#Grafic T Shirts
artbyganga · 1 year
Introducing Carving My Path Online Shop
Carving My Path Merch - #onlineshop #launch #cmypath #cmp #carvingmypath #tshirt #logotee #grafictee #pod #cmpmerch #blog #blogger #blogpost
After dreaming about it for a long time, I am thrilled to announce that it’s finally here. Introducing Carving My Path’s online shop! 🎉 As a lover of art and photography, I have always wanted to showcase my artwork and photos on various products, and what better way than creating unique designs for t-shirts? The aesthetics of the drawings on t-shirts are simply beautiful. To kickstart this…
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audasunda · 2 months
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T-shirt: Tyr Rune
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rbr-united · 1 year
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(via "Steampunk Lion ( Concept Art )" Graphic T-Shirt for Sale by RBRUnited12)
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chubbycelebs · 1 year
The Factory of Fatties (Part 1)
It was a warm September morning with sun beaming down on the street where the opening of Mr Wonka's factory took place. The months before this moment were filled with excitement. Mr Wonka had released 5 golden tickets within his Wonka chocolate bars and whoever found these tickets got a free tour of his factory where even more sweet confections were made. There was so much excitement to see who the winners of this prize would be.
The first person to win was 20 year old Sam. Sam was an academic boy who focused on his studies at university. He would snack on Wonka bars when taking notes or writing assignments so when he opened the wrapper on a chocolate bar and was met with a golden ticket he was very surprised. Sam had dark blonde hair, quite tall and had a slight stubble covering his face. He had quite the lazy build, not fat but did have a slight gut as he didn't get out much due to all the readings and writing he has to do. He'd spend a lot of his days sitting around snacking and writing which didn't help his soft belly. This morning at the chocolate factory he was wearing a loose white t-shirt that covered his belly for the most part and some cream coloured shorts that hugged his little round bum very nicely. He was very excited to get a taste of some of Wonka's amazing chocolate and couldn't wait to eat it all.
Next to Sam were two much bigger lads: Matt and Will. Matt and Will, both 22, were two rugby lads, the typical rough around the edges bulky boys. They always loved competing against each other to see who was the best at something. The boys one evening had an eating contest of Wonka bars to see who could eat the most. Matt was quite trim with big strong arms and big shoulders whilst Will was bigger with a strong chest and thick thighs but also a soft strong belly. Matt would often tease Will for his bigger appetite which led to their stuffing contest. As the two boys were reaching the end of their pile of chocolate, they both opened up their bars to find a golden ticket. These two were so excited to go. Will loved to treat himself every so often to Wonka's sweet treats so going to his factory was his dream. Matt secretly enjoyed seeing Will eat and get bigger and bigger so he knew that this trip would be very exciting. They stood waiting outside the factory, Matt showing off his body with his compression shirt and joggers combo, hugging all the right places showing just how fit he was. Will decided to cover up more with a hoodie and joggers. He was used to covering up as Matt liked to tease him for his belly. "Don't stuff your face too much today big boy" Matt teased just this morning as they got ready to go to the factory giving his belly a little tap causing it to wobble.
Next to these two boys stood a very tall and very skinny boy with black hair and oversized clothes on, Henry. Henry wasn't much for going out, in fact he enjoyed spending most of his time playing video games at home. He loved escaping his world of disappointing his parents and always being alone and entering a more interesting fantasy world. At 19 Henry hadn't achieved much in his life but when he saw he won a golden ticket he knew this was his time to prove that he isn't a total failure and make it to the end of the factory tour hopefully winning something at the end.
The last boy in the line was a short round bellied chubby boy called Charlie. Charlie was the oldest there, 25, and by far the fattest. He loved Wonka's candy and he would eat it all day every day so when he won a ticket he was so excited to go see how it was made and hopefully get to try some new sweets. Charlie would get teased a lot for his weight, having always been a big guy he never found him self that attractive so instead he'd just eat. He wore a grafic t-shirt with the words "WONKA" written across it, however the shirt was too tight and had to be stretched over his soft chest and barely covering his hairy gut. He wore some much more comfortable joggers which still were tight around his thick body.
