#Hibla Gerzmava
joaquimblog · 2 years
Avui finalitzo les cinc propostes que us he fet en ocasió de les representacions que estan tenint lloc al Liceu de la popular òpera verdiana Il Trovatore, amb l’apunt dedicat al personatge de Leonora i amb la difícil escena del quart acte que s’inicia amb el recitatiu “Vanne, lasciami…Timor di me” contiua amb la hipnòtica i bellíssima ària “D’amor sull’ali rosee” per seguir amb el “Misere” amb la…
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semtituloh · 1 year
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mezzowatch · 5 years
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Kate Lindsey as Nicklausse and Hibla Gerzmava as Antonia in Offenbach’s Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Met 2015
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theatricalowl · 5 years
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“Lucia di Lammermoor”  Gaetano Donizetti
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fashionpaperch · 5 years
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Das Gedenkkonzert für NELLO SANTI im Opernhaus Zürich 🎼
. Am 6. Februar 2020 verstarb Nello Santi im Alter von 88 Jahren in Zürich. Das Opernhaus Zürich verlor mit ihm eine herausragende Künstlerpersönlichkeit, die über 60 Jahre mit dem Opernhaus zutiefst verbunden war. In einem Konzert am Samstag, 28. März, 19 Uhr wird den zahlreichen Freunden und Wegbegleitern die Gelegenheit gegeben, dem Maestro zu gedenken. . 👍Jetzt den ganzen Artikel auf Fashionpaper lesen: https://www.fashionpaper.ch/music-kino/das-gedenkkonzert-fuer-nello-santi-im-opernhaus-zuerich/
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ulrichgebert · 5 years
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Ausnahmsweise mal etwas verfrüht begehen wir den 200. Geburtstag von Jacques Offenbach, überraschenderweise mit Les contes d’Hoffmann, diesmal wieder in der überschäumenden, farbenfrohen Zirkus-Spektakel-Razzmatazz-Tänzerinnen!-Variante von Bartlett Sher aus der Met.
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f-sharp-inder · 3 years
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Don Giovanni
New York : Sat, Mar 27, 2021 7:30 pm
London : Sat, Mar 27, 2021 11:30 pm
Seoul : Sun, Mar 28, 2021 8:30 am
The Metropolitan Opera
Fabio Luisi, Conductor
Hibla Gerzmava, Donna Anna
Malin Byström, Donna Elvira
Serena Malfi, Zerlina
Paul Appleby, Don Orravio
Simon Keenlyside, Don Giovanni
Adam Plachetka, Leporello
W.A.Mozart : Don Giovanni
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romantic707 · 3 years
Handel - Lascia ch'io pianga (Hibla Gerzmava)
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lawlinks · 7 years
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Turandot at the Royal Opera House - kitsch orientalism (despite lavish set design, it looked rather more like the 1927 Covent Garden première) and some fairly mixed singing, but Hibla Gerzmava a clear standout as Liu ⭐⭐⭐ #opera #roh #royalopera #turandot #puccini #live #stage #london #theatre #romantic #aria http://ift.tt/2sRMqSD
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opsikpro · 4 years
Top soprano: I survived Coronavirus
Top soprano: I survived Coronavirus
A post by Hibla Gerzmava, the Russian-Armenian prima donna:
(from the Russian)
It’s time to tell my story of these months. I was ill with COVID-19, and most annoying, I had sat at home without a break from March 13, followed ALL safety precautions, but the virus still entered my house!
In mid-May, I felt weakness, malaise, fever, but there was no thought of the virus, until the second day…
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uiarazagolin · 5 years
'Grandes Vozes no Rio de Janeiro'
‘Grandes Vozes no Rio de Janeiro’
‘Grandes Vozes no Rio de Janeiro’. Soprano Hibla Gerzmava encerra a primeira temporada da Série ‘Grandes Vozes no Rio de Janeiro’
A cantora russa fará sua estreia no Brasil, em novembro, sob a regência de Ira Levin
No último dos quatro concertos programados para 2019 pela série “Grandes Vozes no Rio de Janeiro”, do Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, o encerramento caberá ao soprano Hibla…
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netmyname-blog · 6 years
Maxwell Giacopo WY
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/maxwell-giacopo/maxwell-giacopo-wy/
Maxwell Giacopo WY
Maxwell Giacopo WY Top Web Results.
