star-chloe · 1 year
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I worked on this for about 3 or 4 days I think.
I even had the program close on me and had to restart half of it….pain….
I’m glad it turned out well though!
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dog-autism · 5 days
'cause your face moves like a puppet and it doesn't make sense !!
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[id: two stylized drawings of cats standing.
DRAWING 1 shows Badgershine, a cat with spiky fur falling down his cheeks, rounder shapes and long fur, as he stands to the right of the screen, 3/4 of their body shown. Their ears are pinned down, and they are ended with tufts. Their eyes are hollow, yellow, crying, shaped like rectangles. There is also a yellow needle branch coming from his right ear. His main fur color is green, covered in white pattern resembling clouds, and sun above xir left eye. The background is only slightly lighter than their fur, also covered in clouds.
DRAWING 2 shows Grayfur, a cat with spiky fur on her mane, tuft on her right ear while the left is ripped, spiky beard on her chin, and scars, one on her right eye and one above it, as well as two on her chin, and also a large scar on her back, as she stands slightly to the left, 3/4 of its body shown. It has a dark purple coat covered in a pattern of pale purple stars, as well as a half moon above her left eye. Its eyes are also rectangular and hollow, them being pale purple, almost pink. The background is slightly lighter than her fur, showing a starry night covered in pale purple stars. / end id]
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smile-files · 1 year
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welcome to grayfur's house!!
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ask-grayfur · 10 months
A tired cat looks at you. Well, she doesn't, she stares off in space, but you can clearly see her. And what things would you ask her.
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[id: black and white drawing of Grayfur, a small silhouette facing back the camera. It has left ear ripped, and right one ended with a tuft, but due to facing the camera back, their sides are switched. She's sitting on grass. Grayfur and the grass are black, separated only by a white line. Sky is white covered in black stars, and above Grayfur there is a full moon. The moon has open eye, staring down at Grayfur and crying. The eye has white outline. / end id]
Hello! I went through with it and created a blog for my silly guy Grayfur. The blog is not canon to the story, even if the events leading up to that mostly stay the same.
Also Grayfur uses it/she pronouns. Keep that in mind.
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weaselishmcdiesel · 3 months
yeah sorry... nepeta turned your matesprit into a warrior cat oc :/ now his name is grayfur and we're roleplaying with him... sorry
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hemipenal-system · 11 months
2 - Muzzled
(author's note: this has some mild mentions of domestic abuse/implied sexual assault in it. read safely)
Siobhan tapped her foot anxiously against the floor of the train. She wasn't normally in this part of the city, especially not this late at night. She couldn't help but be stressed, and her music wasn't working at all to calm her down. Her damn earbuds already didn't fit these ears. They made specially shaped earbud tips for wolves, but they were expensive for only being useful three days a month. The stares she was getting weren't making her feel any less nervous.
It wasn't her fault she looked like this. She didn't exactly want to be a nine foot tall, four hundred pound column of tightly wound muscles and teeth either. Hell, she was bent at an uncomfortable angle to even fit on the train. No one was going to fuck with her, but that didn't help her anxiety. She could feel everyone in her immediate vicinity staring, eyes boring through her thick fur and into the scared creature underneath who was much more scared than she looked.
Thank fuck humans couldn't read werewolf body language for shit. She was doing her best to look aloof, not looking at anyone, zoning off into her music and occasionally glancing at the station map on the wall to check how close she was to her stop. She wasn't looking at them, but they were sure looking at her. Stonemere didn't have a lot of werewolves.
She would have been a rare sight anyway, but she couldn't afford to miss three days of her life right now, so she did her best to dress up regardless of her body looking like this right now. The end result was even more surprising: The aforementioned massive grey-furred werewolf, adorned with a dozen golden clip-on earrings and chains, as well as a matching septum ring, and a green and black flannel that she wore open because it wouldn't close over her massive torso with the biggest pair of jeans she could find. Honestly, it was a great outfit, and she would have felt much cuter literally anywhere else.
At least she got herself a nice berth on the train. There were two empty seats around her in either direction – the only ones in the entire train car. Who would have sat next to her? It seemed like every day there was a new story on the news about "a savage werewolf who snapped out of nowhere and mauled an innocent child," or whatever. The muzzle she had on definitely didn't help.
