#Ghena Dimitrova
iloveopera9 · 10 months
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mrbacf · 4 months
Turandot - In questa reggia, The Riddles - Ghena Dimitrova, Nicola Marti...
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joaquimblog · 2 years
Avui finalitzo les cinc propostes que us he fet en ocasió de les representacions que estan tenint lloc al Liceu de la popular òpera verdiana Il Trovatore, amb l’apunt dedicat al personatge de Leonora i amb la difícil escena del quart acte que s’inicia amb el recitatiu “Vanne, lasciami…Timor di me” contiua amb la hipnòtica i bellíssima ària “D’amor sull’ali rosee” per seguir amb el “Misere” amb la…
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princesssarisa · 6 months
Opera on YouTube 5
Teatro alla Scala, 1987 (Renato Bruson, Ghena Dimitrova; conducted by Riccardo Muti; no subtitles)
Teatro di San Carlo, 1997 (Renato Bruson, Lauren Flanigan; conducted by Paolo Carognani; no subtitles)
Ankara State Opera, 2006 (Eralp Kıyıcı, Nilgün Akkerman; conducted by Sunay Muratov; no subtitles)
St. Margarethen Opera Festival, 2007 (Igor Morosow, Gabriella Morigi; conducted by Ernst Märzendorfer; English subtitles)
Rome Opera, 2011 (Leo Nucci, Csilla Boross; conducted by Riccardo Muti; English and German subtitles)
Teatro Comunale di Bologna, 2013 (Vladimir Stoyanov, Anna Pirozzi; conducted by Michele Mariotti; Italian subtitles)
Rome Opera, 2013 (Luca Salsi, Tatiana Serjan; conducted by Riccardo Muti; no subtitles)
Gran Teatro Nacional, Perú, 2015 (Giuseppe Altomare, Rachele Stanisci; conducted by Fernando Valcárcel; Spanish subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 2017 (Plácido Domingo, Liudmyla Monastyrska; conducted by James Levine; Spanish subtitles)
Arena di Verona, 2017 (George Gagnidze, Susanna Branchini; conducted by Daniel Oren; English subtitles)
La Cenerentola (Cinderella)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle studio film, 1981 (Frederica von Stade, Francisco Araiza, Paolo Montarsolo; conducted by Claudio Abbado; English subtitles)
Glyndebourne Festival Opera, 1983 (Kathleen Kuhlmann, Laurence Dale, Claudio Desderi; conducted by Donato Renzetti; no subtitles)
Salzburg Festival, 1988 (Ann Murray, Francisco Araiza, Walter Berry; conducted by Riccardo Chailly; English subtitles)
Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, 1991 (Lucia Valentini-Terrani, Toshiro Gorobe, Domenico Trimarchi; conducted by Antonello Allemandi; Japanese subtitles) – Act I, Act II
Houston Grand Opera, 1995 (Cecilia Bartoli, Raúl Giménez, Enzo Dara; conducted by Bruno Campanella; no subtitles)
Rossini Opera Festival, 2000 (Sonia Ganassi, Juan Diego Flórez, Bruno Praticó; conducted by Carlo Rizzi; Italian subtitles)
Gran Teatre del Liceu, 2008 (Joyce DiDonato, Juan Diego Flórez, Bruno de Simone; conducted by Patrick Summers; German subtitles)
Romeo Opera, 2015 (Serena Malfi, Juan Francisco Gatell, Alessandro Corbelli; conducted by Alejo Pérez; Italian and English subtitles)
Lille Opera, 2016 (Emily Fons, Taylor Stayton, Renato Girolami; conducted by Yves Parmentier; English subtitles)
Boboli Gardens, Florence, 2020 (Svetlina Stoyanova, Josh Lovell, Daniel Miroslaw; conducted by Sándor Károlyi; no subtitles)
Lucia di Lammermoor
Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, 1967 (Renata Scotto, Carlo Bergonzi; conducted by Bruno Bartoletti; English subtitles)
Mario Lanfranchi film, 1971 (Anna Moffo, Lajos Kosma; conducted by Carlo Felice Cillario; English subtitles)
Bregenz Festival, 1982 (Katia Ricciarelli, José Carreras; conducted by Lamberto Gardelli; no subtitles) – Part I, Part II
Opera Australia, 1986 (Joan Sutherland, Richard Greager; conducted by Richard Bonynge; English subtitles)
Teatro Carlo Felice, 2003 (Stefania Bonfadelli, Marcelo Álvarez; conducted by Patrick Fournillier; Japanese subtitles)
San Francisco Opera, 2009 (Natalie Dessay, Giuseppe Filianoti; conducted by Jean-Yves Ossonce; English subtitles)
Amarillo Opera, 2013 (Hanan Alattar, Eric Barry; conducted by Michael Ching; English subtitles)
Gran Teatre del Liceu, 2015 (Elena Mosuc, Juan Diego Flórez; conducted by Marco Armiliato; French subtitles)
Teatro Real de Madrid, 2018 (Lisette Oropesa, Javier Camerana; conducted by Daniel Oren; English subtitles)
Vienna State Opera, 2022 (Lisette Oropesa, Benjamin Bernheim; conducted by Evelino Pidó; English subtitles)
Il Trovatore
Claudio Fino studio film, 1957 (Mario del Monaco, Leyla Gencer, Fedora Barbieri, Ettore Bastianini; conducted by Fernando Previtali; English subtitles)
Wolfgang Nagel studio film, 1975 (Franco Bonisolli, Raina Kabaivanska, Viorica Cortez, Giorgio Zancanaro; conducted by Bruno Bartoletti; Japanese subtitles)
Vienna State Opera, 1978 (Plácido Domingo, Raina Kabaivanska, Fiorenza Cossotto, Piero Cappuccilli; conducted by Herbert von Karajan; no subtitles)
Opera Australia, 1983 (Kenneth Collins, Joan Sutherland, Lauris Elms, Jonathan Summers; conducted by Richard Bonynge, English subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1988 (Luciano Pavarotti, Eva Marton, Dolora Zajick, Sherrill Milnes; conducted by James Levine; no subtitles)
Bavarian State Opera, 2013 (Jonas Kaufmann, Anja Harteros, Elena Manistinta, Alexey Markov; conducted by Paolo Carignani; English subtitles)
Temporada Lirica a Coruña, 2015 (Gregory Kunde, Angela Meade, Marianne Cornetti, Juan Jesús Rodriguez; conducted by Keri-Lynn Wilson; no subtitles)
Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liége, 2018 (Fabio Sartori, Yolanda Auyanet, Violeta Urmana, Mario Cassi; conducted by Daniel Oren; French subtitles)
Arena di Verona, 2019 (Yusif Eyvazov, Anna Netrebko, Dolora Zajick, Luca Salsi; conducted by Pier Giorgio Morandi; German subtitles)
Teatro Verdi di Pisa, 2021 (Murat Karahan, Carolina López Moreno, Victória Pitts, Cesar Méndez; conducted by Marco Guidarini; no subtitles)
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operaportugues · 10 months
La Wally (Alfredo Catalani) - Genève 2014
Arrepiante ópera completa com legenda em português: vídeo; legenda. Para fazer download do youtube, sugiro que use o software JDownloader 2.
La Wally é uma ópera de 1892 do compositor italiano Alfredo Catalani (1854 - 1893), com libreto de Luigi Illica (que colaborou com os textos de "La Boheme", "Tosca" e "Madama Butterfly"). O drama tem lugar numa aldeia do Tirol, onde a heroína se recusa a aceitar o casamento arranjado por seu pai. Contém uma das mais memoráveis cenas de suicídio em óperas.
