philoursmars · 1 month
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Marseille, une des deux expos permanentes du MuCEM : "Méditerranées"
Maurice Bompard - "Ouled Naïl de Biskra"
Alfred Dabat - "La Danseuse rouge"
Roger Irriera -affiche pour les "Chemins de fer Algériens" - "une Ouled Naïl - Biskra, Reine des Zibans"
Marius de Buzon - "Ouled Naïls à Ghardaïa"
Louis-Ernest Barrias - "Jeune fille de Bou Saâda"
Spuligadente, amulette, cure-dents et cure-oreilles en argent, corail et pâte de verre - Sardaigne, avant 1933
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dozydawn · 8 months
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“Little girl with henna on her hands.”
Ghardaïa, Algeria.
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viagginterstellari · 5 months
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Ghardaïa, 2022
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sabrinetnh · 8 days
Mawlid Nabawi Charif 2024🕯️🕌
Saha Mouloudkoum 🌙✨
📍Kser de Tagherdait - Ghardaïa 😍🇩🇿
Credit 📷 : موتيفا - Mo Tiva
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archiplusa · 6 months
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M'Zab Valley
A traditional human habitat, created in the 10th century by the Ibadites around their five ksour (fortified cities), has been preserved intact in the M’Zab valley. Simple, functional and perfectly adapted to the environment, the architecture of M’Zab was designed for community living, while respecting the structure of the family. It is a source of inspiration for today’s urban planners.
Outstanding universal value
Located 600 km south of Algiers, in the heart of the Saharan desert, the five ksour (fortified villages) of the M'Zab Valley form an extraordinary homogeneous ensemble, the mark of a sedentary, urban civilization in the desert, the bearer of an original culture which, through its own genius, has managed to preserve its cohesion over the centuries. Consisting of the ksour and palm groves of El-Atteuf, Bounoura, Melika, Ghardaïa and Béni-Isguen (founded between 1012 and 1350), the M'Zab Valley has retained virtually the same settlement pattern and construction techniques since the 11th century, dictated as much by a specific social and cultural context as by the need to adapt to a hostile environment.
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Each of these miniature walled cities is dominated by a mosque whose minaret acts as a watchtower. The mosque was conceived as a fortress, the last bastion of resistance in the event of siege, and included an arsenal and a grain silo. Around this building, essential to community life, are houses arranged in concentric circles up to the rampart. Each house constitutes a fixed cubic cell, illustrating an egalitarian social organization based on respect for the family structure, whose intimacy and autonomy it strives to preserve. At the beginning of the first millennium, the Ibadites used local materials to create a vernacular architecture in the M'Zab that, thanks to its perfect adaptation to the environment and the simplicity of its forms, continues to serve as an example and lesson for contemporary architecture and town planning.
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ataykiri · 2 years
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El Guerara, Ghardaïa province, Algeria (1945)
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sissa-arrows · 6 months
That french show "j'irai dormir chez vous- Algérie" received so much (negative) attention, when they posted the teaser it was already the most number of views the show had gotten, but a lot of people expressed their deception after watching the whole thing and many speculated the episode was made specifically to tarnish Dzayer's image.
Antoine had been to Kabylie and Ghardaïa , hadn't met police there, when he went to our Sahara close to the borders he was asked to have a local guide, he refused so instead of kicking him out, the police proposed that a civil followed him from afar to ensure his safety , he did not refuse, he then wanted to get a permission to adventure outside of the city that was refused.
The security agents had all been dressed in civil and calmly talked to him, they shouldn't have been filmed yet he filmed them, they explained that they weren't worried about the city or its lovely people, that it was safe but they wanted to be extra safe, the country is just opening up to tourism and receiving so much hate, it also has troubled borders, so while it is safe tourists (even Algerian) need to be accompagnied with a guide in the Sahara, a lost or dead journalist would not do good to the country's image.
With all that in mind, Antoine really said: oh i get it now you want to keep me safe to give Algeria a good image, no problem i'll give you a completely different reason to worry. And it become a subject of trends between all those journalists outside who has a job to criticize everything relateed to the country, they need to earn money after all.
All of this doesn't bother me, French ppl who come here have the tendency to bring out the worst in us, we are used to it, the police should have been more subtle or told him off right off the bat, altho you do imagine that they'd still be criticied no matter what (if they didn't care and something bad happened , if they were more stern, or laid back) But the realiy is that this whole fuss is made because a white man ws stopped in a third world country.
It's easy to reverse the situation, if i, an Algerian had been to France to film an emission and the police stopped me from going to a certain place alone, worried about my safety, and filmed it, i would be the one criticized for being irresponsible for not cooperating. But when a white man does it, he he is denouncing corruption and toxic behavior , while he sounds objectively completely insane (not to mention offensive with his offhanded comments on M'zab women and the Kabylie status) Even though we all know how are people can be treated aboard, it is always assumed it is our fault, but never the fault of the more responsible white man on backwarded countries.
