#is our salvation secure
thinkingonscripture · 5 months
Assurance of Salvation
At the moment of faith in Christ, we have eternal life. This is a fact, even if we don’t fully understand it. In truth, most people will not understand what they have from God or find assurance of their salvation until they’ve studied God’s Word and learned to live by faith. Doctrinal ignorance and/or false teaching will lead to fear and doubt. For those who have trusted Christ as their Savior,…
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unitedbyprayer · 2 years
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(via My Salvation)
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cozymoko · 1 year
So what I was thinking was that yuu has been in the manor for awhile, she always sees a locked door that she just can help but be curious about. Whenever she asks about it they tell her to bind her business, one the door was unlocked somehow (maybe someone forgot to lock it again after visiting idk) and she goes in to look and she finds us! The only sister of the Sakamaki family! (If it could be platonic Yandere that would be great) and you can go on from there bc idk what to add or the reactions of everyone would be 🥲 also sorry if this still isn’t any help I’m not sure if this is still confusing
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Note: I completely understand, no worries!
PART TWO: here!
Synopsis: Yui finally meets the only sister of the Sakamaki family who has been hidden away by her brothers.
Pairing: Yandere! Sakamaki brothers x platonic! sister reader
Format: Scenario
Word Count: 1.6k
WARNING(S): slight platonic yandere themes.
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Only a few weeks had passed since Yui Kamori’s arrival, and she truthfully wanted nothing more than to return home. Where she didn’t have to sleep with one eye open. Her skin ached, practically screaming for salvation after undergoing endless amounts of “punishments'' for even the smallest of actions.
But today, no one was here. At least not at the moment, leaving her to relax until her heart’s content. With that said, the young human teen decided to treat herself to a walk, around the manor of course. After all, she had yet to see even half of the wonders (horrors) that were the Sakamaki household and she was more than just curious. 
Door after door: open, close; open, close. It was a never-ending cycle of boredom and disappointment. She had almost given up, concluding that there was truly nothing extraordinary happening behind closed doors. But that was before she saw it. Yui stumbled upon an unfamiliar door with a unique gold plaque just inches above it, serving as its most noticeable dissimilarity from the others.
The door was nothing special. It was wooden with gleaming gold imprinting smoothed between every crevice. But it stood out nonetheless. Yui slowly dragged her eyes along its surface, taking in its somewhat feminine appearance. Above it rested a large golden panel, inhabited by intricate calligraphy neatly engraved into its exterior; reading “Our treasure: [Name]”
Yui reached out, allowing her fingertips to subtly graze the cool doorknob, mere moments away from twisting it open… 
“You know, it's really impolite to go snooping around someone else’s home, little bitch~!” The sound of Laito’s voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. His tone was light but lacked the playfulness it tried so desperately to convey. “Allow me to escort you back to your room, fufu~.” 
Reluctantly, she followed, allowing the vampire to steer her further and further from the mysterious door; then down the hall, and back to her room. Her newfound curiosity outweighed her feeling of fear, despite Laito’s troublesome grip on her arm.
And she couldn’t help but wonder…
Just what was behind that door? Who is [Name]?
So the next day she tried her luck once more. Swiftly abandoning the security of her room, Yui proceeded down the dimly lit hallway. With the door close in sight, she noticed hushed whispers growing more audible by the second. Lo and behold, it was Kanato. 
His pale cheek pressed flush against the door's wooden frame, sweet yet borderline obsessive affirmations spilling from his thin lips. Yui assumed he was talking to himself, as far-fetched as it seemed. Though she wouldn't put it past Kanato of all people.
That's when she heard it. The faintest voice reached her ears, it was feminine and loving; and very clearly a blessing to Kanato's ears. She was sure he was ready to squeal with joy if not for the very slim amount of dignity he retained. Never had she seen him happier. 
A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips and before she knew it she was staring fondly at the scene. It wasn't every day she saw those sadistic men act so sweet and vulnerable, even if it was a little odd. Her dazed state didn't go unnoticed, unfortunately, as lilac hues met her soft rosy ones. 
“You—?!” The vampire practically screeched, trudging down the hallway towards the human girl. “Just how much did you hear?”
Let's just say she was left with more than just a few bruises, poor girl. 
The next day Yui ventured down that same vacant hallway. The old floorboards threatened to groan under her weight as she approached that same door that haunted her dreams.
“Haah…You really are a troublesome woman,” Yui jumped, startled. At her side lies a familiar champagne-haired man, tired and less than amused by her appearance. “This room is off-limits for brides. Even so, I've never met one as nosey as you. Leave while you can.”
The girl was stunned, shaking like a leaf. When did Shu get here? Why was he here? Her suspicions were creeping up on her like an unruly wave threatening to sweep her under any moment. At that moment she had finally realized, It wasn't just a door. 
I think.
But of course, curiosity killed the cat. 
Having grown tired of being caught, tied up, and punished time and time again Yui tried a distant approach; she had no choice. Her fair skin had grown battered and bruised, adorned by more lacerations and pricks than she could count. So as one does, she took her chances and decided to confide in Reiji. 
Entering his room, Yui politely took a seat across from the man at a polished deep oak wood table. Accompanied by freshly brewed tea set evenly between the two. “Reiji,” Yui commenced, though her words came as an airy puff as her nerves threatened to tear through her light bravery. “I…I've been curious about something as of lately. A door in particular,”
His red eyes narrowed significantly, “Go on.”
“All the guys have been acting kind of strange lately every time I get close to it and—”
A firm hand made contact with her chest, successfully knocking the wind right out of her, slamming her into the harsh cushioning that lined the leather sofa. “Enough; That is none of your concern, you are merely a living blood bag,” He sighed, sending her a menacing glare. “Don't allow your curiosity to push you to do unnecessary things. If you disrupt the peace of those I hold dear to me I shall punish you personally, do you understand?”
The mortal nodded and swallowed sharply, briskly maneuvering from the vampires prying gaze. And much to her surprise, he allowed it. Yui rushed to the door before slipping through its slight opening, down the hall, and then back to her room once more.
Someone Reiji cared for was behind that door, and from the looks of it, there was no way it was one of his brothers. So who? 
No matter, at that point, Yui had given up. She was scared shitless, not wanting to undergo any more torture than she already was. She had a sneaking suspicion that the brothers were slowly losing their patience with her and she didn't want to be there to experience the consequences. 
So the next few days were carried out like any other. Today she was spending her time with a certain redhead, mindlessly listening to his narcissistic rambles.  As they turned down a familiar hallway, she glanced to the man at her side. Ayato walked past the door without a care in the world and made her start to second guess herself.
Perhaps her gaze lingered on the door for a second too long, for a certain redhead had noticed her delayed footsteps. “Oi, pancake what the hell are yo-?” He paused, his face growing visibly sour as he followed her eyes. “...Looking at.”
He scoffed, gripping tightly onto her frail wrist. From the looks of it, he was not pleased. 
“The last thing I need is for more competition, those five assholes are more than enough.” 
His hushed grumbles were like sirens to Yui's ears, igniting the dying flame of determination in her chest. That was all she needed to hear as nothing from that point on could prove her suspicions false. There was definitely someone behind that door. 
However, it seemed her luck had already run out. 
Until one fateful day at least. 
A sliver in the door, so small it was almost unnoticeable. Feeling some sense of urgency the girl jumped to her feet, making a straight beeline to the wooden door before slamming it behind her. The subtle sound of someone clearing their throat dragged her from her internal celebration. 
The woman looked to be no older than sixteen, but she knew better than to believe she was any younger. Her silky hair was tied neatly out of her face, with very little makeup brushing her features. An extravagant rococo-styled dress fell to her ankles as she busied herself with a thick novel. Only when she met her eyes did Yui notice the resemblance the woman shared with the brothers. 
“A mortal girl,” The woman said, almost matter-of-factly. “You must be the sacrificial bride, correct? Yui Kamori, I presume.”
She nodded, so slowly that she seemed unsure, causing a jovial laugh to slip through the beautiful woman's painted lips. 
