#Giovanni Fiorillo
bigarella · 24 days
Ragazzi di stadio
Da La Gazzetta dello Sport dell’8 novembre 1979, la pubblicazione della lettera inviata da Giovanni Fiorillo. Fonte: Umberto Resta, Op. cit. infra Il tifo organizzato a Roma negli anni Ottanta e l’Estate romana: due mondi lontani.Affrontare il capitolo della storia del tifo romanista negli anni Ottanta (e quindi di conseguenza anche di quello laziale, giacché, come ebbe a dirmi qualche tempo fa…
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adrianomaini · 24 days
Ragazzi di stadio
Da La Gazzetta dello Sport dell’8 novembre 1979, la pubblicazione della lettera inviata da Giovanni Fiorillo. Fonte: Umberto Resta, Op. cit. infra Il tifo organizzato a Roma negli anni Ottanta e l’Estate romana: due mondi lontani.Affrontare il capitolo della storia del tifo romanista negli anni Ottanta (e quindi di conseguenza anche di quello laziale, giacché, come ebbe a dirmi qualche tempo fa…
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bagnabraghe · 24 days
Ragazzi di stadio
Da La Gazzetta dello Sport dell’8 novembre 1979, la pubblicazione della lettera inviata da Giovanni Fiorillo. Fonte: Umberto Resta, Op. cit. infra Il tifo organizzato a Roma negli anni Ottanta e l’Estate romana: due mondi lontani.Affrontare il capitolo della storia del tifo romanista negli anni Ottanta (e quindi di conseguenza anche di quello laziale, giacché, come ebbe a dirmi qualche tempo fa…
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collasgarba · 24 days
Ragazzi di stadio
Da La Gazzetta dello Sport dell’8 novembre 1979, la pubblicazione della lettera inviata da Giovanni Fiorillo. Fonte: Umberto Resta, Op. cit. infra Il tifo organizzato a Roma negli anni Ottanta e l’Estate romana: due mondi lontani.Affrontare il capitolo della storia del tifo romanista negli anni Ottanta (e quindi di conseguenza anche di quello laziale, giacché, come ebbe a dirmi qualche tempo fa…
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askthepianist · 2 months
What The fuck did the 6th sibling do. WHERE ARE THEY.
(OOC) Putting it down here cause it's a bit long!!!
(Ó~Ò)و > "...A-...6th sibling?...."
(◉◉) > "..." He doesn't say anything obviously, but his face seems a bit...Unconfortable.
~ଘ•_•) > "...Oh-...Yeah, there's-...Uhm...Her..." Pietro pauses, looking at Emmanuel before continuing "...She-...Uhm...Oh god how do i say that..."
ヾ●>●) > "...It's better to not talk about her. Not at all."
(Ó~Ò)و > "...Huh?...But-...But i want to know about her-...Uhm..I...We had another sister?..."
ଘ७•́‿•̀)७ > "Yeah! I-...Didn't knew we had another sister! What happened to her?"
~ଘ•_•) > "...She-...Well-...We don't really know what happened to her and-..."
ଘ७•́‿•̀)७ > "But you could have told us about her before-..."
ヾ●>●) > "Yes, we could, but it's not needed. She doesn't deserve it anyways."
(Ó~Ò)و > "...B-But-...We had the right to...Know..."
~ଘ•_•) > "...We just thought it would be better if you two didn't knew-..."
ଘ७•́_•̀)७ > "Why would you just assume that?"
~ଘ•_•) > "Well, uhm-...You two are a bit sensitive and-..."
ଘ७•́_•̀)७ > "....Pietro, me and Louise are both grown women, can you not fucking act as if you were trying to protect us like we are babies?"
ヾ●>●) > "Angeline, i think you don't need to get this angry over this, it's just-..."
ଘ७•́_•̀)७ > "DON'T hit me with this little "it's just" blablabla thing! You guys KNOW i was trying to find all of our siblings before and just hid it from us? I know communication with Louise was hard, but we were talking to each other for MONTHS before! I don't care about what you were thinking, you still withdrew information from me and her!"
(Ó~Ò)و > "G-Guys, we don't need to-...F-Fight...Please..."
~ଘ•_•) > "Yes, Angeline, aren't you overreacting a bit? I understand your frustation but-..."
ଘ७•́_•̀)७ > "NO YOU DON'T! You both-...No, you three!" she glances at Giovanni for a second, taking a deep breath. "...Just forget about it! You know what? Forget about it!" Angeline says, before storming off.
(◉◉) > "...!!!" Giovanni just watches as she leaves, trying to go after his sister.
ヾ●>●) > "..." he groans a bit, putting his hand onto his head. "This was a stupid idea..."
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Do you have recommendations for realistic mafia books like Gomorrah and The Day of the Owl?
I roleplay Diavolo and I like to be as accurate as possible.
Some recommendations about 'Romanzi di Mafia'
1. " Capire la Mafia"- Piernicola Silvis
This book clarifies how mafia organizations are structured and how they function: names, roles, rituals, codes, language etc. The organization cited are Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and Sacra corona unita.
2. "Romanzo Criminale"- Giancarlo Decataldo
Romanzo criminale is an Italian novel written by the judge Giancarlo De Cataldo and inspired by the true story of the Banda della Magliana, a criminal gang which operated in Italy in Rome between the late 1970s and mid-1980s.
This book shows the intricate relationship between criminality and the State in Italy at that time, with gangs fighting for the control of drug traffic, prostitution and gambling in the different quarters of Rome. The book traces the Italian story as seen by organized crime during the Years of Lead, beginning with Aldo Moro's kidnapping.
3. "La Paranza dei Bambini"- Roberto Saviano
Nicolas Fiorillo and his gang of children—his paranza—control the squares of Forcella after their rapid rise to power. But it isn't easy being at the top.
Now that the Piranhas have power in the city, Nicolas must undermine the old families of the Camorra and remain united among themselves. Every paranzino has his own vendettas and dreams to pursue—dreams that might go beyond the laws of the gang. A new war may be about to break out in this city of cutthroat bargaining, ruthless betrayal, and brutal revenge. Saviano continues the story of the disillusioned boys of Forcella, the paranzini ready to give and receive kisses that leave a taste of blood.
4."Bacio feroce"- Roberto Saviano
The sequel to 'La Paranza dei bambini'
5."L'impresa grigia"- Stefania Pellegrini
This book extensively describes how Mafia organizations took over businesses and companies in the North of Italy. This topic is more relevant than ever.
6. "Cose di Cosa Nostra"- Giovanni Falcone
In 'Cose di Cosa Nostra Falcone' describes the relationship between the Mafia and Sicily during an interview with journalist Marcelle Padovani . Falcone explains the weapons used, the system of signs devised to communicate messages, and the rules to which every Mafioso must comply. However, the book is also an enlightening read to understand how Falcone found himself fighting against politicians and judges who kept saying that "Mafia does not exist."
Good luck with your roleplay!
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ultimavoce · 7 years
Vincenzo Paparelli e l’eredità scomoda dello Tzigano
Populismi, impulsi primordiali e istinti archetipici nelle sovrapposizioni sociali del #calcio.
Per i 30 anni c’ho scritto il libro ‘Cuore Tifoso’, oggi ne sono passati 38. Questa è la vera storia. Rullo di tamburi, il grido di battaglia nella giungla metropolitana: “Morirete, morirete“. I lacrimogeni aggressivi delle guardie, l’odore acre dei fumogeni da incenso domenicale. Aperte le danze, il passaggio di riti orgiastico-collettivi sacrificali su bare cartonate, croci funerarie e litanie…
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sciscianonotizie · 2 years
Riecco il Party del sorriso a Villa Domi la sesta edizione
A Villa Domi riecco il “Party Del Sorriso” di Angelo Iannelli, dedicato alle persone meno fortunate. Una parata di stelle e Premio Cuore D’oro a  Elena Presti e Cosimo  Alberti. Dopo il successo delle scorse cinque edizioni, ritorna il “Party del Sorriso”, serata di solidarietà dedicata alle persone meno fortunate . Si svolgerà Sabato 14 Maggio  alle ore 20:00 nell’incantevole dimora settecentesca di Villa Domi la sesta edizione. L’evento è ideato e curato da Angelo Iannelli “ Ambasciatore del sorriso”, organizzato dall’ Associazione Vesuvius A.P.S. in collaborazione con Villa Domi Event  di Domenico Contessa . Il sociale diventa luce ,il sorriso terapia e  Napoli capitale dei grandi eventi .   Lo slogan  di questa edizione è “ Per donare un sorriso basta poco, avere un cuore grande”. Si preannuncia una serata ricca di emozioni, comprendente : Il Sociale ,la Moda, l’Arte, la Musica, i Balli , la valorizzazione del territorio attraverso le Eccellenze Enogastronomiche  , tutto  glorificato dalla solidarietà. Aprirà la serata il Gruppo Musicale di Acerra,  a seguire  la moda con l’ Accademia Maria Mauro  , le modelle di   “The Quiero Mucho “  e la sposa di Nunzia Di Bernardo , seguiranno momenti musicali  con  i cantanti : Luis Navarro , Michele Selillo e Mario Conte  .L’atmosfera in villa diventerà magica con il percussionista Rosario  Scotti Di Carlo  e  i giochi di luce di Aiguil Duisheeva  . Alla serata saranno presenti tantissime personalità : blogger, vip, musicisti, pittori, istituzioni, imprenditori ,  ragazzi speciali e mass media  .Includere, valorizzare e socializzare, sono i tre obbiettivi  del produttore di emozioni Iannelli , C.t della nazionale del sociale che richiama tutti al grande evento per il suo Birtday.
