#God bless my discord friend for getting it for me
cherrycreamfairy · 26 days
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angeltism · 8 months
ykw an entire love language is just. associating things to ONE being. only them! that concept? yeah that is Exactly One Being I Know. specific shade of that color? oh my god that's my buddy. a character? literally my bestie right there oh my goodness !! ^__^
#➳ the fool speaks#i just saw a fyo.dor pfp like smth on my edit account and i was like OH MY GAWDD !! [DISC FRIEND] !!!!!#the being also specifically liked my mu.u graphics and discord friend is also har.uka and f/os mu.u so it's so fitting too#and no disc friend does nawt have tumblr but like. if zhi did. that would have been it. pfp liked post and ALL#if i see a pic of minoai? that's two beings i know! that's their ship! it's real bc i know mino AND ai and they both f/o eachother! l#accidental l added to the tag and i can't edit tags on mobile oops#but mnai is nawt an l!!! will would kill me if i said that. mnai 🔛🔝 !!#and uu get the idea#and ok i only rlly gave examples for characters but this DOES also apply 2 colors and concepts prommy#also words#if uu show me a very specific shade of blue THAT'S SORA (disc friend mentioned above) !!!!!!! it is fucking BLOO. bloo-er than me.#actually no zhi is blue and red. nawt together but like. the concept of them both together.#hmmm nyeow that I'm thinking abt it only associations for zhir are coming up rn. is this bc they've been spamming my dms today.#smh I have nothing against the gays but y'all annoying god bless /ref /silly#ykw mentioning vaguely some tumblr mutual stuff too! iykyk ehe#pik.min in general#arc.ana twil.ight especially the pink bitch named breakfast (/ref) but also in general bc i know nobun else who knows it too#hrmmm... what else..... i know more than beings than sora will and the two awesome tumblr moots i just mentioned#oh! castle.vania#ok uhhhhhhhh damn it who else who i still talk 2 or interact with Literally At All fuck#all the things I'm thinking of are for beings whom I do nawt talk 2 anymore and all the beings I'm thinking of i cannawt think of one thing#specific for them#but y'all get the idea
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amakumos · 1 year
CUPID’S CORNER — nishimura riki
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synopsis. because he’s a little shit, nishimura riki sends a totally embarrassing confession about you to “cupid’s corner”, a twitter account that posts anonymous confessions from decelis academy students. but when that joke confession suddenly makes a bunch of people confess to you on cupid’s corner (for real this time!) riki finds that he’s jealous — and oh… he can’t believe it took him a fake confession to realise that he’s crazily in love with you.
pairing. best friend! riki x fem! reader
genre. smau, fluff, humour, slight angst
warnings. swearing, riki’s a little shit but so is yn😭 rikiyn are dense and just overall silly people in general
status. complete
author’s note. i lied about never having another smau. this is inspired by my friend submitting an embarrassing confession of me to one of those confession accs . i got my revenge tho😍
server link . here's the link to join the discord server. you're welcome to discuss theories with fellow readers ^_^
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profiles 1! / profiles 2!
ONE — be my girlfriend TWO — my kyky THREE — get a job! stay away from her! FOUR — gimme chocolate FIVE — BS = bank statement SIX — im so eunchae SEVEN — stupid vball anon EIGHT — deep thoughts in the toilet NINE — hiiiii (manipulatively) TEN — bob, the cat ELEVEN — i keep it 99 cuz i b lying sometimes TWELVE — stupid moral compass THIRTEEN — me when im ran FOURTEEN — ugly emotion FIFTEEN — hyungyeom's adventures in hell SIXTEEN — cried into my suitcase SEVENTEEN — fuck up that plastic packaging EIGHTEEN — toilet emoji NINETEEN — he’s poohing TWENTY — out of all people TWENTY ONE — i don't know when i want!!! TWENTY TWO — niall horan TWENTY THREE — i have a confession TWENTY FOUR — riki fanclub TWENTY FIVE — r u srs TWENTY SIX — may god bless the asteroid TWENTY SEVEN — my #1(0) TWENTY EIGHT — rikiy/n > the world TWENTY NINE — cupid dumb era THIRTY — be my boyfriend
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AITA for technically possibly breaking my friends dni?
so i (18m) recently befriended fakename G (14m) from discord. we get on great, but the problem came up when I found his tumblr page by accident.
for background, i genuinely do not care about ship discourse. i am an adult with a job. i think the issue is more nuanced than flinging death threats back and forth and i reblog posts talking about how stupid the discourse is like, decently regularly. these posts ostensibly tend to align more with the pro-shipper side because again, i think sending people death threats online is stupid, and from what ive learned (against my will) the “anti-ship” side seems to do a large portion of that.
anyways, part of G’s tumblr description said for pro shippers not to interact, and i am worried that he would be angry that someone who’s neutral on the discourse has been interacting with him. I haven’t interacted with him on tumblr at all because im worried if he sees the aforementioned “shipcourse is stupid get a hobby” posts he’ll flip out on me and I’ll lose him as a friend over something incredibly stupid.
to be fair to myself, I do genuinely not have an opinion on shipping discourse. im not pro-ship or anti-ship, im pro-getting a hobby. additionally, it’s not something G has ever mentioned, and I wouldn’t know if I hadn’t gotten his tumblr blog recommended to me.
however, if it’s something that makes him genuinely uncomfortable, then i feel like i should just admit to it, and that’s where I might be TA.
so, tumblr, AITA for interacting?
(p.s.: please don’t start trying to explain why I should actually be fighting the war on shipping bc I will not read it! god bless <3)
What are these acronyms?