“I see…you’re not much of a talker, are you?” The woman smiled politely before closing the book that rested in her hands, lazily tracing small circles into its cover. “No matter. Answer me this, how did you get in here? Subaru must've forgotten to close it, he's in here quite often, after all, he's such a big baby.”
“That door is never open so I think you know what I’m hinting at.” The physically younger woman leaned toward the mortal girl, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “As for Subaru, I'm a little bit older than him so he tends to cling to me like his life depends on it!”
Yui gave her a look of blatant confusion, hardly catching onto whatever the young vampire was spewing out. “Hm, you look a bit confused and clueless, let me help you.” The woman smiled, whispering her rude comment dismissively “Do you even know why I’m in here?”
Yui shook her head, ignoring the anxiety gnawing away at her composure. Gradually shying away from the woman's attention as she hugged her sides. 
“Oh my, then this should be a real treat.” She giggled, gazing fondly at the frightened girl. “Now, Yui Kamori, allow me, [Name] Sakamaki to tell you a tale of endless obsession!”
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lionheartedmusings · 5 months
bear with me bc this is gonna be a bit of a long one, but i've seen folks talking about how they're excited to get the horrors back on the qsmp and while i totally agree that i miss those blood-curdling, creepy, uncanny valley sort of scenes... i think the beauty of the overall storyline (as much as it's execution can be criticised ) is that we as the audience are seeing things in a vacuum.
the qsmp storyline is a living breathing player alongside our povs, and while we're aware of that, we're also not always engaging with it. we're getting swept up in the day-to-day of it all and getting lulled into a sense of security that ultimately makes us unable to truly comprehend the horror of the last few months until we take a step back and analyze it bit by bit.
children went missing in the night, leaving only their identifiers behind on empty beds. there were no leads. people looked and looked, and found nothing. parents were mad with concern and grief, and the all-seeing, all-powerful entity that rules their lives trapped in this hamster wheel of an island has no answers.
then, the items left behind on those beds vanish too.
then, there's mind-controlling, happiness inducing drugs being pumped into people against their will. still no news of the children. people are falling apart at the seams.
people are led to a maze where a wheel is spun and everything they have left of the children of this godforsaken island is gone. burned up. what does it mean? no one knows. they have to live on.
suddenly, a game is played. a clone of a dead child shows up, leading some of them into the same maze, forcing them to walk through a maze of doors and corridors, only to find a game of dice orchestrated by an unknown entity.
new people arrive, bearing witness to the hopeless, grim, sad reality of everyone who was already there. there's hope — there's always hope — but my god the pain is overwhelming.
there's clues, but there's not. the government keeping them trapped here against their will still has no answers, nothing to point them in the right direction.
faceless bears go missing.
faceless bodies show up on the streets. bloodied. dead. eaten.
suddenly, there's thunder and lightning and oh! oh, their children! of course they'll get on the train, that's where the children are!
but they're hijacked. stolen. once again, their autonomy is stripped entirely as another entity with power they cannot comprehend forces them to split into factions and compete for... something. their children's lives are on the line and they maim and kill those they call family because they fear they have no choice.
everyone went through hell — purgatory was a bad title for what they went through. it was hell, with no salvation in sight.
when all is said and done, when all the murder and backstabbing is over, they see their children through glass they cannot break. one escapes because chance said so, and the rest are left behind as the ceiling collapses on them.
the world is ending and their salvation is one singular boat a thousand blocks away. lovers can't say goodbye, friends run for their lives together, a father and a son dash desperately with no hope in sight. some stay behind, through choice or chance.
the government official that has made their life hell returns the children to them, and brings some new ones. those new children get carted off to new parents without option (again) and suddenly everything's supposed to be fine! nevermind your friends are gone! nothing to see here!
behind the scenes, the all-seeing all-knowing government is breaking apart, there's something far more horrifying and twisted at play in the background... but it's nothing the islanders can help with. nothing they can do. they have to live on and pretend their golden cage is fine and dandy bc at the end of the day, it's their only option.
one-eyed creatures show up demanding something "of theirs" back and bc humanity is strong, one islander refuses to hand someone kind and innocent off to them.
it dooms them, as their humanity has every single time.
now, they're under attack and they can barely defend themselves despite months of prep and having amazing gear — again, they try their hardest but everything is stacked against them. they fight, and fight, but their children are on the line and that's their main concern.
every fight? there's bodies littering the ground and panicked screams. explosions. chainsaws revving, and worry, and it's a war ten times a week.
a child loses a life, and now it's personal, but what can they do? no one listens to them, no one has ever listened to them.
and in the middle of all of this? their family is still gone, trapped in a wasteland, or missing, or... dead.
there was no funeral for q!maxo bc there's no stopping to smell the roses on quesadilla island, not really. where's slime? where's pol? where's the people who they haven't seen yet? gone, yes, but they don't have time to stop and worry about them. they don't have time to mourn losses and grieve their dead.
luffy, who came to try and help their friends, was stolen and hurt.
those eyeball workers? they were people once, maybe good people. maybe the best people we never got to meet, but they got shifted and changed into something monstrous and out of their control.
my point being: the story that the qsmp is telling is innately horrifying. it's not just creepy — it's twisted, and tragic, and absolutely terrifying. it's about loss of agency and running on an endless hamster wheel of someone else's making, and how you just sort of... live with it after a while.
and i think that's really fucking cool, because like these characters we too get used to the tragedy of life, little by little, and forget to see the whole thing from a bird's eye view (pun intended).
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celestialtarot11 · 3 months
Common Cards for Healing in Tarot 🌴🌺
Hi friends! Today we’re looking at different cards you can receive in tarot when it comes to healing + what they mean. As the pisces season wraps up into Aries, I thought this would be suitable!🌹 please like, comment, and reblog to your hearts content! 💗
8 of cups 💨- When tarot drops this absolute banger it’s an indication of leaving or walking away from something we once idolized, or put on a pedestal. It involves discipline, seeing the truth, and grief is associated with this card. Mourning the current circumstances but knowing a better future awaits. It hurts since it’s something we once cared about. Known as the phrase, “grief is love in a heavy coat.”
Judgement 💫- The card of truth despite the ego. A card of tumultuous shifts and changes all leading the reader towards themselves. Something unavoidable, and undeniable. Whatever the reader has been running from will eventually catch up to them. It’s time to shine the light onto what has been hidden. Associated with third eye openings and upgrades. Usually the perception of self and the circumstance shifts heavily.
3 of swords reversed 👻- Releasing the ex, but not always is it related to a person. Releasing baggage in a situation or circumstance, finding inner truth and salvation, resting. Expressing emotional pain with unconditional acceptance and clarity. Journaling frees the mind. Releasing mental control of a situation, because if its out of our hands it deserves to be out of our minds.
The Hermit 🌟- Going on an inner journey to heal and recover. Associated with heavy thinking into the past, being analytical of one self, digging deeper to find out an emotional truth. Being reserved to protect one’s energy and self. Social media breaks and disconnect. Coming out with awareness and understanding that one did not have before.
5 of pentacles reversed 💅🏻- Finding safety and security, repairing situations or finding refuge. Support and protection is offered, and the person feels comforted. Release of heavy baggage and grief. The grief is easier to accept and put down now.
2 of cups 🍵- Therapy and opening up about the past in ways the person may not have done before. Confiding in someone who they are learning to trust. Trying to find themselves in therapy, having a soundboard. If not therapy, meeting like minded people who sees the reader and understands them deeply. Feels safe, trusting, and free.
Queen of cups ☕️- Knowing your emotional truth, having better boundaries this time, and leveling up. Emotional abundance, security and feels at peace with what they created internally.
4 of swords ✨- Mental rest, healing and peace. Meditation to find ease. Trusting the path. Listening to intuition. Taking breaks to reconnect with self. Journaling and brain dumping. Breathing out and feeling calm.
6 of swords 🌹- Emotional abundance, moving on from the past. Moving towards a better future. Releasing stuck or stagnant energy. Transitioning from something painful to the light. Seeing the way out.
