#Gramaphone Records
glassefactory · 1 year
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killieweegie · 29 days
Listen to everything ❤️
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spiky-berry21 · 2 months
Second Lacka-oc finished!
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(Transcription for any who find the image too blurry):
Born: November 27th, 1903
Salem, Massachusetts
Maeve Midwinter, the proprietor (and solitary worker) of a cosy little bookstore in downtown St. Louis. The epitome of a pristine and upstanding citizen, she carries herself with utmost pride. Serving her community like the very legal citizen she is.
Well... Aside from her random bursts of uncontrollable rage. But she will assure you it was just the amount of caffeine she had in her coffee that morning, "It's nothing, I assure you!". But besides that, Maeve has devoted her life to her books, the few things in life she finds worth her time. That, and the fact that she chooses to associate with what her mother would call the scum of the earth, supplying speakeasies with a portion of illegally made wine. Though perhaps being a supplier certainly has its... Perks. For example, getting to know the charming Australian bootlegger working for the infamous Marigold gang. Who she seems to have taken quite the liking to.
Among the pleasantness of her small bookshop on the corner, this gentlewoman enjoys listening to the ambience of her many records on her gramaphone. Coupled with the oh so calming turn of a book page when nobody is around. Loving all fashion with ruffles and jewels to them, she collects anything even remotely shiny she can get her little mitts on. As well as being an avid lover of dark humour, and strawberry flavoured macarons.
Very happy to have Maeve's character card done, I find her to be the more ostentatious of the three given her... wealthier upbringing.
As always, have a dazzling rest of your day/night! 😘
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Young Tintin Headcanons Because I Can and I'm a Sentimental Person
Also, Tintin's mother is blind. That's my own headcanon
Tintin learnt Braille through his mother reading him Braille books while he sat on her lap. She also taught him to write formally using Braille and it's because of her that he became such a good journalist.
He loved to make paper planes and kites out of everything: newspapers, discarded letters, anything he could get his hands on. He loved to study the way birds' wings curve to catch the air and spent hours reading about how planes fly.
Every day, after school, Tintin and his mother would go to the market, buy some fruit (strawberries, oranges, apples, whatever was available) and would eat them in the park. Even when it was raining, they would eat then splash in the puddles.
Tintin's mother was kind off eccentric, but in the appreciate-the-little-things eccentric. When it stormed, she would open the windows until rain began to puddle on the floor. She would also lie in the floor a lot, either on the grass or on the carpet becay se she liked the feel of the ground below her. Tintin learnt to do the same, noticing the minutia of life that was truly special that so often gets overlooked. He loves the clouds especially.
Tintin used to ask a lot of questions (and then follow up with "why?" 5 times.) His mother never grew bored of it and always answered to the best of her ability. When she didn't know something, they would go to the library and Tintin would read aloud to her what he found.
One of Tintin's friends went to America and bought back "The Wizard of Oz" soundtrack on a record for him. His favourite song was "Over the Rainbow", but it wasn't until after the war that generalised just how sad the song was.
Tintin's hair started off a really warm, golden blond that had a couple of copper streaks when the light hit it. As he got older, his hair got darker until it grew into a solid ginger hue.
Museums. Enough said. Entire days spent wandering around, exploring the artifacts and paintings. Art museums, Natura history, modern history, science, anything. If it was a museum, Tintin had been at least once.
Tintin grew to really appreciate music. He had piano lessons, but stopped due to money and a certain war and never picked it back up again, but he loved listening to music on the radio or gramaphone, either dancing or lying on the floor staring at the ceiling. He especially loved Debussy and other impressionist musicians.
One of the reasons Tintin is such a phenomenal writer is because he became accustomed to describing the world around him and the little things happening to his mother. Describing without relying of visual explanations was difficult, but he managed to convey that sunshine was like fresh bread.
He read many classics, such as Tolkien, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Beatrix Potter, A A Milne, Mary Poppins, A Little Prince, etc. He was a very well-educated boy, despite hating school because everyone there were bullies and also he got bored very quickly writing simple sentences over and over again.
