#calmest gremlin
shadeswift99 · 2 years
Cleo, serenely, with an inventory full of Doc's diamonds, after listening to Doc be Germanly Distressed over losing them for the last ten minutes: You seem a little stressed, Doc :)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Platonic yandere greek brothers with a fragile younger brother reader who has curse manipulation power similar to one from geto in jjk, pls?
-You were the youngest of the strongest brothers in the Greek pantheon, hidden away by your mother who was only able do to so because you were so small.
-Unlike your brothers who were all strong and great warriors, you were on the fragile side of things, you had always been physically weaker than them, however, aside from some harmless teasing here and there, your brother’s never made you feel like you were less than they were.
-However, despite being physically weaker, that didn’t mean that you were weak, you were the God of Curses after all, being able to not only control but manipulate curses.
-Your brothers were stunned when your powers first started showing up, seeing how easily you were able to control your abilities, and just like your four elder brothers, you became well known.
-There were many, who didn’t know you, who were intimidated by you, just hearing of your ability, thinking that you were some type of monster, one that terrified them.
-Hearing these rumors, your brothers couldn’t help but look at each other, then look at you, then back at each before laughing loudly while you were looking at them, confused while you were sampling different baked goods from a bakery.
-You were a peaceful god, unlike most of your brothers and other gods, but you were not harmless, as you were capable of causing a lot of destruction, you just chose not to.
-You liked humans, you found their ingenuity and tenacity inspiring, as humans rarely gave up without a fight, so you respected them for that.
-This was a view you didn’t share with most of your brothers, but they didn’t berate you for it, just choosing to ignore it.
-However, if someone else was to say something about your admiration of humans, your brothers, especially Zeus and Adamas, were hands on sight.
-Hades was the calmest of your brothers, and he was the one you usually spent the most time with, mainly because you helped him with his paperwork and you were one of the disciplinarians in the Underworld, giving those who committed heinous crimes curses.
-Poseidon knew that you were powerful, and he always watched over you when you trained, wanting to see the progress you’ve made with your training, and he was curious about many of the curses you could manipulate, seeing how you bend them to your will.
-Adamas wasn’t really a people person, even with his brothers, but you were the one exception, as you were relaxed and calm and he enjoyed talking to you because you didn’t annoy him.
-Zeus was a gremlin, he loved to sneak you away and cause mayhem, bringing you along with him, it was like you were the big brother while he was the little brother, which was sometimes amusing.
-Your brothers all loved you, just as you loved them, and they wouldn’t hesitate to raze Valhalla to the ground if you were ever threatened, despite knowing full well you could do it yourself.
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legendofmorons · 2 years
Shitty description of LU boys' personalities-
Time- Local gremlin pretends not to be gremlin (is convincing)
Twilight- Southern farm boy blames himself for end of world (and everything else)
Warriors- Pretty boy but make it trauma
Wind- Local pirate teen (that's it. That's all)
Wild- 17 year old with awful memory and a chaotic recklessness to fight god- he wins.
Sky- sleep deprived teen finds it hard to keep this shit up
Hyrule- Field medic getting real sick of your shit (will help anyways). Please be nice.
Legend- edgy boy who dosen’t know how to let people in let's a wolf in
Four- Local cryptic child(?) Is actually four raccoons in a coat- still the calmest
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avatarrecom · 1 year
Sleeping positions
Pairing: Poly!recoms x reader
Word count: 1267
My headcanons of how the recoms hold you when you're asleep.
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🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch Old grandpa vibes. Not often in the mood for cuddling, but you always wake up with his arm slung over your waist. If you’re awake before him and you try to get up, his grip on your waist will tighten and he refuses to let you go. Also, his tail will curl protectively around your leg. The first time his tail curled around your leg, you didn’t notice and got up after which you face planted. Your nose started bleeding. (you have threatened him that if he ever tells one of your other partners, you will skin him alive).
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet You’re the little spoon, he’s the big spoon. Cannot sleep without a hand on your titty. Also always presses his cock against your ass when he’s half awake, his tail is usually resting on your groin(he’s a horny little gremlin). He also moves a lot in his sleep, half of the time he kicks you awake or you end up on the floor. The other half you wake up on the edge of the bed with him sprawled out like a starfish. 
🍬 Recom Z-dog (Extremely cuddly) She never, and I mean NEVER sleeps without Walker. When you’re the one who joins them that night, they both spoon you. Z-dog spoons you with her front to yours. One of her arms is awkwardly wrapped under your body, with her fingers hooked in the waistband of Walker's shorts. The other hand rests on your thigh. Legs are a mess, sometimes one of Z-dogs leg ends up across yours and Walker's bodies, the heel of her foot pressed against Walker’s ass. Your tails are also always tangled together, usually with the three fluffy ends caressing one another.