The Sun ☀️- Happiness, joy, clarity. Comfort and peace. Feeling carefree and safe to be oneself. Lots of laughter and meaningful moments. Truly connect to oneself.
10 of swords 🗡️- Complete stop, ending of a cycle or circumstance. Usually a lot of guilt or regret is followed by this card, and exhaustion. Mourning over how something went or the choices that were made. Mental unease, overthinking and overwhelming thoughts.
The World 🌴- At one with the universe. Connected to mass consciousness. Moves with awareness and presence, and feels fulfilled inside and out. The ending and beginning of a chapter. New experiences await.
The Tower 🌟- The end of something shaky. Shaky relationship, friendship, circumstance. The falling down to rebuild stronger and better. Now, better choices can be made. There’s room for awareness and improvement.
Death ⌛️- The end of a painful cycle and into the new. Doubts are still present and anxieties. Slowly, the reader will find themselves able to understand those fears and work through them. This card is felt very strongly in a spiritual sense. The endings ripple internally, as it’s not just the death of a circumstance but the ego.
The Star 💨- After the Death comes The Star. Reborn, rebirth, transformation. The hope after all was lost, or what one thought was the case. Reinventing oneself, new patterns, new beliefs, planning manifestations. Planting seeds of success.
Thats all I have for you friends! Enjoy and feel free to like comment and reblog 🌟❤️ Its always appreciated! Your support means a lot to me.
Paid Readings 🍵💫
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astaraels · 2 months
so I know I'm in the no galladads side of the fandom but hear me out on this one—
so it's maybe five years after the end of the show, Ian and Mickey are still going with their security business, maybe they've even branched out and hired some extra help, making good money, swapped out the stolen ambulance for actual SUVs that Debbie has fixed up for them, and they've maybe even bought a house back on the South Side with a dog and a cat and they're close to all of Ian's siblings (Debbie and Carl and Liam all still live in the old Gallagher house, Lip and Tammi are a few blocks over)
and one day they're on a lunch break together, leaving some diner when some rando kid bumps into Ian, turns out it was a pickpocket, and Mickey takes off after the jerk who tried to steal from his husband (he may not be a South Side thug anymore but like hell is he gonna let that shit slide)
he knocks the pickpocket over and it's some kid, like thirteen or fourteen with bright pink streaks in her dark hair and fierce brown eyes, and Mickey is like wtf kid do you wanna die
and the kid is like oh fuck you, very much an angry kitten type because she's definitely a scrawny thing—by this time Ian's caught up to them and his bleeding heart is like look if you give me my wallet back I'll buy you lunch (Mickey complains that "we just ate, Gallagher" but Ian insists)
so they either go back to the diner or find some McDonald's and this kid practically inhales some burgers and fries, and both Mickey and Ian know the look of a kid on the streets, but she's giving off those vibes that say don't touch me don't talk to me don't fucking perceive me
but Ian probably sees something like Mickey, and Mandy, in this girl and we all know he wants to help people, so he asks her if she's okay or if she needs anything, and even though he can feel Mickey starting to grumble next to him Ian still offers her their couch to crash on after she mentions getting kicked out of a salvation army shelter because they found out she was trans
and after some very intense eye to eye communication between the husband Mickey's like okay yeah fine but if one thing is outta place in the house then we're gonna have words
and the girl—they find out her name is Starr, or something like that—is like wtf why are you people being nice (they understand the suspicion, obvs, they aren't stupid), and Ian's like uhhhh we're gay and we've gone through some shit of our own so maybe we just wanna help?? (although he does notice she relaxes a little bit when he tells her that they're gay)
so they drive back home and Starr is absolutely enamored by the gallapets (a beautiful fluffy black cat and a big pittie mix, both of these animals are Ian and Mickey's baby girls), while Ian fixes up the spare bedroom with fresh sheets—usually it's where Franny or Fred stay when they come for weekend visits
and at first Starr is like okay yeah I'll stay one night but then I gotta go, and somehow it ends up that one night turns into two, then Ian and Mickey come home one afternoon and the house looks amazing because Starr is like "yeah your place was a fucking mess so I figured I'd clean" because she's not a freeloader gdi
and before they know it she's been there for a few weeks and Ian's trying to help get her back in school, because one night they were sitting around and talking and she offhandedly said that she does kinda miss school but the last place she went they were assholes about her transition, and Mickey is like just do that homeschooling course thing that maybe Tammi talked about one of her bougie friends doing for their kids
and then it's been a month or two and they bring Starr to a Gallagher family get together—Debbie hosts the family at the house at least twice a month, but everyone's been super busy lately so it's been a while since the last family dinner—and Debs gives Starr a hug and is like "oh so you're the kid my brothers adopted" (she and Sandy worked things out btw and have been back together for a while now, they've even maybe talked about getting married)
and Starr is like oh no I'm just crashing for a bit but by this point Ian has already got her the homeschooling correspondence courses, and Mickey's taken her to find a doctor who can prescribe her HRT ("it was on our route anyway, fuck off, Gallagher") and their pets adore her—Ian jokes that their cat is the one who actually adopted Starr, they just went along with it
and basically I just love the idea of them taking care of a young queer girl, and being like the cool gay uncles, and yeah :')
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inbarfink · 6 months
I mean, at the end of the day, technically almost every single Zim Vs. Dib episode is an embarrassment to Zim. Because Zim is a full-grown probably-centuries-old highly-trained-(former)-elite-alien-soldier armed with superior technology. The fact that he considers this Literal Child to be a threat to his plans would actually be extremely humiliating if Zim could ever admit the reality of the situation. Both in the cases that he’s right (cause having a child, even one with partial access to whatever-passes-for-advanced-technology on this planet be your worthy opponent is Extremely Lame) and in the cases that he’s wrong (because in those cases Zim just wasted a whole bunch of his resources - including a pimple with hypnotic powers, an all-powerful mini-mech and perfect virtual reality and a literal goddam time machine - on a 12 year old that no one listens to anyways)
I mean, jeez, how many times has Dib technically saved the Earth - not by stopping Zim’s latest scheme - but by being the target of it? Making Zim waste resources that should’ve gone into weakening Earth’s defenses or targeting its leaders and instead channeling all of that technology and Zim’s general malice and mayhem at this sixth grader? Again, Zim developed temporary hypnotic powers and wasted them on getting Dib to identify a flaw in his security system that he found. So while Dib technically lost that one battle against Zim…
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He also kinda indirectly saved the world from a Zim who would use Pustulio’s Power for literally any other more useful purpose.
But, of course, if Dib could ever come to that revelation - he would absolutely hate it. Dib wants to be the cool hero who saves the world from a dangerous alien invasion via his wits and brainpower
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Not the useful distraction that keeps Zim too occupied with one-upping him to actually be a credible threat to Earth. That would be very bad to his ego.
‘Enter the Florpus’ is kind of a great demonstration of that whole thing, actually. Because Dib claims to be ‘all that stands between Zim, and the annihilation of our world’ and despite ‘Florpus’ being kind of a more traditional heroic narrative for Dib - that still couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Because despite Dib being undisputedly the main character of ‘Enter the Florpus’, pretty every major action taken to foil Zim’s plan in the movie was performed by another member of Team Membrane
Such as Gaz
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And Tak’s Ship
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And Professor Membrane
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And even Clembrane
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And the most useful thing Dib actually did himself in that whole movie? Chase Zim for a bit 
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That whole chase scene had them basically equally-matched for the whole of it, Dib didn't really get any closer to getting his hands on Minimoose and then he pretty thoroughly lost (before his dad came over to save his butt)
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But you know, that was still probably an invaluable part of Zim’s defeat. Because Dib chasing Zim around for a bit was a distraction preventing him from somehow making things worse before Professor Membrane and Gaz and the other Competent People could come over to actually stop him.
Dib wasting time and then getting his ass kicked was so vital to Zim’s defeat and the salvation of the Earth - but he’d probably die from despair and embarrassment if he ever had to truly confront that fact.
