digi-lov · 9 months
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Wizardmon P-046 by Hokyuu from the Special Promotion Pack 2022 [J] / Double Diamond Dash Pack [E]
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zeroarmsgrani · 6 months
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digimon huecember no. 22 — ghostmon & wormmon
happy holidays! sorry i'm late, i had holiday plans + ended up unhappy with the original art & scrapped it, so we get a ghostie!
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yumei50 · 26 days
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"Adoration and Loyalty"
This will be in 4 parts, about a pair of my Digimon OCs growing up together.
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elecmon · 3 days
I dare you too draw wizardmon kissing deputymon!🧙‍♂️ ❤️🔫
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(Pimi gets super defensive when you say something about her not knowing ghost-things)
But its been a sensitive subject for him for a while!! A Little too long if you ask me, but you try and convince him its over 🙄
Anyway he still refuses to change his Facemon profile pic, so at least there's that photo!!
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((in reality, I had this mini art askbox event planned for 2 years now for valentines day, where the plot was the 2 broke up, so Pimi [Ghostmon] and I set him up on a date show, and people would send in asks of potential dates and I'd see where it went from there. But I've had so much work interference it became impossible to do anything. BUT these 2 have been broken up in my mind for the last 2 years anyway LMFAO))
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
Halloween Digimon
If you follow my blog you know I like Digimon and I like Halloween, so why not combine them and gush over Halloweeny Digimon. I'll be showcasing Digimon species that fall into classic Halloween archetypes.
What's spookier than ghosts? Digimon has lots of ghosts and the most recent and honestly probably the best is Ghostmon. That is such a good design and it's even a friendly ghost as it likes to help people, but turns invisible first because it's really shy. I love it so much!
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The rest of the ghosts aren't as friendly. Meet Bakemon, a wicked creature that possesses and destroys computer systems. Nobody knows what's under the cloth it wears and while it isn't good in a fight, it can do really nasty stuff to enemies it catches by surprise. Its name comes from "bakemono" a type of Japanese mythical creature that is sometimes translates as "ghost". Bakemon has a variant called Soulmon who wears a witch's hat and is more powerful.
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Combining ghosts with the grim reaper is Phantomon (JP: Fantomon). Its a common evolution of Bakemon that has the power of clairvoyance to foresee then others are about to die. The interior of its cloth body contains a portal to another dimension and its scythe can cut through souls. The weapon it carries is a mix of the grim reaper's scythe and a Japanese weapon called a kusarigama. Phantomon has a variant called MetalPhantomon which is an absolute beast. I love this design of a mechanical grim reaper. I have no idea why it isn't en evolution of Phantomon, they're the same level for some reason. MetalPhantomon is rumored to be controlled by something from another dimension.
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Witches are another Halloweeen classic and Digimon has a great example in Witchmon. She is a classic witch, but her design makes her look a bit artificial, kind of like a doll. Of course she rides a flying broomstick and a black cat familiar. She's a counterpart and rival to Wizardmon and both come from Witchelny, the setting of another series of Bandai virtual pet games.
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Skeletons are Halloweeeny and while there a few animal skeleton Digimon, the closest we have to a human skeleton Digimon is SkullSatamon. Its lore is pretty bland, just being a fallen angel, but hey, lookit the bones
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Speaking of fallen angels, the big red devil with a pitchfork archetype is also represented in Digimon with Boogeymon and its evolution Phelesmon. Boogeymon is obviously named after the boogeyman (I love whwn they play around with the mon suffix) and has a pretty sick design. I love the tattoos and in the lore they let it cast dark spells. Phelesmon puts on some clothes and becomes a charming manipulator that convinces people to sell their souls in exchange for fulfilling their desires. Its name and behavior comes from Mephistopheles, the demon from the story of Faust from German legend who gets the title character to sell his soul in exchange for knowledge.
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How about spiders? Digimon has a few spiders, but the best in terms of spookiness is Dokugumon. It was once a peaceful creature, but a virus turned it into a monster that corrupts the network by its very presence. It is a relentless predator that follows its prey no natter how far they flee and its very breath is toxic enough to kill. Just imagine being lost in the woods and seeing this nightmare coming after you
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You better believe Digimon has a Frankenstein, and its story is a sad one. It was built as a cyborg Digimon at the same time as another named Andromon. However, the primarily mechanical Andromon was deemed a success while the primarily organic Boltmon was considered a failure due to it possessing emotions. Its creator rejected it and now Boltmon wanders around, consumed in sorrow. It is based on the movie version of the monster in appearance (green skin and lots of bolts), but its lore drawn more from the book version.
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You want mummies? We got mummies! Mummymon and is evolution Pharaohmon are excellent Egyptian monsters. Mummymon is a necromancer that manipulates the souls (residual data) of deleted Digimon. I like how its not just a mummy but its design of using leg braces and its gun as a crutch implies that being a desiccated corpse has limited its mobility, maybe due to being stuck in rigor mortis. Pharaohmon is also a mummy, but the sarcophagus and death mask it wears are more specific references to ancient Egyptian funerary rites. It was the absolute ruler of the ancient Digital World and many ruins from its reign dot the land. It can produce a flesh-eating mist to attack and will only cure those affected if they swear eternal servitude to Pharaohmon. This is a clear reference to the idea of a mummy's curse.
