#Gosalyn would probably be the first to know actually in this AU
soy-s4uce · 1 year
AU where DW never told LP his secret identity after the Bulba fight. DW doesn’t get to adopt Gosalyn as early either. But he’s using his civilian identity again and trying to get his life back together as a ‘regular’ person so he can 👍👍
LP starts falling in love with Darkwing (which tbh, he def already had a crush but shh) but ALSO meets Drake, unaware that he’s Darkwing, and falls in love with him too.
MUWHAHAHA Self indulgence
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astrodances · 3 years
This is a continuation of my previous question of (which kids join starfleet when there old enough too) which branches of Starfleet do they join like for example Engineering, Science and Tactical
P.S. yes I do remember you saying that Louie and Gosalyn (and maybe Lena) didn’t join Starfleet I just want to put it here just to be sure you know 
(Referring to this previous question)
Webby: Security, with perhaps some dabbling in Command (based on her sort of becoming Scrooge's new apprentice) and Tactical (girl knows how to fight (and fight well), and she knows her weapons). Will eventually join Section S.H.U.S.H.
Huey: Probably a toss-up/combo between Science and Engineering in the end (he's influenced both by Team Science and by his Uncle Donald, chief engineer). Is interested in Navigation/Ops early on, and this interest will likely fuel the specializations he follows with the first two subjects. (I also wanted to add in here the reminder of Huey (trying to) join Red Squad while at the academy (mainly bc it's his color, but also bc of his interest in navigation and his love of extracurricular activities). And then I realized - Dewey's the pilot of the two, and he would also totally be into joining Red Squad to prove he's the best pilot in the quadrant. And so you know what? Them trying to join the Squad is gonna be like this AU's version of "The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!")
Dewey: Interested in Security at first (because they're always the ones right in the action), but later switches to being a Helmsman/Flight Control Officer in the Command track (having been inspired by LP and his mom to be a starship pilot - paralleling DT17).
Violet: Likely in Science, perhaps in a natural science or astrobiology (going off of her Woodchucking and help with Lena's magic in the show, respectively). More on the astrobiology angle (or perhaps a "supernatural sciences" specialty for the AU?), this would have come from Violet studying Lena's Q powers when they're younger, which would inspire her to learn more about the Q (and probably other "supernatural/exotic" species in the galaxy) into her adult life. Other possible options for her: Security/Tactical, based on Ty's Starfleet career in Security, or even Communications, given her love of languages and cultures. (Webby would also be a prime candidate for Communications, having these same loves, but she can also use them to her advantage in Security/S.H.U.S.H.) I like to think that after her Starfleet career (which actually might be on the shorter side, now that I think about it), Violet would pursue her interests of history and research and work at the Federation central library on Memory Alpha.
B.O.Y.D.: Like Huey, it's probably a toss-up/combo between Science and Engineering for him. (If I do have them end up together in this AU, then this'll be perfect for them to work side-by-side.) Influenced by Dad Gyro, Huey, Fenton, and the rest of Team Science.
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korkorali · 3 years
The Beginning
Alright, I wanna talk about the Hp au, so all my my followers are going to be subjected to another post about it!
Today, I think I’m gonna talk about some plot points for what the beginning of the ‘First Book’ would be! (From the beginning up to the collecting of the wand)
First, a few fun facts to get you interested, though
- The first fic’s title would be The Brothers Who Lived (Maybe, I’m not too sold on any title yet)
- It would mainly be told with Dewey at the focus
- Though this doesn’t mean his story would be an exact replica of Harry Potters
- Specifically, he lives with Gosalyn and Drake, who love him a lot
- Though his stay at Hogwarts would be a different story
Caught your interest? Well, continue reading under the cut for more ;) (be warned: it’s a bit long)
-  We start off with Drake Mallard going about town
- He keeps running into weird people saying that ‘She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is dead!’
- This confuses him but he’s seen weirder, they don’t seem to be hurting anyone, so let them be odd, as far as he’s concerned
- He ends up running into this old man, who strikes him as one of those weird people. yet he seems a little sadder than the rest of them
- He is holding a bundle in his arms
- Drake talks to the old man, and he seems nice enough
- They part ways, and later Drake the bundle the old man was carrying in his kitchen
- He opens the bundle to reveal a one year old child, with a note that says ‘His name is Dewey Duck’
- He knows he should contact the authorities, and try to find that old man, but until then, he’ll take care of the kid.
- Fast forward about ten years (specifically about a week before then) and Dewey and his sister Gosalyn are enjoying their summer break by playing video games
- The mail comes and Drake goes to collect it
- He’s surprised when he sees a letter for Dewey tucked into the usual junk mail
- The surprise turns into concern and worry when the address has Dewey’s bedroom on it
- He decides to just it away and pretend it doesn’t exist
- Cuz that’ll solve all his problems
- He ‘nonchalantly’  talks to Dew and Gos about whether or not they’d like to go on a small vacation for Dewey’s birthday
- The next day he gets two of those creepy letters
- He once again pretends that they don’t exist and burns them
- Dewey and Gosalyn start getting a little suspicious
- A day goes by without any letters
- Drake thinks that’s the end of it.
- Then they get a full eight letters
- Cue Panic
- He makes Dew and Gos make a pack and then they head out for ‘vacation’
- They are thoroughly suspicious of him by now
- Gos calls Drake out, but he dismisses her and they go by boat to some run down house on an island
- Drake is sure that’ll be the end of it
- The night before Dewey’s birthday, he decides to stay up until midnight
- Gosalyn joins him and they talk about stuff
- Dewey admits that he wishes he knew about his birth family
- Drake’s only ever told him that he was given to him by some old grandpa
- But both Dewey and Gos think he’s joking about that
- Gosalyn kinda understands, because she knew her grandfather
- She still thinks of Drake as her dad, but she finds comfort in knowing about her biological parents
- So she hopes he learns eventually
- The clock strikes twelve
- Dewey turns 11 (and the same age as Gos, but only for a week)
- And suddenly the door gets busted down
- Gos and Dew are, obviously, pretty fucking scared
- home invasion and all that
- Drake swoops in with a punch to the dudes chest, and nearly breaks his hand
- The strange large man apologizes for knocking down the door, saying that he just wanted to knock
- He says hi to Dewey, introduces himself as Launchpad, and goes to sit down
- Drake shows a lot of confusion at this turn of events. Specifically, he wants to know how Launchpad knows Dewey’s name
- Launchpad express’s his own confusion at this, and realizes that Drake, Gosalyn, and Dewey know nothing about the wizarding world
- So he gives Dewey his Hogwarts acceptance letter (and a cake, which already has a Launchpad-sized bite taken out of it) and explains -sort of- about how he’s a wizard, and what that entails
- He also tells Dewey a little bit about his family, which 100% sells Dewey on the idea
- Drake, understandably, does not believe him, until he gives them a show of magic
- Which kinda freaks Drake out, but makes Dewey and Gosalyn way too excited
- Drake decides to allow Dewey to give this ‘Hogwarts’ a try
- But he does tell Dewey that he’ll love him no matter what happens
- So the group makes plans to go to Diagon Alley with Launchpad in a few days
- A few days later, the group meets up with Launchpad outside the Leaky Tap
- Drake doesn’t notice the Leaky Tap, but he’s the only one who can’t
- Of course, he can easily see Launchpad, so it doesn’t really matter
- Drake is still a little wary about the whole thing, but he is quickly warming up to Launchpad, which helps to put him at ease
- When they enter the Leaky Tap, everyone (sans Launchpad) is surprised at how everyone inside seems to know Dewey
- They even recognize a few faces as some of the strange people who’d wave or act like they knew him sometimes
- Drake never really liked those people
- Launchpad explains that Dewey and his brothers are kinda famous, and he’ll tell him more later after they get him his stuff
- They leave the Leaky Tap out the back entrance, and enter Diagon Alley
- Cue shock and amazement from everyone
- Especially Drake, as he can no longer deny that this actually a thing that is happening
- The kids run off, looking into the shops at all the amazing and mind bending things in them
- They are quickly enthralled
- Drake is initially worried that they’ll get lost, but Launchpad assures him that it’s fine, because the place they need to go (Gringotts) is straight ahead, so they probably won’t get lost
- He and Drake talk for a little bit (Drake is still annoyed about how the letters had Dewey’s  f r e a k i n g  bedroom on them) and Launchpad gets Drake to calm down a little
- Just in time for them to enter Gringotts Bank, and thusly, the mine-cart roller-coaster
- Drake hates it, the others love it
- Launchpad picks up a mysterious parcel, which the kids are immediately intrigued about
- Then they get back on the mine-cart to go to the vault Dewey shares with his brothers
- He learns that both his brothers have already accessed the vault earlier that week, which means that he won’t be running into them until the school year starts
- Which he’s kinda bummed about
- All sad feelings go away when he sees the inside of the vault, and the massive amount of Galleons in there
- Which means that Dewey’s rich
- Which Gosalyn immediately comments on
- After they shake themselves out of the money stupor, and Dewey grabs a fair amount of money, the group goes back outside of Gringotts and begins the trek for Dewey’s school supplies
- Dewey and Gosalyn try to go on a spending spree, and the get the most impressive/expensive stuff
- Which leads to Drake confiscating the gold pouch
- At least until after Dewey gets all his school supplies
- They get most of them, including getting Dewey fitted for robes (which both Dewey and the seamstress hated - Dewey cannot stand still for the life of him) until it gets to the wand
- Dewey and Gosalyn go in, but Drake and Launchpad stay out, saying that they wanted to get him something
- The shop is run by a old duck by the name of Olivander
- He is immediately excited to see Dewey, one of the ‘Chosen Three’
- Though he does spare an intrigued glance to Gosalyn
- He gets right to it afterwards, fitting Dewey with wand, after wand, after wand
- None seem to be right (which makes Dewey nervous)
- Until Olivander finally picks out one special wand, which Dewey immediately knows is right with barely a touch
- He picks that wand, and Olivander explains that it’s core is a phoenix tail feather
- And that the phoenix that gave him that tail feather gave him one more
- And that one had been placed in his mothers wand
- Filled with awe and respect, Dewey pays for the wand, and he and Gos head back out
- And they find Drake and Launchpad waiting for them, with an owl for Dewey
- Gosalyn decides that that’s unfair, until Drake explains that it’s so that Dewey can write to them
- Dewey, overcome with emotion, decides to name his owl Darkwing, for the show that his family was raised on
- Which makes Drake emotional as well, and he does a poor job hiding it
- Drake makes Dewey promise to write every day while he’s gone, and he tells him again that he’s already so proud of him
- And he does end up caving to Gosalyn’s demands and promises to get them a puppy while Dewey is off at Hogwarts
And that’s it for how it would begin! Honestly, the length kinda got away from me, so next time (if it doesn’t get away from me again) we’ll talk about The First Meeting and Beyond! I hope you’ve enjoyed!
