#oc x giyuu
kimetsu-chan · 9 months
Disclaimer ⚠️: this is not a ship. It is a family dynamic. It contains Giyuna (Giyuu x Yuna) which is a romantic ship. This portrays Milo(@larz-barz’s oc) as their daughter. Yuna is my oc. These are headcanons and not an actual oneshot. This is the modern KNY AU.
A/N: This is the result of my baby fever, so here you go! 😋 also, this is my first time writing in this format, so sorry if it’s choppy 😭 also there are A LOT, so be prepared—
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My goodness was Milo a cute baby. She had the chubbiest cheeks and her parents couldn’t stop squishing them (gently of course)
She was such a talker too! She’d babble nonstop at anything and everything, even inanimate objects like a wall.
She could be sitting in her high chair or on her dad’s lap and be having full blown conversations with the wall or the plant next to the couch.
She also loved to be carried and held. Like loved
You so much as even make the motion of setting her down, she’d start bawling (she’s just a cutie like that)
It worried Giyuu and Yuna for a bit
But then she went into an independent phase—
She wanted to do everything by herself, despite being so tiny and not having the motor skills to much of anything
I headcanons Milo’s first word was “dada”
And that she said it in just a really adorable way
I actually have the entire scenario of her first word planned out
Like it was a Sunday afternoon and Yuna was in the kitchen making lunch.
Giyuu was laying on his side, playing with Milo (oh my gosh my heart. Giyuu loves babies and you cannot convince me otherwise)
Like he was just wiggling his finger at her and she grabbed it
She was doing her adorable giggle when it just spewed out of her mouth
Giyuu probably froze for a bit then sat up all the way to stare at his wife as if to say “Did you hear that?!”
Yuna would be just staring at him back with a surprised smile and Milo would say it again
But this time it would be because she’s upset Giyuu’s not paying attention to her anymore
Like Yuna and Giyuu would be cuddling like most couples do and Milo would just climb onto the bed with her favorite stuffed animal and plop her fat little toddler belly in the middle
Milo loves both of her parents equally…. But she’s definitely a daddy’s girl
Oh my gosh Giyuu would spoil Milo so bad—
He’d take her out to get ice cream every Friday after kindergarten
And that tradition would carry out until she’s in highschool
She just loves her dad okay 😭
Don’t get me wrong, Milo loves her mom too
They like to paint their nails and do face masks all while watching a movie once a month
(Sorry Giyuu, you’re not invited, it’s mommy-daughter time—)
When Milo first learned how to ride a bike, she fell and scraped her knee
Being a kid, she obviously cries because it hurts
But dad came to the rescue, (this is why she’s a daddy’s girl—) and placed a bandaid and kiss on the boo boo
Being the best dad ever, Giyuu helped his daughter become more confident to get back on the bike
He would walk/jog along side her and be telling her things like “You can do it baby” and “There you go, you’re such a brave girl”
I’m legitimately crying from how cute this is 😭
Milo loves to eat lunch with her dad when they were at school
Sometimes her future boyfriend would come sit with them
Giyuu would definitely be staring any of her male friends because “No one’s good enough for his baby”
Which is completely true but—
This is all I can think of at the moment, but I’ll definitelyprobably make a part two at some point
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(Tagging @mjtheartist04 because I blame her for giving me baby fever 😈)
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censoredhysteria · 2 months
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dearkitties · 2 months
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: the hashira men having a demon!SO that’s immune to sunlight pt.1
characters: fem!reader x rengoku, giyuu
PT 2 with Sanemi HERE
AN: the long awaited request is finally here!! sorry for the delay! im in college and finals week was crazy! but the semester is over and i'm ready to get back to it with a bunch of new content for you guys! <3
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when he comes home from a mission to find the house completely trashed and a trail of blood leading to the bedroom he freezes
his first thought is that you're dead
someone or something has broken in
and he wasn't here to protect you
immediately blames himself
and poor kyo just can't force himself to walk in the bedroom only to discover your broken bleeding body
his heart couldn't take it
its not until he hears movement and small noises of pain that he pushes the bedroom door open
only to discover you hiding in the corner of the room covered with a blanket
until he pulls the blanket from your head to see what you've turned into
he doesn't react
doesn't talk
doesn't move
doesn't even breathe
just stares at you
until you manage to croak out his name
this snaps his mind into high gear
immediately thoughts of the young Kamado girl are running through his head
she has never hurt a human and seems to do just fine
and if you were going to harm him you would have done it already
quickly pulls you into his arms, making sure to avoid the sunlight peaking through the curtains and carries you to the bed to set you down
scribbles a note to the head of the corps to inform him of your condition
and spends the rest of the day and that night comforting and reassuring you because of what had to have been a traumatic night
a week or so passes
you fall back into your old routine of caring for the house
and its quite obvious that you're becoming depressed
no longer able to enjoy the warmth of the sun and being cooped up in the house for your own safety
it isnt until a young man wearing the head of a boar bursts headfirst through the window
breaking the glass, ripping down the curtains
with a "comin through!"
that you realize the sunlight doesn't harm you like it does to other demons
leave it to inosuke lmao
when kyo returns home from another mission around noon
imagine his surprise when his demon SO bursts through the front door into the sun
and into his arms
takes a minute for him to process that you're not burning up
"oh my god we have to get you inside NOW"
the poor man is having a heartattack
but then he sees your smile and hears your laugh for the first time since the attack
finally he's able to realize that the sun has no effect on you
and he's picking you up and swinging you around in a giant hug
i just know he gives the best hugs
i'd let him crush me to death in one
of course kyo is still sometimes crushed with guilt
he blames himself for your transformation in the first place
but the most important thing is that you're safe and happy again
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why can't this man ever just be happy
when you don't show up at your usual meeting place with Giyuu in between missions he knows somethings up
he rushes to your home
and there you are
sitting on the steps in front of your house
covered in blood and in tears
it isn't until he gets closer that he realizes what has happened
he has no words
everyone that giyuu has ever loved has been taken from him
and he allowed himself to love you
thats why this has happened
blames himself even though it obviously not his fault
still not speaking he looks at the sky to see the sun
and then back at you
a demon
who isn't affected by the sunlight in the slightest
and isn't attacking him
and then he disappears
when he returns several hours later it's dark outside
and with him he's brought Shinobu and the Kamado siblings
one of which is a demon
Shinobu checks you over and determines that the blood you are covered in is indeed yours
but any wounds you had have already healed
Nezuko senses what you are but seems to know that you're docile and snuggles up to your side as a comfort
and Giyuu just watches quietly
when Nezuko has fallen asleep her brother picks her up giving you a sad smile before he leaves
Giyuu helps you stand and brings you inside
he runs a bath so you can clean urself off
and goes about cleaning the house which was destroyed during your attack
it isn't until you're in bed that Giyuu lays behind you, tugs you close to him, and speaks to you for the first time
"i am staying with you. and i WILL turn you back."