His baby teeth were crooked: his front two teeth were larger that the rest and overlapped with the other teeth. His adult teeth do the same, but much more subtly. You only notice if you stare hard enough.
Freckles. So many. That is all. Freckles.
He loved to dance. Just waving his arms about, twirling around in the living room, moving his body in any way he could to music or even just because.
He was in the Belgian resistance (Dutch-Paris network, 20th convoy and le faux soir) but if I say any more this will become too long and you will all hate me
Remember how Haddock asked Tintin if he could fly the plane and Tintin replied with "I interviewed a pilot once?" It was more of an interrogation between a British RAF pilot who had been shot down and a determined 11 year old Belgian boy in a dark basement somewhere on Rue Franklin as the pilot waited for his escape to Switzerland. Tintin had a book on planes and pestered the pilot to teach him how to fly planes until they had regular meetups in a broken garble of French and English.
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boysborntodie · 1 year
Johnny headcanons
His father's Mexican and his mother's a Sephardic Jew
He has a complicated relationship with race because apart from his father, most other Latinos he knows are from the other gangs, and he doesn't like them much
can speak Spanish (though it's mostly reserved to conversational and even then is quite limited) and knows some Ladino
Had a rather thick accent when he was younger which has faded as he grew older and started spending more time with the Greasers than at home
It still slips out ever so often, mainly when he feels excited, anxious or angry
Doesn't know how to write or read Spanish at all
Due to his father being at work all day and his mother's drinking addiction, he learned chores and some general cooking at an early age
His father once had a fondness for music and collected many records. He has long forgotten about them but Johnny hasn't and keeps them in a safe place
Johnny likes music. He has no particular taste, just whatever he thinks sounds good
His father used to own a gramaphone but it had long gotten smashed in one of his outbursts
Johnny off-handedly mentioned it once and Dally ended up getting one (but he refused to go into the details about how he got his hands on it)
Has dyslexia but had always thought he was just slow
Ponyboy tries to help him learn to read sometimes but without much progress (Johnny ends up insisting that it's a waste of Ponyboy's time and Ponyboy isn't the most patient teacher anyways)
Also has ADHD
Likes collecting all kinds of junk and trinkets, ranging from oddly shaped rocks, old notes, dried plants. Usually things he's gotten from the gang at some point. It's his greatest treasure
He is very fond of birds and will feed them any food he has on hand, even if it mean he himself doesn't have anything to eat later. It's one of the only times Darry actually scolds Johnny
Likes to wrap parts of his body (hands, ankles, neck) in bandages because it helps him feel grounded and secure but doesn't because he feels it's silly and wasteful considering he doesn't need them for injuries
Might make a part 2 later...
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erenaeoth · 1 year
went to a second hand bookstore and acquire a record of some 1960s steam engines passing through the british countryside. exceedingly pleased.
came home and played it on my 1940s gramaphone. surpasses expectations. even has lapwings calling on it. one track ends with the steam engine coming into the station, all the hissing dying down and a bloke saying "time to go getta cuppa".
