#George Putnam
90smovies · 6 months
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astonishinglegends · 7 months
Ep 271: Amelia Earhart – Decoy for a Spy Plane?
"Not much more than a month ago, I was on the other shore of the Pacific, looking westward. This evening, I looked eastward over the Pacific. In those fast-moving days, which have intervened, the whole width of the world has passed behind us, except this broad ocean. I shall be glad when we have the hazards of its navigation behind us."  -- Amelia Earhart, a few days before her final flight
On July 3, 1975, the Ministry of Justice in Japan responded to an inquiry by Amelia Earhart researcher and investigator Major Joe Gervais. Gervais had sent a letter to the Department of Immigration and Naturalization in Tokyo, operating on the hunch that Earhart had been taken prisoner and held on Saipan during WWII but under an assumed identity. The Ministry of Justice responded, saying the woman in their custody was known to them as Irene Craigmile. This was not a name mentioned by Gervais to the Japanese authorities. So, who is Irene Craigmile? Craigmile and Earhart were acquaintances and pilots who looked similar, but photos show they are two separate people. This begs the question for the “Japanese Capture” theory of Earhart’s disappearance: who then went down with the plane that was apparently ditched near Buka Island in Papua New Guinea? Were these two women connected via some secret mission, and is the plane at Buka a version of Earhart’s Electra 10-E? These questions and evidence are just a few of the puzzle pieces of the enduring mystery of Earhart’s fateful last flight, meticulously stitched together by William “Bill” Pennington Snavely, Jr. in his latest book, Lost in Flight: Amelia Earhart, Giving Cover as a Decoy for a Spy Plane. In 2018, Bill was a guest on our show, where he outlined his research leading to a startling theory of Earhart’s plane possibly having crashed near the coast of Matsungan Island near Buka, eventually sinking to a depth of 109 feet. Two main aspects of Bill’s investigation that remain novel are that, unlike the other researchers, he calculated his flight tracking starting from the last known location and then traced backward and that his team is the only one with an aircraft to investigate whose characteristics match the Electra. Bill’s multiple expeditions to Buka have yielded intriguing evidence supporting his claim, evidence which has previously been kept under wraps due to nondisclosure agreements. However, as his research in the intervening years continued, a new hybrid theory emerged from his discoveries that may solve the disconnect between “Japanese Capture” and the wreckage at Buka. Could it be that a failed reconnaissance mission led to one of the greatest coverups in US history? Bill Snavely is now free to disclose the shocking findings he revealed in his book. Also joining us is longtime friend and fellow podcaster Chris Williamson, whose podcast Chasing Earhart and its companion book, Rabbit Hole: The Vanishing of Amelia Earhart & Fred Noonan, is the definitive interview collection. Prepare to suit up as we dive for the truth behind one of the world’s most famous and significant aviation enigmas.
Reference Links:
CLICK HERE to purchase Lost in Flight: Amelia Earhart, Giving Cover as a Decoy for a Spy Plane, by William “Bill” Pennington Snavely, Jr. from The Paragon Agency™ and SpecialBooks.com
CLICK HERE to purchase Bill Snavely’s previous book on Earhart and the Buka discovery, Tracking Amelia Earhart: Her Flight Path to the End
SpecialBooks.com from The Paragon Agency™
CLICK HERE to purchase Chris Williamson’s book Rabbit Hole: The Vanishing of Amelia Earhart & Fred Noonan
Irene Craigmile Bolam
1987 Marshall Islands postage stamp showing Earhart’s Electra from the “Amelia Earhart Controversy” website
Astonishing Legends episode 106: Earhart’s Plane Found?