🥽 Recom Walker She never sleeps without at least Z-dog. When you’re the one who joins them that night, they both spoon you. Walker spoons you with her front to your back, nose nuzzled in the nape of your neck. Both you and Z-dog use one of her arms as a pillow. Her other arm is slung over your waists, hand resting on Z-dogs lower back. Legs are a mess, it takes a while to untangle them in the morning. Your tails are also always tangled together, usually with the three fluffy ends caressing one another.
😎 Recom Mansk Classic spooning. Unlike Lyle, he’s more respectful and mostly manages to keep his hands to himself. He’s curled up around your back, one leg trapping your lower body. Both arms are wrapped around your waist, his arms are bent at the elbows, so his hands are closer to your face (he likes to caress your face when he can’t sleep). Loves it when you wrap your own hands around his and nuzzle them to your face or lay your cheek on them. Tail is always gently wrapped over your waist. You have to force him to take off his sunglasses because they poke in your neck. (Sometimes forgets to take them off and wakes up with imprints on his face)
🧯 Recom Prager I once read a Pransk (Prager x Mansk) story where Prager was an insomniac and he could only sleep with tsaheylu, where he became sleepy because of his partner's sleepiness. This man literally cannot sleep without tsaheylu. He sleeps on his back, with your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around you. Your queues are connected and resting on his stomach with his hand protectively covering the connected braids. This man's tail cannot stay still, even in his sleep. So he usually keeps it away from you, so he doesn’t accidentally wake you.
⚕️ Recom Ja Calmest sleeper out of all of them, but sleeps in the weirdest positions (also can fall asleep everywhere and he's proud of it (kinda like Michael Sheen episode 3, season 1, timestamp 11:00 of Staged iykyk)). Usually the last to go to bed. When you’re already in bed, it doesn’t matter what position you’re in, he flips you on your back and flops down to lay on top of you. So you’re laying on your back, with him crushing your body. His arms are either tucked under you, or laying at your sides. His legs are lying between yours, his tail wrapped around your thigh and his head is pillowed on your boobs. And god help you when you don’t wrap your arms around him. He’ll stare straight into your soul, so intense that you wake up from it. Then he’ll pout until you wrap your arms around him. Loves it when you thread your fingers through his hair until he falls asleep (I refuse to accept that he’s bald and I’ll continue to refuse to accept it, until James Cameron personally tells me otherwise)
⛓️ Recom Fike To me, Fike looks like an anxious boy. He overthinks way too much. Cuddling keeps him from overthinking, therefore he never sleeps alone. Usually sleeps with Brown (they’re really close and always getting into trouble together), sometimes with Quaritch if he’s extremely anxious. When you join the two of them, Fike cuddles at your back. One arm is wrapped around his own waist. The other is wrapped around you, his hand is bunched in either your or in Brown’s shirt. His legs are tightly wrapped around yours/Brown’s, holding you against him. His head is pressed tightly against the back of your neck. In an effort to comfort himself, his tail is always wrapped around one of his own body parts. Sometimes sneezes (and wakes the both of you up) because your hair tickles his nose.
🧢 Recom Brown Fike and Brown almost always sleep together, because of Fike’s anxiety. When you join the two of them, he’s lying flat on his back, one arm outstretched for you and Fike to use as a pillow (always complains about his arm tingling in the morning, secretly loves it). Your head is more on his shoulder, your nose in his neck, than on his arm. When possible, he wraps his lower arm around Fike’s shoulder. Most of the time he looks like a starfish. You always rest your hand on his chest, so he folds his hand over yours. Kinda has a tail with its own mind. You’ve woken up a lot with the fluffy end of his tail tickling your face.
📿 Recom Lopez I headcanon that he grew up with a lot of siblings and very little money. So growing up he had to share a bed with his younger brother. His brother trashed a lot in his sleep and he ended up slamming his head against Lopez’s face (and breaking his nose/knocking out his teeth) more often than not. He subconsciously started resting his fist on the pillow in front of his face with his thumb pressed to his forehead to protect his face from more harm. You two usually spoon with your fronts to each other. Even tho he doesn’t have to share his bed with his brother anymore, he never stopped resting his fist in front of his face (everyone thinks it’s extremely cute, he pouts when they tease him about it). You usually rest your head on his arm to still be close to him. His other arm is slung over your waist and even when he’s asleep, he’s still strong and holds you tightly against him, leaving you with very little wiggle room. His hand is resting on your ass under your shorts while his tail sneaks up under the pipe of your shorts (also a horny little gremlin).
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vieramars · 9 months
Making this its own post bc it wasn't getting seen as a reblog
Re: a very niche oddly specific fluffy TMA au
So I'm in a swing dance club and I started thinking about what if the characters of the magnus archives were all in a swing dance club. Absolutely no regard for canon, just all the characters hanging out having a time.
Half the characters do not know how to dance. Some are really good at it. Elias is the club leader who thought having a position of authority would be fun but now he's stuck managing a room full of chaos gremlins with fear powers.
Half the playlist is mechs songs. Nikola insists on doing live music every few meets.