and those two sentences bring you all the comfort in the world
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faintrustle · 3 months
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mooechi · 4 months
hi. so u see, its about to be my last day in school and yall know what that means?
but the thing is that i am now bored af+there is no reason for meto wake up on a daily basis no mo
which is texhnically yalls signal to drop anything yall would like me to doodle/sketch! i’ll draw whatever(as long as it isnt anything ykyk creepyweird ehhshsus u get my point) comment/ask that is requested within the 24hr period diz is posted….,.feel free to go crazy pls i need thsi so bas uddont unddersth (yallcan ask me anything abt akari to while were at it)
anyways heres sum riri+hashbrown offerihs/low quality manga redraws to improve myown goofyart
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tbaluver · 2 months
bridgerton au! sanemi shinazugawa x reader
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warnings: none just cursing
wc: 2k
author's note: i was intending to make this with all the hashira's in one post but tumblr said something about 4096 word block???? tumblr pls im so confused I'm still new at this but please let me know if you want me to write the other hashira's and if there truly is a word count ;-; also sorry if he sounds ooc! this story came in mind because i just have a hyperfixation on demon slayer and bridgerton. anyways enjoy!
The great hall of Ubuyashiki Palace shimmered with a soft glow of crystal chandeliers, casting intricate patterns of light upon the polished marble floors. It was a significant evening, as the elites gathered for the anual presentation to Her Majesty, Queen Amane. Among the debutantes awaiting their turn, you stood as your heart aflutter with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
You wore a gown with your favorite color in silk, with delicate laces and pearls. Your mother stands beside you with a mix of nervousness as this was your debut into society.
As the strains of the orchestra fills the air with a gentle melody, a hush fell over the assembled guest as the doors at the far end of the hall swung open. Each debutant was announced by name as she stepped forwards to curtsy before Queen Amane, each to all pounding with the weight of expectation and nervousness. Queen Amane, seated upon her throne watched as the debutantes approached. Her expression was composed but those who knew her well can detect a hint of uninterested as each debutant entered.
At last, it was your turn. With a graceful sweep of your skirt, you approached where Queen Amane sat. Your breath caught in your throat as you curtsied deeply, fixed upon the monarch, "Your Majesty," Your mother spoke, "may I present my daughter, (Y/N)"
Queen Amane regards you with a keen gaze, her expression unreadable. "Rise, Miss (Y/L/N)," the Queen's voice was soft yet carried such authority that echoed through the room.
You obey, lifting your eyes to meet the Queen. "And how do you find the season, Miss (Y/L/N)?"
As you gathered your composure, your voice steady despite the butterflies that fluttered in your stomach. "Your Majesty, I am humbled by the warmth and kindness I have encountered. The country has welcomed me with open arms and I eager to contribute to its traditions."
Queen Amane studies you for a moment longer, her expression softening. "You carry yourself with grace, Miss (Y/L/N). May your journey through society be as rewarding as it is enlightening."
With that, Queen Amane signals the end of their audience. You curtesy once more before going back to join your parents, your heart jumped with joy by Queen Amane acknowledgment and the promise of what lies ahead.
In society, as invitations poured in and gossiped swirled around, you find yourself at the center of attention.
From the moment you descended on the grand staircase of the Duke's ball, you became the focus of every eligible bachelor's gaze. However you remain blissfully unaware of your effect on the ton. With each delicate step, you sought not to conquer society but rather to savor the fleeting moments of freedom and excitement that this season has promised. You were groomed and taught for this moment ever since you learned how to walk. Your mother's careful guidance has shaped you into elegance and grace.
As you mingled with the crowd, your eyes danced with curiosity, eager to explore the world beyond the pages of your beloved novels. You've held a couple conversations with lords and ladies as if you captivated them. There was just authenticity in your words and how you spoke and how your laughter tinkled like crystal, possibly drawing a bright star in the evening sky that made you feel rare apart from the other debutantes.
Sure, there were a couple gentlemen that caught your eye but your heart remains untouched until you met him.
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
He did not want to be in the halls of the Ubuyashiki Palace to watch the debutantes grace their Queen. He thought the time there was rather a waste of time as he had duties to attend too. With his father passing away at such a young age, he had to be the one to take over the family title and perform his fathers duties. But he had too for his mother and for his siblings. ( He's a mamas boy okay ) His mother insisted that maybe with this season, he will find a wife. He immediately dismissed that idea as he was too busy to find a wife. Instead, his mother insisted that he should go for his siblings so they had an idea for when they make a debut into society.
As each young lady approach the queen, his scowling expression remained the same. possibly scarring the debutants as they pass by
His expression remained the same and uninterested as you passed by. It was until the Queen acknowledges you and a murmur ripples through the assembly. His mother nudges him giving him an idea that you might be the one.
Sanemi and his mother have entered the Duke's ball before dropping off his siblings at their estate taken care of by their maids. His mother mingles with her friends as he goes off to grab a drink.
You were by the drinking station as a young gentleman approaches you. "Why hello there madam." He grins, reaching out his hand, "I'm Maeda, Masao Maeda" He introduces himself as you reach out your hand to shake his. As you shake hands with him, he pulls you a little close to your liking, "You know I own a botique that you can beautifully wear or maybe even model for me" His demeanor and tone changing making you uncomfortable.
Suddenly a rough calloused hand grips Maeda's shoulder as he widens his eyes in fear. "Fuck off." Says this man who has silver uneven hair with a scarred face. Maeda whimpers as a response, letting you go and running away knowing who that voice belongs too.
