richardanarchist · 2 years
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pictjoe · 25 days
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tita-ferreira · 30 days
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famousdeaths · 1 month
Gylmar dos Santos Neves, known simply as Gilmar, was a Brazilian footballer who played goalkeeper for Corinthians and Santos and was a member of the Brazil nati...
Link: Gilmar
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newstotalcomunicacao · 2 months
Por onde andam os jogadores do Brasil que conquistaram o tetra em 94
Há exatos 30 anos, o Brasil conquistava o tetracampeonato mundial após bater a Itália nos pênaltis, na Copa de 94, realizada nos Estados Unidos. A conquista naquele 17 de julho de 1994 no Rose Bowl, em Los Angeles, tirou o Brasil de uma fila de 24 anos sem título mundial, e colocou 22 jogadores na história do futebol brasileiro. O tetra nos EUA coroou um baixinho bom de bola, apresentou a bomba…
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dippedanddripped · 7 months
Creativity & innovation: the secret behind Gilmar group’s success
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blogoslibertarios · 1 year
Gilmar Mendes ataca Bolsonaro e tenta minimizar fiasco de Lula no 7 de setembro
  O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Gilmar Mendes já foi voraz denunciante das práticas de corrupção do PT, durante o auge da Operação Lava Jato, em 2015, onde chegou a declarar em entrevista que o Partido dos Trabalhadores havia instalado no Brasil um modelo de governança corrupta, e classificou o formato de gestão petista como “cleptocracia”, que significa estado governado por…
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valiantlandpizza · 10 days
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sheltiechicago · 2 months
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Disintegration Of Thought
Gilmar Cruz
The photographic project "Disintegration of Thought" is a visual exploration of the complexity of the human mind. Through intriguing images, the photographer delves into the deepest layers of thought and emotion.
Neutral Density Photography Awards 2023
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Bolsonaro remarks akin to confession, says Brazil Supreme Court justice
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Supreme Court Justice Gilmar Mendes said in an interview on Wednesday that remarks made by former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro during a recent rally “seemed” like a confession of a planned coup attempt.
Under the ongoing Federal Police investigation, he said, Mr. Bolsonaro could be considered a direct perpetrator of the crime, as opposed to being deemed the mastermind behind it.
Justice Mendes used the term “autor material,” to refer to the former president’s potential involvement in the crime, a concept in Brazilian law that refers to the individual who physically carries out the actions that constitute a crime, as opposed to people who might be involved as accomplices or masterminds.
During a rally in São Paulo last Sunday, Mr. Bolsonaro spoke about a draft putschist decree that federal authorities found in the home of his former justice minister, Anderson Torres. In several public statements last year, the former president denied any knowledge of the document, including saying that coups are carried out with “rifles, not paper.”
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bulkbinbox · 5 years
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cacique gilmar kayapó, aldeia mojkarakô, sul do pará, 2021. foto de edu simões.
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waitingrose · 2 years
Until The End
"This is not how I dreamed this up a thousand, thousand times... not one of the hundreds of plans and ideas I had ever included the sky being on fire, or us standing in the middle of all this insanity... but the truth is, if I keep waiting for the perfect time, its never going to come, and I am going to keep fucking things up and hurting you, and I am so damn tired of making the wrong choice. There is only one choice I want to make, and that is to be with you. Not just today, or tomorrow, or a week from now. I want to save the whole damn world so I can grow old with you. I want to share every hard day and every good day with you. Even after everything we have been through, all I want in the world is to be yours."
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"I thought about getting you a fancy new ring... but the truth is, this is the one I want you to have. It was my Ma's engagement ring... and I always said if I found the right person... well..." He took a breath, clearly realizing he was rambling, "Silone, with all of that and all the insanity, I love you more than anyone or anything in this world....."
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"Will you marry me?"
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"Yes," she said softly, nodding. "A thousand times, yes."
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{ @wickedvirtueffxiv / Soren }
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CBF em Transe: STF Decide Futuro do Presidente Ednaldo dia 25, Dorival Jr Aguarda Desfecho do Caso
Crise da Seleção Brasileira está ligada ao destino de Ednaldo Rodrigues no comando da CBF. Dia 25/9, STF julga se Ednaldo continua ou não na presidência.
Luiz Antônio Prósperi – 13 setembro (13h30) CBF está em transe e vive dias de intensa expectativa a respeito do futuro do presidente Ednaldo Rodrigues. Pendurado no cargo por uma liminar concedida pelo ministro Gilmar Mendes do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Ednaldo terá seu destino decretado no próximo dia 25 de setembro, data do julgamento no STF pela manutenção ou queda da liminar de Gilmar…
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bylightofdawn · 3 months
Seeds For the Future Chapter 38
Chapter 38 is up. I can scarcely believe there's only two more chapters to go.
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maurodemarchi · 3 months
Prefeito Gilmar retorna de Brasília com ótimas notícias
O prefeito Gilmar Sani retornou de Brasília onde esteve com o vereador Paulo Cesar Rossi e demais lideranças alfredenses em busca de recursos para diversas obras no município. É muito importante este contato direto das autoridades municipais com a administração pública em busca de recursos. A apresentação de projetos recebe uma atenção especial quando feita pessoalmente, onde é possível…
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tita-ferreira · 6 months
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