Enredo: Uma selvagem e obstinada garota da montanha suíça ama um caçador local e é amada por outro. Seu amante deve ser igual a ela, alguém que não tenha medo de enfrentar um urso e seu pai. Por fim, ela conquista seu verdadeiro amor, os dois se abraçam no alto dos Alpes, uma avalanche aprisiona o herói e ela salta atrás dele para sua morte na neve.
A ópera ficou conhecida pela famosa ária Ebben? Ne andrò lontana (Ato I), cantada por Wally quando decide deixar definitivamente a sua família. Catalani já tinha composto essa ária em 1878 e decidiu posteriormente incorporá-la à ópera.
Catalani morreu em 1893 de tuberculose aos 39 anos, apenas um ano após a estreia triunfal de "La Wally" no La Scala. Admirador fervoroso da música de Catalani, Toscanini batizou sua primeira filha nascida em 1900 com o nome "Wally".
ária "Ebben? Ne andrò lontana": Renata Tebaldi; Mirella Freni, Anna Netrebko, Montserrat Caballé, Sonya Yoncheva, Maria Callas, Angela Gheorghiu, Renée Fleming, Kiri Te Kanawa, Saioa Hernandez, Ghena Dimitrova, Magda Olivero.
libreto em it-es
Personagens principais: - Wally - Stromminger, pai de Wally - Vincenzo Gellner, gerente de patrimônio de Stromminger - Giuseppe Hagenbach, um caçador - Afra, estalajadeira - Walter, tocador de cítara
Sinopse: A história se passa no Tirol austríaco, no início do século XIX, onde Wally, de espírito livre, mas vulnerável, está apaixonada pelo belo Giuseppe Hagenbach. No entanto, seu pai, Stromminger, quer que ela se case com Vincenzo Gellner. A ópera termina com Hagenbach e Wally jurando seu amor um pelo outro, mas sendo mortos por uma avalanche.
Ato 1 - A vila de Hochstoff
Uma competição de tiro está sendo realizada para comemorar o 70º aniversário do pai de Wally, Stromminger. Um grupo de caçadores chega do vilarejo vizinho de Sölden, liderado por Hagenbach. Antigas inimizades rapidamente vêm à tona, e uma briga se desenvolve entre Stromminger e Hagenbach, que trocam ameaças e insultos antes que Hagenbach seja levado por seus companheiros.
Vincenzo Gellner tem seu coração voltado para Wally e logo percebe que ela está claramente apaixonada pelo inimigo de seu pai durante a briga. Quando fica sozinho com Stromminger, ele conta ao homem mais velho sobre suas suspeitas. Reconhecendo que Gellner está apaixonado por sua filha, ele insiste que Wally concorde em se casar com ele dentro de um mês ou deixe sua casa para sempre. Wally responde que prefere se arriscar nas neves alpinas a se casar com Gellner.
Ato 2 - A Taverna da Águia em Sölden
Um ano se passou, Stromminger morreu e Wally herdou sua fortuna. No entanto, Hagenbach ficou noivo de Afra, a proprietária da Taverna da Águia, e aparentemente não está interessado em Wally.
Um festival está ocorrendo em Sölden, e Wally é atraída para a taverna sabendo que Hagenbach estará lá. Hagenbach é persuadido a aceitar um desafio para tentar ganhar um beijo de Wally. O que começa como um jogo rapidamente se transforma em algo mais sério, e Hagenbach ganha facilmente sua aposta. Quando Wally se dá conta de que foi vítima de uma aposta cínica, seu ciúme e sua fúria entram em ebulição. Ela se volta para Gellner, que também está no festival, e insiste que, se ele a ama, deve matar Hagenbach.
Ato 3 - Um barranco
Wally retorna para sua casa. Sua raiva já diminuiu e ela gostaria de poder retirar suas palavras. Nesse momento, batem à sua porta. É Gellner, que descreve como, sob o manto da escuridão, ele conseguiu atacar Hagenbach e jogá-lo em um barranco profundo.
