#Gino Anon
sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
Gino wasn't in Rome with Jensen to talk about the brewery. Jensen barely had time for that.
He arrived shortly before the start of Jibcon and left pretty much immediately afterwards. In between he was busy with dinners with the organizers and in general, he hardly had any free time.
Jensen was supposed to get to know someone new and my guess (I’m pretty sure, like 99%) is that Danneel got wind of it and sent Gino along to prevent that. Imagine Jensen seeing someone who attracts him... what's he supposed to do when his brother-in-law is there?
Hello Anon, so I see you do not agree with my speculations. I'm not trying to be rude with this but I brought up the conversation because I believe he wanted to talk to Gino one of the owners of FBBC about the brewery. The timeline of events seems to support my speculations. You pretty much said it yourself, "In Between he was busy with dinners with the organizers and in general, he hardly had any free time". So how would he have time to go see someone new if he was there super briefly? Wouldn't he want to spend more time than just 1 night with them? So again, your whole statement contradicted itself. I'm sure he'd have way more time and care to talk about his own business with a business partner (hello, tax writeoffs for business related dinners for business talks are a thing people!) than go chase some new tail.
I'm sorry but your so called speculations are just wishful thinking. Don't kid yourself with this conspiracy kind of thinking, seriously. 99% confident, based on what? Hmm, I'll wait for it... Yes I know Danneel isn't the greatest but guess what, if she really wanted her husband on a shorter leash he'd be accommodated to a lot more cons by Gino or oh my, even herself or someone else. Good grief, if you're going to try discrediting my speculations bring some facts to the table, I'm begging you.
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chairwiththreelegs · 1 month
pizza or taco?
Cari: Taco
Ray: Pizza (but only from Papa Gino’s)
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justabigassnerd · 2 months
A Different Man
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Pairing - Tim Bradford x reader
Word count - 5,241
Warnings - inaccurate hospital scenes, mentions of needles, drugs, medicines, angst, fluff
Summary - after an incident with Lucy, Tim wonders if it's time to be honest about his marital status
A/N - hey y'all I'm back with another anon request which I hope I did justice! we all know I love writing for my pookie Tim so I had a blast writing this. I won't ramble but as per y'all please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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If it was up to Tim, he wouldn’t be at work right now. But the Vice President chose to visit Los Angeles meaning he had to go to work when he would rather be relaxing at home. Now, Tim was patrolling LA with his rookie Lucy Chen, keeping a careful eye on their surroundings as they drove around. Eventually, the duo are directed to a homeless encampment where Tim makes an announcement that all the people living there have to pack up and move so that the stretch of road they were living on was going to be used for the visit. As they all packed up their belongings, a fight broke out between two women and Lucy was quick to step in yet her best efforts still got her caught up in the tussle, when the women dragged each other, and Lucy, to the ground, Tim was quick to step in, handcuffing one woman while Lucy got up and handcuffed the other. As Lucy got to her feet, Tim glanced over at her, stopping when he noticed something.
“Chen. Stop. Don’t move.” He instructs, watching as she looks at him confused before following his gaze down to the used needle sticking out of her thigh. At that moment, it was like Lucy could focus on nothing but the needle and all the diseases it could bring if it had actually embedded in her leg. Noticing Lucy’s distant gaze, Tim instructs other officers to take both women away so he can focus on making sure Lucy is okay and gets taken to the hospital.
“I didn’t see it,” Lucy mutters, looking up at Tim with a terrified expression.
“I have to pull the needle out. Stay still.” Tim says, feeling bad upon seeing the expression on his rookie’s face but he knew he couldn’t show any signs of worry because that would only panic her further. Tim pulls on a pair of gloves and grabs a box to put the needle in and he crouches down alongside Lucy, carefully extracting the needle from her leg and trying not to react when he sees the small traces of blood on the tip of the needle from where it had clearly made contact with her leg.
“What’s the protocol for when an officer is exposed on duty?” Tim then asks, straightening up after putting the needle away. He already had a good idea of how worried and panicked Lucy was and he needed to keep her focused on her job to stop her from spiralling. When he clocked that Lucy wasn’t focused he calmly gained her attention and got her to tell him what it was they needed to take as next steps. Lucy wasn’t used to Tim being so calm and gentle towards her but she appreciated it nonetheless.
“Where’s the nearest hospital?” Tim asks after Lucy tells him what protocol is for an incident like this.
“Shaw Memorial,” Lucy replies, getting a nod in return from Tim before he turns to another officer, making sure they know to keep an officer posted in the area while he takes Lucy to the hospital. Tim drives Lucy to the hospital and when he’s parked the shop, he escorts her to the first nurse desk he can find, letting her approach the desk herself.
“I need to get my blood tested. I got stuck with a used hypodermic needle.” Lucy says, trying to keep her voice steady as the nurse begins to look around, apologising before he grabs a clipboard, holding out to her.
“Just fill this out for us and take a seat in the waiting room. A doctor will be with you shortly.” Gino says with a friendly smile.
“You must be new. She’s got a weapon, so what if someone tried to grab her weapon? The hospital protocol dictates that an armed officer be seen immediately. So set her up in a room right now and find a doctor.” Tim says, an authoritative tone to his voice as Gino straightens up, nodding nervously before leading Lucy and Tim to a private room so she can safely fill out her information and wait for a doctor while he goes to grab one. Gino heads straight to your office, knocking on the door and entering with permission.
“Gino, what can I do for you?” You ask with a sweet smile, removing your gaze from your computer to Gino.
“Doctor Bradford, there’s a police officer who’s been stabbed with a used needle and needs bloodwork done,” Gino explains, watching as you nod, shutting off your computer and getting up from your seat.
“I’ll go and get acquainted with my patient if you could get the equipment I need. And Gino? Please call me y/n, Doctor Bradford is too formal.” You say with a slight chuckle as you follow Gino to the door of your office.
“Sorry.” Gino apologises as you both step into the hallway.
“No harm done.” You say dismissively, waving your hand loosely, turning in the direction of the room Gino tells you your patient is in.
“Oh just a heads up, the police officer's partner is a really grumpy guy,” Gino warns, and at the warning, you had a feeling you knew who was going to be in that room.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Bradford.” You introduce yourself as you walk into the room, smiling sweetly at the woman sitting on the end of a bed, not missing how her eyes flicked between you and your husband who was standing across the room, his arms across his chest.
“B-Bradford?” Lucy asks, eyes widening slightly as Tim scoffs, rolling his eyes at Lucy’s miraculous mood switch.
“Yes. Tim’s my husband.” You say with a soft laugh as you pick up the completed form from alongside Lucy, eyes scanning it and inputting the information into a file for Lucy.
“Sorry, that was so rude of me. I’m Lucy Chen. I’m Officer Bradford’s rookie and I just didn’t know he was-”
“Chen,” Tim said simply, making Lucy stop talking, apologising as she relaxed slightly.
“Don’t apologise Lucy. In fact, excuse me one second.” You say, walking over to Tim, taking his hand, leading him to the corner and glaring at him.
“What?” Tim asks, looking at you, confused.
“Do you seriously talk to everyone like that? Even the rookie’s you’re teaching?” You scold, watching as Tim sighs lightly.
“I gotta be tough. That’s my way of teaching. It’s how I learnt in the Army and how I learnt when I joined the force.” Tim says, explaining himself.
