scary-ivy · 3 months
I'm one of those Americans who makes a big deal about being distantly 1/4th Irish but not for any type of political clout or need for cultural identity reasons, just because for years I've been telling myself I'm James Joyce
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ijustlovefiction · 25 days
Hey guys
It's me. I'm so sorry that I wasn't post anything and I'm afraid that I won't post anything soon. My mental health got worse and I didn't have energy for anything. Not mentioning that I'm busy much more than I've ever been in my life. You see, I've gradurated and I spent a lot of time for learning at final exam (in Poland, you have to first gradurating then write exam). Then, I had to find some collage that would accept me. Sadly, acting school that I really wanted to get on, rejected me for my stupid mistake in documents. At least, I got on journalist college. Maybe it won't be that bad. Then, I started learning for driver license. Almost everyday, I have two hours of lessons. I'm so sorry again and thank you for all reblogs, likes and nice comments. Have a great day <3
PS: Sorry for bad English
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arsonistshub-a · 1 year
I think I realized why I wanted shar to not be super stereotypically evil
Cuz I project the ideas of losing memory with hypnos on my Hades blog and his idea of resetting your life with nothing from the past. Hcing it's him that the river lithe gets its ability to erase memories.
His lotus fruit being ways to force bad memories out and in place keep dreams of gradure in thejrbplace
Hypnos is just shars memory loss shit but nice. Gfdi
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insolitus-academy · 2 years
The large ship soars through the endless sky as it draws closer to the academy. Indeed the ship resembles that of a 17th age battle vessel. Although it seemed to be the same as those made my human hands it was not from human creation- no. Instead it had been the soon and moon sprites that had created the vessel in the image of what humans still saw as one of their more gradure achievements. Laughable in the eyes of many immortals but still pleasing to the eye.
Unlike the human vessels, it was not as small, a puny ship like those made in the seventeenth century would be but a car from the SMART brand in comparison by the behemoth that was the ship that floated around the academy and finally settled above the forest with a long wooden bridge that magically unfolded from the ship to the ground.
Within the ship there was a whole city- people lived on the SS Starshine. It was a city that held many secrets and even some things out in the open! For the month of December it would remain at the academy and open its doors to the inhabitants of the academy and grounds surrounding. What can you do at the SS Starshine you ask? Funny you would…
CLOUDFISHING Every night the ship floats up to the skies and you can cloudfish, rent one of the magical rods and put some stardust on it as bait to fish up one of the cloudfish. Be sure to either bring it home as a pet or to the restaurant to let it be prepared for you and a special someone.
GO ON A TREASUREHUNT The inhabitants of the SS Starshine are notorious for their knowledge of hidden treasures all around the realms. You can get one of the treasure maps and go on an adventure with someone! Who knows what you will find there!
LEARN HOW TO WEAVE NIGHT SKY SILK  An ancient habit of the people of the SS Starshine is to weave night sky silk. They get the threads from the night sky itself, harvesting it from the soft mist that appears in the early night and then weaving it into beautiful clothing. You get to participate in one of their workshops!
DANCE AT THE PUB If you’re not much for the activities that require you to be sober be sure to go to the pub in the middle of the ship to drink and dance. Every night there are live entertainers with banjos and a piano to guide you with their music!
THE LOWER-DECKS You can find anything in the lower-decks, the literal underbelly of the SS Starsign. Shady deals, criminal behavior and fairy heads in glass pots are sold here under the secure blanket of silence. If you want to do something no one knows about, this might be the place to be…
& MUCH MORE. Keep an eye on the mini events this week and go plot with people around the arrival of the SS STARSHINE!
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
The Extravagant Sea Club II
Back at it again! The part 2 of the 2nd Palace... :3
Now let's see what we will have in here.
What we will cover:
-Exploring more the Palace
-Some time in the city
-Uncovering more of the Floyd mistery
-A round of chess
Now without further ado! Onto the exploration!
Another Friday meant a new tutoring session in between Riddle and Jade.
And this time, Riddle had all means to ask if Jade asked for these sessions just so he could keep an eye on him. Jade had no other option than to confirm that indeed, he did that only for that motive.
So they switched from studying to discussing, all at a game of chess that they found in the attic.
