shadeswift99 · 2 years
Cleo, serenely, with an inventory full of Doc's diamonds, after listening to Doc be Germanly Distressed over losing them for the last ten minutes: You seem a little stressed, Doc :)
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rikebe · 2 years
thoughts on x men evolution kurt?
i LOOOOVE evo kurt!!! i have a huge soft spot for evo in general (i love love love any animated version of the xmen and evo is so silly and whacky i cant help but adore it) and i think kurt is sooo adorable in that show.
i love how this version of kurt leans wayyy more into his mischevieous and silly pranky side than most other adaptations and i really appreciate that. i feel like its such an underutilized and underrepresented aspect of his character that it even kinda gets tossed to the wayside in the comics half the time, but it's one of the things that makes him such a fun, three-dimensional character. i think its awesome that evo chose to go with that side of him when other adaptations focus more on his melancholy, somber side (which i also love of course! but its not all there is to him!)
im also a huuuuge sucker for little brother and comic relief characters in general (bobby's always been my fave o5) and kurt rly kinda takes on his role of the silly team baby in evo. i adore a silly team baby. plus, kurt is ACTUALLY the youngest of three siblings in canon, so i can totally see him being the annoying kid brother who tags along with amanda and stephan and gets on their nerves.
i liked the more serious plot they did for him too with the whole thing with mystique. ill never get tired of that storyline i wont lie and i think evo manages to strike a good balance where kurt is funny and comedic relief, but you still care about him and when he has a more serious moment it works.
although i think he CAN be a little overexaggerated with his teen speak, i like to imagine that's due to his status as a non-native speaker so he awkwardly overuses slang to try and fit in. I gotta say that I think most of the time Kurt being a teen from germany coming to america is treated kinda weird (see: the reboot movies acting as if kurt doesnt know what a movie or a store is. like guys hes from berlin in the 80ies. hes not from fucking dorf schragensdiek mid-14th century he probably has done way wilder shit than suburban teen scott summers.) so i like to make up my own headcanons to make it make sense a little lmao. also as a german: we think american/english sayings are super funny and like repeating them as germanly as possible. its like a nationwide sport so kurt doing it for funsies would also be totally reasonable.
overall i tend to take a lot of inspiration from evo for my version of a teen kurt bc the way he's characterized could totally be a super young and immature version of the sweet calm fuzzy guy we all know n love. hes silly and pranky and kind of annoying, but he's also really caring and the way his relationship with kitty evolved from a silly crush to genuine friendship was SO sweet. i love when kurt is shown that way, flirty but ultimately completely unselfish when his affections aren't returned and totally glad to just be friends with someone he had a crush on. i do think it's really lame how he uses the image inducer all the time since kurt NOT using the inducer anymore is such a big part of his character arc, and him using it at HOME all the time too is really weird but... well, whatever. in total one hell of a lovable, great kurt.
plus his design is super cute. how can you not love that 90ies boyband middlepart??
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yabagofmilfs · 10 months
Sid hearing about Timmy Stu giving a press statement in which he said, politely and Germanly, "Ach I simply cannot belieff you North Americans vould be so uncouth as to yudge me for needing a scent-blocker top-up during a game" and thinking Hmm. All the extreme and invasive press coverage I put up with in my younger years as the first omega in the league because everyone said I was so lucky to be there at all. Hmm maybe that wasn't okay actually. Hmm maybe I can have some feelings about this.
horrible approximation of Timmy’s accent aside lol (I think he sounds pretty Canadian these days), this fits nicely into @ticklefighthockey’s glass ceiling verse.
love to think about old man sid having a quiet existential crisis because the babies they’re setting up as his replacements are actually pushing back on things he never even clocked as being fucked up when they happened to him. the slow realization that things were not that chill, actually manifesting into him being an unhinged bitch at every turn. sassing the media, picking fights with alphas and daring to actually win them, and racking up points like he’s 19 again. maybe even aggressively pursuing a teammate he’s had a crush on for 17 years. what does he have to lose?
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dieinct · 5 months
[germanly] sweeti
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borzologist · 2 years
i love forcing people to use context clues when i say ja like am i laughing spanishly or yessing germanly
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peachy-lutin · 1 year
prayer circle for Germanly lads 😭😭
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cruelsister-moved · 3 years
kind of miss my german upstairs neighbours who always used to fuck really loudly and germanly now like i took that for granted
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selchwife · 3 years
[indignant 1800s gentleman voice][germanly] don’t you play the offended liver sausage with ME.