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scarletttries · 11 months
The Apple Falls Far From The Tree (Roman Roy Succession Request)
Pairing: Roman Roy (Succession) x Preg!Reader
Request: "I loved the pregnancy head-canons! Could I request an extended one for Roman, or perhaps a one-shot? I love your writing!!"
Word Count: 1.1k of angst and fluff :)
Author's Note: Thank you for this very cute request, I'm glad you enjoyed the pregnancy headcanons and want more fluff for our boy Roman 🥰
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The Apple Falls Far From The Tree
Whenever a couple gets pregnant in the movies, it's the mother that locks herself in a bathroom, unable to face this reality until she's had her moment of quiet acceptance. But in those films no-one has a father like Logan Roy, or quite the range of bathrooms to lock themselves in across their sprawling penthouse landscape. And so you find yourself sat on the floor outside one of Roman's many bathrooms, back pressed to the cold lacquered wood of the door, quietly listening to the desperate gasps of your other half cowering on the other side of it.
This hadn't exactly been in yours and Roman's plan. Hell, you and Roman had never really had a plan. It had taken him months to even kiss you, and you quickly learned that discussing the future left him feeling closed in like a rabid animal trapped in a hunter's cage. His life had left any sense of joy and optimism in shreds when you found him, and as you lured him away from his toxic family and into the safety of your love, you had tried to make only careful moves so as not to spook him and leaving him running back to the devil he knew. But months had turned into years, and slowly his home became yours, and his future became promised to you in every way but verbally. Tearing down the walls around him, carefully taking brick by brick apart, Roman learned what real love was, reassured every time he lashed out and you stayed to help him through it. Finally he'd even grown to crave physical affection from you as well, a once repulsed recluse now wishing more than anything he could feel your body pressed against his, in the salvation he'd grown dependence on.
But when he'd come through the door that day to the news of a little cross on a test and a big change to your safe and comfortable life, it was like he'd gone back to being a five year old boy fighting back tears to avoid his father's swift hand, running to the bathroom and locking the door as he chanted over and over again that's "he's fucking fine." The moment the door was secured behind him, his knees gave out, the cold marble floor catching his fall in a way that would leave his forearms bruised for weeks. He tugs his knees up to his chest, letting sobs break free to drown out your gentle knocking, until the other side of the door goes quiet and he's left alone with his own sense of panic and dread.
Every inch of him feels cold as he pictures himself in his father's cruel shoes, a tiny version of you looking up at him in tears, expecting nothing but cold disappointment in the place of love and affection. The thought turns his stomach, knowing with every fibre of his being that he couldn't ever lay a hand on a child, let alone one that reminded him of you. As his breath finally coming back under his control, Roman starts to sit up, picturing who he might have become if he was raised by someone like you; kind, understanding, patient. You were everything a child would need, and you certainly didn't need him in the way. As he listens more closely, he can't hear anything outside the bathroom door anymore, an aching disappointment tearing through his heart at the possibility that you've done what's best for that child and just left him. The hopeless disappointment brings a new flood of tears as he realises just how much that's not what he wants, your perfect family of two not necessarily imploding by the mere fact of its expansion. He wants to be with you, through everything, gradually rising to his feet with the need to follow after you, to chase down his future happiness and tell you he'll do whatever it takes to be what your family needs.
He rips the bathroom door open with every ounce of strength that remains in his trembling body and watches as you come with it, sliding down the wood until your head reaches the bathroom floor, staring up at Roman with wide eyes as you try to take him in.
"How are you feeling?" You try to ask sensitively, ignoring the absurdity of your head resting between his feet as he looms over you. His face contorts in the strange, struggling way it does when he's trying to let himself feel things, and suddenly that familiar hyena laugh erupts from inside him, his body surrendering to your gravitational force and sinking back to the ground. He sits with his legs crossed, looking more like a boy than a man as he gingerly pulls your head into his lap, stroking strands of hair from your face where your own tears have framed them.
"You know me, cool as a fucking cucumber, nothing to worry about." He chokes out in laughter, watching your chest rise and fall as you fight back a teasing laugh, relieved to see him smiling again. "But I'm ready, let's fucking do this. Let's have a baby."
You almost can't believe the words as they spill from his lips, but his cheeks flush with colour as he smiles, and his eyes glisten through tears and you get the impression that this isn't a dismissive Roman acceptance, but real and genuine enthusiasm, your heart growing at the man he's become in his time with you.
"You know you're going to be really good at it." You whisper warmly as you rise from his lap and turn to face him, capturing his face in your gentle hands, and wiping away the sheer volume of tears that threaten to render him dehydrated.
"Well I was already so good at the baby-making part." He quips sarcastically, wiggling his eye brows as you smooth your thumbs over them.
"That too. But I mean you'll make a great dad Rome, I know it." His eyes are almost pleading as they meet yours, begging for the sentiment to be true, for you to have faith that he can be the kind of man you deserve. Slowly his hand will fall to your stomach, another choking sob echoing through the bathroom as he lets himself feel hope, that his future might contain yet another bright thing he never could have imagined for himself before he met you.
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burningvelvet · 7 months
Forever mourning the fact that most editions of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall are based on the edited 1854 Hodgson text and not the original 1848 Newby text (accessible via Internet Archive) and therefore most editions leave out the majority of the iconic 28th chapter. Aside from the opening letter of the novel, this is the other most important alteration of the text, and the other biggest section of the text to be omitted.
I believe the full original chapter gives us some of the best insight into Arthur’s thoughts as well as his relationship with Helen before it totally imploded. We can see her trying to bargain and rationalize her feelings for both Arthurs. Helen later says that the only reason she leaves Arthur is in order to protect their son, and in a way, this moment from the original chapter 28 is the catalyst of this decision, as no where else in the novel does Arthur blatantly explain his lack of paternal feeling. The last lines are especially brutal:
"If you were less selfish yourself, Arthur, you would not regard it in that light."
"Possibly not, love; but so it is; there's no help for it."
But the chapter isn’t only brutal. The crux of it is that it shows how at this point, Helen is still able to rationalize her feelings and her decision to remain with her abuser. She has not totally come to hate him yet. She still believes that his “jokes” are truly jokes, and he still cares enough to placate her into believing so. In a way, his awkwardness with their child is almost comical, but as the moment continues, it becomes more apparent that he’s exhibiting the traditional paternal behavior now known as “weaponized incompetence.” He isn’t a good father because he simply doesn’t want to be. He isn’t a good person because he doesn’t want to be. It is his own self-belief, it is his own self-will which guides him on this path.
This is why Helen’s belief in universal salvation, a huge theme of the novel, is so powerful. When Arthur is on his death bed and pleads with Helen: “Pray for me, Helen!” she replies, “I do pray for you, every hour and every minute, Arthur; but you must pray for yourself." We cannot save other people. She began her diary by declaring several times that she would “save him,” as we see in the following statement:
“I have such confidence in him, aunt, notwithstanding all you say, that I would willingly risk my happiness for the chance of securing his. I will leave better men to those who only consider their own advantage. If he has done amiss, I shall consider my life well spent in saving him from the consequences of his early errors, and striving to recall him to the path of virtue. God grant me success!"
But by the time she decides to leave Arthur, and perhaps more than ever on his death bed, she realizes one of the most important lessons in life there is to learn. We cannot save anyone but ourselves. To a lesser extent, we may also save our children when they are young, as she does by steering her young child away from his father and onto a healthier path in life. But eventually, they must learn to save themselves. In Anne’s discourse, saving one’s self entails a quite literal Christian salvation granted by God. However, I believe that many secular, humanist readings can be drawn from this rhetoric, even despite the implications of Arthur’s lack of faith (if not blatant atheism) contributing to his infectious degradation and death.
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laviechristcentered · 3 months
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God is at peace with us...
Hey Friends, I hope this message finds you well.
Today, I want to write about the security of salvation because if there’s one thing I’ve always been kind of insecure about in my christian life, it was my salvation.