Their problem at hand was what exactly did Floyd hide from them. If even Jade didn't have an idea what was going on, it meant that it was most likely that Akira and Haru were in the blind as well.
Jade admits that Morgana was the only being that was with Floyd the most time. Riddle did reveal that Morgana was a metaverse being, which meant it was normal for the ones who passed through the metaverse to hear him talk instead of meows.
Their problem was now: how could they get Morgana if he was with Floyd almost all day?
Jade seemed to have an idea, so they called in the group to discuss. Of course, after Riddle beat him up at the game.
Sure, they could ask Haru or Akira, but Jade revealed that actually Morgana had an appointment at the vet next week. He just had to switch with Floyd to bring Morgana to the vet and there it was their little window of time for interrogation.
For now, Rook could keep the closest eye on Floyd, as he was a Kosei student.
They also set up codenames for Jade and Rook:
-Amore for Rook, as he himself self proclaimed the 'Hunter of love'.
-Siren for Jade, as he was named the 'dream boy' of Shujin.
So the day was marked off with another Palace investigation.
In the palace, now Jade's persona was revealed to be a tracker, keeping tabs on any and all persons in the aera. With this, Jade's persona needed a map in order to give out instructions regarding their positions.
So passing by 2 more clubs, they found themselves halfway through the palace, at a bigger building, which wasn't a club.
It was the security building, akin to some kind of museum.
There were different rooms, with files that had photos of students in certain poses. In these files it was their name and what they were 'working as', which was also their 'best subject' in real life. Notable were jobs like: main dancer/barman in the [...] club/bar or entertainer/guests. They also had a description and a history of their 'employment'.
The ones who were entertainers/guests were the ones who didn't bring to the school any trophy or good results, as Amore noted. This security building apparently was a way of tracking records of the students, to see if they are worth something.
An interesting file, as both Siren and Amore noted, was one of a 'barman': Azul Ashengrotto. In his file it was mentioned a suspected 'tax evasion attempt' along with the possibility of him 'stealing from the bar income'. It meant that this Azul was on a thin line.
And then they stumbled upon 'security' section. In this section, most students were coming off wealthy families or families who had ties around. Siren recognised a few of them as being students which Floyd picked a fight with. He actually remembered that once he found Floyd in a beat-up with one of them on a subject the twin didn't share at all.
The next eye catching section was 'fired/criminal records'.
And in there, files were found of students. Previous graduates or current students, all with different charges. All of them were written at the bottom either 'gradurated' or 'expelled'.
And a more hefty file, was one which was written 'Floyd Leech'.
Siren had the honor of opening it and reading through it. In this one, Floyd was 'charged' multiple times for violence against the bodyguards, getting away the performers from their show time, disturbing the peace and many more. But also in his file it was mentioned the fact that he was a 'valuable employee', which covered for all the charges.
Currently, Floyd's file specified that he was 'on board'.
For the day, this was all they could get.
Back at Leblanc, the group did talk with Futaba about how this palace seems more complicated than before. Futaba does mention that if only she could summon her persona, she could map it out for them. But alas, she accepted it and by now everything was fine.
A tad bit later, it seemed like 4 persons came in. A man, with his young nephew, who opened the door first for. Haru, who came with Floyd and Morgana. Although the man himself just ordered the regular and occupied a spot as his nephew ran around a bit.
Meanwhile, Haru had a very Grimm expression, Floyd looking down like a kicked puppy. At this, Futaba did prepare the orders, before telling the kids to stay here, while the 2 women take it to the attic.
Vil is the one who breaks the silence and asks what's with Floyd hiding his face like that. Floyd responds that it isn't their business and doesn't even look at them. But Jade is the one who jerks Floyd to look at him, making all of the group to gasp.
Floyd had a black right eye and on his bottom lip was bleeding a bit.
Floyd seemed very annoyed and brushed Jade off when he asked what happened. Jade was keeping his composed self, but it was clear that his worry would crack him up.
They get cut off by the little child that was looking at them, wanting to pet Morgana. The regular at the table told his nephew to leave them alone. And a tad bit later, because of the chatter, the regular left the money on the table, telling to Ortho that his mom can keep the change, before leaving.