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magicalgirlmegavolt · 4 years
This drawing took forever to complete, but I am pretty satisfied with how it turned out. The first version is one without shading and second is it the one with shading added. (The quality is better if you click on it.) I came up with the idea after rewatching the old Justice Ducks’s episode, as well as being imspired by DT17’s “Let’s get Dangerous!” special and listening to the classic Og teen Titans theme on repeat also sparked a lot of imagination. The only outfits I didn’t come up with are Lena’s, Boyd’s and Louie’s which already exist the show. I thought about each kids’s strengths and personalities when designing the other costumes as well what kind of powers/roles they would play and what kinda relationship they would have with their super mentors for this au.
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• First up we have everyone’s favorite sassy magical teen, Lena. Her magical girl type outfit is what used for her hero costume. I tried my best to get the colors right so I hope it looks good. Lena’s role on the team is The Magical Brawler, with her using magical energy blasts, as well as allusions and brute force to defeat her opponents. She also doesn’t have a hero name like the others and just goes by Lena. (This is mostly because her magic protects her secret identity or something.) She and Quiverwing are the snarkiest towards the villains, especially if their evil plans are really stupid.
• She acts as a cool older sister figure to other kids on the team and is one of the most proactive on the team, with her answer to fighting a villain usually being “let’s beat them up” which can sometimes land her into trouble if she’s not careful. She’s very protective of Webby and Her younger (adopted) sister, Violet. So word to the wise evil doers, do not under any circumstances attack/harm either girl or you will be in a world of agonizing magical pain.
• Being oldest on the team as well as one of the most pessimistic/emotionally guarded at times, she tends to be a little more jaded to the whole hero worship thing the other kids have going towards The Justice Ducks. Her mentor/teacher is technically Morgana Macawber. In the beginning she was very distrustful towards the older magic user due to the woman’s past actions as a villain, as well as Lena’s own hang up’s with Magica. However, She eventually warms up to the sorceress after she sees how while having questionable morals at times, is still a good person who genuinely cares about her and Vi as not only her students/sidekicks, but her surrogate kids as well. (Morgana definitely joins the ‘these aren’t technically my kids, but I’m adopting them. You can’t stop me club.’)
• After that, their relationship starts to get better, but Lena still has her more rebellious impulses which causes her to be a bit more difficult when interacting with her mentor. She will argue with her about things like “Seriously! Why should it matter if my magic is still ‘developing’?! I can totally handle my Own magic, thank you very much! Now let’s stop gabbing and take down this creep before he overruns the whole city!” (Stuff like that.)
• Let’s move on to Webby or as she’s better known in the crime fighting world, Gummi Gal! So, it was a little difficult to figure out what kinda hero she would be, but after i decided to go with combining her spy training with her gummi juice powers, from “From the confidential files from agent 22” everything else just clicked. (Please note that I’m vaguely familiar with original gummi bears, I’m going off of ducktales 17 interpretation of it so if I get anything wrong, that’s why.)
• First let’s talk about the costume. I wanted to give her something that showed her personality as both a trained combat and espionage expert, as well as a excitable sweet munchkin who loves glitter and friendship bracelets. I based the colors off her regular pallet and added the cherry red parts to allude back to the gummi berry juice. The costume is made from super rubbery stretchy protective material either invented by S.H.U.S.H, prier or Team science to keep our super adorable rubber ball of death safe from villains when her gummi powers wear off, while also giving her a boost in battle while trying to beat up said baddies. Her red bow is the same material as the outfit, I gave her a pink mask, cause that’s her favorite color (also I wanted her to have a different mask color from Gosalyn and Huey.) and her utility belt is filled with other gadgets as well extra vials of juice in cases of emergencies. Not to mentioned she finally got her own Action Cane and still has her trusty grappling hook if things get too crazy.
• Webby’s role in the team is definitely combative close ranged fighter and The Heart of The Team. She’s already a beast in hand to hand combat, but when she drinks her gummi berry juice, she becomes a unstoppable springy force of power and agility, that can really give the villains a headache. She’s the most encouraging and affectionate on team always giving her fellow teammates hugs or high fives whenever she can. Her biggest weakness has to be her willingness to trust people at their word, being a little naive to harsh truths of the world cause she wants to see the good in others. She’s a badass, but an idealistic at her core and just wants to make the world a more happier place.
• Webby’s hero mentor is the Moon’s greatest warrior, Penumbra. Penny is at first confused by Small Della’s odd abilities, but adapts pretty quickly. They train a lot together and Penny teaches the young earther tricks she picked up from living on the moon where the gravity is very different from earth. This helps Webby get better at controlling where she wants to bounce when using her powers. Penny is pretty protective of all of the small Dellas and will be pretty aggressive towards those who try to harm them.
• Huey was easy I just made him updated version of his Gizmoduck costume with more of an emphasis of protection and practicality. I decided to give him a mask underneath his visor, because I believe he would definitely wear it as an extra precaution so villains don’t figure out his secret identity. (Even though it’s pretty obvious who these kids are, if you’re any paying attention.) I added a magnetic electro pulse glove blaster (sorry if the science doesn’t make much sense.) as well as magnetic boots, so he can better stay on Boyd’s back in battle and flight. (I was mostly inspired by Hiro from big hero 6 for that.)
• He uses the blaster to send magnetic frequency waves at his enemies. He can also grab things from a distance as a nod to his safety first mindset. His role on the team is occasionally the leader (there’s a bit of conflict with that issue.) and most importantly the thing he prides himself on, The Strategist. He’s great at analyzing situations and coming up with strategies, but can still over think things to his detriment. He clashes the most with Louie on the team as he feels his brother isn’t taking his role very seriously and Gosalyn as she not the best team player. He still looks up to Gizmoduck as his mentor, which drives him to prove himself as a competent leader and crime fighter in his hero’s eyes. Finally his hero name I think would either be Pulse or Gizmokid. Mostly I’m leaning on Pulse, cause I think it distinguishes him from Giz and let’s him make a name for himself as a hero in his own right, not just stuck in someone else’s shadow. (Though the bad guys will probably just call him, Gizmobrat to spite him.)
• (With Boyd I had trouble with getting his coloring just right so if it looks off, that’s why.) Boyd is the technically the youngest on the team in both appearance and mentality. He’s a sweet precious totally real boy that everyone instantly loves...well almost everyone. Louie, is at first a little heistent to be around him, but knows what happened at Doofus’s party wasn’t his fault so doesn’t hold it against him. He’s one of the easiest to trick out of the whole team which makes prime target for scheming villains to mess with. However, don’t underestimate this little powerhouse or you’ll regret it. He’s closest with Huey, with him being the first real friend the little tyke has ever known. (Dr. Gearloose is more of a parental figure then anything.) They can often be seen coming up with plans or just having fun learning stuff together. His hero mentor is Gizmoduck as well, but he also quickly warms up to Gandra. (who may or not be a anti hero in this au.)
