#Gianna Kiehl
owlstar97 · 22 days
Silent Hill 2 Remake Cast
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James Sunderland
Luke Roberts
Mary Shepherd-Sunderland/Maria
Salóme Gunnarsdóttir
Angela Orosco
Gianna Kiehl
Evie Templeton
Eddie Dombrowski
Scott Haining (voice)
Danny Kirrane (motion capture)
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veryslowreader · 9 months
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The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
Hanna: "The Trial"
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chrisnaustin · 1 year
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If only I were she!
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roryortega · 4 months
The second Silent Hill Transmission was both really good and disappointing. Disappointing because I had hoped we'd get a nugget of information regarding f and townfall. They are both so mysterious and intriguing. Where it was really good however was in the showcase of silent hill 2 remake gameplay.
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I will admit I had my reservations about Bloober Team and whether they could pull this remake off but what was shown really eased my concerns. I knew it would look great visually but I'm still blown away at how well the town is translating from 2001. All the new faces look great and from what I'm hearing of the new cast they're doing an admirable enough job! Glad to have Akira Yamaoka back for two games in a row, I love that the old ost is only being improved upon.
To get the movie out of the way first, I'll say that Gans and his team continue to wow with their use of practical effects and set recreation. I'm looking forward to seeing this all translated to the big screen. My issues with the last film aren't even with the liberties take with the sh1 plot but more with the poor writing and execution of those ideas. My hope is that there's a major improvement in that department in the near two decades since.
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Back to the remake. Not everything regarding sh2r was perfect however. They deyassified Maria a bit, a few line deliveries could use another take, I noticed some framerate dropping, choppy animation here and there and yes, if we have to talk about it:
Angela has a little uncanny valley to her model. Seeming ever so slightly low res, hair texture a bit off and can probably benefit from better lighting. There are good faith critiques that I think could realistically be improved upon as we draw nearer to release
However I am disappointed in a section of this base that thinks it's okay to act like chuds. No Angela doesn't look "fat", no her new face isn't "ugly", no this isn't a supposed "woke revision". If these are your takeaways to Angela having a new mocap model/actor and you claim to be a fan of the original then I'm afraid it's YOU who has changed more than she has.
Actress Gianna Kiehl may not fill the shoes for you that Donna Burke did mocapping (is that a word) did back 01 and that's fine. But be kind and fair in your critiques and offer practical solutions rather than just making insults. Thank you.
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sophiexrph · 3 years
by clicking THE SOURCE LINK you will be redirected to a page with 45 gifs ( 247x140 ) of GIANNA KIEHL as JULES ALLEN in HANNA 2x01 and 2x02 made from scratch by me, sophie ! gianna was born in ~1998 ! please don’t edit these or add them to gif hunts and like or reblog if you use them ! :)
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tomorrowedblog · 3 years
Hanna S3 gets new trailer, releases November 24
A new trailer has been released for the third season of Hanna, which is set to release November 24, 2021.
The third season of HANNA continues the journey of an extraordinary young woman, played by Esmé Creed-Miles, who was created by the sinister organization Utrax and trained to be an assassin. Hanna (Creed-Miles) is now secretly trying to destroy Utrax from the inside and free herself from its grasp with the help of her previous nemesis, former-CIA agent Marissa Wiegler (Mireille Enos). Together they have coerced high-ranking Utrax agent John Carmichael (Dermot Mulroney) into aiding their mission, but her fellow young assassins, Sandy (Áine Rose Daly) and Jules (Gianna Kiehl), as well as new foes are starting to suspect Hanna’s plot. As Hanna moves closer to her goal, she begins to uncover not only a world-changing agenda but the true power behind Utrax that stands between her and freedom.
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veryslowreader · 7 months
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Strangers to Ourselves by Julia Kristeva
Hanna: "The Trial"
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chrisnaustin · 3 years
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If only I were she!
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sophiexrph · 4 years
current and upcoming projects:
aine rose daly in hanna season 2
anthony welsh in hanna season 2
cherrelle skeete in hanna season 2
dermot mulroney in hanna season 2
esme creed-miles in hanna season 2
gianna kiehl in hanna season 2
mireille enos in hanna season 2
yasmin monet prince in hanna season 2
lucie fagedet in skam france season 7
sohan pague in skam france season 7
louise malek in skam france season 7
(more in skam france season 7? depending on both airtime and if i can find the ages of anyone else)
anyone in lupin on netflix? open for suggestions ngl
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tomorrowedblog · 3 years
First look at Hanna S3
A new trailer has been released for the third season of Hanna, which is set to release November 24, 2021.
