#Good people can love their mums and give to charity and be ride or die friends and also do a racism
mydyspraxiablog · 11 months
Having dyspraxia I member of Dyspraxia foundation, Coelicuk other members but there is dyspraxia week up in November I would like give some money to dyspraxia foundation and Coelicuk but there promble I also sponder a child in Ethiopia and don't want that family miss out on birthday and Christmas after Christmas there birthday coming up in family.
Promble don't trust Natwest bank anymore called tell table bank.
At ages of 50 years old have ask mum if could give money charity's and embrassment all because of scarm I can't going town order coffee or hot chocolate like use missing day went up stone order hot chocolate whip cream chocolate flak and marshmallow dream having then then chocolate 🍫 Icecream in Stone those days when was Richard fellowship volunteers but miss it because now noughting in Stafford.
I got cold wait for bus 3.30pm-4pm Here one passages say " took of 3.45pm bus because of two school buses one 825 school bus other 8A school bus. So start rain really badly but most people decide go back have coffee in at cafe Nero but me could not because didn't any money so wait by self at bus stop goal square it was really cold.
Then bus didn't up 430pm because roadwork on Wolverhampton Rd and moss pit hold bus up.
Noughting can do public bus not turn up because took off because school run if buses too late because roadwork there abouda ship leaving passages wait for next bus to come.
I get worry bus might be fall up might not get on it but luck 101 bus came first at was full up and that double deck bus. Other bus did turn up behide 101 bus home bus also full up too.
Don't get wrong love farms doing and arts crouse doing but waiting do math and engish crouse in Stafford and other film crouse Indid enjoy making films bit not going happon.
"How do know Christian aid ,Acting Aid are really charity you know Facebook do fake charity offers them free sample like pray book or candle she jealous of Amazon because find way be paid things with out my Natwest card using mum card by finger print that how order things through Amazon or voice code do shopping but not going do that I do something different this Christmas want do some good around the world and in uk but can't help everyone need saving nougt money for birthday and Christmas. I really ask mum can have money buy your birthday card or birthday gift or Christmas gift 🎁 it would not be right so I decide this year going making Christmas things mumm and my family.
Right wonder. What can do help children in uk and around the world 🌎 but help hidding disabilities and disabilities child and adult too. I got think plus help those dogs and cats 🐈 in shelter want to help them.
I do want go Charlie cafe see all cats there as I missing Annabel and Sydnee my pets cats that both gone over Rainbow bridge and I want see them. Today saw Rainbow 🌈 in Stafford outside but waiting for double Rainbow so know Annabel, Sydnee my pets cats and Darcy my dog 🐕 missing them all want them back but can't I really upset with PSDA run out funds for help sick pets wasn't any money in pot so have put Sydnee down end of May how die upset me she hidding beside book shelf and fall sleep on neck down between pipe of bookshelf and body on floor so could not let die that way so pick up Sydnee but on Soffee on my knees said " You with Annabel now but Christmas really be hard for me it second years Christmas with out Annabel you die 16 years old and first years without Sydnee at Christmas Sydnee die of 17 years old. What kill Sydnee rat possion from the park knob down building at was Hotel 🏨 bulliday stupid caring home and look park behide me and don't want ride three wheel bike anymore don't walk around the park anymore I don't want go out in gardens anymore why noughting do in Stafford?
If do going town get art book and draw of Victoria Park. Trees, birds and Swam but can't going in cafe having drink coffee with no money.
So just sit there draw till get tide walk back home is weather nice or back on buses.
What decide this years not let Newphew and Nices down this years.
I not going let my sponder child and her family down this year as well but don't let dogs and cats be shelter want help children go to school
And help animals too.
So have see if can make some Christmas gift 🎁 for family instead but don't know get whole family photo just have look up on Google photos with all family.
What do next is secert for family around the world.
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back-to-louis · 2 years
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fymagnificentwomcn · 5 years
Farya was not only a bad and unnecessary character, but was also sooo annoying, not only for me?
I mean…
outside how her character was out of the place, she wasn’t even likeable? My mum knew nothing of Ottoman history & how her character is so ahistorical and she hated Floprya so much, you cannot imagine.
Her ranting that if Mu/rat does not kill Ayşe, she will do it herself & being all “Damn ilahtar and Kösem, they will try to convince Murad not to kill Ayşe, and otherwise he’s so merciless DANG”.
Her feeling of superiority and being special truly shows you why she had best relations with
Mu/rat and Atike in the palace lmao.
She’s also repeatedly completely ignorant of Ottoman system & yet thinks she can be Valide (ater)?
