kimetsu-chan · 8 months
I hate this, but I spent my entire day so far on it 😭
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Ignore the way Giyuu looks please, and also ignore the fact that they look the same height even tho Giyuu is taller. I had to shrink his head so it didn’t look weird 😭
I am not very proud of this :(
The pattern for Yuna’s kimono was taken off of google
Now it’s time for a nap bc I’m tired—
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larz-barz · 1 month
If requests are open, could you do a little sleepover truth or dare between the hashira? Something related to the collab:D you can also make it just a few characters you're more comfortable with instead of all of them if that makes sense
oooooo hehehe>:3
Truth or dare
Warning(s)/info: Crack fic, the sillies, ObaMitsu included cause yes, will def include GiYuna (@kimetsu-chan 🤭)
Tagging: @hotelcaliforniaenbydancer @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @kimetsu-chan @slayfics @night-mince10000000000000000001 @frostburn-shoto @floofgryph @muichirolover14 @muichirosboba @kiyokatokito
Mitsuri giggles as she taps her chin, thinking of what to dare Giyuu to do.
“Oh! I dare you to tell whoever you have a crush on that you love them!” She exclaims with sparkles in her eyes and Giyuu sighs.
“I can’t do that..” His quiet response makes Mitsuri tilt her head slightly.
“Why not??”
Giyuu sighs again, a bit louder this time. “Because she’s not here.”
The love hashira gasps loudly. “So you do have a crush on someone!! Who is it?!”
Giyuu blushes slightly as he thinks about his crush, Yuna.
Obanai puts a hand on Mitsuri’s shoulder, making her blush and be quiet as she looks at him. “I don’t think you’ll get him to say.”
Mitsuri hums sadly and nods. “Okayy..”
Obanai then mumbles something under his breath.
“Hm? What was that?” Mitsuri asks with a tilt of her head, smiling curiously.
Obanai blushes before looking away and sighing.
“I love you..”
His voice is so soft that Mitsuri almost didn’t catch it.
Her eyes go wide and her face turns red.
“I-I love you too!!”
Giyuu is just awkwardly watching the interaction.
This is definitely not the outcome he was expecting…
~the end~
sorry this kinda sucks ;-;
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cloudymistedskies · 8 months
Giyuna if you don’t mind 🥺👉👈 (Giyuu x Yuna)
I'm starting to realize I have this huge bias towards OC x Canons. And what do I say in return? Blehh.. I don't care. I'm gonna ship more oc x canons :3
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kimetsu-chan · 9 months
Disclaimer ⚠️: this is not a ship. It is a family dynamic. It contains Giyuna (Giyuu x Yuna) which is a romantic ship. This portrays Milo(@larz-barz’s oc) as their daughter. Yuna is my oc. These are headcanons and not an actual oneshot. This is the modern KNY AU.
A/N: This is the result of my baby fever, so here you go! 😋 also, this is my first time writing in this format, so sorry if it’s choppy 😭 also there are A LOT, so be prepared—
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My goodness was Milo a cute baby. She had the chubbiest cheeks and her parents couldn’t stop squishing them (gently of course)
She was such a talker too! She’d babble nonstop at anything and everything, even inanimate objects like a wall.
She could be sitting in her high chair or on her dad’s lap and be having full blown conversations with the wall or the plant next to the couch.
She also loved to be carried and held. Like loved
You so much as even make the motion of setting her down, she’d start bawling (she’s just a cutie like that)
It worried Giyuu and Yuna for a bit
But then she went into an independent phase—
She wanted to do everything by herself, despite being so tiny and not having the motor skills to much of anything
I headcanons Milo’s first word was “dada”
And that she said it in just a really adorable way
I actually have the entire scenario of her first word planned out
Like it was a Sunday afternoon and Yuna was in the kitchen making lunch.
Giyuu was laying on his side, playing with Milo (oh my gosh my heart. Giyuu loves babies and you cannot convince me otherwise)
Like he was just wiggling his finger at her and she grabbed it
She was doing her adorable giggle when it just spewed out of her mouth
Giyuu probably froze for a bit then sat up all the way to stare at his wife as if to say “Did you hear that?!”