“I get that Tim but in the hospital? The poor girl is probably terrified and thinking of all the worst-case scenarios possible. Just tone it down a little.” You ask, eyes flicking over to Lucy who was wringing her hands nervously, eyes flicking all over the room as she takes deep breaths. At your words, Tim lets out a soft sigh, nodding lightly.
“Okay. I’ll tone it down for now.” He agrees quietly, getting a nod in response from you and a soft squeeze of the hand before you drop it focusing back on Lucy just as Gino enters the room with all the stuff you need to draw blood.
“Thank you, Gino.” You chirp happily, taking the tray from him and beginning to prep yourself.
“You can go back out to the desk, I’ll page you when I need you to run this down to the labs.” You then say, glancing over your shoulder to smile at Gino who nods and exits the room.
“He’s new, isn’t he? He didn’t know the rules about what to do when an armed officer needs to see a doctor.” Tim says, sidling up alongside you as you pull on gloves, sitting on a stool in front of Lucy and rolling your eyes.
“Yes, he’s new. I take it you were the one who made sure he knew the protocol?” You say glancing over your shoulder at Tim before focusing back on the needle as you prep it.
“I think he would’ve found a room for me if Gino hadn’t corrected himself,” Lucy says with a soft laugh.
“That doesn’t surprise me. Tim’s always been one to find his own solutions to things.” You say, smiling fondly at the many memories you have of Tim fixing situations himself when he wasn’t satisfied with the options he had.
“You must have some great stories about Tim,” Lucy asks, making your eyebrow rise as you catch on to what she was hinting at.
“What kind of story would you like? I’ve got some good ones from when we first started dating.” You say, making sure the needle is in Lucy’s arm and drawing blood.
“Hey, no.” Tim attempts to cut in and you just hold a hand up, silencing him quickly which makes Lucy giggle at how quickly her training officer was silenced. At first, Tim pulled a slight face behind your back when you held your hand up, but when you looked over your shoulder and blew him a little kiss, Lucy saw how quickly Tim melted at the gesture. Even if he was trying to be his normal, tough self, she could see how he had a huge soft spot for you.
“Tim, could you go and get Gino for me? I’m almost done. Ooh and could you grab me a snack from the vending machine?” You say sweetly, smiling over your shoulder at Tim before you pop one of the last vials of blood into the holder.
“You better not start gossiping the moment I leave.” He says lightly in response, a small smile on his face as he crosses over to you to give you a quick kiss on the top of your head before exiting the room.
“I’ve never seen him act like that before,” Lucy says as you finish putting things away before focusing on cleaning Lucy’s arm and giving her a cotton ball to put on the puncture wound to stop any extra bleeding.
“Seen him act like what? A big softie?” You ask jokingly, smiling at Lucy.
“Well I mean he was nicer than he usually is when the needle first pricked me but he’s like a whole different person with you. He actually listens to you for starters.” Lucy says, explaining herself while she thinks of the man who had put her through so many Tim Tests.
“This conversation doesn’t leave this room, okay? He’s a tough nut to crack but he’s strict because he knows you can handle yourself. He wants you to be the best police officer you can be. I’m not involved in the work aspect of Tim’s life. He likes to keep it that way and I just guess he feels he doesn’t have to put up a front when he’s with me.” You explain with a small shrug. You remembered what Tim had been like when you first met. He was closed off and it took you a while to even talk to him enough to form a friendship, and then it took another year and a half before you both had the courage to act on your romantic feelings for each other. Before Lucy could reply, Gino entered the room again to take the bloodwork to the labs to be run through tests to see if the needle infected Lucy with anything. After Gino left and there was still no sign of Tim, you continued to chat with Lucy.
“It’s nice to see him so relaxed with you. It’s like he’s a whole different person with you.” Lucy says, smiling softly.
“That’s the Tim I’m used to. I’m sure with time he’ll learn to be a little less military towards you.” You say softly, smiling at Lucy who nods lightly.
“I hope so. There’s only so many Tim Tests I can handle.” Lucy says with a gentle laugh.
“Oh, he’s told me all about them. I don’t think I would be able to handle them.” You say with a chuckle, and before either of you can say something else, the door opens and Tim enters the room.
“You took your time.” You tease lightly, swivelling around on the stool to face him.
“The nearest vending machine didn’t have your favourite so I just kept looking until I found one that did,” Tim explains, holding your favourite snack out towards you while you smile softly, taking it and standing.
“You didn’t need to do that. I would’ve been fine with anything.” You say softly, smiling up at Tim who smiles back.
“I wanted to,” Tim says, his voice matching yours in softness as he pulls you closer for a kiss.
“Aw, you two are so cute!” Lucy gushes as you pull away from the kiss, giggling lightly as Tim looks over at Lucy.
“Chen, this doesn’t leave this room,” Tim warns, pointing a finger at her as she frowns, caught out in her plans to tell Jackson and Nolan.
“Okay fine. But I need to go to the restroom.” Lucy says, standing and crossing to the door. You bid her a quiet goodbye before turning to Tim.
“I should probably go back on my rounds. You and Lucy are welcome to keep using this room until I get her results from the lab. I’ll come back when I have the results, promise.” You say to Tim, taking his hand and squeezing it softly while your other hand tucks the snack Tim had bought you into your pocket.
“Take care of yourself, won’t you?” Tim asks softly, trying to hide his worry. He knew some patients could get rough with doctors and he always worried about whether someone was going to hurt you.
“I’ll be okay. We have security and if I really need help, I do have my handsome, strong, police officer husband around.” You say softly, your smile widening slightly as Tim raises an eyebrow, hands drifting down to your waist.
“Handsome, huh?” Tim teases, moving to kiss you again as your hands move to his shoulders, one hand resting on his shoulder while your other moves around to the back of his neck, cupping it as you deepen the kiss before your brain kicks in and reminds you of what you’re supposed to be doing.
“As much as I’d love to stay here with you. I have to go. I love you.” You say after pulling away from the kiss. You wished you could stay with your husband but you knew you had a job to do.
“I love you too,” Tim says, giving you one last quick kiss before letting you leave the room so you could go on your rounds.
You visit the various patients that you need to check in on, checking their progress and giving out advice that they need to aid their recovery. You loved checking in with your patients. Sure, there were some who were permanently grumpy and barely acknowledged you or the work you and the nurses were doing for them, but the majority of your patients were sweet and made the job worth it. As you finish up with a patient who was in recovery from a surgery they had the day before, you exit into the hallway and see a few nurses gathered by a door as they cart a woman out on a gurney. You head towards the gathered group and just as you approach the room, Tim and Lucy step out of it.
“What happened? Are you both okay?” You ask worriedly, reaching to grab Tim’s shoulders, eyes scanning him worriedly, checking him over for any injuries.
“y/n, I’m fine. We’re both fine.” Tim says softly, reaching up to his shoulders to gently lift your hands off, holding them in his hands and squeezing softly.
“What happened?” You ask, eyes flicking between both Lucy and Tim waiting for an answer.
“I bumped into this woman in the restroom, she told me about her brother who had been involved in a car accident and after she left I noticed a bottle of bleach on the floor. She was going to inject her brother with it to kill him. She claimed he wouldn’t want to live like how he is now but I just couldn’t let her go through with it so I had no choice but to tase her.” Lucy explains, her voice was shaky as she recounts the events.
