Edward Cullen pushing away his heterosexual partner while he envisions Carlisle's face takes on different connotations.
George, deeply in denial of his sexuality, upholds odd "rules" to avoid being seen as gay, from refusing to sit "boy-boy-girl" in a car ("The Ex-Girlfriend," S02), to reminding Jerry of his "unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality" before declaring Jerry's new jacket "fabulous." (his singing show tunes throughout "The Jacket" (S02)  still earns him the title of gay by another character, however.) he frequently goes into a gay panic: from being called out on his attraction to Jerry ("The Cartoon," S09), to being accused of falling in love with his friend Tony ("The Stall," S05), to being explicitly labeled as Jerry's romantic partner in season 4's "The Outing," he responds to challenges to his heterosexuality with anger, anxiety, dismay, & denial. he even shouts "IT [his penis] MOVED!" in response to being touched by an attractive male masseuse ("The Masseuse," S05). regardless of whether George may be gay or bisexual, George's record of "staunch heterosexuality" seems not as "unblemished" as he would like us to believe.
given all the similarities, one might think the biggest difference is their species: Edward is a mindreading vampire and George is a human. but George does note having an advanced sense of perception akin to Edward's telepathy: "I was personable, I was bright. [...] I was perceptive. I always know when someone's uncomfortable at a party" ("The Opposite," S05). additionally, while George may not be a literal vampire, he does have a parasitic nature. cheap & selfish, he frequently mooches off his friends & leaves them footing the bill. he also lies & manipulates for his own gain, including but not limited to faking a disability to have access to his own private bathroom at work ("The Butter Shave," S09), setting up a fake charity to avoid buying Christmas presents for his coworkers ("The Strike," S09), & falsifying statements to extend his unemployment benefits ("The Boyfriend, Part 1," S03). leeching off of others & the community is a hallmark of vampirism.
ultimately, the uncanny parallels between these two characters are impossible to ignore. George & Edward seem indeed the same person mirrored into different universes. so, what does this say about their creator(s)? this "coincidence" naturally begs the question: Are Jerry Seinfeld and Stephenie Meyer the same person? in Part 2 of this essay, we expl—
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motions1ckn3ss · 3 months
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forever thinking about e/R
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
decision made: stardew valley quinn's going the community centre route (probably quite slowly though; I normally go full steam ahead but am gonna try not to this time) purely because he doesn't want to leave a paper trail.
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simmersofia · 2 years
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George Washington, 2000
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schlock-luster-video · 9 months
On September 2, 2022, Day of the Dead, I Was a Teenage Zombie, Teenagers on Trial, and The Golden Years were screened on TCM Underground.
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normalnorman · 9 months
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Character cutouts
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astonmartinii · 6 months
birthday masterlist <3
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i don't know about you, but i'm feeling 22 !!
for my birthday i wanted to put together a mini masterlist of my favourite works xx
we don't play about halloween
max verstappen
max doesn’t play about three things: formula one, his cats and his girlfriend’s love for halloween
friendship bracelets
charles leclerc
charles' gf is beloved in the fandom for her love for frienship bracelets
cherry lip balm
oscar piastri
the verstappen siblings run motorsport, but the youngest's f1 allegiances may belong elsewhere
ultimate wing man
daniel ricciardo
y/n is notoriously single, and her dad decides to take it into his own hands.
big time rush
lando norris
so how is alex albon and sorority rush connected? how is lando involved? and will the grid ever understand the greek system?
nine lives
alex albon
one of the many albon pets has to take a quick trip to the vet and maybe, just maybe, it comes with love at first sight
tight knit
charles leclerc
spa 2021, where a knitting hobby comes in handy
into the arms of another
one / two / three / four
max verstappen
after charles leaves her out in the cold, y/n falls into the arms of another.
peas in a pod
oscar piastri
y/n and george russell may be twins, but they’re hardly two peas in a pod and oscar is just there for the ride
head in the clouds
lando norris
there's no one more attractive than the stranger at the same gate as you at the airport and sometimes that stranger works on your best friend's private jet.
signed up for life
lewis hamilton
f1 finally introduces a sign language interpretor to their media team
kiss it better
oscar piastri
when oscar crashes into the barrier at monza, he thinks he sees his guardian angel, in reality he's just got a concussion and that's a first responder, but it's the thought that counts.
you and me got a whole lotta history
charles leclerc
y/n is a historian and it’s not her fault her bf’s job takes him all around the world…
mamma mia
mamma mia / no more ace to play / honey, honey / age of no regret / a wonderful thing
sebastian vettel, jenson button & fernando alonso
what the hell is in the water in greece? why are pregnancy tests so expensive and why does seb name his vehicles like that?
also i am still working on requests, i have returned home and am just finishing my freelance work xx
buy me a ko-fi?
