#James etten
count-horror-xx · 8 months
Somebody PLEASE 🙏 make x male reader fics about this fine man
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I NEED to give him kisses 🙏 I NEED to make out with him in his cat suit 🙏‼️‼️‼️
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rebelcracker-s · 6 months
every iconic horror trio needs:
a pure homosexual who just wants to be loved
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a badass sapphic who takes no shit
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and a guy who fluctuates between actually being smart and having 0 brain cells
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reesiereads · 8 months
James and the Dupes (Goosebumps 2023 Analysis 3/5)
If you haven’t read the previous two parts of this analysis I highly recommend you do, however the jist is that I am attempting to show how each Biddle item is purposely symbolic of the kid it’s tied to.
I’ve already discussed Isaiah and Isabella so let’s talk about James.
(Spoilers below the cut, I seriously recommend watching the show first before reading, it’s definitely worth it)
James is the point of view for Goosebumps’ third episode The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, however James’ object is not the clock for which the episode is named. When listing the objects in Go Eat Worms Margot specifically says James’ object is the “dupes” aka the duplications of James that the clock created. I’ll be discussing the significance of this in a moment but keep this in mind.
The Cuckoo Clock of Doom starts once again the night of the Halloween party at the Biddle house and with James hitting his head for the first time on the cuckoo clock. James is disoriented and it’s implied he hit his head fairly hard but he decides to go through with the party anyway and it’s through his actions at the party this first go around that we see the most vital aspects of James’ character.
James goes throughout the party talking to just about everybody. He knows all their names, he’s personable and friendly, he’s a complete social butterfly. It’s very obvious though that he isn’t actually saying anything of substance; it’s all small talk. He knows everybody and everybody knows him but none of them are his actual friends. James’ demeanor through this scene is also very (for a lack of a better word) safe, it’s the sort of polite but casual tone you take when trying to make friendly small talk and it’s the sort of tone that while very forced very few people could take issue with.
When James stops to talk to Isaiah this very palatable tone fades but not completely, there’s still a very obvious amount of effort and energy being pushed into what James is saying. His words are casual but his body language and tone are practiced.
Essentially, James is a performer. His given description prior to the shows release labeled him as a “class clown” and this trope is a perfect encompassment of everything James embodies. He’s funny, he’s charming, just about everyone likes him but nobody actually knows him. He’s got a sort of casual confidence about him that is a complete act, but he’s so at arms-length with everyone around him that most don’t recognize his facade.
There are two relationships that perfectly show James’s true character: Sam and Isaiah.
Sam is the boy James likes but we aren’t given much of an indication why James like him other then that Sam is hot: this is deliberate.
See, Sam is the perfect vehicle to showing how James conducts most of his relationships. He approaches a person, he makes some small talk, he finds a topic the person likes and (whether he has any knowledge or interest in the subject) tries make himself palatable by discussing it. As a people-pleaser myself I can say with full confidence that this behavior is done with two goals in mind: to make the other person like him and to keep the conversation on the other person so he doesn’t have to talk about himself. This is the main reason Isaiah tells him he needs to stop trying so hard to be liked, because this people-pleasing behavior hinders James’ ability to form actual deep connections.
The reason James doesn’t take this advice is because that’s exactly what he wants. What the time loops reveal is that even when given the opportunity James will not be himself. He’s presented with the perfectly opportunity to try and be himself with Sam, being completely able to just reset the night once again if it goes wrong, and instead James abuses the time loop so that his lie about sharing interests with Sam will be more convincing.
This is further emphasized by the clones words to Sam. While yes, the clones are being purposely cruel to try and ruin James’ life, a majority of their words are rooted in some kind of truth. They are James and they are using the exact information and feelings James has to manipulate the people around them. When ruining James’ relationship with Sam the clone specifically states that Sam is “too clingy” and I believe this is the exact reason James was interested in Sam in the first place.
James went after Sam, a person he seemingly shared no interests with and only found attractive, because James assumed he could have a very (for a lack of a better word) shallow relationship with him. James was never looking for anything serious and his comment about “I don’t know anything about soccer but I don’t care because Sam is hot” emphasizes that. Why would James want a deep emotional connection with someone when he doesn’t even have a relationship like that with his best friend?
Isaiah is James’ best friend however his actual relationship with Isaiah seems to go roughly the same as his relationship with just about everyone else. Sure, they hang out a lot but most of their interactions seem to be James hearing Isaiah out about his issues and them talking about their crushes. Isaiah does question about James about how he’s doing but James either deflects or avoids the seriousness of the situation.
In The Cuckoo Clock of Doom Isaiah and James have a discussion after James’ botched attempt at talking with Sam. In this discussion Isaiah immediately knows James was not being himself when talking to Sam and encourages him just be himself rather then trying so hard to be liked. This, on it’s own, seems like reasonable advice however what’s interesting is James’ response: “that’s easy for you to say.”