“Is everyone okay?” You ask, glancing behind Tim at the room.
“The patient is being checked over now but thanks to Officer Chen’s swift actions, the sister never pushed the plunger,” Tim says, smiling over at Lucy who smiles back weakly.
“I was just doing what needed to be done,” Lucy says with a shrug.
“Look, Grey’s called me back to the station,” Tim says, looking between you and Lucy.
“Do you need me to come with you?” Lucy asks, looking up at Tim who shakes his head.
“No, you stay here and wait for your results. I’ll come back when I’m done. If you need anything I’m sure y/n will help you.” Tim says as you nod.
“Of course. Lucy if you need anything at all while you’re waiting, just shoot me a text.” You say pulling your notebook out of your pocket and scribbling down your phone number to hand to Lucy who takes it with a nod.
“Thank you,” Lucy says gratefully, tucking the paper away in her pocket before you both look over at Tim.
“I’ve got to go. I love you.” Tim says, giving you a quick kiss and hug before turning to Lucy.
“Chen, take care of yourself.” He then says, patting her shoulder before excusing himself, heading down the hallway and disappearing around a corner.
“I said it to Tim earlier but you’re welcome to keep using the room Gino put you in until I have your results.” You say softly, reaching to rest a hand on Lucy’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before quietly excusing yourself so you could continue your rounds until the lab results came back.
As it pushes into the afternoon, you finish your rounds and take care of some appointments you had booked for the day and eventually you get paged by the lab and you head down, picking up Lucy’s blood test results and reading them over before heading back to the room Lucy had been using. However, when you entered the room it was empty, so you walked to the waiting room to see if she was there and you soon found her sitting alongside another police officer.
“Officer Chen.” You say softly, getting Lucy’s attention as she shoots out of the seat, the other officer following suit, resting a supportive hand on her shoulder.
“Yes?” Lucy says watching you as you smile softly.
“I have your results. Would you like to follow me to my-”
“No, sorry, can you just tell me now please?” Lucy asks, cutting in and watching carefully as you nod, eyes moving down to your clipboard to flip through the paperwork.
“So your initial tests came back negative for any viral infections like HIV or hepatitis. But your bloodwork indicated the presence of a staph infection.” You explain, seeing how Lucy relaxed at your first sentence before she grew worried again.
“What does that mean?” Lucy asks, her eyebrows furrowed as she worries about what it could mean for her future.
“It just means we need to get you started on some intravenous antibiotics right away. Some strains of staph infection are drug-resistant so we’ll monitor the wound for any abscesses or cellulitis.” You explain to Lucy, watching as she releases a big breath before turning to the police officer standing behind her.
“Go. I’ll call Tim. He’ll be here for you by the time you’re out.” He says softly before Lucy pulls him into a hug, thanking him quietly before she releases him and turns to you with a small smile and nod.
“If you just follow me.” You say, gesturing with your head for Lucy to follow you to your office which she does and while you settle in your office chair, Lucy eases herself down on the chair opposite your desk. You copy the bloodwork data onto Lucy’s file and print out a prescription, informing her of how to best care for her wound, when to take her medication and where she can pick it up from. After talking her through everything and checking Lucy’s wound over just to be sure it was okay for now, you stood in front of her with a small smile.
“I’ll walk you out, I’m sure Tim’s here now.” You say softly, leading Lucy back to the waiting room where Tim was waiting, rising from the seat he was sitting in when he noticed the two of you approaching.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Tim asks, looking down at Lucy who nods, finally able to relax for the first time since the incident.
“Everything’s good,” Lucy replies, smiling at Tim who nods lightly, a small smile of his own on his face.
“If you have any concerns about anything Lucy, you’re free to give me a call whenever.” You say, making sure Lucy knew that you’d help her no matter the time.
“Thank you for everything, Doctor Bradford.” Lucy thanks you gratefully.
“Please, call me y/n.” You say with a small laugh, not missing how the police officer stood behind Tim gasped lightly with widened eyes as he realised what Lucy said.
“Sorry, did you say-?”
“Yes, she said Bradford. Tim is my husband.” You say, moving to stand next to Tim, taking his hand in yours as you smile up at your husband.
“If I find out you and Officer Chen have been spreading this around later Officer West, I will put you both through the most intense Tim Tests I can think of and it’ll have you questioning whether you want to even continue in the LAPD,” Tim warns lowly.
“Jackson and I would never do that,” Lucy says quickly, standing up for her friend as you sigh lightly.
“Tim, surely you’re tired of dancing around everyone. I don’t mind if people know about me. In fact, I’d like to get to know your colleagues. They’re part of your life too.” You say softly, turning to face Tim as he mirrors your actions.
“Are you sure?” Tim asks quietly, watching you nod.
“I’m sure, Tim. I’d love to get to know the people you work with. I’m your wife and I would like to be more than just a secret.” You admit, watching as Tim’s eyes drop to the floor briefly before looking back up at you. You understood why he had been so hesitant to tell people about you, he was worried that he’d somehow get involved in a case involving a dangerous person which could put you at risk. But you were capable of making your own choices, and you knew that even if you were at risk, knowing Tim’s work friends would make you feel safer.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe.” Tim mutters softly, taking your hands in his.
“Don’t apologise. I know you wanted to keep me safe and I appreciate that. But you can’t hide me forever.” You say, squeezing hands softly and reaching up to press a kiss on his lips.
“Okay, I’ll stop trying to hide you,” Tim replies after you pull away from the kiss, his smile soft as you glance over to Jackson and Lucy.
“I think you two are safe.” You say with a laugh watching as they exchange a quick fist bump.
“I won’t give you any Tim Tests yet,” Tim says, releasing your hands and turning to face the two.
“You won’t give them any unless it’s part of training.” You say, nudging Tim in his side as he lets out a small grunt of pain at the jab.
“Does that mean we can tell Nolan?” Lucy asks, testing the waters and watching Tim’s reaction carefully. When you hear Tim let out a small huff of a sigh, you speak up.
“You can tell Nolan but only Nolan. Let Tim do the rest.” You say. You didn’t know who Nolan was but you could only guess he was the third rookie that had joined the LAPD alongside Jackson and Lucy.
“What she said. Anyone else knows before I tell them, you know what the punishment will be.” Tim says, raising an eyebrow as both Jackson and Lucy nod hurriedly, aware of what Tim Tests he could potentially put them through.
“I should probably get back to work.” You mutter, noticing the time on the clock behind the nurse’s desk.
“Yeah, I’ve got to take Lucy back to the station,” Tim says with a nod, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“I’ll see you when I get home.” You whisper softly smiling up at your husband before watching him leave with Lucy following close behind while Jackson stays put.
“I know you have to get back to work but it’s honestly incredible how different Tim is with you,” Jackson speaks up quickly, catching your attention as you laugh softly.
“Funnily enough Lucy said a similar thing.” You say with a soft laugh as you shrug, making Jackson let out a gentle laugh of his own.
“I won’t keep you. I should probably find my TO.” Jackson says, nodding with a soft smile as you smile back.
“If your TO is Angela, tell her I say ‘hi’ will you?” You say, beginning to back away and shooting Jackson a quick wink when his jaw drops before turning around and making your way back to your office to continue with the rest of your shift.
