#Govt Facility
menalez · 6 months
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“the reason people care about a war in which more civilians have been killed within a few months with 0 consequence compared to the ukraine/russia war must be because they hate jewish people!” 🤡
the situation in palestine has been ongoing for nearly a century, the death toll is astronomical & the level of violence is unprecedented even when compared to the most violent of wars. the number of kids & women killed is unprecedented. but ok… it must be antisemitism i guess
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you think israel is the only country claiming that their war crimes are totally justifiable bc their enemy was in the hospital? if that makes attacking civilian infrastructure “ambiguous” then congrats, it’s ambiguous in the case of russia’s war crimes too. you’re supporting war crimes on one end & pretending to oppose it on another.
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royaltea000 · 1 month
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burnt out sorry - do ya wanna see my ocs (not giving you a choice)
Old designs -w-
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ricecaqes · 2 years
i think one of my favorite things about strawberry jam is the little storylines that the maps occasionally include. sometimes madeline is struggling with an art project. sometimes she is stealing jam from a local farm. maybe one day she is in large bowl of soup. i regard it all as canon which makes her a VERY funny character to me
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seokmins · 2 years
A man be in an educating position and tell me (the class) you don't know what a po&am is huh???? You don't know what the CISSP is huh??? You don't know what the -
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thecraftgremlin · 7 months
I swear to god someday I’m going to make a short film about a gray alien meeting the devil’s hole pupfish and this is a threat.
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kupwaratimes-fan · 2 years
Majority of Govt, private schools in J&K lack medical facilities
Majority of Govt, private schools in J&K lack medical facilities
Majority of Govt, private schools in J&K lack medical facilities Srinagar, Dec 10: At least 18,431 government-run-schools are lacking medical facilities in Jammu and Kashmir, putting a question mark over the claims about the development of educational institutes and healthcare of students. The official figures reveal that among the total of 23,173 government run schools in Jammu and Kashmir, at…
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fortunate-cookie · 1 year
They Meet in a GIW Lab
Turns out the American govt has gone tits up and started hunting down anything that stinks of death magic -- including dear ol’ John Constantine himself. If only their infernal tech didn’t accidentally pick up on his infernal blood. What’s all this about the states having a ghost infestation anyway? There can’t be that many of them wandering around.
John's a bit annoyed by the persistent buggers, always popping up in their godawful white suits and shouting about undead scum, but he figures it’s not that big a deal when they finally catch him with his pants down in some motel just outside of Illinois. They’re so incompetent that he’s sure their facilities are just as laughable.
He’ll probably just take a nap, grab a cuppa from their break room, and leave out the front door, because try as they might, anti-ghost tech does NOT equal anti-magician tech and they are SORELY underprepared for him. Sorely underprepared for the legalese he's gonna rain down on them after telling Supes about this too. 
Yeah, everything was gonna be fine, 
Then he notices that there's another occupied room here. 
Now he's gotta do his job. 
And unlike him, the kid does trigger every alarm on the way out, so he's gotta actually plan something out rather than just brute force it. 
He's gotta think quick though; the kid is already half outta his mind with fear, and every minute he spends in this place only seems to make it worse.
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how do you obtain weed in korea if you're using it recreationally? are you not concerned about the govt trying to trace you considering if you're not admitting to the illegal possession and recreational use of weed it can only be obtained by approval and submission of your medical records to a government drug facility? genuine question since for someone concerned about the government tracing you this seems like a dodgy thing to admit either way.
Medical marijuana is legal here, I’m the worlds most physically ill person so I have a prescription
Also just like in every other country alot of youth smoke weed illegally while alot of youth think it’s the devil, older people tend to almost all fall into the second category.
Also I promise you the South Korean police have bigger fish to fry then someone saying they use weed once on a tumblr blog.
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hero-israel · 11 months
But how can you just tell Palestinians to move south. Israel is committing war crimes by denying water to civilians, it’s collective punishment and they don’t want Gaza to exist. What on earth is Hamas going to do with water other than drink it, how can you defend this position, how is Israel at all heroic. All you can say is for Palestinians to get over the past and fight Hamas, but how? Half of Palestine are children and there are few resources. You can’t just offer some weak critiques of Netanyahu; the right wing Israel political machine is still Israel; you can’t separate some ideals from what is happening now.
"Weak critique", seriously? I have repeatedly said that the Babi Yar, Rwandan Genocide style atrocity inflicted against Israel was made possible by the dysfunctional government Bibi built to legalize his own crimes and that tore society and military readiness apart as a side effect. Hamas would ALWAYS have done it, I've known they are genocidal fascists for quite some time, it is the job of the Israeli govt to watch Gaza and they didn't. How is literally "You made this possible" weak?
Israel re-allowed water as of 2 days ago and is now re-allowing food.