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that-spark · 7 years
Es ist durch!! Aaaahhh :D :)))
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vardasvapors · 4 years
last night i dreamed i was celeborn and i said ‘jesus christ!’ as an exclamation and galadriel laughed and laughed and then was like ‘oh x elf here doesn’t know wtf jesus christ means, can u translate that into sindarin’ and i eventually came up with ‘andearendilion’ (which i decided meant ‘long-descendant of earendil’ but like, germanly). idk why i was so convinced jesus was a descendant of earendil but see, there was thematic sense. somehow i didn’t think about translating it as like, ‘prophecied by finrod’ bc i guess dream-me didn’t have a dictionary so i had to rely on what words i knew already. also as mentioned, galadriel was laughing at me, which was flustering.
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olsto · 4 years
Happy new year from the germanly timezone
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wellntruly · 6 years
Babylon Berlin: Second Pass, Episode 3
Alright, check-in on the new German words I’ve picked up since starting this show, and what I take their usage to be. If you speak German, get ready to laugh at me!
gut: good, but also used more affirmatively or to incite/approve action than I think English typically uses good? often translated as “alright” or “very well,” presumably to get this meaning across was: what, deeply frustrating to me as I can’t write “was” to mean what-but-Germanly because English has a “was” :( bitte: please, also used as like an opening—“bitte” someone might say while holding a door open, or “ja bitte” to answer the phone polizei: police, obvs jawohl: yessir right away sir wo: where, which I caught because it sounds like what I always wanted “où” to be in French (I was bad at French!) (I may be better at German??) warum: why, learned it just now—sounds like something an Ent would say and I support that bisher bei: “so far with”, still love this
And this isn’t German, but that’s exactly what’s an accomplishment about it: I now know immediately when people are speaking Russian instead.
Anyway, Episode 3! 
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a pretty still from Episode 3 for you
On second watch, this is a legwork episode. Rolling the Russians plot along probably most of all, plus developing some family stuff on the character side: the Wolters, the Ritters, and introducing: the Jänickes ❤️❤️💔
Meanwhile, I continue to study bits of German in just, the most pointless way, by getting real into toggling the subtitles and abusing Google Translate (despite a history of being burned!!). But I think I know why I keep doing it, and it’s because usually there’s more THERE in the original words. I’m watching this show with the dialogue in translation, and just in this one episode there’s two lines where I’m pretty sure the less poetic & interesting path was taken when the script was sieved into English. And when I burrow down into this language I don’t know and come snuffling back up with partly understood treasures, it’s like I’m getting more Babylon Berlin.
oh it’s naked times with Kardakov again! I realize you desperately need it otherwise you will be arrested on the spot for nudity, but still, harsh bro, to try to steal a homeless man’s coat
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hey one thing I only briefly commented on originally and now would like to discuss at length: Svetlana’s train-robbin outfit. she’s wearing a long grey-green coat open from the waist down, AS seems to be her cool-toned golden skirt (gold like gold!!), revealing her thigh-high black semi-sheer stockings when she kneels to open a hatch with her brown leather gloved hands. TREMENDOUS. I would wear every inch of this.
I love when she just PULLS A GUN on Pointy Russian Lad, everyone in this train yard is like wut
oKAY, just checked the German subtitles to try to figure out where the fuck the translator pulled “termagant” from, and IF Google Translate can be trusted (debatable), what they were calling Sveta was “you wild bumblebee”??!!!! TRANSLATOR, LEAVE IT NEXT TIME PLS OMG
(omg and hummel, because bees hum! German!)
I’m still not over Gereon silently swallowing a sigh and being like “it’s easier if I just pretend to be a john”
omg, Gereon’s giant eyeballs under his hat as he waits a tick to see just what this woman thinks he’s here for
nichte: “naught”. I’m gonna start saying naught. what do you remember? naught.
is the guy following Gereon around one of Edgar’s, just making sure our idiot son doesn’t get himself killed only his first month in Berlin
Gereon paid in full
LOVE this show’s crane shots, love love love ‘em
god Jänicke and Gräf really are buds! they’ve been smiling close and chatting in crowd scenes TWICE now and we’re only a bit into the third episode. tell me everything about this friendship. 