By the time your shift came to an end, you were just about ready to drop. It had been a long day and when you got home you were greeted by Tim who pulled you into his arms almost the moment you walked through the door.
“Tim. I love you but I need a shower.” You giggle as you feel Tim press a kiss to the top of your head.
“I’ll get dinner sorted then.” He replies softly, releasing you from the embrace and letting you go off and shower and change into something comfier. By the time you had finished showering and changing, you could smell the dinner Tim was preparing.
“It smells good.” You say as you enter the kitchen, sidling up alongside Tim and winding your arms around his middle as he turns the stove off.
“I could’ve had a career as a chef.” Tim jokes lightly, welcoming your embrace. When you release Tim from your embrace so he can finish up the food, you begin to grab some plates and cutlery for when Tim is ready to plate up the food. Once the food is plated up, you sit at the table and eat your dinner, conversing the whole time. When you finish your meal, you both tidy away everything before retiring to the sofa, cuddling into each other while Tim finds a tv show to put on in the background.
“Are you really okay with telling people about us? I feel like I put you on the spot.” You mumble, resting your head on Tim’s chest and looking up at him.
“I’m more than okay with telling people about us. You’re right. You deserve to know my colleagues, and I don’t know how much longer I can go hiding you. You deserve to be shown off.” Tim replies, squeezing you tighter as a smile crosses your face.
A week later, you pulled up outside the Mid-Wilshire police station, parked your car, and stepped out. You headed into the building with a smile as you met Tim in the reception area.
“Hey.” He greets you with a smile, capturing your lips in his for a soft kiss as he pulls you into his arms.
“That’s a nice welcome.” You say with a smile as you pull away from the kiss.
“Only the best for you,” Tim mutters softly.
“You big softie.” You say with a laugh as Tim rolls his eyes.
“y/n!” You hear Lucy’s excited voice say as she rushes over to you, hugging you close as you reciprocate the embrace, smiling widely.
“Hey, Lucy. How have you been?” You ask. Since Tim had started telling people about you, you’d met various people from Mid-Wilshire station as you swung by the station every so often but Lucy had been the one you’d formed the closest friendship with.
“I’ve been doing well! But between you and me I think you need to stop by more. Tim’s always happier after you visit.” Lucy says, muttering her words lowly so Tim doesn’t hear her as you laugh lightly.
“Well, hopefully, these make everyone a little happier.” You say with a smile, holding up the bag of various cakes you had gotten from a bakery you and Tim frequented.
“Oh yes! I knew there was a reason you were my favourite Bradford!” You hear Jackson exclaim as he approaches you, making you laugh as you hand the bag to Nolan who also joins the group as you glance over at Tim who rolls his eyes and shrugs at Jackson’s comment.
“Everyone’s going to love that you’ve done this. You and Tim have been talking this bakery up for a week now.” Nolan says, opening the bag enough to peek in at the goodies inside.
“I just got things I thought everyone would like.” You say, watching as the three rookies take it in turns peeking inside the bag and trying to figure out what each thing is. As you watch them discussing their theories quietly, Tim walks up alongside you, wrapping an arm around your middle and tugging you into his side.
“I can’t believe I have to share you with all these guys now,” Tim mutters, and this time it is your turn to jokingly roll your eyes.
“Well, just remember, I married you. So you don’t need to worry about someone ‘stealing’ me away.” You joke, leaning into Tim’s side.
“It’s relieving to hear that.” Tim jokes in return, chuckling lightly.
“I hate to do this so soon after arriving but I need to head back to the hospital. I don’t want to see any of you guys in there as patients. Got it?” You say, pointing at Tim and the three rookies who all nod hurriedly before you turn to face Tim.
“Stay safe out there.” You whisper before giving him a soft kiss.
“Always,” Tim replies after you pull away, letting you say your goodbyes to the rookies before walking you out to your car and giving you one last kiss before watching as you get in your car and drive away to head back to work.
Since you had made friends with the people he worked with, Tim found himself more willing to be friendly with those around him at work. Most of the time he was still the tough training officer that everyone was used to, but you had taught him not to burn all his bridges too soon, and that it was okay to have friends at work.
And with you making the effort to know those he worked with, Tim was sure he fell in love with you all over again.
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lightofraye · 2 months
I'm not into jensen/danneel drama, I don't care much about them... but one thing is sure and is about the wedding. It's well known, it was confirmed by a groomsmen, that Jensen was having second thoughts and didn't want to get married and that his father and friends convinced him to stay. He was drunk during the cerimony. I can understand having anxiety but to the point of wanting to leave?
Hi anon!
Exactly! His own father even said that Jensen made an "investment" and should follow it through. As if a relationship is transactional! Ugh!
And it's my understanding that Jensen wasn't just drunk, he was high--or drugged, or something.
And honestly--their honeymoon? Jensen described it as catching up on his reading and Gino (Danneel's own brother!) came with! Who invites the brother-in-law to a honeymoon?!
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smokingasters · 6 months
Thanks for all your PP content
Do you know if it is true that in the novel version of season 3 when Arata and Kei meet Kougami and Ginoza for the first time, Arata thinks that’s Ginoza is handsome and Kougami just a man with a cigarette? Lol
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask! ❤️ From the translation I have read, provided by @temporarilyunstable, Kei/ Arata's POV describes Shinya and Ginoza as veterans who have fought long on the battlefield. I am just providing a screenshot here:
Tumblr media
Arata is right though, Shinya looks cool in full combat gear as we have seen in Providence. And we already know that Gino and Shimotsuki are very much alike in their demeanour. I believe his assessment about the two men is quite correct. Shinya and Gino fighting together in that scene was one of my favorites in PP3.
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themoodyestj · 4 days
Gino, Jensen's brother in law, went together with Jensen and Danneel during they honeymoon. Danneel send an email to tell Jensen she was pregnant and when she was pregnant she asked JJ to tell Jensen about the pregnancy. She criticised Jensen and Jared acting on SPN. She gave him an ultimatum for getting married. Jensen was high or drunk during the cerimony and wanted to run away but his father stopped him because he said that the marriage was an investement. During the show of A few good men Danneel didn't care, played with her phone and wanted to go away but Jensen's mother stopped her and it was Jared starting the standing ovation, he made a surprise to Jensen.
I don't know what kind of love relationship is if your husband friend is doing better than you, his wife.
Thank you for sharing, Anon. Wow, the list is so long I tend to forget about it! Thank you for the reminder. This definitely adds to the list of reasons why that woman is a vapid heartless b*** when it comes to her own husband. There you go, Jenneel defenders. We all see this. The fact that you don't see how your fave is being disrespected (to say the least) and you still worship that Plastic Crown Queen is unsettling. I don't even need to rest my case, others will do it for me. Have a great weekend, Anon! Thanks again.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
My question is: how did Lou get through 2020 without someone calling him out on his posts or him going through his social media to delete those problematic posts that could get him in trouble and/or disqualify him from jobs?
My guess anon is because he's just not a relevant enough "celebrity" (and I use that term very loosely when talking about him btw). For example he was on 911 before but his role was so irrelevant to the show as a whole there were people who didn't even remember right away who he was when they said they were bringing him back for s7. I even saw a few people get him confused with Gino Pesi who played Sal. And beyond 911 he hasn't acted in a lot of big name productions besides maybe SWAT and I think his role in that has been minimal especially as the seasons have gone on.