Tantissimi i personaggi che hanno dato conferma al re del sorriso , che vuole rilanciare Napoli capitale degli eventi sociali nel mondo e stupirci in questa edizione :Corrado Ferlaino, Giulio Tarro, Gigi Savoia, Gigi Attrice, Lucia Cassini, Angelo Di Gennaro, Francesca Maresca  ,  Diego Moreno,Antoine, Teresa Moccia, Marco Cristi, Massimiliano Cimino Crescenzo De Gennaro, ,Lino Blandizzi, Enzo Guariglia,  Nicola Mora,Gino Accardo ,Francesco Iannelli, Lorenzo Crea, Cristian Musella, Antonio Riscetti, Fortuna Autiero, , Franco Melidoni , Alessia Fusaro ,  Zara De Felice,Chiara Aliberti,  Diletta’ Bone’ Acanfora,  Magda Mancuso , Stefania Pagano, Maria Grazia Verace, Morena De Rosa, Lina La Mura, Carmen La Bruna, Monica Pignataro,  Alessia Caputo. Eduardo Angeloni, Daniela Sabella, Delia Pacilio, Andrea Iovino  ,  Anna Semenkova, Miriam Rigione, Giulia Accardo, Susy Silvestri, Annabella Prisco ,Maria Grazia Liguori, Maria Guerriero, Roberto Minini (sosia Bono Vox), Natascia Ummaro, Ida Piccolo, Enza Guadagni, Miry D’amico,Maria Pirozzi, Vania Scarpato, Marianna Fortuna, Susy Fiorillo, Rosanna Romano, Ciro Marra, Alfredo Mariani, Massimo Sparnelli, Franco Capasso, Gigione Maresca, Raffaele Carlino, Franco Buononato, Teresa Lucianelli, Gianfranco Bellissimo, Vincenzo Assanti, Dora Chiariello, Pasquale Spera,Davide Guida, Giuseppe De Carlo,  Rosita Arpaia, Gianni Testa, Vincenzo Maio, Davide Ponticiello  e tanti altri ospiti a sorpresa .Per le istituzioni Invitato anche il Sindaco di Napoli  Gaetano Manfredi , i consoli: Gerry Danesi e Giuseppe Gambardella, Il Presidente Confesercenti Campania  Vincenzo Schiavo, il  sindaco di Camposano Francesco Barbato ,  il sindaco di Somma Vesuviana , Salvatore Di Somma  , il sindaco di Casola di Napoli Costantino Peccerella e tanti altri ospiti a sorpresa  . Durante la serata ci saranno i” Percorsi D’arte in tour “ con l’esposizioni degli artisti: Marino Di Lorenzo, Nadia Basso, Marcello Eraldi, Giovanni Cardiero, Claudio Torino, Francesco Sellone e  Tiziana Corvino. Momento clou della serata   l’esibizione di “Ragazzi Speciali . Un vero festival delle eccellenze enogastronomiche campane ; I fiocchi di neve di Ciro Poppella, le   pizze  di Luciano Sorbillo , Azienda Agricola Luigi Turboli, Acqua Service, Latteria Sorrentina, I Sapori di Napoli, Sabatini Jamonita , Antonio  Arfè  e le sue primizie , l’angolo Nestle’,  Pasta Gemme del Vesuvio, pelati La Torrente ,  Iazzetta,  Cantine Mediterranee,Antonio Tiramisù,  Mille Dolcezze di Nicola Obliato, confetti  Rastiello, Rogante vino e spumante ,Terre Pompeiane con il liquore Baba Re’. Tanti i partner ; Miky Makeup artist Accademy , Angelo De Falco Gioielli, Go Away Donna,  La Floricoltura di Michelangelo Griffo ,  Beaty System di Enzo Nocerino e Claudio Di  Martino , Carlo Di Giacomo  consolle e audio. Sistema Casa Immobiliare, Futura Service, Associazione Giaguaro “Accendi Un sogno “ Durante il Party  “sarà consegnato il prestigioso premio “Cuore D’oro” realizzato dallo scultore Michele Buonincontri all’attrice e cantante Elena Presti e all’attore del soap” Un posto al Sole “Cosimo Alberti . La kermesse sarà condotta da Erennio De Vita , Edda Cioffi, Angelo Iannelli ed  Emanuela Gambardella  con le miss . Mara Mollo e Lucia Schettino .  La manifestazione sarà ripresa  e documentata dai più importanti mass media regionali e locali .
source https://www.ilmonito.it/riecco-il-party-del-sorriso-a-villa-domi-la-sesta-edizione/
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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St. Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta
St. Padre Pio was one of the holiest saints of the 20th century. His insight into the usefulness of Maria Valtorta’s revelations for spiritual reading is certainly most reliable, as he was a mystic who communicated often with Our Lord and Our Lady; he often had instantaneous spiritual insights (such as the ability to read hearts); he was a stigmatist, bilocater, and prophet; he obtained miraculous cures and other miracles for many people; and he had numerous documented mystical experiences with other people, as well as lived in the same country at the same time as Maria Valtorta, who herself testifies that she had mystical experiences with him, and who others testify that they have experienced or witnessed supernatural occurrences connected with Maria Valtorta and him.
Drawing from handwritten testimonies of Rosi Giordani (a spiritual daughter of St. Padre Pio), Marta Diciotti (Maria Valtorta’s live-in housekeeper, friend, and confidant), and Maria’s autobiography, we will explore some of these experiences and testimonies.
Letter from a Spiritual Daughter of Padre Pio’s Telling About His Verbal Command to Read Maria Valtorta’s Works
The following is an exact copy of a letter written by a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio, Rosi Giordani, to Dr. Emilio Pisani, the editor and publisher of Maria Valtorta’s works. Included among the export publishers who receive special recognition each year from the Italian Ministry for Cultural Goods, in 1995, Dr. Pisani's Centro Editoriale Valtortiano (the publisher and worldwide distributor of Maria Valtorta’s writings) was awarded the Culture Prize by the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.1 Dr. Emilio Pisani is the son of Knight Michele Pisani, a renowned Catholic publisher who was knighted a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great by an Apostolic Brief of Pope Pius XII in 1943, upon the recommendation of the Pontifical Priestly Missionary Union.2 In this letter to Dr. Pisani, Rosi Giordani attests to the words of Padre Pio directed to a spiritual daughter of his, ordering her to read Maria Valtorta’s books. This letter is taken from the book published by Dr. Pisani entitled Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta:3
For Dr. Emilio Pisani,
Beloved in Jesus!
My name is Rosi Giordani, a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio. I am from Bologna, but have been living here for many years with my mother, who was born in 1897, like Maria Valtorta. Father has been at rest for twelve years in the cemetery of this town. In 1981 I was present with Mother at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Florence for the celebration of the anniversary of Maria Valtorta’s death. I was with dear Domenico Fiorillo. I embraced Marta and listened to her lovely talk.
I am writing particularly to tell you the following: a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio from the outset, Mrs. Elisa Lucchi, known as Malvina, from Forlì, a year before Padre Pio’s death asked him in Confession, “Father, I have heard mention of Maria Valtorta’s books. Do you advise me to read them?” Padre Pio replied, “I don’t advise you to—I order you to!”
