#Goosebumps 2
misterrttegrimborn · 1 year
(my edit)
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geesebumps-stuff · 6 months
I added a chapter to my Family fanfic!
Summary: This comes from one my aus, the Slappy stays au. Where he stays with the Quinn family. This is when Sarah comes home after seeing Tyler with another girl while Sonny, Sam, and Slappy are hanging out together.
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I Demand Justice For Terry the Pumpkin
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yesterdanereviews · 6 months
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Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018)
Film review #587
Director: Ari Sandel
SYNOPSIS: Teenager Sarah Quinn is struggling to write an essay for her college application. Meanwhile, her brother and his friend find a mysterious book at an abandoned house, which when opened releases Slappy, an evil dummy, to appear. Slappy is more than just a dummy though; he is alive, and sets about unleashing all sorts of monsters just in time for Halloween. It's up to Sarah and her brother (and his friend) to stop Slappy before he unleashes pure chaos on the town...
THOUGHTS/ANALYSIS: Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween is a 2018 film and a sequel to the 2015 film Goosebumps, based on the series of horror stories written by R.L. Stine. Set three years after the first film and in a different location, we see teenager Sarah Quinn trying to write her college essay, but is constantly distracted by her Mother wanting to babysit her brother and his friend, who is stopping with them over Halloween. The plot revolves around Slappy, the evil dummy who was the villain the previous film, being released from one of R.L. Stine's unfinished books, and does what he does best: unleashes monsters and horrors of all sorts to terrorise the town, leaving Sarah and the others to stop him. The plot is very similar to the first film, but while the first one managed to offer a twist that made things interesting with the Goosebumps books themselves forming part of the story, here that little unique twist is absent. The film revolves around an unfinished story by R.L. Stine called "Haunted Halloween," which apparently was an early book that was very rough and unfinished, so the monsters that are unleashed have that feeling of being unpolished. This does, however, have the feeling of making the film also rough and incomplete, with the story feeling very weak and uninspired. There's certainly a way to make the premise work without it bleeding into the quality of the film itself, but as it stands, the film ends up being feeling underdeveloped, and desperate in needing a good rewrite or two.
The characters are all fairly unremarkable: while the first film was the same, it had Jack Black as R.L. Stine to bring everyone together and inject enough energy to keep things interesting. Here, we get no such thing: Jack Black does appear in a scene halfway through and at the end to somewhat explain everything, but in teasing him in this way without actually doing anything probably hurts the film more than anything. While Jack Black was such a prominent role in the first film, here, it would probably have been better if he wasn't in it at all, if all he does is show up at the end and explain everything, leaving a feeling of disappointment you're not going to see him do anything interesting. The whole subplot about Slappy wanting a family wasn't something that was a part of the first film, so it just feel like it comes out of nowhere, and doesn't further his character in any way. Overall, Goosebumps 2 is a very unpolished film that fails to get going in any way: the enjoyable elements of the first film are gone and we are left with a predictable, low-stakes story that offers nothing that the previous film didn't.
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nathalieskinoblog · 7 months
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Jack Black 2015 - 2018
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cartooncadet666 · 8 months
Old Idea: Goosebumps
So before I joined Tumblr, my main hyper fixation that I was so passionate about was the Goosebumps series. The second movie came around in 2018, and of course I watched it, and after watching both movies I wanted to make an AU or just a little fic that starts after the events of the second movie.
And my mutuals know EXACTLY what kind of AU writer I am. So who did I grab first to be the one receiving most of the trauma? At first I thought I could use Sonny and Sam for it, but at the time, I decided to use Tommy. Yes, their bully in the movie, I used him to receive these problems.
So due to the new series on Disney coming out, I decided that if I have time, I will continue the AU from where I left off in my drafts.
The AU is called "Reincarnation', so if I post some doodles for it, that's what it's for.
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askfoxythejokerfox · 1 year
tomorrow’s horror comedy movie ill be watching ^w^
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l8tof1 · 4 months
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jimmysea · 1 year
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Honestly you don't understand me at all. No, I really don't. How can a normal guy understand a shning star like you? Why are you suddenly talking about space? Because you and I can never cross paths! We aren't on the same orbit or even in the same dimension. That's why stars can shine brightly. And if I try to touch or understand it, the star will be dragged down to my level. So what I want to say is that I don't want to understand you. So in the end, you don't plan on making a move.Hagiwara Riku as HIRA & Yagi Yusei as KIYOI 美しい彼 シーズン2 (2023) dir. Sakai Mai
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pandoraslxna · 5 months
Mentally I’m still here 😩
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milesworld96 · 7 months
The way my whole childhood is coming full circle right now
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We supposed to pretend all that shit didn't happen?!
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frogpxl · 1 year
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spamton / deltarune
[november 28th, 2021]
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just-a-doll-4 · 3 months
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It's been so long since I've been to gacha life and so I decided to try again
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winters0689 · 7 months
One thing I would have a critique on the Goosebumps 2023 show for (I have others but this one I want to talk about because while I enjoy it, the show, like every other piece of media, has its issues, and that’s okay!) is how they treated James.
I’m the early episodes (specifically his episode) they introduced the concept of him struggling to fit in and being outgoing because of his struggles with being of a the few gay people in his hometown, especially with James changing himself for others (specifically his crush, Sam, I think that’s his name) and they never truly explore his feelings and how his struggles. I know he was mostly comic relief, but I wish we got to see more of him overcoming those struggles that he has
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epicwolfofdarkness · 10 days
This is the second best way they could have done this, I can't wait!!
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