Now alone, Jade again pursued Floyd. Riddle got in between and said that first maybe they should see if he had other wounds that would need to be treated.
So despite their insistences, Riddle had Ortho and Deuce fetch him what he needed as he treated Floyd in the bathroom, the others 'waiting with Morgana'.
"It stings!" Floyd hissed in pain as he yanked his hand off Riddle's hold, but he was unsuccessful, as the redhead had a more powerful grip on it. "Well it would hurt less if you would stop moving around and whining." He replied, quite annoyed. "Where did you even manage to cut yourself?!" The redhead grumbled.
"None of ya business... You will tell Jade anyway..." Floyd grumbled.
"And what if I don't?" Riddle asked, gently putting a plaster over the cut, making sure to cover it in one go. "What if I don't tell your brother anything you tell me in here? I can easily say you only whined about the wound cleaning... Which you did..." "Because it's stingy!" "I was just water at first!" "Still!" Riddle rolled his eyes.
"Maybe this is why your brother wants to find out... You whine about everything!" Riddle accused. "I whine?! Ya don't know shit about me!" "I do not need to know a lot about you to know you're a pain to deal with! Now stay still!" Riddle tried to grab at the other's face, but Floyd pulled out. "Ah hell nah! Not again!" "Your lip is bleeding! At least let me clean it so you won't risk an infection!" Riddle protested. "Who even cares?! That fucker broke it last month too and nothing happened!"
Riddle stopped at that. "You were beaten up last month too?" "who do you take me for? A pussy? I would beat those son of bitches every week. Not my fault they manage to land a few punches as well..." Floyd grumbled. Riddle just exhaled as he washed his hands at the sink.
"Maybe you should try to stay out of fights... Maybe your family is worried about it." "I will be alright... It's not like I can control people from picking up a fight." "But you can control yourself from going into the fights." Riddle argued. It was a small silence.
"It's not that simple goldfishie... Some fights just need to be done... Maybe not for my sake... And you would never understand that one..."
After that, both of them leaved it at that. Floyd let Riddle to at least clean his lip wound and both leaved it at that. Out of the bathroom, none said anything and only passed the sounds from the bathroom as just 'Floyd being dramatic and Riddle adding fuel to the fire'.
But someone heard them still. Someone with a very delicate hearing.
When they exited the bathroom, everyone failed to see that Ortho was next to the door. And so, he kept it silent until at night, when he and Riddle had a sleep over.
Ortho did ask why Riddle didn't tell the others what really went down in there. Even after the twins left or in the group chat.
Riddle did nag Ortho for prying into the conversation, but added that he said he won't tell anyone. And even if the promise was on one side, Riddle would honor it as those were the rules of a promise.
Ortho also filled Riddle on what Morgana told them. Apparently Floyd got in a fight with the son of the principal, Fuyuhiko Suguru over the topic of Mikan Takahashi, a 2nd year who appearently was mute and deaf. Morgana revealed that Floyd always got physical with Fuyuhiko, no matter how much he tried to ignore it. That guy kept on pressing his buttons over the topic of some girls Floyd hangs out with being 'pathetic'. Morgana said that there are times when Floyd has to leave him along his bag at the lockers, that being the time when Morgana cannot grasp anything about what Floyd might do, but it's in those moments that apparently Floyd switches his moods or would come back very furios, to the point of slamming the locker shut so loud other students would run out of his way.
So with the palace representing the father's perspective of the school, it could only add that the son was most likely hand in hand with him.
And Floyd was a thorn in their side.
The next day, the group gathered up at Kosei, so far what they gathered was enough to raise suspicions about the principal, not just to incriminate him. So they needed to catch him in the act. With Morgana giving them the lead of Fuyuhiko being a 2nd year, the group were assured that he would get out the same time as Floyd. Only Riddle and Jade got out earlier, so they both decided to go together and wait for Floyd, with the excuse of 'Planning to move the tutoring session'.
But as they were waiting, Jade got a call from a classmate, so he had to answer it. That's when Riddle noticed someone going behind the school.
It was one of those girls. And she seemed to be hurried, messaging someone.