• Gosalyn’s/Quiverwing’s costume was little harder to figure out. I kept going back and forth from a modern vs classic look, until I finally settled on a compromise that felt right. I do wish I made the cape more like Darkwing’s and drew a more modern looking bow, but other then that I think it came out pretty good. Her logo I’m especially proud of. Her role on the team is definitely the sharp shooter archer and weapons expert. I like to think she’s kinda like what if Batgirl was a archer. She likes to come up new weapons and gadgets to use on the bad guys. She’s the second oldest after Lena, making her also an older sister figure to the younger kids. Her mentor is Darkwing Duck, she loves being his crime fighting partner, but wishes she get more chances to really show her stuff and not be babied all the time by her guardian. This causes her to be one of the first kids to disobey the adult heroes when they say to stay out of something. Like that will stop her.
• Dewey was the hardest when designing what kinda hero he would be. At first, I thought of giving him a magical legendary sword that could change forms depending on what was needed, sorta as a way to mirror Dewey’s creativity and ever changing interests. However, I also felt he shouldn’t need to be ‘chosen’ by something to be a hero, so now the sword is actually something that he had to have create himself, but it also happens to be a magical shape-shifting weapon?.... (honestly if anyone has any better ideas, please help me, I totally except suggestions.)
• I gave him a costume similar to his God of Dance/Champ Popular personas with a blue Darkwing inspired cape. (Admit it, Dewey you actually love the show!) I added some protective chest armor, also gave him a angel wings and stars motif. His hero name if haven’t already guessed is Daring Dew. His role on the team is kinda the wild card/funny guy as well as a lancer to the more focused sometimes leader, Pulse. If I had to give an example of his role then probably something similar to beast boy from Og teen Titans or The flash from the justice league. He’s usually the first one to try and lighten the mood when something goes wrong, but he has his moments of Insecurites that causes him to doubt himself.
• He’s unique case as he doesn’t really have a official heroic mentor and just kinds bounces around from person to person depending on the day. Not that anyone dislikes the kid, but because he just finds them all so cool that he can’t pick one. (Basically, you know how your favorite avenger changes every week, it’s kinda like that.) He gets along best with Darkwing though and is kinda like his unofficial second sidekick. However, he does love spending time training with The Duck Avenger. He does seem familiar though, he just doesn’t know how. Hymmm. I wonder why.......
• Violet was also a tough one. Do I go with tech based weaponry, superpowers, space themed or magic? Nonetheless, I decided to combine her junior woodchuck survival skills and her magical quick study abilities to make her sorta of Magical Green lantern with an alchemist twist. I wanted to give her own way to do magic without having to use Lena’s powers or Magica’s emulet as a crutch. Her book on her belt is an ancient spell book filled with mystical runes and incantations that she uses to create magical contructs like weapons to battle her opponents. I gave her a teal green cloak, (mostly cause I was inspired by OG raven Teen Titans) a teal mask to hide her identity, light teal gloves and a rune turquoise stone that help channel her own magical abilities when she using her spell book.
• For her hero name I kinda like Light Saber (Disney technically owns Star Wars, so they could use the name.) or Guidelight (kinda like play on her junior woodchuck guide book.)
• Violet is the supernatural expert and living encyclopedia of the team. Something tells me she would do extensive research on all the justice Ducks’s known villains and would keep record of all of the info she gathered on the subjects. I have a headcanon that after “Let’s Get Dangerous” happened in this universe she would watch hours upon of the old darkwing Duck show while taking notes to better understand the full extent of the fearsome four’s backgrounds and abilities. Morgana, like Lena is also her hero mentor. They get along pretty well. She loves learning new spells from older sorceress who is more then happy to help the other with her knowledge on the subject.
• finally last, but never least, Louie! First off I drew him in his simple green hoodie with a dress shirt and tie. (Kid is pretty lazy when it comes to heroic theatrics.) His role on the team is The schemer and self proclaimed, Young Justice Ducks manager. Louie doesn’t really go by any alias and doesn’t wear a mask, cause in his mind there’s not much of point since no one really take them seriously anyways. They’re the kiddie sidekicks club in a lot of people’s eyes, so they don’t get much media attention compared to their mentors.
• If he’s not ‘training’ with his mentor, Storkules, or just hanging out with his teammates, then he’s scamming villains out of their stolen loot or finding new ways to try and get the Young Justice Ducks name out there. He probably takes the whole being a hero thing the least seriously out of everyone on the team, mostly because the adults are always their to save the day and take all the fire, so why not focus on building a solid following and use their obscurity to their advantage against the villains. ( To be honest I really couldn’t figure out what kinda hero he would be. I think maybe later on he could regain his godly gold touch powers, though much more limited this time with them being on a timer of or something. If anyone has any better ideas for him, please send them my way)
Anyways, thanks for reading. Again, if you have any suggestions, questions or ideas please feel free to share them. See ya!
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terrorofthenight · 3 years
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@rcwrittcn​ asked: 
❝ You know, Darkwing doesn't care about anything other than himself, ❞ the comment is offhanded, but purposeful given how lost she's looking right now. Can't have that. ❝ Trust me, Gosalyn; I've known him a loooooong time. His relationships are about as fragile as a piecea' glass when it comes to that narrowminded ego of his. If it means he gets a chance at " HEROIC " spotlight, he'll drop anyone within eyeshot. ❞ He laughs but coldly. ❝ And that scrutinization... ohhh, look at poor, poor Morgana. A new leaf and he still won't trust her as far as a two-foot pole. ❞ He scoffs, shaking his head. ❝ Consider it a BLESSING you're outta' there, kid. YOU would've been next. ❞ [AO au!]
She blinks out of her thoughts at the words, looking over at him. There’s an argument on the tip of her tongue, she wants to say he does care about other people. Like Launchpad and her. (Or at least, her previously.) 
He cares a lot. That’s why he’s a hero... 
But she knows, she knows Negaduck has a point... She’s seen how Darkwing could get. How he brushed off LP when he got it in his head he could do no wrong. How he had ignored and hated Gizmoduck for trying to help. Gosalyn found herself frowning slightly. Had he treated her like that? She wondered. The duckling thinks back and suddenly thinks of all the times he’s brushed past her or didn’t take her word on something because he was trying to play Big Hero who doesn’t need anyone. 
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The thought makes her cross her arms when she realizes that yes. He had treated her like that. She specifically remembers when they first met... when she pointed out Tarus Bulba was trying to trick him, and Darkwing decided she was a silly little girl who didn’t know what she was talking about and he was ready to just drop her off back at the orphanage. Her small frown turned into a deep scowl. 
 “... he does have a bit of an ego.” She finds herself saying. 
And Negaduck was once again right on the other point too. Darkwing was harsh on ex villains. Mind you, Gosalyn hadn’t seen a whole lot of Villains who claimed to be reformed... actually reformed... but even she felt that sometimes she had given Morgana more slack than her dad did. Her frown lessens for a moment, looking slightly troubled. He would probably never forgive her then... Not... Not that she wanted him to! She just... if she ever... If Gos... 
Crossed arms turns to nervously rubbing at her shoulder as she thinks about it. 
“Me?” She repeats to herself. Would he have already thought she was that bad? 
She looks back to Negaduck. 
“You really think so?” 
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
ASOUE AU? ASOUE AU. Pt 1 (Characters)
Okay so I just posted a little doodle I did for an A Series of Unfortunate Events AU that I had been thinking about ever since I realized that Esmé was obviously Magica's VA (which was 3 days ago so oop). I don't have all the characters figured out right now (mostly bc quite frankly there aren't really enough adults that act so... neglectful towards the kids in ducktales). I'll list the ones I am pretty concrete on VS the ones I'm unsure or ones that I "reimagined" due to not everyone fitting perfectly in this world.
Characters that are Definite:
Glomgold as Count Olaf: Think about it, horrible actor/cosplayer (yes thats what he is). Both obsessed about riches, revenge and are generally incompetent. Really, Olaf is much more wicked in the ASOUE series imo (bc even tho Glomgold wants to kill Scrooge and steal his money. This anger only extends his wards if he wishes to use them against Scrooge and is less keen on the murdering of kids. Notice I said LESS). Not 100% if I want him to be as...well explicit as Olaf can be at times. Especially his characterization in the Bad Beginning if you know what I mean (pst it's child marriage)
Magicia DeSpell as Esmé Squalor: Like I said, this is a no brainer. She has the stage performance of Magicia with a bit of Mark Beaks Mom (forget her name) mixed in. Probably would downplay her love for fashion and replace it with an obsession with the occult. I would also not have her be obsessed with Glomgold, its more in character for Glomgold to be obsessed with her anyhow. It is also possible bc I tend to believe she is a more compelling villian in canon that she might take the place of Glomgold on the Island in "The End". But I also plan for Scrooges Number One Dime to replace the Sugar bowl so, maybe not.