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www.amazon.com Amazon.com: La Boheme: Gabriele Viviani, Donald Maxwell, Hibla … Amazon.com: La Boheme: Gabriele Viviani, Donald Maxwell, Hibla Gerzmava, Kostas Smoriginas, Inna Dukach, Jacques Imbrailo, Jeremy White, Teodor Ilincai,  …
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tmnotizie · 6 years
PORTO SAN GIORGIO – Il quarto appuntamento con il Festival organistico Internazionale Città di Porto San Giorgio vedrà la straordinaria partecipazione di due organiste russe di rilievo internazionale. Ludmila Golub e Valeria Anfinogenova che suoneranno a 4 mani un programma interamente dedicato alla grande musica russa originale per organo e trascrizioni da balletti e opere.
Eccezionalmente il concerto sarà di giovedì 2 agosto (contrariamente al consueto venerdì), sempre alle 21.30 nella chiesa di San Giorgio Martire e con ingresso libero. Il duo Ludmila Golub–Valeria Anfinogenova si è costitutito dieci anni fa e ha trovato spunto dall’amicizia che lega le due artiste. La distanza tra le loro città di appartenenza, Mosca e Sochi, non pregiudica la loro attività.
Ludmila Golub si è diplomata presso il Conservatorio “Tchaikovsky” di Mosca in pianoforte, organo e clavicembalo col professor Leonid Roizman. Successivamente si è perfezionata con Michel Chapuis, André Isoir e Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini. E’ solista della Filarmonia di Mosca ed è prima degli organisti del grande organo Klais della Casa Internazionale della musica di Mosca. Ha eseguito molte prime esecuzioni di musica contemporanea come solista e organista in orchestra sotto la direzione di famosi direttori quali Evgenij Fëdorovič Svetlanov, Gennadij Nikolaevič Rozhdestvensky, Mstislav Leopol’dovič Rostropovich, Yehudi Menuhin, Pierre Boulez, Vladimir Jurovsky, Teodor Kurentzis. Si esibisce anche con altri strumentisti. Ha inciso vari cd per Chandos, Le Chant Du Monde, Russian Disc, Bmg Classic, Hyperion. Nel 2002 ha ricevuto il titolo di artista onorario della Federazione Russa.
Valeria Anfinogenova si è diplomata in pianoforte e organo presso i Conservatori “Glinka” di Novosibirsk e “Rimsky-Korsakov” di San Pietroburgo. Vincitrice di premi a concorsi internazionali e russi. Si esibisce da solista e in collaborazione con diversi solisti, ensemble, orchestre sinfoniche e da camera; tra i suoi partner ci sono Yuriy Bashmet, Hibla Gerzmava, Makvala Kasrashvili. E’ solista dell’orchestra da camera della Filarmonia di Sochi ed è anche organista solista e responsabile della Organ Hall. In seguito è stata nominata direttore artistico della Filarmonia di Sochi e anche del Festival Internazionale d’organo di Sochi.
Il duo si esibisce in concerti, oltre che in Russia presso le principali città (come Mosca, San Pietroburgo, Volgograd, Sochi, Krasnoyarsk e molte altre), anche all’estero in vari Festivals Internazionali (Italia, Francia, Polonia, Germania, Estonia, Usa) e il suo repertorio include composizioni per organo a 4 mani e composizioni per organo e pianoforte
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teleindiscreta · 7 years
Una «Turandot» brutal en el Covent Garden
Fuente original: Una «Turandot» brutal en el Covent Garden Puedes ver más visitando Teleindiscreta - Las mejores noticias de actualidad, famosos, salud, belleza, cocina, motor, música y mucho más.
De Puccini. Christine Goerke, Aleksandrs Antonenko, Hibla Gerzmava, In Sung Sim, Robin Leggate, Yuriy Yurchuk, Michel de Souza, Aled Hall, Pavel Petrov… Orquesta y Coro de la ROH. Dirección de escena: Andrew Sinclair, Andrei Serban. Dirección musical: Dan Ettinger. Royal Opera House. Londres, 5-VII-2017.