Jon watches tons of videos on swing moves in order to learn them and is constantly watching his feet to make sure he's doing the steps right. He's a follow and almost exclusively dances with Martin. Even though he helped form the club he perpetually has new awkward member energy. Still, once he's had plenty of time to practice a move, he can do it perfectly nine times out of ten.
Martin is a much more confident dancer than someone who'd just met him would think. He's a lead and his musicality is on point. He's really good at songs with tempo changes, and his favorite move is probably swing kicks.
Tim and Sasha are terrifying on the dance floor. Sasha's the lead and every dance she's trying to beat her own record for how many times she can spin Tim consecutively. They prefer open position and every other move is a basket turn. 
Michael showed up one day and just became part of the club by being there, then later invited Helen along. Both of them like to dance with pretty much everyone, and both of them love sliding doors. Sometimes involving actual distortion doors. Their dance moves are reality bending and they always have the flashiest outfits. Michael is ambidancetrous (comfortable leading or following) and Helen is a lead.
Agnes wears very thick gloves so that she can dance with people without burning their hands. To avoid accidents she's also very good at no-contact moves. Sometimes she brings Jack over for club meetings. She's a lead and her favorite move is sugar pushes though she also likes line dances and does the best charleston out of the whole group.
Daisy and Basira are inseparable. But they are both leads. Rather than dancing with other people they just solo jazz and line dance together.
No matter who she's dancing with or what moves they're doing Nikola is killing it. Her favorite dances are steal dances where everyone's rapidly switching partners. She's always the fastest to find a new partner and get back into step. She does everything with a flourish and is an expert at dips of any kind.
Melanie and Georgie are just vibing. Probably the calmest dancers in the room despite being far from the calmest people. Georgie can dance the entire length of the meeting without taking a break.
Gerry mostly only dances with Michael, Mike, or Tim because they can match his energy the best. He loves fast-paced songs and complicated moves, and can absolutely fuck it UP at the shim sham.
Mike Crew also really likes fast-paced dances and loves spinning his partner until they might as well be in the vast for how dizzy they are. Dancing with him comes with a spin at your own risk disclaimer.
Oliver is more of a slow song enjoyer, and he joins Jon and Nikola in the live music performances. While Agnes is the best at many variations of the charleston, Oliver is the best at the cowboy charleston specifically, and he can do it while playing a fiddle.
Peter Lukas REFUSES to dance except for rarely when Elias convinces him to, in which case they have a vibe that's somewhere between overly formal ballroom dancing and Morticia and Gomez doing the most. 
Jane Prentiss is mostly here for the snacks and the vibes but she joins in for warm-ups and line dances. The only person she'll dance together with is Agnes cause they both prefer the least amount of physical contact possible.
Annabelle Cane is the main dance instructor and she's a phenomenal teacher. She knows all the moves by heart and she's rocking the roaring 20s aesthetic. If she's leading a line dance, everyone's in perfect sync.
If I missed anyone lmk, this is all coming directly out of my brain so some characters might've gotten lost in the stream of consciousness. I'm open to asks about dance pairs, who leads/follows in that pair, and what songs they would pick if they had the floor 👀
By the way, dance pairs do not equal ships! I do ship a few of these pairs (and it makes sense to me for couples to gravitate towards dancing together), but anyone can dance with anyone!
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razorblade180 · 5 months
Ruby Rose AU differences
Lasting Embers AU
Most Experienced
Physically the buffest and tallest
A drinker (Is recovering)
Most Stamina
Least Optimistic
Strongest resolve
Rosebud AU
The fastest/ most adept with semblance
Throws punches and kicks often
Most talented/gifted
Quickest temper (fuck around and find out mentality)
The most elegant in and out of battle
The scariest when upset
Twin Snowflakes
Most inspiring
The biggest heart
Highest gremlin energy
The most “honest and simple soul”
Loves her job the most
Best leader
The “calmest” Ruby
Easily the happiest one
Best sniper
Smallest Ruby
Best with making/fixing weapons. Very smart cookie.
Most supportive.
And just for added context. Three of these Rubys would at most petal burst to tackle, trip, or launch a person. Rosebud Ruby would activate her semblance and do a One Inch Punch at the same time.
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starshineandbooks · 4 months
Working on a rvb fic where the main cast has kids from the future that time travel back to the chorus era.
Main ships: Grimmons, tuckington, docnut
The boys get to meet their kids, promptly wonder wtf, and then realize they raised gremlins
Grif is such a girl dad in this one omfg
Auntie Kai has my whole heart
Caboose's nephew is just glad no one's dead
Simmons tries to ground his daughter, it goes poorly.
Tuckington has disaster twins that should not be trusted to get things done if together
Docnut has a kid that will bite you but would Rather Not.
Carolina adopted a kid later in life and this kis is probably the calmest.
Tucker is the most well adjusted he already raised a kid, now he's in charge of twins so... okay.
