#Happy birthday giyuu!!
kimetsu-chan · 8 months
~Happy Birthday~
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST WATER BOY EVER- this is the Biological GiYuLo au :3 bc yes. This is featuring toddler!Milo, and holy crap is this long
Disclaimer ⚠️: GiYuLo is a family dynamic, not a ship. It does, however, contain Giyuna(Giyuu x Yuna) which is a romantic ship. Contains slight spoilers for Giyuu’s backstory? Maybe? It also got a little weak near the end, I hope it isn’t bad though 😥 Milo is not my oc, she belongs to my friend @larz-barz who has given me permission to use her in this fic. luv you pooks <3
TW: just tooth rotting fluff ☺️
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Today was Giyuu’s birthday, February 8th. Normally, he wouldn’t do much. He didn’t see the point. He’d much rather stay home with his wife and kid and enjoy having the day off.
So that was exactly what Yuna was planning.
Tsutako was taking him and his best friend, Sabito out to lunch that day, giving Yuna the perfect distraction. What made it even more perfect, was that Giyuu was taking their daughter, Milo, with him. Not only because Tsutako wanted to see her niece, but the 2 year old was insistent on going with her daddy.
In other circumstances, Yuna would pull a fake, offended smile, but this was a blessing in disguise. She was going to make her husband’s favorite food, simmered salmon with chunks of daikon, and make sure to have his favorite desert too. She knew she could safely serve that for dinner because the restaurant he was going to didn’t serve that. Curtesy of her and Tsutako’s previous chats.
Yes, Tsutako was in on it too. So was Sabito. They were going to wear Giyuu out to a reasonable extent by taking him to a carnival as well, so that when he got back, he could enjoy the peace and quiet of being home.
Yuna did her best not to seem to anxious for him to leave. She was lost in thought getting her very distracted toddler dressed when there was a small knock on the doorway. She turned to see her husband peeking his head in and she smiled.
“She almost ready?”
Milo squealed and made grabby hands towards him and Yuna struggled to keep her still long enough to put her favorite bow in her hair. A small smile found its way onto Giyuu’s usually stoic face as he stepped into the room. He put one hand on his hip as he walked over to Milo. He pressed the index finger of his free hand to her nose with a playful tone to his voice.
“C’mon baby, you gotta stay still for mommy.”
Yuna smiled as the little girl tried to escape her grasp. Giyuu sat on the floor next to his two favorite people and Milo tried even harder to get to him. Yuna hooked her hands under Milo’s arms and lifted her over her leg and into Giyuu’s lap. The little girl let out another happy squeal along with a string of “dada”s. She stood in his lap and grabbed at his face as she babbled nonstop. Giyuu couldn’t hold the pure love and affection from his gaze as he rested his hand on her back so she wouldn’t fall over.
“I think she wants you to do it.”
He looked over at his wife and took the purple bow from her hands when she handed it to him. He looked back over to his daughter and ruffled her hair.
“Baby, can you turn around for me?”
Milo immediately complied and turned around, falling into a sitting position in the process. Yuna gasped and placed a hand over her heart in a dramatic gesture.
“I call favoritism.”
Giyuu chuckled as he fastened the bow into Milo’s hair. The goober definitely was more still for her dad than for her mom, with her just patting her knees over and over again.
Once Giyuu had finished getting the bow nice and neat, he lifted Milo so he could stand up. He and Yuna walked out of their daughter’s room and towards the front door. Giyuu held Milo still as Yuna slipped her bright pink tennis shoes on.
Yuna held the door open for her husband and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before doing the same to her daughter’s forehead. She waved after them as they made their way to the car.
“Bye! Have fun!”
Giyuu waved back and Yuna waited until she saw the car leave to start getting the house ready. She rushed to the kitchen to start the salmon. Having three younger siblings definitely helped her as she had experience with needing to cook or clean quickly. Once she set an alarm for when she needed to start cooking, she went upstairs to grab blankets. She ran them to the upstairs loft with multiple other items so the family could make a small fort later that evening.
It didn’t take Yuna very long to get everything ready for her mini surprise and she soon began her cooking. She wanted it to be perfect, but she knew Giyuu would be happy with anything.
Once preparations for the activity were ready, Yuna moved onto the food. The smell of salmon and daikon filled the house, but that wasn’t too abnormal since the family ate it a lot. Yuna also made a small portion of chicken udon in case Milo was feeling particularly picky that evening. Milo might not eat many things, but she’ll always eat chicken udon. Yuna liked to joke that it was because she craved it a lot during her pregnancy.