Isaiah questions what he means by this and James, clearly uncomfortable, says nevermind and essentially forces the conversation to be dropped. Despite Isaiah being his best friend it’s very clear James is not comfortable being honest about his emotions with him.
The questions comes up again once James is found however and this time James is upset enough by the discovery that Isaiah, his best friend, doesn’t know him well enough to know if he’s a clone or not, that he elaborates. He states: “It is really hard to be 1 of 6 gay people in a town.”
The crux of James’ behavior, the reason he people-pleases and dances around serious topics is because he feels othered. He feels different from the people around him and he’s scared of the judgement that could come from that. A lot of his behavior reads as a sort of compensation, as if he’s trying to be as palatable as possible so people will like him despite the fact that he’s queer.
I imagine James also feels isolated the same way Isabella does, at least in an emotional sense. He keeps everyone at school at an arms-length and his relationship with his Mother is implied to be rather distant. She treats him more like a best friend then anything and paired with her alcoholism there is a very clear emotional wall between the two of them. There is no one James feels safe to confide in and I imagine it’s only worsened his feelings of otherness.
Now, finally, let’s discuss the Dupes:
The Biddle Clock and Dupes (roughly) work like this: When making contact with the clock a person is trapped into a time loop from the time of hitting the clock. The loop is restarted if the person attempts to leave the Biddle property. Every loop creates a duplicate of the person from an alternate timeline which Biddle is able to communicate with and who act as Biddle’s minions. The duplicates have all the information the original person had during the loop and, as their forms are goo of some kind, can likely change their appearance at will.
The duplicates take James’ place for roughly a week and during this time they set out to ruin James’ life as throughly as possible by destroying all his relationships. Sam is broken up with on ground of being “too clingy,” Isaiah’s relationship with Allison is worsened and his feelings for Margot are revealed which are things James likely knew a lot about as Isaiah’s friend not to mention the clone picking on Isaiah’s insecurities, and based on the comments about James’ mother James feels some resentment for his Mom’s behavior which the clone is more open about then James would be.
No one recognizes that the clones have taken James’ place despite them not acting very in-character. The people the clones strive to ruin James’ relationships with also all react very volatile to the clones’ behavior, showing how despite James’ efforts to be very likable his efforts haven’t fostered very strong relationships.
The message of the episode is fairly clear: If you keep everyone around you at arms-length and try too hard to be likable then you are inevitably going to be isolated as none of your relationships will have any kind of stable foundation.
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thatmultifandomchick · 5 months
“Nice argument. Unfortunately,”
Nora: *blocked*
Isaiah: I disagree
Harold: I'm literally neurodivergent and a minor
Allison: minor spelling mistake
James: Karen
Isabella: KYS
Lucas: your mom
Colin: I fucked your mom last night
Kanduu: I am inside your walls
Margot: *types up an actual counter argument*
Mr. Bratt: *types out an entire essay*
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winters0689 · 7 months
One thing I would have a critique on the Goosebumps 2023 show for (I have others but this one I want to talk about because while I enjoy it, the show, like every other piece of media, has its issues, and that’s okay!) is how they treated James.
I’m the early episodes (specifically his episode) they introduced the concept of him struggling to fit in and being outgoing because of his struggles with being of a the few gay people in his hometown, especially with James changing himself for others (specifically his crush, Sam, I think that’s his name) and they never truly explore his feelings and how his struggles. I know he was mostly comic relief, but I wish we got to see more of him overcoming those struggles that he has
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matrixian · 5 months
Isabella, James, Isaiah and Margot : *shows up*
Kanduu : ..
Kanduu : ..God you are four of the ugliest fuckin kids I've ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on I can't wait for this bitch(Fifi) to KILL YOU.
also credits to ghost story eng dub to have the most unhinged english dub in the centuary
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cloveroctobers · 6 months
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A/N: the lack of fics is atrocious and it’s also whack that the number of fics *SPOILER* that decide to unalive Isaiah. I’m looking at you archiveofourown and I don’t like that so I’m here to write a little sum sum. Something that is full of love and takes place months before the events of the show :) + I won’t be surprised if this flops but it’s been on my mind to write something since October but we’re here now so if you end up enjoying this please give me a like.
PROMPTS are from HERE + I’m using: 4.) Gift giving & 21.) “You’ve really made my Christmas this year.”
Synopsis: in which Isaiah has come to terms with losing one of his childhood best friends, just for them to turn up in town again after all these years.
<- read my December anthology prompts here.
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Port Lawrence was home once upon a time but being back in the water town brought on all the anxieties—a feeling you surely didn’t miss. The air was nippy compared to the hot continent you spent the last six months in. That became your home and Port Lawerence felt like more of a distant memory until chats with James became more frequent.
The animated boy never had any issue making you feel comfortable. He was the first you reached out to about a month ago and it felt like you never left with your various chats—although there was a huge time difference between you two—James was always interested to know the truth along with what you’ve been up to now that you didn’t live in the states but did question how you were holding up mentally most importantly. Which you appreciated but didn’t want that to be the focus of your conversations, which he respected.