it also comes with an insert explaining in detail what you are listening to, with such anecdotes as the trains' make, entire route, and down to the 'you will hear at the end as it passes some rowdy schoolboys and cows being milked'. £2.99 well spent
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grislyintentions · 1 year
|| HC- Off duty (Kafka) ||
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Kafka has a skincare routine and enjoys using facial masks semi-regularly. Naturally everyone else in the team would get swept up in her interests and end up becoming one of her participants (for Blade a facemask and ice globe massages to maximise relaxation, for Silver Wolf, a facemask and treatment to reduce puffy eyes/dark circles as well as rehydrate)
She relaxes by taking bubble baths and listening to music on records with the gramaphone
More often than not, whenever Silver Wolf is sulking/upset from losing a 'game', she consoles her by getting her a snack or taking her out to get comfort food (usually returning with an ice cream cup for Blade or something)
She more often than not has no clue what Silver Wolf is saying when the other rants about games and gachas but will listen regardless, informing her whenever something related to it drops
Kafka regularly trains with Blade (refining her own techniques via observing him and crossing swords with him)
Even though Blade can do it himself, she still makes a point in adjusting his clothes and securing the ribbons at the back of his outfit for him
If she is not seen around the others, she is most likely to be spending quality time with her cat
She is free real estate to nap on for the rest of the stellaron hunters
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rigil-kentauris · 1 year
less sad mopey immortals more immortals who cannot wait to show you the mad recording they made on their homemade gramaphone monstrosity of a song they played on the piano they made from scratch including growing the tree and then remixed using quantum computing sythesizers
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"BURGLARS HID THEIR LOOT IN LODGING HOUSE," Hamilton Spectator. July 18, 1933. Page 7. ---- Robbed Home of R. K. Palmer-Second Visit ---- Were Caught By Constable in the Act ---- Had Concealed Booty at 21 Market Street ---- Pleading guilty to two charges of burglary and theft and one of breaking and entering with intent to commit an indictable offence, Jack Brown, aged 28 years, no address, was remanded for sentence for one week by Magistrate Burbidge in police court this morning. William Taylor, aged 19 years, also pleaded guilty to the two burglary charges, and his case was also laid over a week.
Constable Currier testified that on the night of July 13, the two accused entered the residence of R. K. Palmer, 93 Bold street, through the cellar window. A screwdriver was used as a jimmy. On this occasion, the pair took portable gramaphone and records, a silver pitcher, a silver gravy boat, an overcoat and a number of other articles. That evening, said the officer, he was detailed to watch. the house and, at midnight, the two accused drove up in a light truck. They parked it at the side of the house and Taylor entered through the cellar window, and later, open- ed the side door so that that Brown could get in. After they had been in the house for a few moments, the officer entered and placed both men under arrest. Constable Currier also testified that on the night of July 13, Brown broke into the office of Chisholm and McQuesten. and broke the knob off the safe door without getting anything.
Detective Gaylard testified that, following admissions by the accused men, he had gone to the municipal lodging house at 21 Market street and, in a room there, he had found an overcoat hanging on the door. Hidden in the pockets and sleeves of the overcoat, he had found the silverware, while, standing on the floor behind the door, was the portable gramaphone.
On Probation When Crown Attorney Ballard informed the magistrate that Clark Hopkins, aged 19 years, 23 Crooks street, and Fred Riley, also aged 19 years, 376 Catharine street north. and had were both on probation and been forbidden to associate with each other, he also asked that the charges of vagrancy against the pair be laid over for a week. The lads had been associating together, the crown attorney reported, and further investigations are necessary.
Charged with vagrancy, Robert Davies, no address, was remanded for a week for a mental examination. He He was arrested by Motorcycle Officer McGregor on Caroline street north at an early hour this morning. He refused to answer the officer's questions and was abusive in his language, said the constable. Appearing for sentence on a charge of stealing a watch from a departmental store, Silva Desjardins, Montreal, was sentenced to three months definite plus six months in- determinate in the Ontario reformatory.
Must Keep Peace After pleading not guilty to a charge of contempt of court, which was laid after he failed to answer to his name on a charge of assault last Friday, Arthur Fox was convicted and was bound over to keep the peace for the space of one year. The assault charge was adjourned sine die when it was pointed out that the complainant, Violet Warden, was on her way to England.
Annie Stenoff, facing vagrancy charges under the Industrial Refuges for Female act, was remanded for a further period of one week for a mental and physical examination.
A further adjournment of one week was allowed in the case of William Cojocarri, who is awaiting sentence on a charge of breach of recognizances. A job may be waiting for him in Kitchener by the time next Tuesday comes.
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warabola · 9 months
🍩🍫 For All
Ange this is the strangest blog you could've used, and somehow you found a prior ask game. I'm in awe.