Wally fica horrorizada e corre para a ravina na esperança de salvar Hagenbach, mesmo acreditando que ele ama Afra. Ela mesma desce por uma corda para resgatá-lo e consegue erguer seu corpo inconsciente de volta à superfície.
Ato 4 - No alto dos Alpes
Solitária e deprimida, Wally subiu as montanhas acima da aldeia. Seu único amigo, Walter, a seguiu e insiste para que ela desça para as festividades de Natal, lembrando-a dos perigos das avalanches. Ela o manda embora e pensa em sua morte iminente.
Wally ouve outra voz. É Hagenbach, que se recuperou de seus ferimentos e veio confessar seu amor. Os amantes se reconciliam e Hagenbach vai em busca de um caminho seguro para descer a montanha. Ele grita para Wally, mas o barulho de seu chamado desencadeia uma avalanche que o leva embora. Wally fica momentaneamente à beira do precipício antes de se lançar para a morte.
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girlscarpia · 5 years
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continuummicroblog · 3 years
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gramilano · 7 years
Recital in 1983
Luciano Pavarotti died ten years ago today, on 6 September 2007.
Teatro alla Scala continually welcomed the great tenor to its stage for almost three decades, from 1965 until 1992. At the Milanese opera house he sang under the baton of Abbado, Prêtre, Kleiber, Patané, Gavazzeni, Karajan, Maazel and Muti. Pavarotti worked extensively with La Scala’s current Musical Director, Riccardo Chailly, on operas by Rossini, Verdi, Puccini and Mascagni.
Rigoletto during the 1965 1966 season
Boheme in 1969
His debut in the theatre was on 9 December 1965 when he played the Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto, and during the same season he also sang Rodolfo in Zeffirelli’s well-loved production of La bohème with his childhood friend, Mirella Freni, as well as Tebaldo in I Capuleti e i Montecchi with Renata Scotto and Giacomo Aragall, conducted by Claudio Abbado. He sang Bohème many times with Freni, in theatres around the world, and would sing it with her again at La Scala in 1969 with Nino Sanzogno and in 1975 with Georges Prêtre. Ileana Cotrubaș was his Mimì in both 1975 and then in 1979 with Carlos Kleiber conducting. In 1968 he was Tonio in La figlia del reggimento, with Freni, and in 1969  he sang Des Grieux in Manon with Mirella Freni and Rolando Panerai.
Figlia del reggimento in 1968
Figlia del reggimento in 1968
  In December 1970 he sang in Elisir d’amore with Giuseppe Patanè; and in 1974, La favorita conducted by Nino Verchi with Fiorenza Cossotto and Piero Cappuccilli.
He was Rodolfo, but this time in Luisa Miller, in May of 1976; Gianandrea Gavazzeni was conducting and the production was by Filippo Crivelli, with co-stars Montserrat Caballé and Piero Capuccilli. Another Verdi role followed in 1977 when he sang Riccardo in Un ballo in maschera; the conductor was Claudio Abbado, the production by Franco Zeffirelli, and he shared the stage with Shirley Verret, Elena Obraztsova, and Piero Cappuccilli.
Lucia di Lammermoor, season 1982 1983
Tosca 1979
Pavarotti’s first Cavaradossi at La Scala came in 1980; his Tosca was Eva Marton and Seiji Ozawa conducted. In 1983 he was Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor, (conductor Peter Maag, director Pier Luigi Pizzi, with Luciana Serra as Lucia). In 1985 he opened the season on 7 December as Radamès in Aida with Lorin Maazel, the director Luca Ronconi, and Maria Chiara, Ghena Dimitrova, Nicolai Ghiaurov and Piero Cappuccilli made up the rest of the cast, though Cappuccilli was substituted by Juan Pons during the course of the evening. Another season opening was on 7 December 1992 with a Don Carlo by Zeffirelli, with Muti, Daniela Dessì, Luciana d’Intino, Paolo Coni, and Samuel Ramey.
