#God damn Australia
freckleslikestars · 2 years
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You know, you were right. It's actually very beautiful.
FARSCAPE | 1.16 A Human Reaction
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tearfulangel · 4 months
also it’s soup season
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ecstasydemon · 7 months
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i asked for one scoop of ice cream
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orangejuiceohyeah · 11 months
my country's a fucking embarassment wtaf
if you voted no you're a racist fuck btw
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peglarpapers · 1 year
if i see one more brain dead cunt on instagram post about having a #grindset at university i am going to start killing
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cannibalcreeps · 1 year
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October moods Loving the Spooky Season! and stressing about how close next year is coming
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nintendont2502 · 1 year
Just remembered bushrangers were like. A Thing not even 200 years ago
Why the fuck does no one talk about that?? Why is that not like a Thing in our pop culture??
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ashtonsunshine · 2 years
Soloing in Brisbane with the band. What an incredible night of soul fire! 💭👹
via Ashton's instagram. 3rd December 2022
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bellshazes · 2 years
finally managed to get a power cord run into my sunroom so i can be on my laptop in a room that's neither my Work Space nor my bedroom. unfortunately the floor in here is at about an eighty degree angle so everything rolls toward the wall at all times but the janky bookshelf an ex-roommate left behind leans the opposite direction so that's balancing out
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sunrisesnowfall · 2 months
meg harris i was not familiar with your game
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goodsniff-m8 · 2 months
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"Well put it this way, the type of personal connection which for me of course is memory and reminiscence, has a hell of a lot more power than any intellectual idea"
Australian Artist & Archibald Winner Tim Storrier
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ghostconch · 7 months
I wish, I wish I waited for you
And I wish, I wish that I could be new
In the back of my head, I am starting again
But I wish, I wish that I waited for you
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mammaryjamboree · 8 months
Having hoes in different area codes is all fun and games until you have to memorize time zones
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0venatrix · 8 months
I would like to make everyone are of this bullshitery:
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What’s shown in the above: The speed limit for in town is 80kmh. The speed limit just before the rail way is 80kmh. The rail way is just outside of town, between the railway and town is 500m with a speed limit of 100kmh because it’s a highway.
You can’t slow down quick enough if you speed up. If the cops are actually around they will pull you up for speeding in the 80’s zone. So everyone just drives at 80 until past the railway.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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vivwritesfics · 23 days
"But daddy, I love him!"
Warnings: the stroll family, hints of smut
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April, 2022
Her expression was vicious as she looked at the man in the orange race suit. But he was smirking as he sauntered towards her. She gripped the table top she was sitting on, ready to kick him away if he got to close. "What do you want, Norris?"
"Shouldn't you be in the Aston Martin garage?" He leaned on the table beside her, looked up at her through his pretty eye lashes. God, she couldn't stand him.
She nodded towards Daniel, her future brother-in-law's best friend. He had somehow become her best friend, too, through the near two years they had known each other. But him drove for McLaren, and his teammate was an ass.
Lando was so close. If anybody else was this close to her, she would have been pushing them away, calling them a creep. But this was almost a challenge. She was daring him to come closer, to lay his hands on her. He was smart enough not to.
"You know you're on my side of the garage, right?"
"You know I don't care, right?"
The two stared at each other. No, she wasn't going to move. She let her legs swing as she looked across the McLaren garage, looked towards Daniel and Scotty.
Lando wasn't looking at her as the next words left his lips. "Come to my hotel room later," he whispered. The only indication that she heard him was when she stopped swinging her legs. Lando didn't know if this was a yes, but he walked away from her, walked over to his engineer.
She hopped off of the table and walked over to Daniel and Scotty. It was so natural for her to tuck herself under Scotty's arm, as if he was already her brother-in-law.
Daniel and Scotty looked down at the youngest member of the Stroll family. "Are we heading back?" She asked, looking at him so sweetly.
Scotty squeezed her shoulder and looked at his friend. "Duty calls," he said and walked away with her still tucked under his arm. But it wasn't the easiest way to walk and, as they headed out of the McLaren garage, she freed herself from his grip.
"What were you and Lando talking about?" Scotty asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity as they walked.
She shrugged her shoulders and smoothed out the skirts of her little black dress. It was one of those sports dresses, with the shorts built into them. She wasn't exactly doing any sport, but it was cute and it was so damn hot in Australia. "He was just being an ass," she said as Scotty walked her to the Aston Martin garage.
The name Lando had called her wasn't cute, or mocking. It was what everybody called her. She was Lawrence Stroll's youngest child, his little princess. He didn't want her walking the paddock by herself, which was why Scotty was by her side like a loyal lap dog. Anything to make his future father-in-law happy.
Scotty raised his eyebrows at her, but she shrugged him off and skipped over to her family.