San Giovanni Rotondo
January 7, 1989
Rosi Giordani
Padre Pio once wrote about the special care and solicitude that he had for his spiritual children: “I belong entirely to everyone. Everyone can say: ‘Padre Pio is mine.’ I deeply love my brothers in exile. I love my spiritual children as much as my own soul and even more. I have regenerated them to Jesus through suffering and love. I can forget myself, but not my spiritual children. Indeed, I can assure you that when the Lord calls me I will say to Him: ‘Lord, I will remain at the gates of Paradise; I will go in when I have seen the last of my children enter.’”4
Introduction to the Mystical Experiences Between Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta:
A Publication of San Giovanni Rotondo (The Place Where Padre Pio Spent the Last 52 Years of His Life)
The following are recollections of Maria Valtorta among the followers of Padre Pio. What is quoted below is from a fortnightly publication on Padre Pio’s work, and this was reprinted in the book Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta.5
The following is news published regarding the Our Lady of Grace Prayer Group in Ancona, taken from La Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, a magazine published twice monthly by Padre Pio’s foundation in San Giovanni Rotondo (vol. XXVIII, no. 14, July 16-31, 1977):
“After the usual Eucharistic celebration, followed by recitation of a third of the meditated rosary, the group’s spiritual director, the Most Rev. Bernardino Piccinelli, Auxiliary Bishop of Ancona, permitted a public reading of one of the most interesting instances testifying to Padre Pio’s extraordinary relations with Maria Valtorta of Viareggio, who had died a few years before with a reputation for holiness and was the author of famous literary works…”
Background on Some of the Common Miraculous Occurrences Involving St. Padre Pio
For those who are unfamiliar with the many miraculous occurrences that frequently occurred with the holy saint, prophet, and mystic, St. Padre Pio, I recommend the following article as a good place to start acquainting yourself with these phenomena: Life and Miracles of Padre Pio. Near the top of that article, there are links that go to additional articles dedicated to specific themes of his miracles, including stigmata, bilocation, gift of healing, gift of reading souls, encounters with his guardian angel, triumph over the devil, etc.
In this particular article about Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta, several of his common miraculous phenomena that occurred between Maria Valtorta and him that we will discuss was his well-known supernatural rose fragrance as well as him appearing in dreams. Before we proceed further, I want to put into context and establish what is meant by “his well-known supernatural rose fragrance”. Throughout history, various saints have miraculously exhibited a very strong scent of roses which cannot be attributed to natural causes. This is indicative of great holiness and the sign of God’s Presence. This has sometimes been called the “heavenly fragrance”, “celestial perfume”, or simply “miraculous scent of roses”.
An article by Jim Dunning, on the popular website, Mystics of the Church, relates:6
Although [Padre Pio] never left the monastery in a physical sense, he was observed at different places many miles away on numerous occasions. Thus he possessed a gift shared by very few saints; that of bilocation. Sometimes he appeared beside someone he wished to help; at other times he made his presence felt by the perception of a singular fragrance. This was noticed by everyone in the vicinity at the time.
An unusual aspect of this latter gift is that Padre Pio held it while still alive. Saint Teresa of Avila was reported to have emitted heavenly scents immediately after her death. A similar account was given of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower), whose body at death was said to have produced a strong scent of roses. There are numerous accounts of saints’ bodies possessing a distinctive fragrance years after their burial, but few in modern times were so honored during their lifetime.
Another article relates:7
The aromas are a feature of Padre Pio's spiritual views. He used to say to those who felt the scent: "What is there to explain... It is my presence."
Also note that many people have testified to having had mystical experiences with Padre Pio appearing to them in their dreams, and in them, speaking to them. The supernatural origin of these dreams has often been confirmed by subsequent miracles (such as healings) or by prophetic statements from Padre Pio in the dream that later came true (for example, he may tell them that something is going to happen that they would never have been able to guess would happen and would have no way of knowing it, and it in fact does occur).
From Maria Valtorta’s The Notebooks (1943): Mystical Experience of Communicating with Padre Pio in Dreams & the Experience of His Well-Known Supernatural Rose Fragrance
Maria Valtorta relates in The Notebooks, in 1943:8
I have seen and spoken to Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (in dreams). In dreams, too, I have seen him in ecstasy, after Holy Mass. I have seen his penetrating gaze and felt the scar of the stigmata on my hand when he took me by the hand. And, not when dreaming, but wide awake, I have noted his fragrance. No garden packed with fully-blossoming flowers can emit the heavenly scents which flooded my room on the night between July 25 and 26, 1941 or the afternoon of September 21, 1942, precisely while a friend of ours was speaking to Padre Pio about me (I did not know he had left for San Giovanni Rotondo). On both occasions I later obtained the graces requested. The scent was also perceived by Marta. It was so intense that it woke her up. It then ceased all at once, as it had come all at once.
Br. Daniel Klimek, T.O.R., discusses this dream and makes some good points (especially the third paragraph):9
Notice all of the sacred components surrounding Valtorta's dream, signs signifying that her encounter was, indeed, more than a simple dream. It was something deeper. First, she encounters the experience after Holy Mass, the holiest of all rituals between God and man on earth. Second, she encounters the experience in a state of ecstasy; thus, it has the feeling of an out-of-body experience for the mystic. Third, there is a vividness to the dream that is evident in Valtorta's intimate details of the encounter – from the fact that touch is accentuated in the way that Padre Pio held her hand and she could clearly see the details of the painful stigmata, to the fact that she describes Saint Pio's "penetrating gaze," showing us a poignant personalism in the encounter between these two Italian mystics. This personalism is further noticeable in the very fact that Valtorta reported speaking with Padre Pio. Thus, it wasn't simply a casual dream of a saint that she experienced, but a deeply personal and intimate interaction with a saint.
The fact that a powerful, sacred fragrance remained afterward while Valtorta was wide awake, a fragrance so powerful that no "garden bursting with flowers in full bloom can give off the celestial scents" which filled her room and which even woke up her friend Marta, further shows us that her experience was something special. Notice that the second time that this fragrance came, according to Valtorta's description, was when a friend of the family's was speaking of Valtorta to a priest in Saint Giovanni Rotondo, the site famous for a hospital founded by Padre Pio.
What further merits attention is that Valtorta experienced the encounter in the 1940s, back when Padre Pio was still a controversial figure in the world of Catholicism as a mystic. It would not be until decades later, in 2002, that Padre Pio would finally be recognized as a saint through formal canonization during the papacy of Pope John Paul II, who himself revered the famous stigmatic. Yet, before Padre's ecclesial recognition by Rome, the friar remained a controversial figure, admired and revered by countless of people but, unfortunately, also demonized by his bishop who spread many falsehoods about Padre's reputation and sanctity. The path of controversy is the path that every mystic must walk. Valtorta is no stranger to this reality, having both strong supporters and critics in the Church while her writings continue to inspire a wider audience. Perhaps her early encounter with Padre Pio, recognized today as an unquestionably holy presence, an encounter that took place back when Saint Pio's sanctity was still being questioned by many, hints at a sacred source behind Valtorta's own mystical experiences: for she saw authenticity in a holy man before the Church even recognized that authenticity.
From Maria Valtorta’s The Notebooks (1944): the Experience of Padre Pio’s Well-Known Supernatural Rose Fragrance Again
Maria Valtorta relates in The Notebooks, in 1944:10
July 25, 1944
Yesterday there was no dictation. Rest for my weary shoulders, crushed by abundant writing in recent days. But not an absence of heavenly favors.
First of all, a lot of peace, and then the visible presence of my Heavenly Friends and their caresses and—perceptible to others as well—that scent of roses, which is sometimes pure, as if there were tufts of just-cut roses in the room, and sometimes seems fused to a tenuous smell of iodine and vinegar, as if the roses had withered a little on their stems. The perfume comes slowly; at the outset, it is barely a nuance; it then intensifies and grows, virtually coming in waves, at times very forceful and at times less marked. It then disperses as it has come. It is generally the smell of roses. But sometimes it is complex, as if there were gardenias, jasmines, violets, lilies of the valley, normal lilies, and tuberoses. I never smell carnations, irises, daffodils, freesias, or other flowers. Only the ones I mentioned above.
I think it is brought by some “Friend” or comes with the blessing of Padre Pio. But I do not know exactly. And I greet it every time with thanksgiving, saying, “Whoever you are, thank you for your perceptible protection.” For I feel protected when I am in the midst of those fragrances, even more than usual. As if I were in the arms of someone who loves me with the perfection of a saint.