I don’t have the spoons to get into it here but y’know, it’s remarkable how much 1929 is 2019 in re: political demonstrations on the street and the police policy/response to them.
hey German q: why is the W in Wolter’s name pronounced how I, an American, would expect, and not akin to my V’s
hahaha, Gräf is so frustrated with whoever opened his darkroom door and then it’s just that Rath again, asking for an “enlargement”, and Gräf’s just like “—well what am I gonna do, say no to the weird haggard handsome guy?”
yeah I’m pretty certain Frau Ritter caught the syph from [whispers] her affair with Charlotte’s dad, re: later episode revelation to Bruno. I mean if she even caught it herself, and it wasn’t her husband having affairs and then passing infections on to her
I love that Lotte just hauls off and starts smacking this useless fucking man with a piece of firewood!! ja, du wilde hummel!
fantastic that Bruno has lip-reading spy Stefan drive him to his clandestine monarchist meetings, you fucking numbskull
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I’m just really struck by how beautiful the cinematography is in this show. the lighting and colors are so pretty.
Charlotte @ her sister just like “SNOBBY RELATIVE YOU CANT RELATE”
(seriously though this….fuck this is a thing I find deeply relatable about Charlotte. hey anyone else come from a household with on the whole wildly different interests and social circles than they do! it’s weird right?? I don’t think anyone who has similarly educated, worldly parents & siblings will ever understand what it’s like to grow up like we did, where growing up is growing out, out of reach, outré. until you have become: Snobby Relative.)
Emmi: “Are you going steady?” Gereon of the Middle Ages: “going steadily where?” Emmi: “dating, you cute grim idiot”
aw aw, -lein is the sweetheart diminutive! Emmilein, “Emmi dear.” can you use this for male nouns too or is there another gender variant? I gotta know all the cutesies!
ooo “wohin” is “where to”, nice, that’s satisfyingly constructed to me, with the “wo” where
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Gereon’s face journey as Bruno informs him he’s going to be hassling and intimidating civilians tomorrow as the strong-arm of the law: 👏
I’ll say that it sure is gratifying how quickly Inspector Rath notices the loose hanging phone and realizes something is wrong here. it’s such an easy way to show someone is a detective, and so often they don’t get to because of bad idiot-ball plotting
“Help me!” to the guy you were just scuffling with, god the rapidly shifting loyalties, I love this scene!! so much is happening! Weimar Berlin!
“They fell like bees in the frost” remains a TRANSCENDENTLY good line about war, Alexei Kardakov. believe utterly about how convincing you are an orator.
“Were you in the war?” “I followed my brother to the front.” ow, Raths….
“For her, the wrong son returned home.” seriously wtF
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Elisabeth’s horrified eye-widen here is just, saaaaaame
seriously Gereon what the Fuck! how are you functioning. well, I mean I guess we can see the answer to that: barely, in fact
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I caaaaaan’t, it’s the Jänickes!
they are SO CUTE, I WEEP. I’ve never seen a depiction of someone being So Frustrated as a way to show how much they love people! it’s so endearing. his tired bedhead and his parents just *beaming* at him. in all the shows I watched last year this scene has to be the most instantly effective at making me fall utterly, ride-or-die in love with a character/character set. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JÄNICKES, 😭MG
y’know what, I’ll offer you this tip for free, secret revolutionary groups: don’t TATTOO yourselves all with the same symbol! don’t do that!
Babylon Berlin Beblogging Masterpost
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ask-noodle-gerita · 6 years
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lueminous · 7 years
Having been at this super German Bavaria themed bar and seeing all these Germans dancing germanly to German folk music was a culture shock to me, someone who was born in this country
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vadenspoo · 7 years
How most people wash their show poodle: I use only natural spring water that is sourced from the poodlerian homelands of Germanly. I use a shampoo with the extract of a now extinct fossilized flower. I condition my dog with the blood of lesser canids. Then I use 8 different types of dryers to perfectly straighten each hair without breaking a strand. 
How I wash my show poodle: I throw him in the bathtub and wash him in some shampoo and conditioner I picked up at petco. I towel dry him then let him sit around for an hour so he is halfway dry before I use my hairdryer to straighten his hair. He pees on his legs a lot so I put some dish soap on the to get the urine out. 
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((Best Ludwig I've ever seen and so germanly German))
((sadfljsadöfkd thank you so much really tho i am not that good
and I’m not even German haha, but thank you
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