You look at the man who made Maeda piss his pants. His presence was commanding attention before he speaks. He stands tall and broad shouldered and his physique almost peeking out as his suit was unbuttoned a little bit to reveal his chest. His hair looked tousled almost as if wind-swept. His eyes were piercing and sharp as his irises were a vivid shade of lavender. His skin seemed to have many scars as you can see a couple on his face and on his arms.
"You alright?" He asks as he crosses his arms, his gaze not leaving you. You widened your eyes and a small tint of pink dust appear on your cheeks. Were you checking him out?
You nod, "Thank you. He seems rather...." You trail off looking off to the direction Maeda went off too. "An idiot." He scoffs, "Men like him are fucking disgusting. You have to be careful. You shouldn't go around without your maid."
"And how would I know you're not a man like him?" You now cross your arms. "I can handle things myself, sir." Sanemi's lips curled into a sneer, the scowl on his face deepening.
"Shinazugawa" You quirk a brow as you've heard that title before. The Shinazugawa family is now known for their considerable wealth and prestige due to the direct result of their remarkable career as Hashira's and their strategic endeavors. You've heard victories in battles have not only gained him respect but also considerable financial rewards. "Sanemi Shinazugawa."
"Pleasure to meet you then Mr. Shinazugawa." You say as you curtsey and as he grabs your hand and kisses the back palm of it.
That's how you met the aggressive white haired man.
The grand drawing room of your family's estate was alive with a gentle hum of anticipation. The room was adorned with plush furnishing and elegant decor. You waited for the announcement of your family's butler to announce the caller arriving today only to find out it wasn't one caller. There was a whole line of them outside of your estate.
The door to the drawing room opens with a soft creak as the butler announces the first arrivals with a formal tone. You rise gracefully from your seat greeting your bachelor who came in bearing gifts in his hand. At the far end of the room, nestled a cozy corner by the grand window, sat your mother. While she was deeply absorbed in her knitting, she maintained a vigilant watch over the room. Her eyes occasionally lifting to scan the interactions and ensuring that everyone was being attended to with the utmost courtesy. Conversation flowed easily with each bachelor but as more and more go on you realized how none of them seem to capture your heart so you began to grow uninterested. None of them truly got to understand you deep down or truly got to know your likings. It was rather them talking about the properties or land that they own or what they like to do or the titles they hold.
Sanemi rushed to your estate. He ignored the line of potential bachelors cursing him for cutting in line. He internally cursed himself as well, wondering why he even decided to go here in the first place.
During your first meeting, it was quite awkward. However you didn't realize that you dropped one of your jewels as you walked away. He wished your first meeting could've happened in a better situation. No. Why did he even think of wishing that? He has no time for that. He could've just sent one of his butlers or his maid to send this to your estate so why did he think it was a good idea to barge into your estate to give you back your jewel?
Ignoring your butler's warning that you were busy talking to a caller right now, Sanemi barges right in. You and your caller widened their eyes at the intrusion. "Excuse me I was here first!" The bachelor stands up and huffs in annoyance. Sanemi ignores him and approaches you. "You dropped this yesterday." He says gruffly. You look down to the palm of his hand. "Thank you." You say as your fingers brush against his hand. "I think you had too much time here and let another caller have their turn." Your mother butts in the conversation, kindly kicking out the current bachelor. "Thank you ma'am but I'm not here-" Your mother cuts Sanemi off, "Please I insist. You made a trip here so why not stay a little while Mr. Shinazugawa?"
He shouldn't stay. Yet he decided to sit down and have a conversation with you. At first the conversation was rough but eventually the conversation flowed quite easily later. You learned many things about Sanemi that seemed to interest you than the rest of your bachelors you talked too before him. You learned that he had good swordsmanship and that many of his scars were from the battlefield. You also learned that he has 6 siblings, he likes matcha and ohagi, and that he owns several dogs. He seems to love his family a lot from how much he mentions them which warms your heart.
Although he won't mention it or show it he did seem to take an interest in you as well. He didn't even realize that he accepted your invitation to come back and meet again for tomorrow. He figured he might just send a letter writing that he should've declined and he wishes you well. However he found himself coming back to your estate.
The next time you meet, you made him ohagi with the help of your maids and showed him your favorite books or even played instruments that you knew how to play. You offered to meet another time and he knew he shouldn't accept it. He had family duties to attend too.
Yet he found himself always coming back. The more you both spent time together was like weaving a tapestry of love and understanding that would only deepen with time. You slowly got to uncover different emotions and sides of him, very different from your first meeting.
Eventually he introduces you to his family and his mother. He left to go take care of some paperwork that he thought would be quick but took hours. He comes back to you playing along with his siblings and his dogs and the sight of that completely melted his heart.
I have to marry her.
a/n: hi again if enjoyed this please like or reblog tysm! <3
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Final part to the Giyuu's Secret Family AU story thingy. This has single handily made me attached to the OC even though I still won't give her a name. Might draw her one day.... She/Her Pronouns.
Shinobu and Mitsuri seemed enraptured in Lady Tomioka’s tales of her friendship with Giyuu. The man she described was different from the one they had come to know. Telling these stories also helped calm her down and let Shinobu slip out to send word to the Master of her return. It was strange that the thought of love was so unbelievable but, here (Y/N) is, a blushing mess while just thinking of her husband.
“How cute..” Shinobu thought.
(Y/N) didn’t seem to mind, the dark and brooding Giyuu had disappeared a long time ago and now was her loving husband and father to their son. And Giyuu loved his son and wife so much. They both came from less than happy backgrounds. No village or home to return to or at least that would welcome them. Their families were destroyed and they hoped to forever be the loving parents for Hiroshi. That’s what (Y/N) loved most about Giyuu, he was hopeful. Hope was something she lost long ago but, if Giyuu believed in it, then she would believe in him.
Even when things got troublesome Giyuu still had hope and looked out for her. On one of her more troublesome missions, (Y/N) had believed the threat was over and she could sleep the night away. She fought valiantly and the village rewarded her for it. To her surprise she is awoken in the wee hours by a large crash. Just outside her room was Giyuu fighting a demon he chased from his location. Fighting with injuries and reopening wounds slowed her down but she managed to help kill the beast. She could barely stand from then on and the days following Giyuu would carry her back home, stopping at a Wisteria House along the way.