Doofus Drake as Calmanita Splats: Duh, spoiled brat who is very creepy and probably has parents that want them dead? Instead of wanting to sing all the time he mainly wants to wreak things/people. He still definitely dresses up tho into a hodgepodge of things. It always changes and Glomgold is always annoyed by this but he likes him more than Magicia. She definitely wants him dead just like Olaf in the series (she really hates kids).
Duckworth as Larry your waiter: Yeah not much competition for this role. It was either him or Launchpad. Duckworth is too perfect for this role and he honestly will play a better spy than canon Larry. If I ever write it out a lot of the "fight scenes" and anime-esque "explaining how I fooled you" dialogue will definitely be reworked but still present. I will however not keep out the main theme of neglect or ignorance with the adults, they will still fail in that regard as always but will just not literally stand there and tell Olaf "We finally caught you, now let me explain why we are so smart oh no you set something on fire again". I mean...maybe for a Mr. Poe but not the VFD. Or...SHUSH I should say but more on that later (or in another post who knows?)
Scrooge McDuck as Lemony Snicket (sorta): Okay so OBVIOUSLY we can't have our "Lemony" have the hots for the McDuck siblings mom (yes another thing I must explain oh boy). Scrooge will still be gilted in love by, of course Goldie though I am still not 100% if she should play part of the the role of Kit Snicket (again NOT related to Scrooge) or should she be someone else entirely. Scrooge is basically the reason everything is happening in this AU just like the canon Lemony but writes sad letters to Donald and Della as well as Goldie. As you might of well guessed, Scrooge's Fortune is also the riches the McDuck's have.
Fethry Duck as Dr. Monty: Of course a snake lover will become a marine lover in this AU! Also of COURSE Mitzy will play the roles of the incredibly deadly viper AND the great unknown! Fethry and Dr. Monty not being mentioned by their family but also too enthralled with their studies to care all that much (but seriously thats fucked up ducktales). Totally made for this role. As far as setting goes this will be where the siblings will be underwater first but since the series already has plently of aquatic locals I will probably swap out the Lake Lacamose story with Peru or the Galapagos. Speaking of...
Ms. Quackfaster as Aunt Josephine: For narrative purposes it would make sense that Ms. Quackfaster would lose her edge as a brave and bold woman. For what exact reason I am still trying to figure out. Not sure if I still want to keep the "Ike" storyline, maybe she just got really spooked by FOWL. Maybe some creature from the Galapagos ate her leg or something.
Ma Beagle as Dr. Orwell: This particular role was sort of hard for me to cast due to the fact that Dr. Orwell is older and romantically involved with Olaf (at least its sorta there). I really didn't want to give this role to Owlson bc other than she isn't a bad person, she is also way too young. Ma Beagle already has a similar motivation im canon to want to reclaim Duckburg as Beagleburg so the Terrible Mills plot to frame the B for causing a fire in order to have control over the mill is very in line with Ma. I originally wanted the Beagle Boys be working in the Mill but since I am changing the setting to Egypt, I decided to use the people stuck in the pyrimid (idk what they are actually called) and will either use Amulet, Launchpad or Dijin as Cookie
Characters that are Mixed with others:
Huey Duck as the Narrative Role of Violet B.: I mostly imagined(?) the kid characters in a approximation of set characters from the books/series. For this reason, Huey plays the ROLE of Violet Baudelaire so that he can take the "inventor" occupation. I went back and forth on finding who would have Violet's quirk of using an object to help her think. My mind originally went to Webby since she has a bow and I wanted Huey's obsession with the Incomplete History of Secret Organizations to take the place of his JWG. However I reworked it so that Huey's JWG would act as Violet's ribbon with him having to flip through his beat up (and slightly burnt) journal to find a quick solution or just to calm his nerves. Something that applies to all the triplets and twins is that their last names are changed to "McDuck" mostly bc it sounds better that they are later called the "McDuck Murders" instead of the "Duck Murders" as well as Scrooges edited role in the kids lives. He has a mix of Klaus' social awkwardness and habit of talking at length about his special interests to whoever will listen. Huey is also the one who gets hypnotized in the Miserable Mill ep.
Louie Duck as the Narrative Role of Sunny B.: Pretty sure I swapped Louie and Webby for this role in my first post but whatever. I wanted to confusingly change Klaus' role into a "Charmer" or "smooth talker" (obviously still a work in progress) since I felt that Huey in DuckTales canon was always well researched as well a good mechanic and having two characters who pretty much fit the same role was... redundant. I also wanted to really make Webby's Sunny much more inline with her notorious/abnormal fighting abilities. However, I realized that instead of changing Klaus' role I should just change Sunny's characterization since I would have to rework it anyways since she was a baby. I also got the idea from recently rewatching the series and saw Sunny basically trick her way out of being trapped with the Hook handed man (i.e. Fernald). I will instead make Louie's role as what he functionally is in DuckTales (the guy who can talk his way out of anything). He would probably also say his occupation is "Defense Attorney" or something along those lines. He is also the one who gets captured the most but not by much. However while he still has Sunny's sarcasm, he also has Klaus' inherit skeptism and distrust of adults.
Webby Vanderquack as the Narrative Role of Klaus B.: Like I said in Louie's segment, Webby is changed to Klaus or more accurately the "Researcher" of the group. She is often the one who stays up late, researching ways to get out of Glomgold's schemes. Unlike Klaus though, she has more of the optimism of Violet but might not put as much belief into all authority as Huey might. She still has role models that she looks up to but isn't against bending the rules. She also unfortunately takes Violet's role of becoming "Olaf's bride" in the Bad Beginning. In the story she has always lived with the McDucks but didn't take their name and still had Mrs. B (until she was around 10, she was 12ish when the fire happened). However, she is still in the McDuck Will and therefore Glomgold hatches a plan to use her to get the fortune. She also tricks him by signing her name "Vanderduck" or "McDuck" instead of Vanderquack to make the marriage null in void. She is also a mix of Sunny since she is generally the most physically capable out of the children.
Dewey Duck as the Narrative Role as Quigley Quagmire: Okay honestly after a rewatch, I don't exactly know what makes Duncan and Quigley that different from each other. I'm pretty sure Duncan is the Klaus of his siblings but whatever. Dewey mostly just 1/2 of the reveal that two people survived the fire during the Carnival segment (which is changed to an underground wrestling theme for reasons to be explained). I am fairly certain that during the last part of the Village of Fowl Devotees I want Dewey be the one left behind with Webby and Lena that way we can have more time spent with him and Weblena/ Magicia v Lena drama. Dewey's occupation would be "Comedian/Host/Actor" . He also is the one the adults ignore during the first half and will be the subject of Triplet/only child jokes that the Quagmires face.
Gosalyn Mallard as the Narrative Role of Duncan Quagmire: Okay so like, no she isn't related or adopted by the Quagmires
Lena Saberwing as the Narrative Role of Isadora Quagmire: c'mon both these kids like poetry. Literally I can think of no other DuckTales kid that likes that (other than Webby but that was more of her liking Lena's stuff). She will still have her background as Magica's niece and might take some of the role of Fernald where he gets redeemed by betraying Olaf/saving Sunny. I am unsure by what extent though as she isn't going to be a henchperson of Glomgold or Magica. It might be that she is uses morally questionable ways to get what she wants/needs. Maybe she is "good" but has to commit a terrible act similar to how the Baudelaires have to burn down the carnival.
Characters that I am uncertain about or straight up don't have someone in that role:
Violet Saberwing as the Narrative Role of Fiona Widdershins: Like Fiona, Violet was also originally distrusted by a part of the cast (in this AU, it probably be Webby and/or Louie as Huey catches feelings lol). She is also obsessed with the occult not fungus and has to save probably Louie from losing his soul or something (wip). Violet more than any of the main cast of kids will probably act more like her canon self since she is naturally straight forward and booksmart. She probably gets forced to stay with Glomgold until her and Lena can escape again. Also since I didn't want it to be another underwater local and wanted it to relate to DuckTales17 a bit more closely I thought it be better if they were in the sky. Maybe Violet got the Sun chaser or maybe even the Spear of Selene. Maybe instead of going to look for their dads (since they are dead oof) they come back at The End to tell the McDuck Siblings et all that they might of found something...or someone important.
Boyd as the Narrative Role of Friday: This is definitely more of a stretch as really he is only Friday because in role only because I want him at the Island at The End so that he can save the siblings from whatever organic incident happens since he is still an android. I previously thought he could also fit the role of Fernald since he could go through a redemption arc easier due to him sorta going through one in the show. Its not out of the realm of possibility that Glomgold could have reprogrammed him to obey him (he might still do something similar I haven't figured it out 100%).