Yuna enjoyed her time cooking. She had music playing from her phone and everything just felt really warm and cozy.
She felt really lucky to have met someone as caring and supportive as her husband. This will have been the fifth birthday of his she has spent with him. Ever since the two got together in college, she’d made sure that his actual birthday was rather tame since the man didn’t like being around people for too long. Which was a huge blessing to her, since she didn’t have to organize huge parties often.
Here she was, married to him for three years, and together for five, and she was still like a schoolgirl when she thought about him.
She was shaken out of her lovesick thoughts when she heard the sound of the car parking. Perfect. The food was almost finished so they could eat almost immediately. She made sure the food was safe to be momentarily left alone before rushing towards the door. She opened it just as Giyuu and Milo were approaching the house. Milo was clinging to Giyuu with a content and tired smile on her cute little baby face.
She held the door open for them and was greeted with a high-pitched “mama!” She took Milo from Giyuu’s arms and peppered her baby’s face in kisses.
“Hi Milo! I missed you~! Was she good?”
Giyuu nodded with a smile. He nodded his head towards the kitchen with a questioning look.
“What’re you making?”
Yuna set their daughter on the floor and reached for a hug from her husband. She felt Milo tugging at her pants as if she wanted to be picked up again, so she didn’t make the hug last too long. She crouched down to pick her daughter up once more as she spoke.
“Oh nothing much, just your favorite.”
Giyuu’s smile grew a little, no matter how often he and that, he’d never get sick of it. He ruffled Milo’s hair gently before turning to his wife.
“Thank you hun.”
Yuna waved him off with an embarrassed smile. She looked towards the stairs for a few seconds as a playful smirk found its way onto her face.
“And I have supplies set up to make a fort upstairs, that something you’d be interested in?”
He nodded and pressed a kiss to Yuna’s forehead.
“Of course, I just wanna be surrounded by my favorite girls.”
Milo grabbed onto his shirt with one hand and patted her forehead with her other.
“Me too! Me too!”
Giyuu shook his head with a chuckle and moved her hair out of the way.
“Okay, you too.”
~Le Fin
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A/N: omg that took a while 😭 I love them, they’re so cute. I had about 5 breakdowns bc Milo is too cute. I had to stop and take a breather
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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scrimblyscrorblo · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Giyuu <333
It’s his birthday party and he’s not used to the all the attention ((which he absolutely deserves))
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tanjir0se · 8 months
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Happy Birthday to our favorite (sometimes unwilling) Big Brother!!
Giyuu Tomioka | FEB 8
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shycroissanti · 8 months
Happy birthday Giyuu (* ´ ▽ ` *)✨️💖
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swingstep · 2 years
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YIPPEEEE!! Mitsuri!!: Day 7 + Guest!!
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imkazz · 8 months
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hello0person · 8 months
Happy Birthday Giyu Tomioka
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Feb. 8
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ssaraexposs · 8 months
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insertsacoolname · 8 months
Happy Birthday to my cutie patootie (I love him soooo much 🙈💖)
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(Gonna manifest this cake on my birthday 😔🖐️)
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kimetsu-chan · 8 months
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He gets a kiss from Yuna 😋
Yes that is Milo’s hairclip :3
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His eyes are so pretty 😩
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choc0joang0 · 8 months
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scrimblyscrorblo · 7 months
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Happy birthday to my favourite butterfly girl
I (actually Giyuu) gift you this ornate dagger. Interpret this romantically or platonically, personally their friendship means so much to mmmeeee <33333
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lesbianasfuckwomen · 10 months
Its the windmill's birthday!
Sanemi like to think of himself as a calm stable individual
He likes to think of himself as a level headed person, a person who wouldn't dare lift a single finger on a person.
So as any calm, sane, stable, and level headed person would do, he was keeping himself from wrapping his hands around the water pillar and choking the everliving life out of those blue eyes.
"Fuckin hell, is there anybody else here? I would take the fucking seaweed head then to be in the same room as mister 'I'm not like the rest of you'"
Now, any sane person would know not to reply to Sanemi since he looked as if he was about to commit murder at any moment but Tomioka Giyuu was everything but sane.
"Hello Shinazugawa, do you know what the date is?"
To be honest, Sanemi couldn't have given a single flying fuck about the date. To him everyday was the same. Clean up from the night before, help Shinobu out in the mansion, Complain to Iguro about some slayers, check on Genya, get assigned a mission, kill demon. and repeat.