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mcytblr-archive · 3 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: conarcoin
today's interviewee is conarcoin, runner in the 2020 MCYTblr elections, founder of gay castle, mod on the mcytblr-confessions blog, and MCYTblr veteran! below is a transcript of the questions and answers.
Q: You’ve been in MCYTblr for a long time, and participated in a lot of MCYTblr events, so let’s work our way through them. Can you tell me a bit about what 2020-2021 MCYTblr was like for you, or anything that immediately comes to mind when you think of it?
A: 2020-2021 MCYTblr was a shithole, but it was a shithole I made some really good friends in and I don't regret that period at all. I regret some stupid posts I made, sure, but overall? Nah. 2020 MCYTblr was always filled with drama as it was a transitional period - it was primarily made up of what we now call "truthers" and the scattered remnants of SMPblr, and that sort of caused a culture clash. I'm immediately reminded of the time I got into a huge drama for having the url "transtubbo" in 2020, which one ex-SMPblr user was not fond of. Also a lot of posts made by straight up weirdos like that one infamous "sex god whore" post.
(the url "transtubbo" was not a truthing thing, but a DSMP thing, but this was a time when truthers were still everywhere in MCYTblr and the divide between RP and real life wasn't as clear, which is how I ended up in hot water)
Q: I understand that you started and ran the “gay castle” discord server. Why was it created? What was your experience running it?
A: Gay Castle's still alive and well after 3 years. Me and a friend made the server in September 2020 due to being tired of the drama in another server we were in called Sleepyheads. It's a personal friend server, so we just invited people we thought were chill to hang out and have some laughs. I honestly would call Gay Castle my internet family, they're a wild bunch and we've had so many great times over the past 3 years.
Q: What was it like running the mcytblr-confessions blog? Do any confessions stand out to you from memory?
A: mcytblr-confessions is the child of me and like 10 or so other members of Gay Castle. The experience is mostly mundane, just queueing and deleting asks. We do get a lot of asks that get deleted due to breaking the rules and such, but it hasn't been particularly drama-filled or anything. There's way too many confessions that stand out to me, but personal favorites of mine will always include the Foolish peas anon, the Highcraft church anon, and the one about AustinShow calling anon Greg instead of their actual name.
Q: If my memory serves, you ran in the October 2020 MCYTblr elections. Who did you run as? What was your experience being a part of it?
A: I did, alongside a friend at the time who went by Fakenoblade. I don't remember too many details from that period of time. We ran as "Potato2020" and didn't get very far but we had fun. Cecilia (bless her heart, we're still mutuals even though we don't talk often) can do a really good Technoblade impression, so in call we had her say some funny lines that we edited into a promotional campaign video. Fun stuff.
Q: Are there any other events that stand out to you?
A: The day a bunch of content creators joined in 2021, mostly smaller ones. That was around the same time I became friends with Erin (@itselectralive), who is still one of my closest friends to this day and an absolute sweetheart. She got me onto a SMP she helped run called Balls SMP, which crashed and burned, but I had fun and met some cool people.
Q: Do you remember any of the main discourses/dramas that went through the community?
A: Apologist discourse, obviously. I didn't engage with it - I honestly didn't care for either c!Tommy or c!Dream - but it's hard to avoid it. Shipping discourse and boundary discourse. Honestly, I can't remember anything more specific besides the more general dramas.
Q: What do you remember most fondly from that time?
A: Honestly? Just early Gay Castle and also liveblogging the L'Manberg Election. That night was so much fun, one of the most vivid memories of that time period I have.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
A: You guys should watch SMPLive. Not really, it's aged like piss and several creators ended up being freaks but it's still got a lot of funny jokes and interesting lore (believe it or not). From what I have seen, its fandom is the root of a lot of MCYT fandom's most obnoxious behaviors, but the people who are left and still care about it are really cool. It turned 5 this month!
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hellsite-detective · 6 months
i have been trying to find this video for MONTHS. i’m almost certain it was a repost from tiktok. it was a split screen with the “main” video playing on one side, and a guy reacting to it on the other.
the “main” video was a bunch of guys in someone’s yard pretending they were playing a game with completely ridiculous, arbitrary rules. they’d each pull out a random item, do something to one or both items, each side would react as though they won or lost the round, and they’d rotate out. some rounds included a minnie mouse shaped rotary phone, opening a cd case and signing the paper inside, and whacking everything off the table with a pool noodle.
the guy reacting was narrating the whole thing like an esports commentator (“oh, i haven’t seen this opening before, that’s weird” “oh, he’s going for x strat, nice” etc.)
i’m pretty sure i reblogged it a while ago, but i don’t remember if it was tagged with anything. i’ve looked through my blog’s archive and even old discord messages to see if ive sent it to friends. if you manage to find this extremely weird video then god bless
a client walked into my office lookin' for a video of a tiktok showin' off a classic sport. now, i'm no expert on trackin' down videos. without keywords to search, this would be hard. that is, if i wasn't given the perfect lead. see, my client happened to casually mention that they reblogged it a while back. and while most detectives would get a warrant first, i took the liberty of snoopin' around the archive while my client wasn't lookin'. by filterin' for videos, i managed to track it down with ease.
thanks for givin' me that lead! thanks to your archive, it was easy to find! i gave it a watch too, i haven't seen a game that intense since the 1947 Backyard Item World Championship. some really good plays for sure. either way, enjoy relivin' this intense game! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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ohmeadows · 3 months
I'm absolutely hooked on 'The Dew Of Dying Stars.' I find myself drawn back to it again and again. If anyone gets interest in the ship, I always tell/suggest them your fic. I'm curious, what drew you to pair Jingliu and Ruan Mei together? Like what clicked to you? Also I hope you don't mind another question (sorry!) what's your take on Ruan Mei's character in canon? I'm still having a hard time understanding her still.