La ópera inconclusa de Puccini siempre se ha prestado a muchas interpretaciones y hasta Núria Espert decidió suicidar a la protagonista. Andrei Serban realizó una producción que se ha revivido con frecuencia en Londres, que vuelve ahora con el auxilio de Andrew Sinclair y que, de hecho, vimos en el Teatro Real en la ya lejana temporada de su reapertura. Una especie de corrala claustrofóbica de tres pisos sirve como único escenario fijo al que se van añadiendo elementos. Por lo demás, rutina tradicional sin demasiada invención. Baste decir que la princesa aparece andando desde un lateral de la escena de forma muy poco glamurosa y que del príncipe desconocido lo que se desconocen son los movimientos, ya que pocas veces se ve un Calaf tan estático. La brutalidad impregna la lectura musical y, solo hasta cierto punto, la escénica, con una Liú que se rebana el cuello con la katana que corta las cabezas a los pretendientes de Turandot. La orquesta y los coros de la ópera del Covent Garden reúnen una calidad fuera de toda duda y en ello se apoya Dan Ettinger para hacerlos sonar con todos sus decibelios. Hasta Hibla Gerzmava, como Liú, ha de sacar caudal en perjuicio de la dulzura del personaje. Aleksandrs Antonenko posee una auténtica voz de tenor casi spinto que no encuentra problemas en proyectarse. Su canto es sin embargo muy tosco, quedando ausente de toda poesía páginas como «Non piangere Liú» y planteando un «Nessun dorma» en el que su único objetivo es coronar con el si bemol, algo que no le causa problema alguno. ¿Qué sopranos hay hoy capaces de otorgar todo su complejo carácter a Turandot con sus tremendas exigencias vocales? Difícil pensar un nombre. Christine Goerke posee el caudal en el registro central, pero la voz se adelgaza en el agudo, que se agria, destempla y hasta casi vuelve calante, muy especialmente durante los tres enigmas. Correcto, sin más, el resto del reparto. La recuperación de este título con esta producción de fondo de armario obedece a las mismas razones que la reciente «Madama Butterfly» del Teatro Real, hacer hucha, y se entiende dados los tiempos que corren.
Fuente: La Razón
La entrada Una «Turandot» brutal en el Covent Garden aparece primero en Teleindiscreta.
from Una «Turandot» brutal en el Covent Garden
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kneipho · 6 years
EXTRACT | MEDEA ‘Figli miei, miei tesor’ Cherubini - Stanislavsky Music Theatre Moscow
“...In Cherubini’s operatic take on the ancient Greek myth, Medea (Hibla Gerzmava) begs her husband, Giasone (Majmiddin Mavlyanov), to let her take their two children home...”  -- OperaVision (YouTube Source Channel)
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larryland · 8 years
Simon Keenlyside in the title role of Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.” Photo: Marty Sohl/Metropolitan Opera
Simon Keenlyside in the tile role and Adam Plachetka as Leporello in Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.” Photo: Marty Sohl Metropolitan Opera
Simon Keenlyside in the title role and Malin Bystrom as Donna Elvira in Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.” Photo: Marty Sohl Metropolitan Opera
A scene from Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.” Photo: Marty Sohl Metropolitan Opera
Simon Keenlyside stars in the Met’s Live in HD Broadcast of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, conducted by Fabio Luisi which will be transmitted live to more than two thousand screens in 70 countries around the world.
Likely to be one of the most popular operas of the new season, it will reach local screens on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 12:55p.m. The Running time will be approximately 3 hours 22 minutes, with just one intermission. In the Berkshires of Massachusetts you can hear the opera at the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center in Great Barrington, and the Beacon Cinemas in Pittsfield. The host for the series is Joyce DiDonato.
Simon Keenlyside brings his acclaimed Don Giovanni to the Met’s Live in HD for the first time in Tony Award winner Michael Grandage’s staging of Mozart’s masterpiece. Met Principal Conductor Fabio Luisi leads a cast that includes Hibla Gerzmava as Donna Anna, Malin Byström as Donna Elvira, Serena Malfi as Zerlina, Paul Appleby as Don Ottavio, Adam Plachetka as Leporello, Matthew Rose as Masetto, and Kwangchul Youn as the Commendatore.
About the Cast
Simon Keenlyside adds a new role to his Met repertory after singing Don Giovanni previously at the Zurich Opera, Bavarian State Opera, Vienna State Opera, El Teatre del Liceu, and Royal Opera, Covent Garden. He made his Met debut in 1996 as Belcore in L’Elisir d’Amore followed by singing Olivier in Strauss’s Capriccio, Marcello in La Bohème, Papageno in Die Zauberflöte, the Count in Le Nozze di Figaro, the title character in Thomas’s Hamlet, Rodrigo in Don Carlo, and Prospero in The Tempest. He will reprise the title role of Don Giovanni at the Vienna State Opera and Bilbao Opera following his time at the Met, as well as the Count in Le Nozze di Figaro at La Scala, and the title roles of Macbeth and Golaud in Debussy’s Pelleas et Melisande at the Vienna State Opera.
Hibla Gerzmava reprises the role of Donna Anna, which she has sung at the Vienna State Opera, Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre, and Royal Opera, Covent Garden. Previous Met performances include her role debut as Desdemona in Verdi’s Otello at the Met this past spring, Stella and Antonia in Offenbach’s Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Mimì in La Bohème, and Liù in Puccini’s Turandot. Recently, she sang Giulietta in Les Contes d’Hoffmann and Mimì in La Bohème at the Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre and Amelia Grimaldi in Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra at the Royal Opera, Covent Garden.