So there hasn't been this huge spotlight put on him. Even when I looked up stuff about him and his family (because his dad was pretty famous in the 70s) most of the focus has been on his dad and not him or his personal life.
It wasn't until season 7 of 911 when a lot more attention was placed on Lou, some of which was his own doing from all those cameos and other ways he kept communicating with his fans. Plus the bi buck storyline got a lot of attention so some of that spilled over onto him. Mostly though it was his fans and the chaos many of them have been wreaking. Even as much as some people don't like T*mmy and want to see Buck and Eddie together I don't think most Buddie shippers would have even cared about Lou if it wasn't for B/T fans making the 911 fandom hell.
Eventually people had enough and went looking for dirt they could dig up on Lou and came across his old insta posts. The main issue though isn't that he had old really problematic posts it's how he dealt with it after the fact. B/T stans try to say he was hacked but even if that was the case (which there's no proof he was) he should have put out some kind of statement on his insta. He should have acknowledged the old posts, taken them all down, and apologized for them. Instead he liked a tweet the day after where his fans made him out to be the victim.
Also I think he didn't delete those old posts years ago because he just doesn't care about them and likely probably still thinks they're funny. I still think it was him who sent that spitting on blind children post the night he was called out for his old insta posts. It fits in with the same brand of comedy he seemed to enjoy on his insta.
The other thing is and mind you I'm not an expert in any of this but celebrities generally have pr teams that help them deal with things like social media and help prevent them from doing anything online that could ruin their career. I'm not exactly sure how that all works with an actor as low down the totem pole as as Lou though.
Given all the things he did online over the course of s7 my guess is he didn't have a pr team or he had a shit one because he did a lot of stuff that made him look awful. Any pr team that knew what they were doing would have combed through his accounts looking for things like those old insta posts and taken them down. They also wouldn't have let him keep putting out those cameos especially after he was getting hate for calling T*mmy's racism and homophobia teasing. They certainly would have dealt with what happened on twitter that night that post about the blind children was sent regardless of what happened. I just highly doubt he has anyone working for him to worry about any of that stuff. It was far more likely that Tim and ABC told him to stop the cameos and to stop interacting with fans. This would also explain why some of those old posts are still up on his instagram because he doesn't have anyone telling him to take them down.
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aubreysheadspace · 1 year
Hey, it’s 🧋/🌮 (whichever you chose) anon again. I somehow skipped over you asking not to ask for the whole cast, so I apologize for that.
Could you do Aubrey, Mari, and Basil for the first date hcs instead? Thank you!
thanks for shortening the people you requested, i am WAY too exhausted right now so it helps a lot!! hope you enjoy, and i’ll just choose 🧋 since that’s the first emoji. welcome to the anon list, 🧋 anon! hope you enjoy!
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a first date with AUBREY is surprisingly chill compared to the future dates the two of you will have later in your guys relationship. she wants it to go well of course.
she saved enough money for the two of you to just walk around the town and just hang out normally, but with the occasional hand holding.
sure, it’s not really ideal since you two do this regularly, but this time you both aren’t hanging out with the HOOLIGANS or her OTHER FRIENDS. maybe at the end of the date you two could stop by GINO’s PIZZA.
AUBREY isn’t one for fancy dates, more chill and casual ones are right up her alley. she WILL try harder for your next date, she just wanted to try out her first idea of a date.
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MARI is the type of person to plan both inside and outside dates. outside dates of course include the iconic picnic she’s known for, while inside the two of you just simply hang out and watch some TV together.
for your guys first date, she decides to make it outside. and by to no one’s surprise.. it was a picnic! but instead, she had more food that was dedicated to you, like your favorite food.
of course she also brings a batch of her famously known cookies, because even if you aren’t a fan of cookies, and should be a fan of her cookies… unless you’re allergic to chocolate, then she wouldn’t bring it.
a first date with MARI is a complete success since it was just the two of you together having fun! it also had a calming peace to it. it’s MARI, after all! it’s like she could do no wrong!…
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just like with MARI, BASIL is also the type of person to plan either inside or outside dates. and guess which of the two have in common? …plants! yeah!!! plants, it really isn’t a surprise at this point.
sure, maybe you don’t like gardening or just don’t do it since it isn’t a hobby of yours, but it really makes him happy if you at least tried it with him!
of course, after the two of you plant something together, then you guys can do something YOU like. of course if you guys go somewhere that isn’t BASIL’s house, he’ll bring his camera to add to the photo album.
a first date with BASIL goes thankfully successful. he was very nervous at first and wanted everything to go well. this is shown since he nervously fidgets when something didn’t go his way during the date, but he learns to accept it.
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unavoidedbyme · 1 year
Hi!!!! If it’s okay,, could I get sunny with a reader who has like really bad nightmares ? I recently got them back after a few months of decent sleep and honestly I’m kinda scared to sleep rn lol . So basically like the reader will get severe nightmares every now and again and they last anywhere from like a month to a few days and during that time they like, will try not to sleep at all to avoid them. Thanks if u can and no problem if u can’t!! Have a great day 🫶🫶
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a/n: ofcourse anon! also, i hope you’ll get better with the nightmares.
SUNNY with a READER who has really bad nightmares
tw(s): mentions of nightmares but nothing is specific
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he would definitely be concerned if you tell him that you constantly have really bad nightmares for the past couple of days.
the boy wanted to ask you more the details about your nightmares but too scared to ask you because he’s scared that he might cross over your boundaries.
would definitely stay up with you and hang out w/you in the middle of the night just to keep you company.
doesn’t care if his friends HEADSPACE counterpart is worried about him because he doesn’t show up in the NEIGHBORSROOM.
he might even take you out in the middle of the night just to look at the peacefull sceneries on the neighborhood.
or take you to have a mini date or something on gino’s pizza.
its happening again. This is the fourth time this week you’ve had the same nightmares over and over again, and the fact that this scared the hell outta you doesn’t make it better.
you were having a sleepover over SUNNY’s house, hoping that the nightmares would disappear when you stay at his house for the night. But it didn’t work out the way you wanted. And now, you are awake in the middle of the night all by yourself. You sleep on a pillow fort that the two of you made while he sleeps on his bed.
you look over at SUNNY’s only to be met by an empty bed. The door was slightly opened revealing SUNNY who was from the toilet.
“Hey.. [name], why are you awake at this hour?”
you only look at him with a terrified face, still shaken up from the horrible nightmare. SUNNY was shocked to see your terrified face, and hesitantly inches closer to where you are. He tried his best to comfort you, he knew he’s not the best at comforting people but he knew that you knew he’s good at listening to people.
you told him about the nightmares and how they came back to haunt you after you got a few months of decent sleep. SUNNY was suprised but also felt sympathy for you, he was scared that you might not get enough sleep and try to convince you to go back to sleep. But since you are too scared, he decided that taking a stroll for a bit around the town would help you calm your mind down.
the two of you were walking hand in hand while you look at the scenery of the town at nighttime. It amazed you and put you at peace, SUNNY was glad that it made you calm down. The whole time the two of you walking you had a soft smile on your face, to be honest it made SUNNY have a little pink tint of blush on his cheeks. It made him smile a little that he was able to calm you down from that terrible nightmare.