Palestinians are horribly oppressed by Hamas, if they tried to rise up against Hamas they would surely be killed on the spot, and I am not so far out as to say "these are the brutes who they support so bomb them all." But if I don't want the civilians bombed, and you don't even want them moved so they dodge the bombs aimed at facilities, then what is there left for Israel to do at all? How do you imagine a country of Jews, shaped in memory of historic persecutions and genocides - many of them by Arab and Muslim regimes that oppressed and massacred them for 1,000+ years - ought to respond to having the very worst of those events re-staged in their own homes, against their children, their grandparents, the helpless? If any possible action in Gaza is "collective punishment," is Hamas simply to be left unscathed? What would stop them from doing it again, plus a dozen copycats? What do you want, and what country do you imagine would meet your wishes?
There is no government in the world - in the history of the world - that would tolerate a Hamas on their border after what it just did to them. If a Mexican drug cartel seized control of Tijuana and said it was going to "liberate California" in the name of all the Hispanic Catholics who are TRULY indigenous to California instead of White Protestant colonizers, occasionally firing missiles at random into the U.S., then snuck in a death squad and raped and butchered 40,000 people in their homes (and that's the count, adjusted for population), what do you think America would do to Tijuana?
This is why I said previously - as terrible as a full military commitment absolutely would be, "alright, well, don't do that again you meanies!" very well could be worse. People need to deeply and honestly confront whether any retaliation for crimes against humanity is allowable, or whether we are in a perverse mirror image of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" gun law, where the man standing atop a corpse said "he scared me!" and gets away with it. In this case, violence is so forbidden that whoever commits a violent crime first wins.
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nelyastudies · 3 months
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07.04.2024 / public health rotation 🐝
muharraman thing (3h)
revise my ppt for head of local health facility (1h)
presentation for head of local health facility (30m)
revise my ppt for the towns govt (30m) (canva has some really cute customizable vectors to use lol, i used to despise working on it but damn it’s fast)
proposal writing (2h)
tuberculosis review
cycling (5km)
tadarrus (1x)
🎧 - perahu kertas, maudy ayunda
📖 - my name is red, orhan pamuk
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softcthulhuwu · 8 months
with Sam getting his response department forms this week it's gotten me thinking
Specifically about MAG100 and "John Smith's" encounter with supposed secret government facility accessed via a tube station - we have confirmation from the season 3 q&a that all the episode 100 statements are still real, so we know for certain this guy encountered *something* down there
whether it was an actual facility of a fear-scape nightmare zone bending of real space is another matter, but we do know in TMA the original copy of Trevor Herbert's statement was taken under a government and law enforcement contract with the teeth bag also nowhere to be found, and they gotta have put those somewhere
So, y'know, secret govt. facilities are not out of the question, and now in TMAGP we're working for the government in the civil service department of spooky shit, so maybe we'll see Sam taking a trip to Aldwych Tube Station (or hear of somewhere like it)
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lesbx · 9 days
there are two existing bases for the railroad in fo4. one of which is a secret prewar govt facility, undetectable by the player and requiring endgame hacking skill to crack into without the direct aid of the railroad themselves, given that they’d even find it without the railroads help at all, hidden away underground, general safety and security beyond what most other locations can claim. the other being the basement of a large, distinct building with their symbols painted all over it, with a bright red painted line leading all the way up to their doorstep, the one to which the password to enter is just. Railroad. their name. The one thing anybody that knows about the group at all knows about them, their name.
one of those bases is the base that the railroad got murdered out of basically immediately, and the other is the one they’ve operated out of basically unchallenged for years. when i think about which one is which it makes me so fucking mad,
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shonpota · 11 months
These countries? They don't care about humanity in Palestine and that's enough as a reason not eagerly help their government
Don't support their govt. Just shadow banned their govt from any industry.
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UNITED STATES (very shameless)
CZECH Republic
ISRAEL (this terrorist country, I swear)
Marshall Islands
Papua New Guinea
Those who are neutral (also useless) :
Australia (fuck you Aussie, I don't even wanna go there anymore)
Bulgaria (is your brain made of yoghurt??)
Cabo Verde
Canada (begone Canada)
Cyprus (you are a rich country and can't afford humanity?? Even a poor people can afford having humanity.)
Denmark (shame on you)
Estonia (may your internet perish)
Finland (shame on you 2)
Germany (shame on you, you have control in Europe but you are too stupid to use it)
Greece (shame on you)
Iceland (are Nordics all war criminals supporter or doesn't have heart???)
Italy (I hope their blood is clotted like tomato sauce)
Japan (shame on you, Japan)
Latvia (Baltic countries are stupid)
Lithuania (see? They are stupid)
Monaco (shame on you. May those gamblings facilities in your place never make you prosperous)
Netherland (may your country drown)
North Macedonia
Republic of Korea (shame on you)
Republic of Molossia
Romania (may blood epidemic hits you)
San Marino
Slovakia (shame on you)
South Sudan
Sweden (all Nordic countries are awful!)