jingliu and ruan mei i think started when a friend dm'd me at the end of september going "have you considered: jingliu/ruan mei" and for the first few days it just kinda rotated in the back of my head. this was around the time we knew a bit more about ruan mei from in-game texts in simulated universe, and a few tiny leaks, but it kept growing as jingliu released. looking back i'm surprised how much of that early brainstorming survived all the way to the published fic, considering how much was guesswork at ruan mei as a character, but the edits were quite minimal in that regard.
overtime i started bringing it up in my discord server to chat about the potentials and that in turn helped me develop and refine the idea even more. it really was a group effort of people coming in to offer suggestions, ideas and visuals, and i can't thank the souls who chipped in enough.
for me, what attracted me was the potential to delve into a relationship where neither is looking for a conventional relationship, if that makes sense. jingliu after baiheng is in such a furious and spiraling mindstate, and ruan mei is cool and distant, collected and observing. the final true click came when ruan mei's story revealed she wants to become an aeon, considering jingliu's outspoken desire to put aeons in their graves. on top of that, jingliu is on the verge of death, barely alive, while ruan mei is all about life, bringing it forth in others, bringing others back from death. their underlying themes open up tons of potential, and it set me off on a writing frenzy.
ruan mei in canon... to understand her it's important to understand what she represents: in this game where aeons influence so much, she is the first person we meet who outright says she wants to become one. but there's a dehumanizing process we go through to achieve godhood, severing your bonds to the earthly realms, the things that make you mortal and human. i know a lot of people are very upset that she's a cold and distant creator, leaving her creations behind, but: is that how gods behave? is that not what gods do? she's standing on the precise intersection of human and god, and the question is if anything we do will sway her to remain human, or instead convince her to ascend. her coldness and distance protects her ambition. to me, she thinks ascension is the only thing that can truly fulfill her at this point, now that she has nurtured even a world into existence. but what if godhood is just as empty and hollow as before? who kills a god, who puts the god out of their misery, like how we had to witness the propagation being killed?
there's an interesting duality to her because while she keeps her heart cold and distant from other people, she very much indulges in finer things, filling her life with silk, embroidery, baking. not to get too deep about myself, but during times where i've been a hermit, that's how i managed to keep myself balanced. always working on creating.
and on a deeper level... there's some need for control in ruan mei. it's quieter, in a way, than for example cocolia or sunday, but it is there. she wants to be able to control how others bond to her, preferably not at all. she exerts a lot of control over simuni, being able to alter it, bless us, withhold information. extended - she thinks if she controls all the variables at play, she can control it all. don't be mistaken about it, her desire to be an aeon isn't to make things good or right, it's to be able to control the flow of life at her whim.
that's my reading anyway, i'm sure it will develop as we get more content with her! she's a really fascinating character, and i'm curious about where she will go, if she will be allowed to ascend or not.
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lcstinfantasy · 6 months
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jeez, another year gone by so quickly. it definitely was a rollercoaster. filled with tears, love, heartache, joy and laughter. i can only speak for myself but this year has been rough of me. as much as i know it's ending on a crappy note, i also know there are good things in my life and that includes you guys. this year has taught me a lot and also brought in some wonderful people to my life. i know the rpc can seem intimidating and stand off-ish at times but once you crack through shells, it really is such a loving, supportive and welcoming place. just find the right people and i promise you will be blessed in life. i am so glad for each and everyone one of you. you've brightened up my day simply by being on my dash and being on this earth. the world and life changes quickly and sometimes it pushes us to the breaking point, but keep going. i am cheering you on with so much love ❤️
special shoutout under cut:
as always, the loml, @frxgmcnts, 5 years strong and many more to come. my love for you knows no limits. you have been through so much with me. my writing blocks, my crazy life, mental mood swings, everything and you've stood by it all. i can not wait for the day that i get to hug you and talk your ear off in person. one day baby we'll be united!
@nanlanmo has become one of my best friends, honestly my other half. i could not imagine my life without her. from the 5 minute voice notes on discord to sending little trinkets that we think each other will like -- i am forever grateful for meeting you. you have supported me, comforted me and just all about been a great friend and i am so damn lucky to be able to call you that. i'm coming for you 😜
@gcldenmemories um where tf do i even begin when it comes to my wifey? the enthuasim, care, love and just all around good vibes that pour from their soul? i swear i find myself laughing and smiling widely every time we talk. i am so glad to be able to call sunshine a friend because seriously their soul is beautiful. imma meet your ass soon too baby.
@escapedfromthevoiid, grandpa, grandpa grandpa. though you can be like a cactus at times, i am so grateful for you. always making me laugh in tough times, understanding that i go non verbal quite often and it's easier to communicate though videos and memes lol. always so much love for you jay.
@ner0tic, my witch love. seriously the knowledge and insight i've obtained to god/goddesses and all the witch stuff has been so helpful for a baby witch like myself. i love talking to you and just vibing together. you're seriously a gem and i love you.
honorary mentions
@dcmur3, @redemptivexheroics, @atrickrtreat, @nveragod, @carp3diems, @brckensociety, @aquamanandfriends, @acourtcfmuses, @dalphahale, @dozenrozez, @gareththegreat, @headlessmania, @id1eyouth, @insidi0sum, @loomiskiller, @m0bhit, @righteouslysin, @scarredfeathers, @thechiyonosakenyc, @freaksandfangs @havvkinsqueen, @puppetoffthehook, @anthrcpophagi , @entangledmuses , @fatalframez
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astral-nautical · 7 months
suckening liveblog bc i dont wanna spam my friends lol
spoilers ahead!!!!!!!!!!!! going to put all of episode 1 in one post :O
i didnt expect emizel to be pronounced tht way tbh!! em-ee-zel...i expected emi-zel if tht makes Any sense
oh emizel got daddy issues? sad. wait he runs a GANG?
the arts fucking insane dude im so happy they worked w so many people for this
oh hello soda :O bro has some transgender energy already like. who dresses themselves in stuff w their name on it if not someone who picked their own name?
