drunkenworgen · 5 years
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The Ebonsteeds
Gorgeous portraits by the wonderful @greylethallin of everyone’s favorite drunk parents who barely know what they’re doing but that can also murder you with a look.
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
Gin and Terrick walk into a bar:
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
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Gin, pointing at the scariest looking man in the room that’s about twice her age and could kill her in seven different ways without trying: “ ‘Im, ah wan’ ‘im.”
Also, Gin, seeing any woman walk past her: “ ‘M very gay.”
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
(A very brief mini-drabble for Love is in the Air featuring Gin and Terrick.) ( @terrick-ebonsteed )
The year before had found the pair separated by the Legion.  With Gin off fighting with Greymane and his forces in one area, and Terrick off in who knew where.  This year, though, found the older rogue semi-retired and Gin on leave with the defeat of Sargeras; meaning they could spend time together this year.
“Where are y’takin’ me?”  Terrick was blindfolded; dressed in one of his finest suits as he was lead by Gin who had donned a dress and styled her hair in something other than a ponytail.
“Yeh’ll see, love.  Just a few more steps, yeah?”  She stopped, making sure he didn’t trip as he stopped short.  “Y’can take th’blindfold off, now.”
As he removed the fabric from his eyes, he’d be greeted by the sight of a candlelit dinner laid out under the trees.  “Lyis ‘s watchin’ th’twins, an’ ah though’ we could both use th’qu-”  Her words were cut off by a passionate kiss, pulling his wife close.
“I love ya, lass,” he muttered as he pulled away, pulling her gently to the ground.
“Ah love ya, too, Terr.”
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
I am littered with sᴄᴀʀs.
With ᴛᴇᴀʀs, ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ, and sʜᴀᴍᴇ.
But, ʏᴏᴜ - 𝔏𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 - ʏᴏᴜ.
ʏᴏᴜ touched my sᴄᴀʀs without fear.
Wiped away the ᴛᴇᴀʀs, the sʜᴀᴍᴇ.
(Made me feel human again...)
I am still ᴀsʜᴀᴍᴇᴅ of myself, my past.
But ʏᴏᴜ...
I will never be ᴀsʜᴀᴍᴇᴅ of loving ʏᴏᴜ.
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
(From an RP between @terrick-ebonsteed and I as Gin deals with whatever Void corruption is lurking within her.)
A portal from the Mage Quarter to the Blasted Lands, followed by a quick flight to the coast and she was home.  Her mind was racing as she practically burst through the door, quickly vaulting over packed crates and past a confused and shirtless Terrick to get to the stairs.  There was a key she was looking for, to her father’s shop.  Not that she really expected it to still be locked after all these years, but...just in case.  The woman was so preoccupied in her search that she didn’t notice her husband follow her up the stairs, broken out of her stupor by the sound of the ice in his whiskey.
“What’s up, lass?”  He blinked a few times, clearly confused and concerned seeing his wife in such a state, his brow raising higher.
Gin remained silent at first, letting out a soft grunt as she stood, clutching the key to herself.  “Ah don’...righ’ly know,” she muttered, turning her gaze towards him.  Where he had clearly been relaxing at home, Gin was still dressed in her field armor, and he may be able to detect a small hint of Shadows still clinging to her.  “There wus an issue on Argus...sent me ‘ome.  Go’ back t’Stormwind an’ some bastard asked me ‘bout m’sister an’ tried t’...dunno, actually.”  Her frown only deepened as she spoke, her hands moving up to rub at her temples.
Terrick took a moment as he processed what she was saying, polishing off his whiskey before slamming his dagger into the table, next to the countless other marks from the same actions.  Still silent, he removed the Uncrowned insignia from his belt - the one marking him as an assassin for Raveholdt - before stepping towards his wife.  A rough, scarred hand reached out to her, cupping her cheek, a rather comforting feeling for her.  “Your sister is dead,” he muttered, placing a soft kiss to her forehead as he wrapped his free arm around her back.