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Digimon has a lot of vampires, so many I'm only going to showcase one of them. If you want to see more, look for Dracmon, Grandracmon, Bastemon, and Sangloupmon. The one I'll cover here is the vampirest of vampires, Myotismon (JP: Vamdemon). He absolutely looks like a cheesy vampire Halloween costume, but do not let yourself think that he's not scary. Myotismon is immensely cruel and cunning, being a classic evil mastermind while also being very capable of throwing down in a fight by summoning swarms of bats and hypnotizing others into serving him. A testament to his skills at villainy is that he was the big bad of what most fans consider to be the best story arc of Digimon Adventure, the original and definitive Digimon anime, and returned as the big bad of the sequel. Mytoismon has several evolutions including VenomMyotismon, MaloMyotismon (BelialVamdemon), and NeoMyotismon, but the OG is the most Halloweeny of them all. His English names comes from a genus of bat while his original name is literally vampire + demon
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Evil clowns are a newer Halloween icon, but are a great one and Digimon offers two: Jokermon and Piedmon. Jokermon is a newer Digimon that has been used as a preevo for Piedmon. It is an enigma that randomly appears on battlefiends, cutting down one side with no rhyme or reason and for its own unknown purposes. Piedmon (JP: Piemon) is also an enigma, a being that appeared from another dimension. Its origins and goals are a complete unknown, but it has incredible power and it thoroughly malicious. It served as a major villain in Digimon Adventure and was one of the most powerful Digimon in that setting, soloing almost all of the heroic Digimon at once. That show also emphasized its cruelty as it decided to sadistically chase and torment the youngest human characters instead of just finishing them off. Its english name comes from the pied piper while its original name comes from the pierrot character archetype form pantomime.
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What happens when you merge two Halloween monsters? Well apparently when Myotismon and Piedmon merge they become Boltboutamon (JP: Voltobautamon), a vampiric pirate. It is a being with no will of its own that serve as the herald of an entity called the Grudgeful Hand, an evil intellect born from malicious data that seeks to drown the world in darkness. It or its master is a sadist that takes its time to kill its foes and revels in their suffering. Its original name comes from the volto and bauta, both venetian masks. Its English name appears to be a poor transliteration. There's a lot of that in Digimon.
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Those are all great spooky Digimon, but is there a Digimon that is the Halloweeniest? Why yes there is: Pumkinmon and its evolution NoblePumpkinmon (JP: Pumpmon and NoblePumpmon). They were born from a computer virus created during Halloween, but are not malicious. Pumpkinmon is a mostly peaceful Digimon that is shy and wants friends. It is adorable and I love it. NoblePumpkinmon tries to befriend all Digimon and remains neutral between good and evil. It is charming and mischievous and gets along well with both heroic and villainous Digimon. It even makes pumpkin pie. Of all the Digimon showcased here, I think NoblePumpkinmon is the most appropriate for Halloween. This is a holiday of scares and horror, but it's all in good fun.
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kaos-mass · 8 months
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studiompup · 4 months
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Hedori, Ghostmon, Laura and Labramon 🍃 commission to @ Xeenta (repost)
Commissions are open, click here! or send a message
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occasionalpokeboys · 6 months
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some christmas themed digimon! i'm keeping the ghostmon but the opossumon is up for sale for $20 cad via kofi. (dm me if interested!)
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Note: this is assuming the digimon would be a stand-in for shinigami
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digi-lov · 4 months
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ST-10: Starter Deck Parallel World Tactician
Nyaromon ST10-01, Salamon ST10-02, and Gatomon ST10-04 by Takase, Lopmon ST10-03, Ghostmon ST10-07, abd Wizardmon ST10-10 by koki, Angewomon ST10-05, Mastemon ST10-06, and LadyDevimon ST10-12 by Tonamikanji, Tsukaimon ST10-08 and Darkness Wave ST10-15 by banira, Witchmon ST10-09 by Ryodan, Bastemon ST10-11 and Junomon ST10-13 by Teppei Tadokoro, Chaos Degregation ST10-14 by Nakano Haito, and Night Raid BT2-108 Alternative Art by shosuke
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scrubf1re · 8 months
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October 2021 vs October 2023
Halloween with Ghostmon
For the month of October I decided to remake an older drawing of mine. Partially made via tracing over a random image of a halloween sweets bag I found on google images and official artwork of Ghostmon.
original version just by itself:https://scrubf1re.tumblr.com/post/666440088412094464/halloween-with-good-old-ghostmon-going-trick-or
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justagaywad · 2 days
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Digi au redesigns :3
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elecmon · 2 months
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tamersona outfit + height updates;
glove is cut like a drawing glove leaving pointer finger + thumb exposed, still has burn marks from when demimeramon would beg to be carried everywhere
poncho clips to the side!!
green xros loader, clipped on the right side for easy access
has a massive fuck-you sized hat, wears it outdoors when around desert areas
Ghostmon (Pimienta "Pimi")
In control of her ghost tail length, chooses to keep it long, finds being a nuisance funny
top of her hat is long or short based off her emotions, almost always loops with a heart shape at the end
Wears a friendship bracelet, doesn't remember where it came from, it was on top of her egg when she was found. Eye scar is longer under her hat but she chooses to keep it covered, the stitches on her mouth have also been cut open
Wizardmon (Canela)
skull on his hat is capable of mimicking his emotions (both of these 2 idiots are an open book)
not many design notes on him?? He's going for a more superhero, yet relaxed fit these days (something about trying to study water magic)
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grave-bride · 8 months
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Halloween is close so time to post one of my favorite official Digimon illustrations
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morgannox · 2 years
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Long time no upload. Time to change that.
With spooky season rapidly approaching and having been playing Digimon Survive, felt like doodling some fun spoopy digital monsters.
"I've got a bad feeling about this little egg" ~Concerned Tamer looking from across the room
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graciellasamma · 2 years
Digimon Partner: Basil Hawkins
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Basil Hawkins:
Digimon Partner: Zurumon => Pagumon => Ghostmon => Wizardmon => Mistymon => Dynasmon
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