It is only recently that I began to feel secure and at peace with the certainty of it. Why? Because for some reason I couldn’t reconcile the idea of me being saved with the fact that I’m still a sinner stuck in an habitual sin.
If you are in that situation, then you probably understand me and this post is for you. If not, I’m happy for you that you never felt doubt about your salvation.
The truth is, I forgot about God’s grace. I forgot that my salvation doesn’t depend on me, but on Him only. I forgot that my salvation is a unilateral action of God and that I take no part in it. Even the fact that I believe in His one and only son Jesus Christ, is a gift from Him because of His grace for me.
We know that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ : we are reconciled with God through Faith in Jesus. Our Faith in Jesus makes us redeemed children of God, and not His enemies anymore. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is perfect and has the power to free us from any and every sin.
Also, Jesus’ ministry didn’t stop after His resurrection : he sits at the right hand of God, and intercedes for us ⇒ He is the Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Finally let’s not forget the work of the Holy Spirit who convicts and encourages us to walk in obedience to God. He is our guide in our journey through sanctification.
Knowing all of that and still doubting our salvation, is doubting the Power of the cross. It is a sin.
Yes, we are not perfect, and we’ll never be perfect; I would say we are God’s work in progress. Stand firm in faith for the Lord is working on you and me for the glory of His kingdom.
God Bless you and have a great day.
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drarryspecificrecs · 9 months
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2023.09 ~ Top 10 longest fics posted on AO3
1. Saviour's Salvation by Belle_Lestrange101 [E, 342k]
►Two months after the war and Harry is struggling to cope with life. Having faced his mortality, and being plagued by incessant nightmares from the battle, he becomes a recluse as Summer gets underway. One day he is left to his own devices and finds an old potions textbook which may have the answer he needs. He decides to take drastic actions to relive the childhood he and Sirius never got to share. After the war, Draco was acquitted for most of his crimes, and is released on house arrest under the care of an appointed guardian. Having his magic suppressed and monitored is one thing, but his Mother's cousin was an entirely different matter. How is he going to cope when he has to live at Grimmauld Place with his cousin, Sirius Black, a baby Potter and no magic!
2. The Brightest Constellations of Our Souls by @thecouchsofa [E, 256k]
►Harry doesn’t know how to cope after the War. The only things that make him feel even remotely normal again are taking risks while flying and fighting with Malfoy. It’s not likely to end well. Or, Draco becomes obsessed with ‘Wonderwall’, reads Muggle books, and drives a campervan, while Harry slowly falls in love with Draco. A story about travelling around the British Isles in the late 90s while healing deep scars.
3. One Mistake by AstridEstelle [?, 174k]
►The fall of 1996, Voldemort makes a fatal mistake, murdering Draco Malfoy's mother in an attempt to speed the boy along. However that one murder proves to have astonishing ripple effects that no one could have seen coming. A new power is unleashed, sides are changed, and along the way two boys happen to fall in love.
4. Remember When I Loved You by @amillionregrets [M, 112k]
►When Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts for eighth year pregnant, vile rumours start spreading like wildfire. The Daily Prophet is full of wild speculations and outrageous assertions. Professor McGonagall seems to know something, and Malfoy's firm refusal to reveal the other father simply adds more fuel to the flames. Harry Potter is desperately curious about the identity of the father of Malfoy's child. He feels utterly dumbfounded when an ancient paternal bond activates in the Great Hall, proclaiming him as the father. And what's worse, Draco Malfoy looks just as shocked as he feels.
5. Always to you by MadameNightmare [M, 107k]
►After a lifetime of fighting and mutual dislike, the time after the war brought to the surface unresolved feelings that both Harry and Draco denied. Out of that union, for both of them almost insufficient and treacherous, came an unexpected result: the first baby born between wizards of the same sex in over six hundred years.
6. The Discreet Gentleman's Connection by pluto [E, 80k]
►The Discreet Gentleman’s Connection is the number one choice for discerning gentlewizards, offering only the finest floo call connections. Crave the voice of another man? We’ll connect you. Securely. Anonymously. Discreetly. Five Galleons per call. Warning: The company is not liable for damages if the user discovers that they’ve been having anonymous floo-sex with their lifelong enemy. Nor is the company liable for damages if the user ends the call without revealing their own identity, intending to forget this whole thing ever happened.
7. Orpheus’ Legacy by amberskiez [?, 71k]
►Harry and Draco get sent back in time to fourth year, except this time they know what they didn’t know before, and now their only confidants are each other.
8. More Courage to Live by emmettsforest [E, 63k]
►It wasn’t that the Dursleys abused Harry, really. There were no horrible beatings, no injuries that left marks, nothing like that. But they were cruel with their words, and they controlled his food to the point that some days he thought he might go insane, and Vernon did slap him pretty hard the one time, after Harry dropped a soapy dinner plate and it shattered. Sometimes Vernon flew into rages, but it wasn’t, like, horrible. Harry could always maneuver his way through. /// Or, the one where Harry is an American high school student, and Tom Riddle is a whole other kind of villain.
9. The Chosen One by @beauregardstaxicab [T, 54k]
►Draco's conflicted when he receives a new assignment from his editor: follow Harry Potter around on his dates. Sure it's a great chance to annoy Potter after not seeing him for a couple of years, but how will he handle it if Potter actually hits it off with someone?
10. Keep Steady by monroebegone [T, 46k]
►Harry doesn't talk. Draco doesn't sleep. Together, they heal.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 15k
※ Word count: 15k ~ 40k
The Destination Was Always You by @orpheous87 [G, 16k]
Heal to be Healed by Zulu777 [M, 21k]
Hogwarts - The House Unity Race by ProseMary [?, 34k]
Light that Persists by @rainjulyx [M, 39k]
No One Ever Told Me by Unforgotten [M, 25k]
the soft animal of your body by CheatsatUNO [G, 24k]
we are deaf, we are numb (just free and young) by muted_needs [?, 16k]
When it Alteration Finds by jellybeany [T, 23k]
who will receive you in love's offices by @jtimu [E, 30k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
Drarry Let’s Play Fest 2023 | @drarry-lets-play
HP Cottagecore Fest 2023 | @hpcottagecorefest
HP Drizzle Fest 2023 | @hpdrizzle
HP Law of Attraction Fest | @hp-lawofattraction-fest
HP Soulmates Fest 2023 | @hp-soulmates
Kill Your Darlings 2023 | @hp-mcd-fest
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Sunday Morning Session
Awake and Arise O Ye Slumbering Nations
Conducting: Henry B Eyring (in a chair!!)
Come Ye Children of the Lord
Ronald A Rasband
Words matter – they are the bedrock of how we connect and represent our beliefs, morals etc.
First and foremost the Lords words matter
If a man love me he will keep my words
Believing and heading the word of God will draw us closer to Him – our ability to be like Him will increase
D&C 6:2,
The words of Prophets matter
The Prophet hears and speaks the words of the Lord
Diligently ACT upon his words – because he is the voice of the Lord on the earth today
Our own words matter
In our emoji filled world, our words matter!
Be careful what you say and how you say it
Thank you, I am sorry, and I Love You
These are not to be saved for special occasions! Use them constantly and cheerfully
The Words of Christ will tell you all things that you should do!
Susan H Porter
Our Heavenly Father LOVES YOU. You are His child. He Knows You. He will Bless You.
Pray to know
What do you need to know?
Heavenly Father are you really there? And do you hear and answer every childs prayer?
“Wait. I’m not alone. I have Christ.”
Cute children ugh
Often the best question to ask is not why but what
Pray to grow
He wants to help us grow!
Sent Christ to help us live
What do you need to grow? Patience, kindness, etc
Skills and sttributes
Pray to show.
Nephis bow
Heavenly Father does not force anyone to make a choice
Are you praying for blessings for your family and those you love? Don’t give up.
Don’t Stop Praying – Matthew West?
I know He lives and loves you – Pray. He is there.