Also just one thing, the security wasn't aware he was a jornalist at first and Algerians are also stopped when they want to wonder alone in the desert, it doesn't have to do with nationality, although yes french channels are usually kept abay, it doesn't have to do with colonialism as much as their more recent behavior . Also there has been a case of a european tourist dying in the desert last year, i assume security was blamed then.
(sorry for info dumping ;-; the previous anon made me think, i didn't know where to put this)
The first time I wandered alone in the Sahara with my grandparents we wanted to cross the border with Mali, we had the paperwork and all but the border agents said no. They said only my grandpa could cross the border but not my grandma or me. The feminist inside me got angry and then the border agent was like “My sister, the Malian authorities told us there was potential terrorists near the border and that it wasn’t safe for women right now that you could get kidnapped. So sit down I’m not letting you cross the border.” The feminist inside me immediately calmed down 😂
But yeah all of that to say that if he was in the Sahara it 100% makes sense that the authorities were watching over him. Some places are protected too and only Kel Tamasheq/Touareg can go there. There’s also the area around Tindouf and the border with Western Sahara…
Anyway thank you for all the informations!!
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panafrocore · 7 months
Clay Palace of Ghardaïa
Clay Palace of Ghardaïa, also known as the Palais du M’zab in Algeria, Africa! Ghardaia Palace was established in the year 1048 AD, and it is distinguished by its wonderful and eye-catching engineering design, and also contains squares and palaces branching from it, in addition to the old popular markets and ancient mosques. It has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982
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cosmicanger · 2 years
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ALGERIA. Mzab. Ghardaïa. 1966. Among the Ibadites. Market day.
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fotoing · 1 year
Fotógrafo acompañado por un adorable asistente de fotografía
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Un fotógrafo de vida silvestre en África está derritiendo corazones en línea después de compartir una foto del adorable asistente de fotografía que lo acompañó en una aventura al aire libre.
Djamel Hadj Aissa es un fotoperiodista independiente y un apasionado fotógrafo de la vida salvaje que vive en Ghardaïa, Argelia. Tiene miles de seguidores en su cuenta de Instagram, donde comparte hermosas imágenes que ha tomado de animales salvajes que van desde serpientes hasta aves y primates. 
En febrero, Djamel vio que una de sus publicaciones se volvió viral, pero no era una foto de un animal salvaje. En cambio, era una foto de él mismo junto al compañero inusual que trajo a la sesión: un cachorro de león.
Por: @JulianDBernal 
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Albert Marquet | Ghardaïa, Les arcades (1921)
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viagginterstellari · 1 year
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Alley - Ghardaïa, 2022
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emploialg · 6 days
اعلان مسابقة توظيف بالمؤسسة العمومية للصحة الجوارية بولاية غرداية EPSP Ghardaïa #مسابقات_التوظيف_بالجزائر #التوظيف_في_الجزائر #وكالة_التشغيل_غرداية #عروض_عمل_غرداية
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esseha · 3 months
Inspection ministérielle de projets de santé prometteurs dans la wilaya de Ghardaïa
Le ministre de la Santé, M. Abdelhak Saïhi, accompagné du ministre des Travaux publics et des Infrastructures de base, M. Lakhdar Rekhroukh, a effectué une visite de terrain dans la wilaya de Ghardaïa pour inspecter plusieurs projets de santé importants. La visite a débuté par l’inspection de l’hôpital de 240 lits à Bou Noura, dont les travaux ont été achevés à 100 % et qui a été équipé…
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votrevoyagefun · 5 months
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toutmontbeliard-com · 7 months
« Je vais t’aimer » à l’Axone de Montbéliard
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Face à son immense succès depuis la Première à Lille le 21 octobre 2021, la comédie musicale "Je vais t'aimer" repart pour une 3ème tournée dans toute la France. "Je vais t'aimer" est une création dans la pure tradition de Broadway. Le public est totalement conquis et la presse parle, elle, d’un "Mamma Mia" à la française. C’est l’histoire de six jeunes français qui racontent leurs amours, leurs amitiés au rythme des plus grands succès de Michel Sardou : En chantant, La java de Broadway, Les lacs du Connemara, Les vieux mariés, Être une femme, La rivière de notre enfance... Plus de 25 chansons extraites de son exceptionnel répertoire. La troupe de chanteurs, danseurs, comédiens vous embarque du Port du Havre à New York, à bord du mythique paquebot "France" et leurs destins croisent celui d’un pays. D’un mouvement de révolte sociale au rêve américain, d’une guinguette des bords de Marne à l’énergie communicative de Broadway, du charme d’un mariage irlandais aux couleurs douces de Ghardaïa, vous voyagez sur quatre décennies, des années Kennedy au début des années 2000. "Je vais t'aimer" sera à l’Axone de Montbéliard le vendredi 22 mars 2024. Peut-être prochainement des places à gagner sur www.toutmontbeliard.com/jeux ! infos > www.axone-montbeliard.fr Read the full article
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