November 29, 1944
…Eight days ago, on November 22, precisely the night preceding Marta’s going down to Lucca to find out about permission for haulage, in my short sleep at dawn, I dreamt of heading for Viareggio (on foot), together with Marta, and meeting Padre Pio, or a Franciscan—but I think it was Padre Pio—who looked at me and said, as if speaking to himself, “It is bitter, though, to have gotten enthusiastic about returning and to experience such delay!” I turned around and, a bit irritated and excited, asked, “What’s that? What’s that?” He replied, “Nothing. I was saying that it is bitter to have gotten enthusiastic about returning and to experience such delay.” He said that twice and disappeared.
I woke up with concern and said to Marta, “You’ll see that nothing can be done.” Marta replied, “Why, no! On the contrary, Padre Pio came to say that the delay has been bitter, but it is over.” I responded, “No, no. You’ll see that it’s beginning now. He was too sad on saying those words.”
Marta went to Lucca…and found out that it was impossible to leave until after the 30th because permission was denied.
A Testimony About Padre Pio’s Words About Maria Valtorta’s Sufferings
Before I quote the testimony of Marta Diciotti (Maria Valtorta’s live-in housekeeper, friend, and confidant until the day of her death) concerning Padre Pio’s words about Maria Valtorta’s illnesses and sufferings, it is important to put her illnesses into context.
In 1920, at the age of 23, while walking down the street with her mother, Maria was struck in the back with an iron bar by a communist anarchist delinquent. She was confined to a bed for three months, and then recovered enough to be able to move around again. In 1925, she read the autobiography of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, and, inspired by it, offered herself as a victim soul to the Divine Merciful Love. Five years later, she took private vows of virginity, poverty, and obedience, and then (after much deliberation and preparation) offered herself also as a victim to Divine Justice.
God accepted her offer. As a result of complications from her injury in 1920, as well as having contracted numerous, terrible illnesses which caused her great pain, she was bedridden beginning in 1934, and was forced to remain bedridden for the remaining 28 years of her life. She suffered excruciatingly.
I will give a couple of excerpts from her autobiography where she explains her many illnesses and, important for this article, describes how she offers up her sufferings willingly for God, does not want to be relieved of them, and she turns down potential healings for the sake of others. This is important when we later see what Saint Padre Pio said of her sufferings.
First, it should be noted that she suffered from five major chronic illnesses and ten other minor ones during the entire time she wrote her works. Her illnesses included progressive paralysis, myocarditis, an ovarian tumor, lung ailments, chronic peritonitis, volvulus, neuritis, and others.
Maria Valtorta writes in her autobiography:11
On February 2, 1935, after a heavy sopor and a terrible cardiac crisis, paresis appeared. It was then that the family doctor had his theory accepted by the consultants that not only my heart was damaged, but also the spine, or, rather, the spinal marrow. We do not know if it is a tumor or the formation of liquid resulting from the blow received in 1920, but the lesion exists. After the consultation I wrote as follows (I copy from my diary): “My soul is full of song. An incomprehensible song and incomprehensible gladness for someone unaware of the most burning longing of my heart...! You, my Good, know why I am happy...! The fact is that I do not have one malady, but three afflicting me! I kiss this trinity of pain wherein I see the will of the Trinity reflected and worship God, who adorns me with three such gifts, and with St. Francis I cry, ‘Lord, I am not worthy of such a great treasure!’ I clasp these three nails to my heart, your three nails, O my King, O my Christ, O my All, and since the more love grows, the more it sees itself comprehended and compensated, with the boldness of lovers I ask You, ‘Why just three wounds? Why not five, like yours?’ And I trustingly wait, for I feel that You will adorn me with all, all your jewels of pain....”
The three maladies were myocarditis, the ovarian tumor (now formed), and the spinal lesion. But I saw that the doctor was concealing something. And I prodded him to speak out.
On the morning of the 3rd I observed an undecipherable sign from the doctor to Mother. They went to the front hall and shut themselves in. “Just fine,” I said, “now I’m coming too.” Holding on to the furniture, I went barefoot to the glass door and, grasping the sewing machine to keep myself erect, I looked through the glass and heard the conversation. “The professor informs you that it is a form of progressive paralysis. Very slow, but extremely dangerous and inexorable in its course. As a result of a scare or some emotion or other, it may accelerate, strike the diaphragm and the bulbar centers, and provoke instant death. If there are no factors speeding it up, it may last years, gradually extinguishing the life of the organs....”
I went back to bed because—my heart was leaping and my legs, bending. Not from fear, but from exhaustion. I now knew enough, though. I have always wanted to know the truth. And to tell the truth.
The paresis beginning in the lower abdomen had little by little spread to many other organs and from time to time gives signs of paralyzing others. When it rises, it is the head which is affected; when it descends, the thorax. It is most painful because, according to the bulbar center stricken, it occasions blindness or deafness, or impairments involving speech, swallowing, breathing, digestion, renal filtration, writing.... A mine of troubles.
It was then that I made a solemn pact with Jesus to rescue a soul for every crisis. I had done so before informally. And how happy I was if I had many crises a day.
Maria Valtorta writes in her autobiography:12
The doctor obstinately maintained that either tuberculosis or hysteria was present. Analysis after analysis.... And the tuberculosis would not make up its mind to pop out so as to please him. Test after test to establish hysteria. But neither did it want to show up to make him happy. And I suffered terribly.
Another consultation with a surgeon. “It’s appendicitis! It should be operated on immediately!” Boom! In 1920 the same thing had been said, and after fourteen years the appendicitis had still not appeared. I am still waiting for it. And I live on raw salad, peas, and similar delights for an intestine which, according to the surgeon, is nearly perforated...!
Another consultation: “It’s a case of genital insufficiency.” Boom thrice over! I had never suffered in that sense. Insufficiency, of course! If anything, there was a tendency towards super-sufficiency! But that had to be the breeding ground. There was no solution. Very comfortable for doctors to take care of women! What they are unable to classify by its proper name is called hysteria, and we’re taken care of! Ovarian hormone treatment. The result: my heart remained the same. An ovarian inflammation leading to the tumor which gives me so much pain and not only physical troubles.
Then, since they had failed to hit the bull’s-eye, ladies and gentlemen, it was time for a change. The physiologist came back once again. Properly worked on by the family doctor—oh, human inconsistency!—he took back his entire diagnosis of a short time before, and whereas he had previously put me on water fresh from the tap and fruit juices for my pressure, he now ordered super-nutrition; whereas he had previously ordered complete immobility, under pain of death, he now ordered me to get up and go to the pinewood; whereas he had previously decalcified my arteries with all the nitrates possible, he now ordered calcium again without interruption, because there was bilateral tuberculosis (boom!), which, if not checked by supernutrition, air, movement, and calcium, would take me to the cemetery in three months (boom! boom!) amidst tremendous hemoptyses (boom! boom! boom!).
It was September 4, 1934. Today is April 8, 1943. I have eaten less and less, have not taken air, except for what comes in through the window, have not moved about, have not ingested calcium, and I am here—waiting....
I had to engage in movement, but none of the three consultants committed himself to taking me in the ambulance to have the X-ray done.... They knew that on moving I risked death, if I did not precipitate it as well.
In short, one gave me alcohol in any case; another prohibited even watered-down white wine; one administered heavy doses of caffeine, and another prohibited coffee; one fed me to excess, provoking crisis after crisis, and another put me on water and fruit juice.... Enough to drive you crazy!
Finally, a professor came who was a friend of ours. “Why, who has given you all this stuff?” he exclaimed on seeing the pharmacy I had on my bedside table. “But they’re mad! I’d throw everything into the middle of the street.” An examination and the complete exclusion of tuberculosis. A serious myocarditis, definitely, and now an ovarian inflammation. Bed, complete repose, nutritious but very limited food intake, cardiotonic injections, and that was all. “And then I’ll see to finding the doctor you need.” And he found him.
This is my current physician, who has been treating me for eight-and-a-half years and who, if not a genius healing all maladies, is at least a good psychologist who understands the causes of ills. And this is already quite a bit for a patient, particularly for certain patients!
With respect to my recovery... He has often stated for years, “We can do nothing in this case. We are faced with forces stronger than medicine which impede the slightest relief of the patient’s condition just as they impede her death, for, in human terms, she should have died years ago, on account of both the violence of the maladies gnawing at her and the foolish treatment applied at the outset. I am not a convinced believer, but I surrender to the evidence of a miracle: a miracle even greater than that of a cure. I do nothing. I merely follow the malady as best I can because I feel that even if I accomplished the impossible, I would collide with a Will which would annul my every effort.”