Kösem, Gevherhan, and Ayşe told her multiple times how it works and what might ultimately befall her. Of course Ayşe wanted to just piss her off, but she actually told her truth – Murad was keeping her as his mistress closed in golden cage and just waiting when he decides to grace her with his presence, mostly at night to have some fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) . Living outside harem meant that (surprise!) She had a worse situation than slave Ayşe, who had an acknowledged & legitimate position as haseki and mother of princes. Being a foreign princess meant nothing there – she was kept in hiding, had no clear position in Murad’s life, and was actually living in sin with Mu/rat (yes, Murad was so mad about Kasim breaking the rules, but he was doing something far more scandalising himself when it came to sexual propriety & he was the ruling padişah). Her being so happy about not being placed in harem initially & thinking how she was so special she was given a separate palace.. shows precisely how ignorant she was of the system she CHOSE to live in.
Kösem and Gevherhan warned her how not having a kids meant she would later fade into obscurity & even legal marriage could not change it – she completely dismissed it because of “their great luv” & stuff.
Kösem knew Murad much better than Floprya did LBR and when she said his “great luv” would pass, she knew what she was talking about – she was even shocked when Mu/rat gifted Farya with necklace because it wasn’t in his nature to do romantic gestures and caring about giving his women gifts. And even if you don’t trust these women because they don’t like you much, look at how this man is truly behaving towards you (if you ignore his behaviour towards Ayşe because yes we know you are a special snowflake).
Ignoring stuff such as period-appropriate behaviour (Murad laughing at Farya wanting to command an Ottoman army, I guess even less misogynistic men would laugh her off), he calls her his prisoner even before the pig incident, and afterwards…. 1) he hits her without even asking her why she put a freakin’ pig in; 2) keeps her wounded and bleeding in cell while making his decision, at the same time being all emo about how poor HE is because he loves this woman and she hurt HIM so; 3) when he (graciously, please everyone clap) decides to spare her, he doesn’t just let her go, he makes a show in which he scares her and “shows her her rightful place” aka on her knees before him; 3) continues to be offended and passive aggressive towards her afterwards; 4) gives her throne away behind her back without even asking her if she wants to stay with him; 5) rides after her, tells her “you slept with me, so you are my woman & you belong in my harem” & takes her on his horse forcefully (it doesn’t matter if she secretly wanted it inside); 6) didn’t explain why he gave her family’s throne to someone else even after he took her back to the palace, Atike had to do it; 7) yes, kept her without any status and intention to change it hidden in another palace, without any participation in his daily life and only visiting her when it suited him, not even sticking to any promises to come if he decided so, only the terrible incident with Farya’s miscarriage made him marry her and seeing how his “great luv” began to die after it, one does question whether it was out of love or him simply wanting to show everyone (both his mother and subjects) that he could do as he pleased, even against any rules; 6) he actually never promised her he would marry her and not have other women, it was only Farya always saying this – conversely, in MY Suleiman DID actually promise this to Hürrem and then did not keep it [doesn’t make Murad less of a dick, but shows how delusional Farya might be because he never actually said so himself or agreed to it].
And I said in one of my previous posts how Hürrem (and any harem women) weren’t homewreckers because it was indeed their only chance to have a family & love, but damn Floprya is a homewrecker because she truly didn’t have to stay with Mu/rat – she had her family, her throne, friends to come back to… please you knew what mess you created by coming there, and you had all the signs how violent this guy was and about his attitude to women… you could truly do a lot better, honey.
Murad never saw her as a consort of importance either. He never asked for her opinion on anything (he’d sooner even ask his mother) and when she got an accidental chance to say something (pleading with him not to execute a poor guy who forgot his lamp to bring his dad dinner, nota bene an incident described by Ottoman historian Mustafa Naima, just without Farya in the picture obviously), he completely ignored her and looked pissed she even dared to do so. It was frankly the only instance Floprya tried to talk Mu/rat out of something bad – even when he executed people who simply had been on the market during the attack on her (and even completely unrelated ones as later turned out), even though Kosem had already punished the actual attackers, our “kind-hearted” Floprya did nothing…. I’m not surprised he didn’t consult her before because he never does & well… talking sense to him never works because Kösem tried to reason with him it’s wrong, even for him because it provides people who want to go between him and ordinary people with great opportunity… and he didn’t give a fuck as always, but Farya never said anything, even following this? It was a matter closely connected with her and we never even see them talking about this or Floprya’s reaction to it? I can’t believe she didn’t hear about this… she likely just didn’t care.
