#Gospel of Jude
seekingtheosis · 10 months
Remembering St. Jude Thaddaeus, the Apostle (19th August)
St. Jude, also known as Thaddeus, was a dedicated apostle of Jesus Christ, spreading His teachings across distant lands. Learn about his life, contributions, and enduring legacy in this comprehensive blog.
In the name of God the Father, Christ Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen. IntroductionIdentityNew TestamentJude – Brother of Jesus?Tradition & LegendLetter of St. JudeMartyrdom & RemainsIconographic RepresentationPatronage & Pilgrimage CentresConclusion Introduction On August 19th, we remember one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus and considered as the founding father and first…
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moviestarmartini · 4 months
Since you are open to writing about Brahim 🤭imagine Jude being a third wheel and always hanging out with you and Brahim, like the guy is never at his house 😭😭
three, that's the magic number! - brahim diaz x reader x platonic!jude bellingham
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warnings: none, pure fluff. headcanon/bulleted format.
now playing... the magic number by de la soul
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you’d heard of Jude but came to meet him in a dinner Brahim had organized with him and Arda. 
you’d noticed the way Jude stared in awe at the two of you whenever you interacted, even if it was just Brahim taking short glances, his face softer than ever. 
it started off with Brahim asking if you could pick up Jude on the way to training, not wanting the younger man to take a taxi there again 
the way the three of you could start a conversation and flow felt nice, singing along to some songs that Brahim had queued.
Jude often asked what the songs said, or what a word either of you said meant. you found endearing how he was really trying with spanish
Jude then started getting dropped off at your shared place to be driven to training by you two— getting all pouty when Brahim was the one driving, not you.  
“Is this what abandonment feels like?” He would joke, but still wished you the best on your way out to work. 
then it was the fact Brahim took it upon himself to teach the englishman the do’s-and-don’ts of Madrid. 
you took Jude everywhere, all your favorite spots, doing your best to avoid large crowds to not draw attention to yourselves. 
“You’re in luck, she’s the best tour guide ever.” Brahim bragged about you to Jude, as he did to anyone who would listen.  
he was just so so proud of every you know and done, he can’t help himself. 
you knew a lot about the historic places you saw even when just passing by car, telling Jude every detail and fun fact you had in store in that brain of yours.
he listened attentively, also noticing the way Brahim would look at you with the tiniest smile behind his lips.  
“See? I’ve got myself the smartest cookie. Eres la más inteligente de todo España, mi habibati.” Brahim would coo after you were done explaining, reaching to cup your face and stroke your cheekbone with his thumb as you nodded slowly, cheeks flushed. 
soon, however, candid pictures of you hanging out were released to the public. 
the reactions varied from people adoring the pair you and Brahim made and how tall Jude was compared to the two of you but always followed behind as if he was your child. 
by that point he’d already taken your flat as his favorite hang out spot, more often than not you found Jude playing FIFA or board games with Brahim after coming home from work.
“Get a room.” Jude would complain at your cuddling and kissing, Brahim brushing the spiky facial hair against the length of your neck only to hear the giggles that made his chest swell 
“Jude, you’re the one who’s in our room.” you deadpanned with a yawn, the two men bursting down in laughter. 
but at the end of the day, he felt like another member of your family— just like abi Arda did, but that’s a story for another day. 
and you were so glad Brahim could reintegrate back into the team flawlessly. 
at one of the games you sat in the VIP balcony at the bernabeú with a good chunk of the players— all out on injuries, including Jude, who went straight to you as he noticed you walk in. 
you two commented on the game as if that was your actual job, feeling every second and emotion. 
you also noticed how Jude looked at you every time you celebrated Brahim doing things right— it could only be described as admiration.
 Jude had to leave when the game was itching its end, having to stand with the other injured players, leaving you with Denise.  
you introduced yourself quickly, and you noticed how she perked up. 
“Lovely to meet you, but can you give me my son back? Or do I need to pull out some adoption papers for you two?” she laughed, soon telling you how much he talked about both you and Brahim, and the relationship you shared. 
you couldn't help but laugh, "Really? I think I have a pen in my purse, hold on–" you joked, but feeling proud... why? because everyone could clearly see how much you loved Brahim.
and they could also see, clear as day, how much he loved you too.
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sanantoniorose · 3 months
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Judee Sill • early 1970s
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nyuiarantes · 4 months
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Jesus and Jude Thaddeus portraits ✨
I've been wanting to develop my coloring skills in traditional art, so I decided to make a couple of artworks with color pencils.