Astonishing Legends Bonus Episode: EARHART'S PLANE? UPDATE WITH BILL SNAVELY
Astonishing Legends episode 90: Chasing Amelia Earhart with Chris Williamson
Astonishing Legends episode 4: Amelia Earhart Vanishes Part 1
Astonishing Legends episode 5: Amelia Earhart Vanishes Part 2
Buka Island
Jaluit Atoll
Imperial Japanese Naval ship the Koshu
“The Ground Loop Monster” from Trent Palmer’s YouTube channel
Ground Loop on Wikipedia
The Hawaiian island of Niʻihau
“Aircraft [Lockheed 10E Electra ZK-BUT painted as ZK-AFD]” entry on the New Zealand Museum of Transport and Technology website
Lockheed Electra stock photo images from the dreamstime.com website
Boxfish Robotics website
The MV Indies Trader surf exploration vessel, which took part in Quiksilver's Crossing from 1999-2005
Martin Daly, Australian Captain, and surfer
Matsungan Island, part of the Buka Island collection in eastern Papua New Guinea. Matsungan Island is where a young boy claimed to see an airplane ditch into the sea within 100 yards of the shoreline, with its left wing on fire and the occupants trying to use their radio before the plane sank. None of his fellow islanders believed him at the time, but in 1995, a local sponge diver named Teolo and his partner found the wreck of an aircraft resembling an Electra submerged in 109 feet of ocean water and a few hundred yards from the shore.
Related Books:
CLICK HERE to purchase “Lost in Flight: Amelia Earhart, Giving Cover as a Decoy for a Spy Plane” by William Pennington Snavely, Jr. from SpecialBooks.com
CLICK HERE to purchase Bill Snavely’s previous book on Earhart and the Buka discovery, Tracking Amelia Earhart: Her Flight Path to the End
Suggested Listening:
Woo Woo with Rachel Dratch
Comedian Rachel Dratch gets a little bit Woo Woo, discussing stories of the unexplained, the eerie, and other-worldly with her funny friends in her new comedy podcast, Woo Woo with Rachel Dratch. Along with her co-host Irene Bremis, Rachel invites guests to share stories they may only tell a trusted pal who will not judge. Psychics? Spirits? Astral Projection? Check, check, and check! Sure, you may think we live in a world where there’s a logical explanation for anything out of the ordinary, but after you spend some time with Rachel and her pals, you might have your doubts, and find that… you too are WOO WOO! Join Rachel, Irene, and friends in a comedy podcast that turns the mysterious into a lively conversation among kindred spirits. Search for Woo Woo with Rachel Dratch wherever you’re listening now!
Suggested Viewing:
CLICK HERE to watch the documentary Earhart’s Electra: Eyewitness Accounts of What Happened to Amelia Earhart’s Plane by Richard Martini
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Episode 271: Amelia Earhart – Decoy for a Spy Plane? Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel of VW Sound. Music and Sound Design by Allen Carrescia. Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher. Ed Voccola, Technical Producer. Research Support from The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2023 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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mfjenks · 9 months
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we all know that Marty just loves hanging on Steve😄
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deadpresidents · 4 months
"It is rather a curious thing, my young friend, but that is exactly my record. I could outlift any man in Southern Illinois when I was young, and I never was thrown [in a wrestling match]. There was a big fellow named Jack Armstrong, strong as a Russian bear, that I could not put down; nor could he get me on the ground. If George [Washington] was loafing around here now, I should be glad to have a tussle with him, and I rather believe that one of the plain people of Illinois would be able to manage the aristocrat of old Virginia."
-- Abraham Lincoln, to Illinois Judge Samuel H. Treat, after Treat shared stories he had heard from George Washington's step-grandson, George Washington Parke Custis, who had noted that Washington was one of the strongest men of his generation and also a famous wrestler who had never been thrown in a match. ("Recollections of Lincoln" by James Grant Wilson, Putnam's Magazine, February 1909)
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underestimated-shadow · 8 months
Battle of the Roasts: Steve Martin Short Edition!
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juneandnick · 10 months
When Star Means Power At Gilead
Commander Winslow and Commander McKenzie with ⭐⭐
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Please note: Rose's father (Commander Wharton) is also a High Commander. I do not know if it is a mistake but George's stars are ↕️ when Kyle's are ↔️.