The third season of HANNA continues the journey of an extraordinary young woman, played by Esmé Creed-Miles, who was created by the sinister organization Utrax and trained to be an assassin. Hanna (Creed-Miles) is now secretly trying to destroy Utrax from the inside and free herself from its grasp with the help of her previous nemesis, former-CIA agent Marissa Wiegler (Mireille Enos). Together they have coerced high-ranking Utrax agent John Carmichael (Dermot Mulroney) into aiding their mission, but her fellow young assassins, Sandy (Áine Rose Daly) and Jules (Gianna Kiehl), as well as new foes are starting to suspect Hanna’s plot. As Hanna moves closer to her goal, she begins to uncover not only a world-changing agenda but the true power behind Utrax that stands between her and freedom.
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darthmasterchief · 4 years
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My review of Hanna Season 2 (2020), based on the 2011 film of the same name:
With the events of the 2011 film covered in Season 1, Season 2 of Hanna is free to take the story in whatever direction it wants, and the result is a natural progression of both characters and plot.
Esme Creed-Miles is fantastic, playing Hanna with a perfect blend of strength and vulnerability - and portraying her differently enough from Saoirse Ronan to stand on her own. Mireille Enos is great, and she has strong chemistry with new addition Dermot Mulroney. Yasmin Monet Prince, Áine Rose Daly, Cherrelle Skeete, Anthony Welsh, Gianna Kiehl, and Angela Sari are all good if not great.
The story delves more into the conspiracies, secrets, cover-ups, lies, etc, established in both the film and Season 1, and it explores them to a satisfying extent while also doing some more world building. The plot is full of ideas and scenarios that have been done before in other spy thrillers and character dramas, but each one feels like a natural progression of the story, and the writers never sacrifice character consistency for the sake of moving things along. Fortunately, they add enough new ideas to keep viewers guessing. The story also explores characters on all sides of the board, fleshing them out and developing them into realistic and believable people.
The action has improved slightly, though there are a couple fights that are confusing to follow. As in Season 1, the European setting allows the show to explore a variety of interesting locations, and the visual aesthetic is never boring. The pacing, while still slow, is more balanced than Season 1, making for a slightly more enjoyable viewing experience.
Overall, Hanna Season 2 is an improvement on Season 1, setting up more while still answering enough questions to satisfy most viewers.
My score: 4/5
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Esmé Creed-Miles, Dermot Mulroney, David Farr: ‘Hanna’ team spill the beans on season two of the action-drama
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/esme-creed-miles-dermot-mulroney-david-farr-hanna-team-spill-the-beans-on-season-two-of-the-action-drama/
Esmé Creed-Miles, Dermot Mulroney, David Farr: ‘Hanna’ team spill the beans on season two of the action-drama
The first season of Hanna saw the titular character free Clara from the Utrax facility in Romania, as Erik Heller (Joel Kinnaman) succumbed to injuries in a preceding battle of bullets and blades. Season two, releasing on Amazon Prime on July 3 sees Hanna adapt to her new journey with a more focssed intent as she finds herself responsible for a set of genetically-modified soldiers who, just like her, are to adapt to a wholly different world.
Other major projects
David Farr wrote the screenplay for the 2011 feature film version starring Saoirse Ronan and Eric Bana which preceded the series. He was also the writer and creator of BBC/AMC miniseries The Night Manager starring Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie and Olivia Colman.
Hanna, as a series, won audiences’ attention globally for its grounded appeal while still retaining style. In a global roundtable with media, the series writer David Farr, and actors Esmé Creed-Miles (Hanna), Yasmin Monet-Prince (Clara), Mireille Enos (Marissa), Dermot Mulroney (Carmichael), Anthony Welsh (Leo), Áine Rose Daly (Sandy) and Gianna Kiehl (Jules), MetroPlus lets you know what is in store for the new punch-packed episodes.
