jazzraft · 3 years
arabesque v. sandstorm
pairing. nyx/noctis/gladiolus words. 4219 tags. alternate universe, desert adventure, rivals to lovers story summary. Insomnia is lost to the desert sands of Lucis when Niflheim lays siege. Gladio steals the Crown Prince out into the wastes to escape capture. There is nothing but sand and sun and despair. Until a stranger with braided hair and a crooked grin finds them in the desert.
chapter summary. Slaying the Emperor doesn't go... quite according to plan. But that hasn't stopped them before.
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“Not gonna happen.”
Lady Highwind was adamant on this point. If Gladio were across the table from her, he would not argue if he expected to leave with every appendage he walked in with. Unfortunately, self-preservation was Gladio’s job so that Noctis didn’t have to work on it.
“I need you,” the prince insisted. “I need all of you – all of Lucis – if we’re going to do this.”
“You’ll be lucky if you get a hundred people on your side, kiddo,” Aranea said, arms barred across her chest to guard against him pulling on her heartstrings. “Fact is that everyone’s too scared to say no to Niflheim, and those who aren’t are just plain stupid if they think they stand a chance.”
“You’re not scared. Does that make you stupid?”
“Noctis!” Cor barked, but it was too late.
Keep reading on AO3→
Reblogs are appreciated!
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
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I’m really excited to be starting this fic as I have planned it for a while. It doesn’t have all of the same usual pairs I go for, so I hope I’m able to tell the story well.
Read The Prince and The Paupers on Ao3 Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28177059/chapters/69044577
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zva-redink · 5 years
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Kinktober19 prompt ‘mirror’ so we went with mirrored bondage. I was really liking this one, so I may finish it sometime now that it’s 2020 lololol I was also like, low-key thinking of an old gladnyxnoct fic by @jazzraft I had read a loooong while ago.
Started during Oct5th livestream. Come hangout every Saturday Picarto or for full access to the RedInk Discord server with sketches and more it's just $2/month on Patreon!
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bladesandstars · 5 years
100 Ways Challenge - Prompt Fill #24
This might have been influenced by the fact that Ninja Warrior is on at the gym when I go. These two would be great at it though, wouldn’t they?
Prompt: 24. “Just because.”
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Gladnyx (Gladio/Nyx)
For: @aliatori​
Rating: G
No Warnings Apply
Team WarpFlight
“Welcome back to the fifth annual edition of Insomnia’s Ninja Warrior!”
The crowd cheers, and Nyx and Gladio bounce on their toes, excited for the start of the race. Nyx does a showy, if sloppy, head-over-heels flip, and the crowd roars more. Gladio rips off his shirt (he’d been planning on doing it anyway, but it’s also a good chance to one-up his opponent) and flexes.
Nyx rolls steel-blue eyes toward him in that look, and Gladio gives him a shit-eating grin in response. Sure, they’re competitors, but they’re also something more, and that’s adding a little bit of a sexy edge to the day that Gladio finds himself fully enjoying.
They hop, adrenaline rushing, while the announcer plays the cheesy video of them training together. Sure, it had been a gimmick to get themselves onto the show - the t-shirts, the silly nicknames of Warp and Flight (the latter for Gladio’s giant eagle tattoo, of course) -  but it had seemed to work. The producers had also been excited about playing on Gladio’s role as someone close to the royal family, but he’d put the lid on that quickly, with backup from Clarus. The production team had chosen, instead, to focus on them training together, and Gladio watches a guffaw burst out of Nyx as he looks up to see a series of slickly-captured bloopers of the two of them spool itself out for maximum viewer amusement.
They watch themselves bigger than life on the large screen, giving each other burly handclasps and spotting each other and shouting in encouragement, and Gladio catches Nyx’s eye again. They hadn’t included any footage of the two of them making out or anything, but at least Gladio thinks it’s pretty clear that they’re something more than rivals and training partners. Who knows, he shrugs, people see what they want to see.