All the boys were stood in line ready to enter the world famous chocolate factory all wondering what was waiting for them when they entered. The doors slowly opened and the excitement built all around them. Out walked the very tall and very powerful Willy Wonka. He wore a purple suit with a tall top hat and a long cane and he marched confidently towards the boys. "Welcome my dear boys. What a joyous occasion it is to have you all here at my factory." He looked the line up and down, taking in all the boys and seeing their excitement. "You boys are very lucky to have won a ticket to my factory. We have some very exciting things in store for you," he said with a slightly mischievous grin. "Now, enough waiting. Should we get going?" Before waiting for an answer, he then turned right around and started walking back to the doors. All the boys followed him in and before they knew it they were cut off from the outside world, with only the unknown ahead of them.
They were walking down a really long and dark corridor with no windows or any sign of this being a chocolate factory. When they finally reached the end where there was a small door, about 3 feet high. The boys all looked at each other confused. Are they meant to squeeze through this small door? Wonka got his keys out and turned a lock in the door and pushed it open. A bright light came from the door but the boys couldn't see into it. "Well what are you waiting for? Go on!" Wonka said giving Charlie a tap on his jiggly arse with his cane. Charlie jumped slightly but then proceeded to try and squeeze through the door. Charlie, already being a rather round boy, struggled to get through. Both his belly and arse got stuck and the rest of the boys laughed at him as he wiggled through the small gap. Matt gave Will a nudge and pointed as Charlies fat arse wriggling, his arse crack peaking over the top of his tight joggers. Next was Will who also got slightly stuck in the door due to this bulky body. Matt gave him a slap on his arse and called him a pig with a chuckle. Next was Matt followed by Henry and finally Sam. As Sam entered he looked up and around the room. It was a room full of life. Plants everywhere and a large brown river in the centre of it. The room smelt sweet and a rumble could be heard coming from all the boys bellies as if none of them had eaten in days. Wonka finally entered the room and introduced them to it. "This my boys is the chocolate room where everything is edible. Eat whatever you want and whatever you can fit into your bellies." All the boys look confused. Will took a leave on a neighbouring plant and put it in his mouth skeptical. His eyes widened and he was shocked that it was a fruity gummy leaf.
"This is amazing" said while still chewing as he started picking more of the bush to each. All the other boys then jumped to life running around the room trying everything. Matt and Will had situated themselves by a tree eating the fruits off it then the leaves then the branches. They made a competition of who could eat more of the tree. Henry had found some mushrooms that were filled with cream. He was taking handfuls and stuffing them into his mouth with globs falling and landing onto his shirt. Charlie was digging up the ground, stuffing his face with the sweet grass and then the chocolate soil underneath. He couldn't get enough his belly and mouth were already covered in the rich chocolate dirt. Matt had seen the state of him and pointed it out to Will saying how much of a hog he is. Little did the Matt and Will know they also looked like hogs, both now having bloated full bellies. The two boys laughed and they carried eating the tree, stuffing themselves even further. Sam had made his way to the river side. He loved Wonkas chocolate so much and he could smell that this river was all melted chocolate. He got down on his knees and put his hand into the river and drank some of the chocolate. It was the best chocolate he'd ever tasted. It was rich yet sweet and so creamy it just slipped down his throat and into his belly. It covered his mouth and filled it up with the warm chocolate liquid. He had to go back for a second handful and then a third and he couldn't stop. He then put his face into the river just gulping as much of down as possible. The creamy warm liquid filled his mouth and belly. Sam came up for air as he licked his lips and his hands of the chocolatey goodness. He could feel the chocolate bloat his belly but he didn't care. It felt amazing as it filled him up.
