brightgoat · 7 months
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These are the designs I'm gonna be using for my Standverse AU (this is a link) where all the stands get trapped in a 'purgatory' without their users and are forced to be sentient.
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ottosbigtop · 1 month
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some guys of mine… in Color…!
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mrmillipede · 4 months
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various stands if they were like…actually scary
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viagginterstellari · 6 months
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Yurt front door - Khiva, 2022
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cornsarts · 10 months
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funny bugs
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thiccsys · 5 months
a thing i see a lot of the times is geno being characterized as a good person. and i mean sure, he did do the right thing in the end in aftertale, and he loves his brother unfathomably so, but geno didn’t turn into error, a murderer, for no reason
geno’s life was ruined. and so what did he to do try and fix it?? he tried to destroy his own timeline without considering anyone else’s opinions!! he tried to convince sans to do it too, and yet when sans disagreed he sent sans through agonizing memories to get him to agree. it backfired horribly, but geno was willing to attack sans (protect papyrus) just because his way wasnt working. sure, he wanted the best for everyone and especially for his brother, but his ways of doing it are terrible and he’s extremely selfish and somewhat narcissistic. even after the whole ordeal, geno didn’t stop being a piece of shit. like, he played with his determination?? didnt heed sans’s warnings to STOP before shit went south?? and what did geno do? listen? no… he continued until he inevitably fucked up.
he was curious about his determination and ruined his happy ending. he literally ruined what he had because he was curious and he wouldn’t listen to someone who genuinely cares about him.
aaand i mean. yeah… geno would be let into the ot… and yeah he’s got good intentions… but im so freaking tired of people thinking hes genuinely a good person who would never make mistakes (also in terms of afterdeath he’d be a horrible father). even after going through save screen hell he didnt stop being selfish and narcissistic and fucking pissy and stupid. get better geno
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casismycherrypiebaby · 4 months
The Swedish commenter just reminded us that if Germany comes last again they’ll break a record for most last places
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germiyahu · 5 months
Me trying to eat all the chametz in my home before tomorrow night
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scopophilic1997 · 4 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_994 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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divine-felonies · 3 months
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❝ Die Rücklichter eines Autos, welches nach wenigen Metern einfach verschwand, verschluckt von den Schwaden des Nebels, der sich ein kühler Umhang um das Gebäude legte. Der Geruch von Benzin, der sich mit den Nuancen, die der Abendregen hinterlassen hatte vermischte. Eindrücke, die sich in so kurzer Zeit in ihr Gedächtnis prägten und ihre letzten Augenblicke sein könnten. Sollte es so zu Ende gehen? Immer wieder klappten die müden Augenlider zu, versperrten ihr die ohnehin verschwommene Sicht und nahmen ihr damit die besagten letzten Momente, die sie vielleicht noch im Begriff war auszukosten. Ein Geräusch, welches einem Seufzen ähnelte und doch keines war, teilte die vollen Lippen, die geschwollen waren von den dumpfen Schlägen, die sie vor wenigen Stunden einbüßen mussten. Ein Tropfen Blut kämpfte sich den Weg an die kalte Abendluft, rann das ramponierte Kinn hinunter und fand sein Ende schließlich auf dem nassen Asphalt, auf welchem die zierliche Gestalt sich niedergelassen hatte. Gerade, als die Finsternis der eintretenden Nacht sie zu verschlingen drohte und all ihr Sein mit sich nehmen zu wollen, erklomm eine unbekannte Stimme ihr Gehör. Ihr Zustand ließ es nicht mehr zu, dass sie die folgenden Geschehnisse verarbeiten konnte, doch alles was zurückbleiben sollte, waren die Spuren des Kampfes, den das Mädchen bis eben gerade noch auf dem Parkplatz des Krankenhauses ausgetragen hatte - und sie hatte den Kampf gewonnen, gerade in letzter Sekunde. Dem Tod war sie nochmal von der Schippe gesprungen. 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚. ❞
#𝙳𝙸𝚅𝙸𝙽𝙴-𝙵𝙴𝙻𝙾𝙽𝙸𝙴𝚂 : 𝙻𝚄𝙽𝙰 𝙹𝙰𝚂𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙴 𝚂𝙲𝙾𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙻𝙳 ⸺ engagierte Medizinstudentin am Tag, geschickte Diebin in der Nacht, wohnhaft in Boston, Tochter des bekannten 𝘔𝘐𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘌𝘓 𝘚𝘊𝘖𝘍𝘐𝘌𝘓𝘋 — 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍
„the girl who cheated death“
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𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐍 […] crime, violence, revenge, bad childhood, living with a violent mother, growing up with an alcoholic
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brightgoat · 4 months
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dubiously canon stupid doodles
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pairofcarkeys · 4 months
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ottosbigtop · 3 months
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formatted refs down in time for artfight yayyyy!