The video ends, and Iris starts screaming her head off from the sidelines. She’s decked out in a red Flight shirt, as are Clarus, Noct, Prom, and Ignis, and then the camera shows Libertus, Pelna, and Crowe, all wearing blue Warp shirts and hollering in excitement. Regis and Luna had staunchly refused to pick a side, but both are absolutely watching and grinning from the royal box above the bleachers. (Ravus, too, had insisted he didn’t care, but as the camera pans Gladio catches sight of the flash of a red Flight t-shirt under his jacket, and he laughs.).
Everyone’s playing it up for the cameras, but also the energy is infectious. This is the first head-to-head race they’ve had in this competition, and it’s exciting. Gladio and Nyx had scored nearly the same times on the qualifying courses, each trading narrow victories of fractions of seconds.
The countdown begins, and Nyx, not to be outdone, throws his shirt to the side. Gladio cackles again at the whoop from the crowd, and they take off at top speed as the buzzer goes off.
Not quite stride for stride but at even speed - Gladio does have several inches of leg length on Nyx, but he’s notoriously fast and scrambly - they launch themselves toward the first obstacle.  More like a fun zipline than a challenge, both sail through, unconcerned, and land safely on the mat beyond. Without hesitating, they both barrel forward to the series of spinning blocks. Nyx leaps across, darting from one to another without giving it a chance to spin and throw him into the water. He’s deft enough that it looks like magic, but that would be against the rules.
Gladio, on the other hand, nails the obstacle with brute force, gathering enough running speed to launch himself across the last three entirely - less risk that way.  He pauses before the next obstacle, and looks up at it.
The Jumping Spider. Nyx takes no prep time, and bounces off the trampoline and up instantly, grabbing hold with feet and hands like he does this all day. Gladio takes a breath and then up, squashing his massive bulk into a shape that can move him through.
It’s surprisingly easy once he’s in there though, and his chest and core strength launch him through faster than he thought, shaving a little off the tiny advantage Nyx had scored through his lack of hesitation.
They fling themselves over to a grip-strength obstacle, and Nyx lets out a wild laugh. Gladio enjoys this, sure, but Nyx loves it - the adoration from the crowd and the sheer physical, stops-pulled-out exertion are like drugs to him. Gladio’s responsive laugh is more doting, and he leaps onto the obstacle.
Grip strength is one of Gladio’s things - he hasn’t been swinging a sword since he was a kid for nothing. He can hang here all day, and so can Nyx. But the obstacle lurches and rocks, and uses Gladio’s own mass against him, as he’s got to hold on against the backlash of his own bodyweight swinging.
He’s also tall, and this obstacle dangles dangerously close to the water. Between getting slowed down by the extra pressure of hanging on and the need to curl himself up, Gladio’s losing even more time.
Nyx is crawling across the underside of the rope net at the end of the obstacle - a fast if untraditional method, and it gives Gladio an excellent view of his arms, chest, and abs flexing before Gladio launches himself up onto the platform for the last obstacle. Gladio bounces into and out of the net like a normal person instead of scrambling like a spider, and it takes him a moment to get unstuck but seems much less complicated.
Nyx hasn’t planned on this being a head-to-head race, and his own net lurches wildly as Gladio’s bounces. He very nearly loses it, and his ass dangles dangerously close to the disqualifying pool of water beneath. Gladio’s up and out and wiping his hands on his pants in anticipation of grabbing the edge of that giant sheer wall they’ve got to climb.
Predictably, Nyx launches himself up the wall a nanosecond faster than Gladio. They’re close enough to touch, and Nyx does. Rather than slam down his button, he reaches down and hauls Gladio up, and they finish together. A tie.
They’re gasping for breath, chests heaving, and the crowd is losing its collective shit.
“Why did you do that?” Gladio turns toward Nyx as he heaves their joined hands into the sky.
He gets one of those smiles in return. Not the crowd-smile, not the look-how-charming-I-am-smile. Not even the that-was-funny-smile. Nope, this one is special, and Gladio still remembers the first night he saw it, and the first time he knew this thing they had together was different.
“Just because.”
It is a tie, officially. Even though Nyx held back a little, they’re still counting it. The announcer is going on about it while confetti rains down, and Gladio grins. This way, the show will have to donate to both the Royal Animal Rescue and the Phoenix Down Medical Fund. But mostly, Gladio thinks, Nyx had wanted to do this together, and that was pretty great too.