SUNNY took you to gino’s pizza since you told him that you were hungry. He ordered a whole pizza just for the two of you to enjoy, you did tell him that you should atleast pay half of the price but he insisted. Since it was his way of ‘comforting’ you from your nightmares when it was completely not his fault that you get these nightmares.
he would stare at you the whole time you were eating. His face having a little bit tint of red on his cheekbones because he was well, shy. Once the two of you were done eating, SUNNY would give you a trip to the secret hanging spot that his group used to play. It has a lake, the very same lake that almost drown him if its not for MARI that rescued him.
SUNNY would listen to your ramblings ahout your day or anything else really. Or if you wanted to hear a story from him, he would tell you about that one time he almost drowned because of HERO and KEL. You would get sleepy from his story and eventually fell asleep on him. The boy doesn’t know what to do and well, the two of you sleeps until the morning together. Cuddling with eachother.
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a/n: he’s such a cutie patooie🙁<33 i hope you get better though!
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💘 heromari first kiss please?
Absolutely, Anon! Thank you so much for the ask and for playing our “Hearts For Hero” headcanons game! There are lots of ways this could have played out, but here's a favorite of ours:
💘-- HeroMari First Kiss Headcanons
Hero and Mari weren't "officially" dating. Her family (her father especially) thought she was too young, and Hero was shy and respectful--he didn't want to upset anyone and was more than willing to take things very slow. In his mind, he and Mari had their whole lives--had "forever" to be together so they could take their time and wait until they were older before becoming anything more serious than just sweethearts. That said, they knew how they felt about one another and the devotion and romantic interest was undeniable.
The closest they got to "dating" was really just doing the things that they would have done with their friends (i.e. go out to eat or to the movies or to a walk in the park) but just as the two of them and Hero insisted on paying. The first time Hero asked Mari out one of these pseudo-dates, he was so nervous and spent way too much time picking out what to wear and trying to comb his hair and look his best. It wasn’t anything special, but it was the best he could afford as a teenager: taking her to Gino's and the park.
After their meal (and Mari good-naturedly teasing Hero for ordering a sandwich at a pizza place), they took a walk in the park during which Hero eventually (after a lot of nervousness) finally plucked up the courage to ask if he could hold her hand. She said yes, of course.
They stayed at Faraway Park until sunset—sitting out in their favorite spot by the lake talking and laughing for hours and having so much fun just enjoying each other’s company that they completely lost track of time. When it started to get dark, Hero panicked a little that he had lost track of time and that it was getting so late. He thanked Mari for going out with me and asked if he could walk her home. She said "Yes, but first every perfect first date needs to end with a kiss…" and then she kissed him.
It was a sweet kiss but it happened so quickly that Hero couldn’t even really process it. He didn’t know what to do and kind of just froze turning bright red and actually said "Thank you" which Mari thought was very sweet. If anyone asked her it was "magical," and Hero just beamed the entire walk home even though he was too shocked and too sheepish to really say anything about it. Still, he had never known he could be that happy.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
raina16: Jensen was there working because that's how he has to do it now that he lives in Connecticut, come in periodically and do all his work at once. They were filming promos and creating new content for the social media pages.
Wait, does Raina think a business owners only job is promo??!?
"do all his work at once" filming promos... A business OWNER should be a LOT more involved then simply lending his face to promo. The fact that Raina (and a lot of other AA's) think this is all that is required of Jensen as a business owner is expected but still idiotic.
Same with blaming Gino. Even if Gino is the manager, he still answers to his boss - JENSEN. It is Jensen's responsibility to not only hire competent people to run his business (not just nepo hires) but also to oversee everything and check in regularly (not just 3 times a year to take pics) to make sure things are still running correctly. I'm a big fan of 'Kitchen Nightmares' (tv show) and whenever the owners of the businesses try to pass off responsibility and blame on to their employees he ALWAYS calls them out because they need to hire competent people and also because they are the ones in charge of EVERYTHING. No matter who the managers or employees are, the buck starts and stops with the owner. The owner should be aware of everything going on in their business at almost all times (obviously 100% of the time is impossible). So basically Raina and the other AA's who blame Gino and anyone else BUT Jensen are just admitting they think he is an incompetent business owner. There is no other way around it. If an owner is so unaware of what is going on in their own business that they are letting someone else run it into the ground? THEY. ARE. INCOMPETENT.
Hope that helps Raina!
Perfectly stated, anon!
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
I do notice Danneel wearing a lot of black clothes a lot. I always get a very depressed dark evil vibe from Danneel wearing this colour. My opinion is to tell Danneel is a witch and doing dark magic. By the way, I got a feeling Danneel told her brother to go to Rome to keep his eyes on Jensen. And we all know we are talking about why the reason. (Wow, Danneel is a control freak and she won't let Jensen. Dear god, I hope Jensen will break free soon).
Hope you noticed Jensen wearing white theme clothes on his outfits this weekend for JIB con. I'm happy to see Jensen wearing brighter clothes to tell by his vibe is full of positivity and love. I hope not to see Jensen start to change into the man used to be before meets Danneel.
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. So I see you asked this around the JIB con time and apologize because I thought I did respond and apparently have not. So, to establish this pattern, I am attaching clips and photos to point out the types of clothes both have been wearing not just around JIB but in some appearances outside of JIB as well. From my understanding, sometimes Daniela who is one of the managers hosting the JIB cons will "gift" clothes to Jared and Jensen to wear while at the cons. I don't think it was necessarily the case with the last JIB this year but I did notice he wore a lot more white.
Danneel in a video I saw today actually she's wearing black and a cross. I'm not sure what look she's aiming for with that look but to me that would indicate some "appearance" of either trying to redeem herself, getting more spiritually intuned or just trying to look like this is the case and is in fact the opposite. Interestingly so in years past, Danneel has also worn some strange and colorful outfits so who knows, maybe she is trying to be more conservative and attention grabbing these days.
Some people choose to wear more black due to minimizing things like decision fatigue, minimalism which is common in places like Japan, or to deter attention (Danneel has notably been posting far less selfies and such in the last few years), and because it can be worn anywhere and everywhere. It can also indicate power, danger, aggression, or even depression according to this article. I'm also sharing a video of an Indian mystic named Sadhguru speaking of why we should think twice before dressing in black. He speaks of how we should honor the dead yes but we should also remain separate from the dead. He implied that wearing more black means being closer to death in a way and says anything you don't want to absorb you wear white. It is true that black absorbs more heat and white reflects or bounces it off more, so why not bounce off other energies while you're at it?
Black is often associated with death and often worn in places like the USA; I was told by an Indian coworker it is actually white that people wear in India to funerals when she asked me why women wear white dresses to weddings (red is apparently often worn by Indian brides a lot).
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My take on the wearing more black on Danneel's part? It's possible it's her being more into black magic, trying to at times deter less attention to herself, and also possibly because she's feeling more "down". I think in the past she may have worn it more due to power and aggression but given how more conservative her attire choices are these days, I believe there's a different feel to it. As for Jensen, I noticed he's a bit allover the place at times. Yes he wore a lot more white at the JIB in April but he also wore white at Darklight and then also black. Personally, I think both of them ought to start wearing lighter colors to bounce off more energies, particularly with how their CT house is said to be haunted.