A top tier friend that one is and it’s not something you ever wanted to forget, especially since you two used to be neighbors. Now here you were, down the hill making your way down James’ driveway to the festive decorated home. All the lights and wreaths were beautiful and you knew that he and his mother, Ms. Etten usually took great pride in decorating every year.
That hasn’t changed.
As you stood on the front steps just taking the scenery in, you didn’t have time to ring the doorbell as the front door was yanked open, revealing Margot Stokes who appeared with a less than thrilled expression on her face. She’s glaring over her shoulder before she turns back, facing you and halting her steps of stepping on the door stoop.
“Oh my god, it’s you. Hi!” Margot scrambled over her words, until a smile graced her face.
Awkwardly waving you say, “hey uh, Margot. You remember me?”
Margot rolls her lime green eyes, “of course I do. I don’t forget faces and I’ve also been sworn to secrecy by James a thousand times to not say anything to Isaiah.”
“Right…he’s in there?”
“Oh he’s in there alright, glued straight to Allison’s ass.” Margot muttered making you raise a brow.
Margot sighed, “I’m surprised james didn’t mention that to you considering how much you’ve been talking…but yeah that’s Isaiah’s girlfriend. They’ve been together since the end of last semester? I don’t even want to bring up what I’ve witnessed against my will between those two living right next door to Isaiah. Truly ruined my summer.”
You grimaced, “Spare me the details please.”
“For sure.” Margot fanned her hand about with a frown, “Hate to be the gossip but just figured you should know…?”
Rolling your shoulders you let out a deep exhale. You didn’t think much about Isaiah having a girlfriend and it’s not like you thought it would never be a possibility. In fact you always though Isaiah and Margot had a thing. You left Port Lawrence two years prior, shortly after turning fourteen during a brutal November. Ties were cut off completely with everything that had to do with this town (even your best friends) and the more you tried to get answers the more the manipulation shut you up while be locked away. It took your grandparents and a lengthy battle with the court to get you out of a bad situation into a loving one.
You thanked them everyday and saw the beauty in life once you were able to live it. Now here you were back in the one place that felt suffocating and not far from the modern cage that should have been home.
A lot can happen in two years right?
Not having the time to provide Margot with a response, James butts into the conversation, peering in between the ajar door, “if you’re gonna storm off Margot, it would nice if you actually closed my front door, you’re letting all the toasty warmth out—YOU MADE IT!”
You couldn’t brace yourself fast enough as James body slammed you into a bone crushing hug, holding onto you as you fumbled along the wet snow. “Sheesh James! When did you get so strong?! You’re gonna cause my asthma to act up.”
“Shit, I can’t believe I forgot about that! My bad.” James was quick to stabilize you.
Lightly shaking your head at him, you both stared at each other for a moment before falling into grins and yanking each other back into a hug, rocking from side to side. “I’ve missed you bud,” you whispered to the curly haired boy.
You feel him nod, “feeling is definitely mutual! Now let’s get your butt in here before your nose turns into Rudolph.”
“Haha,” you mock at James who grabs your mitten covered hand before pulling you towards his house.
You feel your heart squeeze at the thought of all eyes on you but James swore it was just a small gathering, yet something in your gut told you that probably wasn’t true. He pauses at the door as he glances at Margot who has her arms crossed tightly while staring off into the foggy distance.
“Hey, Margot. You know you don’t have to leave right? Don’t let Allison get to you, okay?”
“I won’t,” she affirms, “I just needed some air.”
“Okay girl, whatever you need. My place is the safe space.” James smiles as Margot gives a small smile in return, before deciding to follow the two back inside but picking the bench in the entryway as her spot for now.
You turn back to James who’s pulling you all throughout his house full of students, not giving you enough time to soak in the massive Christmas decor but you pick up on a Ms. Ponytail (Ariana Grande) tune that a pretty Afro-haired girl is belting to no other than Isaiah Howard in the living room. There’s a crowd cheering her on and James nods his head enthusiastically before suddenly sending a glance to you. He lightly bumps your shoulder, gaining your attention.
“What do you think?”
“Isaiah’s girlfriend, Allison,” James states, “don’t worry, I won’t say a thing.”
“Kinda like you not telling me he actually has a girlfriend.” You give him a pointed look while James raises his hands in surrender.
“…if I told you then you may have changed your mind about coming.” James rushes out a defense.
Frowning you say, “ and why would you think that?”
James mouth is agape before you’re swept off your feet by no other than Lucas Parker. A instant roll of eyes comes from a freckled face James, “Easy Lucas, we just got them back and don’t need you encouraging them to break something before Christmas gets here.”
Lucas scoffs at James before smiling down at you, “I knew that was you but had no idea you even thought about coming back to this place, which hurts that I was left out of the loop.”
