#God&039;s Work in Believers
thinkingonscripture · 7 months
The Spirit’s Convicting Ministry to the World
In the NT, God the Holy Spirit took on a new ministry after Jesus returned to heaven (John 16:7-15; cf., Acts 1:6-8; 2:1-4; 15:7-9). Part of His ministry is to believers, and part is to unbelievers. Concerning the Spirit’s ministry to believers, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will…
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dwuerch-blog · 1 year
Go, God! Astonish Me!
I was in the “blog-writing” mode when I remembered an old song, “I Believe in Miracles” written by Carl C. Buck in 1950. I started singing the chorus in my head.“I believe in miraclesI’ve seen a soul set freeMiraculous the change in oneRedeemed thru CalvaryI’ve seen the lily push its wayUp through the stubborn sodI believe in miraclesFor I believe in God.” How beautiful and “miraculous” are…
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kmac4him1st · 2 years
Tough Days Ahead
We Believe In God - We Believe God And We Trust Him Completely In Times Such As These. Read Up! Be Encouraged By This Nourishing Spiritual Meal
A Hellish Culture Why are we not afraid when everything in our lives is hellish??!! Why don’t we worry?! Ummmmm because… of what God has said and already done for us. The Father God sent Jesus to us, here to us, that is something we never get over!  Our Advocate God is with us in Spirit and Truth and even though what we see seems hopeless, He is working out a plan for our good, and the glory of…
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mondoreb · 2 years
End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 17, 2022
End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 17, 2022
End Times Prophecy Report.com HEADLINES MONDAY October 17, 2022 And OPINION “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” —Matthew 24:4 ===INTERNATIONAL UKRAINE: US announces new $725m military assistance package for Ukraine RUSSIA: Putin’s nuclear face-off: Russian tyrant moves his bombers to Europe’s DOORSTEP – days before huge NATO exercise RUSSIA: U.S. warns of…
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randomnestfamily · 3 years
***Today's Devotion*** is called, "OUR FUTURE IS NOW" . We hope this devotion inspires you! . #randomnestfamily #DrCharlesStanley #dailydevotionals #new #dailyinspiration #wordofGod #JesusChristincomingsoon #therapture #beencouraged #love #Godslove
The Future He had denied Christ three times. Peter had sworn he did not know the Lord in order to save himself from persecution, only to realize that he needed to lose his life in order to really live it. And therefore, after his restoration from Christ Himself, Peters mission was to “feed the sheep” – bring people to Christ. (John 21:17) This is where his future began. So, when Peter implores…
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ourkd · 7 years
The Holy Priesthood's Garments, Exodus 28
The Holy Priesthood’s Garments, Exodus 28
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I hope you are enjoying this last day of summer! We are drawing closer to the end of Exodus, (exhale). I am certainly learning a lot as I plod through this Old Testament book. It’s time to examine “the holy priesthood” that God ordained for the tabernacle.
God desired for Israel to be “a kingdom of priests” (Ex. 19:6) to share His blessings and reveal His glory to the surrounding unbelieving…
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thinkingonscripture · 5 months
Assurance of Salvation
At the moment of faith in Christ, we have eternal life. This is a fact, even if we don’t fully understand it. In truth, most people will not understand what they have from God or find assurance of their salvation until they’ve studied God’s Word and learned to live by faith. Doctrinal ignorance and/or false teaching will lead to fear and doubt. For those who have trusted Christ as their Savior,…
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dwuerch-blog · 2 years
Don’t Stop Believing and Building
Don’t Stop Believing and Building
I just finished my daily readings of the Old Testament in my Chronological Bible. But today I want to share the recent story I read there before I speak to the beauty of the New Testament in days to come. It is the story of Nehemiah and the building of Jerusalem’s wall. I’ve had plenty of challenges in my life. Many of which were nearly devastating, BUT GOD! Reading about Nehemiah, my…
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starsgivemehp · 7 years
Well I found this on dA and was bored
100 truths! 