“You don’t have to take care of me Tomioka.” She said quietly as he rebandaged her leg.
“You say that all the time.” He stated. 
“I just… I don’t want to be a burden.” She replied.
“You aren’t.”
His tone had a slight tinge of annoyance. Hesitantly (Y/N) spoke again, “I don’t understand why you would care for me this much.”
“You ask me ‘why’ a lot. I care about you, isn’t that enough?” 
“I haven't done anything remarkable to be cared about by you. Or anyone for that matter.” (Y/N)’s voice trailed off. She clutched the edge of her robe, not trying to maintain eye contact.
“You are alive (L/N), that’s all I need.”
“I don’t need you to do grand gestures, you talking to me everyday is enough.”
(Y/N) was at a loss for words. She couldn’t hide her blush as Giyuu finished and looked her in the eye. She quickly turned her head to the side. Her heart was racing and emotions washed over her like a waterfall.
“I like having you around.” He said softly.
This only made her blush deeper. She wasn’t even sure of her own feelings when she blurted out, “I-I would stay by your side if you asked me to! You're one of my only friends, Tomioka, so I won’t be a burden anymore! I promise!”
(Y/N) continued on with her stuttering. Giyuu felt a slight twinge in his chest. Looking at her, he could only think of one thing.
A feeling he knew all too well. That wasn’t (Y/N) though. She could never be a burden to him. She made time to talk with him. Go out to dinner. They trained together, fought together. She made him feel lighter. (Y/N) was no burden. She was an integral part of him, one he couldn’t lose. Not again.
“-I know I can’t do much but I’ve already made it to Hinoe! I can get better, I can-”
Giyuu gently and slowly pulled (Y/N) in for a hug. He was somewhat awkward at it but it felt too good to hold her close to him. “Would you really stay by my side if I asked?”
“Y-Yes, of course.”
“Then stay by me, please. Stay alive (Y/N). That’s all I want.”
“I will,” She smiled to herself hugging him back. “I’ll stay by you Giyuu.”
(Y/N) remembered how they stayed up talking until they both fell asleep. How that became a routine and she practically lived at Giyuu’s estate. Giyuu’s not an openly affectionate person so it wasn’t a challenge to keep the relationship a secret. Despite (Y/N) only becoming stronger she was still not yet a Hashira so the thought of her dating one never crossed anyone’s mind (aside Masato). She giggled to herself as her face flushed again.
“Are you okay (Y/N)?” Mitsuri asked.
“I’m fine! I was just thinking of how we were years ago. I was so shy around Giyuu, it’s embarrassing!” (Y/N) laughed.
Mitsuri couldn’t help but be endeared to (Y/N). “Now I have to know! How did he propose?” Shinobu popped back into the room, intrigued to know as well. (Y/N) face heated up again, remembering the night.
It wasn’t very often that Giyuu and (Y/N)’s days off crossed with each other but today was a lucky day. Looking back on it, she suspected he asked the Master for the day off. (Y/N) had been suspicious over the last couple days, starting with her Master being a lot happier these days. Actually Giyuu seemed happier too. Instead of staying in like normal, he suggested going out. After a good breakfast, the two left to walk around town and shop. It was a very calm day. It almost felt normal. As the day shifted to the evening they ate a hearty dinner and slowly made their way back to Giyuu’s estate. The sun was slowly starting to set as Giyuu turned to a clearing in the trees.
“What are you doing?”
“I think we should go this way, it’s a longer way back.”
(Y/N) smiled and took Giyuu’s hand, “Why the sudden change?”
“Just thought it would be nice.” He said as you two stepped off onto the clearing.
“Giyuu if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to lead me somewhere.” (Y/N) teased. A small light peaked through the clearing and you both came upon a clearing. There was a garden surrounded by two small ponds and wisteria trees overlooking them both. It was a gorgeous sight to see, especially with the full moon illuminating the area. Giyuu lead (Y/N) across the path to the large gazebo on the far side of the garden.
“Did you set all this up? It’s beautiful,” (Y/N) smiled.
Giyuu’s face was redder than it’s ever been before. He couldn’t look her in the eye as he took both her hands in his. He stood there in an embarrassed silence, grateful (Y/N) wasn’t rushing him.
“(Y/N),” He started slowly, “If I asked, would you stay by me…always?”
“My answer never changed, Giyuu. I’d follow you anywhere.”
Giyuu felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He finally looked up to see (Y/N)'s smiling face. She’s beautiful…
“I love you. The chances of us dying grow greater every day and I know one day I may go somewhere you cannot follow but, I’d rather come to that day knowing I had you with me. I feel happy around you, like I was given life again. I want to give that happiness to you. I want to marry you.”
(Y/N) was stunned. It was like the world stopped and they were the only ones that were alive still. Giyuu started to worry as (Y/N) hadn’t replied. She started crying!
“I-I understand if you don’t want to, it’s fine. I just wanted to be with you- we don’t have to-“
“Giyuu! Of course I’ll marry you!” (Y/N) pulled him into a kiss. Giyuu recovered from the shock and kissed back. They pulled away and he rested his forehead against hers.
“I don’t think I believed in love until I met you.” (Y/N) smiled.
“I don’t think I was really living until I met you. I promise to always make you happy.”
“I think because we knew this life would eventually take us both that we should cherish what we have right now. We’re alive right now, let’s be happy and in love too. It’s a selfish wish, especially considering Hiroshi but, I can’t regret my choices now. I can only be better from here on out.”
“That was so beautiful!” Mitsuri cheered in full tears. “I’m so happy you and Tomioka found each other!”
“Thank you, I’m happy I met him.” (Y/N) smiled.
“I’ll go get you something to drink,” Shinobu excused herself. She barely made it two steps out the door before being bombarded by a frantic Tomioka at the door.
“Where is she?! Where is (Y/N)!?” Giyuu’s eyes darted around looking for his wife. Uzui and Sanemi were close behind with bags in hand. 
“She’s stable. She’s talking to Mitsuri right now, calm down. You’ll worry her if she sees you so scared.” Shinobu said calmly. Giyuu tried to slow his breathing but could barely muster the confidence. He quickly moved past Shinobu into the room. (Y/N) and Mitsuri both jumped in their seats at the sound of the door slamming open. All composure left Giyuu as soon as he saw his bandaged wife. Giyuu pulled her into a tight hug.