“Argus is a place where a lot is goin’ on, I have no place there, but...I am glad yer back, love.  I missed ye.”  His tone was soft, his words sincere and heartfelt as he frowned as well.  “Sit an’ tell me whot troubles ye, my dove.”  His crimson eyes - duller than usual - swirled with magics similar to the Shadows, though his curse had been weakening since the days of old, to the point of him beginning to show signs of aging.  Those ebon locks brushed with more grey than before, even his facial hair was beginning to grey.
She sighed, leaning into his touch. “They asked if ah knew someone named Abi...as if they’d spoken t’er recently.”  Sapphire eyes met his red ones, her frown softening slightly. “An’...wot ‘appened on Argus wus...Terrick, ah ‘eard voices as soon as ah stepped foot on Mac’aree.  Loud voices ‘at no one else could ‘ear.”  She sat on the bed now, head in her hands.  “Dunno wot y’know ‘bout Argus, but Mac’aree ‘s pretty...consumed by th’Void.”
The man scowled at the mention of the Void, his eyes softening some as he ran his fingers through his hair, ending with a curl of her locks.  “I love ye, bu’ th’Void is a troublesome thing,” he spoke softly before leaning into her for a quick kiss.  “You cannot give intae it.  Yer a strong, lass, an’ I believe in ya.  Remember I used tae struggle with the same plague upon me.”  As he spoke, his left pupil sparked to life with a certain darkness: a clouded Shadow aura, a marker to remind him of Terror and what that part of him had done.  “The Void is a scar.  Ya simply hafta treat it with a certain...care.”  His eyes closed as he moved to press his head against hers.”  “Ye either hafta cut it out or seek out aid of those who wield th’Light.”
Gin breathed in deeply, inhaling his scent as she memorized everything she could about him.  “...ah need t’go ‘ome.  ‘Ome- ‘ome.  Gilneas.  Jus’ fer a lil’ bit, an’ ah don’ plan on goin’ back t’Argus ‘til this is all sorted,” her arms wrapped around him as she spoke, sighing softly.  “Love, ah know ‘s dangerous, an’ yet ah still married ya.”  A sad attempt at humor to lighten the mood.
“This...wusn’ th’firs’ time ah’ve ‘eard voices, jus’ th’loudest,” she murmured.  There was a long pause, in which Gin simply held him, fingers tracing over scars.  “Ah need ya...t’do me a favor.  Ah promise ah’ll be quick an’ careful, bu’ please -” she tilted her head to look up at him - “ah dunno who is tryna follow me or why, bu’ ah need ya t’take th’twins an’ jus’...go somewhere safe fer a bit.  Ah don’ wanna know where.”
His eyes narrowed as he looked down at her.  “You don’ need tae do this alone, ye got a husban an’ two lovin’ chil’ns,” his tone held a slight bit of irritation to it.  “Ye don’ need tae go back tae Argus, eitha,” he grumbled.  He was rather upset at the thought of his wife coming home from a different planet, only to be leaving again for parts unknown.  “The Forsaken forces are still in tha’ area.”
“An’ ah’ve snuck past ‘em Light knows ‘ow many times,” her voice was almost pleading with him as she stared into his eyes.  “Terr, ah promise...ah won’ try an’ tackle this alone, bu’ ah can’ lose ya or them.”  As she continued speaking, her tone grew more urgent.  “Ah...this part - jus’ this part - ah need t’do alone.  ‘S easier fer me t’sneak in by m’self, an’ ah jus’...ah canno’ lose ya like ah los’ Charli!” Sheshouted the last half of her sentence, before pressing her head to his chest.  “If ah don’ know where ya are, then no one else can find out.  An’ ah promise ah will be safe, Terr.  Me ‘avin’ you an’ th’twins ‘s th’exact reason why ah need ya safe.”
Slowly, the man reached into the pouch he usually carried his poisons in, pulling out another, moreornate looking key.  “This wos from m’brother, Drix,” his tone was dark as he turned to look at Gin.  “It’s tae the tower at the Ebonsteed estate, if’n ya need a place secure to rest,” he sighed heavily, sorrow in his eyes as he looked at her.