Stonemere had incredibly strict muzzle laws. Within city limits, werewolves who were permanent residents had to file their shift days and proof of lycanthropy along with proof of residency. (Like it wasn't immediately fucking obvious when she was shifted, since you know, she was a massive fuckoff wolf now) All werewolves, when in an enclosed space with non-wolves, had to wear a muzzle while shifted, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, unless they could get fifteen open unoccupied meters in any direction from them and maintain it over time, replacing the muzzle when that space became unavailable. Failure to comply with these laws was a class B misdemeanor, and the juries here always found a way to rack additional charges on to extend the sentence.
Honestly, Siobhan's muzzle was kind of sexy – at least, she'd heard other wolves say so. It was just a simple black and gold basket muzzle, nothing fancy, but it fit well and gave her breathing room. She'd worn it to a couple parties before and gotten some nice compliments and some fun nights. When she moved into town, a friend of hers recommended the grayfur leatherworker, and she had it made custom with thick leather strapping and golden rivets. Supposedly it gave her a menacing look. She didn't really see it. (The shock collar on her neck added to the effect, but that didn't even have batteries in it. A lot of wolves her age wore it as a symbol of protest.)
There was a smell to her left. She turned. A girl was sitting next to her, looking at her like she needed something. She was tall for a human but seemed small next to Siobhan, and had long blonde hair that ran almost down to her waist. She was drenched in perfume, but the wolf's nose was better than that. She also smelled like blood. Looking into the wolf's dark eyes with much less fear and anger than everyone else on the train, she lifted her hands.
May I sit here? Most wolves lost the ability to speak when they shifted, since their vocal cords weren't shaped for human speech anymore. Younger wolves used assistive text-to-speech apps, but over the years packs in densely populated areas had developed a variant of ASL that they often used to save on the trouble of communicating. Some humans learned it to understand their partners, but why would she have used it? Siobhan's ears worked fine, even if she had earbuds in. Charles Mingus wasn't loud enough to drown out the speech around her.
When she finished talking, she held her hands up, allowing Siobhan to curtly sniff at them. That was something fewer humans knew. It was entirely unnecessary, more a gesture of respect than anything, but it was meaningful. Siobhan looked back at the smaller human, who upon second inspection was practically shaking, eyes red and surrounded by dark circles. Are you alright? Why didn't you speak?
The human tapped two fingers against her mouth, then shook her head. Nonverbal. She took one of Siobhan's hands within one of her own, and kept signing with the other. I need help. The wolf didn't need to ask what she needed help with. The suspiciously finger-shaped bruises on her neck and the small cut over her eyebrow made it clear enough. I got away from him, but I don't know where he is now. She was breathing slowly, carefully. She was trying to hold herself together, and rapidly failing. I don't have anywhere to go.
Siobhan nodded. Stay here. S-I-O-B-H-A-N.
Siobhan put one arm around the girl, signing with her other, What did he do to you? The girl looked her in the eyes again, freezing up, before burying her face into the wolf's chest and releasing one shaking, heavy sob after another.
Siobhan draped her head over the human's shoulder, feeling her own eyes begin to water as the girl let out god knows how many horrific experiences silently, quickly dampening the fur she was sobbing into. She couldn't help but sniff the girl a bit. She smelled like blood and perfume. There were hints of smoke, and city grime. She'd had curry at some point, and smoked a couple times since. There was something else, too. When Siobhan processed it, she understood why she was wearing so much perfume. She tapped the human's shoulder, prompting her to look up.
It's a full moon. Why aren't you shifted? Ashley practically started crying again on the spot.
I haven't eaten. I ran four days ago. The shift took a lot of energy. She must have been absolutely starved to stave it off. She was pressing herself closer to Siobhan now, enjoying the feeling of the soft fur on her shoulders from the arm draped over her. She wasn't alright, but she wasn't in danger anymore.
Can you afford to?