“Giyuu, I-I didn’t send for you yet.” She said turning all her worry to her husband.
“The news came from Master.” He finally let go of the breath he was holding in. “I was so worried (Y/N).”
“I didn’t mean to scare you dear.” She smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. Giyuu settled on the bed, refusing to leave or even let go of (Y/N). A stark shift from the man that didn’t even want anyone to see his wife. You would think Giyuu was the one injured with the way she suddenly doted on him. The Hashira stood idly by as (Y/N) tended to her very worried husband. The same husband that hardly showed any affection last they all met was now clinging to her side. Both of them noticeably wearing their wedding bands as well.
“We brought food!” Uzui declared. “We were eating when we got the news. We might have left Muichiro behind.”
Sanemi and Uzui soon left after that, along with Mitsuri. They each waved their goodbyes to (Y/N) and she thanked them again. To Giyuu’s disapproval Shinobu informed them (Y/N) would stay the night. Regardless of his protess, (Y/N) agreed. “I couldn’t let Hiroshi see me like this.”
“I’ll tell Master Yamato that Hiroshi is staying the night then.” Giyuu stated, earning a look from (Y/N). “I’m not leaving you.”
“Giyuu I am fine.” (Y/N) reassured him.
With Hashira gone Giyuu spoke in a softer tone. “I know, but I want to stay with you.”
Knowing she couldn’t argue, (Y/N) gave in. Shinobu came back soon after to lend (Y/N) clothes. The Butterfly girls helped her to the bath while Giyuu stayed, still worried.
“It’s so strange seeing you affectionate Tomioka.” Shinobu smiled, handing him a set of sleeping clothes.
“Are you teasing me?”
“No. I just wanted to say, I’m happy for you. You and your family.”
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skinnedghost · 2 months
giyuu tomioka x fem!reader
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word count: 1.5k
warnings: none its all fluff lol
summary: y/n is the new hashira in the demon slayer corp and eagerly awaits meeting her fellow hashira. while visiting the ubuyashiki mansion for her introduction meeting, y/n meets the water hashira giyuu tomioka for the first time.
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notes: this is my first time writing a fanfic so please let me know what you think! this is a short fic from my AU when my OC meets giyuu for the first time but i edited it to show as Y/N for more people to enjoy!
thanks so much for reading!! please reblog and share 🌊💙🪻💜
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The Ubuyashiki Mansion
"damn," she cursed under her breath, "i should have turned the corner back there, now im lost."
'i cant be late, this meeting is too important,' she thought to herself trying to keep her composure, not wanting to disappoint anyone.
suddenly her anxiety melted as she walked through a doorway flooding with sunlight. the welcomed warmth brushed her face as she looked around the mansions courtyard.
'wow this place is beautiful...'. she mused as her thoughts drifted away for a moment.
across the courtyard she spotted a crow lazily hopping around.
'oh! that crow may know where the meeting is being held!' she thought. a split second later she was running across the courtyard to catch up.
she approached the bird, getting down on bended knees to be as eye level with the crow as possible.
"hello there! do you know where the meeting is being held?" she asked brightly.
the crow, disoriented and weathered from years of service, looked up to examine her. the bird cocked its head to the side, eyeing her as if it was confused.
'hmmm hes awfully old, maybe hes hard of hearing?' she thought.
"excuse me! do you know where the meeting is being held?!" rang through the courtyard causing the crow to squack at her, shocked at her noisy request.
"ahh my apologies!" she shrieked. extremely flustered, she swiftly reached into her haori pocket and pulled out a berry.
"here take this," offering the berry to the startled crow, "im sorry i shouldnt have talked so loud! i thought you were hard of hearing!" she said, apologizing continuously.
a skeptical look flashed in the old crow eyes, debating on whether the girl was truly sorry. the bird reluctantly took the berry from her and hopped a few feet away to eat in peace.
a sigh of relief escapes her as the bird grabbed the berry. she swung her knees out from under her to sit cross legged. the crow, approving of the peace offering, hopped back over to her and nuzzled its beak in her outstretched hand.
"thank you for forgiving me! would you like another one?" she asked while scratching the crows head. the crow sqwuaked in response at the offer causing the girl's bright laugh to fill the courtyard.
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giyuu tomioka arrived early. he always did.
he walked silently through the hallway with his head down, deep in thought about his up coming journey north to a shinto temple not too far from the Ubuyashiki Mansion. several lower ranks have died so the master called him in to clean up the mess.
'a few minutes to spare...,' giyuu thought to himself. he had been looking around the mansion for his crow, "where did kanzaburo get off to? i need to send a letter to the wisteria house warning them of my upcoming stay'. his inner monologue was abruptly interrupted by an airy and bright laugh travelling through the impressive courtyard.
he sighs in an exhausted manner, pinching the bridge of his nose.
'must be a new recruit or something...who would laugh at a time like this? muzan is only getting stronger...this is no laughing matter'
whoever it was, they werent not worth his time and yet something gave him pause in the courtyard doorway. his crow was with this new recruit.
giyuu walked towards the girl but she didnt notice as she seemed too busy petting kanzaburo. he cleared his throat, "ahem."
"oh! im sorry, is this your crow?" she said in an apologetic voice.
he nods slightly and called kanzaburo over to him, motioning for the bird to settle on his shoulder.
the girl stood up to greet him with a bright smile. that smile... his expertly trained breathing hitched in his chest. his eyes wandered across her face, quickly looking down to her uniform.
'golden buttons....shes not a lower rank, she's a -' giyuu thought as he felt a light blush creep slowly across his cheeks.
she spoke in a soft tone, "we had a rough start but your crow is very sweet!"
she smiled at the crow causing it to fly over to her arm, looking content as she pet him.
'rough start?' he wonders. confused, giyuus face betrayed him.
the girl reached out for a hand shake, "sorry! where are my manners, my name is y/n and yours is?"