Different Ask Game!
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
- The Intemperate Director: Every type of crime. You know this. Thus why they hire the likes of not only the Stalwart Scholar, but also a devilish lawyer team to carefully navigate loopholes and technicalities in the system, even if they're not doing quite as much mischief nowadays.
Their favourite crime was pretending to be kidnapped by their own gang in order to ransom their own railway. Their own interpretation of morality and law plagues their legal consultants daily.
Technically, they have a license from the powers-that-be to murder, both impermanently, partially, and permanently. But a certain murder in Nemesis is probably the most likely thing they'd get booked for.
- The Silvered Assistant was fairly close to the Last Constable and Implacable Detective pre-Evolution, so she has a relatively clean record. Her most famous crimes under the alter-ego of the Skyward Thief were: 1. reverse-stealing a painting from the Empress to place it in the Indelible Poet's house for some card game, 2. breaking into the Constables' offices to solve their abandoned cases for them.
Considering her use of glasswork for capers and escapes, the most likely thing she'd get caught for would be accomplice to tax evasion. She is terrible at bureaucratic crime.
- The Indefatigable Doctor, uh...
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Has a history with the Constables.
Otherwise probably public indecency, or arrest by the Masters for pursuing forbidden topics.
- The Heedless Novice is unlikely to ever be arrested. If anything, it'd be a machination by Mr Pages to get Mr Cards out of the way.
That said, blackmail.
🍫: Where does your OC go to think?
The Intemperate Director avoids thinking sdfsdf. has their spire in the Bazaar if they need to work on something. Specifically by the window that looks out onto a blue sigil of grief and loss. But usually, if they need to clear their head and get away from the hounding of others, they're more likely to assume another identity-- be it in the Khanate, Evenlode, at zee, anywhere.
The Silvered Assistant works in Parabola. She's the type to require a more physical task while she works through problems, so constructing memory palaces, mazes, or other works does just that. She is always much more herself in Parabola. Occasionally, she even visits her husband, as a good check for her own moral compass. If he supports an idea, she changes it.
The Indefatigable Doctor goes on a hunt, or works in their back-alley clinic. The sacrament of monster hunters clears their head. If not, there's a well.
The Heedless Novice spends time in one of her rooms. If it's a chronic transformation-pain day, she's at the embassy trying to either smother it in blankets and not moving, or using Hell's plumbing to get water as hot as her artisan tub can hold. She uses this time to plot the ruination of others Mr Pages and scheme. If it's not a pain day, she goes to her spire in the Bazaar, where she keeps her library. She has an extensive collection of different editions of religious documents, studies of superstitions, theology and history papers from the University and surface, as well as a hand mirror meant for insight into the Waswood. And if really necessary, she has a gramaphone for music, one of her favourite developments with the curator transformation.