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera as the narrative role of Hector: He probably won't faint as much as Hector but he will have to be pushed by the kids to be confident in himself during the Vile Village (which will probably change to a Capital city since I plan to rework FOWL into this). Maybe its similar to a military academy which makes having a set of rules make sense. Its also possible that Fenton escapes with some of the kids in the Sunchaser by the end of this.
Steelbeak as the Narrative Role of Fernald Widdershins: I mainly chose him because Steelbeak and Hookhanded man both most clearly are shown to be sympathic antagonists. They are still functionally villians, much more so than any of the children like Boyd or Lena who, yeah, have done bad things but in one case wasn't given the freewill to decide for himself or was but when she decided to stand up for herself she was literally tortured and had her freedom taken away (more so than in the beginning since. Steelbeak would, like Fernald, be making a choice as an adult man to be apart of a mad man's troop and was harden enough to commit murder if it meant he could impress his boss. But because he is not related to (by blood or otherwise) any protagonist I struggle to know where to put him. I might still have him defect during the end of what would have been the Grim Grotto ep and comes back with the Saberwings at The End. Maybe he brings Gosalyn back after finding her at some point, maybe he dies somewhere towards The End. Not sure.
Gladstone/Ghost of Christmas Past/News Reporter Lady as the Narrative Role of Mr. Poe/Mr. Poes Wife: wow this one is really confusing. My reasoning behind these picks is because The News lady would be a great pick for Mr. Poe's wife or at least a substitute as she has similar motivations in DT17. The biggest set back for her tho is that she has no reason to be on the Baudelaire case (or McDuck case anyways). Ghost of Christmas past is a bit of a stretch since why the fuck would he be in charge of making sure the kids had guardians? I mainly want him just bc of his motivation (or lack thereof) to do his job and being incompetent at it. Gladstone while making some sense that he also would be uncaring about where the kids go is also a stretch given he is a relative and he while he might not care 100% about their whereabouts he wouldn't lose them like Mr. Poe would simply bc he is so damn Lucky. Its possible to work that against him, maybe in a scenerios like where he drops off the kids but gets whisked away because some rando gifts him a boat. Still unsure.
Mrs. Beakley as either the Narrative Role of Jaclyn S (Mr. Poes Secretary/VFD spy)., Olivia C. (Librarian): I want Mrs. B to have a role which fits her being experienced and competent but also met a tragic demise. I might mix the experience of JS with the fate of OC. Poor Webby.
Justice Strauss as ???: I'll be honest, I am stumped with this one. This is a very important role to fill and I can't quite find an adult character that fits the bill of Justice Strauss. Mrs. B is too smart, Launchpad studying law while ridiculous, is something inline with the show but he doesn't have a DT17 motivation similar enough to Strauss where he's desires can be exploited nor has he really want kids in the same sense as Strauss. Drake Mallard is close since he is an actor but having him work with law is a bit of a stretch, I also think that making him somewhat bumbling is an insult to his character but Strauss is tragic since she WANTS to very much be the Baudelaires guardian but fails so much. Maybe in a safer world she could have been, maybe if they were luckier. She loves them so much, but they run away where she can't find them to at least try to be there for them and is left heart broken by the end. Whoever becomes JS is in for a world of hurt and I'm sorry. Goofy could also be a replacement, maybe Max died for more angst 😬.
Goldie or Daisy as the narrative role of Kit Snicket: This kinda gets really fanfic-y as neither of these characters really fit nicely into this role. Goldie definitely has the skill of Kit and her disregard for the rules but the pregnancy thing is... something. Not entirely sure if I actually want her to be pregnant but I also want a Beatrice II type character (of course she would be named Della II) but again very fanfic-y. Daisy I am more comfortable being the one who gets pregnant, she might take Olivias role as the new VFD recruit instead of Kits more seasoned one. All I know is that if either or both outcomes exist they will die also a Dewey Deanumont(?) Character wouldn't be the father it would of course be Donald or Scrooge depending who gets pregnant.
Jacques Snicket as ???: Another mystery for me. Functionally? Maybe Manny could play this role or even Launchpad (he really is just my go to for any character idk about huh?) Whoever it is will die but wont have a romance with the Olivia character(s). Maybe its Goofy lmao.
This is quite long enough, let me know if y'all got any more ideas. I'll edit this when I can since I am tired of writing. Please comment or reblog for suggestions and the like thx u. And please...Look Away while you still can.
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fangirl530 · 5 years
Saving a light bulb has never felt so great
This is an AU- one where the original Lil’ Bulb survived. How? You’ll have to read to find out. 
disclaimer: none of the characters belong to me, except for the OC(s). You’ll know who they are. Also, the title might change later if I can think of a better one. 
morse code translator
second chapter
“Huey to Uncle Scrooge!” Huey's voice said from the bulb. “Our top-secret mission is underway. Good thing this is a secure line, or the Moonlanders would know-” Lil’ Bulb saluted to the moonlander before twisting himself of his body, cutting Huey off just in time. Everything went dark immediately, leaving him nothing more than a simple light bulb as he fell to the ground. 
The moonlander flinched as he heard glass breaking, the sound foreign to him. He glanced at the metal contraption the bulb had been on, and shrugging, he dropped it on the roof and moved on.
Three minutes ago…
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer walked into her bedroom, glass of water in hand, and shut the door behind her. Technically they weren't supposed to have water in the bedrooms, but it wasn’t her fault if Mrs. Quackley and Ms. Rina were to busy whispering to each other to notice. 
She walked over to the open window, about to set the glass down. When sh, when she heard a voice from outside. The voice itself wasn’t strange; she heard voices all the time. What was strange was that it was coming from above, not below. 
she climbed out the window onto the fire escape, looking up, a strange guy was standing there, hold something she couldn’t quite make out. 
“Good thing this is a secure line,” a kids voice was saying. “Or the moonlanders would know we’re in-” the voice stopped, and something small fell towards her.
Reflexes kicking in, Gosalyn dropped her glass and held out her hands to catch it. It landed safely as the glass it the fire escape, shattering into dozens of pieces. She winced. That would be fun to explain later. But right now, she had other problems. she glanced up and saw the strange guy shrug and drop something on the roof before walking away.
Confused, Gosalyn looked back down at the thing in her hands. It looked like a light bulb. Why would someone drop a lightbulb of a roof? She wondered, stepping back from the broken glass to climb back in the window. Maybe it doesn’t work? 
Seeing the lamp on the desk, she went over to it and unscrewed the bulb that was there, putting in the one she was holding Instead. When she turned it on, the bulb started flashing and buzzing.
She backed up quickly, in case it was going to explode. When it didn’t, she stepped closer and peered at it. It almost looked like it was angry. The wires inside swiveled to face her, and it flashed a few times. She thought quickly. Clearly this thing wasn’t a normal lightbulb, which meant it might be trying to talk to her…
“Okay,” she said finally. “I have no clue what you’re saying or if your even talking. So, I’ll ask you questions, and you flash once for no and twice for yes. Okay?” the bulb flashed twice, answering her unspoken question- can you understand me.
She struggled to come up with a yes or no question for a few minutes before deciding.
“That thing the guy dropped on the roof. Is that a part of you?” the bulb flashed twice. “Okay, do you want me to get it for you?” it’s light turned red, pulsing brightly and flashing no about a dozen times. Gosalyn held her hands up. “Okay, okay! Geez, calm down.” she waited until the bulb faded back to yellow before continuing.
“Were you speaking morse code earlier?” it flashed twice. “Okay, give me just a second.” She moved the lamp to the floor and sat by it, taking out her phone. After a few taps, she looked at the bulb. 
“Okay, I’m ready. Why don’t you want your other part back? Go slow, so i can type it out.”
“ .. - / ... . .-. ...- . ... / .- ... / -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - .. --- -. / .-- .. - .... / - .... . / --- - .... . .-. ... .-.-.- / -.-. .- -. .----. - / .-. .. ... -.- / .. - / ..-. .- .-.. .-.. .. -. --. / .. -. - --- / - .... . / .- .-.. .. . -. .----. ... / .... .- -. -.. ... / .- --. .- .. -. .-.-.-”
“Aliens?!” Gosalyn exclaimed when she read the translation. 
" - .... . -.-- / -... . --. .- -. / - --- / .. -. ...- .- -.. . / . .- .-. - .... / - .... .. ... / -- --- .-. -. .. -. --. .-.-.- / -.. .. -.. -. ’ - / -.-- --- ..- / ... . . ..--.. ”
“No! I was up here drawing! So that guy on the roof was an alien?” the bulb flashed twice. “Should I be out there helping?” it flashed once, then continued to speak.
"There are people out there handling it now. It’s best if you stay here, out of danger.” Gosalyn scowled.
“Why? I’m sure I could do something! I have great hockey skills. I bet hitting aliens isn’t that much harder.”