Curiosity got the best of Riddle as he left Jade to see what was going on. The girl notices him, telling Riddle to go and call for some help, but the redhead payed no mind as he peeked in.
A fight broke out in there. In between Floyd and some other dudes, one of them armed.
And Riddle stepped in, demanding for them to stop it, otherwise he will inform not the principal, but the police.
That's when everything goes south.
"would you look at that! The little prick thinks he can play the hero... Whatcha say, Floyd? Eh? Ya know this one?" one of the boys, a quite smartly dressed one, said. "It doesn't matter! You were ganging up on him!" Riddle insisted loud and clear. Floyd tho, grunted.
"I... Don't know this guy... Scram already! You aren't even from this school..." The taller breathed.
"I won't go away until you leave him alone! You!" Riddle pointed towards the girl. "m-me?!" "Get the officer from across the street... NOW!" "YES!" the girl automatically responded, running away.
"Let's scram-" one of the boys whispered to who Riddle presumed was their leader, but he was interrupted. "no..." they mused, punching Floyd in the stomach as he made the boy to topple on his feet. "Let's take care of this little goodie two shoes firs-" Riddle instinctively made a step backwards.
Floyd wiped the corner of his mouth after he spit on the ground. He punched the guy square in the face, before kicking off the other 2 who were took by surprise. Grabbing Riddle by the arm, Floyd headed with the redhead out of the aera. "I told you to scram!" He grunted. "well it's a good thing I don't listen to you!" "Well you should!"
Riddle felt as he was grabbed by the collar. Floyd grabbed him. "listen here, goldfish... I don't give a flying fuck about your prissy rules. So go back to Shujin and don't mingle in other people's business." He threatened.
"what is the meaning of this?!" a voice said.
Looking at the one who called, it was a quite gruff man, a bit chubby with the hairline quite receding. Before them, the 3 guys layed down and dramatically whined. Floyd immediately let go of Riddle. "It isn't what it looks like!" The redhead protested.
But the man showed a smug smile. "Oh but it is what it looks like. I was so lucky to bump into Mrs Owari on my way out..." The man mused. At this, Floyd clenched his teeth. "What did you do to her, you son of a-" He charged, but Riddle grabbed him by the arm. "stop it!" he demanded.
"Yes, Leech... Stop it... Otherwise we would have to add more onto the list of problems you make. What would your mother say when I will call her about it?" The man taunted. Floyd clenched his fists, but ultimately he opened them, leaving his arms to hand around his body. The man seemed to come closer.
Floyd received a slap onto his face, making him to turn his head in response. "Let go of the poor boy, you monster... If only you weren't a 'gifted child', you would have ended up on the streets, with your poor mother unable to do anything! When will you stop picking up on students?" the man nagged, but Floyd whispered something. "What was that?"
"I will stop fighting when you will stop trying to get students in your pants..."
"whatcha said about my dad?" one of the guys rose up, like the others, getting close to Floyd, but behind the man so that Floyd wouldn't be able to reach him. The other was ready to reply when he felt a tug on his arm.
Looking behind, Riddle was tugging onto his sleeve. "Come with me..." He demanded in a whisper. Floyd looked in between the redhead and the group, before gritting his teeth and turning towards Riddle. "I'm not in the mood anymore... I'm going home..." He grumbled.
"Good... Then maybe tell your mother I expected her to drop by my office for a chat about your behaviour..."
Riddle noticed how Floyd was again clenching his fists tightly, so he tugged again on his sleeve. "Don't get close to him, boy. You're too pretty and innocent and he might harm you..." The principal said with a way too sweet smile as he forcefully grabbed Riddle's arm, the redhead trying to protest against it. "I am fine on my own!" He tried to protest, but the. An gad none of it. "Nonsense... I promise I won't be harsh on you..." He mused. This seemed to trigger Floyd, as he charged forward.
And pruncdhed the principal in the face. "Get your hands off him, you dirty son of a bitch!" He yelled, yanking Riddle free from the other's grip. "Thanks..." Riddle gasped silently.
"Go on, Fuyuhiko... Show the poor boy around. He must've gotten lost and stumbled upon this scene... Trusting Floyd with such matters would just beg for a disaster." the man mused, before leaving first with a groan, as the boys seemed to be in better spirits, 2 of them cracking their knuckles. "With pleasure, sir..." the one Riddle assumed was Fuyuhiko, said as they approached the 2.