Wonka then called all the boys over to show them something. All the boys ran over to where Wonka was. Matt and Will still eating the fruits and Henry licking his hands of the mushroom cream. All the boys were displaying fuller bellies having just spent a good portion of time just stuffing their faces with food, most noticeably Charlie who's already tight shirt had now ridden up teasing to show off his deep belly button. "I wanted to show you my workers here. If you look across the river bank you should be able to see those men." Over the river were men about 6 foot in high and all very well build with strong muscles. All the workers wore full orange latex suits showing off their great bodies. "These men work here 24/7 to help run this factory the best it possibly can. In return I give them the best life possible here in my factory. Without them I couldn't do any of this."
Just then a large rumble came from Sam's belly. Sam looked down and grabbed his soft torso. "My boy you can't still be hungry?" Wonka asked confused.
"No I think I'm just very full Wonka. To be honest I did drink a lot of the river" Sam replied pointing to the river bank whilst still clutching his belly. "Your chocolate is just amazing."
"Oh dear my boy I forgot to say, you mustn't drink straight from the river its far to fatty for consumption at this stage. Can't believe i forgot to mention." Sam looked panicked at Wonka as he said this.
"Well whats going to happen to me?" Sam said slightly worried as his belly continued to rumble loudly.
"Oh hopefully nothing too crazy. Maybe put on a few pounds but nothing huge-" Wonka was cut off as if right on queue as Sam's belly began to push outwards. His already soft belly was now growing softer and fatter. His chest got fuller too pushing against his shirt which was becoming tighter by the second. His legs and arse were also filling his tight shorts quickly. Sams was panicking now. This was quickly becoming more than a few pounds. He grabbed his ever expanding belly and shook it as he looked at Wonka who was just smiling at him. His shirt now was riding up belly showing off his snail trail rising higher and higher till his deep belly button popped out. A snap could be heard from under his round belly as his shorts couldn't hold his expanding waist anymore and the button popped off flying across the room. The seams on the side of his shorts were stretching and splitting by his arse. His shirt rode further up exposing the fat boys round hairy gut which wobbled as it grew outwards. Now the shirt resembled that of a bra supporting his large moobs which grew fatter and fatter by the second. His love handles grew wider as well as his hips which became too much for his poor shorts which split into shreds exposing his tight pink underwear he was wearing. Following this was his shirt ripped into pieces leaving his chest to giggle on top of his huge belly. His fat round cheeks turned pink with embarrassment as he felt his almost naked enlarged body on show to everyone. All his limbs had filled with soft lard causing him to jiggle as he looked around at his new huge body. The rest of the group looked at him in shock, and for some enjoyment. Matt was smiling at him looking longingly at Sam's huge fat arse with a strong boner forming in his pants. Sam's growth seemed to slowly come to an end, jiggling to a halt. He now stood at about 600lbs now in tiny pink underwear where the seams were stretched to the max, barely keeping his naked fat body from show. "WONKA WHATS HAPPENED TO ME?!?!? I'M FUCKING MASSIVE" Sam said feeling his belly and his new tits.
"Well yes you are quite big. Much bigger then I would've thought as well. You must have been a little pig and drank loads of my river huh?" Wonka said looking at the fat boy up and down. Sam went bright red in embarrassment. "Right well what to do with a big hog like you then? You can either carry on the tour but I must warn you it's quite the walk and i'm not sure you will fit through a lot of the door ways. I can send you back home now like this?"
"I cant leave looking like this? Are you joking? I was only 160lbs when I entered I'll never hear the end of it"
"You were at least 200lbs when we entered chubs don't lie" Matt chimed up still fixated on Sams huge curves. Sam looked very embarrassed knowing that Matt was right.
"Yes well I guess questions will be asked how you got so... bulky." Wonka took some time to think looking at Sam's huge belly and circling round to his round buttocks. "Well I guess you could become one of my workers? You could become a taste tester? All you do is sit and eat all day and I'm sure you are used to that. You'll be given free accommodation and free food of course."