Kösem also told her that marrying a sultan is not enough, and (since we know she couldn’t have kids) she should at least drag her ass and do something useful, like take care of people? Well, it was the only time we saw Floprya doing charity.
 Following the wedding, Mu/rat began to gradually lose interest in Farya, including going after Sanavber after he saw her with dagger pointed at him because it seems he has a dagger-fetish & now Floprya  even stopped wielding his favourite toy to have his attention… And again never forget Atike’s “Murad finally met a woman worthy of him, she can wield a sword like A MAN!” (STFU ALREADY ATIKE).
Speaking of Atike… Floprya encouraging Atike to pursue Silahtar even if it’s clear from Atike’s words he isn’t responsive to her, bah, even after it’s known he loves someone else… how stupid you can be to encourage Atike to get the guy who loves someone else and keep telling her again how special & daring she is, so go on and take what you want? Or Floprya threatening Silahtar to expose it was Gevherhan because he called her out on threatening Ayse at night with knife (yes, Ayşe was guilty, but there was no evidence at that point & it was not for her to go and punish somebody without evidence like that). He was just doing his job.
Farya later begins to openly mention her frustrations and how she’s now sidelined because she cannot have children… which of course makes her more the bitter and angry at Ayşe & striving towards revenge so bad – she  isn’t satisfied that Ayşe got exposed and would be punished, she wants her DEAD & would not accept any other option (never mind that poor, innocent children would be orphaned in such a case).
Even after  the matter is revealed and she does regret what she did, she’s as defensive as ever and tries to put all blame on depressed, abused woman aka Ayşe… she sees no fault of Mura/t’s there.
Still, she didn’t deserve execution for that, especially from hands of person who was chiefly responsible for the tragedy aka her husband… and her being pregnant saving her was meaningful.
Yet she continues to be ignorant about Ottoman system – now that Mura/t continues to pay her little attention even though she gave birth to two sons and instead spends time on drinking parties with Yusuf & other male buddies, she wants to be Valide and supports changing succession law back to the one involving fratricide… Okay, she doesn’t care about Murad’s brothers, but her own sons? Mu/rat being all “I don’t give a fuck” to Kösem pointing out one of his sons will kill the other is… well, him being himself, but Floprya should get worried about implications for her sons, right?
The scene with Sinan is SO indicative of Farya later on – she sits on balcony frustrated because she sits at palace all alone with her sons, while her hubby spends time on one of his parties & watching some (sexy!) dancer after promising her he would be now focused on his family (and even in that scene she still looked so scared of him), Sinan comes, calls her future "Valide Sultan”, she smirks, brightens up & already feels relevant and in better mood, so immediately does what he wants her to do and sends message to Mura/t about Kösem holding meeting with statesmen and ulema about changes in succession law.
Yet another win for Sinan!😂
Farya and Mu*rya stans claiming she was sooo "good-hearted” and they were equals.. were we watching the same show, eh? He didn’t treat her as her “equal” or whatever, even in “their best days”. The relationship was a disaster WAY before he tried to kill her.
I really never hated MY/K ship as much as I hated Mu*ya, a total disaster that really had nothing appealing to me – it was straight-up abusive plus it wasn’t even interesting. I swear even Mihrimah and Rüstem, while thouroughly dysfunctional, were more interesting to watch as a totally fucked up, toxic couple ugh.
- Joanna
Tagging @onlythelonelysurvive because it might be of interest to you and maybe take your mind off your worries :)
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gyrlversion · 6 years
One Direction singer Louis Tomlinson’s sister Felicite dies aged 18
Felicite Tomlinson at the Pretty Little Thing and Maya Jama collection launch last year
The 18-year-old sister of One Direction star Louis Tomlinson has been found dead at home from a suspected heart attack.
The tragic death of Félicité, a fashion designer and Instagram star who had almost 1.3million followers, comes after Louis’ mother Johannah died from leukaemia in 2016.
Louis has been left ‘devastated and ­distraught’ by the death, the Sun reported, and praised his sister as ‘loveable, caring, bright and beautiful’ last night, sources close to the One Direction singer told the paper.
He has pulled out of tomorrow night’s Comic Relief, where he was due to perform his new single live as one of the headline acts. 
She collapsed after a suspected heart attack at her fourth-floor studio apartment in Earls Court, West London, on Wednesday lunchtime.
It is understood police found no signs of drugs at the address. They say they are in the process of informing next of kin. 
The death of Félicité — known as Fizzy — is being treated as ‘unexplained’ at this stage.
A full post-mortem examination will take place and toxicology tests will be carried out.