"Go... I can deal with them..." Floyd mused. "stop playing the martyr act and run, you idiot!" Riddle demanded as he dragged the other into a sprint, the other 3 took aback by the sudden fleeing method.
All while that, Riddle pulled out his phone. He had to get Jade to know where they were.
"the metanav! We can't escape those by simply running up the streets!" a voice was heard. "Morgana! Shush!" Floyd demanded. "You have a cat in your bag?!" Riddle tried to act surprised. "Not the time! Run!" Floyd demanded as he was hearing the other guys after them.
"do you trust me?" "At this point? Absolutely not..." "Good enough..." the redhead mused as he tapped onto his phone.
Making a harsh turn, luckily none of them fell down as they headed behind a building. "You can't hide! That's a dead en-" the 3 boys made the turn as well on the alley.
But there was no one in there.
(Explanation format yay! :3)
After that, the 3 debate if they probabily had them make a turn a bit more earlier/later and they mistook it.
Meanwhile, Floyd found himself in the Extravagant Sea Club, with Rose and Mona. Imagine that scene with Iugene and Rapunzel, but make it Floyd and Rose:
Floyd: D:
Rose: Don't scream!
Floyd: *strangled noises*
But on the real side, Floyd was in awe that they were on the sea, on a bigass floating city. Or more like a floating club.
Yeah, he still lost his shit when he realised Morgana was that cat creature that got out of his bag. U-U
Rose explains that they cannot stay too much in one place, so he nudged Floyd to come with him to a safe room. In there, Mona could use a healing spell on the 2, assuring at least that both were in great condition, in case shadows get in their way.
And with all the explanations, what Floyd concluded was the next: This is how the principal of Kosei views his school and it's students.
And it made Floyd even more mad than before.
Instead of freaking out/getting angry at first like the rest did, Floyd demanded to know if there is a way he can change this cognitive world. Mona and Rose did tell him that they are working on it and that he shouldn't get involved in such thing, as it was way too dangerous.
But Floyd had none of it. He wanted to make the principal pay for it with his own hand.
Mona said that they could explore this palace a bit more if he doubles as a protection for Floyd. Despite the taller's protests that he did not need protection, it was already decided.
And so they passed a bit more from the half of the palace, reaching into the next club, which seemed to be extremely lavish and luxurious. Too much if you asked Rose.
And it just so happened for a show to commence.
Before any of them could say anything, Mona declared that they should stay in the public and pretend to be guests as to not attract too much suspicion. It was a big stage in there, and behind it, a throne on which a cognitive principal stood. Rose recognised it as being the man from before, but with the pinkish skin and the yellow eyes, it wasn't a professional looking imagine.
And that's when the gigantic bar glass from the changing rooms was brought forward.
And along with it, someone else came in. Someone that Floyd knew all too well.
~~~~(Tw for blood)~~~~
"Mikan..." Floyd whispered, eyes as big as plates as he looked at the girl that stepped on the stage.
Long black hair tied in a neat ponytail, fairly pale skin as the girl in question wore some sparkly heels and a bathing suit that was bedazzled with colorful glitter.
Rose only looked at the boy, much like Mona. "Mikan is his friend... They are very close..." The cat like being noted, seeing how Floyd made his way towards the front row. No one seemed to mind him as all the eyes were on the girl that started her performance alongside the glass prop.
But Floyd was silent as well. He knew shouting or calling will do nothing. She didn't even look in his way, so Floyd could do nothing about it.
The performance felt way too long and gruesome for Floyd, who in response, clenched his fist and punched the stage wall. The sound seemed to perk the attention of the palace ruler as he looked down towards Floyd.
"Well well well... If it isn't the little troublemaker..." The man smiled as he rose from his throne, grabbing Mikan close to him, the girl lovingly accepting the hold as it was hugging the man. "What brings you here I wonder? Maybe... Beg for forgiveness?" The man mused with a wicked smile, Floyd only threw him a glare.