"You mean I'm stuck like this? You don't have a thing that can burn all this fat?" Sam asked now more defeated.
"I'm afraid not my big boy. The only way to lose this is intense exercise and a diet which demands great will power, which we know you don't have."
"I guess i have no choice then. I'll work for you then Wonka." Sam said now having to accept his fate as a new fat boy.
"Perfect. I'll have my workers take you to the taste testers immediately. You'll fit in just perfectly with the rest of them." Just then a well build strong worker walked up to Sam and grabbed his hand. He started walking towards a larger door then where they entered and led Sam through there, with Sam waddling behind him. All the extra movement led for Sam's remaining clothes to tear apart, leaving nothing to the imagination. Lucky for him his large gut covered his front, but is huge ass was on show jiggling with every move. As they were leaving the rest of the group could see Sams body jiggle and also see the workers excitement at the sight of his. The worker gave his arse a good smack as the doors closed on them. "Oh i do like to give my workers some fun. Right shall we move on then boys?" Wonka said looking at the four boys left. They all were still shocked by what they just saw but were happy to move on.
Matt turned to Will and said "I'm just saying it was a matter of time before he got huge. Wont be surprised if that pig there will follow suit" pointing over to Charlie. Will laughed at him and agreed.
The group then left the chocolate room with just the memories of their big friend Sam. Sam quickly learnt that he can enjoy his new size with the worker taking him to a private room. He showed him just how sexy his new body was Sam soon was begging for more food to keep him nice and plump. I guess some men are into big guys...
So I'm starting this new series about a group of boys who enter wonkas factory and im sure you can figure out what happens next. This is part 1 of 4 (not sure yet) so please show some love if you want the next parts. These take quite a lot of time to write so would love to see some support. Thank you and hope you enjoy!
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ameera-ameera · 3 months
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[ID: Crayon style drawing of a light brown mouse wearing a button down shirt, a black blazer, and glasses. She holds a tablet with various types of charts in her paw. /end ID]
I was listening to a pre-recorded meeting at work and wanted to keep my hands busy, so I created this game! Dress a mouse girl data scientist in formal button downs or relaxed grafic t-shirts, and finish the look with one of 19 different charts and data visualizations for her tablet. There’s bar charts, line charts, pie charts, scatter plots, table data, and much more!
Mouse Girl Data Scientist Dress Up
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tagged by @underxstars thank you!
Share your wallpaper (phone):
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(i change that shit once a year, so this is still louis tomlinson related)
Last song you listend to: wenn man das drei ??? Intro mit rechnen kann, dann das. Sonst - Let's Roll - Freeman Camper playlist
Current read: tbh i have at least 3 books started but the main one is- Priory of the orange tree.
Last movie: bro I really don't know
Craving: lots of food & no work, I wanna go home and cry
What are you wearing right now: work clothes: blue sweatpants & white t shirt. Beside that, black ripped jeans, a really comfortable grafic t shirt and my jeans jacket,
How tall are you: 1.70m ?
Piercings: septum & right ear conch (and the basic ear holes) I want to pirce the shit out of my skin tho, once the last is fully healed
Tattoo: none sadly. but one day when I'm not scared of tattoo studios and have a plan of what I wanna get. (but I wanna do a stick & poke on my own, so we see how that works.
Glasses? Contacts? : yes but I forgot to put them on today
Last drink: water, I love water
Last show: Polizeiruf 110 - Staffel 22 bc Moritz Brenner !
Last thing you ate: Cookies🍪
Favourite colour: alle? irgendwo zwischen Seegrün und Meerblau
Current obsession: don't ask that, die drei ??? und Tatort?
Unrelated obsession: Feminismus/ Patrichale Strukturen, mushrooms & words/ literatur
Any pets: a cat, who i was really scared of but now i adore them
Do you have a crush on anyone: no, i have no idea what love is bro that shit is complicated
Favourite fictional character: oh god I like them all and get so invested in them that I will not choose. but the current one, who kind of helps regulate my emotions is probably skinny norris?