Yuna would be just staring at him back with a surprised smile and Milo would say it again
But this time it would be because she’s upset Giyuu’s not paying attention to her anymore
Like Yuna and Giyuu would be cuddling like most couples do and Milo would just climb onto the bed with her favorite stuffed animal and plop her fat little toddler belly in the middle
Milo loves both of her parents equally…. But she’s definitely a daddy’s girl
Oh my gosh Giyuu would spoil Milo so bad—
He’d take her out to get ice cream every Friday after kindergarten
And that tradition would carry out until she’s in highschool
She just loves her dad okay 😭
Don’t get me wrong, Milo loves her mom too
They like to paint their nails and do face masks all while watching a movie once a month
(Sorry Giyuu, you’re not invited, it’s mommy-daughter time—)
When Milo first learned how to ride a bike, she fell and scraped her knee
Being a kid, she obviously cries because it hurts
But dad came to the rescue, (this is why she’s a daddy’s girl—) and placed a bandaid and kiss on the boo boo
Being the best dad ever, Giyuu helped his daughter become more confident to get back on the bike
He would walk/jog along side her and be telling her things like “You can do it baby” and “There you go, you’re such a brave girl”
I’m legitimately crying from how cute this is 😭
Milo loves to eat lunch with her dad when they were at school
Sometimes her future boyfriend would come sit with them
Giyuu would definitely be staring any of her male friends because “No one’s good enough for his baby”
Which is completely true but—
This is all I can think of at the moment, but I’ll definitelyprobably make a part two at some point
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(Tagging @mjtheartist04 because I blame her for giving me baby fever 😈)
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kimetsu-chan · 8 months
~Happy Birthday~
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST WATER BOY EVER- this is the Biological GiYuLo au :3 bc yes. This is featuring toddler!Milo, and holy crap is this long
Disclaimer ⚠️: GiYuLo is a family dynamic, not a ship. It does, however, contain Giyuna(Giyuu x Yuna) which is a romantic ship. Contains slight spoilers for Giyuu’s backstory? Maybe? It also got a little weak near the end, I hope it isn’t bad though 😥 Milo is not my oc, she belongs to my friend @larz-barz who has given me permission to use her in this fic. luv you pooks <3
TW: just tooth rotting fluff ☺️
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Today was Giyuu’s birthday, February 8th. Normally, he wouldn’t do much. He didn’t see the point. He’d much rather stay home with his wife and kid and enjoy having the day off.
So that was exactly what Yuna was planning.
Tsutako was taking him and his best friend, Sabito out to lunch that day, giving Yuna the perfect distraction. What made it even more perfect, was that Giyuu was taking their daughter, Milo, with him. Not only because Tsutako wanted to see her niece, but the 2 year old was insistent on going with her daddy.
In other circumstances, Yuna would pull a fake, offended smile, but this was a blessing in disguise. She was going to make her husband’s favorite food, simmered salmon with chunks of daikon, and make sure to have his favorite desert too. She knew she could safely serve that for dinner because the restaurant he was going to didn’t serve that. Curtesy of her and Tsutako’s previous chats.
Yes, Tsutako was in on it too. So was Sabito. They were going to wear Giyuu out to a reasonable extent by taking him to a carnival as well, so that when he got back, he could enjoy the peace and quiet of being home.
Yuna did her best not to seem to anxious for him to leave. She was lost in thought getting her very distracted toddler dressed when there was a small knock on the doorway. She turned to see her husband peeking his head in and she smiled.
“She almost ready?”
Milo squealed and made grabby hands towards him and Yuna struggled to keep her still long enough to put her favorite bow in her hair. A small smile found its way onto Giyuu’s usually stoic face as he stepped into the room. He put one hand on his hip as he walked over to Milo. He pressed the index finger of his free hand to her nose with a playful tone to his voice.
“C’mon baby, you gotta stay still for mommy.”