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imsparky2002 · 1 month
Miraculous Animal AU - Science Class
Zoe the Wasp - Though her and Chloe are not technically related, they've been together since birth and see eachother as sisters. Even though they're sweeter than Chloe, Zoe has a sharp pincer that she uses for hunting her food. She also loves movies and punk rock songs that play on the record player. They adore their hedgehog mate, Cosette, and often fly on its nose.
Aurore the Swan - Aurore's a big, beautiful and elegant bird, who also happens to be a nervous wreck 90% of the time. Due to society's expectations of swans to always be radiant and magestic creatures, Aurore can be a perfectionist, scared of failing in the eyes of her elders. It's only thanks to being with her friends and her penguin mate Mireille that she's learned how to relax and simply live life for herself. One of her favorite things to do is to honk about the weather with her girlfriend to the other animals on each farm.
Mireille the Penguin - Mireille is as quiet and chill as the temperature they prefer to live in. She's often waddling around to see what the weather is like, and their favorite pasttime is going for a nice swim in the pond. She often finds it hard to open her beak and speak up, but is working on it with the more extroverted animals. They also like visiting their older brother, Theo, who is the pet of a famous artist.
Jean the Macaw - If you want to see an animal with flair, vigor and theatricality, look no further than Jean. A particuarly passionate parrot, Jean loves to strut his stuff wherever he goes, showing that they can squawk the squawk and walk the walk. They adore the theatre, listening to all sorts of musicals from the record player and copying certain words that he learns from the scripts. They also put on little shows for their friends, with the help of some of the more theatre-loving animals. He cherishes his mate, a nerdy deer named Austin T.
Lacey the Cheetah - Lacey always has a need for speed, so don't coop her up. As the fastest not just of Farmer Olga, but of all the farms, it's Lacey's job to catch any troublemakers trying to sneak in. She also loves parkour, racing for glory against Kim, Alix and Aggie. Because of her low stamina, she can often be found napping in various parts of the farm. Be thoughtful and don't wake her up.
Denise the Bison - Denise is one bulky bison. They grazing, rolling around in the dirt, and prefers to be in a herd rather than alone. A very social bison, they want to make sure everyone feels included in daily activities. They may be huge, but they're one of the friendliest and calmest animals on the farm, always willing to be pet. There's only one animal that can make them blush, that being their serval mate Simon.
Simon the Serval - A snarky and slender serval, Simon's a cat who is always trying to nab pieces of technology to use for himself. Some of his friends call them "Keyboard Cat" since he constantly paws at the computer as if it were a majestic artifact of God. They also can be rather grumpy in the morning, needing to climb a tree or mark territory to cool off. Sometimes, he likes jumping onto the back of his bison mate and going for a ride.
Cosette the Hedgehog - A spunky and spiky critter, Cosette's always in the mood for exploring, digging and foraging. You can often find it sniffing its' friends, rolling around in a ball, or digging with its claws for treasures. They love makeup, and have made some out of various substances found on the farm to put on its' animal allies. One time, Cosette and their foxy friend Alya tried to recreate something they saw from a Sonic movie. They were sad to find out foxes couldn't actually fly.
Ismael the Raccoon - A witty little gremlin, Ismael proudly identifies as a "trash baby". He likes digging through garbage, collecting various items from the bins to put on display at his room for the other animals to see. He's a night owl for sure, usually hanging out with the other nocturnal animals around the various farms. You can often hear him chittering with a meowing Simon, as they snark about various things.
Reshma the Elephant - A polite and elegant elephant, Reshma never forgets to cherish her friends. She often trumpets about new ideas for fashion, and her best friend Ismael is as protective of her as she is with him. Her fashionista friend is Marinette, the little ladybug. They are always working together on new animal attire, despite being vastly different in size. She loves wrapping her trunk around her cheetah mate, Lacey, and her polar bear mate, Margo.