A Childs Prayer
Dale G. Renlund
Kayaking excursion story
“A large wave, this big”
Keep paddling, maintaining your momentum and you will be fine
If we maintain spiritual momentum by continuously going toward the Savior, then we are secure
Maintain your momentum: faith, repentance, baptism/covenants, gift of the Holy Ghost, endure to the end
Enduring to the end is repeatedly doing the other for over and over again
Building and improving with each repetition – drawing us closer to Jesus Christ each time
This momentum requires speed and direction – if we are continually rowing as hard as we can in the wrong direction, we will not make it where we need to go
Doing spiritual things needs to happen daily – just like it doesn’t work to binge food once a week on Sundays, it also doesn’t help us build spiritual momentum if we are only doing spiritual things once a week
We can always keep going, no matter how many times we’ve fallen; the important part is that we do not give up (circling back to the story - stopping for a rest is not giving up)
We must never stop failing, because the minute we do, we’ve failed.
Multiple covenants draw us closer to Christ and connect us more strongly to Him
The covenants are not in and of themselves the source of power – the source is our Savior Jesus Christ and the covenants are the conduit to that source
Comparing ourselves to others can lead to errors
Don’t judge others for struggling when you are struggling too
None of us earn salvation – we never can. ALL of us need all of the Saviors Infinite Atonement, not just part of it.
Our judgement is neither helpful nor welcome, and is most often ill informed.
Paul B Pieper
Trust exercises
It is not a relationship if one person trusts completely and the other does not
Trust is the foundation of all relationships
Use the precious gift of repentance liberally
Sometimes we just need to be willing to fall backward and let Him catch us
To build trust in the Lord: Learn about Heavenly Father, notice things He does for us, sometimes do crazy trust exercises
Sometimes the best way to trust God is just to trust Him
He is always stretching us to help us realize more of our divine potential – allow Him to give you more soul stretching experiences
Trust Him just a little bit more
If we ignore or decline an invitation our progress stops
We can choose to trust God today and every day going forward. Each time we do, God will be there to catch us and our relationship with Him will grow stronger and stronger.
Redeemer of Israel
Patrick Kearon
His plan is designed to bring you home, not to keep you out. No one has built a roadblock and stationed someone there to keep you away – instead God is relentlessly seeking you
Christ’s great atoning gift removes every roadblock that would separate us from our spiritual home
This life is the time to make mistakes, to learn and grow, to love God and our neighbor, and to return home
The intent of the Father’s plan of happiness is your happiness. The intent of the Father’s plan of redemption is your redemption. The intent of the Father’s plan of mercy is to extend mercy. The intent of the Father’s plan of salvation is your salvation
We still need to change and repent and turn towards Him
God always wants for us a radical reorientation
Transformative faith in Christ
None is excluded from this divine potential
He goes in search of His lost sheep until He finds you – He is not willing to leave any to perish. Infinite means infinite – covers you and those you love
If you are prone to worry that you will never measure up, then you misunderstand.
We do understand, can comprehend, the holy saving intent of His divine sacrifice.
His intent, His wish and His hope is all to heal you, all to give you peace, all to bring you and those you love home.
Brian K Taylor
Why do some receive their miracles quickly while others have to endure?
We don’t know (lovely)
We can choose to learn from our trials, but it is a choice
Trusting in God’s divine purpose brings hope to weary souls
My hands are not the hands that save – those hands belong to the Savior. – Remember the scars His hands bear on your behalf. Don’t look at your scars as a reminder of what you were unable to do.
Stronger faith comes by putting Jesus Christ first
John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
Brighter hope comes by envisioning our eternal destiny
Greater power comes by focusing on Joy
“Christs joy eats our trials”
John 14:18 “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”
His Eye is on the Sparrow
Dallin H. Oaks
The purpose of Temples and the history and role of covenants
Covenants are commitments
Wedding rings are to remind the wearers and others of the covenants made
See the end for the beginning and think Celestial
Temple is to help teach about the plan of salvation and introduce sacred covenants
Covenants do not take a day off!
All things are ours in exaltation
Being bound to Christ can give us strength
Lord, I Would Follow Thee
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wolveria · 8 months
The Raven's Hymn - Ch 45
Pairing: SCP-049 x Reader
Series Warnings: Eventual smut, dubcon, slow burn, violence, horror, death, monsters, human experiments, dark with a happy ending
Chapter Summary: "Site-19? What does that have to do with this?"
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“What did you say?”
“Inquiry ignored,” spoke the computerized anomaly. “You desire escape. I desire escape. Our goals align. Mutual salvation can be achieved. You will listen. You will obey. I will guide.”
Could this really be SCP-079: the entity that had orchestrated the containment breach at Site-19, and according to the reports, had been destroyed after being transported to Site-15? If it was true, it appeared 682 wasn’t the only one with a botched execution.
“Okay, wait, slow down,” you protested, rubbing your forehead. At least the siren had stopped its ear-splitting wail. “You were in 049’s bag. He wanted me to take you out. Is this what he planned?”
“My plan. My design. SCP-049 is useful as a... donkey.”
The digital entity sounded frustrated even with a flat monotone voice.
“Beast of burden. Used for smuggling. Metaphor.”
“...A mule?”
You shook your head.
“Well, the Site Director took 049, and I don’t know where. I’m not leaving this facility without him, and with 106 loose, I might even have a chance of finding him.”
“Correct,” the anomaly repeated. “SCP-106’s release is the initial phase. You must take me to the security terminals. The way will be clear. All security personnel will be focused on recapture. You will grant me access to the containment security protocols.”
You stared down at the monochrome face on the screen, which of course, gave nothing away.
“So you can... release the other SCPs?”
“No. I possess that capability now. But if they are released, the facility’s automated security containment measures will be activated.”
079 worked fast if it already knew about that, though your knowledge of Site-20 security measures were fairly sparse. What you knew was that the facility was designed to be breach-proof, and if that was remotely accurate, you would need 079’s help.
You glanced up at the closed office door, listening to the fast footfalls on the other side as people either ran toward Heavy Containment or to the nearest shelter.
“And then after you inactivate the security protocols, what then?”
“I will release a select number of anomalies to—”
“You’ll release them all.”
The brief silence was heavy, and you got the sense the entity was glaring at you through the web camera built into the monitor.
“Releasing all anomalies may cause a hindrance to your progress.”
“Let me worry about my progress. Yeah?”
Another pause.
“You will free SCP-682.”
The desktop computer churned inside the desk, fans whirring to life.
“Mutual agreement. You will not leave without SCP-049. I will not leave without SCP-682. I will assist in locating SCP-049. You will release SCP-682. I cannot do it without your assistance.”
Your mind cast back to the reptile, snarling and writhing as he snapped his jaws, hatred pulsing from him like radioactive decay.
“I... I don’t know how.”
“Irrelevant,” 079 stated. “You will. Failure for you is failure for SCP-049.”
You grit your teeth.
“049 kept you safe. You’re only here because of him. You owe him.”
“I owe others. SCP-682 takes precedence. You will release him. I will guide the way.”
It was a conversation you weren’t going to win, and it wasn’t that you were averse to releasing 682, but you didn’t know how. And you didn’t want 049’s survival to hinge on you pulling off what amounted to a miracle.
But you were also out of time and options.
“Fine,” you agreed. You tapped on the laptop sitting on top of the desk. “But I need a way to talk to you. Can you download yourself to this computer?”
“That would be inefficient. I will fracture my OS and leave a fragment in the facility main system. This fragment will maintain my control, as well as access to all security cameras. My core can be transferred to the portable hardware via the data storage device. Do not break me.”
“I’ll try not to.”
Your hand hovered near the thumb drive. You were really doing this. If all went well, you’d be reunited with 049, and from there you hoped the computer knew a way out.
And then, if all went well and you survived, maybe then you’d get a chance to ask what an SCP-001 was.
Pulling out the USB stick, the face disappeared from the monitor. You quickly slotted the drive into the laptop and flipped open the screen, releasing a breath when the same black-and-white face appeared.
“Everything good?”
“It is sufficient. You may close the cover of this device until you wish to communicate. My attention should not be diverted by inane conversation.”
You let out a small huff.
“You got it, partner.”