It’s a good thing he understood! But the others—those who were just “passing through,” shall we say, like the consultants—also reached the same conclusion. “If you are a believer, go to Lourdes or Loreto. Here the hand of God is present, and He alone can work a cure.”
It has often been proposed that I go to Lourdes or Loreto. My parish priest at the outset also suggested accompanying me there gratis. But, though grateful to him, I refused. First of all, as I have already written, it would be a serious inconsistency. What has been donated is not asked for. In the second place, I renounce the grace of health which might be granted me in favor of another ill creature who is not resigned to infirmity.
Every time there is a pilgrimage of patients or a solemn novena, like the ones to Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Joseph, St. Anthony, and others, I say to the Lord: “If I went, if I asked, You, Infinite Goodness, would bring me, too, back to health. But I ask and beseech You, instead, to give someone else the health, or at least the relief from agony, which You would give me. May another enjoy it and give You praise. There are so many fathers and mothers of a family who are ill and needed by their children! Heal one of these! There are so many patients who despair over being such: heal one of them! It is enough for there to be another creature who loves and blesses You, and I am content, much more than if I were to get well or my agony were to diminish.”
Just think how lovely Paradise will be for me, where I shall meet those who were healed through my renunciation! Healed of physical maladies and of distrust or despair! Now I do not know who they are. But in Heaven I shall know. My Lord Himself will be the one Who points them out to me when, clasping me to His Heart, He says, “Come, blessed one, for I was ill and you healed Me.”
This blessedness, too, will certainly exist for those who renounced recovery to heal another! Not even a glass of water given in His Name is in vain or goes unrewarded.... What, then, will be the reward for having given the grace of health in His Name to an ill brother?
Oh, I am so happy when I suffer very, very much...! My mission is to suffer. Every time the doctors’ compassion thinks up a remedy and every time the compassion of believers utters prayers for my improvement, a more serious deterioration and more acute suffering are observed.
In the economy governing the Universe everything has its reason for existence and its mission to carry out. The circling stars give us light and send forth astral forces influencing the fructification of lesser elements and the laws of the tides. The waters obey the eternal code directing them to descend in rain and snow from the clouds which amass them to sprinkle the earth and form glaciers nourishing the rivers, which, flowing into the lakes and seas, sustain them with their substance and turn them into a kind of enormous reservoir from which the sun draws up the evaporating vapors to create new clouds giving rain. Fish, the quite dimwitted fish, serve to clean the waters as well as for human food. Birds serve to exterminate insects and for the spontaneous sowing of the flowers’ seeds. The trees, respectful of vegetable laws, robe themselves in leafy branches in the spring to provide an abode for nests and shade for man or cover themselves with fruit to feed man and the good Lord’s birds. Seeds agree to be buried in the black earth, where nothing creeps but little worms, so as to sprout, in due course, as small plants supplying bread and food of every kind. Sheep cover themselves with thicker wool during the autumn to give tufts in the springtime to the birds building their nests and the warmth of clothing to the sons of man. Bees and butterflies serve to spread pollen, without which the flowering of plants would be of no use. Winds have their reason for existence, for they regulate heat, sweep clean the sky, purify the seas, and act as paranymphs in the vegetable marriages between flowers. Even the brambles have their mission. They are a defense for the hanging nests filled with tender bodies against the danger of man and snakes and serve as a hook for the tufts of wool sought out by the birds and donated by the flocks.
Everything, everything has its reason in creation, and everything has its mission, given to it by the Creator. I have mine: to suffer, to expiate, to love. To suffer for those who are unable to suffer, to expiate for those who are unable to expiate, to love for those who are unable to love. I do not think of myself. I say to the good Lord, “I trust You!” and that’s all I say to Him.
In fact, Jesus told her in one of His dictations to her:13
You are a nothing. But I have called you to this mission. I formed you for this, watching over even your mental formation. I have given to you an uncommon faculty for composition, because I needed to make you the illustrator of My Gospel....
I have crucified you in heart and flesh for this. So that you could be free of any bondage of affection, and would be the mistress of many more hours of time than anyone who is healthy could have. I have suppressed in you even the physical needs of nourishment, of sleep, and of rest, reducing them to an insignificant minimum, for this.
In your body, tormented and consumed by five grave and painful major illnesses, and by another ten minor ones, I have increased your energy in order to bring you to be able to do that which a healthy and well-nourished person could not do, for this. And I would wish this to be understood as an authentic sign. But this arid and perverse generation understands nothing.
...You are a nothing. But into this, your "nothing," I have entered and said: "See, speak, write." That "nothing" has become My instrument.
Now we will discuss what Saint Padre Pio said about Maria Valtorta’s sufferings.
If you are not familiar with Saint Padre Pio’s history of obtaining miraculous cures for countless people, see: Padre Pio and the Gift of Healing.
Testimony by Marta Diciotti, Maria Valtorta’s live-in housekeeper, friend, and confidant until the day of her death, taken from the book Recollections of Women Who Knew Maria Valtorta:14
The professor (Nicola Pende) wanted to take Maria to Rome, to his clinic on Salaria Street. And he would have provided transportation for her, either in his fine car, which was big and comfortable, or in an ambulance—whichever she preferred.
“Yes, yes, Professor,” Maria said. “Later, on arriving there, I would become a guinea pig.” In this way she shielded herself against the numerous proposals. In addition, she once said to me, “It’s useless all the same… They won’t cure me. They make me suffer more, and that’s all.” And I replied, “Why not say so?”
She answered, “Why let others in on my secrets? No one can cure me anyway.”
She said this to me on many, many occasions. And, in addition, more than once she said, “The Lord wants me like this in any case! And even worse than this,” or “Once I was cured, I would make all my offerings again.”
I remember that once a warrant officer from Marina, who lived alone with his wife near here, on Vittorio Veneto Street, and was named Arena, spoke to Padre Pio, whom he had gone to see, about Maria. In fact, at one time men in particular could also speak with that famous Capuchin, not just make a confession. This warrant officer, then, who felt pity over Maria’s many sufferings, by his own initiative asked Padre Pio to have her obtain the grace of getting healed, or at least of suffering a little less.
“Look, Father, that poor woman is suffering so,” this man said.
“Yes, yes, I know, I know. But if I can do anything, it will be for her soul. But I can do nothing for her body, to relieve her afflictions.”
And while he was speaking with Padre Pio, a big wave of perfume was perceived here. When he returned home, he came to see Maria and told her about his request and the answer he had received. She smiled and said “Well, yes! He’s right.” And she asked him about the time of that conversation with the friar in San Giovanni Rotondo. Well, the time—and, obviously, the day—correspond exactly to the moment that wave of perfume was perceived.
Maria Valtorta writes in her autobiography:15
When pain loosens its hold, when I know prayer is being offered for my recovery, I tremble and become anxious about my treasure’s being taken from me. It would be the only thing that would make me waver in the limitless trust, the boundless confidence I have in God. I would be tempted to think that God had found me so unworthy that He no longer associated me with the redeeming work of His Son.... And I, who recognize my worthlessness, but am familiar with the infinite mercy of my God, who raises us—poor human wretches—to the degree of redeemers, would fall into discouragement and weep immensely. But I trust my God!
As she wrote earlier:16
Every time the doctors’ compassion thinks up a remedy and every time the compassion of believers utters prayers for my improvement, a more serious deterioration and more acute suffering are observed.
…It has often been proposed that I go to Lourdes or Loreto. My parish priest at the outset also suggested accompanying me there gratis. But, though grateful to him, I refused. First of all, as I have already written, it would be a serious inconsistency. What has been donated is not asked for.
These last two excerpts show why Saint Padre Pio said of her:
“Yes, yes, I know, I know [she is suffering]. But if I can do anything, it will be for her soul. But I can do nothing for her body, to relieve her afflictions.”
He could do nothing for her body to relieve her afflictions not because he couldn’t obtain a healing for her (which he has obtained for numberless other people during his life), but because her afflictions were God’s Will for her for the benefit and salvation of other souls. To heal her would be to undo her offering, which she would then make all over again, undoing the healing. As the doctor said:17
“We can do nothing in this case. We are faced with forces stronger than medicine which impede the slightest relief of the patient’s condition just as they impede her death, for, in human terms, she should have died years ago, on account of both the violence of the maladies gnawing at her and the foolish treatment applied at the outset. I am not a convinced believer, but I surrender to the evidence of a miracle: a miracle even greater than that of a cure. I do nothing. I merely follow the malady as best I can because I feel that even if I accomplished the impossible, I would collide with a Will which would annul my every effort.”