Anyway, I love these two
More people should appreciate Jude, even though he doesn't have much of a presence in the gospels.
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apenitentialprayer · 6 months
The list of Jesus' ancestors is a bit unhistorical. Matthew tries to make three sets of fourteen names each. The middle set of names skips a few generations in order to make the list add up to fourteen names. The number fourteen is important for that is the symbolic number for the name of David. By producing three lists of fourteen, Matthew is saying that Jesus is three times more important than David. Hebrew had no superlative degree, so saying a word three times in a row was their way of expressing that idea (e.g., holy, holy, holy means the holiest). Jesus was three times "David," and he was therefore the "Davidest."
Rev. Jude Winkler, O.F.M. Conv.'s commentary on Matthew 1:1-17
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jesusislord3333 · 2 months
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hibiscuswolverine · 3 months
God and cancer is such an interesting topic because a lot of pastors will blame the devil. And the devil is responsible for a lot of evil but he didn’t create cancer, God did that boo. And sure man kind has had a hand in the development certain cancers but some just.. develop bc of DNA.
And who created the body to do this? God! It’s always so interesting to see how much a blind eye or the reasonings worshippers are willing to come up with for His misdeeds.
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He wonders if, had he had a taste of friendship with all those things before returning to his reality, if he would feel quieter, and lonelier, and more sad, now that he wasn’t friends with them.
The answer is probably yes.
Wilbur tries not to think about this very often; it just makes him hungry for all the things he’ll never have. An insatiable hunger.
Wilbur wonders if Phil ever feels like this.
Finally, Wilbur settles on something, because he taps the screen once before lowering his hands, keeping hold of the phone and letting a song play from it.
Guitar. That’s what starts this song off.
Tommy tilts his head. He’s never heard this before. It’s a new song to him.
But it’s… pretty. As far as the first bit goes, at least; all gentle guitar and soft singing, all that. It sounds like something Ghostbur would like.
And then the chorus comes around, and Tommy’s eyes widen a little bit as the lyrics hit his ears.
“Jesus, my heart, your home. Jesus.”
Tommy flicks his gaze to Wilbur, inquisitive.
Wilbur gazes back, even and calm.
The song continues playing, and after a few seconds, Tommy turns his attention back to it. He’s paying more attention to the lyrics now.
“I will sing for you, all my days. Always quick to give you praise. When I was in sin, you saved my soul. No greater love will I ever know.”
“Do you go to church?” Tommy asks, because he couldn’t keep the question inside his chest any longer.
“No,” Wilbur answers, quick but sure. “Not really, no. I don’t even believe in most of the things this song talks about.”
“Oh. Then…” Tommy furrows his brow. “Then why do you listen to it?”
The song turns loud, strong guitar strums and almost yell-y singing, and Wilbur turns thoughtful, tilting his head ever so slightly as he looks off into the distance.
For a moment, he doesn’t say anything.
The song keeps playing.
“You tried to revive Wilbur,” Ghostbur said, hoping that the king would understand what so few seemed to. “You tried to kill me."
Wilbur hums, and with a quick prayer to whoever is listening, Niki starts to drive.
Ranboo’s heart drops. Oh no.
“Hey, hey, um… W-Wilbur? What… what uh, what’s wrong?” Ranboo hurriedly kneels down, as close to Wilbur as he dares.
(Another one for heart because I wanted to share :)
No. Everything is warm and hazy, drifting in and out of focus with each beat of his heart—a heart which, as far as Wilbur can tell, is slow, lazy, irregular. Irregular. A wobbling spotlight that shines in the wrong places, doesn’t follow the cues.
Wilbur blinks, peering up from his phone to see Ghostbur walking into the kitchen, blinking the sleepiness from his eyes. “Hey. I got, um…” He gestures vaguely to the island. “McDonald’s.”
“McDonald’s,” Ghostbur repeats, sounding inquisitive and amazed at the same time.
Wilbur blinks.
Ghostbur comes to a stop in front of the island, looking around at the paper bags filled with breakfast food. He blinks hard, as if trying to will away any leftover wisps of unconsciousness. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had McDonald’s.”
“You can sleep after this,” Tommy assures, hovering in case the cup spills from Ghostbur’s hands. “Just- make sure you drink enough, y’know. I don’t want you getting diehydrated or anything.”