Yuna smiled as the little girl tried to escape her grasp. Giyuu sat on the floor next to his two favorite people and Milo tried even harder to get to him. Yuna hooked her hands under Milo’s arms and lifted her over her leg and into Giyuu’s lap. The little girl let out another happy squeal along with a string of “dada”s. She stood in his lap and grabbed at his face as she babbled nonstop. Giyuu couldn’t hold the pure love and affection from his gaze as he rested his hand on her back so she wouldn’t fall over.
“I think she wants you to do it.”
He looked over at his wife and took the purple bow from her hands when she handed it to him. He looked back over to his daughter and ruffled her hair.
“Baby, can you turn around for me?”
Milo immediately complied and turned around, falling into a sitting position in the process. Yuna gasped and placed a hand over her heart in a dramatic gesture.
“I call favoritism.”
Giyuu chuckled as he fastened the bow into Milo’s hair. The goober definitely was more still for her dad than for her mom, with her just patting her knees over and over again.
Once Giyuu had finished getting the bow nice and neat, he lifted Milo so he could stand up. He and Yuna walked out of their daughter’s room and towards the front door. Giyuu held Milo still as Yuna slipped her bright pink tennis shoes on.
Yuna held the door open for her husband and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before doing the same to her daughter’s forehead. She waved after them as they made their way to the car.
“Bye! Have fun!”
Giyuu waved back and Yuna waited until she saw the car leave to start getting the house ready. She rushed to the kitchen to start the salmon. Having three younger siblings definitely helped her as she had experience with needing to cook or clean quickly. Once she set an alarm for when she needed to start cooking, she went upstairs to grab blankets. She ran them to the upstairs loft with multiple other items so the family could make a small fort later that evening.
It didn’t take Yuna very long to get everything ready for her mini surprise and she soon began her cooking. She wanted it to be perfect, but she knew Giyuu would be happy with anything.
Once preparations for the activity were ready, Yuna moved onto the food. The smell of salmon and daikon filled the house, but that wasn’t too abnormal since the family ate it a lot. Yuna also made a small portion of chicken udon in case Milo was feeling particularly picky that evening. Milo might not eat many things, but she’ll always eat chicken udon. Yuna liked to joke that it was because she craved it a lot during her pregnancy.
Yuna enjoyed her time cooking. She had music playing from her phone and everything just felt really warm and cozy.
She felt really lucky to have met someone as caring and supportive as her husband. This will have been the fifth birthday of his she has spent with him. Ever since the two got together in college, she’d made sure that his actual birthday was rather tame since the man didn’t like being around people for too long. Which was a huge blessing to her, since she didn’t have to organize huge parties often.
Here she was, married to him for three years, and together for five, and she was still like a schoolgirl when she thought about him.
She was shaken out of her lovesick thoughts when she heard the sound of the car parking. Perfect. The food was almost finished so they could eat almost immediately. She made sure the food was safe to be momentarily left alone before rushing towards the door. She opened it just as Giyuu and Milo were approaching the house. Milo was clinging to Giyuu with a content and tired smile on her cute little baby face.
She held the door open for them and was greeted with a high-pitched “mama!” She took Milo from Giyuu’s arms and peppered her baby’s face in kisses.
“Hi Milo! I missed you~! Was she good?”
Giyuu nodded with a smile. He nodded his head towards the kitchen with a questioning look.
“What’re you making?”
Yuna set their daughter on the floor and reached for a hug from her husband. She felt Milo tugging at her pants as if she wanted to be picked up again, so she didn’t make the hug last too long. She crouched down to pick her daughter up once more as she spoke.
“Oh nothing much, just your favorite.”
Giyuu’s smile grew a little, no matter how often he and that, he’d never get sick of it. He ruffled Milo’s hair gently before turning to his wife.
“Thank you hun.”
Yuna waved him off with an embarrassed smile. She looked towards the stairs for a few seconds as a playful smirk found its way onto her face.
“And I have supplies set up to make a fort upstairs, that something you’d be interested in?”
He nodded and pressed a kiss to Yuna’s forehead.
“Of course, I just wanna be surrounded by my favorite girls.”