"tomioka," he said in the most deadpan voice he could while trying to collect his thoughts. he reluctantly extended his hand.
her hand was smaller and softer than his. delicate for a demon slayer, he noted. but there was some scarring on each hand from past demon encounters.
he suddenly felt a warm wave hit, as if warm water was surrounding him and rocking him to sleep. 'what was this familiar feeling?' he thought racking his mind. he cant think of the word for this sorely missed feeling...comfort, that was it.
giyuu looked up, the girl had stopped shaking his hand and swiftly took his hand in both of hers. her eyes start to glaze over almost like shes was in some kind of trance.
she locked eyes with his. her face melted into an extremely empathetic look. taken aback, all he could do was stare and hope that she would snap out of it shortly, the meeting was going to start soon. he looked around the courtyard to see if anyone else was watching them.
"oh my....you carry great sorrow in your spirit, dont you? and yet...," her voice drifted along with the warm summer breeze, "your spirit is unwavering despite that sorrow...."
mouth open and eyebrows arched in surprise, giyuu worked quickly to regain his composure. he instantly broke their hand shake, feeling too vulnerable for his liking.
her eyes soon went back to their normal bright selves. she shook her head slightly as if she was shaking off a wave of sleepiness.
slightly embarassed, she looked down at her feet to avoid eye contact. giyuu, who is a man of few words, was even more lost for words than he usual was.
"sorry about that," she finally looked up at giyuu, "well i better get going i have a meeting to -"
"the hashira meeting?" giyuu piped up.
the girl beamed at his intuition, "yes, im the new hashira! and you must be the water pillar, right?"
she kept throwing him off guard. giyuu straightened up and nodded.
"i thought so, i could tell by your aura," she said sweetly.
giyuu admired her warm smile. hes intrigued by her ability to read him so accurately especially for having just met him.
"since you know where to go for the hashira meeting, if you dont mind of course, may i walk with you? this is only my second time here!" she admitted. his heart jumped. no one ever wanted to willingly spend time with him besides tanjiro.
he bowed deeply. y/n turned her head to kanzaburo telling him it was a pleasure to have met him. the crow clicked its beak contently and flew to a branch not too far away.
"ladies first," giyuu said while motioning to the doorway.
as they walked down the hall, y/n broke the silence between them.
"i look forward to learning more about you tomioka, ive never encountered a person quite like you before" she said, almost as if she was thinking out loud.
giyuus mind failed him. he debated whether this was too informal too quickly but before he could stop himself he blurted out, "giyuu....you may call me giyuu."
his face was burning like embers in a fire. he doesnt let people call him his given name. what had come over him? he couldnt decide whether it was appropriate to be so open with her, but deep down he craved that feeling again. he ached for that comfort. he cant take it back now, only time will tell if he made the right decision and giyuu hates leaving anything up to chance.
he looked out of the corner of his eye over to the new hashira, a gentle smile broke across her face. she looked up to giyu and nodded in acceptance of this informality.
both hashiras turned the corner and looked down the hall, the meeting room slowly approaching. a comfortable silence fell between them once again.
but this wasnt the kind of silence giyuu experienced with the other hashira. this wasnt filled with awkward tention or dislike. it felt natural, a breath of fresh air that he didnt know he needed. until this moment, he hadnt realized he had been holding his breath for so long.
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skinntyy · 4 months
In honor of the new Demon Slayer season dropping 🩷
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kimetsu-chan · 9 months
Hey Kimmie! I don’t know if this counts as an emergency request, and if it doesn’t, that’s perfectly fine, but today I’ve just been feeling really, really, really sad. And also insecure… I keep thinking that my friends are ignoring me (not my friends on tumblr), that I don’t fit in well with the people I know, and that they think low of me because I’m younger than them and haven’t known them as long as others have. I’m just so sad right now, I honestly feel like I might cry right now…
So may I request Giyuu comforting Yuki when she’s feeling down. Perhaps similar circumstances to what I’m facing? Thank you very much, and I’m so sorry if I’m bothering you…
A/N: you are not bothering me at all ♥️ I’m so sorry I didn’t see this earlier, I was away from my phone. I’m so terribly sorry that it seems like you’re friends are ignoring you :( my inbox and messages are always open if you need someone to listen to you <3 I hope that this helps you feel better. I hope that you wont think these things for forever. And I hope you can realize how important you are to me and everyone here on tumblr. ♥️
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Yuki hadn’t come to see Giyuu like she promised she would. They promised to train together today and Yuki was supposed to be here an hour ago. Giyuu had decided that he wouldn’t be waiting any longer and set off for her mansion.
Upon arrival, Giyuu knocked on her door and one of her kakushi opened up.
“May I help you Tomioka-Sama?”
Giyuu stared at the kakushi.
“Where is Yuki.”
The kakushi opened the door all the way and let him step inside.
“I will lead you to her.”
The kakushi was true to his words and lead Giyuu to Yuki’s room. Soft cries could be heard through the door and Giyuu motioned that the kakushi could be dismissed. He waited for the kakushi to be long gone before knocking. The crying stopped immediately as shuffling was heard. Yuki’s shaky voice carried through the door and into Giyuu’s ears.
“C-Come in—!”
Giyuu slid the door open and stared at Yuki who was obviously trying to hide something.
“Giyuu…! What’s the probl—“
“You were late.”
Yuki’s face fell as she thought he was going to berate her… just like everyone else…
“You’re never late.”
“I know, I’m so—“
“What’s wrong.”
Giyuu moved closer and crouched in front of her seat on her bed. He looked up at her with an expression laced with worry. He took her hands in his own and as he spoke, his voice was filled with genuine concern.
“Yuki…. I know something’s wrong… please tell me”
The tears she had so desperately tried to hide welled up in her eyes once more. She let out a few choked sobs before answering.
“I just—! I just feel like… I’m an outcast…. That no one likes me, and that all my friends are just….. pretending…”
Giyuu’s face contorted into an emotion that no one would ever guess he would be able to feel, sympathy.
He reached one hand to cup her cheek and wipe her tears. Yuki was possibly the only person he would ever be this emotional in front of.
“Yuki… I promise that’s not true. You’re friends love you, they only say good things about you when your’e not around. The master loves you, your kakushi love you, I love you. Yuki, no one thinks you’re an outcast. You fit here perfectly and everything would be so odd without you… please don’t talk about yourself like that.”
Yuki was stunned at what he said. She didn’t think she was that important to anyone….