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Just three girls who drive around in a broken down old bus and fight other people in the post-apocalypse for fun and money! Theyre fun I promise uou ok.
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weemietime · 4 days
One thing that often gets thrown in our faces when we discuss Jewish indigeneity is that converts are not always ethnically Jewish. I hate to break it to you all, but ethnicity is separate from race. Ethnicity is your culture. Converts are indeed ethnically Jewish. They have literally been accepted into the tribe, which is literally what we say when welcoming them ("welcome to the tribe," verbatim).
I am a convert. I am Irish, Polish and French. Guess what, I am 1/8th Ashkenazi. My great-grandfather left Poland before World War 2. He lost his entire family who stayed. Our family tree stops with him. That intergenerational trauma? Passed down to me.
He was a drunk. He abused my grandma. He hid her heritage from her and conversely from us for decades. My grandma has NPD, my mom has AVPD and I have SZPD. I found his journals ~24, which vindicated to me what I've always suspected since I was a child. I was frequently bullied with antisemitic slurs in school, because I have always been openly and fervently opposed to antisemitism and they turned their bullying onto me.
Before I confirmed my heritage I have been practicing Judaism since I was 19. I am religious. I feel it in my soul and I have always known I am a Jew. I speak Hebrew. My culture is Jewish, we call it Yiddishkeit - "Jewishness." This is a form of qualia. You simply know what it feels like inside your body.
Israel is my homeland. I have felt the pull and longing to return home for my entire life. Finding out that the reason why my family is so fractured is because they were all murdered in the Holocaust, just vindicated my feelings. A lot of converts have similar stories. Because we know we are Jewish, and then surprise surprise, it turns out we have Jewish ancestry.
But even for those who don't, they are still ethnically Jewish and Israel is still their homeland. Why? Because they have completed the arduous and complex process of immigration into the Jewish tribe. Because they have adopted the culture, history, language, and religion of the tribe. Because it is a spiritual connection to this piece of land. Our souls were at Sinai, too. We received the Torah and became Jewish in that very moment just like every other Jew. That is why the Shulchan Aruch says when the convert comes to convert and not when the gentile comes to convert.
And as the actual real indigenous population of Israel Jews have the sole right to determine who is entitled to call themselves Jewish and who is entitled to claim Israel as their own. We are not strangers coming in to appropriate Jewish indigeneity, we have been accepted as a member of this indigenous group. A full member. The same as any born Jew - and even this term is misleading because we are also born Jews, our soul has been Jewish since Sinai, we simply had to complete the rituals of returning to our tribe.
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hindahoney · 1 year
hi, hinda! sorry if this question is like over the place ive been trying to figure out how to word this and my search hasn’t given me any like definite answer. im considering converting ( for bg info im black american from a christain bg ) and every where im looking is saying converts are like a part of the jewish people? is there a reason why that is or is it like a purely religious thing and im misunderstanding it to be like an ethnicity change ( for the lack of a better word ) ?
super sorry if this doesn’t make sense 🥹 and ty for taking your time to look at my question !
This question is totally fine! It's a really interesting question actually, and I'm always excited to answer interesting questions.
As with everything, there is no 100% agreement among the Jewish people, so please know that my opinion is my own, and if you're able to discuss this with a rabbi they would give you a more well-rounded answer than I can.
That being said, yes I do believe that converting to Judaism changes your ethnicity. If you are defining ethnicity solely on heritage, then no they don't suddenly have Jewish ancestors (this too can be debated, as we believe that all Jewish converts come from Avraham and Sarah). But if you are defining ethnicity on everything else – language, culture, food, shared identity, and belief system – then yes, unequivocally, a convert's ethnicity changes. In addition to this, converts can not be treated differently in any way or reminded of their status as a ger, so the issue of their ethnicity being brought up would almost never happen and we see them as indistinguishable from a born yid.
So, when someone converts and becomes klal Yisrael, they undertake all of the responsibilities and, in turn, also the responsibility of speaking up for your tribe when we face antisemitism. When you convert, you have to be keenly aware that you are now a target like the rest of us, and the trauma we all have is shared with you. You don't just get the good food and community, you also get all of the hardships. You are converting to our history, which means the Shoah, the Crusades, the Inquisition. Each pogrom, each time one of us dies al kiddush HaShem, it is felt deep in our bones. The ger inherits that sorrow, and we share it together. We are one people, and that's essentially how many academics have defined ethnicity.
I think many Jews are pretty much in agreement about this, but not all, some still want brownie points for flaunting their pure yichus. Others are using a different definition of ethnicity, as the concept is not concrete. This is another problem Jews face, we have existed long before racial and ethnic classifications so it's hard to put us into a box. It doesn't help that "Jewish" is hardly ever on those government forms they make you fill out.
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cornsarts · 3 months
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So please relax Take a pain Laugh out loud When you forget your name
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