001. Real Name: Samantha 002. Nickname: Sammy 003. Zodiac Sign: Gemini 004. Gender: Female 005. Primary School: gosh I’d hope so 006. Intermediate School: also hope so 007. Secondary School: university...? yes 008. Hair Color: dark brown 009. Long or Short: it’s about down to my shoulders now 010. Loud or Quiet: quiet most of the time, loud with friends 011. Sweats or Jeans: neither. skirts. 012. Phone or Camera: phone 013. Health Freak?: HAHAHAHAHA 014. Drink or Smoke: nah 015. Crushing on Someone? Everyone 016. Political Orientation: Democratic 017. Piercings: Ears (they’re probably closing tho) 018. Tattoos: None... yet. HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 019. Airplane: yes 020. Car Accident: ish? not a bad one tho 021. Fist Fight: sssssorta? It was one punch per eh 022. First Piercing: ears 023. First Best Friend: Ain’t my friend anymore 024. First Instrument: violin tbh 025. First Award: no lie fam I got a reward for most improved musician in 6th grade band 026. First Crush: best friend 027. First Language: English 028. First Big Vacation: uhhhh... I’ll go with... Italy, sophomore year in high school LASTS: 029. Last person you talked to: My friend Sage 030. Last person you texted: Dad 031. Last person you watched: Uhhhh... some sin tbh lol 032. Last food you ate: a donut 033. Last movie you watched: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 probably 034. Last song you listened to: I’M WORKING ON MY NEW BLOG’S PLAYLIST SO I’m actually not gonna give you the LAST ONE just the most relevant 035. Last thing you bought: gas. And 2 monster energy drinks 036. Last person you hugged: hrm... my dad probably FAVES: 037. Food(s): Sushi for actual food. Chocolate for junk food. 038. Drinks: boba tea tbh 039. Clothing: skirts and t-shirts 040. Book: UHHHHH. tbh. Who knows. For the moment, I’ll let my literature nerd come out and say “Wuthering Heights” 041. Color: Blue 042. Flower: tiger lily 043. Music: Owl CITY, FAM 044. Movie: Shit fam idk. Who knows. idfk. I like Marvel movies. Harry Potter. Musicals? Musicals. 045. Shoes: tbh I prefer flipflops but they break so ;~; sneakers 046. Subjects: English IN THE LAST YEAR I..... 047. [] kissed in the snow 048. [] celebrated Halloween 049. [x] had my heart broken 050. [] went over the minutes on your cellphone 051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation 052. [] came outta the closet 053. [] gotten pregnant 054. [] had an abortion 055. [x] did something you've regretted 056. [x] broke a promise 057. [x] kept a secret 058. [x] pretended to be happy 059. [x] met someone who changed your life 060. [] pretended to be sick  061. [x] left the country 062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't like and liked it. 063. [x] cried over the silliest thing 064. [] ran a mile 065. [] went to the beach 066. [] stayed single CURRENTLY: 067. Eating: nothing 068. Drinking: monster energy drink 069. Getting ready to: MAKE THIS NEW BLOG WHEE 070. Listening to: Daemon and Howl’s playlist for the blog tbh 071. Plans for tomorrow/today: I have to keep packing my room, weeeh... 072. Waiting for: everything YOUR FUTURE: 073. Want kids: NO 074. Want to get married: eventually 075. Careers in mind: Teacher and writer 076. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 077. Shorter or Taller: I ain’t growing anymore sadly 078. Romantic or Spontaneous: BOTH 079. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: gosh I hope so 080. Sensitive or Loud: both? 081. Hookup or Relationship: Relationship 082. Troublemaker or Hesitant: both HAVE YOU EVER: 083. lost glasses/contacts: nope 084. ran away from home: nope 085. held a weapon: nOPE 086. killed somebody: WHAT THE FUCK LOL 087. broken someone's heart: probably 088. been arrested: nope DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 090. Yourself: AHAHAHAHAHAHA 091. Miracles: not really 092. Love at First Sight: euh, no 093. Heaven: no 094. Santa Claus: pffft no 096. Magic: lol I wish
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: like... anyone who will cuddle me lol 098. Are you seriously happy where you are with in life right now?: Nope 099. Do you believe in God?: nOPE 100. How much do you hate me for tagging you in this?: I stole this lmao
Tagging: whoever the heck wants
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propheticlight · 6 years
My Word and Work Endure Forever
My Word and Work Endure Forever
Let My WORD proceed out of your heart and mouth, says the LORD. For the words and work of men will utterly fall to the ground and fail you as well as those around about you. But My word is infallible, and My Work and word endures forever My Word of faith on your lips, expressed through your own mouth will NOT fall to the ground. It will accomplish what I send it forth do to. It will break in…
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It's 2017 And People Seriously Need To Stop Asking These 15 Questions
It’s 2017 And People Seriously Need To Stop Asking These 15 Questions
One of the most common questions I get asked these days is, “Are you a feminist?” Friends I’ve known for years, people I meet at parties, colleagues, almost everyone wants to know if I stand for something as basic as equality of all sexes. Seriously how are we even giving room for people to say no?
“Hi, do you believe in equality of all sexes”
“Umm no”
“Okay great, let’s continue being friends.”
