sw5w · 11 months
Qui-Gon's Back
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:36:44
Fun little detail I threw in: I chose the name of this shot as a nod to the old Decipher CCG cards from the Premiere set... Luke's Back, Leia's Back, Han's Back
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archivogragra · 11 months
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Fractured Stars Falling Masterlist!
WIP Intro
untitled nightmare snippet with Raven and Sapphire
Tears of Fire with Elliot and Hestia
Wildly Beating Hearts with Cassandra and Erica
Distraction with Max and Monty
Guilt with Snow and Lan
Bandages with Raven and Sapphire
Rain Drowning Out Tears with Snow and Lan
Reading Lessons with Elliot and Hestia
Icy Kisses with Raven and Sapphire
The Apology with Snow and Lan
Hearth in the Storm with Tris and Kaye
All Eyes On Me with Triveya
In The End It Doesn't Even Matter (I Had to Fall to Lose it All) with Raven and Sapphire
And Now Forever I Know (All That I Wanted Was to Hold You) with Raven and Sapphire
Would You Let Me Touch Your Soul, Forever? (Can You Hear Me Longing For You, Forever, Forever?) aka Raven and Sapphire angsty times
Your Kisses Burn Into My Skin (Only Love Can Hurt Like This) aka Cass and Erica angsty times
Fireflies aka Raven and Sapphire Valentines Day Special
Book WIP and OC Intros
General Cinderella Intro
Tris Intro
Kaye Intro
King Burningham and Queen Persephone Intro
Snow Knight Intro
Snow Intro
Lan Intro
Queen Reigna Intro
The Little Pirate Intro
Cassandra Intro
Erica Intro
Gar Face Gabe Intro
The Lord's Son and The Frog Intro
Max Intro
Monty Intro
Lord Darevan Intro
[more intros and links coming... when I eventually post them haha]
Worldbuilding (mainly posts for now because sorting through asks is a nightmare)
Mother Hallya WBW Post
Dixy - Eldest of Mother Hallya
Keyon - Second Eldest
Sayfiya - Third Eldest
Gragra and Jhar - The Twins
Dragia - Second Youngest
Undral - The Youngest
Kingdom - Dinvirty
Kingdom - Goke
Area - The High Seas of Eltya
Country - Dryklan
Kingdom - Farkle
Kingdom - Greyvenhill
Area - The Under
Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art @mjjune @fiercely-raging-writer @wildswrites @corishadowfang @surroundedbypearls @serenanymph + people from the gen. taglist @outpost51 @dustylovelyrun (comment or send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
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liquidstar · 1 year
i finished season 9 just now i’m doing it gragra (gender neutral form of grandpa and grandma since for some reason we made gran still mean grandma. what gives) thank you for your encouragement
No problem my grandchild :)
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koval-ptaki-birds · 2 months
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88) Corvus palmarum; Wrona haitańska, wrona palmowa, Hispaniolan palm crow, (hispaniolska wrona palmowa) - gatunek średniej wielkości ptaka z rodziny krukowatych (Corvidae). Zamieszkuje Dominikanę i Haiti. Nazwy lokalne tego gatunku to cao, Ti Kaw, Ti Gragra i Corneille Palmiste.
Gatunek opisany po raz pierwszy przez Pawła Wilhema Wirtemberskiego w roku 1835 jako czarnobrązowy ptak wielkości kawki. Według badań genetycznych z roku 2012, wrona haitańska jest kladem siostrzanym dla wrony rybożernej. Jest to gatunek monotypowy. Za podgatunek wrony haitańskiej uznawano występującą na Kubie, wronę palmową (Corvus minutus), opisaną w roku 1852 przez Juana Gundlacha, ale jest ona obecnie powszechnie uznawana za osobny gatunek. Zmiany tej nie uwzględniła jeszcze Międzynarodowa Unia Ochrony Przyrody (IUCN).
Etymologia nazwy naukowej: zarówno nazwa rodzajowa, jak i epitet gatunkowy wywodzą się z łaciny (corvus – kruk, palmarum – palmowy).
Wrona haitańska zamieszkuje przede wszystkim obszary leśne i ich okolice. Spotykana na terenach bagnistych i zakrzewionych, również suchych. Preferuje górskie lasy sosnowe na wysokości ponad 750–1300 m n.p.m. do 3000 m n.p.m., ale występuje także w lasach położonych na nizinach. Może przebywać także na obszarach, gdzie lasy są rozłożone w sposób nieregularny ze względu na tworzenie pól uprawnych. Wrona haitańska dawniej była szeroko rozpowszechniona na wyspie Haiti. Obecnie widywana głównie w pasmach górskich Sierra de Baoruco i Chaîne de la Selle, w Kordylierze Środkowej (Dominikana) i na Isla Cabritos.