David has long been vocal about crafting Hanna to be an “existential heroine.” Over the years, other films have featured a Hanna-like character but have often ended up being just a “lycra-clad fetishised female killer,” which is the very antithesis of Hanna’s credo. “I have two young daughters,” explains David, “and they’ve always cried out for female role models that weren’t Mary Poppins or these very clear things that you’re to tell young women that they should be like.”
Females in focus
David is working closely with three female writers because the new season is all about identity — not just that of Hanna but also of Clara, Sandy and Jules. “We were partly exploring the notion of the female voice, and Esme as an actress is really politically active in that way. In a way, Hanna the film talked about this ten years ago when people weren’t talking about it the way they — the new generation — are now. In season two, you’ll see Hanna’s much more political role but also the whole landscape of these young trainees who are creating identities so they can go out into the world.”
David points out that Hanna’s plotlines are not to be preachy — at the core, it is an action-thriller about identity, and is therefore inherently political. “By nature, I’m a political writer, and the writers I worked with — most of whom are British playwrights — brought things to the table I never would have been able to. An action piece can become cliched, but it is character that saves you from it.”
At 20-years-old, Esme — who expresses a keen interest in a career behind the camera as well as in front of it — agrees with David in that Hanna helps fill a massive void in entertainment, given many young women have empathised with Hanna. “It’s a fantastic example of thriller and drama and I think that’s always going to resonate. Working with such a brilliant team on the first and second seasons, I had really high hopes that it would speak to audiences in this way, for which I’m very grateful.” She adds that through the show, audiences will see Hanna continually experience plenty of emotional upheavals, adding to her growth as a woman, a fighter and a caretaker of Clara after the events of season one.
Much like Hanna, Sandy and Jules are exploring their identities outside of Utrax, as women adapting to different worlds. Despite not being main characters on paper, Áine and Giana feel their personas have a longevity thanks to mindful writing. Áine explains, “Their journeys are in the beginning stages, as they’ve come from being blank canvases in season one. It’s an exciting prospect to play someone from the birth of all their human qualities, which gives longevity because there are so many places they could go.”
“They’re essentially babies,” agrees Giana, “but walk and talk like grown-ups. They’re going through this accelerated development because they’ve been given these lives and identities so quickly, and in just the course of the first two episodes, there’s such a transition because they’re reacting to everything around them!”
Season one also saw a major transition from Marissa, an off-book CIA agent who is determined to unravel Utrax by the thread. Marissa ended up saving Hanna and her fellow trainees, against the orders of the CIA. Though she began the series as a main villain, her mission evolved as did the circumstances — a step away from the much more vengeful Marissa in the film played by Cate Blanchett. Mireille (whom we have seen in The Killing along side former Hanna co-star Joel Kinnaman) says she admires Marissa because she “just gets things done, whether there is something that needs to be done or someone out of her way. She’s super motivated!”
Nefarity meets charm
Season two brings a stronger focus on the nefarious activities of Utrax, the facility which produces genetically-modified soldiers like Hanna, Clara, Sandy and Jules. At the summit of this terrifying pyramid is Carmichael, played by Dermot Mulroney who has called the character an “approachable villain.” He adds that he admired, as more was revealed to him, just how deep Utrax’s programme goes and “how impenetrable the conspiracy has been for over 15 years, as well as the breadth of what [Carmichael] has been able to slowly and meticulously design.”
Dermot adds he is fascinated by Carmichael’s so-called moral compass which is “pointed towards protecting the status quo to the extent that he designs an entire programme to eliminate future threats.”
Anthony Welsh as Leo Garner, Dermot Mulroney as Carmichael   | Photo Credit: Christopher Raphael
An integral part of the Utrax framework is Leo Garner (Anthony Welsh), a charismatic second-in-command and Carmichael’s right-hand man. Coming from a theatrical background like David, Anthony says much of Leo’s appeal is the characterisation, adding, “The biggest thing is that sense of company you have on stage. If I think about Leo and how he presents, he’s quite charming and likeable which is disarming because it can get his agendas across, especially with the female trainees.” If history is anything to go by, one should be wary of the secondary as much as the primary.
Agreeing, Dermot chimes in, “It’s not just science and warped DNA; it’s psychological. That shows how deep the programme goes, that there is a job that Leo is really good at!”
It looks like season two will see more worlds colliding and Hanna forced to take on more responsibility for her vengeful actions against Utrax. But one thing of which we can be sure is that Hanna will retain its intelligence owing to David Farr, his writing team and a talented cast.