Milo grabbed onto his shirt with one hand and patted her forehead with her other.
“Me too! Me too!”
Giyuu shook his head with a chuckle and moved her hair out of the way.
“Okay, you too.”
~Le Fin
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A/N: omg that took a while 😭 I love them, they’re so cute. I had about 5 breakdowns bc Milo is too cute. I had to stop and take a breather
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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kimetsu-chan · 6 months
Draw Giyuu hugging Yuna.
Do itttt >:D
thank you for the GiYuna request, we’ve been lacking some good old GiYuna content lately (i haven’t drawn them in so long-) also not me realizing I drew it the opposite way, apparently I didn’t see the specific part of Giyuu hugging Yuna and not the other way around 💀
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Ignore the shadow of my hand, I have no idea how to take photos of traditional drawings—
this makes me wanna draw Yuna ngl-
expect a Yuna and some other drawings soon 😋
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kimetsu-chan · 10 months
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I got the original pic from @shycroissanti!
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kimetsu-chan · 6 months
Yuna Handa’s Character Sheet
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Name: Yuna Handa
Species: Human
Rank: Kinoe
Age: 19
Birthday: August 19th
Height: 5’6” (172 cm)
Weight: 113lbs (51.3 kg)
Personality: Bubbly, outgoing, empathetic, a little dumb, confrontational, motherly, non-violent, she will hit you with a chair if you don’t go to bed tho
Ship: Giyuu Tomioka (GiYuna)
Backstory: Yuna is the oldest of four children. She was raised in a small village very similar to the red lights district by her loving parents where unfortunately, your value was determined by your beauty. Yuna was one of the children to be dubbed “ugly” and was hence made fun of and mocked by other children. She pretended not to mind it though, since she didn’t want her parents to see their oldest daughter upset. This mockery was the origin of the small, crescent shaped scar under her eye. She was trying to avoid the usual group of children who like to tease her and slipped, hitting her face on a wood fence in the process. She almost lost her eye but was thankfully fine. The sight of a new “impurity” only egged the children on and the harassment got worse. Soon, as if her entire life came crashing down, Yuna’s father got sick. The family had already been greatly struggling with money, so her father getting so terribly ill was basically the end for her family. That was until she heard about demon slayer corps. Hearing that it could earn you a lot of money, Yuna decided to train with the first slayer she met that would accept her. That ended up being a young man who had been passing through town and stayed with her family for a night. The man known as Ryoto Shikoku then decided that he’d let her train under him. He did warn her that he was no hashira and was definitely not the best person to go for training, but she insisted. So, Yuna began her training at the age of sixteen. She was deemed okay enough to go to final selection by Ryoto and passed at the age of seventeen. - (Extra) Ryoto and Yuna went their separate ways and she later learned at the age of nineteen that he had passed away due to an encounter with a lower rank demon.
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kimetsu-chan · 8 months
im working on another fully rendered, very big, art piece— my neck alr hurts and I haven’t been drawing for very long 😭
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Yuna’s eyelashes are so pretty 🤩
is this fully rendered art piece just for that one ship thing cloudy tagged me in? Yes. Am I going all out for it and am gonna make a background? Yes.
KSBSJSHSJ my poor neck
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kimetsu-chan · 6 months
omg zentari fic req time???
Zeno is helping the love of his life study for a big test that she’s stressed out about 🥰💕
~Don’t Stress~
A/N: EEEE YES, MY FIRST REQUEST FOR MY POOKIES ZENO AND KITARI SKSHMSNSJS 🙌 this is more Zeno trying to get Kitari nor to overwork herself, I hope that’s okay :(
ZenTari are in an established relationship bc I love them and cannot live without them
TWs ⚠️: idk if stress counts? But Kitari is stressed :3
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Today was one of Zeno’s and Kitari’s usual study sessions they’d have with each other when a test was coming up.
They started doing this when Zeno was failing his chemistry class, and it became a usual tradition.
It was just very relaxing compared to how they used to study. They would both keep each other in check and make sure they were getting adequate rest, food, water, etc. They helped each other take sufficient breaks and they made sure neither overworked themself.