Wrona haitańska prowadzi stadny tryb życia. Często widywana w niewielkich grupach od czterech do sześciu osobników. Łączy się również w stada liczące najczęściej mniej niż 20 ptaków, czasem jest to 30–50 osobników, sporadycznie ponad 200. Może poszukiwać pożywienia wspólnie z innymi krukowatymi, między innymi z wroną antylską i wroną kubańską. Nie jest zbyt płochliwa – obserwator może zbliżyć się na odległość około 20 metrów, a sam ptak czasami podchodzi do człowieka na dystans 3–4 metrów, jednocześnie głośno nawołując i machając ogonem. Może gonić i dręczyć ptaki większe od siebie, na przykład ślepowrony żółtoczelne, dopóki atakowane ptaki nie znajdą schronienia. Zdarza się, że poszukuje jedzenia blisko lokalnych sklepów z żywnością.
IUCN nadal stosuje starsze ujęcie systematyczne (z wroną palmową jako podgatunkiem) i od 2018 roku uznaje wronę haitańską za gatunek najmniejszej troski (LC, Least Concern); wcześniej, od 2008 roku miała ona status „bliski zagrożenia” (NT, Near Threatened). Trend liczebności populacji uznawany jest za spadkowy. Jednym z najbardziej znaczących czynników wpływających na zmniejszanie populacji jest postępujące niszczenie lasów na potrzeby zakładania pól uprawnych oraz pastwisk dla bydła, a także budowy domów. Ponadto zdarza się, że ludzie polują na wrony haitańskie dla rozrywki lub w celu spożycia jej mięsa. Poza tym obecność człowieka może zakłócać spokój w miejscach, gdzie ptaki poszukują pożywienia i zakładają gniazda; przedstawiciele gatunku starają się wybierać tereny, na których gęstość zaludnienia jest najmniejsza.
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shichi1919 · 5 months
3 months na ko naghihintay gragra kayong mga lalaki ggrrrrraaaaahhhhh
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marvinsartplace · 7 months
grag gragg gragra gragra Haven't posted here in a long time so here's a new art thing I made, will be updatin on things in a bit
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tgablissortonn · 9 months
Mos Espa market place on Tatooine– Star Wars – what was it and who sold food? https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mos_Espa_marketplace i.e.
Gragra, a Swokes Swokesgorgmonger on Tatooine. Gorgmonger was the term applied to any sentient being who farmed and sold gorgs, such
as Gragra on the desert planet of Tatooine. Also
The Troll Market HellBoy II
Where did they make the set? And choose 3 characters to analyse i.e. Silhard the Fish vendor – comment on the design and the ideas behind them. (this will give you ideas for who your vendor might be or your clientele i.e. the tadpole vendor!)
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOS1Wi1wvjg and add to blog (what ideas does it give
look at markets from asia and vendors, street foods
big squid
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jemuelgallaza · 9 months
Gragra - Gragra, a Swokes Swokesgorgmonger on Tatooine.Gorgmonger was the term applied to any sentient being who farmed and sold gorgs, such as Gragra on the desertplanet of Tatooine
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catherinek-g · 10 months
Food vendors and markets in media
Star Wars
Mos Espa marketplace:
This vast market is located in the planet of Tatooine and is split up into several specialized areas that offer services or sell things like fruits, meats and beverages. Some of the vendors and shops at this market include: Gragra (who sold gorgs) , Akim's Munch outdoor cafe and Jira's fruit stall.
HellBoy 2
the Troll market:
The set for the market was made in a Hungarian mine cave.
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Silkard the fish vendor: I think the design of this character is very interesting as it has a frog-like, fishy appearance along with tentacle like arms, almost combining multiple different animals together. I also find it slightly funny that an aquatic looking creature is selling fish.
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Cathedralhead: I really like the stone like texture and pattern this character has and how it looks as if some parts of it's face/chin is missing which draws the viewers attention to its big eyes owl-like eyes. I also like the design of the cloths and how detailed they look along with the turquoise and gold colour palette.
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The Tadpole vendor: This characters design has a rugged nature about it that helps it fit in nicely with the the overall feel of the market setting. I like how the jars of tadpoles have been incorporated as something the creature carries around instead of them simply being on a market table.
These note book pages include concept sketches and research for character and designs done by Guilermo del Toro.
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tga-ines-soares · 10 months
Star Wars
Mos Espa market place on Tatooine
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What was the Mos Espa?
The Mos Espa is a marketplace. The marketplace is located in the vast shopping area in the city of Mos Espa, a spacepot on the sun-scorched planet Tatooine. In the decades of the Galactic Republic, the marketplace was big and busy, with many shops and market stalls where various types of fruits, meat, and beverages could be bought.
The market was divided into several specialized quarters, some of which served the quotidian needs of the local inhabitants, while others housed engine mechanics, droid repairers, or even weapons dealer which is illegal In the Mos Espa market, there are many vendors there are cooling units near their products as a way of drawing potential customers from the hot, suffocating streets.