He grabs a scruffy chin in big sweaty hands shaking with effort and adrenaline, and kisses Nyx long and deep, right there in front of Insomnia and the TV cameras and everyone. Just in case they didn’t get the subtext from the video.
Gladio pulls back and beams at him, and Nyx winds a hand up behind Gladio’s neck and kisses him again. Is that Regis hollering? People seem to be pretty okay with Team WarpFlight, and Gladio’s pretty happy about it, too.
Read this on AO3!
Check out the available prompts and fills and claim one for yourself if you want!
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aliatori · 5 years
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alternate title: what my friends have to put up with on the daily
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wrathbites · 5 years
A kiss...
... as a yes.
Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia/Nyx Ulric Rating: Teen and up audiences Warnings/notes: cross-posting older fics from AO3
“You sure about this?”
“… Yeah.”
“Because it isn’t for everyone and it’s alright if you want to back out –”
“Nyx, shut up.”
“Just checking in with you.”
“And I’ve already told you. I trust you.”
But Nyx still works on his back, clever fingers hunting down the tension in his muscles, efficient and almost cruel in the pressure they apply, the steady dig from the heel of a calloused hand.  A not-quite groan tumbles from his throat when the steady throb at the base of his skull is sought out, worked out, turning him to putty and both hands bracketing his neck in warmth, the whiff of ozone sharp in his nose –
And the world shatters into crystalline shards and embers around him.
- - - - - -
There’s chaos in warping, an unpredictability about it both stupid and dangerous to play with.  There’s something wrong about needing a weapon as an anchor to aim for in the storm of magic sweeping one’s body up and away and out of the physical realm, a point of absolute stillness to ground in even as threads of that power snap at the caster’s heels, eager to yank them back.  Warping is disorientating at best and deadly at worst from what he’s seen and heard, from Noctis puking his guts up to Glaives stretched out in the medical wing with broken bones or fractured skulls or missing limbs, their focus lacking against the magic’s might, where it scrambles and turns in that someplace other and… some don’t break through it at all.
That’s why he avoids touching it for so long, those empty bunks and broken families.  What good is a Shield if he’s swept under that current and battered against rocks one can’t see until the very last second?  What good is he as the last line of defence if he falls as the first?  But Noctis relies too heavily on his warping to cover long distances between he and his targets and Gladio physically cannot keep up with him, it’s an impossible feat only the gods can accomplish – and so he eventually admits defeat and seeks out the Glaive to learn from.  Not Khara, not the best who doesn’t struggle with it, but Ulric, the one who knows the rise and fall of warping all too well, the dangers of it, the death in it, and still launches into the fray and fight of the magic anyway.
- - - - - -
“Some warning would have been nice!”
“There is no warning when it comes to warping, Gladio, sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn’t.  The key is that you need to be focused and relaxed.”
He leans back against the wall and fixes Nyx with as hot a glare as he can muster with the sensation of ants crawling under his skin, the cramping in his stomach and the nausea tingling like acid at the back of his mouth as he swallows once, twice, made all the worse by the smell from the bucket clamped between his thighs.
Mind over matter, mind over matter, mind over matter.
“And I suppose relaxed is possible when you drag me into cartwheels through nowhere without warning?”  A dark look to match his own, and Nyx bares his teeth in an expression more snarl than smile.
“Warping is easier when you’re familiar with the sensations of it,” like his entire body being shoved through a fucking cheese grater, “I’ll keep you right and keep that pretty face from being busted up.  You just focus on the feel of the magic - and learn how to trust something other than the weight of that weapon in your hands.  Might just save your life one day.”
“Fuck you.”
“Wine and dine me first, Romeo.”
And - he has absolutely no response to that.  None.  Not a goddamn thing, even when the feral slash of Nyx’s mouth curves into a smirk.