You shake your head at the spontaneous kid with the wild smile that you often used to get into some reckless shit with. He was also one of the reasons why your parents wanted to get you out of town and fast but you always stood on the fact that it wasn’t ever his fault. You had a brain of your own and if you wanted to get into something crazy that you knew both Isaiah and James weren’t down to do, Lucas was the first person you texted. It was always a no questions asked kind of vibe between the two of you.
Between the both of you he had the most broken bones while you endured the scrapes, bruises, bad sprains, concussions, etc…Oh if your trash parents could see you now standing in the same room with the one kid they never wanted around their child.
“It is the most wonderful time of the year isn’t it?” You stated making Lucas breathe out a laugh as he tossed an arm across your shoulder, taking that feedback with ease.
“Hell yeah it is! Good to see you, come check me out when you have time. I gotta see someone about something.” Lucas told you with a squeeze before disappearing into the crowd.
James watched him go with a shake of his head, “he’s only gotten worse by the way.”
“I’ll let him fill you in on that later,” James widens his eyes before grabbing your hand once more, “we have much more important matters to take care of so…Isaiah!” He called out after Allison finished with her mini concert and you dug your feet into the floor.
James whips his head back to you and is immediately confused, “what’re you doing?”
“I should be asking you the same thing!” You hissed while James blinked, “don’t call him over here, I’m not ready.”
“What?” James asked, “you had twenty-four hours to get ready! I told you he would be here, don’t tell me it’s because you found out about—
Glaring at your old freckled face friend you snap, “it has nothing to do with her. I don’t even know Allison. First it was Margot and now it’s you throwing that in my face and it’s really not like that.”
“Then what is it?” James pressed.
You whisper, “…what if he hates me?”
James dropped his shoulders with a shake of his head, “we both know Isaiah can be an oblivious asshole sometimes but I really doubt he hates you. We were both devastated when your parents took you away and we lost complete contact with you. It was like we were mourning you for forever and now we got you back. Time is precious and you’ll never know just how much if you decide to hide from one of your besties.”
Your relationship with James was the opposite of what it was with Isaiah. The both of you had no problem being open, having heart to hearts, and expressing love with each other whereas with Isaiah it was more of a push and pull kind of friendship? Don’t get that misconstrued though, the both of you would do anything for one another but you two were more likely to bump heads by challenging each other. James was the first to approach you at eleven years old and had the bright idea to form, “the three musketeers,” well in his case, “muskepeers,” thanks to his braces back then. It was rocky at the start but you couldn’t imagine life without Isaiah.
Until you had to.
You took a deep inhale and exhale making James nod his head in approval. He also proceeded with the same action as you, coaching you and himself because internally he also didn’t know how the hell this would all turn out. It’s been killing him keeping this secret from Isaiah and although Allison was okay in his eyes, he didn’t want to risk telling her and having Allison blab it to Isaiah. So he put his trust in Margot, ranting to her downtown outside of a bookshop one late fall night. Margot weighed out the pros and cons with James, despite the fact that personally she would have warned Isaiah beforehand.
However she only knew bits and pieces of what happened with you. The gossip around town was simply your family whisking you off to live in some cult commune after cliff diving with Lucas went wrong—which was not true. Maybe living in a commune would have been better over what they put you through, who knows?
Once ready, the both of you turned to face the living room but found no other than Isaiah standing there watching the two of you. There was no smile on Isaiah’s face which was the true contrast with your previous interaction with James but shock was written in his dark cocoa wide-set doe eyes. Swallowing you glanced at James, who gave you a curt nod and you stepped towards Isaiah.
With your eyes set on him and the Christmas pop music fading in the background, you used that as motivation to keep going. Isaiah didn’t step back but he continued watching you as if he was in disbelief still. Allison moved to the side, also staring but not without shooting a look at James, wondering why she wasn’t in on this…secret?
Isaiah still looked like Isaiah as your eyes briefly scanned over his face. He was only a little taller, hair grown out from its fade with curls decorating the top of his head. The baby face was also fading, which you gripped before pulling him into a forceful hug. That action alone made Isaiah forget how to breathe, his eyes stung as they flicked back to James who was now pressing his fingertips to his lips in happiness and Allison watched on unsure.
Isaiah wanted to be angry, not really at you but the fact that everything was so screwed up for you. It was all bottled up but he couldn’t help but to swallow it down as he raised his hands, which shook before he tightly gripped onto the back of your jacket, bunching the material beneath his touch and buried his nose against your shoulder, clenching his eyes shut.
You were here.
Time went on for awhile with the both of you just holding onto each other to the point Allison started to tap her feet. James wouldn’t let that be ruined and even snapped a picture on his phone for safe keeping. He wanted Isaiah to have all the time that he needed and he wouldn’t let Allison disrupt that. So he nudged her towards the kitchen, eyes continuing to watch his friends lovingly before he went to join allison in the kitchen.
“You’ve got something in your eye partner,” you teased once the both of you pulled apart.
Isaiah roughly wiped at his eye with his sleeve and scoffed, “no I don’t, shut up.”