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#"Are you a feminist?" Friends I&039;ve known for years#almost everyone wants to know if I stand for something as basic as equality of all sexes. Seriously how are we even giving room for people t#colleagues#do you believe in equality of all sexes" "Umm no" "Okay great#does it? I mean it&039;s 2017#don&039;t you think? It 13. How can you "enjoy" being alone? Don&039;t you like to be around people? If I ignore you hard enough#here are certain topics you should always avoid. And just in case if you meet someone who still continues to invade your personal space#here are some apt comebacks for them too. It 1. When are you getting married? Oh#I already did. Sorry I didn&039;t want to invite you. 2. When are you having a baby? Probably five days before I get married! That sounds g#I can&039;t hear you over the sound of money being transferred to my bank account. It 11. How can you not believe in God and religion? ...#I don&039;t believe in wasting good grape juice. It 7. Why do you hang out with so many boys? Because they need their dose of awesomeness a#I promise I am not lying. 10. Coming back from work at 10 PM? Don&039;t you think you should pay more attention to your home? Sorry#It&039;s 2017 And People Seriously Need To Stop Asking These 15 Questions#let&039;s continue being friends." Doesn&039;t sound good#letting people live their own lives and leaving stereotypes behind. Next time you get an urge to ask someone a really personal question unde#One of the most common questions I get asked these days is#people I meet at parties#right? It 3. Do you really think we live in an "unfair" world? Are you really that stupid? 4. Are you a feminist? I mean women hav#so why are we not on board with basic things like fighting for an equal world#we don&039;t need you. It 5. How are you still single? It&039;s quite easy; you should give it a try sometimes. 6. Are you really going to#what else do you need? For starters#will you vanish? 14. Why did you get a divorce? What happened? I&039;ll send over the tapings of our arguments to you. What&039;s your ema
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thinkingonscripture · 2 years
Finding Strength in a Crisis
Finding Strength in a Crisis
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? (Rom 8:31) Perspective is critical to how we approach life and the problems we face. Invariably, we will all face difficult situations that will influence us to feel fearful; and though difficulties are inevitable, how we handle them is optional. When problems and feelings rise high, faith must rise higher, for God…
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dwuerch-blog · 3 years
You are Working all Things for my Good
You are Working all Things for my Good
Not only is that a passage from the Bible in Romans 8:28, it is the lyrics of a song written and sung by Gospel Recording Artists, pastors and dear friends, David and Nicole Binion. I was about to start writing a blog about that verse when I started singing the words written by David and Nicole. (Link at end of blog.) You are working all things for my goodYou are working all things for my…
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newssplashy · 6 years
The presidency said it's still working on verifying the recent audio tape of the kidnapped girl.
The presidency has disclosed that only God can determine  when Leah Sharibu, the Dapchi schoolgirl being held by terrorist group, Boko Haram, will return from captivity.
When terrorists raided Government Girls Science and Technical College in Dapchi, Yobe, on February 19, 2018, Leah was abducted alongside 112 other hostages. After weeks of negotiations with the government, the terrorists released 107 of the 113 originally abducted on March 21.
While it was reported by some of the released hostages that five of them that were taken had died of heart attack and stress and buried in the bush, Leah Sharibu was kept in captivity by the terrorists because she refused to renounce her Christian faith.
In an audio message published on Monday, August 27, 2018, Leah appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to secure her freedom, six months after she was abducted.
She said, "I am Leah Sharibu, the girl that was abducted in GGSS Dapchi. I am calling on the government and people of goodwill to intervene to get me out of my current situation.
"I also plead to the members of the public to help my mother, my father, my younger brother and relatives. Kindly help me out of my predicament. I am begging you to treat me with compassion, I am calling on the government, particularly, the president to pity me and get me out of this serious situation. Thank you."
While speaking during an interview on Channels TV on Tuesday, August 28, President Buhari's Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, said the government cannot properly give a timeline of Sharibu's return.
He said, "For how much longer? I think that question can only be answered by God, but I believe that God is interested in that young girl and will ensure that she's preserved.
"At least by the time that clip we had is verified, one will be sure it's her actually and when that is determined, we should all be glad that she's alive.
"When will she return? By the grace of God, the government is working on it, working at it and we believe she'll be back."
Later during the interview, when asked how long it'll take to verify the voice in the audio message, Adesina could not confirm, but he revealed that President Buhari is eager to get the young girl back.
"To verify, that will be within the purview of the security agencies, particularly the DSS, to do, but I don't think that should take time; but on how long it'll take Leah Sharibu to come back, left to the president, he wants her back today," he said.
Leah's parents confirm audio is authentic
Even though Buhari's Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, disclosed that the government is working on verifying the audio message, Leah's parents have confirmed it's indeed her voice in the clip.
"I can confirm to you that the voice that spoke is that of my daughter, Leah. It is her voice, no doubt. I am happy that I can hear my daughter speak. This has given me hope that she is alive. I am also happy to see her recent picture displayed.
"My request is the same with my daughter's. The government should play their part now by intensifying efforts to secure her freedom," her father, Nathan Sharibu, told The Nation.
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gospellightsociety · 4 years
Praying in Jesus’ Name
John 16:23-33
Do you remember the teaching Jesus introduced the night before His death? He told His followers, “Whatever you ask in My name the Father will give you” (John 15:16 NIV, emphasis added). Praying in the name of Christ declares our:
Association with the Savior.Our relationship with Jesus allows us to approach the Father. We used to be foreigners, but at…
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gospellightsociety · 4 years
  God’s Purpose
Romans 8:28-30
What is the purpose of life? Throughout human history, people have been trying to answer that question. Books have been written on the subject, and philosophers have postulated many answers. But for Christians, God’s purpose is concisely outlined in today’s passage.
Believers are called according to His purpose and are foreknown by Him. God’s foreknowledge is much…
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