“I trust ye...I trust ye with my life.”  As he continued speaking, his tone darkened again, reminiscent of when they had first met and he was more Terror than Terrick.  “If’n ya get intae trouble?  Use that connection with tha Void tae contact me - well...not me,” he placed a hand against his bare chest.  “The me within.  He’s still dormant, but ya can mos’ likely reach him.”
Taking the key, she’d place it in her own pouch, a look of relief washing over her face.  “Ah’ll try no’ t’use it,” she replied, lacing her fingers with his.  “Th’connection, ah mean.  An’ ah promise...ah’ll be quick.  Ah jus’ need t’look fer somethin’ in m’da’s shop.  Keep them out o’sigh’...safe.”  Her gaze turned to to the twins’ room, eyeing it sadly.  She’d give anything to ensure they grew up safe...with their parents.  “Ah love ya, Terr.”
“Ah love ya, too, dove.”  His eyes closed as he took his wife’s hand to his lips, kissing the back of it lovingly.  “Ye don’ have ta worry about them, I’ve got safehouses,” his voice trailed off as the stood in silence for a few moments, before he let out a soft sigh.  “Ah’ll miss ya, love...they’ll miss ya.”
Her response was a simple nod, at first, still looking towards the door to the twins’ room.  “Ah miss ya all th’bloody time,” she muttered.
“Four days,” she whispered against him.  “Four days, an’ if yeh’ve no’ ‘eard from by then, then come find me, yeah?”
“I will, and I will find you,” his voice held a grim tone as he spoke, his eyes flourishing to life as his curse coursed through his veins.  “I love ya.”
( @areniaagn, @lucentlycanthrope, @dear-dark-sister, @confessor-caleb for plot things.)
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
M'fav'rite flavor o' evil is m'usband.
Gin, probably
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream
( @terrick-ebonsteed )
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
How long have they been together (according to my shit brain):
GinxTerrick: three years GinxSeaa: one and a half(?) GinxGatz: one, I believe
I could be horribly incorrect but this is for my reference.  Correct me if I’m wrong.
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
Who always has cold hands and who is always warming them up for them?
(31) questions for your otp
(Accepting for all of Gin’s ships!)
Gin does, she doesn’t do well in any type of cold environment.  Which is terrific because they’re moving to either Loch Modan or Dun Morogoh soon (and you should have seen her during the winter in Gilneas).  And if by “always warming them up for the other” you mean “Gin shoves her cold hands underneath Terrick’s shirt and demands he warm her up,” then, uh…that.
( @centoridellanir )
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
I was bored earlier and amused myself with the thought of Gin trying to introduce her partners to her parents (if they weren’t dead/shitty):
Terrick would cause John to start arguing with Gin about the age gap, but he would surprisingly earn the instant approval of Minerva simply for being male and Gilnean.  John would eventually shut up upon learning that Terrick is Gilnean nobility, and turn to complete mush at the sight of his grandchildren, his face lighting up upon learning that they named their son after him. ( @terrick-ebonsteed )
Gatz would be greeted with a very loud “wasn’t he a prisoner of Gilneas” from Minerva, Gin responding to her with an even louder “MUM!”  John would start arguing with Gin about the age difference, eventually ending in an exasperated Gin throwing her hands up, grabbing Gatz by the arm, and storming out. ( @brashtide-menace )
Seaa would probably be greeted with uncomfortable laughter, Gin being pulled off to the side.  There would be mention of “Gin, she’s Sin’dorei...and undead,” and Gin would just reply with “no shit.”  Minerva would be mostly uncomfortable with the fact that Seaandra is a woman, John would eventually warm up to her and start telling her dumb jokes and pulling out Gin’s baby pictures.  Gin would frantically start trying to set them on fire. ( @unholysunblade )
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
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Terrick and Virginia Ebonsteed
I felt like making some moodboards for Gin’s ships to try and gain some inspiration for writing.
( @terrick-ebonsteed )
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
Because I guess a PTSD riddled drunk and a former left hand of a psychopath who acted as a personal assassin are meant for each other and cute af.
Terrick, OOCly
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
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Attention everyone: this.
That is all.
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
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Gin has her priorities straight...
Terrick noogied her right before this.
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