Once the curly haired boy gathered himself he found the will to breathe normally just staring at you, “I feel like I’m still in a dream. Is this for real?”
“Come here,” you pulled your hand from inside your mitten to pinch at Isaiah’s neck, twisting the skin, making him yelp and slap your hand away.
He yelled, “ow! The hell was that for?!”
You laughed, “you wanted to see if you were dreaming so that was me telling you you’re awake so…don’t be a baby.”
“A baby? You probably broke skin and that’s gonna ruin my skincare tonight so you’re gonna have to see me outside.” Isaiah pointed in the direction of the front entrance with a hardened stare.
Waving your hands in faux fear you laughed in his face while he gripped you by the collar, ready to drag you outside so he could kick your butt with a snowball, “why must we fight when it’s almost Christmas, it’s supposed to be about joy and you’re trying to go to war but wait! I know how to handle this! I have something for you, Isaiah.”
Isaiah huffed as he let go of you, fixing your collar for you as you stood up straight with a thankful nod. Digging into your crossbody bag, you pulled out a stripped small box.
“No way,” Isaiah eyed you suspiciously, “you show up here like a ninja and you bring me a gift? I feel like this may also be a set up but I’ll prepare myself this time.”
Smiling at the boy you held out the box, awaiting Isaiah to grab it. Once he did he slowly brought it up to his eyesight, inspecting every inch of it and shook it around. Shaking your head in disapproval, Isaiah stuck his tongue against his top lip as he began to unravel the ribbon from the red and white box.
You clasped your hands together and pressed them against your chin in anticipation.
Craning his neck forward, cautiously he lifts the top of the box open, then closes one eye as if to protect himself—which was humorous really. Once Isaiah realized there was nothing inside that would bring harm to him, he shifts the top of the box to sit underneath it, to pull out a chicken nugget ornament with a Santa hat on top.
Which actually brings a wide grin to Isaiah’s face.
One you’ve seen plenty times before. One that reminds you of the time you got him to smile for the first time at eleven years old.
It was a insider back to your childhood of Isaiah’s love for chicken nuggets and how you referred to him as such when you were both younger. Inside the box was also a note which he began to read but shook his head, folding it back and placing everything back where it should be. He wouldn’t read it here at this house party full of nosy onlookers. Isaiah wanted to read it on his own time, where it was quiet and would keep the nightmares away. Closing the box, he holds out his arm welcoming you into another hug which you sunk into.
He whispers against your head, “You’ve really made my Christmas this year.”
Those words made you soft as you squeezed yourself closer to his chest. He didn’t hate you just like James said but you knew a conversation must be had at some point during your time here. However the bond between you two outweighed it all for the moment.
“…shit I honestly didn’t get you anything.” Isaiah suddenly said, “if I had known—
You snort, “that’s okay…you’re not exactly the best gift giver anyway. That’s my thing out of us three.”
“Hey! there was that one time—you’re not wrong.” Isaiah accepted his defeat with a scrunch of his nose and a solid nod.
Laughing you looked up at Isaiah, arms still wrapped around each other, “you not hating me is all that I need as a present.”
Isaiah deeply frowned, “don’t ever think that…I actually like your annoying ass too much, partner.”
He winks.
With a dramatic gasp you playfully reach to tap Isaiah’s jawline, “me too, nugget. Me too.”
Isaiah presses a kiss to your forehead just before the both of you break apart to James kicking everybody out so that the three of you could enjoy all the rest of what this season will bring.
Not knowing what was to come next fall…
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Continue with the rest of my ~5 days of Xmas~ anthology prompts here.
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vamp-stamp-fics · 7 months
*Cracks knuckles*
Since no one is writing fics of this man I'll try to do it my damn self
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(Kanduu stumbles in followed closely by Mahar) James: Jeeze, what's up with him?! Mahar: He had a bit to drink Kanduu: (Slurring) 'M fine Mahar: No you're not, I keep telling you to keep out of the alcohol! Kanduu: (Mutters angrily) Don' tell me to keep alcol outofthe-!- ... (trails off) Margot: How much did he have?! Mahar: Let's just say the cupboard is half-empty James: I mean, he seems pretty docile when he's drunk, albeit a bit annoying Kanduu: -YOU'RE annoying! Mahar: Alright, come on (Starts steering Kanduu toward a chair) Kanduu: Hhheeeeeyyyy ... Mahar ... Mahar: (sighs irritatedly) Yes? Kanduu: IIIIII ... loooove yooou Mahar: Oh for god's sake! James: -Did he just say-?!- Mahar: -Yes he did James: I don't know whether to say that's adorable or disturbing! Mahar: I just ignore it, he's drunk, he doesn't know what he's saying- (Kanduu suddenly throws up on Mahar) Margot and James: -Oooooooh!