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oldster2 · 1 year
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violetsystems · 1 year
Debo dying really got me thinking about ghetto. You know that the guy who owns gramaphone records and runs the biggest gay house night in Chicago coined the term ghetto house. A white guy by the way and not the people making it. Couldn't sell dirty records and kind of pandered to his classier consumers. You can tell him I said that. I don't give a fuck. He knows exactly who I am because he used to sell my tapes and lived with a guy who worked there prior to when I offered him his first real job after he didn’t file his taxes for years. That guy works for cars dot com now. They all pretend I’m not alive. Speaking of Rashad, Deeon was in Geto DJ'z with Traxman. Rashad was in Ghetto Technicians. Dave Shayman aka Disco D from Detroit who killed himself was one of the pioneers of Ghettotech out there with Assault. Disco D was white like me. Dave stayed at my house in the suburbs and taught me how to scratch. This was in my twenties. When Rashad got together with Traxman to get away from the ghetto, the drugs and the drama? They both created the crew I'm in called Tekk DJ'z. Notice there isn't any ghetto in there at all. They kind of reclaimed it though people used to call us like a bench warmer crew for teklife. Everybody pretty much jumped ship though we're all on a Japanese footwork org chart somewhere. I live in a racially dynamic neighborhood where half the people want to buy up property and turn it into a gated subdivision. While the rest of us pick up their trash. We get treated like second class citizens by people who would rather call the cops than the fbi. Neither of those work for any of us. So we gradually just revert to the power of the streets. Call it strategic ambiguity or what not. But twenty years in music people always want to judge you as irrelevant because you can't get booked for a festival you don't get paid for other than to sell tickets. You can't play a club night that doesn't pay you which is just a glorified open air drug market and popularity contest. But the block is the block. And the hood is the hood. Nobody out there has a right to question how ghetto I've become. And Deeon made people proud to not only be freaks if that was their thing. But he brought attention to the fact that real life is fucked up and there ain't no use in thinking you are better than those that came before you. I've seen a lot of people come and go. And I've taken out their trash and buried it more times than the FBI has thrown away my anonymous tips. When your hood pass gets revoked? Don't come crying to me. Nobody out here got paid by Beyoncé for ghetto house music. I wouldn’t be able to hear you over all this jack anyway. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a vampire facial to attend to. 🩸
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tahsinsmyrna · 1 year
YouTube'da "Çeçen Kızı on Lego guitar by 10-year-old Can Sayar" videosunu izleyin
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jingjingxuan · 1 year
Entry 6: Music and politics
This week is Week 3, which means we will have to complete our first assessment for each module. One of the assessment peeked my interested- writing a 500-word essay and present an inherent bias in a musical institution. For this assessment, I decided on discussing the female conductors in the classical music scene. 
The reason why I picked this topic is because I realised I have never encountered a female conductor before, even when I went on YouTube to listen to some orchestra recordings, there’s hardly any female conductors. I went through some digging on the internet and found the history in women conducting. It wasn’t until the 1930, Antonia Brico made her first debut as a female conductor with Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. I understand that women are not allowed in the music scene in the early days, but we have Fenny Mendelssohn, Clara Schumann, Amy Beach and few other female role models composing and performing in public in the 1800s, I did not expect the first female conductor to only appear in 1900s. It was shocking for me and honestly a little disheartening to know this fact. 
I researched some factors that contribute to this issue. The main reason why all this happened was the double standards between men and women. There were arguments about how women has weaker stage presence, or have no stamina in conducting, or has more feminine gestures and the musicians will misinterpret it. I found it ridiculed that another reason is because the board members are mostly men, and thought that they have the role and responsibility to keep the tradition going on, which is by only having a male conductor, a maestro, to lead the orchestra. I thought it was nonsense, the board member shouldn’t made the decision based on prejudice. They didn’t even let the female conductor to showcase their talent and just decided to just shut them off. There's an article that mentions female conductors don’t lack talent, they lack the opportunities and I agree with them. 
Some more interesting facts about female conductors are there is currently no female conductor leading the top 25 best orchestras in the world. Marin Alsop used to be the only female conductor that made it to that list, guiding Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, but she left in 2021 and now it is back to square one. On the bright side, more and more female conductors are taking up roles as chief conductor and music director in orchestras. We have Simone Young, the only Australian conductor that made it to Gramaphone’s Top 50 conductors 2022, recently being appointed as the chief conductor for Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Xian Zhang for the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Susanna Mälkki for Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra.
I have gain a lot of insights through this assessment. The female conductor field had made a leeway, but there is still a very long way to go. I sincerely hope female conductors won’t give up their dream due to any double standards they faced and will continue to thrive so there’s more role model to the younger generations. I also hope that everyone can stop labelling musicians based on their gender: male conductor or female conductor, and just refer them merely as conductors. In the end, all the conductors disregard of gender or race, they all hold the same intentions and motive; to bring music alive. 
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weimar-arts · 4 years
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Gramophone by Rudolf Dischinger, 1930
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skrimshanker · 3 years
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Bonzo Dog Band
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