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finniestoncrane · 3 months
shuffles in here hiii I was hoping to request KTJL!Boomer x Fem nb reader (she/they with feminine genitalia and the like, who is on the curvier side in terms of body type) who are in an established relationship and just having a fun night in together
I’m not super picky on what directions things go and honestly it could just be pwp but I would love to see the following things included in no particular order:
boomer being his usual sleazy self lol
mean but playful flirting
praise kink
reader being really into Boomer’s hands
mating press
i love love love your writing, the way you write boomer is so good! I hope you’re having a good day!
KTJL!Boomer x Fem!Reader, word count: 1.2k okey dokey i THINK i managed to cover everything, even if i did get sidetracked by the squirting!💙 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fingnering, squirting, overstimulation, flirting, teasing, good old fashioned fuckin
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You held his hands, stretching the fingers out, holding them, placing your palm against his, before letting your fingers fall between his, pulling him to you, clutching at his hands as you pressed them to your sternum.
"I like your hands, George. They're big. Strong. And very skilled."
Flattery was alwas the way with Digger. Stroke his ego, and you got the same result as if you were stroking anywhere else on his body. In response to your compliments, he lifted his hand, taking yours with him, kissing the back of it before letting it rest back on your chest.
"Comes in handy, I suppose. There's a fair bit of you to grab, I like to make sure I get the most out of ya."
You giggled, delighting in the way he smiled wide as he stared over your body. Trying to hide your own beaming grin, you took your hand from his. When you let go of it, he walked his fingers down your body, stopping at your abdomen and grinning as you whined.
“You really that desperate for it?”
Familiar by now with Digger's brand of playful teasing, you played innocent, knowing he preferred to tease you, to see you blush.
“I’m not desperate at all.”
“Oh yeah?”
With one hand on your waist, he reached the other down under your panties, fingers splaying you open, one of them sliding between your lips to collect your slick.
“You seem pretty keen.”
Splaying you open, fingers spreading your lips, he drooled at the sight of your pussy, shockingly wet already.
"I could drown in there, and you're gonna lie and say you're not absolutely frothing, huh?"
Biting your lip, you tried to avoid eye contact with him, your blush and giggles already giving up your true feelings under his scrutiny.
"Hey, no worries, babe. Let the Captain take care of you, no judgements. I'm ready for a dirty, wet root myself."
The way his voice rasped on the words, almost growling, had you unconsciously opening your legs wider, giving him complete access to you. And he took that invitation, immediately curling his fingers up inside of you, his thumb lazily circling your clit as you began to moan, warmth spreading over you, the heat of arousal spreading.
It always felt good when George was giving you his full attention, focused on only your pleasure, his long, strong fingers stroking and fucking you, much more manageable than his cock. This felt slightly different though. You coudn't tell if it was the build up, the romantic, lazy way you had been curled up in his arms before, or if he was trying a new technique, but there was a pressure in your abdomen that was new.
And you were closer, far quicker than usual. Orgasm imminent, you clutched at the bedsheets below you, certain that George was about to make you cum in record time, his sexual expertise once again impressing you. But instead of a body clenching climax, your thighs wet with your own arousal, you let out a scream unlike anything you thought you were capable of. You gushed, streams of liquid exploding from you, splashing onto George, his chest dripping, covered in you.
“Fuck me, babe!”
“George… I’m so sorry, I didn’t even know I could-“
“You got another one in ya?”
He thrust his fingers back inside of you, free hand tapping lightly on your clit as he pumped his digits into your walls, crooked up and tapping at the exact spot that had made you gush before. There you were, writhing under his touch, skin still flushed in embarrassment after making a mess everywhere. And there he was, on top of you, grunting with exertion as he tried to recreate the explosive burst of pleasure, his body positioned in a way that meant he would be soaked, covered in you. Mouth open. Tongue hanging out. Hoping to get a taste.
“I really don’t know if I FUCK!”
A quick spurt emanated from your quivering pussy, legs shaking, body trembling as you squealed in delight. But it wasn’t enough. It was a tiny dribble, and George was intent on making a splash.
“George… I don’t think… I can’t take much more…”
“Just a little bit longer, sweetheart.”