The bulb flashed no at her in what she assumed was a firm manor. She sighed. “Fine, I-” a bunch of thumping sounded from the stairs, and Gosalyn didn’t need her phone to know that the bulb was telling her to hide. She quickly put the lamp on the desk and shut it off, then dove under one of the beds. Not a second later, feet came into the room. 
“Nothing in here,” a voice commented. “Anything in the other rooms?” A bunch of quiet “no’s” called back from the rest of the upstairs. “Looks like we got everyone, then. Come on, let’s move out!” footsteps sounded as the aliens moved from her room, but she could still see two sets of feet. 
“Did that make me sound like a real troop leader?” the voice asked, sounding hopeful.
“Yes dear, you were perfect!” another said reassuringly. 
Something beeped, and the first voice gasped. “It’s Lunaris!” he said.
“Soldiers,” a new voice said in a commanding tone. “I need you both down to sto scrooge’s mansion and stop anyone who tries to come in.”
“Yes sir, general Lunaris!” both aliens left the room, leaving Gosalyn alone again. She crawled out from under the bed, then went to the lamp and turned it on. 
“Wow,” she said as the bulb blinked on. “You weren't kidding.” she sighed. “I guess staying here is smart.” voices floated up from downstairs, and she rolled her yes. “Especially since they’re apparently staying here.” she moved the lamp to the floor again and sat down. “We should probably do introductions. I’m Gosalyn. What’s your name?”
" .-.. .. .-.. .----. / -... ..- .-.. -... .-.-.- / "
“It’s  a little late for this, but it’s nice to meet you, Lil’ Bulb. Do you… have a favorite color?” 
They went on like this for a while- Lil bulb didn’t seem to want to share any of his past, but that was okay with her. She wasn’t sharing with him either. 
They were in the middle of a round of twenty questions when footsteps came pounding up the stairs. Scowling, Gosalyn stood. She wasn’t going to hide this time- she’d give this alien a piece of her mind! Despite Lil' Bulb’s warning, she grabbed her hockey stick and got ready. 
The door opened, and she let out a warcry and charged.
“Gosalyn, wait!” “ a familiar voice cried. Eyes widening, Gosalyn skidded to a halt. 
“Mrs. Quackley?”
“Yes, dear, it’s me. I’m so glad you’re safe! When the moonlanders came down without you, I had a feeling you must’ve hid from them. Anyway, the invasion is over- their leader has been defeated.” She beamed, and Gosalyn raised her eyebrows. 
“Only their leader?”
“Yes! The moonlanders are actually quite nice. Lunaris was the one with the invasion plan.”
“Okay,” Gosalyn said, still slightly suspicious. Still, she let the hockey stick drop and glanced at Lil' Bulb. “I have to take care of something,” she said. ''I'll just be a minute.” 
“Okay, but come down when you’re done! You just have to meet Zenith!” she left, and Gosalyn darted to the window. Ignoring Lil' Bulbs questioning buzzes, she climbed out and went up the fire escape to the roof. After a bit of searching, she found what she was looking for- Lil' Bulb’s body. 
She climbed back down and went back inside, holding it out. “Look what I’ve got,” she said proudly. She quickly transferred him over, and the second he was all the way in, he came to life in her hands. He flashed a couple of times, and Gosalyn smiled. 
“You’re welcome,” she said. “Now, if you don’t mind- I’m going to go meet some moon aliens! I’d take you, but I don’t want Mrs. Quackley, Ms. Rina, and the other kids to see you. I’ll be back soon, promise!” she set him down and rushed out of the room. He pulsed a few times, glancing over at the open window.
He decided against it and sat on the bed to wait. Not yet.
there is a second chapter, and it is written. I just have to transfer it from my notebook to a google doc. I’ll link it here when it’s done! (also on AO3)
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transdarkwingduck · 5 years
7 and 10 with drakepad??
okay i love that the first two asks i immediately got were drakepad yall know my brand
Florist AU + Airport/Travel AUask memeSend me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story okay well i know a shit ton about airports and travel and very little about florists so lets give this a go
(it could be cute to think of both ways and i made a second version here!!) the first being launchpad as the somewhat scatterbrained goodhearted florist/gardener(?) who may not be the best at organizing arrangements or color theory but he has a natural green thumb and grows his own flowers that always smell fantastic. his shop is within walking distance of the airport and he stays open late just so people returning home or visiting their loved ones can stop in and get them something nice. 
drake is a business type and probably works in the airline industry. he’s always flying out for work (thankfully on domestic trips not international, so he’s back the same day just worn out.) he always likes to bring gosalyn back flowers from lp’s shop, especially after she wins games or championships. drake’s no-nonsense-perpetually-tired attitude just melts off of him when he starts to brag about his little girl’s accomplishments and how proud he is of her (launchpad loves this.) no matter what hour drake finds himself getting back, lp’s shop is open with a bright-eyed smile asking about his day and what sports award gosalyn won.
they probably end up talking a lot and drake finds himself stopping in more than he really needs to (jeez this dude is running out of vases) eventually gosalyn is like “dad i’m going to develop a pollen allergy if you don’t ask out the cute flower guy already.”
so at some point, drake comes in and he’s not going to work and he’s not coming back from work, just on his day off. with launchpad there to greet him as always. and he buys some flowers and lp is like “so what’d gos win this time?” and drake’s like “actually these were for you.” before losing his nerve and starting to ramble like “i was going to ask if you wanted to get dinner sometime but i realize the whole buying flowers to give to you is a bit counterproductive because you made the arrangements and i was trying to be poetic but-” with launchpad just interrupting and going “i would love to get dinner sometime.”
poor gosalyn ends up with even more flowers in her home after they get together
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hexitca · 7 years
How do you think D & A would find S? Like high paranoia gadgeteer has probably fortified herself in the best way possible? Having them find her would force her to push everything she’s built up away to protect them, her chinks in her armour in DW, LP & G, easy targets for crime lords to use to get what they want, especially Azula class crazy ones... when u get round to right this it’s gonna be good! I can’t wait to hear your ideas and choices!!! 😊
anon #2) Wow your OC are awesome, Sophia is still my favor unite though, the wrench throwing, gadget inventing, broom thwacking, eye rolling, attic dwelling duck she is. Can’t wait for how her and her neme-Sis to meet, wonder how it’d even happen that they come face to face? Would Angel & Dolly see/hear a namedrop whispered as the inventor or eavesdrop on DW or staking him out to eliminate him & stumble on her? Then paying S a visit or kidnap Gos to flush both out?Stalking?Traps?Endless possibilities!
Put these together since there is a similar answer to these lol
So I’ve been playing with this idea since i jump around with my timeline like a nerd lol 
So this is after many adventures and working and living with Darkwing, Launchpad, and Gosalyn. Sophia is a lot more comfortable and is fully immersed in their little family. Let’s say that after everything (both in the cartoon and comics) DW finally gets a city wide banquet thank you party b/c let’s be honest, he has saved the day more than once! 
So everyone is there (Morgana, S.H.U.S.H. (although Sophia avoids them still (i havent explained that one but basically it has something to do with contacting her in the past and they rubbed her the wrong way etc*), Gizmoduck *making DW’s annoyed a little lol*, etc) and Sophia but only b/c LP, Gos and Morgana guilt tripped her into. She’s like hovering close to Morgana or LP and staying mostly out of sight. Morgana dressed her up of course lol! Anyways,DW being DW prepared a speech. Now everyone knows it’s gonna be full of praise for himself b/c that’s just who he is (both as DW and Drake Mallard lol) BUT surprise! it’s actually thanking all his friends and allies!
He goes through the list (LP is the first b/c honestly bless that duck he is such a good hardworking sidekick) to his number one fan (Gos) and to the justice ducks (a small quick thank you to Gizmoduck b/c he’s still bitter lol) and to S.H.U.S.H., etc etc. But then he saved Sophia for last ONLY b/c he was unsure on including her since she has said time and time again that she didn’t want to be in the spotlight or out in the open but he just had to thank her for the weapon improvements and the gear to keep both him and Gosalyn safe from danger. So he made it short and sweet.
DW: “Lastly, I just need to thank my personal inventor. .. Sophia Shell. Honestly I can’t thank you enough for all the work you put in to help keep this city safe and..just thank you.” *it’s a little awkward b/c honestly he cant come out and say some of your gadgets saved his little girl or him from getting hurt*
Sophia *a little stunned*: “…” *a smile and head nod*
People clap and cheer and after go back to socializing. DW meets up with his friends/family and thank him for the speech and Sophia steps up. Now DW is worried (making sure she doesnt have a broom lol) but Sophia is smiling. A good sign!
Sophia: “I know I have a rule on not drawing attention to me but really…thank you that was.. nice of you Darkwing.”
And the night continues on without a hitch etc.