GANG WAR,? i love emizel i dont know if this is the rightr vibe or not but hes giving me 'punk kid whose pretending to be in a gang' and i love him for it
smash bros commentary is so funny omg
oohhh vampire time soon???? fangs gonna BITE
'sometimes i just say shit and idk what it means' SAME SODA.
ohhhhh nooo this is not gooooood. oh em ur getting fucked uppp
FIRST COMBAT WOOOOO omg the music is fucing phenomenal i love u nathan hanover
oh my god this is fuckjign insane NO SODAAAAAAAAAAA
ayo ? kiss time ig. NAHHHHH BITE TIME
wat the fuuuuuuck What the fuuuuuck LMAO FUCK DOUBLE BITE??????? CHOMP CHOMP MOTHERFUCKER
FRENZY CHECK??????? oh here we go dude vampire timeee
so emizels fucked. ANYWAYS ROMANIA
bizlys character art looks like hes abt to cry lmao. sad little twink
im so fond of this guy and hehasnt even talked? hes so funny. why are you so well dressed AYO EYESHADOW?
SHILO IS SO FUNNY I LOVE HIM? oh no his accent is so cute. cute as in like a stuffed animal is cute not like attraction. im aroace
is shilo like? rapunzel? is he not allowed to leave his room ?
hes so funny im so fucking endeared omg
oh he IS rapunzel he's never met a mortal!! why is his mother never letting him out :O
oh....he wants a book on birds :,) he wants to read abt pheasants....
shilo is a manipulative little BASTARD i love him he can do no wrong in my eyes forever and always. my wet and pathetic cat that i hold so dearly
ohh curious boy curious boy...doing this he should Not b
oh fuck shilo's mom so much i have a bad feeling abt her alreadyyyyy
my bbg...run away flee this place get OUT god i fucking hate his mother she caused him so much shame he's frenzying :((((
'both of you will take me to the darkened door, or i Will Scream." shilo you are my favourite forever and ever
kitty kitty cat :O give me their name rnv ITS A GIRL oh the little kityt noises im going to pass away
void...is she smarter than arthur lmao?
arthurs so cool hes like if rumi had a goth phase
fucking What is arthurs deal whts he looking for here. hello
"i believe in you. you are my special boy<3" shilo is such an asshole i adore him
emizel is here :O the trio are meeting up lets gooo
how did i COMPLETELY miss arthur can control shadows what the FUCK. what the HELL. ARMS OF THE ABYSS?
"i ask of you to calm down" "...i flick my other shoe at him."
"uh. Pretend i am dead." (collapses)
this is beyond fucking funny. emi and arthur sorting themselves out while shilo has a panic attack and fakes being dead like a fucking possum
in conclusion shilo is my newest bbg and my discord server profile is already fanart of him. god bless
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Are you Christian? hope that doesn't sound accusatory
Anon. I love you, but please know there is no possible way to drop into a stranger’s ask box anonymously demanding to know personal information (age, sex/gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, diagnoses, etc.) without sounding somewhat accusatory or at the very least a little nosey (because why do you need to know that), but reading your disclaimer did make me smile despite my apprehension regarding this inquiry, so I appreciate you adding that in.
This is also a weird one because I genuinely don’t know what answer you are hoping for or if you’re just curious and enjoy dropping into people’s inboxes to ask if they’ve heard the good word of Jesus Christ which I have to admit, is an interesting strategy though not one I’d recommend. I was gonna answer this anon with something like “what are you a cop?” Or “come back with warrant” (classic) but then upon reflection, realized I should probably clear some stuff up in case you are confused. So, uh, to answer the question, yes, I am, though that will require some explanation as religion is not really what this blog is for. This blog is where I dump my hyperfixations, rants about life, links to my fanfics, and maybe make a few friends along the way. Some of the media I engage with like Narnia happens to be Catholic/Christian, or have Christian themes, or be popular in Christian circles, but that’s more coincidental. This blog really has no clear organization at all, I just see stuff I like or personally identify with, reblog, and that’s that, so it’s mostly fandom content, but stuff on neurodivergence and disability slips in a lot because I identity with a lot of it and happen to know a fair amount about it, so it makes sense to have it on my blog from time to time.
Now, I believe you might be coming into my ask box to ask about this because I recently started following and reblogging a few posts from Christian content creators. The reason for that is ironically similar to the reason I got this blog in the first place. I had no one irl to talk about fandoms and hyperfixations with, and people didn’t want me talking about them irl, so I came here to do that, met a lot of nice people, we rant about fandoms together, it’s a good time. Currently, I’m not around people irl who are Christian, so I’ve started coming here for that too, and it’s worked out pretty great. Met some nice people, talked about headcanons and such, found a few neurodivergent Christians and the intersectionality is nice, mostly good stuff.
The one issue I ran into was that a good number of my established followers and mutuals have religious trauma or don’t like religion very much, so to be sensitive to that, I tag every reblog of a religious post “tw religion” or “tw religion mention” so that they know to block the tags if they don’t wanna see it, and then I save my long rants on Christian headcanons and stuff like that for private DM’s and discord conversations with mutuals who are interested in that. It’s just something I do to try to be respectful and acknowledge that while this is something that’s brought a lot of joy and positivity in my life, not everyone has experienced it that way, and they might not want to see that on their dash, and it can be genuinely triggering for people.