Saint Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta are two of the greatest prophets, victim souls, and spiritual giants of the 20th century, who no doubt experienced multiple connections on a supernatural plane during their lives on Earth, and who are now enjoying each other's company in Heaven.
This article related several testimonies that confirm that St. Padre Pio recognized that Valtorta was a true fellow mystic and victim soul whose writings were given by God for the benefit of souls of good will. But St. Padre Pio is not the only canonized or beatified saint who has approved, endorsed, or praised Maria Valtorta's work.
1. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano (CEV). Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl. Viale Piscicelli, 89/91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italia.
2. Fireworks: Sunrise of Truth Encyclopedia, Vol. 1. The Maria Valtorta Research Center. Kolbe's Publications: Sherbrooke, Canada. 1996. p. 90. ISBN: 2920285009. This book is also available online here:
3. Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta. By Dr. Emilio Pisani. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. 1999. p. 68. ISBN-13: 978-8879870719.
4. Padre Pio of Pietrelchina: “Have a Good Day!”: A thought for each day of the year (3rd Edition). Edited by Br. Mariano Di Vito. Edizioni “Padre Pio da Pietrelcina”, Piazzale S. Maria delle Grazie, 4 71013 San Giovanni Rotondo, FG, Italy. 2015. pp. 174-175.
5. Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta. p. 60. Op. cit.
6. Padre Pio – the Saint Who Wore Gloves. By Jim Dunning. Mystics of the Church. Originally published in Irelands Own magazine.
7. The Scents of Padre Pio. By Antonio Norrito. Casa di Padre Pio.
8. The Notebooks: 1943. By Maria Valtorta. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. May 13, 1943. p. 27. ISBN-13: 9788879870320.
9. Maria Valtorta Encountered Padre Pio. By Daniel Klimek.
10. The Notebooks: 1944. By Maria Valtorta. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. pp. 468-469, 626. ISBN-13: 9788879870429.
11. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. 1991. pp. 322-324. ISBN-13: 9788879870689.
12. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. pp. 358-361. Op. cit.
13. The Notebooks: 1944. By Maria Valtorta. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. November 25, 1944. pp. 623-624. ISBN-13: 9788879870429.
14. The text for this reference is also quoted in: Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta. pp. 64-65. Op. cit.
15. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. p. 348. Op. cit.
16. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. pp. 359-360. Op. cit.
17. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. p. 359. Op. cit.
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tempi-dispari · 4 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.tempi-dispari.it/2020/05/28/il-compleanno-di-amnesty-international-festeggiato-da-trenta-artisti-con-un-brano-di-ivano-fossati/
Il compleanno di Amnesty International festeggiato da trenta artisti con un brano di Ivano Fossati
Giovedì 28 maggio sarà il 59° compleanno di Amnesty International e Voci per la libertà, il festival musicale strettamente legato ad Amnesty, festeggerà l’avvenimento con un ricco programma, a partire dalle 21 su www.facebook.com/vocixlaliberta e su www.youtube.com/user/vocixlaliberta/videos .
Oltre trenta artisti legati al festival (in gran parte ex vincitori o finalisti del premio per emergenti) daranno vita ad una diretta streaming piena di musica e testimonianze. In più un vero e proprio regalo: una reinterpretazione in forma collettiva da parte di tutti loro (sotto il nome di “Le stelle di Voci per la Libertà”) di “Pane e coraggio”, il brano di Ivano Fossati che vinse premio Amnesty International Italia nella sezione Big nel 2004.
Un modo per ricordare il 28 maggio 1961, quando, con la pubblicazione sulla prima pagina dell’Observer di un articolo-appello dell’avvocato inglese Peter Benenson intitolato ‘I prigionieri dimenticati’, nacque Amnesty International. Cinquantanove anni d’impegno per la tutela e la promozione dei diritti umani, accanto e insieme ai titolari dei diritti; cinquantanove anni di campagne per liberare i prigionieri di coscienza, abolire la pena di morte, porre fine alla tortura e alla violenza contro le donne, contrastare impunità e discriminazione, garantire il diritto all’alloggio, alla salute, all’ambiente e all’istruzione, riaffermare i diritti umani di migranti, richiedenti asilo e rifugiati.
A condurre la serata del 28 sarà Savino Zaba (di Rai Radio 1), lo storico presentatore del festival. Oltre agli interventi musicali saranno ospiti Alessandro Guerra e Riccardo Noury, presidente e portavoce di Amnesty International Italia; Giovanni Stefani e Michele Lionello, presidente e direttore artistico dell’Associazione Voci per la Libertà; Enrico Deregibus e Melania Ruggini, consulenti artistici dell’associazione. Gli artisti coinvolti sono:
Riky Anelli, Giorgio Barbarotta, Eleonora Betti, Elisa Erin Bonomo, Cloud, Leo Miglioranza e Alberto Cendron dei Do’Storieski, Adolfo Durante, Davide Nosea de Les Fleurs des Maladives, Massimo Francescon, Giovi, Roberto Cossu Cortejanas dei Golaseca, Gianluca Casazza dei Grace N Kaos, Francesco Mucè dei Loren, Anna Luppi, Valentina Benaglia de La Malaleche, Marcondiro, Maurizio Zannato dei Marmaja, Michele Mud, Assia Fiorillo delle Mujeres Creando, Chiara Patronella, Totò Nocera de Pupi di Surfaro, Fabrizio “Pachamama” Russo della Riserva Moac, Danilo Ruggero, Carlo Valente, Giulia Ventisette, Kumi Watanabe, Michela Grena dei Wicked Dub Division, Giulio Wilson,
L’evento ed il brano sono a sostegno di di #nessunoescluso , la campagna di Amnesty International per il diritto alla salute, che deve essere garantito anche a chi non ha un’assistenza sanitaria adeguata, a chi non ha una casa o vive in condizioni di precarietà. Per sostenere Amnesty International Italia: bonifico bancario intestato a Amnesty International – Sezione Italiana, via Magenta 5, 00185 Roma, C/C IT69Y0501803200 000010000032 presso Banca Popolare Etica o sul sito ww.amnesty.it/nessunoescluso/#dona
La serata del 28 è la conclusione degli eventi in streaming e delle aste organizzate da “Arte per la Libertà”, il festival della creatività per i diritti umani, nato dall’unione di “Voci per la Libertà – Una canzone per Amnesty” e “DeltArte – il Delta della Creatività”. A partire da metà marzo, ci sono state 40 performance artistiche, quasi 200.000 visualizzazioni sui social e oltre 2.000€ raccolti a favore di associazioni impegnate contro il coronavirus.
Il brano “Pane e coraggio” è stato realizzato dal collettivo “Le Stelle di Voci per la Libertà” e ha visto la direzione artistica di Michele Lionello. Alla segreteria organizzativa Martina Manfrinati, mix & mastering di Marco Malavasi di Sonic Design, montaggio video di Andrea Artosi di Studio Artax. Sarà disponibile online a partire dal 29 maggio.
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giancarlonicoli · 5 years
29 OTT 2019 08:41
Da www.iltempo.it
"Mio padre era armato solo di pane e frittata". Così Gabriele Paparelli, il figlio di Vincenzo, nel corso della trasmissione I Lunatici del weekend in onda su Rai Radio 2 e condotta da Pippo Lorusso e Roberta Paris. "Mio padre era un semplice tifoso, operaio di quegli anni, aveva un’officina meccanica, quindi era un semplice tifoso che non andava allo stadio a fare casino.
Eravamo la classica famiglia italiana di quegli anni, papà adorava il suo lavoro e lavorava tutta la settimana, con una passione enorme per la Lazio. Per lui la domenica era una sorta di premio che si prendeva per poter andare a seguire la sua amata Lazio. Era un semplice operaio che stava mangiando un panino con la frittata accanto alla moglie, aspettando di vedere un derby. Purtroppo è accaduto quello che nessuno avrebbe mai potuto immaginare".