Last place you traveld: i dont really travel so probably my grandma or smt
im tagging @maxwellshimbo & everybody who sees this!🥰
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studioboutique4 · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Adidas Wanderlust Grafic Long Sleeve Crop T-Shirt.
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tauna-alawneh · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Girl’s, Bobby Brooks, Grafic, long sleeve T-Shirt.
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dainty-autumn · 1 year
Thinking about the new fashion low points I'll hit this school year. Last year as soon as I thought I had reached rock bottom, I'd sink further. I once went to a lecture still wearing my pijama t-shirt (it's an old Grafic tee i bought on holiday, hideous) with a knitted wool jumper with Mickey mouse on it over said t-shirt, paired with baggy jeans I randomly found in my dorm wardrobe and docs....
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redbluet · 2 years
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(prin macarale, piersic, și China a crescut grafic T-Shirt Dress de creangat)
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Die Black Panther Party (BPP) wurde 1966 von Bobby Seale und Huey P. Newton gegründet. Sie setzte sich für die Befreiung Schwarzer Menschen und eine sozialistische Gesellschaft ein. Bereits drei Jahre nach der Gründung erklärte FBI-Direktor J. Edgar Hoover sie zur größten Gefahr für die nationale Sicherheit der USA. Die BPP sollte eliminiert werden, was den Herrschenden in den USA am Ende auch gelang. Mit allen Mitteln wurde sie vom Staat bekämpft, das reichte vom Schüren interner Zwistigkeiten über brutale Unterdrückung bis hin zur Ermordung führender Panther wie z.B. Fred Hampton und Mark Clark in Chicago. Die Black Panther verbanden einen militanten Ansatz der Selbstverteidigung gegen Polizeigewalt mit einem massenkompatiblen Programm, das auf Selbsthilfe und Selbstorganisierung der Schwarzen Bevölkerung ausgerichtet war. Lange bevor der Begriff der Intersektionalität aufkam, strebte die BPP eine Koalition aller Unterdrückten an: ethnische Minderheiten, Frauen, Arbeiter*innen, Erwerbslose, Schwule, Lesben … Die BPP betrieb eine Bündnispolitik mit allen unterdrückten Gruppen der Gesellschaft, für die eine sozialistische Gesellschaft frei von Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung ein vereinigendes Kampfziel war.
Die Graphic Novel zeichnet die Geschichte dieses bedeutenden Versuchs Schwarzer Selbstbefreiung in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren auf eindrucksvolle Weise nach, ohne in oberflächliche Klischees oder Heldenverehrung zu verfallen.
Marcus Kwame Anderson ist Illustrator, bildender Künstler und Lehrer. Er hat als Ideengeber und Illustrator an verschiedenen Comic-Serien mitgewirkt.
David F. Walker ist preisgekrönter Autor einer Reihe von Comics sowie Produzent und Regisseur.
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kreativstyle · 4 years
The sample is available in 55 products (clothing, accessories, home decor products, artprints, mask, etc.)
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gaiarizziart · 6 years
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You can buy the gadget version on Redbubble!!!
check me out as GaiaRizziArt
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The Lovely Summer Graphic T-Shirt has 5 colors which are Very Light Malachite Green, Little Boy Blue, Pastel Yellow, Yellow Orange and Light Carmine Pink. This sunny design is perfect for the beach and swimming.
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bloopersstore · 4 years
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This Diwali Discover The Exclusive Offers
Exciting Diwali offers to make the occasion more special. To know more check the website
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Morning After
Summary: Dean had to listen to the Reader and Sam’s activities the night before so he makes sure to let them know.
TW/CW: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader.  