But while this seemed like a good idea at the time, I now realize why you probably feel the need to ask about my religious background, which is why I feel obligated to answer your question. Because… most people who reblog posts with “tw religion” have something to say against it, but people who like religion will just reblog the post. Which I now realize, upon reflection, leads to a lot of Christian creators getting notifications like “uh oh! Someone reblogged your art with the hashtag “tw religion” wonder what rant they have against you” and then they check and it’s just me going “wow nice art, Happy Easter and God Bless You, you’re incredibly talented 🥰, and also TRIGGER WARNING FOR THIS CONTENT!” and on the flip side it’s also probably weird for everyone who sees the hashtag “tw religion” and is like “haha…nice. A rant against faith. I gotta see this!” only to click on the post and see some really well drawn art of Jesus and the children with a ton of positivity. So um… sorry for confusion?
To make a long story short, yes, I’m Christian, but this blog is mostly fandom content, that’s why I created it and that’s what I’m here for. I do incorporate a lot of Christian themes in my fic writing just like I incorporate elements of my neurodivergence into my writing as well, but my writing is not explicitly Christian, anyone can enjoy it. You’re allowed to like things by different groups that you are not part of while still not completely agreeing with everything that particular group believes. I promise it’s okay, that’s how humans work, none of us will ever think completely alike, but we can still enjoy each other’s stuff sometimes. I promise the world won’t end because you liked a fanfic where I wrote Nicholas’ speech to Martina about forgiveness and how she’s still a good person to parallel God’s mercy and love for us, you can still like it and like the message while not agreeing with my idea of who God is or that there even is a God at all. Most if not all the characters in Wolf 359 are atheists, and I still enjoy the podcast (though I will note before people come in my comments about this, yes, there is obviously some nuance to this atheism as canonically Minkowski is culturally Christian, Doug kinda knows the our father and probably got dragged to church on Christmas/his birthday and Easter at some point, Daniel Jacobi’s name has Jewish origins so the character likely has some Jewish background, Maxwell is ex-evangelical, Hera strikes me as spiritual but not religious, Cutter and Pryce are atheists who left religion but kept all the toxic parts so they could make themselves gods, and this last one actually has no canon evidence whatsoever, but I firmly believe that Kepler is specifically agnostic not atheist, and he goes out of his way to emphasize this by saying stuff like “due to the limits of the human mind, we can never really know the truth about the big picture” or something like that, but I know he has a speech about it. No disrespect to my agnostic followers, but unfortunately I think Kepler would do this).
That tangent aside, I will end by saying this. I have all sorts of people following this blog: Christians, atheists, people of other faiths, members of the LGBTQ+ community, neurodivergent folks, BIPOC, and more, and they followed me for my unhinged rants and fandom content. They didn’t come here to have their identities and beliefs bashed, and due to the fandoms I am in, many of them are also minors. And I am so, so, scared about what my reply to this anon might bring to this blog, no matter the answer, so let me be very clear: if you use this post, or any of my posts, to spread hate and negatively towards anybody, you’re blocked. I have already done this a few times when I’ve seen it around tumblr. If you think it was a mistake, let me know, but I’m not exposing my young followers to that. That’s not gonna help anybody, and there are so many better things you could be doing with your time.
With that said, if the tagging system is not working out, and you’d prefer I put the religious stuff on a side blog my non-Christian followers can block while still enjoying my usual content on the main, I can do that too. Whatever makes it easier for y’all.
*this would be a bummer, because I just hit an even 200, which is tricky to do when all you got is two of the tiniest fandoms alive and not much else. But look after yourself, I wish you well, and I’ll get over it.
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orthodoxadventure · 4 months
Hello, I prayed for you and I hope you’re doing well. I know lots of really heavy stuff has been going on in your life. I hope you have a good community you can really on, and friends to keep you company. I had to leave my friend group because they were anti-Catholic, and I am struggling with mental health. I have dreams to do something but I am scared I can’t get in. I feel so behind in life. For years you’re account has encouraged me, I hope you have close Christin friends to encourage and be with you if your ever lonely. I feel so empty most days, and hope I can have a strong Catholic community. I hope anything that is bothering or hurting you, you can overcome. I hope you get closer to God and you can do His will. I hope your dreams can come true. God bless you
Thank you so much for the kind message and your prayers, I really appreciate it. And please know that I will keep you in my prayers also.
I'm sorry that you're struggling to develop friends that are supportive of your faith. One thing that I would suggest, if you haven't already, is reach out to your doctor about your emptiness and your struggles. It may be possible that they would be able to refer you onto support services that can help you in this area. And I would also suggest trying to speak with your Priest about it, he might be able to again direct you towards services and groups that can help with these feelings.
One thing I would really suggest is trying to get involved in Church life as much as you can - ask to volunteer, participate in any social groups (or look to other Catholic Churches in the area that offer social groups and partake in those). If your Church has a coffee hour or something similar, then participate in that when you can. And if it doesn't, see if you can organise with the Priest to start one.
As much as online spaces are no real substitute for something offline, joining in with them can really help bridge the gap. And you might find local Catholics this way also. Find and join Catholic discord servers, see if there's any online reading clubs that you can join, connect with other Catholics on Twitter or in Facebook groups or on Reddit. And so on. Unfortunately, a lot of it is just about continually trying to push yourself out there and persevering.
Look also to events held in your local area in general, even if it's not faith based, it might be a good way of socialising with others and keeping yourself busy. Art workshops, gardening classes, cooking clubs, etc. Are all great ways of participating in the community - and get involved in volunteering as much as you can. Because these are also great opportunities to meet others with similar values, and of course, almsgiving and volunteering to help others is particularly good for the soul during Lent (as well as every other time).