A few tears fell from her face as she jumped into Giyuu’s arms. She cried into his shoulder as she started to realize, she mattered to people. She mattered to him.
“Thank you Giyuu… truly”
Giyuu nodded and she pulled away so their eyes could meet.
“You’re welcome Yuki.”
Training had been long forgotten as the two spent the rest of the day comfoable in each other’s embrace.
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A/N: Starry, I want you to know, that all those things Giyuu said to Yuki, is what I would want to say to you. I know this can’t magically make you stop feeling insecure, but I hope that this can push you in the right direction ♥️
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nocturna-nara · 8 months
Wonky drawings yet again bc it's rushed but this is for @giyubabe
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Shoko, the daughter of Giyushino.
She's a baby, so everyone have fun when playing with her🙌
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hourlykibutsuji · 3 months
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#Yumenikah24 — Day 1 (Proposal)
Royal AU (Vallayerikh / Modern Targaryen)
“I love you and that’s the beginning and end of everything. No measure of time with you will be enough. But let's start with forever.” — Muzan and Annavenn 💍
And, yes, there are hands of many Demon Slayers (including Giyuu & Tanjiro), also a hand of one of Muzan’s demon (Akaza) as a representation that the world is indeed in temporary truce to celebrate Muzan & Annavenn’s wedding! 🤗🤗🤗
Ah, Muzan & Annavenn’s wedding is an open house concept! Everyone and everything, any creatures in any shape and form are free to join and celebrate! 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉
Art by @.zuppasoep ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵
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sunandflame · 1 year
Flame and Water, Chapter 1
A/N: Hello! After a poll decision I turned the 'The Water Pillars Tsuguko' into a full length fic. And a fresh start need a new blog as I can't interact with my sideblog (which sucks) So this is going to be an ongoing series from. I hope you enjoy!
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Summary: You are the water pillars Tsuguko and you are training under him. One day you meet all the hashiras and when your gaze falls upon Rengoku, you are terrified to the bones.
Ship & Trope: Kyojuro x Fem!Reader (Water Pillars Tsuguko)
Warnings: none (yet)
Word Count: 1,9 Words
pinterest board of Flame and Water
spotify playlist for Flame and Water
crossposted on AO3
Masterlist of Flame and Water
"The Breath of Water is a technique that can adapt to all kinds of attacks. But to master it, you need to have the heart to always keep your breaths steady. Like a water surface. Think of your heart as the surface. If you wish to become the strongest Demon Hunter Swordsman, if you wish to become a pillar, you need to always keep your heart steady. Keep it calm and gentle, like the water's reflection."
Those were the words that Urokodaki-san passed on to Tomioka-san that he now passed to you before he started his first training lesson with you, before he started accepting you as his Tsuguko. You had anchored these words deep in your heart and reflected them on the outside. You have always been a very calm person, but as soon as you mastered all 11 forms of water, you became even more balanced. Yes, you even managed to master Giyuu's self-developed form Dead Calm. You were truly his Tsuguko and you both got along well, which could be thanked to your similar nature.
But just because the two of you got along didn't mean the other Hashira liked you, because as Tomioka's Tsuguko they had already formed an opinion about you and when you met them, they weren't particularly enthusiastic about you. The worry about having a second Giyuu Tomioka around them who wasn't talking or doing anything with the others seemed very likely. Added to that their presence intimidated you. Your gaze wandered over to each one of them and you could already guess what they were thinking of you, not that it bothered you much, even if the Sound Pillar said out his thoughts.
"You got yourself a Tsuguko that is just as dark and unflashy as you are Tomioka!"
Your gaze wandered to your teacher who didn't reply and this gesture hurt you a little even though you hadn't expected otherwise. There were some comments from the other Hashiras, but you weren't hearing them as your eyes were fixated on the one haori with the flames.
Horrible memories came up and your otherwise calm demeanor crumbled from one second to the next. A terrified whimper was heard and before you could realize it, you knew it was coming from your own mouth. With a quick movement you slapped your hand over it. But it was too late. Everyone had heard it and were now staring at you. Panic and anxiety filled your guts and you saw all the confused faces that exchanged looks between you and the Flame Pillar. Your eyes were searching for a quick exit and you fled so quickly, leaving some confused faces in their wake.
After y/n left the scenery, all eyes were on Rengoku. Sanemi was the first to speak. "What the actual fuck was that?"
"I- I think that she was whimpering...," said Mitsuri hesitantly
"Yeah, we all noticed that"
"But, why?
"It seemed like she was afraid of Rengoku-san"
And with that statement everyone turned to the blond who's smiling gaze didn't wavered., though there was a visible confusion behind his golden eyes. "I have never seen her once in my life! I can't explain to myself why she acted like this!"
There were a few comments, but this issue wasn't worth digging deeper into for the pillars. They just didn't care about y/n. But Rengoku's mind was racing. He just couldn't understand it. He tried to think about why you had reacted to him like that. Was it his looks? He couldn't do anything about it. After all, that's how he was born, and he was also proud of it because it showed him the connection to his ancestors.
Days had passed and he tried his hardest to forget the matter, since he knows that not everyone can like him, but fearing him? And it was pure terror he had seen in y/n eyes that would not let go of him anymore. He even approached Tomioka, tried to learn maybe the reason, but his answer was a simply "I don't know more than you." How was it even possible that he was training everyday with you and not knowing more? Rengoku had to realize that he couldn't let go of that matter and decided to get to the bottom of it.
Wood on wood met, the bokutos collided and you were completely focused on your opponent who was also your teacher until you suddenly saw something yellow in the corner of your eye. "Ouch!" A moment of inattention and you'd already received a hit on your shoulder. You rubbed the hit area and gave your teacher a confused look before looking away at the other person who appeared only to realize it was the Flame Pillar. Your whole body tensed up and you tried to dodge the next punches but got hit after hit. You could feel the bruises forming under your uniform and you kept fighting but you were not able to focus with the Flame Pillar watching you both and Tomioka could sense that too.
