#Getting better at art stuffcember
sageisnice · 10 months
Prompt 6: Lineless..
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The krew is all here, jolly as ever..
This was interesting to say the least.. how to draw some of them differently than what I usually do, for example I had to start with ddds body base instead of the hat, which is what I usually do.. also this looks more challenging than it looks, it's hard to get rid of mistakes because you're working with solid color instead of lines if that makes sense.. ye :)
Also funny story.. I thought today was supposed to be lineless in reality it was supposed to be the small lines, i fixed it so that it is today and tomorrow it will be line weight.. (the other one sounded not cool enough so I scraped it) sorry for changing that up btw for anyone who is doing this rn, it won't happen again..
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sageisnice · 10 months
Prompt 2: Line art
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The knight calls you to battle, will you accept?
This took some time to finish, especially the lines i did inside meta knight.. i gotta come clean though and say that I had to take a screenshot in smash and than trace that so I could get the sword angle right.. im no ashamed but im just pointing it out..
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sageisnice · 10 months
Prompt 1: Flat color
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Basically the whole reason why I haven't beaten Pantheon of Hollownest yet.. oof :(
this is basically how I already draw, no shading or highlights, just blank feeling.. also don't worry about the rest looking good or not.. I'm gonna try and do more cell shading along with highlights soon.. I'll start doing them once we get to those prompts..
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sageisnice · 10 months
Prompt 8: low curves..
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God why do you have such complex "hair" hisuian zoroark? Go to a hair dealer ong!!
Other than the hair being a pain this look awesome.. it's not fully straight lines (mainly the eye) but it's good enough, for now at least.. also if your wondering why it's shiny it's cuz I have bias for the shinys of this line.. they are so gooooood gggrraaaaaaaahh!!!!!
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sageisnice · 9 months
Prompt 19: Rain World gameplay..
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The army of lil guys..
I tried to imagine what the pikmin would look if they got brought into rain world, basically pixel art pretty much.. hope I did them justice.. (also I will for real draw Pikmin sometime soon thats not pixelated, trust)
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sageisnice · 10 months
Prompt 10: messy lines..
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Idk why I've been making such creepy art lately.. maybe I'm unhinged?
Idk what to say for this one other than I colored with lines instead of what I do normally (fill & brush tool).. but yeah hope this makes you sleep well tonight :D
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sageisnice · 9 months
Prompt 17: Spiderverse style..
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"What the fuck is a cannon event anyway? I just wanna sell apples for gods sake!!!"
So far this one took the most time for me to understand.. I had to look up what chromatic aberration was for this and other spooder style guides for this.. i think it payed off drastically!!! One of my favorite doodles I did for this so far, it looks amazing!!
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sageisnice · 9 months
Gonna post the 2 remaining prompts that I needed to draw Jack stuber & Freebie.. 30/31
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I apologize for kinda giving up on drawing every day like I said I would.. not that it's too big of a deal, but cuz i feel like a broke a promise to some degree if that makes sense.. my productivity when it comes to posting stuff online has been very slow over these past few months, but I'm glad that you guys are still here supporting me, even if it's smaller then what it used to be.. 💕
Thank you :)))))
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sageisnice · 10 months
Prompt 11: JoJo Color Swap
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Wouldn't It be cool if in silksong sometimes hornet would go "boy this is worse than the time I had to save the yapping bozo In city of tears"? Just a thought..
So if you'd didn't know, JoJo likes to do this thing when a fight scene/something dramatic happens the color palette would change colors.. here's are some examples..
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But yeah I tried to do that here.. I feel like it would have been more cool if I chose somebody different, but i didn't know who to draw today but it's whatever.. I do wanna do this more cuz I think this style thing is sick.. expect more of this, eventually...
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sageisnice · 9 months
Prompt 27: Drawing with eyes closed..
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8 Wawa's and 2 biomechanical gods, awesome character design tbh..
Not much to say for this one other than I need to draw the other slugcats more often.. also sorry i didn't upload thoa yesterday, I was just busy trying to get the video out, so yeah.. starting to think that i just have low stamina tbh.. makes sense..
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sageisnice · 9 months
Prompt 29: On Paper..
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Haha get it? A paper Mario character on a literal piece of paper??? Hehehehehhohohohohohhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
Please laugh..
I'm not exactly a Dimentio fan but I admire the character design, so straight and spiky.. also I just felt like mentioning that for the left foot I tried to do some sort of perspective thing on it, didn't know how it would work exactly considering this clown, Flatness, but i made it work lol..
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sageisnice · 9 months
Prompt 15: Kirby B-Day Renders..
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I love these two so much you don't understand man!!!!! 💕🌧️
if your wondering what I'm talking about it's those Kirby key art Png's with the pink outlines got got made for the kirby 25th anniversary.. idk what it actually called but I hope you get it.. anyway yeah I redrew this thing from a manga of the Lati heros movie (which is now out on Amazon apparently), been meaning to do this for a lil bit.. the flower crown was hell to draw but it turned out good enough.. :)
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sageisnice · 9 months
Prompt 20: DK silhouettes..
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Pondering the lightbulb orb thing..
The extra levels with the shadow ascetic in the new dk country games is one of my favorites things to be in a game ever.. not only cuz of the silhouette stuff, but often the fun part any character in this style is still having a portion of them still colored, simaler to those old WB cartoons!! Enough fanboying from me, Niko is awesome even though I haven't played her game yet (which I should probably
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sageisnice · 9 months
Prompt 12: Pizza tower pixel art..
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slugcat jumpscare
Yeah i think this is not for me tbh.. idk it just feels so limiting to make, not saying that it's bad I just don't the feeling of me actually drawing like this.. although I did try is style to understand that, so can't get too upset ig..
Also I apologize for uploading kind of late.. that's on me tbh..
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sageisnice · 9 months
Prompt 23: Flying Bark Action..
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No color but and the bright side you get to see me draw a semi realistic face again..
To be honest idk what I meant by including this Promt in the first place, I think i just like the animation that Flying Bark does.. if you didn't know they are the studio that animated the Lego monkey kid and rise of the TMNT show that both have very good animation, specifically in the fight scenes.. anyway I didn't know what draw so a drew something you'd see in an animation.. like a smear frame? I think thats what it's called? But yeah you get the idea..
Also I'm feeling better from yesterday btw if you wanna know.. taking it easy again..
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sageisnice · 10 months
So I'm doing a December art challenge again I guess...
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I've been kinda meaning to get better at art lately and I made this as an excuse to do so lol.. this will work just like last year with dedede, except that the prompts are more of what the style of what it needs to be, so it can be anything really.. not just Kirby but other stuff like rain world and stuff like that..
Wish me luck than, this will turn into a video once I'm Finished.. also feel free to follow along if you guys want, I would love to see what y'all cook!!
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Also here is the zorua doodle i made if anybody wants to see it more..
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