#Georges Duroy
palephx · 11 months
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Ye olde Czech modulz. I wish I could identify the 3rd guy, because he was always one of my favorites, tho I doubt I ever knew anything remotely close to his actual name.
Current Bel Ami annoys the fuck outta me, but I've been watching those Georges Duroy bathhouse strippers since the early 1990s. I've simply gotten too old (it happens, if you keep breathing).
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pierppasolini · 5 months
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An American in Prague (1997) // dir. George Duroy
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Directed By: Johan Paulik
Featuring: Leon Boisen Todd Rosset
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kaantt · 1 year
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cantsayidont · 22 days
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THE PRIVATE AFFAIRS OF BEL AMI (1947): Acerbic but slow-moving and overly sanitized adaptation of an 1885 Guy de Maupassant novel about the rise and fall of perennial cad Georges Duroy (George Sanders), who becomes a prominent gossip columnist with the help of an old friend (John Carradine) and then marries the friend's widow (Ann Dvorak) — who's more or less writing his column — while spurning the love of another widow (Angela Lansbury) in his pursuit of power and position. There are about a half-dozen excellent scenes and some good supporting performances, but it goes on way too long and suffers badly from period censorship, culminating in a contrived tragic ending (not present in the book) where Georges sacrificially repents his wickedness. Paradoxically, making Georges less wicked than in the book also makes him more unpleasant to watch; only occasionally given the opportunity to be entertainingly ruthless, Sanders still makes Georges such a frosty, misanthropic (and misogynistic) asshole that it's hard to credit that he has any friends or lovers to betray. VERDICT: Has its moments, but Sanders is not very pleasant company, even for a movie that frankly describes itself as "The History of a Scoundrel."
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zhabk4 · 1 year
tag game: 3 books, 3 movies, and 3 songs
that changed your life or you just love.
@karinzany , thank you for tagging me <3
3 books:
"a wild sheep chase" by haruki murakami - life changing in a way of being my introduction to surrealism/postmodernism in literature. not my favorite murakami book but at the time i was amazed.. i'm pretty sure reading it changed my views not only on literature, but on life overall too
"bel-ami" by maupassant – i didn't like this book, i hated reading it and everything about its contents but that was in fact quite life changing (lol). "The story chronicles journalist Georges Duroy's corrupt rise to power from a poor former cavalry to one of the most successful men in Paris, most of which he achieves by manipulating a series of powerful, intelligent, and wealthy women" - at the time i was still an inexperienced reader so i was quite shocked that 1. a character such cheap and shallow as the mc gets everything he wants in the most disgusting way possible; 2. succeeds without any punishment or judgement from the narrative (which is absolutely normal but kindhearted little me was mad lol); 3. the reviews though were the scariest and saddest part "i rooted for this guy and enjoyed seeing him fool all those naïve and stupid women🤣" ..........many such cases... disgustingly misogynistic
"a clockwork orange" by anthony burgess - a classic💯
3 movies:
i rarely watch movies and the ones i like are usually quite well known so nothing inch resting here, but if i had to pick the most impactful one it'd probably be "the danish girl".. the movie that made me think about gender and sexuality probably for the first time in my life (lol)
3 songs:
"endlessly" by muse - beautiful song that made me realize that music is in fact an art full of emotion
"you know what they do to guys like us in prison" by mcr - beautiful song that turned me emo (lol)
prelude in e minor from wtc1 by j.s.bach - beautiful piece that probably changed my life forever by making me fall in love with classical music
i'm tagging @shortpersonstruggles @skelabra @kurhanchyk @hotyka @grouchydonut @exrocist and whoever feels like doing this
and whoever doesn't feel like doing this please feel free to ignore!
= ̄ω ̄=
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hi 🤍 for the ask game: 6, 20, 29 🪻
hiiii kaaju <33333333
6. 3 characters that inspire you
1. the first character who came to mind was sasuke and i mean. what was he doing if not living for his ideals? maybe he could've gone better about it but he did have ideas about the world he wanted to live in and did everything he could to actualize them and that's something i could make do with more often
2. georges duroy. Listen. I know he's not an inspirational character but you have to admire the hustle! He knew what he wanted and he went out of his way to get it. Similar to sasuke but this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with greed and being a lowlife in general and i think that's valid <3
3. prince myshkin. the idiot is far from being my favorite dostoevsky but there is something about a christ-like figure thrown into a world of viciousness and dishonesty and ruthlessness and still choosing to see the good in everyone that just. ties me up in knots
20. 3 adjectives that you’d use to describe yourself
this is gonna tie back to what i was just saying but i am 1. so distrustful of people 2. so pessimistic 3. so stubborn that it is no wonder i would like to be a bit more like myshkin 😭
29. 3 characteristics of the person you aspire to be
also a tie back to the first question because i would like to be more ambitious and less scared to go for what i want (be that in terms of a career 😷 or interpersonal relationships)
i would also love to be more empathetic and have a better capacity to understand the feelings of others and how they see the world without being stuck in my own worldview
and lastly i guess i just want to be someone people can rely on you know? i think if my name pops up in the mind of someone having a difficult time or whatever it means i will have done something good in my life
thank you @eternalsheep you are an angel among men 🥺💗
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considerandos · 2 months
Os Bons Amigos
O mais fascinante, ao ler Bel Ami, de Guy de Maupassant, é a sua atualidade, quase 150 anos depois da primeira edição.
Parece quase impossível, mas o mundo mudou bem pouco, no que respeita à luta pelo poder, pela riqueza e pela ascensão social.
