#Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
las-microfisuras · 5 months
Erotismo y melancolía son las principales claves de la historia de una relación amorosa, o mejor dicho, del fracaso de una pasión que ha sustituido los cuerpos por las palabras.
- Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, La isla de los jardines cortados.
- Katrien de Blauwer
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leitoracomcompanhia · 6 months
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"O Valido ia-lhe responder, quando à porta do mosteiro apareceram os Reis, muito agarrados pelo braço e de rosto sorridente. Toda a gente compreendeu o que tinha acontecido."
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, "Crónica do Rei Pasmado"; pintura anónima do século 17.
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istmos · 2 years
"Porque ele, por exemplo, está convencido de que o homem progride e de que o progresso e o seu sentido são uma coisa que se herda, e de que o herdeiro irá sempre, inexoravelmente, alguns metros adiante do antecessor. Eu, que também acredito no progresso, não posso esquecer que temos, e teremos, dentro de nós o homem de Neanderthal, o qual, ao mais pequeno descuido, dá um salto e nos domina.”
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, “Memória de um Inconformista” (crónicas) tradução de António Gonçalves
"Because he, for example, is convinced that man progresses and that progress and its meaning are something that is inherited, and that his heir will always, inexorably, go a few meters ahead of the predecessor. I also believe in progress but I cannot forget that we have, and will, within us the Neanderthal man, who, at the slightest carelessness, takes a jump and dominates us.”
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, “Memória de um Inconformista” (english transl. of my own)
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msostiz · 2 years
Barcos en botella (Valparaíso)
Barcos en botella (Valparaíso)
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linsaad · 3 months
Erotismo y melancolía son las principales claves de la historia de una relación amorosa, o mejor dicho, del fracaso de una pasión que ha sustituido los cuerpos por las palabras.
#Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, La isla de los jardines cortados.
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roseclavie · 5 months
un trabajo tartamudo – "…y, claro, todo eso serán interrupciones si logro reanudar el trabajo. Pues me saldrá como siempre un trabajo tartamudo. Bueno, qué le vamos a hacer." Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
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veredes · 11 months
El reloj de Gerardo Calviño Martínez | Antonio S. Río Vázquez
Entre los profesores que tuvo en el Instituto, Gerardo Calviño Martínez (Ferrol, 1927) recordaba especialmente a Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, que tanto daba una clase magistral sobre literatura como sobre arte o filosofía. Aunque Torrente Ballester nació en Ferrol, su formación intelectual como universitario se produjo en Santiago y a ese lugar dedicó su obra Compostela y su ángel, que comienza revelando la importancia que tiene la medición del tiempo en la vida de la ciudad:
«Compostela se hace en torno a la campana. La campana lo va creando todo día a día, siglo a siglo, sin más que dar las horas. Y la niebla es el caos de donde la campana va sacando las cosas. Primero, su propio bronce sonoro, la torre de donde pende, y su nombre. Después, las piedras labradas, las bóvedas, las cresterías, las fachadas y los patios. Por último, las callejuelas y las plazas, y los santos en sus hornacinas, y los que, desprovistos de ella, son ornato de portadas, y esos otros que aparecen perdidos en un lienzo de pared, venidos Dios sabe de dónde, con señal de los siglos en el rostro mutilado o gastado».
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honeyleesblog · 11 months
June 13 ZODIAC
They have the possibility that they are just brilliantly. They are very aggressive individuals, for certain thoughts regarding public exercises, nearby legislative issues or social work. His brain, albeit enthusiastic and variable, is positive and solid. They show patterns in writing, workmanship or science. Your calling is by and large connected with these areas. They are effective in correspondence, distributions, books, magazines, and abstract works, as well as little books, pamphlets, papers, and so forth. They can make progress. They care about others and frequently end up being extremely useful. On the off chance that they procure something for themselves, they are exceptionally unengaged, so they couldn't care less about monetary misfortunes. Individuals conceived today might require some assistance. They are fruitful in helping out others. Their shortcoming is the way that they torture themselves superfluously by investigating their own encounters and mental states. Zodiac sign for those brought into the world on June 13 Assuming that your birthday is June 13, your zodiac sign is Gemini June 13 ZODIAC 