Ghostbur doesn’t smile at Tommy’s joke, and Tommy suddenly feels lonely. Which is weird, because Ghostbur is right here. He’s not lonely.
His heart just gave a proper pang though, didn’t it?
“You’re not ever yourself after doctor visits,” Tommy says softly, watching as Ghostbur sips at the straw with nearly-closed eyes.
(Couldn’t find one for gentleness so I went with gentle instead!)
He hopes that his voice sounds gentle. He wonders if it’s possible to bend his voice in such a way that sounds gentle.
When they get inside, the song isn’t finished, so they stay in the living room and Ghostbur sways the both of them back and forth, back and forth, all the way until they finish na-na-na-na-ing. It doesn’t matter that they can’t see very well, with all the lights off; they know they’re both here. They can hear each other. Tommy can feel the soft wool of Ghostbur’s sweater sleeves.
They finish the last lyric, and for a few seconds, the whole house is quiet.
Ghostbur leans forward, pressing a kiss onto Tommy’s head. Tommy blinks as he pulls back.
Ghostbur smiles. “I think of you whenever I hear that song."
Tommy doesn’t know what to say to that, so he doesn’t say anything.
As they both lay in bed, facing each other, Tommy moves a little closer than usual. Ghostbur keeps his eyes closed, but he rubs his thumb along Tommy’s arm until they both fall asleep, and that makes Tommy feel better.
When Tommy wakes up, the first thing he does is check to make sure Ghostbur’s still here. He is.
Ghostbur’s thumb is still resting against Tommy’s arm.
Tommy moves a little bit closer, and he falls back asleep.
“You could’ve been trying to pull a prank on me, or a joke.”
Wilbur’s heart twinges, just a bit. “I wouldn’t do that.”
Ghostbur says nothing.
“I’ll help you, alright?” Wilbur takes a step closer, water sloshing up his legs. “I’ll make sure nothing… bad happens, or anything.”
Ghostbur finally looks up, meeting Wilbur’s eyes. He looks skeptical.
Wilbur raises his brows. “Promise. Y’know, we’ll be like… we’ll be like brothers, right? This is the sort of thing brothers do!”
Ghostbur tilts his head thoughtfully. “Perhaps.”
“Look, I don’t wanna stay out here all day, man. Just try it. Look, you suck in a breath and hold it, so your body stays buoyant. See?” Wilbur breathes in to demonstrate, but Ghostbur wrinkles his nose.
“I know how to hold my breath.”
“Then do it, man! Come on!” Wilbur gestures at the water, grinning. “I’ll make sure you don’t sink. I’ll grab you if things go south, alright?”
Ghostbur looks at the water again, nodding after a few moments. “Okay.”
“It’s just fl-“ Wilbur cuts himself off, eyes widening with surprise as Ghostbur lowers himself down and takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes.
And Ghostbur freaking floats. He lays there in the water with his eyes shut and his freaking shirt on and he floats. He barely even moves, actually; just floats there, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
For a minute, he stays like that, and for a minute, Wilbur stares, not quite sure how to react to this.
I didn’t know he was going to do it that quickly.
After a minute, Ghostbur blinks his eyes open, quickly widening them as he tries to right himself.
“You’re fine,” Wilbur assures, stepping forward and letting Ghostbur cling to his arm and get pulled up. “See? Right here, just like I said.”
Ghostbur says absolutely nothing, squeezing Wilbur’s arm with both hands and breathing hard. His hair sticks to his forehead in a dark mess.
Wilbur realizes that his own hair probably looks the same.
“You did it, man.” Wilbur laughs, because there’s really nothing else to do. “You floated! Y’know? And I didn’t even have to do anything! Man, are you sure you don’t know how to swim? I’m being serious. Because that was fantastic, right there.”
Ghostbur stares at his hands, wrapped around Wilbur’s arm, and then he slowly brings his gaze upward, until they meet his brother’s. His eyes are wide. “That water is cold!”
Wilbur laughs again, louder. His feet nearly trip over themselves, but he manages to stay upright and not fall into the river. “Yeah, I suppose it is.”
“And… I floated.”
Wilbur smiles. “I suppose you did.”
“Oh.” Ghostbur glances at the water again, eyes dancing. He looks back to his hands, holding onto Wilbur, and blinks. He pulls his hands away. “I think I hurt you.”
Wilbur looks down, noticing how his skin is white where Ghostbur had held onto it. “Nah, I’m fine.”
“That might bruise.”
“It won’t.”