Aida in 1985
Aida in the 1985 1986 season
Don Carlos in the 1992 1993 season
Aside from his opera commitments he was in the famous Verdi Requiem in 1967 with Herbert von Karajan and fellow soloists Leontyne Price, Fiorenza Cossotto, and Nicolai Ghiaurov, and again with La Scala on tour at the Basilica of St Mark’s in 1978 with Abbado, and again at La Scala in 1987 with Riccardo Muti.
The main event in Italy to commemorate his passing is a concert tonight at the Arena in Verona – with three tenors friends Placido Domingo and José Carreras among the many guests – which will be transmitted live on Italian TV and a recording will be available soon after.
Recital in 1983 2
Recital in 1983 3
Recital in 1983 4
Luciano Pavarotti, 10 years after his death, celebrated in exclusive photos from the La Scala archives Luciano Pavarotti died ten years ago today, on 6 September 2007. Teatro alla Scala continually welcomed the great tenor to its stage for almost three decades, from 1965 until 1992.
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todayclassical · 7 years
May 06 in Music History
1596 Death of Dutch composer Giaches de Wert in Mantua, Italy. 
1637 Opening of the Teatro San Cassiano in Venice. The first Opera House there with the presentation of Manelli and Ferrari's L'Andromeda.
1704 FP of Campra and Desmarets’ “Iphigénie en Tauride” Paris.
1714 Birth of German tenor Anton Raaf in Gelsdorf.
1727 FP of G. Bononcini’s “Astianatte” London.
1728 Marriage of Italian composer Domenico Scarlatti, to Maria Catarina Gentili.
1742 FP of T. Arne’s “Miss Lucy in Town” London.
1751 FP of Jommelli’s “L'Uccellatrice” Venice. 
1773 FP of Sacchini’s “Tamerlano” London.
1794 FP of Méhul’s “Mélidore et Phrosine” Paris.
1797 FP of Gretry’s “Le Barbier du village, ou Le Revenant” Paris.
1790 Birth of composer Vaclav Vilem Wurfel.
1800 Birth of composer Ferdinand Marcucci.
1809 Birth of American composer William Walker. 
1826 Death of French soprano Rosalie Levasseur. 
1838 Birth of American composer Alfred Humphreys Pease.
1853 Birth of French tenor Alexandre Talazac in Bordeaux.
1857 FP of Erkel and Doppler’s “Erzsèbet” Prague.
1858 Birth of French composer Georges-Adolphe Hue in Versailles. 
1859 Birth of Belgian baritone Jean Note in Tournai, Belgium. 
1868 FP of Michael Haydn’s “Die Hachzeit auf der Alm” Singspiel, Salzburg.
1871 USAmerican conducting debut of Leopold Damrosch in NYC.
1871 Birth of composer August Reusner.
1872 First concert of the Cincinnati May Festival. Theodore Thomas conducts program including Beethoven’s Fifth, Handel's Dettingen Te Deum and chorus from Haydn's Creation.
1881 Birth of Bulgarian opera composer Georgi Atanasov in Plovdiv. 
1882 Birth of Italian soprano Ina Maria Ferraris in Turin. 
1886 FP of Graffigna’s “La bouna figliuola” Milan.
1888 Birth of Italian baritone Louis d'Angelo in Naples. 
1894 FP of Arensky's "Raphael" Moscow.
1894 Birth of composer Filip Lazar.
1896 FP of Camille Saint-Seans Piano Concerto No 5 at a concert commemorating his debut 50 years earlier, at the Salle Pleyel, in Paris.