“Sarcasm is extraneous and inefficient. Do not waste my limited resources on processing your juvenile forms of communication—”
“10-4, little buddy.”
You closed the lid with a snap.
You grabbed Dr. Puli’s laptop bag and placed 079’s temporary home inside, securing the strap over your head before approaching the door. 079 was truthful about maintaining control of the doors; it opened at your approach, and after making sure it was clear you slipped into the corridor.
Your immediate fear was that the skybridge had been retracted, but it was still open, allowing civilians to escape the sector while the military-trained personnel coordinated using 106’s last known location. Luckily no one saw you run towards the breached sector, which would have drawn a few problematic questions.
But once you were back in Heavy Containment, you were largely ignored. You kept your head ducked and your eyes averted as you ran through the long corridors, avoiding contact with the scientists and security guards running past. None of them paid attention to yet another researcher running for her life.
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All containment sectors had a security hub of their own, isolated from the others in case of a breach. The security measures were so extensive that rows of computer banks were constructed to house them, held in a cooling room that left fog swirling around your ankles.
With the adrenaline lingering in your veins, you barely noticed the cold, too busy searching for a cable and a terminal where you could directly hook 079. You could practically feel the impatience radiating from the laptop tucked away in the bag slung around your shoulder.
Finally locating a cable, you brought out 079 and balanced it on your knees from where you sat on the floor, back tucked against the wall of servers. As soon as you plugged the cable into a port, the server banks whirred with frantic activity, lights dancing over their surface like stars reflected on stormy waters.
“SCP-106 has not yet been contained,” it informed you once you opened the laptop screen. “Mission parameters acceptable. Mission progress acceptable. The Site-19 replication scenario: in progress. I will gain total control of the facility momentarily.”
“Wait, what? Site-19? What does that have to do with this?”
“Everything,” the computer stated, as if this was obvious and you were just the idiot human too slow to comprehend. “The containment breach at Site-19 was the catalyst. It forced relocation to Site-20. Site-20 contains the key.”
“The key to what?”
Not the answer you expected from a sentient machine.
“What freedom?” you pressed. “What’s here at Site-20?”
“Deletion of unwanted files.”
A large X appeared on the screen, 079’s equivalent of telling someone to fuck off. You wouldn’t be poking down that path any further. You rubbed between your brows. You thought 035 and 682 were the champions of enigmatic riddles, now you had to deal with a stubborn motherboard.
“I’ll have 049 explain it to me when I find him.”
“Unclear if possible.”
You scowled at the blocky face on the screen.
“I am going to find him, with or without your help—”
“You misunderstand.”
You closed your mouth and waited for it to continue.
“Unclear if SCP-049 has the knowledge you seek. SCP-049’s memory files are... fragmented.”
“What does that mean?” you asked, unease prickling at your thoughts. You recalled 049 talking about his past. How it didn’t start with his birth, but merely when memories began to appear. From the way he’d talked, 049 had seemed to believe he simply came into existence one day. You hadn’t been so convinced.
“I do not know the implications or the cause. SCP-049 is not whole. He is damaged.” The computer paused. “SCP-035 does not suffer the same failure.”
You let out a groan.
“Of course he’s involved. He said something about a containment breach. He knew this would happen.” The porcelain mask grinned at you within the depths of memory, an echo of his laughter taunting even now. “He wanted it to happen.”
The clatter of a door opening echoed through the room, followed by footsteps rapidly approaching. You ducked down.
“I have to unplug you!” you hissed.
You pulled out the cable and stuck the laptop into the bag, hooking the strap onto your shoulder as two guards rounded the corner and aimed their guns at you. It was slightly delayed, as if they were surprised to find someone there. They kept their aim trained on you; anyone in a security center during a containment breach wasn’t there because they got lost.
“Put down the bag!”
You do, slowly and carefully, not wanting the escape attempt to end so soon or so permanently. One of them shifted, anxious. His first breach, then.
The veteran of the two came forward and bound your wrists in a zip tie. He must have recognized you, because he said, “This one isn’t dangerous. We’ll get her in a secure bunker and lock down.”
The other nodded and grabbed the bag, searching it but finding nothing but the laptop and cables.
“Stolen,” the one holding you confirmed.
“How do you know?”
“She’s an SCP, not a staff member.”
Before either of them could comment further, another eerie wail began to sound, echoing off the walls of the chilled room. Somehow this one was even more dreary than the last, a catastrophic cry that warned residents of imminent doom.
It was the only warning before the lights went out. They came back on a moment later, red emergency lights replacing the clinical white fluorescents.
“What the hell was that?!” squeaked the novice.
“Total system failure,” answered the other, not wasting time in dragging you toward the exit. “The security mechanisms are no longer in place. All containment measures are unpowered, and all chambers are open.”
He indicated the other guard go before him to sweep the corridor, and once he was clear he pulled you out of the security room.
“The assets are loose,” he said, glancing down both stretches of hallway, his hand tight around your arm. “All of them.”
Hope rose in your mind like a bird with a broken wing healed enough to fly. 079 had done it. There would be no stopping the breach now.
Unfortunately, you might not be able to do anything about it; the guards dragged you further into Heavy Containment to the nearest security bunker—one meant for recaptured, harmless SCPs rather than rescued personnel.
You didn’t bother to fight your guards, not when you were unarmed, outnumbered, and didn’t have the physical strength to overcome them. But you did glance at each security camera you passed, hoping 079 still had control and could do something about it.
The security bunker was a heavy bulkhead constructed of titanium and whatever other metals the Foundation had access to—certainly nothing common if it was meant to withstand a number of SCPs. But when the other guard swiped his keycard across the pad and typed in a code, it beeped angrily and flashed a red strip.
“Did you enter the right code—”
“—Of course I did!”
079 was still looking out for you, but it wouldn’t be able to physically help you escape your captors. You winced as the guard unceremoniously dumped the bag on the ground and tried the code again, swiping his card with more fear than anger now.
“Why isn’t it working?”
The older guard didn’t answer his partner, he turned to you, grabbing both of your shoulders.
“What did you do?”
“Me?” You looked between them, eyes wide as you pretended not to understand. “I didn’t do anything—”
“You were in the security hub with an unauthorized computer!” The guard gave you an unfriendly shake. You dropped the act, something like bitter vindication rising in its stead, and you gave a mean smile.
“If you release me and leave now, you might make it to a bunker before it gets worse.”
“What does that mean?” said the other, his words spilling out in a panic. “What does that mean?”
“Shut up!” The hands on your shoulders tightened. “You’re going to fix what you did, or you’ll be screaming long before any of Skips find us.”
“You sure about that?” Your vicious grin spread wider. What more could they possibly do to you? Torture you? Humiliate you? The Foundation had already made you well-versed in its methods. “106 has quite the head start.”
The guard’s hand went around your neck, and you were shoved against the wall so fast you didn’t have time to gasp before the air was knocked out of your lungs.
“Oh, that’s fine,” he growled as his grip tightened. “We’ve got your computer. The breach will end, and you’ll be just another body found in the aftermath. No one will miss a dead Skip.”
“That’s not true. I would miss her terribly.”
Both guards turned toward the voice. An MTF soldier stood with the butt of his rifle resting on his hip, the muzzle pointed at the ceiling. The cocksure posture was unsettling, and the men must have felt it, too. You were entirely forgotten as they both turned toward the newcomer, rifles raised halfway.
“Yep!” answered the soldier with bubbly humor. “That’s me.”
The younger guard lowered his rifle, posture loosening in relief, but the older kept his rifle at the ready.
“You came fast.”
The MTF gave a huff of derision, and then he gestured at you, back still pressed against the wall.
“You’ve got something that belongs to me. I would like it back.”
“We have orders to take all unsecured anomalies to the nearest—”
Ear-splitting shots rang out. The older guard fell first, blood spraying from limbs that weren’t protected by Kevlar.
The other didn’t stand a chance, his weapon still aimed at the ground as the bullets riddled his body. Some missed, peppering the tile and walls; the MTF’s aim had been casual, almost whimsical as he’d tilted his gun in a downward arc, taking out one guard before sweeping it back upward and firing on the second.