"Today I am in a very good mood..." He poked his fingers and immediately bodyguards were summoned and holded down Rose and Mona. Floyd turned towards them in surprise, only to get a punch in his face, making him to fall on the ground and groan.
"Should I execute this scum, sir?" A tall boy dressed in all black, with a 'security chief' badge on, said. "Fuyuhiko, you bitch..." Floyd grumbled. "I still want to give him a chance... He looks... Promising..." The man mused.
"If not... Maybe his mother will be down for a round? She looks more promising than him... Much like his buddies... Alas, why they stay near a scum like him is a mistery..."
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Floyd immediately shot up, punching the shadow in the face. "You dare lay a finger on my norther or my buddies... And you are dead!" He threatened, but his threat fell on deaf ears as the cognitive Fuyuhiko holded him by the nape and shocked him with an taser.
"Oh and why is that? Everyone wants to be on my good side... Not my fault they go an extra mile and offer me something in return... Your little adorable friend, Mikan, could've said anything to stop it and I would have listened..." the man smiled wickedly.
"She is mute! You just take advantage of her! The other girls too!" Floyd weakly struggled. "Sir, let me exterminate him... He's getting way too annoying." the cognitive Fuyuhiko scratched his ear bored. "Do as you will... He's proven way too many times that he's useless..."
Are you going to let yourself be defeated? After all those times of fighting?
Floyd let out an inhuman scream of pain, struggling more against the grip of the shadow, kicking and moving as if he would suffocate if not. "Kill him!" The palace ruler roared, before turning on his heel and leaving the room.
Give me a motive on why I should help you?
"I will make them pay..." Floyd breathed out, using his elbow to hit the shadow in the jaw and free himself. "I WILL MAKE YOU PAY, YA HEARD ME, FUNE SUGURU?!" He screamed.
Revenge... It is enough for me...
Mona freed himself and Rose out of the other's grip as Rose grabbed the cat like being and used one of his personas to clear off the room. Meanwhile, Floyd seemed to grip on something that was on his face, moving around and screaming like a mad man.
It wasn't a scream of pain, rather one of amusement and pleasure.
I am thou... Thou art I... The sea will be your sword and shield... And the list for bloodshed will be your power...
"COME AT ME!" Floyd yanked his head backwards with a lunatic laugh, dropping off his mask on the ground. Blood dripped of his flesh ripped face, tickling as it trailed down his neck and hands. Floyd only looked bored at the cognitive Fuyuhiko that called for back-up, the blood finally igniting in an explosion that threw everyone, weather allies or enemies, into the walls of the room.
"I am not in the mood for chat..." Floyd didn't even spare a glance at his new attire or at the fact that behind him a ghost of a long merman under the form of a pirate ship was floating, the chains around it rattling loudly.
"So stay still so I could kill you quick..."
Oh Floyd was on for a bloodshed. Even cognitive Fuyuhiko had to turn into his shadowy self so he could charge forward, but Floyd had none of it, charging forward and battling it weapon to weapon. His weapon of choice were the ribbon tied knives, which gave him both a long and short range, much like a very dangerous yo-yo.
In the mist of the battle, a masked guard kinda tried to save themselves and run to get even more back up, in order to outnumber the boys.
That's when a 4th figure leaped from the shadows, landed gracefully behind that guard and yanked off their mask, with the infamous 'Show me your true self'.
Joker is back, baby! :3
And as the battle was over, Floyd seemed to bearly stay in his feet. He used way too much energy on the battle and his emotions got the best of him.
Thankfully his dad his here to pick the kids to a safe room. :D
In the safe room, the group got to rest a bit and Joker/Akira, decided to have a heart to heart with his son.
Floyd did break down finally, admitting that the principal was harassing the students, so Floyd had none of it and stepped in between, which led to a silent war in between him and the principal. Students who were way too scared of the principal started to hang out with him, as they were his main targets. And Floyd tried to do his utter best, but he couldn't always protect them.
Mikan tho, was the one Floyd made an active effort to befriend. He learned sign language to make it easier for her to understand him. Mikan was excellent at lip reading, but even so, Floyd tried to make an effort, because she was truly nice to him and stood up to him in his first year against Fuyuhiko. Floyd even has a sign name that Mikan gave to him, which meant mostly 'Silly eel'.