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newwwwusername · 8 months
Fic title : I'm Sorry I Didn't Realize It Wasn't You Sooner
@whumptober 2023 prompt : “Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days” (Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | “You're a liar")
Rating : General Audiences
Fandom : Goosebumps (Disney+ 2023)
Pairing : James/Isaiah
Additional tags : Boys In Love, Guilt, Fluff, Apologies, Feelings, Supernatural Elements
Word count : 323
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nofatclips · 2 years
Mary Turner, Mary Turner Mary Hattie Graham 19 years old and pregnant Hazel Turner, Hazel Turner Murdered by a lynch mob She declares his crime a crime And running for her life She is, she is captured, captured at Folsom Bridge Gasoline and motor oil smeared on her clothes She is hung up by her ankles from a tree A match is struck and she is set ablaze Mary Turner, Mary Turner while still burning Mary Turner, Mary Turner while still alive Split open with a knife Unborn Child falls from her womb From her womb onto the ground Looking up, looking up The first and only light it ever sees The flames, the flames of its mother’s burning, burning Reaching out, reaching out The first and only loving touch it receives The falling ash of its mommy’s hair on fire The baby, baby cried in the dirt Quieted, quieted by a boots heel Mother and child, mother and child 999 more bullets from the crowd Mary Turner, Mary Turner buried where they were murdered A cigar stuffed in a whisky jug, a whisky jug to mark the grave Fuck your guns, Fuck you wars Fuck your truck, Fuck your flag
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A guide to Xiu Xiu’s Girl with Basket of Fruit
(Photo Credit: left, Sharon Van Etten)
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thegr33nc0met · 22 days
Goosebumps Masterlist
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♥︎Isaiah Howard
This Page Is Blank
♥︎James Etten
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♥︎Margot Stokes
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♥︎Isabella Chen Lopez
This Page Is Blank
♥︎Lucas Parker
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♥︎Nathan Bratt
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♥︎Harold Biddle
This Page Is Blank
Feel free to ask about other characters!
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birdmitosis · 7 months
Fanmix-slash-playlist for Slay the Princess! Song list under the cut. There’s 96 songs on this fanmix/playlist, and it’s about 6 and a half hours long.
Some of the songs were not available on Spotify, and they will be linked to on YouTube below. (Some artists have 2 songs on the playlist; aeseaes, The Crane Wives, and Hozier each have 3 because they were just too perfect. Also, some songs are definitely on here because of other people's fanvids or even just suggestions, and I've made note of and credited all of those!) (All fanmixes/playlists are a perpetual WIP.)
aeseaes - All Things Devour
aeseaes - Semantics
aeseaes - Tongues
AG - Terrible Thing
t h e . a i m s - Violence & Blood
Alanis Morissette - Everything (friend suggestion)
Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra - Trout Heart Replica
Amber Run - I Found
The Amazing Devil - The Horror and the Wild
The Amazing Devil - That Unwanted Animal
Andrew Bird - Imitosis
AURORA - Your Blood
Baby Storme - This City is a Graveyard
Band of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You
Beth Crowley - Monster
Blindside - Withering
Bring Me the Horizon - Deathbeds
Camera Obscura - Fifth in Line to the Throne
Chonny Jash - The Soul Eclectic (inspiration)
City and Colour - Little Hell
Coldplay - The Hardest Part
Coldplay - Square One
Collective Soul - The World I Know
The Crane Wives - Curses
The Crane Wives - Hollow Moon (inspiration)
The Crane Wives - Tongues & Teeth
Crystal Castles - Suffocation (inspiration)
David Bowie - Changes
The Echoing Green - Starling
Electric President - Some Crap About the Future
Elizabeth & the Catapult - Do Not Hang Your Head
Elizabeth & the Catapult - My Goodbye
Ellie Goulding - Salt Skin
Eurielle - Hate Me
The Feeling - Mr Grin
Florence + The Machine - Kiss With a Fist
Florence + The Machine - What the Water Gave Me
Forgive Durden - A Dead Person Breathed on Me!
Foxtails Brigade - Long Route
Foxtails Brigade - Nun but the Lost
Ghost and Pals - DEATHBODY
Ghost and Pals - In Iolite
Hannah Fury - Angels & Absinthe
Howie Day - Collide
Hozier - Francesca
Hozier - In the Woods Somewhere
Hozier - Who We Are
Jack Conte - Kitchen Fork (inspiration)
The Jezabels - Hurt Me
Jhariah - Flight of the Crows
Kate Nash - Paris
Kiltro - Softy
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Magenta Mountain
lasah - taixu (inspiration)
Lisa Hannigan - Oh Undone
Little Dragon - Twice
The Lord Dog Bird - The Shedding Path
Ludo - The Horror of Our Love
Madilyn Mei - Knotted Constellations
MGMT - Little Dark Age
Michelle Branch - Everywhere
Mili (feat. KIHOW) - In Hell We Live, Lament
Mirah - You've Gone Away Enough
The Mountain Goats - No Children (inspiration)
The Mountain Goats - Sudden Oak Death
Mr.Kitty - After Dark
múm - Prophecies & Reversed Memories
The Nor'easters - 715 — CRΣΣKS (inspiration)
Olivier Bibeau - Better Run, Better Hide
Passion Pit - Seaweed Song
PEGGY - Villains Aren't Born (They're Made)
Perfectly Human - Bad As
Perfectly Human - Fly Again
Racoon - Took a Hit
Reinaeiry - When the Sun Loves the Moon
Ricky Montgomery - This December
RIProducer - Fruiting Bodies
RIProducer - What Gave It Away?