Requested?: Yes, by the awesome @the-departed-potato who said, “Hello 👋 I was hoping I could request an imagine for Jared Padalecki (or Sam Winchester) with a female reader please. So my actual request was that maybe Jensen (or Dean) over heard some ✨noises✨ coming from Jared (or Sam) and his girlfriends room (could be like a hotel room or something for Jared). And he (Jensen or Dean) starts making fun of Jared (or Sam). It doesn’t have to be anything grafic (unless you want it to) or even include the actual sex part. Just like a funny Jensen (or Dean) mocking Jared (or Sam) thing.”
Word Count: 680
A/N: Mmmm... don’t we all wish to be (Y/n). Anyways... I hope you enjoy the read! As usual, requests are open and love to all! P.S. I’ma be honest, I read smut all the time but for some feckin reason, I can’t manage to convince myself to write it even though I would probably be pretty good at it :/
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Third Person POV     Sam stretches his arms and legs before throwing the covers off of himself and tucking them around (Y/n). He yawns as he pads over to the closet and pulls out a pair of boxers, some sweats, and a t-shirt and gets dressed. He goes to head to the kitchen for coffee but stops in the doorway of his bedroom to admire his girlfriend as she lays still sound asleep. Her hair is fanned out over the pillow and here and there among the covers her soft skin peeks out. He recalls their activities from the previous night and finds the dark hickies on her neck right where he left them. Smiling to himself, he returns to his quest for coffee.  
    His bare feet make contact with the cold tile floor as he enters the kitchen and begins brewing a pot of coffee. The rich smell wafts through the bunker and soon draws Dean from his own slumber. This hunter doesn’t bother to pull on regular clothes and instead throws his robe on over his pajamas before venturing out of his room in search of coffee. He finds the brew in its usual spot as well as his little brother cooking bacon on the stove. Dean chuckles as he pours himself a cup of coffee and joins Sam at the stove, “Exciting night?”
    Sam raises an eyebrow, knowing that’s not all that Dean can deal out, “Yes.”
    “Sure sounded like it,” Dean takes a sip of his coffee before pitching his voice a little higher, “OH Sammy! Right there, it feels so GOOD!”
    Sam slaps his brother on the back of the head as he flips the bacon, “Shut up. You’re just jealous.”
    “Yeah sure,” Dean replies as he takes the carton of eggs out of the fridge and begins setting to work to make scrambled eggs.
    A short while later, (Y/n) shuffles into the kitchen wearing Sam’s flannel and a pair of shorts. Dean nearly spits his coffee out at the sight of the dark marks up the side of her neck as displayed due to her hair being in a messy bun. Sam grins proudly as she wraps her arms around his waist and mumbles a good morning. (Y/n) makes her way over to the coffee pot to pour herself some and by the time she’s done, Sam and Dean have plated up three plates of bacon and eggs and are heading for the library table. (Y/n) joins them and takes a seat before delightedly munching away at the delicious breakfast.  
    It’s quiet for a short while until Dean clears his throat, “So, what time are you two leaving for the furniture store?”
    (Y/n) and Sam both give Dean a look of confusion and Sam asks, “Why would we be going to the furniture store?”
    Dean can barely contain his laughter to get his punchline out, “To buy a new bed because it sure as hell sounded like that one didn’t survive last night.”
    A bright blush spreads over (Y/n)’s face as Sam shakes his head at Dean, “Very funny. I have to admit that was delivered well though if it weren’t for you laughing at your own joke before you even manage to say it.” Dean shrugs and returns to his food. Sam glances over at (Y/n) and is amused to find the blush across her cheeks and leans over to press a quick kiss to her lips.
    The rest of the day went by as normal. The boys checked their usual sources to see if there were any cases nearby and (Y/n caught up on reading her favorite book. Dean had no more comments until Sam had gone to take a shower and came back without his shirt on. As soon as Dean caught sight of Sam’s back, his jaw hit the floor, “Holy shit, (Y/n). I didn’t know you had claws.” (Y/n) once again blushed furiously and Sam chuckled at her as he joined them at the table and wrapped his arms around her from behind to bury his face in her neck.
Taglist: @emiijemii​ @castiels-majestic-wings​
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