With regards to Gino going to Rome in April, I don't believe it has anything to do with Danneel at all. I speculated in private to some people via PMs that I believe Jensen had an unpleasant conversation with Gino with regards to FBBC. Curiously, FBBC closed its only taproom BEFORE securing another location last month which was 4 days after the annual party and only a few weeks after they were in Rome together. Tax writeoffs for "business dinners" and "travel expenses" are a thing that wealthy people do a lot. I have the utmost confidence that this is why Gino was in Rome coincidentally the same weekend Jensen was there for JIB (simple vacation for him and his wife my ass, this trip was at least in part paid for by his rich brother in law!). Nothing to do with watching Jensen because otherwise, why isn't he going with him to other cons?
As of June 10, the taproom location (and the house on that lot included) was listed on a commercial real estate website Loopnet for sale; before some moron comes along and says "IT'S NOT LISTED ON ZILLOW!", that is because Zillow is primarily for RESIDENTIAL properties not COMMERCIAL like the brewery taproom.
Take from this what you will but I am personally starting to think Danneel's black magic and such is actually showing some signs of fading.
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tinygumdrops · 8 months
Hey I wanted to say how much i love your fics. Kagehina is my go to pairing and your fics have a quality maybe like what one anon said abt Ghibli. I keep longing to read something like tht, a setting that steals your heart like a book cover that intrigues you and you want to be sucked into the verse. There's the melancholy to it, then a feeling akin to reading haikyuu itself. As nostalgic, refreshing and that you achieved something in life. Your Brazil shoyo is something imprinted in my heart. It's a blessing u write for kagehina. Ik u don't ship them and some anon even implied abt how annoying kghn fans were lol still I'd love to say hah but she gets their dynamics so good or yayyy she writes for kagehina. Your recent nyc fic blew my mind away. I got chills reading the last part abt hinata like YOU GET HIM. How do you nail characters WITH setting so well?? The environment we grow up in is so important to shape our views Like nyc Brazil Japan literally you are amazing! Also do you have any hc for Kageyama in Italy👀
Also if you ever right og fiction, I'm ur number one fan. You will have so many fans with your content! Sorry for long ask sjshjjshhjjj
Take care.
Hello, anon!!! And *sobs* thank you!!!! My fics are just a drop in the incredibly immense ocean of works in the fandom, but I'm glad my stories found you and resonated with you so much. It's such a huge accomplishment ;-; ;-; ;-;
AHHHH you want me to share my headcanons of Kageyama in Italy? Well, DON'T MIND IF I DO :D
Kageyama lived with Ali Roma's assistant coach (I've always liked the name Gino, so let's go with that) for his first year in Serie A to help him integrate better. Gino's eldest son moved away to Antwerp for university so he had the spare room. A portion of Kageyama's starting salary was supposed to go to Coach Gino for his living expenses, but Gino insisted for Kageyama to use that money to buy stuff for himself instead since he brought so little when he came to Italy. In return, Kageyama helped with mowing the lawn and walking the dogs and washing the dishes. Gino had two other boys, Elio (7) and Dino (6), and they took turns harassing Kageyama into playing football with them in their backyard. Kageyama usually acquiesced if they played volleyball with him afterwards.
When he became more comfortable with the language and the people, Kageyama moved out of Gino's home during his second year, much to the family's dismay. Especially Elio and Dino---they were buzzing around Kageyama like wasps when he was straightening his luggage at the doorstep ("Are you leaving us because I kept stealing your team jackets?" Dino asked mournfully. "No," Kageyama said, totally bewildered at the children's tear-streaked faces). Little did they know that Kageyama rented an apartment so comically close to their home, just three blocks away from theirs.
One time during a match against Perugia, Kageyama had this disconcerting feeling that something was wrong with his vision. He consulted with the team's doctor, who referred him to an ophthalmologist. He found out he had a mild case of myopia (nearsightedness); it wasn't serious and he didn't need any corrective lenses, but Kageyama badgered the poor doctor with questions that the consult lasted for an hour and a half. The doctor gave him an extensive list on how to prevent it from getting worse: diet, exercise, less screentime, and loads and loads of sunshine. So now, Kageyama spent most of his free time outdoors: cycling, running, mountain climbing, reading sports monthly magazines at the park, playing pick-up games with his teammates, or walking Gino's dogs around the neighborhood. Whenever Kageyama's parents called to check on him, he was always out and about. It surprised them at first; they hadn't known their son to be the outdoor-sy type, but it did put their mind at ease. Kageyama had always been noticeably more cheerful when he's under the sun.
Beat reporters found Kageyama particularly frustrating to interview, though they weren't sure if it was a matter of his personality, his nationality, him being media-trained af by the team's comms department, or all three. Talented and an exciting player on the orange court, for sure, but outside of it he rarely had anything interesting to say. Always calm, always poised, always with the cliché responses. He was once ambushed in a family restaurant by a sports podcaster who asked for his opinion about the sudden spike in female Ali Roma fans, and Kageyama answered with a cool, "Volleyball is the greatest sport in the world. I'm glad more people are realizing that now and tuning in to our games. I'm grateful for any support the sport and our team gets, wherever it's coming from". ("Gah, he's so unaffected!" the podcaster grieved. "No girls, no scandalous rendezvous, no skeevy thoughts, no openings, nada. Zero. Zilch. Like what the hell? Is he a cyborg? It's always volleyball 100%.").
But one journalist sniffed around Kageyama's early career happenings and she managed to find something that'd generate a reaction. Compare Kageyama's stats to a certain undersized Japanese player in Brazil's Superlega, and you'd find unassailable proof that Kageyama Tobio is, indeed, human ("Yeah? And how many service aces and solo blocks does he have?" Kageyama scoffed when the reporter said his longtime rival held São Paolo's team lead in kills and total swings. "Not that many, I'm sure. Not that I watch his games anyway.").
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alex-just-vibing · 1 year
Hcs on Solar System finding Kel crying by himself? (With him obviously denying the claim and telling them that he's fine)
ooh, I actually had a fic idea in my head kinda like that! (not solar system, but baseball bat. but I can change a few things)
This is less headcanons and more just word vomit/a pseudo-fic lol (under read more for the benefit of everyone here lol) Cuz I know I wouldn't be able to rest until I got this out of my head now (thanks a lot anon /lhj)
Sunny, Basil, and Aubrey were walking through the streets of Faraway Town, looking for the last person they needed to complete their group. They were hoping to find somewhere to just hang out at, whether that be one of their houses or somewhere else, like the park, Hobbeez, or maybe Gino's, but they didn't want to do it without Kel.
He wasn't at his house, and when they asked his mother where he was, she told them that he'd just gone for a walk. They thanked her, and she said to them, as she always does when they stop by, that they're welcome there anytime.
After stopping by his house, the three of them decided to check the park to see if he had stopped there while on his walk. He wasn't there either. Aubrey suggested checking their secret hangout spot, and the other two agreed that it wouldn't hurt to try.
None of them were particularly expecting him to be there, but when they walked past the trees into the area, they saw Kel sitting on an old picnic blanket. He was hugging his knees to his chest, and his forehead was pressed against his knees. His face wasn't visible from where the three others stood, but it was obvious something was wrong.
Aubrey was the first to approach him. She walked up to him and kneeled next to him. He didn't seem to notice her.