And that's the Science Kids! Thanks to Coco and Weebs for the animal species ideas. Make sure to watch out for the Recess Class who will be the next farm to show. Give a thumbs up and show your support in the reblogs and replies. @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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ok so i yapped a bunch in my server today so i present to thee
extremely self-indulgent headcanons: roblox piggy edition
these are 1. set in an au that exists only in my head (and adam's head) where bunny and doggy both live/don't get infected + willow joins the safe place crew and 2. all hcs about how the safe place crew (plus bunny, doggy, willow ofc) would be if put on babysitting duty for the kids aka georgie and the twins. so uh. enjoy :3
babysitting hcs: pony
he would be Very Anxious all the time. scared of one of them getting hurt and getting blamed for it (esp with the twins. he doesn’t want zizzy to hate him)
zuzy would constantly yap about whatever to him. she’d also relentlessly bully him and call him a loser (esp in the doggy/bunny lives au. she would compare him to doggy all the time bc she thinks doggy’s way more badass than him)
he would try his goddamn hardest to understand zee but his grasp of sign is limited so he only understands like. 60% of what she says and zuzy has to translate most of the time
speaking of, zee would talk a lot too, constantly signing, and her + zuzy combined would be a Lot for pony
georgie, partly bc he’s older and partly bc he has anxiety, would be quieter, knowing that pony is overwhelmed already, though he defo wishes he and pony were by themselves cause they talk a lot on their own (pony sees a lot of himself in georgie hence their friendship)
after a while, pony would just fucking snap at the kids bc Overwhelmed, at which point they’d be like “oh we fucked up” and try n be nicer to him
by the time the others (zizzy) get back, pony’s like “oh no yeah they were great!” but he later tells her to never leave him alone with them again
he is left alone with the kids Often after that first time though not that much
babysitting hcs: doggy
doesn’t get put on babysitting duty much
spends most of his time with the kids training them to fight. this is why zuzy thinks he’s so cool, he can fight and he has an axe and is super badass. (pony has a wooden sword. she calls pony a loser and mentions this all the time)
gives zuzy snacks and/or money (a dollar or so) every time he hears her bully pony (they have a frenemies type thing going on cause yk pony tried to infect doggy)
is pretty good with the kids in general, laid back enough but always watching (the kids sometimes try and sneak off somewhere since the safe place is Huge. he catches them every time)
knows some sign outside of his time at the safe place, learns more via zee (he’s a much quicker learner than pony in this regard)
surprisingly good with any weapon, hence why he’s training the kids to fight better
georgie follows him around a lot, thinks he’s just as cool as pony (compliment to pony, not an insult to doggy lmao)
likes hanging out with the kids but gets agitated easily if they’re being little gremlins
plays a lot of games with them (hide n seek, tag, etc) they love it
babysitting hcs: giraffy
really good with kids
gets put on babysitting duty the most
the Calmest around the kids, never snaps at them even when they’re being gremlins
he spends most of his time outside gardening, so the kids get to play outside whenever he watches them (often)
knows about the same amount of sign as doggy (not fluent but goddamn close)
listens to all the kids yapping, they talk while he gardens
the twins think he’s a bit boring but they like him anyway
decently good with emotions, handles their respective meltdowns and breakdowns pretty well
actually offers to watch the kids which none of the others do (cept maybe mimi with zee or pony with georgie)
overall the best babysitter like objectively
babysitting hcs: zizzy
objectively good at babysitting
that being said, she doesn’t babysit often. she was forced into a parental role for the twins so while she loves them, usually she takes a step back from the childcare aspect and acts more like you’d expect a sister to instead of like a mother as she’d previously been
has a super super short temper so she snaps at the kids a lot —often questions if she’s fucking up her sisters’ mental states cause of how easily she gets upset with them (she doesn’t want to be a bad sister/parental figure)
thinks georgie’s a good kid, though doesn’t watch him much
usually just babysits the twins because duh
the best at dealing with the twins and their bullshit /aff
completely fluent in sign (obvs)
helps doggy in training the kids, continuing the fencing lessons she’d been giving the twins before the infection
usually the one in charge of the kids and the one distributing babysitting duty, hence why she almost never babysits
bakes with the twins a lot, teaches all three of the kids to bake/cook basic things
just wants to be a good influence on them
the most overprotective person ever over all three kids
babysitting hcs: mimi
not on babysitting duty much, usually focused on her science/work
teaches the kids to give them some sort of school
fluent in sign (knew before joining the safe place, zee was so happy)
zee follows her around almost like a shadow
she and zee talk a lot, zee asks about science and everything (autism to autism communication)
when she’s stuck with the kids, she mostly lets them do whatever/has them sit with her while she does her work
not that good at babysitting, the kids (zuzy and georgie) think she’s boring
zee is the only one who really likes hanging with her
when she’s not working, she takes the kids outside and has them ask her any questions about anything, whether it’s something in nature or sciencey in genreral (they’re surprisingly interested when it’s formatted this way)
georgie warms up to her after a bit, zuzy takes a lot longer
if she’s given the option, she only watches zee
the three of the kids together can overwhelm her (especially zuzy) but she tries to stay calm, never snaps at them unless it’s REALLY necessary
zuzy and georgie kinda hate the classes she sets up for them while zee likes them
just happy to be helping the kids learn and to be spending time with them
babysitting hcs: bunny
the oldest of the safe place crew by a good bit
pretty calm but easily startled/usually has her guard up
the kids like her, they think she’s cool (though the twins say zizzy’s cooler)
knew some sign before meeting zee
likes babysitting, gets stuck watching the kids a lot
has (had? idk) siblings so she has experience with kids and knows how to deal with them
likes how ready to fight the twins and georgie are, gets along well with them
cannot stand it when the kids argue, always breaking up fights even when she’s not babysitting
would be “the cool aunt” (though after they meet willow she gets the title of “other cool aunt”)
is a bit strict with her rules, doesn’t want anyone to get hurt and is always on high alert for infected to make sure they stay safe
a really good influence on the kids, they love her
babysitting hcs: willow
this one's in the form of screenshots cause this was more general yapping about what i think would happen if willow ever babysat the kids
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so uh yeah here ya go chat have these, hope y'all enjoy 🤫🧏‍♀️🔥
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bluepastels29 · 10 months
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Had this sitting around unfinished for a while, so I decided to finally get it done. I've been craving to do future Skyleeverse stuff lately and wanted to draw Skye and Hoagie's family first 💙🩷
Meet the Gilligans!