Commander Pryce and Commander Waterford with ⭐
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Commander Putnam and Commander Calhoun with ⭐
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Commander Lawrence and Commander Blaine with no star
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Please note: Joseph wore a star in Season 3.
I do not know what the colors of the circles surrounding the stars mean. Sometimes they are black, white or yellow. In S3E03, at Lawrence's house, all Commanders' circles are black.
Source Pictures: Screenshots S3E07 - S5E10 - S2E06 - S3E06 - S3E04 - S5E02
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soggyrainpuddles · 11 months
My friend is thinking about what musical she should perform for her college, so I was wondering-
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cytryndor · 9 months
I dedicate this post to @starmaniswaitinginthesky, who prompted me with „I'd actually love to see a scene with them realizing Charles is not so heterosexual himself?”
To begin, lemme present you a list that I made last night:
People Charles would find attractive (and thought that’s heterosexual thing to do):
* Elvis Presley
* Tony Curtis
* John F Kennedy
* George Takei
…and more! If you have any more ideas, lemme know.
Now, to the scene.
Let’s say it around 2022/2023, and Charles still doesn’t know that Mr Takei is, in fact, someone more than an ally. And that he, Mabel and Oliver got invited on some fancy dinner party (I mean, he does know about that, that one is to let’s say).
And that someone made him realize, that most heterosexual males are not attracted to Tony Curtis, or George Takei.
Charles: Why- how would I know their sexualities?
Oliver: How would you, exactly.
[Quite obviously, CHARLES’ in shock. OLIVER looks quite delighted, and MABEL just enjoys the show]
Charles: When, when did he even came out?
Oliver: So, to the public he came out in 2005. For me, way back in the 70s.
Charles: Why would he came out to you? [scoff]
Oliver: [humble] Well, it’s nice to know of someone’s taste into you before you take them to bed.
[MABEL almost spits out her drink; OLIVER tries not to grin, and stay in his humble persona, and CHARLES has his mouth wide open, not believing what he just heard. OLIVER lifts up his hand, and closes CHARLES’ mouth, gently patting his cheek afterwards, kindness in his eyes. CHARLES regains his posture]
Charles: You know what? This is bullshit. I’m tired of you making up all of those „celeb stories” of yours. Grow up.
[in the meantime, they’re approached by GEORGE TAKEI himself]
George: Ollie! [he greets OLIVER, places his hands on PUTNAM’s arms and kisses him on both cheeks]
Oliver: Georgie [smiles, and seemingly ignores CHARLES, who is (quite understandably) in shock] Have you met my friend, Charles-
George: -Haden Savage, of course [now, he turns to CHARLES, and shakes his hand] Haven’t had the pleasure yet.
Charles: Oh- oh, yes. My pleasure.
Oliver: [under his breath] It sure is.
[For that, he got lightly and quietly smacked by MABEL and her elbow]
Mabel: Mabel Mora [now, it’s her turn to shake his hand, which she does gracefully] It’s really lovely to meet you.
George: The pleasure is mine. After all, Oliver’s friends are my friends [again, he smiles at PUTNAM, and lets go of MABEL’s hand]
Oliver: Now, listen, Georgie, Charles here is a big fan of yours [two pairs of eyes are locked at OLIVER; GEORGE is just looking, with kindness in his eyes, and CHARLES is murdering OLIVER with his gaze. MABEL, on the other hand, is looking at CHARLES, worried that he might blow up (literally, not like at OLIVER) any second] And I thought, why wouldn’t you give him your number? I’m sure he’d be thrilled. And, after all, you’re both big TV stars. I’m sure there’s lots of stuff you two can talk about.
George: Oh, there’s no problem whatsoever,
[GEORGE starts looking around for some piece of paper and something to write with; and while he can’t find anything to write on, he was handed a black marker by MABEL. As if it’s nothing, he takes CHARLES’ hand and starts writing his numer on it. OLIVER is happily smiling, looking at MABEL and CHARLES. MABEL is also looking at her besties, and CHARLES is speechless]
George: There you go.