- - - - - -
So he continues with the lessons, daunting as they are, and familiarises himself with the electric snap of a warp through his bones, through his blood, the vibrations that break him open and scatter his very sense of self to the wind, all while Nyx keeps hold of him.  Some days it’s simply a hand clamped tight around his, the other reaching for the weapon he’s embedded in a wall or the floor or a practice dummy or - once - misplaced through a window and into a suit of armour.  Other days Nyx bodily wraps himself around Gladio, arms thrown over his shoulders and legs tucked in around his hips, a solid weight at his back and cushioning their fall when the warp knocks him off his feet and sprawling backward, stunning him until all he can do is lie there in silence while Nyx breathes under him, the steady rise and fall of his chest a pillow for Gladio’s aching skull.  And yet other days, again, Nyx will tackle him in the middle of a spar, drop out of his fighting stance and drive his shoulder squarely into Gladio’s stomach and slam the air straight out of his lungs and one moment he’s caught with the Glaive’s momentum - the next they’re free-falling through that place other that’s dark and stifling and home to a presence that chills his bones and sends goosebumps over his skin, re-emerging a heartbeat later in a wash of phantom blue and embers that fill his nose with smoke, tumbling together, the momentum sending them over and over until the world spins and he can’t tell up from down when they crash into the practice mats set aside for this very purpose.
He continues with the lessons until he can keep his balance and bearings, until he can toss a practice dagger across the room, the training grounds, the courtyard without pause or second thought and chase it down as only those with magic can, keep his feet under him at the end of it, his stomach contents where they belong... some days, more often than not.  Until, one afternoon, he warps a second after Nyx does, his path sheering through the Glaive’s, and takes him down in the middle of it.
He continues with the lessons, until one day he says “sooooo, about that wining and dining...”
- - - - - -
Think you can handle me, big guy?
It’s a comment made in jest (sort of), a rather tame attempt at ruffling the feathers inked over his shoulders - he didn’t think anything would come of it - and yet now he’s caught under Gladio’s bulk, hands pinned above his head and dark eyes fixed on his, wicked mouth curving into a smirk and -
“Try me, Ulric.”
- and it all escalates from there, nothing gentle or tender in the kiss that rips the air from his lungs and all good sense from his mind, lips and teeth and tongue taking his challenge for what it is and obliterating it even as Gladio says yes without uttering a single word, pressing him down into the mats in silent command to yield and Nyx arches, burns, under him.
It’s so much better than warping practice.
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dudewheresmytea · 5 years
My latest: https://t.co/SV9azPKbfa
Title: More Beer, More Porn, More Lube
Fandom: FFXV
Rating: E
Pairings: GladNyx
Warnings: None (please see note at start of fic)
Summary: Gladio and Nyx give each other a hand. Sequel to Task at Hand.
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mushydesserts · 7 years
hey there! : D even though they are not very original, i would love to share some gladio/nyx thoughts with you! to be honest, i was distracted the whole day, because i couldn’t stop thinking about them… i guess what first made me like them is their dynamic. i have a thing for pairings in which both have very strong personalities which lead them to clash from time to time, but who hold a profound respect for each other, nonetheless.
“…i imagine them to sometimes cross paths during training and despite his admiration for the glaive, gladio gets annoyed with his behavior, because why does he have to be such a show off and why can’t he take things more seriously? but truth is, gladio slowly finds himself intrigued, and more often than not, his eyes involuntarily follow nyx as the other warps his way through training…”
“i also like to think that they often spend their evenings after practice at the galahdian district, eating skewers and drinking beer, sometimes with other glaives, sometimes just the two of them, and naturally ending up at nyx’s apartment”
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YES??????????????
YES lemme ju
- Nyx is a loose cannon who actually mostly follows the rules, and Gladio is a stickler for the rules who is also secretly a daredevil. Both of them almost get killed every other hunt or field mission, and then get yelled at by their superiors. Neither defends the other.
- Gladio gets nauseous from warping and kind of resents that Nyx can do it so easily.
- Gladio and Nyx may or may not have some shared heritage, though Gladio has zero idea about what Galahd is like because that would’ve been his mom’s side of the family. He only knows that he remembers some of the bedtime stories and that he likes the food.
- Whenever Gladio needs to wait for Nyx outside his place or the locker room, he crosses his arms and leans against the wall and glares at everyone who goes by. Libertus makes fun of Nyx because it’s like he’s got a guard-puppy.
- Gladio and Nyx argue vociferously about sports and have different favorite teams, but since each of them has a different favorite sport, they will watch whatever it is in the bar that night and sympathy-cheer for whatever team the other one is rooting for. They will then laugh when that team loses.