You pretty much know about Hank, so I'll skip him for now and move to his sisters 😂
Lani Gilligan is Skye and Hoagie's second oldest kid. She is known as the gremlin out of the Gilligan sibs, managing to take after Skye's chaotic nature back when she was a kid and becoming quite the handful. While also being born with the gift of tinkering, Lani has a love for tinkering and usually messes with the wiring in the house to come up with new security systems and traps (which she gets in trouble for). She's a huge daddy's girl. She is a 2x4 tech officer and explosives specialist for the KND, going by Numbuh 7.2. She is 10 years old.
Sora Gilligan is the youngest of the Gilligan kids, being 1 year old. Nothing much is known about her yet except her being the baby of the family and being the calmest out of her sibs. She is a very quiet baby, which isn't really good for her parents since she is known to wander off without anyone noticing and get into some trouble.
Skye Gilligan works as a stunt pilot and sometimes teaches classes to those who are interested in becoming a stunt pilot themselves. Is usually laid back and fun-loving, but knows when to be strict and lay down some rules if she has to. Loves her kids and husband dearly, sometimes being a bit of a mother hen and being overprotective. Is 38 years old.
Hoagie Pennywhistle Gilligan Jr. works as a pilot at the airport, having flexible hours so he wouldn't be away from his family for too much. Is a loving and joyful dad and loves spending time with his kids and wife, wanting nothing more than his family to be happy. He still has a love for jokes and puns, now often telling dad jokes any chance he gets (he almost got banned from family reunions because of him telling dad jokes nonstop 😂) Is 39 years old
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nerdy-spooks · 2 years
The Lost Boys Headcannons
(This is My First Headcannons list! So enjoy 😁✌️)
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•During the Early 1900s he had a Southern accent which he lost by the time the 1920s came around.
•He adores history and will geek out about it, Mostly reads history books.
•Is Mr. Grumpy but will be absolutely soft when he wants to be, He also has a soft spot for animals.
•Considers himself to be a cool gunslinger despite it no longer being the early 1900s, he still thinks he's a cool cowboy.
•He admires Billy Idol and loves his music, that's why his hair is the way it is being Bleach blonde instead of Sandy blonde which is his natural hair color.
•Also He's a Bisexual King.
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•Is Native American, And before joining David's Gang he lived on a reservation with his family.
•Is The Calmest of the group but do not let that fool you he can and will be chaotic when he wants to, especially when it comes to feeding time.
•He was the One that Convinced David to keep Laddie since he's always wanted a family especially a son or a younger brother.
•He's the Smartest out of all the boys, Sometimes when he's not being chaotic he has to be the mom of the group.
•He Adores Classical music but also adores Classical rock from the 50s and 60s.
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•He's a Bird Dad, Has domesticated his pigeons and he takes pride and joy in raising them.
•Speaking of Birds Marko likes Animals in general, in particular he just really likes birds. He kind of acts like one.
•He's very talented, Can Sew and Paint, he's a real artist he truly has lovely art. Can also cook really good food.
•He's Italian, He Came from Venice Italy to America in the early 1900s, he came from a very rich family (He's not to proud of that since he's a rebel lol.)
•He pretends to Hate Sappy Romance but then proceeds to try to be Super Romantic with His S/O. Expect lots of chaotic yet very romantic beach dates, He loves flirting in Italian.
•He is the most sadistic out of all the boys, is the one who gets in a lot of fights as well, He loves being a feral gremlin when it comes to feeding, loves to tournament his prey.
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•He's The Rockstar of the Group, no surprise. He loves Guns N Rose's, Twisted Sister, Motley Crue and David Bowie.
•He's Talented with Singing and he Can Drum, he's definitely a rockstar in his own right.
•Loves Music With his whole soul, Loves going to Concerts at the boardwalk. Can and Will stay for hours just jamming, He also Drives the boys mad as he blast's his music.
•Out of all Boys he has the most Humanity, He's definitely the kindest. Of course when it comes to feeding he's probably the scariest.
•He's Definitely a bit of a Himbo, But really he does have his Smarts don't underestimate him.
•Loves Luring his Prey Via flirting or Just being friendly in general, just because he's the nicest out of all boys doesn't mean anything when it comes to his food.