Zeno was currently trying to make Kitari take one of those previously mentioned breaks.
She’d been going over the same few subjects for the past hour without a single peep or break. He could practically feel the stress radiating off of her as she prepared for a large test.
Sighing, Zeno stood up from his seat in the library they were at and crossed the table side to stand next to her. He folded his arms and cleared his throat, making sure to get her attention.
She looked up at him sheepishly as she knew what he was about to tell her.
“Kitari- take a break.”
“I will in just a moment I nee-“
“No. You don’t need to finish anything.”
He gently leaned down and took her highlighter out of her hands and placed a bookmark in her book. He gently closed said book before crouching beside her and propping his cheek on his palm.
“C’mon Tari, you’ve been at this for a while now. Let’s go get some ice cream or something”
She was silenced by a finger on her lips. Zeno shook his head disapprovingly and sighed.
“Tari, I know you’re stressed. And that’s why you need to take a break. You can get right back to it once I know you aren’t overworking that brain of yours.”
Kitari gave him a small pout in an attempt to get him to let her continue. It was unfortunately not working on him. He wouldn’t let her tire herself out.
“C’mon, we can go get our ice cream and eat it at the park. Then and only then will I let you get back to studying.”
Pulling a trick he knew would get Kitari to fold, Zeno gave his girlfriend the best puppy dog eyes he could. And it worked like it always did.
“Yay! Thank you Tari.”
Zeno immediately got up and began to help put her books and materials in her backpack. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before helping her up.
“It’ll be on me, of course.”
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A/N: Larz, you have no idea how ridiculously happy writing this made me. I think I may be more crazy abt them than I am abt GiYuna atp—
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larz-barz · 7 months
New Addition
Warning(s)/info: This fic contains GiYuMiLo which is a family dynamic that contains the ship GiYuna and depicts Michio and Milo as their children. Yuna is not my oc, she belongs to my amazing platonic wife @kimetsu-chan. This is a fic for the magic au that @aceofstars0 started:D
Giyuu and Yuna are just walking around in the mountains, hand in hand and their 4 year old son on Giyuu’s shoulders.
“What’s that?” Michio asks excitedly, jabbing his finger at the air in the direction of a shooting star that was nearly consumed by the black moss that covered patches of the ground.
“Oh no! We need to go help them!” Yuna exclaims and runs to the star, Giyuu quickly follows her over to it.
She quickly dislodges the star from the parasitic moss and brushes moss off of it.
“You don’t think we’re too late do you, Yuu?” Yuna asks her husband worriedly.
Just as Giyuu was about to reassure his wife, the star starts to crack open and it reveals a beautiful little 1 year old girl with long half black and half white hair with purple streaks on both sides. Her slightly tanned skin has black splotches that vary in size and resemble vitiligo.
“There’s your answer..” Giyuu says calmly as he brushes a bit of hair out of the small toddler’s face.
Michio seems excited to have a new baby sister to play with.
“Well Michio.. what do you think of your new baby sister?” Yuna asks the little boy with a bright smile.
“I wove her!!” He squeals excitedly and Yuna chuckles softly.
“What should we name her?” Giyuu asks Michio and Yuna.
“Miwo!” Michio suggests happily and the small cat ears on the girl’s head twitch and she smiles and starts purring softly.
“Hehe.. I think she likes it.. Milo it is..” Yuna says with a soft smile.
Giyuu leans in to kiss Yuna on her forehead.
“That’s a perfect name for her..”
The small family then begins to walk home with their new addition, Milo.
~the end~
hehehe i love this sm🥰💕
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larz-barz · 10 months
Does this not scream Giyuna
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Or any bubbly x quiet for that matter—
literally so fr
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kimetsu-chan · 9 months
Yo >:’)
Mah cat fell down the stairs.
His name is Muichiro (I think that my other cat, Lily pushed him)
Anyways >:)
I wanna make Giyuna’s funny ship dynamic LALALALA x please shut up—
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larz-barz · 9 months
Milo fr looking like she’s actually the GiYuna love child is amazing
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