Season two of Hanna airs on Amazon Prime on July 3
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Anuncios de repartazos y series nuevas
HBO ha renovado The Righteous Gemstones por una segunda temporada
OWN ha renovado Queen Sugar por una quinta temporada
Comedy Central ha renovado South Park por una vigesimocuarta, vigesimoquinta y vigesimosexta temporada
Noticias cortas
La serie de Awkwafina en Comedy Central se titulará Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens.
La comedia de Mindy Kaling para Netflix se titulará Never Have I Ever.
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Whoopi Goldberg (Sister Act, Ghost) y Alexander Skarsgård (Big Little Lies, True Blood) serán Mother Abigail y el malvado Randall Flagg en The Stand, la adaptación de la novela de Stephen King. Se unen también Jovan Adepo (When They See Us, The Leftovers), Owen Teague (It, Bloodline), Brad William Henke (Orange Is the New Black, Sneaky Pete) y Daniel Sunjata (Rescue Me, Graceland), que serán Larry Underwood, un joven músico; Harold Lauder, alguien que buscará supervivientes junto a Frannie (Odessa Young); Tom Cullen, un compañero de viaje de Nick (Henry Zaga) discapacitado tras un accidente cuando era niño: y Cobb, un militar que debe supervisar a Stu (James Marsden).
Liv Tyler (The Lord of the Rings, The Leftovers) protagonizará 9-1-1: Lone Star junto a Rob Lowe. Será Michelle Blake, jefa de paramédicos.
Amanda Peet (Brockmire, Studio 60) y Christian Slater (Mr. Robot, Heathers) protagonizarán la segunda temporada de la antología que comenzó con Dirty John. Esta vez en USA Network, nos traerán la historia de Betty Broderick, una mujer de California que en 1989 asesinó a su marido y a su amante. Escrita por Alexandra Cunningham (Dirty John, Desperate Housewives).
Jenna Coleman (Doctor Who, Victoria), Billy Howle (MotherFatherSon, Glue) y Ellie Bamber (Les Misérables, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms) protagonizarán The Serpent (BBC One) junto a Tahar Rahim. Serán Marie-Andrée Leclerc, cómplice de Sobhraj; y Herman y Angela Knippenberg.
Dermot Mulroney (Shameless, My Best Friend's Wedding), Anthony Welsh (Fleabag, Pure), Severine Howell-Meri, Cherelle Skeete (Ordinary Lies) y Gianna Kiehl se unen a la segunda temporada de Hanna.
Richard Dormer (Game of Thrones, Fortitude), Adam Hugill (1917), Jo Eaton-Kent (Don't Forget the Driver), Marama Corlette (Blood Drive), Lara Rossi (Crossing Lines) y Sam Adewunmi (The Last Tree) protagonizarán The Watch, adaptación de Discworld. Serán Sam Vimes, Constable Carrot, Constable Cheery, Corporal Angua, Lady Sybil Ramkin y Carcer Dun.
Richardo Chavira (Desperate Housewives) y Gabriel Chavarria (The Purge) serán el padre y el hermano de Selena en Selena: The Series.
Se le ha ofrecido a Hailee Steinfeld (Pitch Perfect, Ender's Game) protagonizar Hawkeye. Sería Kate Bishop, nueva Ojo de Halcón y miembro de los Young Avengers.
Melissa George (The Slap, The Good Wife) será recurrente en The Eddy, la serie de Damien Chazelle para Netflix, interpretando a Alison Jenkins, la sofisticada exmujer de Elliot (André Holland) y madre de Julie (Amandla Stenberg).
Jennifer Esposito (The Affair, Mistresses) será recurrente en Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens como una profesora de arte. Ming-Na Wen (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Street Fighter) participará como invitada interpretando a la bohemia y espiritual tía de Nora.
Jason Ritter (Parenthood, Another Period) participará en varios episodios de la segunda temporada de A Million Little Things interpretando a alguien relacionado con Patricia (Melora Hardin). 