character: looking, bright, wary, reckless, derisive, intentional calling: plasterer, sound designer, lawmaker tones: cyan, dark, beige stone: hematite creature: fox plant: Yarrow fortunate numbers: 1,19,26,32,34,51 very fortunate number: 1 Occasions and observances - June 13 Spain: Robledo de Chavela (Madrid) - Patronal Celebration. Panama: Actual Day Spain: Biescas (Huesca) - Journey to the House of prayer of St Nick Elena. Portugal: Lisbon: Neighborhood fairs. Global Albinism Appreciation Day Argentina: Essayist's Day. European Skin Malignant growth Anticipation Day Spain: Caniles (Granada) - Patronal Celebration. Spain: Vadillo de la Guarena (Zamora) - Patronal Celebration, San Antonio de Padua June 13 Superstar birthday events. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1906: Bruno de Finetti, Italian mathematician (d. 1985). 1909: Antonio Anoveros Ataდºn, Spanish minister (d. 1987). 1910: Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, Spanish essayist (f. 1999). 1911: Luis Walter დ?lvarez, American researcher, Nobel Prize victor in Material science in 1968 (f. 1998). 1914: Anna Maria Ortese, Italian essayist (f. 1998). 1915: Wear Move, American tennis player (d. 2000). 1917: Enrique Alarcდ³n, Spanish film decorator (d. 1995). 1917: Augusto Roa Bastos, Paraguayan author (f. 2005). 1918: Ben Johnson, American entertainer (d. 1996). 1918: Percy Rodrigues, Canadian entertainer (d. 2007). 1921: Antonio Ramდ­rez Gonzდ¡lez, Colombian specialist and specialist (f. 2003). 1923: Antonio Pereira, Spanish author (d. 2009). 1925: Gustavo Torner, Spanish painter and artist. 1926: Dalmiro Sდ¡enz, Argentine author (d. 2016). 1927: Thin Dusty, Australian vocalist lyricist (d. 2003). 1928: John Forbes Nash, American mathematician, Nobel laureate in financial matters in 1994 (d. 2015). 1931: Irvin D. Yalom, American author, teacher and psychotherapist. 1932: Jaime Penafiel, Spanish writer. 1933: Raდºl Borrდ¡s, Argentine legislator, Alfonsდ­n's Clergyman of Safeguard (d. 1985). 1933: Cდ©sar Girდ³n, Venezuelan matador (d. 1971). 1934: Antonio Jimდ©nez Quiles, Spanish cyclist. 1935: Javier Aguirre Fernდ¡ndez, Spanish movie producer. 1935: Jeanne-Claude (Jeanne-Claude Denat de Guillebდ³n), French Moroccan craftsman, painter and architect, spouse of the craftsman Christo (d. 2009). 1935: Christo (Christo-Vladimirov Javacheff), Bulgarian craftsman and painter, spouse of the craftsman Jeanne-Claude. 1935: Ugnდ© Karvelis, Lithuanian author, artistic pundit, interpreter and ambassador, spouse of the essayist Julio Cortდ¡zar (d. 2002). 1941: Frans Verbeeck, Belgian cyclist. 1943: Malcolm McDowell, English entertainer. 1944: Boycott Ki-moon, South Korean representative, current UN Secretary General. 1946: Aurora Furtado (26), Brazilian guerrilla, killed (d. 1972). 1946: Mario David Garcდ­a Velდ¡squez, Guatemalan writer and legislator. 1946: Cristina Hoyos, Spanish artist. 1946: Montserrat Roig, Spanish author (d. 1991). 1951: Stellan Skarsgard, Swedish entertainer 1953: Tim Allen, American entertainer, comic and author. 1954: Andrzej Lepper, Clean legislator (d. 2011). 1958: Fernando Marდ­as Amondo, Spanish essayist. 1959: Josდ© Weinstein, Chilean social scientist. 1960: Evaristo Pდ¡ramos, Spanish artist of troublemaker music. 1962: Partner Sheedy, American entertainer. 1963: Bettina Bunge, German tennis player of Swiss beginning. 1963: Gold country (Olvido Gara), Spanish artist of Mexican beginning. 1965: Lukas Ligeti, Austrian writer and percussionist. 1966: Luis Merlo, Spanish entertainer. 1966: Grigori Perelmდ¡n, Russian mathematician. 1968: Pedro Vდ­llora, Spanish essayist. 1968: David Dark, English artist musician. 1968: Gianni Morbidelli, Italian motorsport driver. 1969: Cayetana Guillდ©n Cuervo, Spanish entertainer. 1969: Charlie Massდ³, artist and Puerto Rican TV moderator, of the band Menudo. 1970: Juliდ¡n Gil, Argentine entertainer and model. 1970: Streams Cuomo, American performer, vocalist and musician, of the band Weezer. 1971: Andoni Luis Aduriz, Spanish cook. 1972: Pedro Pablo Trevino Villarreal, Mexican attorney and lawmaker. 1972: Lourdes Reyes, Mexican entertainer. 1973: Ville Laihiala, Finnish vocalist, of the band Poisonblack. 1974: Selma Bjდ¶rnsdდ³ttir, Icelandic vocalist. 1974: Stephen Gilchrist Glover, also called Steve-O, English entertainer and humorist. 1978: Lucas Martდ­n Valdemarდ­n, Argentine footballer. 1978: Richard Kingson, Ghanaian footballer. 1980: Juan Carlos Navarro, Spanish b-ball player. 1980: Florent Malouda, French footballer. 1980: Sarah Connor, German vocalist. 1981: Chris Evans, American entertainer. 1982: Kenenisa Bekele, Ethiopian competitor. 1983: Rebeca Linares, Spanish pornography entertainer. 1984: Nery Castillo, Mexican soccer player. 1986: Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, American entertainers. 1986: Kat Dennings, American entertainer. 1986: Keisuke Honda, Japanese footballer.
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Górgona é real. As bruxas não
Mesmo assim, elas rondaram as janelas da cabana de Ariadne. Conheci-a na A Ilha dos Jacintos Cortados, um livro de Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. O Mundo tem recantos inimagináveis, muitas vezes tão perto de nós e, mesmo assim, desconhecidos. Num desses recantos situa-se a ilha de Górgona, que até podia ser uma ficção do escritor, mas é mesmo real. Pertence ao arquipélago toscano, do mar Lígure…
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lalectora · 1 year
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enelecolombia · 1 year
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leitoracomcompanhia · 6 months
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"Olha, filha, há-de ser o que Deus quiser. A minha mãe sempre me disse que, de pernas abertas, se vai até ao fim do mundo. E Roma deve ficar um pouco mais para cá."
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, "Crónica do Rei Pasmado"; retrato da atriz Maria Inés Calderón, amante de Filipe IV.
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ya-no-la-quiero · 5 years
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Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
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msostiz · 2 years
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villings · 4 years
Las cosas solo dejan de existir cuando se deja de creer en ellas.
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
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brujus7 · 5 years
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CITA MISTERIOSA NÚMERO 4 #Pasatiempos #Literatura #SergioReyes Vuelvo a la carga con otra CITA MISTERIOSA. Esta cuarta cita es algo más larga que las anteriores.
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