The year 32 BBY, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, walked across the Mos Espa market, along with the Queen Padme Amidala, who is in disguise and Gungan named Jar Jar Binks. Binks suddenly got really hungrey, and the booth covered with gorgs for sale caught his eye. Sebulba, an angrey Dug who was eating at a table nearby, started to bully the he Gungan as revenge for the latter, inadvertently ruining his soup by spitting the gorg out into the bowl. Only the timely intervention of the Human Anakin Skywalker saved Binks from being severely beaten or even killed.
who sold the food of Mos Espa?
Among the food shops found on the marketplace were Gragra's gorgmonger booth, Akim's Munch outdoor café and Jira's fruits stall.
Gragra, a Swokes Swokesgorgmonger on Tatooine. Gorgmonger was the term applied to any sentient being who farmed and sold gorgs, such as gragra on the desert planet of Tatooine.
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Akim's Munch was a street cafe Located in Mos Espa. Despite all the often serving undercooked and stringy food, that cafe had its regulars, incuding Sebulba, a renowned Podracer. Before his defeat in the Boonta Eve Classic, sebulba often hung out there, bragging of his victories to the delight of his fans. Quinlan Vos was sitting in the cafe in 32 BBY when Jar Jar Binks was attacked by Sebulba and Subsequently Saved by Anakin Skywalker. It was sometimes hosted a Birth band and the Jawa musican Tili Tili. Notable patrons were an ithorian, a Mon Calamari, a Morseerian, a being with two heads, and a brick red-coloured beaking being. Around the year 32 BBY, a young Jedi recruit visted the cantina to recored songs for the benfit of Anakin Sywalker.
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sw5w · 11 months
Eh, Chee Bana Do Mullee Ra
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:36:41
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ellethinker · 1 year
OIIII MINHA OPHELIA! Terceiro ano que to aqui te fazendo um textinho (cringe) de aniversário. Desde o dia que te conheci nunca imaginei que um dia você poderia ter tanta importância na minha vida. É sempre muito difícil achar palavras pra falar sobre você, sempre te falo tudo o que tenho que falar. Feliz seu primeiro aniversário sem o número 1 no início, mas sim, você ainda continua sendo minha adolescente favorita. Gragra, que seu aniversário seja perfeito, que você esteja rodeada de pessoas que você tanto ama, e que você continue sendo essa pessoa que você é e sempre trazendo alegria pra as pessoas ao seu redor. Obrigada por ter aparecido na minha vida pra ficar, e por aguentar todas as merdas que eu faço com você. Eu não seria nada sem você e sem a sua amizade. Te amo pra sempre. Não existe uma Maria Julia sem Grazi.
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andresoliva · 1 year
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GRAGRA (c/ Carnicer, 18, Madrid)
Espacio de divulgación y experimentación tipográfica. Próxima inauguración.
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oliverupsidedown · 2 years
Mos espa market place food...
The Mos Espa marketplace was a vast shopping area located in the city of Mos Espa, a spaceport on the sun-scorched planet Tatooine. In the final decades of the Galactic Republic, the marketplace was big and busy, with many shops and market stalls where various types of fruits, meat and beverages could be bought.
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The market was divided into several specialized quarters, some of which served the quotidian needs of the local inhabitants, while others housed engines mechanics, droid repairers or even illegal weapons dealers. Many vendors of the Mos Espa market placed cooling units near their products as a way of drawing potential customers from the hot, suffocating steets. Among the food shops found on the marketplace were Gragra's gorgmonger booth, Akim's Munch outdoor café and Jira's fruits stall.
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Gragra was a female Swokes Swokes that worked in the marketplace of Mos Espa. She caught Jar Jar Binks when he tried to snatch a gorg from her stand without paying. Gragra was a female Swokes Swokes gorgmonger that worked in the marketplace of Mos Espa. Gragra grew her food in a sewer zone underneath Mos Espa.
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A gorg... Sold by gragra
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Mos Espa marketplace - Tatooine (Star Wars)
Mos Espa was a vast shopping area located in the city of Mos Espa, a spaceport on the sun-scorched planet Tatooine. There were various stalls selling meat, fruits and drinks.
The market was divided into several quarters, serving the local inhabitants while others housed engines, droid repairers and illegal weapon dealers.
Among the food shops were the following:
Gragra's gorgmonger booth - Gragra was a female Swokes Swokes gorgmonger her grew her food in a sewer zone underneath Mos Espa. She sold Gorgs known as chubas which were small amphibians that could be found on several planets. They were a popular food on Tatooine, either dried, fricasseed or roasted.
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Akim's Munch - This was a street cafe serving undercooked and stringy food. Regulars like Sebulba the pod racer went there all the time.
Jira - Jira was a poor, old woman who ran a fruit stand. She sold juicy fruits called pallies, these were sweet fruits grown underground on Tatooine. She used a cooling unit to keep her fruits fresh but when it broke Anakin Skywalker came to the rescue by giving her the money to replace it.
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