Sarah Blasko - Bird on a Wire
Satin Puppets - Bad Moon Rising
Seeming - Someday Lily
Sharon Van Etten - It's Not Like
Shayfer James - Boots Worn Through (inspiration)
Sleeping At Last - Mind
Sleeping At Last - Taste
Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes
Solas Composer - He Who Devoured the Dark II
Southwest Statistic - Fairy Tale (friend suggestion)
Stars - He Dreams He's Awake
Subsignal - The Bells of Lyonesse (inspiration)
Sunset Rubdown - For the Pier (and Dead Shimmering)
Talking Heads - And She Was
Trespassers William - I Know
TV on the Radio - Stork & Owl
Woodkid - Ghost Lights
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angelf1re · 1 month
Who I Write For
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Spider-Man: Into/Across the Spider-Verse
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
Miguel O’Hara
Horror/Slashers(certain characters!!)
Micheal Myers
Jason Vorhees
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Hannibal Lector (NBC)
Will Graham
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Mabel Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Robbie Valentino
Wendy Corduroy
The Black Phone
Finney Blake
Robin Arellano
Vance Hopper
Bruce Yamada
Billy Showalter
Griffin Stagg(platonic/sibling only!)
Fear Street
Deena Johnson
Samantha Fraser
Simon Kalivoda
Kate Schmidt
Josh Johnson
Nick Goode
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Tommy Slater
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfiels
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Johnathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Coraline Jones
Wybie Lovat
Isaiah Howards
James Etten
Isabella Chen-Lopez
Margot Stokes
Lucas Parker
Harold Biddle
Nathan Bratt
The Outsiders
Ponyboy Curtis
Darrel Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Johnny Cade
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Matthews
Steve Randle
Miraculous Ladybug
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Adrien Agreste
Alya Césaire
Chloé Bourgeois
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Juleka Couffaine
Luka Couffaine
This list will update with my interests! Don’t be disappointed if one thing disappears! My interests change after a while and if I feel like I can’t write the characters well enough I might just take them off the list
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woodsborotm · 9 days
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𝖨𝖳'𝖲 𝖠 𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠! welcome to woodsboro, quinn bailey, sierra prescott, tara carpenter, billy loomis, judith park, and charlie walker! 005 out of 020 mun spots have now been filled along with the faceclaims of liana liberato, isabela merced, jenna ortega, skeet ulrich, sandra oh, and rory culkin along with the wanted connection for lucas prescott's daughter.
please follow the new member checklist here and don't forget to join the server with 24hrs of your acceptance.
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⋆ ⁎ liana liberato, cisgender woman, she/her, scream vi | 𝖨𝖳'𝖲 𝖠 𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠! for quinn bailey, being a killer in woodsboro is no small feat. the nineteen year old anthropology major can easily be spotted based on their affinity for a trinity of necklaces (one for each kirsch sibling) and their signature skin and sundresses look. it helps that their mere presence causes femme fatale by sharon von etten to rattle your ears. it seems that everyone in town tends to think of born of a poisoned mind, you are one side of the same twisted coin, intimate offerings a most poignant form of aggression : bright eyes and long legs and slim wrists… all aimed like a gun, sick with the knowing you’ll never be his chosen son but isolation breeds innovation ; new ways to bend wills and bring those you covet to their knees when quinn is brought up. their tendency to be rather insatiable, mendacious, and vindictive could get them killed around here, but the gemini has proven themselves to be rather amatory, dutiful, and effervescent when it matters, so maybe they should get a free pass. if ghostface is looking for them, tell the ghost they can be found at frequent location, engaging in a little shopping and shitposting. i swear they live there more than their own home in neighborhood. then again, if i was being hunted down by ghostface, i’d want to unwind too.
⋆ ⁎ isabela merced, cisgender woman, she/her, scream v — scream vi ( + original character ) | 𝖨𝖳'𝖲 𝖠 𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠! for sierra prescott, being a survivor in woodsboro is no small feat. the twenty three year old aspiring screenwriter / book store clerk can easily be spotted based on their affinity for a favourite threadbare notebook and their signature julie james-esque look. it helps that their mere presence causes dead girl in the pool by girl in red to rattle your ears. it seems that everyone in town tends to think of breaking free from the dollhouse that was a secluded girlhood, the world will be what you make of it now : long lost daughter whose survival is a hereditary trait and famously so, aptly dubbed ‘princess leia’ of the horror franchise that is your life and legacy when cece is brought up. their tendency to be rather curt, disillusioned, and obstinate could get them killed around here, but the capricorn has proven themselves to be rather emboldened, pragmatic, and ruminant when it matters, so maybe they should get a free pass. if ghostface is looking for them, tell the ghost they can be found at frequent location, engaging in a little writing and disassociation. i swear they live there more than their own home in neighborhood. then again, if i was being hunted down by ghostface, i’d want to unwind too.