"Is everything okay, Kel?" she asked. She then saw the tears streaming down his face and facepalmed mentally. Of course he's not okay, what kind of question is that? She can't recall the last time she saw him cry...
Kel turned his head to look at her, before smiling weakly. "I-I'm fine!" He brought his hand to his face and wiped at his tears. More fell, replacing the ones he wiped away. "Don't worry about me!"
Sunny and Basil had also walked over to him. Sunny sat down next to him, as did Basil. Sunny gently grabbed Kel's hand.
"No, Kel." Sunny's voice was firm, but caring. "You aren't 'fine.' And that's okay." He squeezed Kel's hand slightly.
Basil cautiously placed one arm over Kel's shoulder. He leaned his head slightly against Kel's shoulder. "We love you Kel. A lot. We want to be here for you, the same way you always are for us."
Kel shook his head at their words. "I'm... I'm fine, really! You don't need to worry about me..." His voice was shaky and broken up by sniffles. He continued trying to wipe away his tears, but they just kept flowing.
Aubrey pulled him into a hug, not saying anything just yet. She let his head rest against her chest, and she placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head.
Basil moved closer to Kel, leaning against him to hopefully be a comforting presence for him. He turned to fully hug Kel, and he buried his face in Kel's shoulder. Kel in turn moved his face to rest in Basil's hair.
Sunny scoots closer, so that he could be sitting right next to Kel. Sunny didn't let go of his hand while moving, and once he settled into a comfortable position, he squeezed Kel's hand again.
"I'm sorry." Kel's voice was barely above a whisper. "I... I didn't mean to worry you guys..." When he spoke, his voice broke, then trailed off into a near-silent sob.
"It's okay, Kel," Sunny reassured him, and he rubbed his thumb over Kel's knuckles. "You're allowed to cry. Just let it all out. We aren't going anywhere."
The four of them sat in a comfortable silence, which was only broken by the occasional sob from Kel. After a good few minutes, Kel's crying seemed to slow, then eventually stop.
Basil noticed that Kel had stopped crying, and he was the first to speak. "Kel... Would you want to talk about why you were upset..?" His tone carried genuine concern and love.
Kel paused for a moment, before shaking his head. "No... Not right now..."
Sunny nodded. "Okay. We'll be here for you whenever you're ready." The other two nodded in agreement, all three of them smiling warmly at Kel.
"Now, weren't we planning to hangout?" As she spoke, Aubrey started to stand up, and she extended her hands to help the other three up. Basil and Sunny stood up first, then all three of them pulled Kel up.
Kel smiled, chuckling lightly as he was pulled up. "That sounds nice... How about a sleepover at my place?"
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lightofraye · 4 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of anti Danneel posts lately. I’d like to know why people dislike her? Do you think it’s because she’s married to Jensen and they’re slightly envious?
No. Well, let me rephrase--I'm not. Others might be, and certainly that's a popular deflection used.
The real reason is darker.
Danneel has a history of being verbally abusive to fans on Twitter (she's deleted a lot of them, but screenshots exist), even at conventions, calling fans "bitches" because she's claimed Jensen and thinks everyone who approaches him want to steal him away or something. One fan wrote of an encounter at a restaurant (or something) and Jensen was friendly to the fan. When Jensen left, Danneel verbally jumped on the fan, accusing her of flirting with Jensen, etc. It was awful.
Danneel also has a history of verbally humiliating Jensen and emotionally abusing him. She's fat-shamed him and later that year, he became even thinner, not just losing fat but muscle tone as well (which is a seriously bad way to lose weight). She's posted a picture of Jared when she claimed she deleted it and never apologized for it. She's posted a picture of Jensen on the freakin' toilet and never apologized nor deleted it. In a lot of conventions, videos, she's always dunking on him, humiliating him, and never encouraging.
When the Rust shooting happened, she claimed she was scared of flying and refused to go to him when he genuinely needed support. She even told Jensen to never talk about it with her, even though he witnessed the shooting and would've been the person on the receiving end of said gun during filming had Alec not test fired it first. She's never given him proper support.
She's also forcibly included her brother (Gino) in a lot of bad business decisions. Hell, he even accompanied them on their honeymoon, if I'm not mistaken. He was the one running the Family Business Beer Company--which has now claimed to be temporarily closed while they find a better location. Leaves me suspicious that he likely ran it so badly it could no longer stay open.
Danneel's also included her family in a lot of Jensen's business, but deliberately kept his family away.
It was her bad advice that lead to the downfall of the TV show, The Winchester. (Supposedly she told Jensen to use that strange accent, etc.)
She's made posts and claims to be with Jensen, only to have fans mention/photograph him being massively elsewhere.
She's a performative activist, meaning she only does something to get attention and when it's over, she drops it like a hot rock.
She's mentioned cheating on Jensen in a podcast.
It's been wildly speculated that she was not one of the victims of Mark Schwahn's sexual harassment, as Hilarie Morgan (née Burton) stated she recalled a phone call with Schwahn where he mentioned having an affair with Danneel and Hilarie told him she didn't want to hear it.
Danneel also has a history of being a difficult person to get along with on a variety of sets. Neil Patrick Harris stated she was awful to work with. There's a rumor that she had been banned from the Supernatural set for some time because she was awful to the crew and cast.
She allegedly even struck Jensen in front of a PA during an argument.
There's speculation that the scar on Jensen's nose is because of her, not a keg or a slip in the family pool as he claimed (he's constantly changing his story).
There's a lot of reasons to not like Danneel and I've barely scratched the surface.
She's unsupportive of Jensen, constantly wasting his money, never loving to him.
More and more, it's clearly appearing to be a transactional relationship, not a happy marriage, and a lot of it can be laid at her feet.
I hope this helps, Anon. I may make a huge post eventually, with screenshots and citations (if I can!) about her behavior.
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smokingasters · 1 year
Hi, do you think Frederica is a potential love interest for Kogami?
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask ❤️ Yes, I do. If Psycho-Pass ever goes that route, I would like to see the potential dynamic between Frederica and Kogami. I shipped these two since the SS Case 3. I felt as though there was a bond, maybe it was the dinner scene or the conversation they had after on the cliff, or maybe it was the infamous water bottle scene, but there is a charm to them as a couple.
I liked how Frederica understood Kogami's emotions and she helped him come to terms with the aimlessness of his journey, where she respected his methods even if they were less than savoury. Then again, she was recruiting a new hound for her team, so she did have ulterior motives but the fact that Frederica learned about Kogami from Saiga makes me extrapolate that she was intrigued about his history personally, so I believe at least from her side she might have some romantic interest. Plus she doesn't hesitate to boss him around when necessary.
Kogami is quite guarded around her even in the novelization and the text makes it quite clear (even Tenzing picks up on it) that Frederica is flirting with him. Kogami is quite clueless as to how to respond to her advances, which to me was hilarious.
Anyhow, we don’t know Kogami’s thoughts about Frederica, whether he sees her in a romantic light, so I’m not going to jump the gun and assume that it will happen.
Also, I am aware that Shinya x Akane and Shinya x Gino are highly popular ships that tick off many of the romantic couple tropes thus they are more likely to become canon than Frederica x Shinya if the writers decide to go ahead with any romantic relationships.
A part of my heart will ship them despite the fact that Frederica x Kogami shippers are a minority 🥰 Not to mention Tenzing secretly ships them.
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