Scoot McNairy (Halt and Catch Fire, True Detective), Zoe Chao (Strangers), Sasha Compere (Miracle Workers) y Peter Vack (The Bold Type, Mozart in the Jungle) se unen como regulares a la primera temporada de Love Life. Serán Bradley, dueño del museo para el que trabaja Darby (Anna Kendrick); Sara, mejor amiga de Darby; Mallory, compañera de habitación de Darby; y Jim, novio de Sara.
Hope Davis (Wayward Pines, American Crime) se une como regular a Your Honor. Será Gina, la esposa de Tommy (Michael Stuhlbarg). Lilli Kay (Chambers) será recurrente como Fia, la hija de Tommy y Gina.
Cicely Tyson (How to Get Away with Murder, The Help) será Miss Luma Lee Langston, una legendaria estrella del teatro y el cine, en Cherish the Day.
Ritu Arya (Humans, The Good Karma Hospital), Yusuf Gatewood (The Originals, Good Omens) y Marin Ireland (Sneaky Pete, Homeland) se unen a la segunda temporada de The Umbrella Academy. Serán Lila, un camaleón con un retorcido sentido del humor; Raymond, devoto marido y líder nato; y Sissy, una madre de Texas que se casó joven por las razones equivocadas.
Marsha Stephanie Blake (When They See Us) participará como invitada en la sexta y última temporada de How to Get Away with Murder. No se conocen detalles.
Rachel Naomi Wilson (Rise, The Good Wife) será Mia, amiga de Victor (Michael Cimino), en Love, Simon.
Craig T. Nelson (Parenthood, Coach) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Young Sheldon como Dale Ballard, entrenador de béisbol.
Uzo Aduba (Orange Is the New Black), Glynn Turman (House of Lies, The Wire), Corey Hendrix (The Chi) y Matthew Elam se unen a la cuarta temporada de Fargo.
Joe Holt (Scandal, The Punisher) será recurrente en la tercera serie del universo The Walking Dead como Leo Bennett, un hombre de familia sólido y profesor respetado con un corazón generoso y un firme optimismo por el futuro.
Keesha Sharp (Lethal Weapon, American Crime Story) será recurrente en la sexta y última temporada de Empire como Paula Wick, una doctora compasiva y sensata.
Ashley Park (Tales of the City, Nightcap) protagonizará Emily in Paris junto a Lily Collins. Será Mindy Chen, una au pair que trata de convencer a Emily (Collins) de que París es genial.
Daniel Henney (Criminal Minds), Madeleine Madden (Picnic at Hanging Rock, Tidelands), Marcus Rutherford (Obey), Barney Harris (Clique, The Hollow Crown), Zoë Robins (Power Rangers Ninja Steel) y Josha Stradowski (Instinct, Spangas) serán al'Lan Mandragoran, Egwene Al'Vere, Perrin Aybara, Mat Cauthon, Nynaeve y Rand Al'Thor en The Wheel of Time.
Cassandra Jean Amell será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Roswell, New Mexico como Louise, una alienígena que busca refugio en 1947.
Tiffany Lonsdale (Ascension, Hail, Caesar!) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Siren. Será Tia, una sirena extremadamente inteligente con un conocimiento muy evolucionado de la condición humana.
Abby Quinn (Black Mirror, After the Wedding) será Mabel, la hija de Paul (Paul Reiser) y Jamie (Helen Hunt) en Mad About You.
John Thomson (Cold Feet) y Bill Paterson (Fleabag, Outlander) se unen a la segunda temporada de Brassic.
Beau Garrett (Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, The Good Doctor) será Cloud, la madre de Tully en los años 70, en Firefly Lane. Ali Skovbye (Breakthrough) y Roan Curtis (The Magicians) interpretarán a las versiones jóvenes de Tully (Katherine Heigl) y Kate (Sarah Chalke).
Mitch Silpa (Bridesmaids, Nobodies) y Lindsey Gort (The Carrie Diaries, Impastor) serán recurrentes en All Rise como Clayton Baker, ayudante del fiscal del distrito; y Amy Quinn, una abogada defensora privada.
Matt Murray (Eyewitness, 9JKL) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de In The Dark como Gene, un policía novato que es erróneamente relacionado con Murphy (Perry Mattfeld) y Jess (Brooke Markham).
Yasha Jackson (Ray Donovan) y Garrett Wareing (The Perfectionists) serán recurrentes en la segunda temporada de Manifest como Suzanne Martin, decana de la Universidad de Astoria y exnovia de Ben (Josh Dallas); y TJ Morrison, pasajero del vuelo 828 que está solo en el mundo. 