⋆ ⁎     rory culkin, cis man, he/him, scre4m — scre4m   |   𝖨𝖳'𝖲 𝖠 𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠!     for charlie walker, being a killer in woodsboro is no small feat. the eighteen year old film production major can easily be spotted based on their affinity for their fancy camera and their signature collection of button-up shirts, the same two pairs of blue jeans and old combat boots look. it helps that their mere presence causes tear you apart by she wants revenge to rattle your ears. it seems that everyone in town tends to think of an extensive collection of horror movies, dark thoughts behind baby blue eyes and an almost alarming wealth of knowledge about anything and everything ‘stab’ when charlie the cinema boy is brought up. their tendency to be rather - obsessive, - cruel, and - stubborn could get them killed around here, but the virgo has proven themselves to be rather + loyal, + ambitious, and + passionate when it matters, so maybe they should get a free pass. if ghostface is looking for them, tell the ghost they can be found at the woodsboro movie theatre, engaging in a little movie critiquing. i swear they live there more than their own home in woodsboro. then again, if i was being hunted down by ghostface, i'd want to unwind too.
⋆ ⁎     sandra oh, cis woman, she / her, scream — scream 6 ( + original character )   |   𝖨𝖳'𝖲 𝖠 𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠!     for judith park, being a survivor in woodsboro is no small feat. the twenty - one year old biochemistry major can easily be spotted based on their affinity for the leather jacket her father gifted her and their signature oversized t - shirts stolen from her exes, chunky boots that always announce her presence, silver rings on every finger look. it helps that their mere presence causes just a girl by no doubt to rattle your ears. it seems that everyone in town tends to think of dog eared classics and textbooks shoved on a desk by an ashtray stuffed with too many cigarettes, every other sentence out of your mouth just dripping with sarcasm ( consequences be damned ), the insatiable desire to always compare yourself to everyone else around you and turning friends into opponents when judy is brought up. their tendency to be rather - tactless, - reckless, and - insecure could get them killed around here, but the taurus has proven themselves to be rather + adaptable, + loyal, and + passionate when it matters, so maybe they should get a free pass. if ghostface is looking for them, tell the ghost they can be found at the university’s library, engaging in a little reading - usually whatever novel that makes her look the most pretentious. i swear they live there more than their own home in downtown. then again, if i was being hunted down by ghostface, i'd want to unwind too. 
⋆ ⁎ skeet ulrich, cis-man, he/him, scream 1996 — none after. | 𝖨𝖳'𝖲 𝖠 𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠! for billy loomis, being a killer in woodsboro is no small feat. the eighteen year old film major can easily be spotted based on their affinity for their ghostface mask and their signature biker clothing style look. it helps that their mere presence causes before you snap by yonderboi to rattle your ears. it seems that everyone in town tends to think of a voice modulator, brown doe eyes, and horror cinema when billy is brought up. their tendency to be rather aggressive, deranged, and emotionally driven could get them killed around here, but the scorpio has proven themselves to be rather calculated, charming, and calm when it matters, so maybe they should get a free pass. if ghostface is looking for them, tell the ghost they can be found at sidney’s house, engaging in a little window crawling. i swear they live there more than their own home in woodsboro. then again, if i was being hunted down by ghostface, i'd want to unwind too.
⋆ ⁎    ��jenna ortega, cis gender woman, she/her, scream 5 — scream 6   |   𝖨𝖳'𝖲 𝖠 𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠!     for tara carpenter, being a survivor in woodsboro is no small feat. the twenty one year old social sciences major can easily be spotted based on their affinity for a dainty gold chain and their signature soft and casual, pink corduroy jacket look. it helps that their mere presence causesthursday girl by mitski to rattle your ears. it seems that everyone in town tends to think of the immovable shadow following her every step, a half - zipped book bag weighing down her shoulders, grasping at freedom until her hands bleed when tara is brought up. their tendency to be rather tearaway, disobedient, and wilful could get them killed around here, but thesagittarius has proven themselves to be rather quick - thinking, resolute, and secure when it matters, so maybe they should get a free pass. if ghostface is looking for them, tell the ghost they can be found atthe blackmore university, engaging in a little trip to the campus library. i swear they live there more than their own home in downtown. then again, if i was being hunted down by ghostface, i’d want to unwind too.
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officermaddie23 · 6 months
Imagine what would happen if Gregory met Lucy Dark, Michael Munroe and James Etten in my Goosebumps/Haunting Hour AU. How much chaos do you think they would cause?
Me: mellow I already got the camera to put the chaos on world star
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