I know it can be really hard, but please do keep trying and persevering. Because I truly do believe that over time, you will eventually develop the community and connections that you need. May God bless you, comfort you, and guide you!
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
hey. it’s been a while :) not sure if you remember me but i just wanted to pop by and say that i will forever cherish your writing. your fics gave me a lot of comfort through a very dark time of mine, and reading about the silly fictional brothers made me feel a lot more excited and joyful in a world where i felt very lonely.
whenever i would read your stories, i couldn’t contain my very very dramatically fun reactions that i would say out loud to myself in my room (jumping up and down, screaming, crying, gasping, monologuing to myself, etc). i read so many different AUs and oneshots of yours and i couldn’t get enough! your work is so wonderful and i am AMAZED and how you can create such high-quality writing in a surprisingly short timeframe.
i loved clinic so much that i entered a 30 hour state of hyperfocus where i COULD. NOT. put it down. ruined my sleep schedule but it was so worth it!! and then i read it all again 2 days later. and then i read it AGAIN out loud to my friend over discord so he could enjoy it too :) i recommended world forgetting to a friend and it destroyed her (/pos). i kept recommending all of my friends your fics because they were all so wonderfully entertaining and had a level of quality that was hard to find elsewhere.
i loved clinic, world forgetting, stars, 17 hours, the vampire au, the mermaid au, and starman (?) (the horror one with the giant eye) and i’m sure there’s plenty more that are slipping my mind.
i’m currently in a place where i cannot decide if i’m even able to separate a content creator from his character. even the characters have been soured for me and it’ll be very tough to separate them. i hope i can, because they brought me so much joy in the past, and so did your writing :)
over the past year and a half or so i’ve been so lucky to be blessed with an absolutely wonderful girlfriend that i love very much, and i feel a lot less lonely and a lot more lighter. i’m more active in the real world and i’m doing more things that i love. because of this i’ve distanced from dsmp and unfortunately haven’t had enough time to fully understand qsmp (which is a shame because i love quackity and have been watching him quite literally since 2013 and he is very dear to me). but!! i still rant and rave about your stories to my girlfriend and i even got her to read clinic :)
ANYWAY… very long ramble hahah but all of this is to say that your work was very important in my life and even if i’m going to distance myself from this fandom, i will always love and cherish your writing!!! thank you for your labor of love and i won’t be forgetting about you anytime soon!!
i hope you’re doing well. take care of yourself!! have your favorite cookie!! sending hugs! <3
and ps, the scene where siren has his identity revealed is still one of my fav scenes in writing EVER and i still think about how beautifully tragic it was <3 i think about it a lot. u made me cry for like 45 minutes how dare youuuuuu hahah
I hope you know before I even read this ask I saw the url and immediately went "oh my god lostmellohi it's been so long I've missed them!!!" so, don't worry, I remember you very well and I'm so happy to see you here again!
it makes me so happy to hear how much you've enjoyed my writing over the years. hearing stuff like that only makes me more confident in my decision to not take down any of my stuff regardless of recent events. I never want to take away something of mine that has given you and others that much joy. these stories are mine first and foremost, but as readers they're yours too. they've given you so much enjoyment over the years and that can never be taken away from you.
I totally understand what you mean about being unsure if you'll be able to separate the cc and the character in the future. it's not an easy thing and right now I get the urge to wince every time I read wilbur's name, even if it's in the context of c!wilbur and/or a fic. I believe it'll get easier for all of us with time, so don't worry about it too much right now. it's only been a week since shelby's stream happened. feelings will settle.
congrats on the girlfriend!! I hope she enjoyed clinic lol. I'm so happy you've been doing better though and have been able to do more things that you love. enjoy that kind of stuff whenever you can. qsmp isn't going anywhere and you'll always be able to catch up whenever you have time.
thank you for this it genuinely made me so happy to read. wishing you the best for things in the future and I hope you take care of yourself <33
also, yeah, whenever I think back on the siren identity reveal I'm like damn I did pull that off really well huh. lmao so glad you enjoyed :)
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deedala · 4 months
✨j o y 🌞 l i s t✨
i was tagged by sweet little nuggets @heymrspatel @lingy910y @whatwouldmickeydo @metalheadmickey and @mybrainismelted to make a little joy list. im bad at joy lists you guys!! but im gonna try okay here goes!!
🖤 watching my daughter play hockey
🖤 pocket friends
🖤 all my phone tabs full of tasty juicy beloved fics lol
🖤 blasting my pjs with the blow dryer so i can feel warm when i get in bed
🖤 hot showers
🖤 2 hour school delays (i get to sleep in a little but still send the kids to school for a big chunk of day!!)
🖤 painting clouds???? haaaaaaaa yeaaaaah
🖤 the shameless discord community <3
🖤 peppermint anything and everything
🖤 coffeeeee my morning coffee my morning coffee that turns into my afternoon coffee
🖤 oatmilk god bless
🖤 texts from the besties <3
wow i managed to come up with a lot actually good for me!!
ok so also @alexisrosemullens tagged me to do this cute little picrew and i love it please behold:
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hehehehe im a kitty loaf ~
i have tag fatigue today but if you do this picrew or a joy list please tag me so i can see!! 💖💖💖
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jardaddy-a · 1 year
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JARDINAE FOLLOWING LOVE LETTERS FOR NEW YEAR ! This post is dedicated to my beloved mutuals , consider this as a belated Christmas present , New Years Greeting &&. a thank you . This will be under a read more because of chibi-esque art &&. long messages for people , miss Reine Surrealis talks a lot , ok ? ok ! To my newer mutuals , hopefully we can interact more next year , thank you so much for supporting this original existencial mess !