1897 FP of Leoncavallo's La Boheme in Venice.
1898 Birth of Russian-American conductor Jascha Horenstein in Kiev.
1905 Birth of composer Norman De Tar.
1908 Birth of composer Necil Kazim Akses.
1913 Birth of composer Gyula David.
1915 Birth of American composer George Perle in Bayonne, NJ.
1916 Birth of baritone Norman Farrow. 
1918 Birth of Canadian composer Godfrey Ridout in Toronto. 
1920 Death of French soprano Hortense Schneider. 
1924 Birth of American soprano Mimi Benzell in Bridgeport CT.
1926 Birth of American soprano Marguerite Piazza in New Orleans, LA. 
1928 FP of Schubert's "Die Freunde von Salamanka" singspiel, Halle.
1928 FP of Krenek’s opera tryptic “Der Diktator; Das geheime Königreich; Schwergewicht oder Die Ehre der Nation”.
1929 FP of Blitzstein’s “Triple Sec” Philadelphia.
1931 Birth of French mezzo-soprano Jane Berbié.
1932 Birth of composer Gunther Hauk.
1940 Birth of American conductor Murray Sidlin in Baltimore, MD.
1941 Birth of Bulgarian soprano Ghena Dimitrova in Beglej Bulgaria. 
1942 Birth of American bass Phillip Booth in Washington, DC.
1942 Birth of American baritone Richard Stilwell in St. Louis. 
1945 Birth of American composer Victoria Bond in LA, CA.
1947 Death of American mezzo-soprano Louise Homer. 
1948 Premiere of film Hamlet with music score by William Walton at Odeon Theater, Leicester Square, London.
1953 Birth of American composer Peter Child.
1953 Birth of French baritone Ventri Ivaldi in Toulon. 
1957 FP of Argento’s “The Boor” Rochester.
1958 Birth of American composer William Holab.
1960 Birth of Turkish-American composer Kamran Ince in Montana.
1965 Birth of French mezzo-soprano and conductor Nathalie Stutzmann.
1971 Birth of English soprano Amanda Boyd in London. 
1973 Death of Canadian organist and composer Ernst Campbell MacMillan.
1977 Death of Scottish tenor Joseph Hislop. 
1980 Death of German soprano Adele Kern.
1981 Death of French tenor Rene Verdiere. 
1981 FP of Einojuhaani Rautavaara ’s Double-bass Concerto Angel of Dusk, with bassist Olli Kosonen and the Finnish Radio Symphony, Leif Segerstam conducting in Helsinki
1985 FP of Ellen Taaffe Zwilich's Concerto for Trumpet and Five Players. Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble.
1992 FP of Libby Larsen ’s Symphony No. 3 Lyric. Albany NY Symphony, Joel Revzen conducting.
1999 FP of Christopher Rouse's Seeing. New York Philharmonic conducted by Leonard Slatkin, with pianist Emanuel Ax at Avery Fisher Hall in NYC.
1999 FP of Magnus Lindberg´s Cello Concerto, by the Orchestre de Paris, with Esa-Pekka Salonen conducting and Anssi Karttunen, cellist.
2004 FP of Augusta Read Thomas´ Whispers of Summer. RNCM International Cello Festival, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, England.
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iloveopera9 · 10 months
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itsnothingbutluck · 5 years
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katelentzneo · 5 years
Jose Carreras, Ghena Dimitrova - Giuseppe Verdi - I Lombardi alla Prima ...
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keyfilms · 5 years
Jose Carreras, Ghena Dimitrova - Giuseppe Verdi - I Lombardi alla Prima ...
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actorstudio-ru · 5 years
Jose Carreras, Ghena Dimitrova - Giuseppe Verdi - I Lombardi alla Prima ...
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girlscarpia · 6 years
Voi lo sapete, o mamma from Mascagni’s Cavalleria rusticana, sung by Ghena Dimitrova
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idealconservateur · 5 years
Ghena Dimitrova - Ben io t'invenni...Salgo già del trono aurato
La piu carismatica e potente delle Abigaille verdiane. Allestimento live del Nabucco di Giuseppe Verdi dall'Arena di Verona diretto da Maurizio Arena nel 1981
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