He caught your eyes, keeping his locked in to yours.
“You can do it, eh? Make old Digger happy, huh?”
The pleading tone, the way his crooked smile made his long, hooked nose curl up slightly, made your heart flutter. It was too much. You were over the line, body convulsing, tears forming in the corners of your eyes from the strain. Every one of your limbs felt like they were twitching and spasming as the continuous orgasm coursed through your nervous system. And then finally.
"That's it... good girl... what a good girl!"
With a scream, you felt your muscles relax, body falling into the mattress, your legs still kicking a little as you felt the liquid erupt from you. One quick spurt, followed by another, and then a long, splashing wave that soaked George as he leant in. Smiling wide, mouth gratefully receiving everything he could catch in it, moaning and gargling as he spat some back over his lips and down his chin.
Licking his lips, he once again caught your eyes, a predatory, hungry look glinting in his light green irises. Shuffling inelegantly on his knees, he lined himself up with your body, your legs open and resting at either side of his hips. Before you could get comfortable in that position, however, he caught you under your knees, pulling you to him, his cock resting against your cunt as he pushed your legs back, carefully and slowly, until your ass was raised and your body was pressed down to where he wanted you.
Rubbing the head of his cock along your slit, coating it in your own cum, he slid himself into you and began pumping his impressive length in and out, alread stretching you, bringing you close to yet another orgasm as you whimpered.
Everything about you in this position made his heart pound. The way your stomach folded, jiggling as he thrust, how he could see your eyes closed tight, teeth biting down on your lip, your breasts bouncing with each brutal pounding of his body into yours. Pinned down, submissive, ready for him to fill you up.
And it was equally good for you, having him take control, a little raucous, a bit dirty, like you were being used by him. The thought of that alone, that you were there to take him, for him to empty himself into, made your clit twitch, the heat in your stomach growing as you reached another climax.
"George... I think I might... again..."
"Yeah, no shit princess, I'm actually counting on it!"
He grabbed onto your hips, thumbs digging into the plush skin there to get a better hold of you as he pummelled your body, desperate to see if he could have both of you finish at the same time. He imagined that would be quite messy, and that was how he liked it.
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uwmspeccoll · 2 months
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Greek Child's Play
Published in 1945 by Little Brown & Company, Adventures with the Gods by Catharine Sellew and illustrated by George and Doris Hauman is a charming primer created for young children. It contains sixteen stories featuring the heroes of Greek mythology as well as the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus. The book even includes a handy index of all the characters' names and how to pronounce them. This delightful collection of stories provides an accessible introduction to the fascinating world of Greek mythology, making it an enchanting read for both children and adults.
Catharine Sellew, an American author, has a talent for turning ancient myths and legends into children's stories. Written using simple language and ideas, her stories create an almost fairytale-like experience for readers. It's no surprise that her works are captivating and beloved by many.
George and Doris Hauman were a married couple and American children’s book illustrators. They are perhaps most well-known for illustrating the popular 1954 edition of The Little Engine That Could. The couple decided to collaborate on projects because they had so many customers in common. They also used a joint signature for all of their illustrations.
View other Classics posts.
View our other posts on children's books.
-Melissa, Special Collections Classics Intern
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cartooemcanhis · 9 months
hello mfn fandom i found concept art to feed u all
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George before he went bald
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who is the green dude, also Lilliana i think u may need a doctor
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I LOVE THESE MORE THAN THE HANDPUPPETS WE GOT!! (No offense to Handy, Randy, or pig) I wish we could of gotten Handy Randy and Pig as well as these guys!!
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believe it or not these are all Ricky concept arts (other than the one that kinda looks like Pearl??)
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Ok so this is an odd theory but
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some of these unused guys look awfully familar to me.
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tmmyhug · 2 years
mangoball archives
(follow up to this post)
so since twitter is collapsing, the search for a good mangoball backup led me to this project by @this-glittering-world and. it is absolutely fantastic. it's a full mangoball recreation in html, including the christmas special and author's notes. there's dark mode and light mode and even the option to read it as a chat fic without all the twitter styling?? not to mention it's just a well designed site? i'm very impressed.
imo, this is the best backup of mangoball right now and it deserves much more attention. check it out:
the other archive I want to direct attention to is the one on thread reader. this is slightly less reliable because if the thread gets deleted or if twitter goes down it'll stop working, but it works for now. also it looks like you can save the threads as PDFs for a couple bucks which is handy. here are the links to the og and the christmas special:
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