Felicite Tomlison, pictured here at a wedding in a photo from her Instagram feed followed by 1.3 million people, has been found dead at her home
Her Instagram feed has more than 1.3m followers who enjoyed her posts about her lifestyle
A person who was with the aspiring fashion designer and social media influencer called 999. 
A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police said: ‘Police were called by London Ambulance Service at 12:52hrs on Wednesday, 13 March to a residential address in SW5, following reports of a female in cardiac arrest.
‘Officers attended. A female believed to be aged 18 was pronounced dead at the scene.
‘Police are in the process of informing her next of kin. At this stage the death is being treated as unexplained. A post-mortem examination will take place in due course. Enquiries continue.’  
In her last Instagram post to her 1.3 million followers, four days ago, Felicite wrote: ‘Don’t know why I look so shocked’
Felicite was a social media influencer in her own right. This post from last summer received more than 110,000 likes
Louis Tomlinson and his sister Felicite Tomlinson aka ‘Fizzy’ on Belgravia Street last year
Louis Tomlinson and his mother Johannah Deakin. Last night a family source told The Sun: ‘Félicité was an absolutely adored young woman’
 A London Ambulance Service spokesperson said: ‘We were called at 12:51pm yesterday to reports of an incident in Earls Court.
‘We sent two ambulance crews, a single responder in a car and an advanced paramedic to the scene.
‘Sadly, despite efforts of our medics, a person died at the scene.’ 
Louis, 27, was working in London last night when police informed him of his sister’s death. Other family members, in Doncaster, have also been notified. 
The X Factor judge was extremely close to his sister. They regularly saw each other in London.
Last night a family source told the paper: ‘Félicité was an absolutely adored young woman who was loved by Louis and her whole family.
‘They are all totally devastated, as you can imagine.
‘She had so many friends and was such a positive happy person. It’s a massive loss to the world.
‘She was a loveable, caring, bright, passionate, popular and beautiful young lady.’ 
Louis, 27, was working in London last night when police informed him of his sister’s death
The Instagram star was close to her mother, who died in late 2016, and had a motif of the year Johannah she was born, 1973, tattooed on her. 
She shared it online where she also spoke about Louis’s song, Two of Us, on Sunday. 
Louis’s song, Two Of Us, is a tribute to the pair’s mother Johannah Deakin, who tragically succumbed to leukaemia three years ago, in December 2016. 
Asked about it on Instagram, she said: ‘I cried my eyes out in the back of my Uber, but I loved the song filled me with hope.’  
She told fans she would be ‘very different’ had her mother not died, writing: ‘Very different, in both good and bad ways, there is collateralized beauty in everything.’ 
Last month she posted a grab of Christina Aguilera’s song Hurt which is about the loss of a parent. She also retweeted a picture showing her resemblance to her mother.
Louis Tomlinson and mother Johannah Deakin at the Believe In Magic Cinderella Ball, 2015
‘She was a loveable, caring, bright, passionate, popular and beautiful young lady,’ a source said
Felicite was close to her siblings, and recently got their initials tattooed in old English letters, which added to an inking of a red snake on her left middle finger.
Asked if she was proud of her siblings, she said: ‘More than I can express — including the little ones.’ 
And she used her platform on Instagram to speak out about mental illness, writing on January 12: ‘I think there is a lot of stigma around addiction and the disease of addiction is misunderstood.’ 
She added: ‘Depression and anxiety is less stigmatised but there is still a lot of stigma around other mental illnesses.’ 
But asked about rumours she had been battling depression, Felicite wrote: ‘Everyone struggles with things in life especially if they suffer a huge loss or life changing event but I don’t think that’s something rumours should be spread about. 
‘It should be up to the person to talk about it when and if they’re ready to.’ 
Felicite recently reminisced about her favourite moments with her older brother: ‘Car rides home from X Factor auditions, all giving opinions and being so excited and seeing him so excited.’
The Instagram star was close to her mother and had a motif of the year she was born, 1973, tattooed on her
Louis Tomlinson and his sister Felicite Tomlinson, known as Fizzy, have a cigarette on Belgravia Street
Felicite said that she would be ‘very different, in both good and bad ways’ had her mother not died
Louis’s estranged father, Troy Austin – who split from Johanna when Louis was just five, revealed in May 2018 that he was battling cancer just 18 months after his ex-wife died from a ‘very aggressive’ form of the disease.  
The then 49-year-old had a four-hour surgery to save his life. Louis took on his stepfather Mark Tomlinson’s surname when his parents split up. 
Felicite was one of six children. She leaves behind her older sister Lottie, younger twin sisters Daisy and Phoebe and the youngest, twins Ernest and Doris. She was also an aunt to Louis’ son Freddie. 