Laura Bell Bundy (Anger Management, Hart of Dixie) será recurrente en Perfect Harmony como Kimmy, rival de Ginny (Anna Camp).
Bill Bellamy (Insecure) será Sweetness, un banquero que trata de hacerse amigo de Madam Walker (Octavia Spencer), en Madam CJ Walker.
Adam Pålsson (Bron/Broen) será el Young Wallander de Netflix. Le acompañarán Richard Dillane (The White Princess, Wolf Hall) y Leanne Best (Cold Feet, Carnival Row) interpretando al superintendente Hemberg y a Frida Rask.
El tenista John McEnroe narrará Never Have I Ever, la comedia de Mindy Kaling para Netflix.
                   Nuevas series
HBO prepara un piloto del universo Game of Thrones que contará la historia de los Targaryen.
Emily Watson (Chernobyl, Apple Tree Yard) protagonizará el thriller Too Close en ITV. Será una psiquiatra a la que le asignan trabajar con una mujer acusada de un crimen atroz que dice no recordar nada de lo sucedido. Escrita por la actriz Clara Salaman y adaptada de su propia novela (2018), escrita bajo el seudónimo Natalie Daniels.
David E. Kelley (Big Little Lies, Mr. Mercedes) y Jack Bender (Lost, Mr. Mercedes) adaptarán para la televisión The Institute, la novela de Stephen King (2019) en la que Luke Ellis, un chico con telequinesis, es forzado por una organización secreta que practica pruebas a jóvenes con dones sobrenaturales.
BBC One encargó A Suitable Boy, adaptación de la novela de Vikram Seth (1993) en la que Lata (Tanya Maniktala) estudia en la universidad en tiempos de cambio en la India (1951) y descubre el amor y a sí misma mientras su madre le busca un marido. Al mismo tiempo, el rebelde Maan (Ishaan Khattar; Beyond the Clouds, Dhadak) quiere disfrutar de la vida sin importar las consecuencias, aunque le pese a su padre político, y tal vez enamorarse de una cortesana (Tabu; Life of Pi, The Namesake) no sea la mejor idea. Escrita por Andrew Davies (Bridget Jones's Diary, House of Cards) y producida por Mira Nair (The Namesake). Seis episodios.
BBC Three y HBO Max encargaron seis episodios de Starstruck, comedia creada y protagonizada por Rose Matafeo que se centrará en una veinteañera de Londres con dos trabajos sin futuro que lidiará con las complicaciones de dormir accidentalmente con una estrella de cine.
Netflix adquiere Ginny & Georgia, drama sobre una quinceañera (Antonia Gentry) que se siente a veces más madura que su madre treintañera (Brianne Howey, The Passage, The Exorcist). Viven junto a su hermano Austin (Diesel La Torraca) en un pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra, donde Georgia quiere asentarse y dar a sus hijos una vida normal mientras su pasado no la encuentre. Con Jennifer Robertson (Schitt's Creek), Felix Mallard (Happy Together) y Sara Waisglass (Degrassi: Next Class) interpretando a los vecinos y Scott Porter (Friday Night Lights, Scorpion) y Raymond Ablack (Narcos, Shadowhunters) al alcalde y al dueño de un restaurante. Creada por Sarah Lampert y escrita por Debra J. Fisher (Being Mary Jane, Criminal Minds). Diez episodios.
HBO ha encargado seis episodios de Betty, comedia inspirada en la película Skate Kitchen (2018) que se centra en un grupo de chicas de Nueva York que practican skateboarding. Rachelle Vinberg, Nina Moran, Kabrina Adams, Dede Lovelace y Ajani Russell repetirán papeles. Creada, escrita y producida por Crystal Moselle (Skate Kitchen) y Lesley Arfin (Love). Dirigida por Moselle.
BBC Two ha adquirido Vienna Blood, drama criminal ambientado en Viena a principios del siglo XX y basado en las novelas de Frank Tallis. En él, un joven y brillante doctor (Matthew Beard; The Imitation Game, An Education), que estudia bajo la atención de Sigmund Freud, conoce a un detective austriaco (Jürgen Maurer, Parfum) y ofrece sus habilidades forenses para investigar un caso. Les acompañan Conleth Hill (Game of Thrones, Dublin Murders), Charlene McKenna (Ripper Street, Raw), Amelia Bullmore (Gentleman Jack, Scott & Bailey), Jessica De Gouw (Arrow, Underground) y Louise Von Finckh (Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten). Escrita por Steve Thompson (Sherlock). Tres episodios.