Thank you all for supporting and writing with my OC Universe / World . I wish everyone a Happy New Year and a better 2023 !
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@serpentsexile / @bellusnymphine - Angel Dior Demiurge my belovedest ! Bestie , I can't believe that we've been friends for 4 ? 5 ? years ! Tumblr is where the three of us met those many years ago and we've seen each other's lore and characters . It feels like yesterday when Envy was brunette, to blonde to sable-haired , to the white haired destruction daddy we know and love today WWWW , you also watched Jardin / Natura / Existencia develop over the years and we hit each other with our angst . You're my literature buddy , YOU KNOW WHAT I LIKE . WE'RE TIRED OF ROMANCE WE WANT DARK FANTASY AND MURDER /JJJ , we always plot unhinged threads and exploration and i really love studying in-depth characterization with you . You also influenced me in many ways in writing and in spiritual world-wise . i'm super blessed to have met you and welcomed you into my life . I deem you and Rose as my platonic soulmates / siblings . We better make that cottagecore dream happen / SRS . Anyways , I know life is terrible but just know that I'm always here for you and when you need me , I'LL NEVER JUDAS YOU BBGIRL, WE RIDE AND DIE AND GET HATED BY GROWN MEN / CHRONICALLY ONLINE TWITTER KIDS FOR BREATHING . Anyways , Invidia / Envy is best destruction God and Hydrangea is best bimbo princess , my reprisal OTP . I'm still flabberghasted over how long its been , i still remember our first interaction being two of our lead characters : Invidia and Marigold , how far these two have gone . I am excited for your creations and what you will make in the future . I want my signed limited edition copy of Reprisal once its out , ok ? Anyways , I love you bestie , Happy New Year .
@lexpape / @laxmaisonxdieu - ROSE MY BBGIRL MY BASIL , pleASE COME ONLINE MORE / J . You're always busy and you always get fucked over by Alistair literally . I love spending random times with you when you stay online and rambling about random shit and we literally kinassigned ourselves as Sunny and Basil , You gon help me hide dead bodies fr <3 BYEEEE . Either that or the three of us just laugh at cringy shit together , it's our favorite pasttime <3 . It's endearing how bullyable you and your characters are <3 /JJJJ . But you're so funny and for what , but I admire how sweet and hardworking you are . Invite me to your wedding , bestie . Whose ? We'll find out ! LMAO . You inspire me a lot and I miss your presence and your furries , bc of you i'll force myself to tolerate furries :(((( , come back to us girliepoppp BYEEEE . Let you know that I'm always here for you and I miss your ocs and characters , when are you gonna update your lore , Angel and I are always waiting for food . One day when we finally crash at the same place , cook for us , ok ? I always wanted to try your cooking . I was supposed to draw Alistair too but fuck him , this isn't about him . I love you bestie , Happy New Year !
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@sangdelune / @theircurse - STELLA !!!! ILY STELLA !!! I still remember several months ago I came across your promo and said ' oh worm , someone who write children very well ! ' and hit that follow button so hard . BUT STELLAAAA we've known each other for some months and we only really started to dm a lot when we finally exchanged discords , but our convos have been so fun and ofc bc canon is so terrible to Misha and Yumeno , I have decided that Jardin / Natura canonically adopts both of them &lt;;3 I care for you a lot and Alice and you two have been the sweetest and funniest companions ever . I hope to write with you more next year bc we did promise these two will interact with everyone in Jardin LMAO . But I super love your interpretations of these two kids , they feel like your characters now and I'm excited for your upcoming oc multi . ONE OF US ONE OF US !!! Anyways ILY and Happy New Year !
@embxllmer / @kunsttgalleriie - ALICE ALICE ALICE ILYSMMM !!!! We've been friends for months now , My fellow IDV Player and Joscarl Enjoyer . We both share the love for Joseph and Aesop and getting annoyed with toxic players <3 . Thank you so much for listening to my long ass Existencia Lore and I love your Historia Gallery lore so much and your characters , I cradle them in my hands . Tysm for keeping me company even on times you're super busy with work and school . We talk about Joscarl / Naibemma IDV in general , we ramble , rant , and share lore . I feel super connected with you and I feel super blessed I managed to meet and Stella this year , you two have been like gifts on my tumblr return . Thank you so much for being my friend and I want to spend more years of friendship with the two of you !!! Wait for me guys , i'll be kicking in Germany one day bc of the health care !!!
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@imarahuyo - SOPHIEEE , you're one of my biggest insps and fellow peenoise . I admire you so much when I see you on dash , and i cackle during our discord chats . your writing is so artistically poetic and i love your interpretations of canons esp miss sen , i love miss sen sm , i hope the gacha gods finally have mercy on you and you get her in your next 20 pulls ! your writing & metas are so beautifully articulate so i can't wait to see you more on my dash . ( your commission is still halfway done so take this offering for now while you wait <3 ) . i hope to write with you more next year !
@crxstallium - SERIN ! ! ! Another big inspiration of mine , I love miss Crystal so much you have no idea . I love the silly moments we have on discord , and Crys really kicked in the gates of Jardin and bothered this supernatural found family and became Mimosa's sugar baby/JJJJJ . One of the best female ocs ever , I love your writing style your prose is so well-thought out and constructed that it takes me an hour to reply to your threads because of the :sparkles: QUALITY :sparkles: I hope to interact with you more & your other ocs and canons next year &lt;;3
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@vibraea - CLEFGA ! Gemiya is another favorite female oc of mine , I love how you made her so flexible in any verse and scenario and she's always a delight to see in my dash and I love that she's just welcomed by Jardin and meshes well with a lot of my characters . I love all of our threads and I'm excited to write more with you in the future .