Next day’s paper has pictures of the Banquet and on the speech Darkwing Duck made and how he actually seemed humble blah blah and there’s a small section of it on the news blah blah
now.. Angel is big on the news and following up on what crime waves going on so that she can offer deals or send some of her men to get dirt on the big wigs of the crime world. She never was interested in St. Canard b/c it seems a little TOO weird what with the mutants and caped heroes and such. She’s a business person/duck she has no time to deal with pesky heroes and weirdos. BUT as she’s flipping over the newspapers, she sees a veryyy familiar face. Apparently, a journalist caught Sophia face as she was thanking DW for including her in his thank you speech (the journalist was trying to catch DW). 
She spits out her coffee and calls Dolly (who lives close by *there’s that co-dependency for you*). Dolly comes over and squints over the paper and goes “Ohhh yea that’s her. I know those specks between the eyes anywhere! Just like dad’s…” And Angel snatches the paper from Dolly’s fingers, almost shaking.
Angel: “So..THIS is where she’s been hiding?? The place were all the freaks and losers are? HAH WHO KNEW!” *que crazy evil laughing* “Dolly, pack your things, it’s time we greet our long lost big sister..”
Dolly: “Aw but I had a photo-shoot today!”
Angel: *pointed stare*
Dolly: “UGH FINE. But I don’t see the point, you have the business. Why bother with that deserter?”
Angel: “Personal vengeance and such.”
Dolly: “ugh right…”
lol this was long but that’s what I have! I hope to write a much cleaner thing but im a terrible writer and my art can only go so far (maybe mixing both writing and doodles) but I hope this answers your questions anons!
also thank you! I love messing with this ….i guess you call it an AU but honestly it’s just a fun thing to do and also to allow for an outlet from grad school lol
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astrodances · 3 years
I’m surprise that the Cardassian (or whatever your Version of the  Cardassian is in your au) would let Negaduck a Canardian be in charge of the occupation because even with a mask I’m pretty sure they can still tell he’s  Canardian
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Haha I think in my last answer about their names and stuff I was so focused on keeping that "Mallard Drake" mirror parallel that I completely disregarded this aspect of things. XD Good catch!
Well, for one thing, I did mention before that Negaduck's the mirror Emissary of the Pah-wraiths, and that they put the plans in his head for the occupation of prime Canard. So, without him, there really wouldn't be an occupation, so that's a point in his favor here.
^ A quick note/tangent regarding that: the Bajoran Occupation lasted 50 years, and the Canardian one is probably of a similar length, erring on a bit less. (I might say anywhere in the 30-35-40 year range, because prime Drake will be like DT17 Drake (and a little like Kira, in this regard), in his late 20s/early 30s (probably towards the late 20s as a balance of DT17 and Kira) by the time we catch up with him at the "beginning" of the DS9 era in the AU. And so the occupation will at least need to be a little older than Drake, so he can have grown up wanting to be a resistance member.)
What this means for Negaduck is that he's going to be older than Drake (I'm guessing rn like, 20-30 years older?), which will be probably the main trait he gets from Jim Starling (even though he's more like his DW91 self in other regards, and is still very much mirror Mallard Drake). It's fine, because hey, if DS9's mirror universe can have characters die at different times than their prime counterparts (i.e., Jennifer Sisko), who's to say that their births can't be at different times (which I'm pretty sure is actually a thing in that?? I know some people aren't even born in the mirror universe - like Jake Sisko)? (And if it isn't, I'm just gonna say the Prophets/Pah-wraiths work in mysterious ways, and time isn't linear with them. XD) It'll probably help give a little more distinction between Darkwing and Negaduck anyway in terms of physicality, but Darkwing's still able to recognize Negaduck as himself at the moment of truth bc helloooo age-up mirror. XD (DW might actually think at first that there's some weird time travel shenanigans at play, until he can interrogate Negaduck alone.)
(Mirror Gosalyn will still be the same age as her prime self though, as will probably everyone else unless things prove otherwise.)
So, Negaduck is anywhere from being in his late 40s to late 60s by the time the DS9 kicks in and the occupation is over, and anywhere in his late teens to late 20s (maybe even early 30s) when he starts the occupation.
So, that was an important thing to start figuring out (and just putting in the reminder again that this is all subject to change - this is fun though!), but to get to the actual question...
I'd say, for now, there's a couple options to consider (keeping in mind that one way or another, this is going to stray from duck and/or Trek canon/parallels, and very much live up to being an AU):
Regardless of whether things were peaceful/neutral or a little tense between prime Canard and AU Cardassia, Negaduck might've come in from the mirror universe, gone up and knocked on AU Cardassia's door, and been like, "I've got a proposal for you..." and did whatever he needed to do to convince them to invade and occupy Canard. Just did a little reading on Memory Alpha, and besides Cardassia being militaristic and hostile, it says this of the Bajoran Occupation: "...the Cardassians coveted Bajor's rich natural resources and saw the Bajoran people as inferior." So maybe that's what Negaduck uses to incite AU Cardassia into action, and when they ask why he's betraying his own people, he tells them something about wanting power over the planet, and/or some of the resources/profit (probably in particular the Orbs - but he never reveals the true intentions of the Pah-wraiths at this point). (It might also have something to do with how things are going between the two peoples in the mirror universe? We'll see. At any rate, he'll probably know where all the resources/secret areas of Canard are.) As a side note, as the man behind the plans, and be the vicious mind that he is, he'll be the one to choose all the sub-commanders and such, which is where the rest of the Fearsome Five will come in, along with Taurus Bulba later on for that collaboration.
As for him being a Canardian, the AU Cardassians might buy/be intimidated into buying the betrayal (which answers your question, at any rate), but for the Canardians, it'll be a shock when they find out one of their supposed own sold them out. So that'll be where the mask comes in for Negaduck, to hide his identity, but he might be pretty blatant about being Canardian. (And the mask/disguise thing might also just be from being the mirror Darkwing/Negaduck already, depending on what he was doing in the mirror universe?? But he'll get some AU Cardassian armor when he comes into power, so it'll get changed up a bit.) But then Darkwing grows up and comes into his own, and when Negaduck first sees him, he knows exactly who he is, and he'll be like, "So that's where I am..." (for his prime counterpart).
A little side possibility: at least for a while, and at least to Canardians if not the AU Cardassians for a bit, Negaduck might act like a shadowy figure, pulling all the puppet strings from afar? (But after the above points, this is less likely.)
The other major possibility for a Canardian coming in to lead the occupation would be to have some surgical alteration done to look like an AU Cardassian. (I know I said before that I probably wouldn't need to do this for him, but it might actually work?) It would probably be done in the mirror universe or right after he went through the wormhole to the prime universe by a very shady doctor. Negaduck might have to work a bit more to rise to power over AU Cardassia, or gather the Fearsome Five and do a takeover type of thing. And then he'd change his appearance after the occupation and continue on with trying to fulfill the Pah-wraiths' plans some other way, and both the Canardians and AU Cardassians would feel betrayed. I'm really not feeling this idea, but it would actually have some reverse precedence with Dukat having altered himself to look like a Bajoran.
The main point with either possibility is that if Negaduck, a Canardian, is going to lead the Occupation of Canard, it's going to involve betrayal.
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astrodances · 3 years
So since Louie and Goldie owns a bar in DS87 and Drake and Gosalyn live there what do the other think of each other
P.S. I’m sure that Launchpad would be happy to see one of Dewey’s Brothers
P.S.S. I think Launchpad would be assigned to be the U.S.S. Thunderquack helmsman in case you are still figuring out how to put him in DS87
Ooooh ok I really like this question, because I was thinking about Louie and Gos' friendship for the AU last night!
I'm gonna address the three parts in reverse, and under a "read more" because wow this got long, but it was a very fun one!
So, for LP being the Thunderquack's helmsman, yes! I actually did mention that in this ask, but I still haven't figured out where he'd fit in on the station itself (when not flying the 'Quack). I did propose security or tactical, but I might add engineering to the list, bc he's a heck of a mechanic. Maybe a bit of all three? Idk, it'll probably be whichever allows him to help Drake and Gos out most with the fighting biz (which, tbh, is all three options XD).
Heck yeah LP would love to have Louie on the station! Having them both + Goldie is that much stronger of a tie between DS87 and the Klondike. There's probably some whole space communiqué group chat that they're all in to keep in touch, and LP and Louie often hang out and talk about Dewey's/the other kids' latest antics that they got holo-photos of or whatever. LP probably asks Louie for friendship advice about Dewey (i.e., what to get him for his birthday or the kids' Starfleet graduation ceremony - oooh, everyone definitely makes a big trip to Earth for that!), but will also become good friends with Louie himself of course, and will kinda help to act as a balance for Louie's conscience (sometimes against Goldie, sometimes otherwise - Goldie and LP (and Drake) all kinda become Louie's station guardians?), when he starts to tread lines with his scheming. Louie will use LP for all sorts of taste-tests and other guinea pig experiments for the bar, but will also ask him for life advice. Both will seek each other out if they start to feel homesick for the Klondike, and are the first two to greet the Klondike's crew at the airlock whenever she docks at the station. And if either of them decide to take a trip to the Klondike, the other is sure to come with.