BBC One encarga Rogue Heroes, drama adaptación del libro de Ben Macintyre (2016) sobre la creación del Special Air Service, una nueva forma de combate en los desiertos del norte de África durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Creada por Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders). Seis episodios.
Channel 4 ha encargado seis episodios de Generation Z, comedia negra en la que un camión militar se estrella contra una residencia y una sustancia tóxica convierte a los ancianos en zombies a los que un grupo de adolescentes normales y corrientes deberá combatir. Creada por Ben Wheatley (The Wrong Door).
Netflix encarga Sex/Life, dramedia que explora qué ocurre cuando la vida y la libido colisionan. Escrita por Stacy Rukeyser (UnREAL, One Tree Hill) y basada en el libro '44 Chapters About 4 Men', de BB Easton (2016), se centra en un triángulo amoroso entre una mujer, su marido y su pasado, que le da un nuevo y excitante punto de vista al deseo y a la identidad femenina. Ocho episodios.
BBC Two encarga seis episodios de una comedia creada y protagonizada por la comediante Sara Pascoe, que no sabe por qué todo el mundo se empareja y tiene hijos y por eso comienza una misión para entenderlos. Ella trata de demostrar que el amor romántico no es más que química y condicionantes y no se merece nuestro respeto, y esto entra en conflicto con los preparativos de la boda de su hermana y con el embarazo de su mejor amiga.
Sky Atlantic encarga I Hate Suzie, drama en el que el teléfono de Suzie Pickles (Billie Piper; Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Penny Dreadful), una estrella en decadencia, es hackeado y todo el mundo ve una foto suya en una posición comprometedora y ahora sabe cómo es en realidad. Cada uno de los ocho episodios tratará una etapa -shock, negación, miedo, vergüenza, negociación, culpa, ira y aceptación- mientras su mánager y amiga Naomi trata de mantener en pie su vida, su carrera y su matrimonio. Creada por Piper y Lucy Prebble (Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Succession).
BBC One encarga cuatro episodios de Roadkill, thriller político en el que un carismático ministro conservador (Hugh Laurie; House M.D., The Night Manager) trata de conseguir sus  propios objetivos caminando sin vergüenza o arrepentimiento entre la gloria y la catástrofe mientras sus enemigos hacen que su vida pública y privada se desmorone. Escrita por David Hare (The Hours, Collateral).
BBC One encarga When It Happens To You, drama sobre el aborto en Irlanda del Norte y la experiencia de las familias y sus seres queridos. Escrita por Gwyneth Hughes (Vanity Fair, Dark Angel).
The Feed se estrena en Virgin el 16 de septiembre
First Wives Club llega a BET+ el 19 de septiembre
La novena temporada de Doc Martin se estrena en ITV el 25 de septiembre
Frayed se estrena en Sky One el 26 de septiembre
The Oval se estrena en BET el 9 de octubre
Sistas se estrena en BET el 9 de octubre
La segunda temporada de Baby llega a Netflix el 18 de octubre
Daybreak llega a Netflix el 24 de octubre
See se estrena en Apple TV+ el 1 de noviembre
His Dark Materials se estrena en BBC One el 3 de noviembre
La segunda temporada de Britannia llega a Sky Atlantic el 7 de noviembre
El estreno de la 10ª temporada de Shameless en Showtime se retrasa del 3 al 10 de noviembre
Dublin Murders se estrena en Starz el 10 de noviembre
La segunda temporada de Alta mar llega a Netflix el 22 de noviembre
Party of Five se estrena en Freeform el 8 de enero
Tráilers y promos
El Camino
Shameless - Temporada 10
Castle Rock - Temporada 2
Dublin Murders
How to Get Away with Murder - Temporada 6 y última
The Walking Dead - Temporada 10
Looking for Alaska
Baby - Temporada 2
The Good Doctor - Temporada 3
Impulse - Temporada 2
Modern Love
Alta mar - Temporada 2
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