"Okay, that is enough training for today," were the words of Tomioka before he left the training ground and left you alone with Rengoku. He was not happy with your today’s progress, just like you, but he left without another comment. Again, your eyes darted around and looked for a quick exit. You gave Rengoku no chance to talk to you. Even if he had patiently waited for you and you were hoping with an anxious heart that he would not come back the next day. But you were so wrong. Rengoku proved himself determined as he came by every day to try to talk to you. And every time you would tense up, not being able to focus. One day you were hit so badly in the face that you saw the stars and you were on the verge of fainting from the pain, your nose wouldn't stop bleeding. You had seen Tomioka look at you with slightly widened eyes, asking if you were okay. You remained silent and your eyes darted immediately to Rengoku who also got up to ask for your well-being. “I-I am good…” Was the only thing you brought out, but the training was over for that day too as you were not able to stop the bleeding of your nose.
Rengoku showed such immense patience that he showed up at every single training session of yours. Much to Tomiokas frustration as you kept getting worse, making no progress at all, but he kept silent until he snapped one day.
“I don't know what your issue with Rengoku-san is, but if you don't sort this in any way out, I will not continue training with you as I see it pointless." Words that hit you hard and before you could even react to it, he was gone. You swallowed down your tears, hoping that it was a joke as your biggest wish was to become a Hashira like him. But it wasn’t
It was as if your entire world had collapsed and the crow of Tomioka was the trigger. He was flying over your head and repeating the words. You'd been spitting blood to get this far and now it should just be over? Like a raging sea it roared in you. You tried to contain your calm exterior, but it was hard when your dreams got shattered like this and the waves of anger twirling inside you like a tsunami. Your hands were shaking, and you vented all your anger at the dummies. Destroyed them until there was nothing left. You didn't know how long you did this until you looked around breathlessly and realized that you just destroyed the whole trainings ground. You panted, sweating from every pore when you suddenly heard his voice, making your anger turn towards him.
“Hello l/n! I see Tomioka-san isn't here yet!” Rengoku was greeting you with his well-known bright smile. Yeah, it was because Tomioka didn’t even had the balls to tell you himself that you weren’t his Tsuguko anymore and only sent this stupid crow of his. But you only said that in your head. You were silent as always, but this time you didn’t run away and Rengoku was mildly surprised when you walked directly towards him. Finally, he thought in the first second, but your intentions were not good. He tensed up in the moment when he saw your eyes filled with anger, your hands ready on your sword.
"You...!" Your voice was sizzling dangerously taking your blue niichirin sword out of your sheath and attacking him in the next second, blind in your rage. For the first time in your life your fear towards him turned into an anger. As if the calm water in your mind turned hot and started to boil. Blue crashed with red and you were face to face. Rengokus face didn't hold his trademark smile anymore as he looked at you in surprise. "L/N! Calm down! Swordsmen are forbidden to fight among one another!” But you didn't care. You were so caught up in your anger and frustration that you didn't know what else to do then letting it out on the man in front of you. You blamed him for your shattered dreams. It was his fault! Why could he not leave simply leave you alone!
What was wrong with her? All the days he'd watched you practice just to exchange a word with you, he'd never seen you like this. He wasn't even sure if it was even possible to see you like this, as calm as you've always been. A calm that resembled Giyuu Tomioka. And he was impressed of your strength, but you needed to stop! “L/N! Stop it right now!” He put all his pressuring aura into his words, but it didn’t work. Your wrath built a wall around you, impossible to break through. That meant he had to find a different approach to having you listen to him and it seemed that there was only one way.
You took a big leap backwards after your blades crossed again and wanted to perform another attack, when you sensed a shift and immediately turning your attack into defense. It was now Rengoku who attacked you. Not to kill you, but more to force you to listen to him. Knowing that you could withstand him, he was not holding back. The attacks were fast and powerful and pushed you to your limits.
Suddenly you stumbled from exhaustion and lack of attention. Thats it, were your thoughts and you closed your eyes, waiting for the pain, but it didn't come. Only a breathless huff when you fell onto something rather… comfortable. Shouldn't the landing have been more painful? It should but Rengoku was able to react quickly that he withdrew his attack in the last moment before hurting you seriously and was even able to catch you in your fall. Unfortunately, he also lost his balance by catching your and you both fell. You on top of him. You opened your eyes just to see his face inches away from yours, hands holding you. You both looked at each other in surprise and if there was any anger left in you then it was gone it that very moment when you stared into his golden eyes that faded to red...
🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥
I hope you enjoyed this so far! If you want to be tagged for the next part just reply down below! Every reblog and like is appreciated 💙
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twisted-dork · 10 months
Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse Incorrect Quotes #20 Giyuu!Yuu’s Letter Box
*While on the Camp Vargas Event Giyuu!Yuu forget to lock the their room so they called Lilia to lock up*
Lilia: Okay I got a box but there’s no key in here just letters.
Giyuu!Yuu: That’s the wrong box put it back.
*Lilia sees that all of the letter’s have Tanjiro!Yuu’s handwriting*
Lilia: Oh Giyuu!Yuu are these letters from Tanjiro!Yuu
Giyuu!Yuu: Don’t read those letters
Lilia: Oh look they call you raindrop that is so cute.
*SwapGyutaro!Yuu snatches the phone*
SwapGyutaro!Yuu: Hey Lilia it’s SwapGyutaro!Yuu
Lilia: Hey SwapGyutaro!Yuu how’s camping
SwapGyutaro!Yuu: Delightful. Listen I don’t know what you’re doing right now
SwapGyutaro!Yuu: But there are little bubbles forming in the corner of Sheldon’s mouth
Lilia: Okay yeah I kinda of crossed a line put them back on
SwapGyutaro!Yuu: Thank yooou
*SwapGyutaro!Yuu hands the phone to Giyuu!Yuu*
Giyuu!Yuu: I’m back
Lilia: What up Raindrop
Fun fact: Tanjiro is canonical pen pals with Uzui, Urokodaki, Senjurou, the ladies from the red light district, and Giyuu (he never answer back)
So I headcanon that Giyuu kept all of the letters and keeps them in a safe place
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gn-bee · 1 month
KNY Accurate Ume-
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At least, a hearty attempt.
I'm not very good at replicating styles, so I'm glad I finally had the willpower and patience (and many many references) to do this, because I've been wanting to for a long time.
Along with some silly taishou rumors/secrets!
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This was fun for me, I'd like to do more stuff like this.
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