And Floyd felt like shit to know that he could've done much more about it, but didn't do anything in the end. He felt ashamed to even tell his family that he got in trouble almost every day because of it.
And Joker reassures, saying that he only wanted to protect those in need. It was Nostalgic, bringing Joker to how he got on probation and how that story ended. In the end, if he didn't punch that mf that night, he wouldn't have meet his friends, he wouldn't have discovered the metaverse and he wouldn't have met Floyd and Jade's mom.
So they have a fluffy chat and a hug, before going back to the real world. :3
Now to light up the mood, Akira tells Floyd that as long as Mrs Kurusu doesn't find out, they could take the liberty to steal sum shit and vandalise the palace just a tiny bit. :3
Unfortunately for them, Haru immediately found them and heard their plan. And she was NOT happy about it.
Riddle gets off scout free, cuz he was called by Ortho to come to LeBlanc. :'3
The next day, both twins join the group at Leblanc along Morgana. Floyd and Jade filled them up that now, Floyd was risking expulsion because he punched the principal when he tried to get Riddle.
Their new deadline: By the end of the month, when Haru confirmed her schedule was free enough so she can pay a visit and address the situation.
It took a wild back and forth, but in the end, Floyd got assigned (skeptically) a codename: Knight. Rook dramatically said that it fits because of the way Floyd protects the innocents, as if he goes by an oath. Floyd brushed him off cuz 'why tf is this dude here?'.
Now they had a deadline and more than half of the palace explored. :3
Unfortunately, the other part was a high security one, which seemed to take more than the others.
And this is where we put the small stop for now... :3
And yay! Floyd joins in! :3c
Actually I would absolutely go more in depth with his backstory, since it only paints the principal in even more of a bad light... Probably it's a few of the actual backstories that aren't that deep, but they hit you where it hurts.
Until next time! Buh bye! :D
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laurel-dreams · 2 years
Wannabes Instagram post
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They gradurated, yay!
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looybi · 1 year
Gradur, Pas Assez
ICYMI: https://looybi.com/videos/video-gradur-pas-assez-2020-08-11-22-03-15?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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ccmld · 2 years
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sur du gradur fais des pompes des tractions
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sunnyglassware · 2 years
10oz straight side glass candle vessels gradurated color decoration for ...
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suis-nous · 2 years
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cerise80 · 2 years
Franglish - Non Non Feat Gradur (Clip Officiel)
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very-bad-gifs · 5 years
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
Nous sommes bleu (da ba dee)...
Joshua Minsoo Kim: The main hook reminds me of "Blue (Da Ba Dee)," which is exactly what's needed for a song that sounds both dated and too straight-ahead. The beginning is a tease: the weaving of the vocal sample with the beat isn't followed by anything of equal whimsy. Still, functional rapping and singing can go a long way. [6]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: You know how cold pizza can sometimes taste better than the original slice? "Ne Reviens Pas" is kind of like that. There's not an original idea here, just a interpolation of Eiffel 65's "Blue (Da Ba De)" done so cleverly it's impossible not to enjoy. What Gradur does to the chorus ("Y a d'la weed/Y a du Jack/je fonce-dé toute la night et na-na-ni, na-na-na") has no right to be as catchy as it is and recalls peak Rihanna. Look for this one at the club. [7]
Edward Okulicz: Not that anyone involved in this was going for subtle, but I like how subtle the nods to "Blue" are -- little snatches of the melody, similar Europop bass. It's like how people talk about the tones in a bottle of wine, only this is a Bacardi Breezer -- the effect is instantaneous, shameful, forgettable and, yes, pleasurable. [6]
Brad Shoup: I wouldn't have tabbed the Eiffel 65 without reading it first. I just figured that Eurodance is a sturdy scaffolding. This isn't even a banger: slinkier than most dance-til-dawn songs, devoid of a trance hook but oddly insistent on processing raspy vocals. [6]
Alfred Soto: I've a bias against pop songs that don't let listeners catch a breath. All chorus/hook, "Ne Reviens Pas" relies on the most noxious vocal manipulation too. [4]
Iain Mew: Ooh ooh! Someone should do a hip-hop version of "The Ketchup Song" next! [5]
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