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betasuppe · 2 years
cursed rinzler screenshot i got in 2020
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thought you would enjoy
I snorted like a fucking idiot at this seeing flippy boy just hanging in mid air, being spun around in the most nonchalant way possible lmaooo
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Artistic rendition of the calmest little gremlin out there as his guard dog mode engages & tHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING, I LOVE IT / I HATE IT♡♡♡
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anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years
About MC’s gaze and actions
I remember reading one of your post saying that MC's gaze is unsettling to those who look directly at their eyes because they feel exposed under MC's staring (it makes them think that MC knows everything about them even their secrets) and also the feeling of beeing seen as something not 'real' (since we see through MC's perspective about SCP's universe that it is a fictional world with supernatural events and beings) and their gaze also makes you question about your own existence is also another discomfort to mention.
This leads to quite a number of SCPs/beings/humans that interact with them will feel unease maybe even hostile towards MC because MC knows too much that they shouldn't have in the first place about the others.
But that don't stop MC from wanting to talk with them and sometimes to confirm if the theories about that SCP/person is true or not, they just want answers to satisfy their own curiousity (they are thrown into their favorite horror game afterall) but with an attitude that 'oh so it is like that' like knowing the answer and being quite nonchalant by it, and they will not push the topic if it brings great discomfort to the other being (I think they will not ask if the other is a young scp) nor will they use the information to backstabbing them. 
Later interactions with MC will be different, these SCPs/beings/humans don’t feel uncomfortable anymore to look directly at MC because MC somehow creates a safe bubble for them to relax by just being themselves in their calmest state. They do not feel worried/paranoid if their secrets being exposed or not because MC has a certain grasp about their character by now. It can be described as ‘so they know mostly everything about me it’s no point to hide the truth’. MC doesn’t have much reaction if they know about the other’s profile anyways (with their fear resilience has maxed out, they are numb to horrific and gruesome images at this point).
MC talks and treats other SCPs as if they are a normal human being and they are having trivia conversation with no motives, no forcing information to record for later experiments…nothing. MC doesn’t care much about their backgrounds (They have no desire to research about them since they have access to all information but also they just want this to be a normal conversation between two people). The SCPs are so used to being classified as anomalies by the Foundation, something/object to be used for experimenting/containing/researching; basically not a person with all human rights. MC’s carefree actions can make them feel weirdly unexpected but it’s not hard to accept them, with time they are densified to MC’s antics. Afterwards, they see it as an endearing trait that MC has. MC is like their personal therapy ‘their happy space’ that they are always looking forward to talking with them. MC sees through them as their real character and understand their actions, they feel like they have found someone as their mutual friend.   
With other human workers like scientists, guards, D class,...ect MC also likes to interact with them (if they are friendly of course) sometimes helping them around with mundane tasks, chatting, joing Dr.Bright occasionally to wreck chaos here and there..ect. They are chaotic but they can be helpful. People can’t help but being genuine around MC due to MC’s gaze (they stare right through their soul), sure MC is an anomoly but they are not really frightening in any aspects. Also, MC in your headcanon about ‘white lord and MC’ is that they are someone who is easy to talk with so this make MC a friendly and approachable person. They treat everyone they encounter with respect and enthusiasm. Everyone loves them but also feel helpless when MC chooses to be a gremlin, it’s like having a family member who always causes you a lot of headache but you still love them.
About MC’s abilities
Even though they have Mysteria to level up their skills after clearing certain scenarios, MC still feel scared or anxious if they are put in a dangerous/threatening situation, they know their abilities can save them when dangers come too close. For example ‘teleportation’ but right now they cannot control it properly and it tires them out quickly who knows if next time they will be so lucky to teleport in time. SO mostly MC just uses their 'creative' ideas =))) (maybe their luck also) to save their ass from being killed or caught. Even in the far future when their skills are max out, they are still cautious because they know that they are just a human with helpful abilities not a god who can control the whole universe, they know how to use their abilities correctly to save energy if unexpected things happen. They are not immune to physical damage either so they will most likely avoid being hit as much as possible since no one likes to get hurt.
this is the longest tumblr ask i've ever received??? thank you???!!!??
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Time traveler’s kids bffs. The Lukbrina kid and Alix’s kid are besties and have bonded over their time wonked parent’s dumb senses of humor. They also are zero effort deceptive. Like look like the calmest and most mature at the kid’s table, but actually are just at much chaos gremlins as the rest. They’re just having fun with color commentary too
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Op Crews Having A Mogwai As Pet
Hello loves. Something I grew up watching as a kid was a movie called gremlins. There was the cutest creature named Gizmo and he was a mogwai. I watched the movie recently and omg my mind went onto this idea 🥺 This is super cute and I love doing this! I hope you enjoy !!!