Adam Plachetka adds a new role to his Met repertory singing Leporello in September and October. He made his Met debut in 2015 as Masetto, which he will reprise during the November 1, 4, and 10 performances and has also sung the role at the Salzburg Festival, Berlin State Opera, and Royal Opera, Covent Garden. Later this year, Plachetka can be seen singing Papageno in Die Zauberflöte at the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the title role of Don Giovanni and Mustafà in L’Italiana in Algeri at the Vienna State Opera, and Doctor Dulcamara and Belcore in L’Elisir d’Amore at the Vienna State Opera and Royal Opera, Covent Garden respectively.
Malin Byström stars at Donna Elvira during the September 27 – October 22 performances, followed by singing the role of Donna Anna during the November 1 – 10 performances. She has previously sung Donna Elvira at the Royal Swedish Opera and Donna Anna at the Salzburg Festival and the Royal Opera, Covent Garden. She made her Met debut in 2011 as Marguerite in Gounod’s Faust followed by singing the title role of Strauss’s Arabella. After her performances at the Met, she will sing the title characters in Janáček’s Jenůfa at the Royal Swedish Opera and Strauss’s Salome at the Dutch National Opera.
Don Giovanni Act 1 – Leporello's aria
Synopsis – Don Giovanni
Seville, mid-18th century. Leporello, servant to the nobleman Don Giovanni, keeps watch outside the Commendatore’s home at night. Suddenly, the Commendatore’s daughter, Donna Anna, rushes out, struggling with the masked Giovanni and followed by her father. The Commendatore challenges Giovanni to a duel and is killed. Giovanni and Leporello escape. Anna asks her fiancé, Don Ottavio, to avenge her father’s death.
In the morning, Giovanni and Leporello encounter one of Giovanni’s former conquests, Donna Elvira, who is devastated by his betrayal. Leporello tells her she is neither the first nor the last woman to fall victim to Giovanni and shows her his catalogue with the name of every woman Giovanni has seduced.
Peasants celebrate the marriage of Masetto and Zerlina. Giovanni flirts with the bride, telling her she is destined for a better life. But Elvira tells Zerlina to flee her suitor. She also warns Anna, who is still unaware of the identity of her father’s murderer and has asked Giovanni for help in finding the man. Giovanni, for his part, insists that Elvira is mad, and Anna and Ottavio wonder what to believe. As Giovanni leaves, Anna suddenly recognizes his voice as that of the murderer. Devastated but determined, she once more asks Ottavio to avenge her. He wonders how to restore her peace of mind. Giovanni, who has invited the entire wedding party to his home, looks forward to an evening of drinking and dancing.
Outside Giovanni’s home, Zerlina asks Masetto to forgive her. Giovanni enters and leads them both inside. Anna, Elvira, and Ottavio appear masked and are invited in by Leporello. In the ballroom, Giovanni dances with Zerlina, then tries to drag her into the adjoining room. When she cries for help, Giovanni blames Leporello. Anna, Elvira, and Ottavio take off their masks and, along with Zerlina and Masetto, accuse Giovanni, who is momentarily surprised but manages to slip away.
Don Giovanni Duet – La ci darem la mano
Having exchanged clothes with Giovanni, Leporello takes Elvira on a nighttime walk, leaving his master free to serenade her maid. When Masetto arrives with a band of peasants to hunt down Giovanni, the disguised Don sends them off in various directions, then beats up Masetto. Zerlina finds her bruised fiancé and comforts him.
Later that night, Leporello—still believed by Elvira to be Giovanni—is surprised by Anna, Ottavio, Zerlina, and Masetto, who all denounce the supposed Don. Fearing for his life, Leporello reveals his true identity before making his escape. Ottavio proclaims that he will take revenge on Giovanni and asks the others to look after Anna. Elvira thinks about Giovanni, whom she still loves in spite of everything.
In a cemetery, Giovanni and Leporello meet the statue of the Commendatore, who warns Giovanni that by morning he will laugh no longer. Giovanni forces the terrified Leporello to invite the statue to dinner. The statue accepts.
Once again, Ottavio asks Anna to marry him, but she replies that she will not until her father’s death has been avenged.
Elvira arrives at Giovanni’s home. She makes a last desperate attempt to persuade him to change his life, but he only laughs at her. The figure of the Commendatore enters and asks Giovanni to repent. When he boldly refuses he is consumed by flames. Elvira, Anna, Ottavio, Zerlina, Masetto, and Leporello appear, contemplating their futures and the fate of an immoral man.
Mozart’s brilliant opera “Don Giovanni,” next up for Met Live in HD Simon Keenlyside stars in the Met’s Live in HD Broadcast of Mozart's Don Giovanni, conducted by Fabio Luisi which will be transmitted live to more than two thousand screens in 70 countries around the world.
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