- Crowe is one of Iris’s trainers and Gladio thinks Crowe is going to train Iris to kill him one day.
- nyx does not disagree 
- The haircut is a military thing. Nyx maintains his, but Gladio just lets his grow out and gets it cut again whenever he needs to be at some sort of official event. The braids are a Galahdian thing though, and Gladio was curious about them, so Nyx showed him how to do them, and Gladio showed Iris, and Iris will one day wear hers like that, partially in remembrance, during the Dark.
- Gladio is younger than Nyx but has been training for longer, which kind of disturbs Nyx. Nyx is low-key protective of Gladio because of it.
- Gladio really listens to Nyx’s stories about Galahd, and sometimes he expresses that he wishes he’d grown up out there instead of crammed up in the city. Not many people from the Crown City are like that, so Nyx likes him.
- Nyx kind of dislikes Clarus because he thinks Clarus wasn’t there for Gladio enough when he and Iris were kids.
- Gladio’s kind of conflicted about Regis hiring the Glaives. He thinks it’s kind of a shitty thing to do, considering what the Glaives have been through, but Gladio is also bound to be loyal to the King and to agree with the King’s decisions without question, so he’s just vaguely uncomfortable about it.
- They didn’t have shopping malls in Galahd. Nyx is still kind of awed and intimidated by them, and this amuses Gladio, who invites him along when he goes on shopping trips with Iris. 50% of the useless shit Nyx has is stuff Iris has convinced him to buy.
- Sparring. 
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ckyking · 7 years
Hi there, wanted to ask if you could write more about the Gladio/noct/nyx OT3? Maybe something fluffy or just something on how they interact more with each other, especially nyx and gladio? Are they totally okay with sharing noctis? or are there maybe little games or bets on who is going to get some this night? xD Or how did they feel about their first threesome? krkr
Heya! Oh, believe me, I will~ There are multiple AUs in the works with their names written across it.As for the sharing part, there is always an element of competiveness between them that Noct likes to call their “alpha male bullshit”, which can range from ‘playful’ to “trying to maim the other’ depending on the AU.In a game of cat and mouse, my Man from UNCLE!AU, Gladio and Noctis happened first, because Nyx works for Niflheim and our dear prince trusts him even less than he does the Lucian operative (even if he would be interested otherwise). Except Nyx, the suave bastard, likes pretty things, and Noct definitely fits in that category; Gladio has his own charms even if they’re at each other’s throats a lot. It’s definitely ‘trying to maim the other’ category, at least in the beginning, and it mellows out as time goes on because Noct is a determined little fucker and will bash heads together if necessary until they learn to play nice.In the stars are calling our names, definitely playful. Nyx and Gladio are friends and on-and-off fuckbuddies, and their relationship is all snark and stupid bets. They sometimes do it because they can’t help themselves, and Noct will roll his eyes knowing full-well that it will end up with the three of them in bed together anyway. Crowe and Pelna had a hand in that relationship finally happening because they are Noctis’ Bros, capital B, and she had enough of them not doing anything about the frankly obvious thing developping between them.All in all, a lot of fun times ahead! I hope this answered some of your questions ;D
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
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The Prince & The Paupers, Chapter 2: Changes is now available on Ao3 to read!
(I chose this image for the graphic cause I kind of imagine Cor’s apartment to be styled a bit like this.)
Read it here on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28177059/chapters/69130185
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zva-redink · 5 years
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A small (cropped) sketch dump. I may have full sizes coming later, but if you MUST SEE THEM NOW, consider becoming a Patreon for only $2! It helps me give free lessons, keep my sites up and running, purchase prints, and go to conventions, and the time I spend making sure that each image follows all the Social Media shenanigans for each platform to post.
Patreons get access to sketches and wips as I do them and loooong before I ever manage to post them (if I like them enough to post), but if you want them free, check out the Livestreams (sorry, adults only) @ 8pm MDT and you can watch them be done in real time!
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aliatori · 6 years
FANFIC - Breathe You in like Smoke
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: E
Pairing: Gladiolus Amicitia/Nyx Ulric, Gladiolus Amicitia/Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric, Gladiolus Amicitia/Cor Leonis, Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric
Summary: Gladio and Nyx attend a kink party—and it's leather night.