And now for Goldie + Louie and Drake + Gos!
By parallel, Goldie and Drake are like Rom/Quark and Sisko, being the parents/guardians of the kiddos, but I don't think they have the same kinds of qualms about their kids hanging out together at first as their DS9 counterparts do. If anything, Goldie and Drake are probably grateful in their own ways that their kids find friendship in each other on such a remote station - Drake, because Gos has already gone through so much with the occupation and her grandfather and being a resistance fighter that she more than deserves to have a kid her own age (and other visiting kids) to be friends with, and Goldie, because as much as she enjoys being Louie's mentor and all that they do, she knows that Louie also needs someone his own age to hang out with and to keep him from growing up too fast.
Besides the kids though, Drake is Very Suspicious of Goldie, when you put the Good Superhero against the Morally Gray Con Artist, but he also knows that she's a valuable resource for connections and such to keep in his back pocket for that same superhero business. Goldie knows that Drake's a good guy (and will be one of those on the inside loop about his secret identity, which she respects, no matter how much she may tease him from time to time), but will also sometimes try to use his status as one of the station's senior officers to get something for the bar. In general though, you'll often enough see the two of them hanging out and chatting at the bar, Drake eating dinner after a long day as Goldie tends to things. They've both seen a lot of things in their time (even if there's quite a difference in their ages), so they have plenty of stories to share. (But when Drake starts climbing up on top of the bar to add flourish to his exploits, Goldie cuts him off for the night. XD)
Louie thinks Drake is pretty cool, very much a nerd, but cool and respectable and trustworthy (in a way, he reminds him of his Uncle Donald, and when he's specifically missing his uncle, he'll tend to gravitate towards Drake), and when the station is in danger and needs a Hero, Louie will want to simultaneously seek Drake out for protection but also know where he is to avoid him because sure enough the danger will probably be right there alongside Drake.
Gos thinks Goldie is also cool, and kinda adopts her as her own cool aunt, after warming up to the idea of allowing herself to have a larger extended family after everything (Goldie in particular might actually have some good words for her about that). Goldie will often sneak Gos some extra dessert or sweets at the bar, even though Mr. Darkwing Dad is very much against this (but it's their little secret ;)). Goldie will also often teach Gos the same general scheming skills that she teaches Louie, again, to Drake's chagrin, or have her distract Louie, if she needs that for some reason.
And now for the kiddos themselves!
So when I was thinking about them last night, I realized just how much I need to see Louie and Gos be friends, because watch out DS87! Just imagine Jake and Nog's friendship and the shenanigans they get into early on, but with these two, instead of Jake and Nog, it's two Nogs (in his early days) and that means double the trouble. (And while Goldie and Drake are in general happy about their friendship, sometimes the trouble does go too far, and there are Consequences.)
They'll pull pranks and schemes like no other kids can (many of which will probably be similar to Jake and Nog's - the LoGos Consortium becomes a thing, a side business alliance behind the bar, if you will ;)). As much as Louie isn't really the active type when it comes to effort, Gos will coax out the best/worst in him for their shenanigans. When Goldie's away and Louie's running the bar, he'll sometimes enlist Gos as his own "first officer" to help run his own side hustles. Louie will also help Gos "sneak out" (as much as you can do that anyway on a station) whenever Drake grounds her, or whenever helping Drake be a liaison becomes too much and she needs to escape for a bit. Louie will also be someone Gos can talk to about losing/searching for her grandfather, because he can relate regarding Della (he becomes her Dewey a.k.a. her Webby for this AU, regarding that :P).
They'll have their spot overlooking the Promenade, able to watch (and immediately plan to con) newly-arrived guests to the station from the airlocks while eating jumja sticks and drinking Pep. They'll spearhead the station parts of secret operations between all the kids that are planned in the group communiqué, and they'll try taking a runabout out for a joyride from time to time. They'll share their worries about their respective parents/guardians, and go on joint-station-family weekend trips to Canard to explore and relax, and Gos will show Louie around the planet.
A lot of good times to be had with those two. :)
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korkorali · 3 years
Alright time to talk about the other interesting adults in the Harry Potter Ducktales AU
-Donald Duck
Was a Gryffindor
He was wrongfully accused of colluding with Magica and being responsible in his sister’s death, which lead to him being incarcerated in Azkaban.
All he knew was that he was innocent. He didn’t even know if Scrooge was fighting for him. (Scrooge was, but Donald did not believe it)
He had actually been helping Della raise the kids, but was out of the house the day Magica killed her.
Eventually he escapes Azkaban, and immediately makes sure that his kids are alright. He has some time where he helps them and keeps them steady, then book 5 happens (but it might happen a little differently than how you expect)
Donald is an animagus, and his form is that of a dog.
When he was in Hogwarts, his favorite class was Defense Against the Dark Arts, because that seemed like the most useful class.
He was actually a beater for the Gryffindor quidditch team by his 3rd year.
His wand’s core is a dragon heartstring
More (Della, Fethry, Launchpad, Drake, etc.) under the cut
-Della Duck
Was a Gryffindor
She died protecting her kids from Magica, and her love for them made Magica’s killing curse rebound onto herself. They were actually the only two to die that night.
Back in the day, she was a pretty powerful witch, and probably the best Seeker to date in Gryffindor. It was honestly expected that she’d be picked up by a full fledged quidditch team, but she subverted expectations and became an Auror with Donald.
Her favorite class was Astrology, but then again she didn’t really consider flying class as an actual class, so. She was also pretty surprisingly good at transfiguration.
She was also an animagus, her form was that of an eagle.
Her wand’s core was a phoenix feather.
-Fethry Duck
Is a Squib and a werewolf, but he got an education (or at least, part of one) at Hogwarts. While there, he was a Ravenclaw.
Originally, he wasn’t allowed to go to Hogwarts, but Scrooge pulled a lot of strings so that he could be there for most of the year (He wanted Fethry to be somewhere where he could keep an eye on him). So Fethry was one of the only Squibs to go to Hogwarts for an education. The Ministry did not allow him to take the O.W.Ls or the N.E.W.Ts, so he did not graduate from Hogwarts, but he still learned a lot.
Donald, Della, and Gyro were his friends at Hogwarts (well, two of them were his cousins, but whatever), but he did not tell them about being a werewolf. When they eventually figured out (because of course they did- Della couldn’t let sleeping dogs lie) they actually became unregistered animagi to keep him company.
After Della died, Scrooge pulled even more strings and entrusted Huey to his care. As a part of Huey being in his care, the Ministry would supply him with wolfsbane potions while in the safe house that they were given to live at. Fethry loved and cared for Huey with all his heart.
In Huey’s 3rd year at Hogwarts, Fethry was actually given the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching role. He was the best teacher that that class ever saw for that position.
As a Squib, he never got a wand.
-Drake Mallard
Is a muggle
He raises Dewey, and eventually adopts Gosalyn as well.
He doesn’t know about the world of magic until Dewey gets a letter from Hogwarts. Dewey was just kind of given to him by this strange old man, and Drake was like ‘Welp, guess he’s mine now!’
When Dewey was sent the first letter, Drake did not approve (I mean, it had the room he slept in, it set off alarm bells in Drake’s head). Eventually he did let Dewey go to Hogwarts, though he was worried the whole time.
He is initially distrusting of everything magical, but he and Gosalyn quickly find themselves immersed in that world. Despite the fact that they aren’t really a part of it.
A lot of people tend to forget that he is a muggle. He becomes a member of the Order of the Phoenix in the 5th year, he is kind of a part of the Ministry as well by the 4th, and by the end of year 7 he’s actually the acting Minister of Magic.
Because he’s a muggle, he doesn’t have a wand.
He does have a massive crush on Launchpad though.
-Launchpad McQuack
Was a Hufflepuff
He is the groundskeeper for Hogwarts, and eventually becomes the Care of Magical Creatures instructor.
He’s the one who gave Dewey his letter, and kind of got off on the wrong foot with Drake for it. He made lengths to make up for it, however.
He cares for the four kiddos very much, and does his best to help them in any way that he can.
He was actually on the quidditch team originally, and he was the Keeper.
His wand is in his umbrella, and he doesn’t remember it’s core.
He has a huge crush on Drake.
There’s also Ludwig Von Drake, who becomes the Charms professor in 6th year, Black Heron, who’s essentially Bellatrix Lestrange, Lunaris, who’s just a bitch in the Ministry, and some more who I can’t really think of rn.
That’s it for the adults, next we’ll talk about the other kids, who are actually pretty important.
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