“I was just a little nervous.”
“I know. But you floated anyway.” Wilbur raises his brows. “Yeah?”
Ghostbur looses a breath through his mouth, nodding. “Yeah. I did, I did.”
Then he brightens. “Oh. I really did, didn’t I?”
“Heck yeah, man.”
“Oh.” Ghostbur slowly runs his fingers through the river, creating small waves. He smiles—a flickering sort of thing. “I did. I did.”
Wilbur grins. His arm probably will bruise—Ghostbur has a hard grip, man—but he can’t bring himself to care. He doesn’t care.
There’s birds chirping everywhere.
He glances at the window, watching orange light bleed through the closed blinds. Is it too early? He planned to do it tonight, after the sun set and the world grew cold.
But there’s nothing else to do.
Wilbur huffs a laugh that sounds more like a sickness. Might as well. The timing won’t change anything; it’s inevitable either way.
He grunts as he rises to his feet, wandering towards his dresser. The slivers of sunlight that worm their way between the blinds cast lines on the wall. Wilbur blocks them with his shadow.
“But,” Tommy continues, dipping a fry into some ketchup. “This makes it better.”
“What does?”
“Food. Five Guys. Even you.” He holds up the ketchup-dipped fry, waving it about with a glint in his eye. “I love salt!”
Wilbur huffs a smile, gazing at the table.
(Another one for love just because)
Ghostbur smiles, huffing quietly to himself. Tommy is very funny. He does such strange things. Ghostbur loves him more than he loves anything else.
(Annnnd another one)
Niki shakes her head. “My bakery is gone.”
“Wh… gone?”
“I burned it.”
He stops walking, and some of the leaves go quiet.
Niki walks ahead of him. After a second or two, she hears leaves again.
“Oh. Okay!” He comes up alongside her, and he’s taller than her, because he’s always been taller than her. “That seems like a strange thing to do to something you love. Why did you burn it?”
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christianotome · 1 year
“For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Jude 1:4)
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dejahisashmom · 8 days
(In Pics) Life After Jesus: What Happened to the Twelve Apostles? - Historic Mysteries
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mfhbc · 1 month
2024 Summer’ster - in person…
My Fathers House Bible Training Center calls you to study God’s Word beginning May 2024 Deuteronomy or Proverbs…Gospel of Matthew…New Testament Koine Greek…and Christian Living (1&2Peter and Jude) Days & Time: To Be Decided Deuteronomy OT314 (2 credits) The class is a thorough, section-by-section expository study of Deuteronomy—its original meaning and current significance. We will discuss…
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naijagospel · 5 months
[VIDEO & AUDIO] "The Fire is Burning" - Pst Jude Osobase
The founder and Senior Pastor of Zion World Church, Dr. Jude Osobase, has released a new single titled “Fire Burning through Me,” accompanied by a live video performance. The Bible, speaking of John in John 5:35 KJV, said: “He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.” “I strongly believe this new song is a prayer song that will inspire everyone…
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gospelhotspot · 5 months
[Music + Video] The Fire Is Burning - Pastor Jude Osobase
The founder and Senior Pastor of Zion World Church, Dr. Jude Osobase has released a new single, “Fire Burning Through Me,” which is accompanied by a live video performance. The Bible speaking of John in John 5:35 KJV said; “He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light” “I strongly believe this new song is a Prayer Song that will inspire everyone…
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melvingaines · 11 months
Jude's Message for Today
A message for Akron Alliance Fellowship Church, Sunday, July 16, 2023. For the “Live in Church” audio of this message, click here. Jude, the author of the biblical letter of the same name and our subject for today’s message, woke up one day deciding that he would write a brief letter to his friends about the subject of salvation.  It was all about encouraging them during what arguably was a…
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apenitentialprayer · 3 months
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Whoever believes in Him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the Name of the only Son of God. And this is the verdict, that the Light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come toward the light, so that his works might not be exposed. But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.
the Gospel According to John (3:16-21)
This is the point of Jesus coming into the world: to reveal to us how much God truly loves us. Still, we have to choose to accept and live in that love. Those who do not accept that love have already condemned themselves (because now they will have to live outside God's love). Those who accept that love have already received their reward (the possibility of living in that love).
Rev. Jude Winkler, O.F.M. Conv.'s commentary on John 3:16-21
And this is the verdict: Judgment is not only future but is partially realized here and now.
the NABRE commentary for John 3:19.
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jesusislord3333 · 3 months
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