Warnings: None
Notes: A very late entry for @gladiorarepairweek, for the day 7 prompt of leather, and a gift to the dear @roadsoftrial. Beta’d by the wonderful @xylianna
Attending leather night at one of Insomnia’s elite kink parties isn’t something Gladio ever saw himself doing, but now that he’s here, a combination of excitement and adrenaline courses through his veins, all of his senses heightened by the mixture.
The fact that Nyx is slowly, carefully undressing him in the lounge area of the building’s luxurious washrooms might have something to do with his excitement, too.
“Six,” Nyx breathes, stroking Gladio’s chest from neck to navel with one leather-clad palm. He hasn’t bothered to take off his riding gloves, which hints at an eagerness that delights Gladio. He continues in a louder voice, “you look even better than I thought you would, which is hard, because this has been wet dream fuel for a couple months at least.”
Gladio chuckles. “Good to know. Wait ‘til you see the bottom half.”
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dudewheresmytea · 5 years
Blast from the past weekly fic post!
Week 1, Gladio and Nyx enjoy a public quickie! 
Title: No Regrets 
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16428743  
Fandom: FFXV 
Rating: Explicit 
Pairings: GladNyx 
Warnings: None 
Summary: Nyx and Gladio bump into each other. For kinktober 2018 day 27. Prompt used: Exhibitionism.
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xylianna · 6 years
Xy, Our bed's cold without you here. Well, okay, G's a fucking furnace. Cold-er. And less fun - we miss your laugh, your smile, and your clever, beautiful presence. See you soon. Nyx & Gladio
I’ve never been one for reader inserts but what reader wouldn’t want to insert themselves between those two fine specimens of manhood, amirite? 
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mushydesserts · 7 years
something borrowed and real damned blue
Pairings: Gladio/Nyx (side of Nyx/Luna, Gladio/Noct) Rating: M Warnings: Mildly drunk but consensual sex
Music and laughter drifted through the Tenebraean night air, and Nyx Ulric had never been so miserable.
He scowled.
They'd done it. They'd won the war.
The Empire was fallen. The King of Lucis had returned, the Oracle of Tenebrae was triumphant, and tonight they joined their kingdoms and their houses, melded their souls forevermore. Mission accomplished.
And here was Nyx, sulking on the balconies about it.
(read the rest @ ao3!)
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jazzraft · 3 years
arabesque iii.
pairing. nyx/noctis/gladiolus
words. 3792
tags. alternate universe, desert adventure, rivals to lovers
story summary. Insomnia is lost to the desert sands of Lucis when Niflheim lays siege. Gladio steals the Crown Prince out into the wastes to escape capture. There is nothing but sand and sun and despair. Until a stranger with braided hair and a crooked grin finds them in the desert.
chapter summary. After a long journey across the desert wasteland, Noctis and his guardians arrive to safety, where he intends to pick up right where he left off: bringing down the sun on the whole damn Empire.
note: I'm dedicating the very delayed resurrection of this old fic to that one anon who would every so often ask me about it. I don't know if you're even still following me, or this story, but your queries were always appreciated, so this one's for you!
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“You’re alive!”
Prompto all but tackled Noctis down flat against the sands in his excitement. He clung to the Crown Prince with his whole body, wrapping around him like a cocoon through which no threat could penetrate. “You’re alive,” he kept repeating, and while Gladio felt anything but after days trekking through the desert, hearing the relief of laughter in his friend’s voice brought him a long way back to life.
The sun-bleached walls of Cavaugh had shimmered along the crest of the wasteland like the waves of a mirage. If not for Nyx validating what Gladio had feared was a heat-fevered dream, he wouldn’t have believed it was real – and even then, he feared Nyx might be messing with him. The crumbling stucco ring that surrounded the village remained as a bygone relic of protection. While the low, decrepit ruins would serve as no defense against Imperial dreadnoughts, there was nevertheless a sharpness to them that Gladio dare not test, rising from the sands like the smile of sahagin teeth, daring prey to venture within before clamping shut around them.
Keep reading on AO3→
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