[GEORGE smiles at CHARLES, and gives MABEL back her marker. Someone in the room yells for GEORGE, so he excuses himself and leaves the podcast trio. Now, as they’re left alone, OLIVER and MABEL looks at CHARLES with anticipation. SAVAGE tho, instead of doing something they’d expect, just looks OLIVER and goes:]
Charles: It’s ridiculous! Is there any celebrity that’s our age that you haven’t slept with?
[Before OLIVER can answer, MABEL chimes in]
Mabel: I don’t know, you?
[CHARLES scoffs]
Oliver: And what a shame it is.
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whatimdoing-here · 2 years
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months
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George Palmer Putnam paused at the airport long enough to tell reporters of his offer of a $2,000 reward for information of his missing wife, Amelia Earhart, July 29, 1937. She, her navigator, and her plane were believed to be somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The money is directed particularly at Japanese fishermen.
Photo: Associated Press
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im going through public domain video archives and came across perversion for profit and nothing but i mean absolutely nothing as been this swift and absolute in making me see the ridiculousness of puritan attitudes online
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peridot-tears · 1 year
The implication that George Washington and the other Founding Fathers are ONLY bloodthirsty genocidal racists because of the Apple of Eden is another one of those elephant in the room moments in AC3.
In the main game play, Ratohnhaké:ton's village is forced out by settlers who "bought" the land, which historically happened a lot. George Washington's crimes as the person who ordered it burned when Ratonhaké:ton was a kid, then his order to have it invaded during the Revolution, are indicative of his role in what would become long-term Indigenous genocide in the Americas, but because we don't see him involved directly, and because we don't see any direct white man-on-villager violence, the impact is rather reduced.
It's only once you play the DLC that he and Israel Putnam put boots on the ground, call Ratohnhaké:ton and co. savages, and are blatantly racist in all the ways you could spot even if you were trying actively to avoid seeing it. But once they've been freed from the influence of the Apple? It's "that wasn't me" this and "I was forced" that.
The elephant in the room is that historically, after winning the Revolution, they still did all to that, just with less violent means. George Washington specifically pushed policies to continue buying up Indigenous land and assimilate them into white American society. Even if he stopped outright raiding villages, he was still responsible for more land theft like what happened to Ratohnhaké:ton's village. The result is delayed and more quiet, but the same nonetheless.
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Tracing the flying past with Amelia Earhart
Read about finding Amelia Earhart in Atchison Kansas where you can tour her birthplace home, and the Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum.
Who isn’t fascinated by the story about Amelia Earhart?  She was the first woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic, May 20-21, 1932. She also set the women’s altitude record, the women’s speed record. Amelia was the first woman to make a solo round trip of the United States. The story we all know is that on July 2, 1937, she and navigator, Fred Noonan, during her around the world flight…
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tunedtostatic · 1 year
The radio fog signals are being operated as a part of the regular equipment of light-ships and lighthouses, and with the regular station personnel. The radio compass on shipboard is used by the navigator himself, or by the ship's radio operator under the navigator's direction. Radio bearings are utilized in navigation in the same manner as sight bearings. The radio signal may be employed as a leading mark for which to steer, or successive bearings may be taken, or if more than one signal is available cross bearings may be used. While the regular radio fog signals are more convenient for such observations, radio bearings may be taken on any sending station operating on suitable wave-length. A very valuable use is also the taking of radio bearings on other ships equipped with radio, for the purpose of avoiding collision, or of seeking a vessel in distress.
- Radio Fog Signals For The Protection of Navigation; Recent Progress (George R. Putnam, Commissioner of the United States Lighthouse Service, 1924)
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Currently running at New Jersey’s George Street Playhouse, a production of Spelling Bee directed by Colin Hanlon!
Closes April 9th 2023
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