WC:1100+ TW: none
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Straw Hat Pirates
Immediately Luffy would think it is something to eat until they explain to him it's a pet. After saving the creature from Punk Hazard as an experiment, the crew would do different things with the mogwai. Robin would read about the mogwai and let the crew know some basic rules: cannot get it wet or it will multiply and not feed it after 12am. The rules about bright lights can hurt it. The crew would be a little surprised when they find their little mogwai walking around in the sunlight. Comes to find out experiments in punk hazard the mogwai must have been given a biogenetic sunblock to help prevent the mogwai from being injured from the sun. He, Usopp, and Chopper have a blast playing with the mogwai. Chopper would understand the mogwai the most and explain things when the crew couldn’t understand. Sanji would create little meals for him to enjoy, even put a little chef hat on him when he is in the kitchen. Brook would find the melody of the mogwai when singing soothing and would have a different beat added when he would hear it sing. Nami would make a little straw hat seeing how Luffy would place his straw hat on him and it was overly big on the small creature. Most likely would sleep with Nami and Robin; they would have a little area and their own personal bed. But when waking up they would find the mogwai missing when they find him he is sleeping with Zoro. Franky would create a little bit for the mogwai even using some ideas that were drawn out by Usopp to bring them to life. Jinbe would be extra cautious around the mogwai with any form of water. Jinbe would also teach the little mogwai Fish-man karate. When some of the crew sees it practicing with Jinbe they would think it is the cutest thing. 
Whitebeard Pirates
They would find it in a treasure chest when first opening it they heard the scream and phrase “bright light bright light” and closed the chest right away. Peaking in the creature was known by Izou as a mogwai. Thinking this creature had gone distinct but seeing it still alive. Would take it to a dim place. Marco is one of the calmest people to introduce it first too would be the best idea. Marco would have a dimly lighted area in the office. When it is dark enough time in the day Ace would steal the mogwai away letting it roam around the deck and seeing the rest of the crew. Both Ace and the mogwai would enjoy snacks together. The mogwai might freak out a little bit when they find out that Ace’s Narcolepsy. Thatch would have the mogwai as its taste tester and also his wingman as a way for him to pick up someone he has his eye on at that time. Izou would keep in charge of his grooming, keeping up brushed, and would also hum with the mogwai. Vista would be the one to place the little mogwai to dance on the counter and dance with it. Whitebeard would have mogwai on his shoulder the majority of the time and he and the little furry fuzzball would have conversations. The crew would walk by and hear Pops laughing and followed by a little giggle from the mogwai.
Heart Pirates
The mogwai was a stowaway and snuck onto the polar tang before the polar tang submerged into the water. When they kept hearing the quiet yet soft melody they couldn’t pinpoint where the noise was coming from. When they looked in the storage area the noise was more prominent the closer they got and when the mogwai heard it got scared and it ran to another part of the storage area. In the corner of their eyes, they saw the big ear creature running using the flashlight. They screamed and you could hear them crashing into some small boxes.  removing the flashlight away from the creature to another part where they were able to see it. Law crept up seeing the small creature and could hear the little groans from it. Law would immediately think this little furry creature was just as cute as Bepo. Scooping it in his arms, checking it out, and taking it to his office to have it examined. Bepo knows the little creature is a mogwai and would be able to communicate it a lot better only if it knew a few words Law could make out. The Polar tang would be a bit dimmer for the mogwai to roam. Shachi and Penguin would make a small Bepo-like orange suit for the mogwai as it would be an official member of the Heart pirates. Law would stay up late as usual and the mogwai would keep him company as he did work. Even after a few mins of actual work Law would have it on his desk and begin to talk to it. His arms folded on the desk leaning in a bit between him and the mogwai he could develop better communications skills between him and the mogwai.
Red Hair Pirates
Shanks would get the word about a mogwai being held on an island, a very specific one he knew as a child. After the rescue, the mogwai would remember shanks due to his red hair calling him “Shanks!”. Shanks would get a moment of nostalgia from his childhood. He would see a wound on the little creature and would have Hongo look at the creature. Hongo would bandage the wound up and just do a head-to-toe exam.  Shanks could explain the care for the mogwai and what it likes to do. Lucky Roux would make the mogwai dinner and would be so intrigued with the small bites it would take compared to the large bites he used to take.  Yasopp having chats with mogwai bringing up his son who was on a different crew. Monster and Bonk would start the music up on their festive nights on the ship and the mogwai would love the music and start to join. Benn would create a little box for the mogwai that was able to be outside so the light doesn’t hurt it.  Limejuice would get a little beanie and a cloak for the mogwai. Shanks would have a newspaper and the fuzzy little creature would be in his lap. when they would see a photo of Luffy and he is wearing the straw hat that was given to him by Shanks. Shanks would explain to the mogwai he had given the straw hat to Luffy.
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tabieeee · 10 months
*barges in* Alright! Asking OCs time!!
Which among the speaker squad is the calmest or level-headed of them most of the time? -Lens
hi Lens lmao
Compared to other hardwares, none of them are very calm lel but between each otherrr
Tunes is the most chill and easy-going, he's often the voice of reason and most mature of the squad
Bloo SEEMS chill but he's just quieter than the others, he's a menace don't let him fool you
Hatch & Sonnet are somewhat chill but they lie, they're gremlins
Mix is a loud silly disaster himbo he is the opposite of calm.
Tunes = Pineapple shirt, Bloo = Flower brooch, Hatch = Fun tie, Sonnet = Closed jacket, Mix = Undone tie
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