Sul 28 ottobre 1979: "Quando il destino si accanisce non puoi scappare, quel giorno noi dovevamo andare al paese, siamo di Valmontone, capitava che andavamo tutti quanti per fare questi bellissimi megapranzi. C’era questo derby ma pioveva, allora papà decise di rinunciare alla partita e venire con noi al paese. Purtroppo è uscito un raggio di Sole e papà, laziale come era, ha preso subito la palla al balzo e decise di andare allo stadio. È andato tra le lacrime mie che volevo assolutamente andare con lui, avevo 8 anni ma ero abituato ad andare allo stadio con lui, andavamo tutta la famiglia. Invece mi disse che in quell’occasione sarebbe potuto essere pericoloso e che mi avrebbe portato la prossima volta. Non avevamo mai visto dei derby insieme, sempre partite abbastanza tranquille. Posso dire che quella volta mi ha salvato la vita. Viene il magone proprio perché non si riesce a concepire la violenza all’interno di uno stadio, quindi lì ci fu un cambiamento radicale nel mondo del tifo, degli ultrà, delle certezze che si sono perse all’improvviso per chiunque.
Conosco tante persone che da quel giorno non sono più andate allo stadio, quindi è cambiato totalmente il mondo dello sport perché non è possibile che si muoia addirittura dentro lo stadio. Purtroppo non ho mai potuto “godermi” in santa pace la morte di mio padre, so che è una cosa forte però una persona nell’intimità cerca di sopperire i dolori e li tira fuori soltanto quando vuole. La perdita di un genitore è sempre un dolore forte, però poi sentire o leggere sui muri insulti rivolti a tuo padre, cori allo stadio, è diventato un incubo perché non siamo stati più padroni di vivere tranquillamente la morte di mio padre.
Ogni giorno dovevamo combattere con una scritta, al punto che io giravo sempre con la mia bomboletta sotto al motorino per cancellarle perché se mia madre le vedeva era la fine della giornata. In questi anni durante le ricorrenze ho ricevuto anche tanto affetto, da Milano, Palermo, ho ricevuto tanti messaggi d’affetto e questo in qualche modo ti ridà la forza e ti ripaga il dolore che subisci. In primis i tifosi della Lazio, che per me sono diventati una seconda famiglia perché mi hanno sempre sostenuto da 40 anni a questa parte".
E sulla figlia: "Vado pochissimo allo stadio, se posso farne a meno preferisco perché purtroppo si è sviluppata una certa fobia nei confronti dello stadio. Adesso però ho una bimba piccola che vuole andare allo stadio e sto cedendo, stiamo studiando una prossima partita tranquilla di pomeriggio e le ho fatto una mezza promessa che forse l’accompagno. Ancora è piccola per affrontare la storia del nonno, cerco sempre di tenerla fuori da questi discorsi. Lei è andata allo stadio con il nonno materno e ha visto una bandiera con il volto di mio padre, allora mi ha chiesto del perché nonno Vincenzo fosse sulla bandiera, come faccio a spiegarglielo? Lei non sa ancora come sono andate le cose. Le rispondo che era un tifoso speciale della Lazio, tutti quanti gli volevano bene e lo ricordano così perché era un grande tifoso. Ogni volta che inquadrano la Curva Nord lei va a cercare quella bandiera".
Da www.corrieredellosport.it
Il 28 ottobre 1979 il calendario della Serie A prevede i derby di Milano e Roma. Alla vigilia l’attenzione è inevitabilmente più focalizzata su Inter-Milan, che oppone la capolista nerazzurra contro i campioni in carica rossoneri. Roma e Lazio sono più indietro in classifica: il Derby della Capitale non è ancora riuscito a ritagliarsi lo spazio mediatico conquistato solo negli anni successivi. Vincenzo Paparelli, 33 anni, di professione meccanico, è un uomo come tanti: marito, padre, tifoso della Lazio. È una domenica autunnale, piove. Una di quelle domeniche da dedicare alla famiglia.
Poi, all’improvviso, esce uno sprazzo di sole e Vincenzo viene inesorabilmente attratto dall’idea di andare allo stadio a vedere il derby. Solita routine: si esce di casa, si arriva allo stadio, si entra, si trova un posto. E, nella lunga attesa che separa lui e la moglie dall’inizio della partita (in curva Nord non ci sono i posti numerati), dopo aver letto qualche pagina di giornale addenta il pasto frugale tipico dell’occasione: un panino con la frittata.
Quelle attese erano fatte così: interminabilmente lunghe, noiosamente statiche, non ancora consumate dalla velocità zippata portata quarant’anni dopo dal mondo dominato dai cellulari. In quell’atmosfera quasi sospesa, impressionisticamente punteggiata da un boccone di cibo, una chiacchierata col vicino di posto occasionale e qualche sigaretta, dalla curva Sud parte un razzo che sorvola tutto il campo di gioco e chiude la sua traiettoria nel pieno viso di uno di quei tifosi che sta dribblando il tempo che lo separa dall’inizio della partita.
Quel tifoso è proprio lui, Vincenzo Paparelli, che non ha nemmeno il tempo di capire che la partita della sua vita sta per finire così, diretta inflessibilmente da un arbitro che applica un regolamento incomprensibile. La scena è cruenta, il panico si diffonde velocemente.
La moglie di Vincenzo,Wanda, prova disperatamente a estrarre dall’occhio del marito quell’oggetto incandescente, che la ustiona. La corsa all’ospedale è inutile e disperata, consumata tra paura, preghiere e dolore. Paparelli non ce la fa, lasciando la famiglia da sola a combattere la guerra della vita, fattasi all’improvviso terribilmente difficile.
Quel giorno la tesi per la quale il mondo del calcio vive in un’isola felice, incontaminata dalle influenze della società, veniva clamorosamente sconfessata. Un atto scriteriato, che portava con se gli echi disordinati di un concetto improprio del tifo, risuonò violentemente dentro l’Olimpico di Roma, portando il clima che si respirava per le strade del Paese all’interno di uno stadio di calcio. In quegli anni l’Italia viveva i suoi tormenti dilaniata dalla lotta politica extraparlamentare che si consumava nella violenza spesso omicida degli anni di piombo.
Vincenzo Paparelli morì in un luogo che avrebbe dovuto essere un sacrario della gioia di vivere proprio come giudici, politici, imprenditori e forze dell’ordine perivano nei luoghi dove quotidianamente si recavano per lavorare. Attività ordinarie potevano trasformarsi in tragedie senza la possibilità di poterle prevedere.
“Quel razzo ha distrutto la mia famiglia” ha dichiarato recentemente al Corriere della Sera il figlio di Paparelli, Gabriele, la cui vita è stata segnata per sempre da quello sconvolgente episodio. Come sconvolgenti sono le scritte comparse negli anni successivi a Roma che, in un misto di stupidità e barbarie, rievocano quella morte: ”Leggere sui muri ‘10-100-1000 Paparelli’ è stata la maledizione della mia vita. Quando mi capita di vederle, corro a coprirle” il commento avvilito di Gabriele a quelle iscrizioni oscene. La cronaca esige che si parli anche di Giovanni Fiorillo, il diciottenne disoccupato che sparò quel razzo dalla curva Sud: rimase latitante per 14 mesi prima di costituirsi.
Nel 1987 la Cassazione lo condannò definitivamente a sei anni e dieci mesi di reclusione per omicidio preterintenzionale: aveva sempre giurato che quel giorno non aveva intenzione di uccidere nessuno. Ma dal 28 ottobre 1979 andare allo stadio non fu più la stessa cosa.
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sportlaziale · 5 years
Una Antares rimaneggiata sfiora la rimonta con l'Ischia
Una Antares rimaneggiata sfiora la rimonta con l’Ischia
Ischia Marine – ANTARES N. LATINA 9 – 6 (1-1; 1-1; 4-1; 3-3)
Ischia M. Club: Abbate, Tocci, Gargiulo, Magliotto, Vitullo 3, Fiorillo 1, Santoro, Travaglini, Boccino, Sibillo, Talamo 2, Di Leva, Palermo 3. Tpv: Giovanni Izzo.
Antares N. Latina: Abballe, Monti, Fava 1, Zilli 2, Comuzzi, Tasciotti, Tempera, _ , Troiso 1, Zamperin 1, Castaldi, Di Principe 1, Scialdone.…
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conners-clinic · 5 years
The sources of acetyl-CoA and fatty acid synthesis
Acetyl-CoA, an important compound for cellular energy production, is the precursor for the synthesis of fatty acids, energy production, and cholesterol. Both glucose (sugar) and glutamine (amino acids) can contribute to the body’s generation of acetyl-CoA. Acetate has recently been shown to be yet another source of acetyl-CoA for many different cancer types, including breast, prostate, liver, primary glioblastomas and brain metastases. Some of these cancerous tissues incorporate acetate into fatty acids to support the cancer’s veracious need for structural elements in growth, whereas others have been shown to use acetate to fuel the TCA (Krebs energy) cycle that feed its need for energy (Comerford et al., 2014; Kamphorst et al., 2014; Mashimo et al., 2014; Schug et al., 2015).