He was on the way to check on Genya the stone mansion when an emergency hashira meeting was called thus landing him here, in the same room alone with mismatched haori.
It's safe to assume that Sanemi was pissed.
"Why the fuck would I know the date? And where the fuck are all the others? Himejima-san wouldn't dare being late to a hashira meeting"
"Well don't just be a stand alone silent bitch, say something!"
"You really don't know the date?"
Okay what was so important about the date that Tomioka fucking Giyuu, the guy that didn't give a shit about time, to be so persistant for him to know the date?
Well, Sanemi knew around 4 days ago it was the 25th. So if he were to add 4 days to 25 he would get
"The 29th of November. There, happy now?"
"...Thats it?"
If Sanemi was pissed before (which he was) he was a boiling over volcano now.
"Yes thats it. What else do you want me to say edge lord? A couple days after that one American holiday?"
"Wow, didn't peg you to be the forgetful type Sanemi, thought that was Tokito's job."
"Fuck you, my memory is just fine!"
"Tokito refrain from cursing. Obanai stop picking fights with little kids. Sanemi are you really that stupid?"
"Fuck you Shinobu, i'm not stupid"
"Shinazugawa I will kindly ask you to refrain from cursing. We have a child here"
"Himejima-san, that 'child' just cursed out Obanai"
"Ara Ara Tomioka-san! You should speak up a bit more frequently, other people didn't even notice you!"
"e-eh, Tokito-kun, Shinazugawa-san, we shouldn't curse each other out!"
"I agree with Kanroji"
"Aren't you in lo-"
"Shut it Tokito"
Sanemi snorted, happy that he wasn't stuck with depressed emo nerd, but it wasn't long until Obanai's words caught up to him.
"Iguro what did you mean by me being forgetful? I don't think anything important is happening today"
"Mitsuri if you could lower your voice"
"Right, sorry Shinobu. You forgot!?"
Now Sanemi wasn't angry, he was just confused.
"Alright, first Tomioka drilling me about the date, second Shinobu calling me an idiot and third you telling me I forgot about something? Okay if I forgot about something what did I forget about?"
"Your birthday silly!"
Oh shit
Thats what he forgot about.
So what, he's 22 now.
He never really celebrated his birthday, too focused on surviving in the hellhole he was supposed to call home. After his father sperm donor was killed, he kind of forgot his birthday existed.
"Wait- how did you guys know it was my birthday?"
"Thats for us to know"
"Iguro you little shit-"
Sanemi sighed and flushed a little red, embarrassed that he forgot, and came face to face with Tomioka the mother fucking Giyuu. Wayyy to close.
If Sanemi was a bit pink then he was a fucking tomato now. One thing he noticed was that Giyuu was holding an ohagi.
"Here, happy birthday"
Sanemi snatched the ohagi from Giyuu's hands and took a bite. It melted right on his tongue and hit the spot. It was the perfect amount of quantity, quality, and sweetness.
"I hope you like it. Genya told me how you like and how to make it. He's a sweet person, your brother. He's also adorable when he focuses. Hope you enjoy it 'Nemi'"
Sanemi likes to consider himself as a very nice person.
So as any calm, sane, stable, level headed person would do, he lunged for Tomioka's throat and proceeded to strangle the everliving shit out of the water hashira.
Sanemi is my favorite hashira by far. He is also one of the most complicated character I have ever seen. Happy birthday you emotionally constipated white-haired menace!
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taniavttv · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Giyu Tomioka 🥳☺️💖💕🌸
February 8th
Here are some Fun facts about Giyu
🌊 His Zodiac Sign is Aquarius
🌊He is the Water Hashira
🌊He is the pupil of Urokodaki who is the former water Hashira
🌊He is one of the top 5 strongest Hashiras
🌊His favorite food is sake daikon and by looking at favorite food that makes Giyu smile
🌊Giyu is quite shy and he struggles to make friends despite Shinobu teasing him
🌊Giyu was close friends with Sabito
🌊His hobby is to play Shogi (Japanese board game)
🌊Giyu created an eleventh form of water breathing
🌊Giyu Haori is mismatched but The red side resemble his sister and the other pattern resemble Sabito
🌊We can't wait to see more of Giyu soon
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giyubabe · 6 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSAAAA💥💥💞💞💞‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ @una-hive5
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kny-fanclub · 2 years
Today, February 8, marks the official day of Giyuu Tomioka's birthday!
In honor of his birthday, a special PV has been released!
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