The hotel corridor was dark, quiet. She tiptoed along, her feet in the fluffy slippers she had insisted that she brought to every race weekend. The reason she needed them was incredibly simple: She refused to sneak through a hotel corridor with nothing on her feet.
He had texted her the room number just minutes before, waiting for the moment she wasn't surrounded by her family. As soon as he had texted her, she got changed, dressing in her prettiest lingerie and his old shirt.
She had stolen it on the last race weekend, had kept it hidden in her bag as she headed back home. There was nothing he loved more than seeing her in his clothing.
Nobody came out of their rooms as she knocked on his. There was a moment before the hotel room door was pulled open, a moment where he looked through the peephole, made sure it was her.
The minute he opened the door, she launched herself at him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he pushed the door shut. "Jesus," he whispered through a laugh as his arms settled around her, holding her against his body.
She allowed herself to be dragged into the hotel room. She was kissing all over his face as he settled on the bed and pulled her onto his lap. "Hi, Princess," he whispered as she kissed him again.
She kissed him again, cutting off whatever he was going to say next. Lando didn't much mind, though. He kissed her back eagerly as her hands moved into his hair. "You should let it grow out," she said through kissed as she tugged at his hair. He let out a throaty groan.
His fingers travelled down her sides, almost light enough to tickle her. She squirmed away slightly as he gripped the bottom of her shirt. "This mine?" He asked and went to pull it up over her head.
She nodded and lifted her arms. Lando pulled off her shirt and threw it into the corner of his hotel room. His lips moved down her neck, kissing his way to her chest.
She tugged on his hair again as he kissed her chest, hands grabbing at her waist. He moved her against him, rocked her in his lap. "Have you got the matching undies on, too?"
Pulling away, she smacked his shoulder. "Lando, don't call it that!" She cried and glared at him.
He threw his head back and looked at her through his lower lashes. "You want to get it on, or what?" He asked, almost joking as he bucked her hips up and launched her forwards, into his chest.
She pushed on his chest as she sat up. "Classy," she whispered , but she was grinning as she pushed her pyjama shorts down and reached for him.
"You know it," he said, sitting back with his hands behind his head.
June, 2023
Daniel was no longer driving for McLaren. She had no reason to go over to the McLaren garage, not now that Daniel wasn't driving.
Sitting in the Aston Martin garage was incredibly boring. She tapped away at her phone, nails clicking against the screen as she texted. "You don't have to be here, you know," Lance said as if he could tell how badly she wanted to be somewhere else. "You can go home."
But she didn't want to go home. She wanted to head to the McLaren garage and watch Lando do his thing. "But..." She looked around the garage, looking for any excuse to stay in the garage. "I want to watch Nando do his thing."
Rolling his eyes, Lance stood and left her to it.
Someone was watching her. Her phone pinged and she looked down at her screen. you look pretty today. She looked up to see him in front of the Aston Martin garage. He wasn't looking at her, instead pretending to frown at his phone.
Stalker, she replied, unable to hide her grin. And I look pretty everyday.
She saw him laugh to himself, glance up quickly, and walk off. no, you're right, he sent to her as he walked back to the McLaren garage. you do look pretty everyday
So do you, Norris
When her father walked over, she quickly locked her phone. "What do you think of Lando Norris?" He asked as he sat down beside her.
It took her a moment to realise that he was talking to her. Lawrence never went to his youngest daughter to talk about Formula One. Yes, she had been there for most of Lance's career, but what did she know?
"Uh, he's nice," she said quickly. It was so damn hard to act nonchalant about him. Behind closed doors, she was loving him so intensely, but her father couldn't know.
Lawrence leaned forward in his seat, surveying the pitlane in front of them. "We're considering him for the team."
Her heart hammered in her chest. "To be Fernando's teammate?" She asked, gripping the arm of her little chair so tightly.
"To be Lance's teammate."
Fuck, they were going to destroy his career. "Dad, you can't!" She said quickly as she stood up. "He's always gonna drive for McLaren, it would be stupid to even try to offer him a contact. And you know it's just gonna upset Fernando."
She had said it so quickly, Lawrence regarded her with suspicion. He'd looked at her like that once before, when she was a teenager and sneaking that boy in and out of her room. She shrunk under his gaze when she realised he knew that something was going on.
"You're not..."
"No, of course not! Dad, that's a stupid accusation! We're just..."
But the words died on her tongue. Shaking his head, Lawrence settled his hand on her shoulder. "Princess, you're an adult now," he said. "I don't care who you're seeing, as long as you're happy and not being hurt."
She raised her head to look at her dad, her brows furrowed. "So, we don't need to hide?"
He shook his head. Before Lawrence could say anything more, she was gone, running towards the McLaren garage.
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avesque · 2 years
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