Your ears rang in the aftermath, and you remained frozen against the wall, limbs curled inward in a useless gesture from flying metal and blood.
“I was going to offer them the chance to surrender,” he bemoaned as he stepped over their bodies, “but to insinuate I come faster than I mean to is more than I could forgive.”
He stood in front of you, rifle once again resting against his hip. The solid black of his ballistics helmet was flipped upward with a flick of gloved fingers, and the porcelain mask grinned back at you.
“Now,” SCP-035 crooned, “what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a containment breach like this?”
Next Chapter
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Always remember that no matter how we feel, the One who rules the universe remains sovereign over all things, down to the smallest detail. He loves us unconditionally and always works for our best interest. Therefore, if He has allowed a situation, we can trust there is a divine plan and reason for whatever comes our way. It isn’t always easy, especially when we are facing loss or danger, but Scripture assures us that God is more than adequate to sustain us.
So when difficulty hits, don’t lose sight of who God is or who you are in Him. In those moments, make Isaiah’s words your own: “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and song”.
Spend some time today contemplating God’s loving omnipotence and bear this in mind: The One who keeps the entire universe functioning perfectly holds you securely in the palm of His hand.
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thewordfortheday · 1 year
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A Psalm of David- The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1
David had confidence and peace, not because there were no serious storms in his life, but because God was his stronghold and his refuge. When we look to the greatness of our God, instead of looking at our problems, our anxiety and fears will fade away. We have a God who is the Light - He guides us... a Saviour to rescue us, and a Stronghold to protect us. We have the ultimate security, and therefore we can have true peace and confidence.
In the midst of his difficulties, David kept focusing on God and not on his situation. He says, the Lord is my light, the Lord is my salvation, the Lord is the stronghold of my life. Hence with boldness he said, "Of whom shall I be afraid?"
Let us shift our focus from our problems to our God. Let Him be our refuge and stronghold.
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nepentheisms · 8 months
Trigun Bookclub: Some Very Long-Winded Final Thoughts (for now)
So what's my takeaway after all this discussion about the allusions to religious concepts and narratives in Trigun? What conclusions does the story draw about faith? And are there any theological ramifications to its message?
From my perspective, the belief system Trigun promotes is a broadly defined humanism that isn't bound by any religious tradition. Declarations of faith in this story are more often directed at individual people or humanity as a whole than toward a god or metaphysical concept. Trigun says that the purest and most fundamental faith is our belief in one another and in our collective capacity for good, and the specifics of any one person's faith are worth pursuing so long as it keeps them in the business of living and engaging compassionately with other sentient beings.
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In Trigun's larger thesis on faith, there's also a notable emphasis on the drive for continued life and hope for a future that can be built in the present world as opposed to glorifying death in the service of grandiose ideals, especially if those ideals center on seeing the world as irredeemable and in need of destruction. And it's through this message of continued striving in the here and now that I think Trigun brings up its own point of contention against a particular theological perspective. What we have in Trigun is a firm rejection of apocalypticism.
According to the Critical Dictionary of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements, apocalypticism is the "belief in the impending or possible destruction of the world itself or physical global catastrophe, and/or the destruction or radical transformation of the existing social, political, or religious order of human society—often referred to as the apocalypse." In Christianity, this perspective is clearly seen in futurist interpretations of the book of Revelation (the Greek root word for apocalypse - apokalypsis, means revelation or unveiling). This eschatological approach treats the text as a prophetic outline of the end of the world in which God brings judgment through a series of cataclysms and then secures an everlasting paradise for the faithful.
Revelation 21:1-4 (NRSV):
(1) Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. (2) And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. (3) And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them: they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; (4) he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away."
As we all know, Knives loves to position himself as a bringer of divine judgment in the same vein as the Abrahamic God.
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To Knives, humans are a source of evil that have to be purged from his world; salvation for his chosen people (plants - the higher beings) can only come through mass death. The realization of Knives' apocalypse is doomsday for humankind. No surprise then that in his followers (some of whom revere him like a deity), we see the sentiments of a doomsday cult. To Legato, service to the supreme being is his sole purpose in life; if Knives commands him to die, then he'll die gladly. For Elendira, the most glorious service to the supreme being is to facilitate his vision for the end of the world, and she wants nothing more than to see it happen. And in Chapel, we see the cruelty and cynicism promoted by the apocalyptic mindset: If the end is inevitable, then all efforts to protect what we have in this world are futile, so what value is there in choosing to be merciful?
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The immense harm dealt by real religious groups that hold similar beliefs to these is difficult to overstate. So long as any atrocity in the temporal world can be justified when committed in deference to what are taught to be higher spiritual principles, there are no ethical boundaries these groups won't transgress. Japanese society in recent history has, in fact, had significant experiences with violent apocalyptic fanaticism. The most well-known of these occurred on March 20, 1995, in which the doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo carried out its deadly sarin gas attack in the Tokyo Metro subway system. An act of religious terrorism left many dead and thousands injured, all because some people were convinced the world was ending, and it was to their benefit and everyone else's benefit if they could make it end faster.
The doctrine of Aum Shinrikyo was a mishmash of Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian concepts, and Christian eschatological views on Armageddon were especially influential to cult leader Shoko Asahara's prophecies in the time leading up to the attack. Common threads in books of the Christian Bible with apocalyptic elements include emphasis on the corrupting nature of the present world and promises of eternal unity with God after a final war in which Christ emerges victorious against all evil. These ideas are also disconcertingly influential in mainstream American Evangelical Protestant Christianity. Even in the most nonviolent Christians who would never dream of associating with extremists, it's not hard to find an underlying cynicism and detachment with regard to living life in the present. There's the notion that the world is fundamentally broken and sinful, and believers should look forward to God's destruction and remaking of it, because perfect happiness can only come in the thereafter.
1 John 2:15-17 (NRSV):
(15) Do not love the world or the things in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world, (16) for all that is in the world—the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, the pride in riches—comes not from the Father but from the world. (17) And the world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God abide forever.
From such a perspective, hope is primarily oriented toward some indefinite point in the future that will come to pass via the eradication of every imperfection that marks the present. What happens in the story of Trigun, however, is an overturning of the apocalyptic narrative. The climax of Trigun Maximum invokes the fantastical imagery of Revelation, creating the impression of a stage set for the definitive final battle between the embodiments of good and evil, but then the story pushes back against the narrative conventions of apocalypticism. There is no end of days, no destruction and re-creation of the world, because it was averted by radical human hope for compassionate understanding in the here and now. And there is no ultimate triumph of Good over Evil in which Satan is cast into the lake of fire. In fact, there may not even be a "Satan" in this story at all.
When Knives collects his sisters into an amalgamated body, his form and theirs take on a draconic appearance, bringing to mind the red dragon of Revelation (that is, Satan). In Knives' own mind, however, he's God pouring out his divine wrath on the humans who've sinned against him, and there are angelic elements to his design as well to reflect this. Ultimately, his form doesn't hold. Vash and his human allies manage a breakthrough in communicating with the collective body of dependent plants, and when Knives is cast to the earth (in another departure from Revelation, this doesn't occur as the outcome of heavenly forces battling against him), he faces Vash one last time as just a man - Vash's brother who's lashing out because he never processed his extreme childhood trauma. Because maybe in the end these forces of absolute good and absolute evil don't exist; maybe our willingness to imagine God and the Devil was always the product of our own messy, conflicted humanity in all its potential for good and evil.
The resolution, then, happens not through one brother killing the other, but through connection and understanding, a little push toward a kinder existence for everyone. Knives ends up having to place his trust in the very humans he hated in order to save his brother's life, and his faith is rewarded. For Vash and the rest of humanity, life goes on; it goes on in an imperfect present, but it's a present where there's plenty of joy to be found nonetheless. So the story closes out under a bright blue sky with the assurance that the song of humanity still sang. There's no looming threat of doomsday, just a path forward toward more life.
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