Tunisia (I guess your dates aren't worth buying. Let's just ban dates from Tunisia)
Ukraine (you are actually under similar but better situation with being supported by the West)
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thenuclearmallard · 8 months
Hey, just saw your post about the noarding school and in some magic confidence I was discussing the same topic with my friend, specifically during USSR. So there were a couple of questions that we got into during the discussion and after I have read the post. What do you think should've been the alternative for the boarding schools that'd give children the ability to get the education considering that their families had a nomadic lifestyle? Do you think that compulsory education was necessary? Personally on one hand I hate the forced unification and erasing of indigenous cultures that happened in USSR, on the other hand I thought learning reading and writing, Russian were simply basic necessities to be able to live and function as a part of the society and have access to basic facilities and needs,like Healthcare, further education, jobs if necessary, communication in the cities. Ofcourse, I might be mistaking on that. So I thought maybe you could suggest any good sources to read about the boarding schools, especially during USSR.
Thankyou in advance!
That is a very good point made and I think that education being offered is important especially for tribes to gain access to society if they'd choose to do so. What is problematic is the forced assimilation and stripping of Nenet language and culture which is what First Nations and Native Americans faced. There is a lot of animosity towards natives especially from a govt aspect and that is not okay. Without racism, it would have been nice for there to be something available if they've chosen to do so, but they were forced away and it was violent although the new resources coming out are very censored due to being in Russia still. Education is important, but so too are Indigenous people and their languages and culture. It should always be a choice and an opportunity, not forced. I hope my answer makes some sort of sense. I woke up and decided to answer the best as what I feel.
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trascapades · 10 months
🇵🇸 #ArtIsAWeapon #CeasefireNow Image and caption reposted from @shirien.creates As of today, over 13,000 #Palestinians have been killed in #Gaza, including 5,500 children, since October 7th. This morning, another hospital in Gaza was bombed by Israeli forces, killing a dozen more Palestinians. Those killed and targeted in Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza’s hospitals have been the most vulnerable: newborns, pregnant women, cancer patients, elders, and disabled Palestinians. All of these people would be alive today had there been a ceasefire yesterday.
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For 2 weeks, the Biden admin has been saying that they want to work towards a “humanitarian pause” in which there will be a short time frame in which the bombing of Gaza subsides to allow civilians to find safety. The Israeli govt has not agreed and even if they did, it is not enough when hospitals and facilities cannot function due to the blockaded flow of water, electricity, medications, and fuel, and the continued destruction of essential infrastructure.
A humanitarian pause is not enough as we are witnessing the televised suffering of premature babies who had to be taken off incubators that could not be kept running due to lack of electricity. Tens of thousands of Palestinian women are pregnant and about to give birth, and are in grave danger of staggering numbers of maternal and infant mortality in coming weeks.
While the Biden administration refuses to call for a ceasefire, the masses across the country are rising up to demand not only a ceasefire, but the end of the siege on Gaza and a #FreePalestine. @coribush’s ceasefire bill went from 13 to 40 signers because of the pressure that our representatives are feeling from their constituents. From the Bay Bridge to Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive, the people are shutting it down. Mass boycotts are impacting corporations that support Israel’s ethnic cleansing. The people have made it clear: no more business as usual.
Continue calling and writing your reps. Keep hitting the streets, boycotting, and disrupting the comforts of our complicit society. Check out ceasefiretoday.com for action items. Your acts of solidarity make a difference. May we continue to rise up...
Image 2 & caption reposted from @ernestoyerena NO GENOCIDE IN GAZA! CEASEFIRE NOW! FREE PALESTINE! Download file for free and print at home to make your own posters for any protest or demonstration you plan on going to. Link in bio to download file. Thanks -e #freepalestine #freegaza
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Anyway something big related to skk is likely to happen. They showed us Aya jumping so that's not the big thing obviously, Aku is still a vampire so not the biting either, Fuku waking up is a huge deal so obviously the Fukufuku fight will be the central theme of the episode. We know that Fyodor escaped now from the preview so again not the biggest thing since it was already established that both Dazai and Sigma are down for the count and Chuuya is under vampirism.
Right now people are most stressed out about Dazai who is the closest to potentially actually being fully dead.
Plot wise, Sigma now has very important info on Fyodor so obviously he isn't dead, Chuuya will stop being a vampire alongside Aku once Aya removes the sword which she obviously will. Dazai may or may not be dead and I lean towards him not being dead because it doesnt serve the story for him to die just yet.
Imo the ep will mostly focus on the fukufuku fight, Aya will end the vampirism, Fyodor will escape (may or may not take Sigma along setting up a more proactive arc for him) and the final part will be skk setting up the next arc which will hopefully include the Clocktower and Verlaine. Especially sinc both have been left in Meursault and Chuuya can easily be captured there for government reasons now that he has raided a govt facility and murdered so many people.
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