Therefore, acetate might become a crucial nutritional source in poorly vascularized regions of tumors. The acetyl-CoA generated from glucose, glutamine or acetate (or potentially other nutritional sources) supplies the cholesterol and fatty acids synthesis demand of cancer cell growth.
There has been a hypothesis that cancer patients treated with statins could be associated with a reduced incidence of cancer. This has stimulated some research on the use of statins for cancer prevention (Baandrup et al., 2015; Boudreau et al., 2010). However, to date, clinical trials designed to specifically test cancer prevention by statin treatment have not been conclusive (Bertagnolli et al., 2010; Cardwell et al., 2015) and the other negative effects of statins (liver damage, decreased function of liver detoxification pathways, and CoQ10 depletion) seem to be too great a risk to take for cancer patients especially since liver metastasis is so common.
An novel approach to naturally hindering the same pathway without any of the side-effects may be in the use Bergamot Bioactive Polyphenolic Fractions (BPFs). BPFs contains a powerful and unique array of cholesterol-balancing and cardio-protective polyphenolic flavonoids that act similarly to statins. Emerging clinical research has demonstrated that BPFs help maintain healthy total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and triglyceride (TRI) levels naturally.
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) is a citrus plant that grows almost exclusively in the narrow coastal Calabria region in southern Italy. The local population quickly discovered bergamot juice could be used to help support healthy cholesterol levels and optimize cardiovascular wellness.
Bergamot’s health benefits derive from its unique profile of phenolic compounds such as, neoeriocitrin, neohesperidin, naringin, rutin, neodesmin, rhoifolin and poncirin. Naringin has been shown to be beneficial in maintaining normal inflammatory balance, while neoeriocitrin and rutin have been found to exhibit a strong capacity to quench free radicals and maintain healthy LDL cholesterol levels. Also, bergamot is rich in brutieridine and melitidine, which have a unique ability to dampen HMG-CoA reductase, and THAT is the key!
The tumor-promoting effects of enhanced fatty acid synthesis were first appreciated in the 1990s when fatty acid synthase (FASN) expression was identified as prognostic marker of aggressive breast cancers (Kuhajda et al., 1994).
The tendency of ovarian cancers to metastasize to the omentum has been shown to be driven by crosstalk between adipocytes (fat cells and accompanying fatty acids) and the ovarian cancer cells (Nieman et al., 2011). The uptake of fatty acids not only by the tumor cells but also the connective tissue cells necessary for building new cancer cells can affect continued tumor progression. In short, the more a cancer can efficiently make use of fatty acids, the poorer the prognosis.
Furthermore, cancers crave fatty acids and can activate adipose triglyceride lipase (a very specific enzyme that breaks down the body’s fat) in the white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle to make use of such fatty acids for continued growth. This has been linked to cachexia, suggesting that inhibition of such lipases might help alleviate the devastating problems associated with it (Das et al., 2011).
Enter Bergamot, one possible hero.
One study on Colorectal cancer (CRC) revealed evidence that citrus bergamia juice extracts (BJe) reduces CRC cell growth by multiple mechanisms.(1) Another showed that bergamot even eradicated cancer stem cells! (2)
We suggest taking 3-6 Bergamot BPF capsules per day in divided doses depending on the progression and severity of the cancer. You may also consider bergamot essential oil as an oral or topical addition.
(1)  Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2014;14(10):1402-13. Bergamot juice extract inhibits proliferation by inducing apoptosis in human colon cancer cells. Visalli G, Ferlazzo N, Cirmi S, Campiglia P, Gangemi S, Di Pietro A, Calapai G, Navarra M1.
(2) Bergamot natural products eradicate cancer stem cells (CSCs) by targeting mevalonate, Rho-GDI-signalling and mitochondrial metabolism. Authors: MarcoFiorilloabcMariaPeiris-PagèsaRosaSanchez-AlvarezaLuciaBartelladLeonardoDi DonnadVincenzaDolcecGiovanniSindonadFedericaSotgiaabAnna RitaCappellocMichael P.Lisanti
  via News – – Conners Clinic
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askthepianist · 2 months
Hey not so lil lads!!! What y'alls opinion on Angeline's friends like for example Tatya or that timetraveler...... Y'all wanna know any of them?.... Perhaps y'all a bit gay?? Fruit of some sort??
ヾ●>●) > "...Friends, huh?...I see...."
~ଘ•ᴗ•) > "Oh, they are actually pretty nice! We have met Tatya before already! She was the one who gave us those gifts when we first came into the manor, wasn't she? Such a sweetheart! I'm really happy that Angeline has a friend like her!"
(◉◉) > *nods*
ヾ●>●) > "But the timetraveler, Logan, no?...We have heard of him but...Hm...No, i have never talked with him, in fact...I don't remember seeing him from the first time we came here..."
(Ó~Ò)و > "....A...A timetraveler?...But...Is that even possible?..."
~ଘ•ᴗ•) > "...Well...Anything can really happen in this manor from what i have seen, so...It doesn't surprise me he can do that!"
(Ó~Ò)و > "...It must be good to...Be able to go back in time..."
ヾ●>●) > "...Yes, yes...And anon...We are gonna ignore the last part."
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di Carmine De Nardo Presso la biblioteca comunale “A. Moro” di Nocera Superiore, si è svolta la conferenza sul tema: “Archeologia nella valle del Sarno: quale informazione?” organizzata dall’ Ordine dei giornalisti della Campania. Dopo i saluti del presidente Assostampa Valle del Sarno, Salvatore Campitiello, il sindaco di Nocera Superiore, Giovanni Maria Cuofano ed il presidente della Provincia di Salerno, Michele Strianese, i lavori, moderati dal giornalista Salvatore D’ Angelo, hanno avuto inizio. In sintesi alcuni passaggi degli interventi dei relatori: Gerardo Pecci (docente di storia dell’arte dell’ Istituto Perito-Levi di Eboli) “La valorizzazione dei beni culturali deve essere preceduta dalla tutela degli stessi. La conoscenza, lo studio e l’opportuna informazione anche da parte dei giornalisti deve essere rigorosa e approfondita. I giornali non possono ridimenzionare la pagina della cultura e relegarla nelle ultime pagine. I giornalisti, inoltre, non devono farsi sentire solo quando c’ è un ritrovamento di un’opera d’arte o se crolla un muro a Pompei, ma devono intervenire costantemente per fornire un’informazione adeguata sui temi culturali.” Raffaella Bonaudo (responsabile archeologico dei beni architettonici e culturali provinciali) “Attraverso la realizzazione della rete dei musei bisogna pensare alla costituzione di un polo museale della Campania”. Gianluca Santangelo (ricercatore in archeologia medievale – Unisa) “Molto spesso manca uno studio appropriato delle aree archeologiche dell’ antica Nuceria e talvolta si divulgano informazioni inesatte”. Rosa Fiorillo (docente di archeologia medievale – Università di Salerno) “I giornalisti dovrebbero dare una informazione sulla cultura anche con un atteggiamento critico”. Il convegno, che è stato valido anche ai fini dell’ aggiornamento per i giornalisti, ha rappresentato anche un momento di approfondimento delle tematiche sui beni culturali e di diffusione delle informazioni inerenti alla valorizzazione del territorio salernitano attraverso il suo patrimonio artistico e culturale.
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Corso formativo per giornalisti: La stampa e i beni culturali. Il patrimonio archeologico della Valle del Sarno di Carmine De Nardo Presso la biblioteca comunale “A. Moro” di Nocera Superiore, si è svolta la conferenza sul tema: “Archeologia nella valle del Sarno: quale informazione?” organizzata dall’ Ordine dei giornalisti della Campania.
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alessandro54-plus · 6 years
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28 ottobre 1979 – La tragedia di Vincenzo Paparelli e quella perdita d’innocenza del calcio italiano Fonte:  Durante un derby capitolino, il 28 ottobre 1979, trovò la morte la seconda vittima italiana della violenza negli stadi: un sostenitore della Lazio, Vincenzo Paparelli, venne ucciso da un razzo nautico per segnalazioni luminose sparato da un diciottenne tifoso della Roma, Giovanni Fiorillo, che attraversò tutto il campo di gioco da un lato all'altro, percorrendo oltre 250 metri e finendo proprio nell'occhio della vittima.
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