@terraeferae - KENNIE MY LOVES !!! Like Angel and Rose we've been mutuals for a long time now BYEEEE . I am loving the new and improved Wildlands ( pls post more metas on your blog i'm especially waiting for those ) , I drew Maiko beloved ( I owe her i recall when I got sick I'm so sorry it took so long <3 I'll draw better fanart one day . ) Hope to write with you more soon !!!
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@fxtelism - We've been mutuals for a long while , you're a comfort to see on dash ! ( i dont think you remember me from my very old blogs , and i hope you don't ! LMAO we erase that cursed memory . ) I appreciate Alice's friendship with Venus sm , I hope to write with you more soon and have more of our ocs interact !
@aesthetiquement - Hi bes , you think you've seen the last of me ? Hello my labs and fellow peenoise too HAHAHA Thanks for being my textmate minsan bes . I love Meisha sm and our rambles and shitposts on dms , hope to interact with you more next year ! Bless Miss Meisha for tolerating the slowburn Knight DnD addict and my theiving British Dressmaker .
ADDITIONAL MESSAGE : @dcmure , @khaloymes , @phantasmaw , @londonfallen , @wonderloste , @spiritwhispers , @nulltune , @purewhiteprophet / @acandlelitdeath , @aceparagon , @sheyearns , @sapphiresands , @gainsflora , @earthssprout + everyone of my mutuals !!!
If you're reading this , I just want to let you know that you're one of my biggest writing inspirations and your presence on dash makes me incredibly happy ! I hope when the days get hard and you doubt yourself . Please be reminded that there are people who support you and your work and that your presence will always make a single person happy ! Keep doing what you enjoy doing ! I hope I have the pleasure to see you more next year and we get more interactions . I wish you all a happy new year and I hope 2023 is kinder to all of us !!!
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m0nswoon · 10 months
Palia - my little journey
TLDR; This game is worth the time you put into it. Some of the later objectives are a bit of a grind, but if you need a stop gap until Haunted Chocolatier or any other cozy game this is a pretty nice distraction. You can add me if you like, I'm pretty active on the game my name is: kerr
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This game feels like a poem to the experiences that I loved from classics like: Stardew Valley, The Sims, and Harvest Moon. Making friends by talking to everyone everyday, even if they are a map away, to opening a notes app to try and remember everyone's wants for gifts. Farming materials so I can try and build my perfect house. It has everything I've wanted in an experience like this.
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It is a massive undertaking to try and upgrade your tools and level your skills. I've easily clocked over 80 hours into and i'm getting close to the "end game." Housing
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God, I love designing my house, placing objects feels great, farming to get the stuff to build your dream furniture sets feels nice to me. This is where my grips begin! I know this game is in beta, and things will be smoothed out when it fully launches! The later quests are a huge grind. Hoping for RNG to bless me so I can get these fish for the bundles. When I finally got the Void Ray (that i was convinced didn't exist) I felt so much joy my hands started shaking. It personally took me over 5 hours to get that one fish.
Bugs We all expect them, but there are a lot that stop quests from continuing. It just really sucks when it's the max level friendship quest. Uneven farm land?
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This is a very small one, I have all the plots unlocked at my house, but even with me having level 11 farming there isn't enough slots to make a even square, might just plant a tree in the odd one out, still feels strange. Find Your Shepp
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WOW this quest is taking forever for me, maybe others will have completed this a lot earlier than me, just feels really hard to get to level 4 friends? Maybe that is the point! List of small things I would love to see - let us right click in chat to add to party - remember password on login - pets for those who can't spend real money - different body types (they confirmed they will add!) - changing our face for in game gold price (or free either or is cool) - sitting animations, please let me sit in my nice chairs, maybe also sleep on my bed! - Larger community sizes This could go on and on. All this being said, easily 8/10, thank you for letting me romance the fish robot. Kinda love that. (also the community in the game has been great from what I've experienced, but I went into the discord and It's pretty toxic in there. I would avoid.) Thank you for reading.
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thev01dd · 1 year
so a friend of mine asked on discord if anybody had a time travel fic that wasn’t necessarily a fix-it fic and i remember something i read, i just don’t remember if it was on AO3 or on tumblr (but i’m pretty sure it was here on tumblr because it’s so easy to lose track of tumblr fics (god bless AO3′s bookmarks and you being able to tag your bookmarks and subscribing to a fic so you get an email notification every time it updates))
but i swear the thing went like: Eddie ended up in the UD and there he stumbled upon Will, and if i'm not mistaken it seemed Eddie was there longer, so he helped Will survive in the UD. Then Joyce and Hopper find Will and Eddie in Eddie's trailer (but like in the show they were with the hazmat suits) and then they rescue them both and then they end in the hospital. Then the Party, that was visiting Will comes to visit Eddie, since he helped Will and they wanted to thank him, and i think it's Hopper who recognizes Eddie as a kid who went missing in the 80s but now they were in the 2020s (Eddie being confused by the Party’s smartphones etc etc) and Hopper tells Eddie that after he went missing Wayne moved away and he doesn't know where he is anymore or even if Wayne's alive, then the government guys give him a thing with all the historical things that happened world wide and that Eddie missed so he could study and after that i don't remember anymore. i think Joyce volunteered to house/adopt him or something and i guess there would have more things to come, but it seems i lost it forever
so if anyone has this or knows the author of this pls link me the post/fic (or tag me in the post/fic idk) i swear i searched for this in my likes but i didn’t find it and i’m pretty sure i liked it to save it (if i didn’t then i’m a dumbass)
i didn’t remember this fic until my friend asked for something like this lol
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