George Duroy, aliás Du Roy, manipula sobretudo mulheres, influentes e bem posicionadas, que o carregam ao colo, desde a miséria, até ao sucesso, à fortuna e ao parlamento. Mas também soube manipular homens, interesses, influências políticas. Usou o poder da imprensa para criar e destruir jornais, governos e fortunas e ganhou o respeito dos ricos e poderosos por isso.
No fundo, para que serve o caráter, senão para afundar um homem na depressão, como sucede ao poeta Norbert de Varenne, colega de redação de Duroy?
Monsieur Walter, o judeu capitalista, proprietário e editor chefe do Vie Française, bem lhe reconhece os méritos, mesmo sendo forçado a oferecer-lhe a filha em casamento, para desespero da mulher, amante enganada por Duroy. Este homem vai longe, será deputado, ministro, sabe-se lá onde chegará o seu talento e ambição! Será melhor partido, para a menina, que um Visconde arruinado. É impossível não admirar alguém que, como o próprio Walter, soube manipular a sociedade tacanha e invejosa e triunfar, com ambição, inteligência e calculismo, sobre os demais. É um digno sucessor para o velho judeu. Não lhe falta nada, nem sequer um título nobiliárquico, que ele recebe com desprezo, do amante da primeira mulher, mas não deixa de usar no dia do casamento, com Suzanne Wagner. O dia da sua consagração! De estalajadeiro em Rouão a barão, deputado e milionário em Paris.
O jornalismo, a política e os negócios olhados como um teatro de vaidades e campo de batalha de interesses. Soa familiar?
No século XXI, como no século XIX, o exemplo repete-se, interminavelmente. Os(as) Bel Amis(ies) de hoje, trocaram as casacas e as sedas pelas roupas de marca, os fiacres pelos carros de luxo e os baronatos pelos doutoramentos e comendas, mas movimentam-se tão bem pelos parlamentos, governos e órgãos de informação atuais, como George Duroy pela Paris da Belle Époque.
Não admira assim que a obra tenha sido objeto de múltiplas adaptações, cinematográficas, televisivas e teatrais, desde o início do século XX até bem recentemente.
Uma co-produção de 2012, com Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, Kristin Scott Thomas, Christina Ricci e Holliday Grainger, adaptou, mais uma vez, a obra ao cinema.
Um musical dirigido por Linnie Reedman, com música e letras compostas por Joe Evans, estreou em Londres, em 2011.
Os sul coreanos fizeram uma adaptação do livro a série televisiva, em 2013.
Até um filme pornográfico sueco, adaptou Bel Ami ao cinema, em 1976, com Harry Reems.
Maupassant colocou o dedo bem dentro da ferida, da sociedade burguesa e liberal. E a evidência é o quão pouco mudou essa sociedade, em mais de um século.
O ser humano é essencialmente imutável, por mais instruído e civilizado que seja. As suas motivações não mudam, ao longo dos tempos, sexo, riqueza, poder.
Por isso Bel Ami é um romance contemporâneo. Se a primeira leitura revela uma visão irónica e crítica da sociedade burguesa oitocentista, rapidamente somos obrigados a concluir que o retrato é fiel, rigoroso e sem prazo de validade.
Nada tem de grotesco. É antes de uma lucidez desarmante e intemporal.
9 de Julho de 2024
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epubindirtk · 1 year
Güzel Dostlar / Guy De Maupassant
Güzel Dostlar Güzel Dostlar’dan… Kasiyer yüz meteliğinin üstünü verince Georges Duroy lokantadan çıktı. Yaradılış itibariyle ve eski bir astsubay oluşundan gelme fiyakası sayesinde yakışıklı bir adamdı, bedenini dikleştirdi, askeri ve alışıldık bir hareketle bıyığını burdu, yemek vaktini geciktirmiş insanların üzerinde hızla göz gezdirdi; atmaca bakışı gibi keskin, cazip delikanlı bakışlarından…
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Bel Ami: O Sedutor Online fácil
Assistir Filme Bel Ami: O Sedutor Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/bel-ami-o-sedutor/
Bel Ami: O Sedutor - Filmes Online Fácil
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Georges Duroy viaja, através da década de 1890, em Paris, desde sótãos repletos de baratas até salões de beleza luxuosos, usando a sua inteligência e poder de sedução para subir da pobreza à riqueza, do abraço de uma prostituta aos encontros apaixonados com as mulheres mais belas e ricas, num mundo onde a política e os media disputam influência, onde o sexo é poder e ser uma celebridade é uma obsessão.
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victoria527 · 1 year
Robert Pattinson: Tribute to Georges Duroy (Bel Ami)
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pierppasolini · 5 months
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An American in Prague (1997) // dir. George Duroy
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Directed By: Lukas Ridgeston
Featuring: Dolph Lambert with Phillipe Gaudin
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Holliday Grainger & Robert Pattinson as Suzanne Rousset & Georges Duroy in “Bel Ami” (Film, 2012).
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Bel Ami: Georges Duroy [ESFP 4w3]
Bel Ami: Georges Duroy [ESFP 4w3]
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Function Order: Se-Fi-Te-Ni Georges is a natural-born opportunist who leaves behind an impoverished life and work as a soldier and immediately plunges himself into a Parisian life, including drinking, gambling, and whoring. He manages to get himself a job at a newspaper despite having no talent for writing and no experience through his social connections, then immediately adopts the proposed…
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freeamoebas · 5 years
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good morning. men
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