  Scarred by tragedy: Louis Tomlinson’s close-knit family reel for second devastating time soon after death of their mother from blood cancer at 43 
The tragic death of Louis Tomlinson’s sister Felicite aged just 18 is the second devastating blow for the family in little over two years, after his mother died of leukaemia in December 2016.
Midwife Johannah Deakin lost her battle with cancer at just 43, leaving behind Louis, Felicite and their five siblings.
Her husband Dan Deakin paid tribute to his late wife saying: ‘Incredibly selfless, she would always look to put other people before herself. She desired nothing more than for everyone around her to be happy and loving.
‘She worked tirelessly on numerous charity campaigns, creating memories for many individuals and their families.’
Louis Tomlinson pictured with his mother Johannah. She spoke often of her pride in her eldest child’s generosity towards his siblings, saying: ‘He always asks me, ‘Tell me what trips they’ve got, where do they want to go? Let me use my money to pay for their trips”
As well as Louis, devoted mother Johannah left behind Lottie, Felicite, twins Daisy and Phoebe, and twins Ernest and Doris, whom she gave birth to prematurely in 2014
‘It wasn’t uncommon for Johannah to hear through the media of an individual in need of assistance, and she would immediately make it her objective to get that person what they often desperately needed, and rarely without success.’
Louis’ former bandmates sent their love in a series of heatrbreaking tweets.
On Twitter Liam Payne wrote: ‘Louis, I’m so sorry for you my brother my heart aches for you, just know I love you the same from a million miles away as i do right next to you. I’m always here for you through everything as you have been for me. 
‘My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this incredibly sad time I can’t begin to imagine what you are all going through. Rip Johanna you are forever in my thoughts.’ 
Louis’ bandmates and stars including Cheryl Cole and Simon Cowell sent heartfelt condolences after the death of his mother 
Johannah Tomlinson pictured on her wedding day to Dan Deakin. She passed away in December 2016 after a fight with cancer
The death of Felicite Tomlinson aged just 18, on the afternoon of Wednesday March 13, is the second tragic to hit the family in just over two years. Pictured above: Louis and his late mother, Johannah
Two Of Us: The moving tribute to his late mother Louis was due to perform tonight
In a now-cancelled Comic Relief performance on BBC One, Louis Tomlison would have performed his new single Two Of Us, a loving tribute to mother Johannah who died of cancer just over two years ago.
The poignant lyrics speak of the singer’s love and loss:
It’s been a minute since I called you
Just to hear the answerphone
Yeah, I know that you won’t get this
But I’ll leave a message so I’m not alone
This morning I woke up still dreaming
With memories playing through my head
You’ll never know how much I miss you
The day that they took you, I wish it was me instead
But you once told me, ‘Don’t give up
You can do it day by day’
And diamonds, they don’t turn to dust or fade away
So I will keep you day and night, here until the day I die
I’ll be living one life for the two of us 
 Zayn Malik tweeted: ‘@Louis_Tomlinson love you bro! All of your family is in my prayers. proud of your strength and know your mum is too x’.
Meanwhile, Niall Horan posted: ‘Very sad news . Louis I love you mate and I’m / all of us are here for you all the way. You’re mum was an incredible person.
‘Thinking of you and your family. Love from my family to yours..’
A devoted mother, Johannah said in an interview she couldn’t have been more proud of her eldest child, Louis.
Calling him ‘a really nice lovely brother,’ she went on to say that the 1D star always offered to pay for his sister’s trips at school.
‘He always asks me, ‘Tell me what trips they’ve got, where do they want to go? Let me use my money to pay for their trips’,’ Johannah said.
‘He’s always been like that. he’s not a materialistic person himself, but he likes to give people things. He spoils me and the girls and he’s happiest doing that.’   
Born Johannah Poulston on March 25 1973, Louis’ mother grew up in Doncaster in South Yorkshire, and worked as a midwife and a TV assistant.
Johannah gave birth to Louis when she was 18, but split from his biological father Troy Austin, in 1997 when Louis was five.
She and Mark Tomlinson, whom Louis has said he considers his real dad, then had four children: Charlotte, now 20, Felicity, 18, and twins Phoebe and Daisy, both 14.
In 2013, Johannah announced her engagement to doctor Dan Deakin and that the couple were expecting twins.
Their wedding in July 2014 saw her son as best man, while Louis’ band mates, Harry Styles, Liam Payne and Niall Horan all attended.
Twins Ernest and Doris, both now five, arrived prematurely in February 2014. 
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