Ashley nodded, raising her hands again. He knows I'm a wolf. He would have looked for that. Siobhan understood immediately. She was deliberately starving herself to prevent changing. Every werewolf was conspicuous for these three days. If they were all looking for a wolf, and she wasn't one? That gave her three days to get some ground between her and him before the moon days ended and she would have looked human again. She just had to-
"Ashley!" Both girls' heads snapped up. The man rushing towards them had on a nice suit, but he was disheveled. His brow was stained with sweat, and the way it was going his dress shirt probably would be too. His tie wasn't straight, and one leg of his pants was pulled up slightly. He was a mess. Under the sweat, Siobhan knew his scent. Ashley smelled like his blood, and he smelled like Ashley. One of his sleeves was cuffed halfway up his arm, and he had gauze around his forearm.
If the wolf hadn't been sure already, the look Ashley gave her confirmed it as the human seemed to fold into herself, becoming small in the seat, practically begging her to do something.
"Ashley! I'm so glad you're alright! I was so worried about you, I don't know how you could just run like that! Just come home, baby, alright? We don't need to do things like this! You-"
He stopped as Siobhan stood up, stepping back slightly as the wolf shed her flannel, handing it to the cowering human, who had begun shaking again. Cover your head. People are probably going to start filming. She didn't do anything aggressive, just moving in between Ashley and the man as the girl wrapped the shirt over her had and the lower half of her face. She was right. People were filming. They were trying not to be obvious about it, of course, but Siobhan could see the glint of camera lenses from behind books and backpacks as everyone on the train car watched the spectacle.
The man, to his credit, maintained his confidence fairly well as the wolf twice his size blocked his path to Ashley. "Ash? Who's your friend? I didn't know you knew any other-" As he talked, he moved back forwards, attempting to negotiate Siobhan to the side. Ashley was practically crying again behind her, quick sharp breaths indicative of what was happening to her.
Siobhan didn't mean to snarl. It just sort of happened. The man was trying to move past her, and then he was flat on his ass, scrambling backwards, trying to get to his feet and save face somewhat. Siobhan stopped snarling, but she kept her teeth bared, moving towards Ashley and pulling her close. Nothing was going to happen to this girl, and no amount of bluster this man could conjure was going to get to her anymore.
He could conjure quite a bit of bluster. "I'll be at home, Ashley. When you change your mind and get off this silly escapade of yours, you know where to find me. I can't always-" Siobhan snarled again, and he was gone. She locked eyes with the nearest person holding up a phone, and suddenly all the phones were too. That didn't matter. Ashley was safe and that was the only thing that did.
Come on. I know where we are. There's a really good smoothie place two blocks from here that does twenty-four hour service. Let's figure this out. Ashley nodded eagerly, cracking a weak smile at the wolf, eyes teary and mascara running.
Thank you.
Siobhan nodded enthusiastically at Ashley as the latter stared into her smoothie with a strange mixture of gratefulness and embarrassment, taking another bite of her half-eaten ham sandwich with appropriately wolfish intent. Siobhan tried to smile. Don't worry about it at all. I wasn't doing anything else tonight anyway. You can crash on my couch for as long as you need, girl. How are you doing, you know? She gestured vaguely to everything around them.
Ashley shrugged. Oh, I'll be alright. I play a lot of Tetris. Things are looking better now. I can figure it out now. She smiled – an actual smile, not an "I don't know what to do with my face" smile – at Siobhan.
Ashley snuggled up under the blanket. The apartment was small, but it was enough for the two of them for now. Siobhan showed her how to work the lights, pausing for a moment to place a single affectionate lick on the very tip of her golden-furred muzzle, before crossing the room and climbing into her own bed, leaving one arm out from under the covers.
Good night, Ash.
"Good night, Siobhan."
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tama1313 · 1 year
Funny (and absurd) italian translations of Warrriors names:
Pelogrigio/Grayfur: Mousefur (she is still described as a brown cat)
Fogliad'acqua/waterleaf: Leafpool
Baffetto/Littlewhisker: Onewhisker (this is kinda cute actually)
Piedeveloce/Swiftfoot: Runningwind
Batuffolodineve/Snowswab: Snowkit
Mantodilampone/Raspberrypelt: Tawnypelt (I guess they did this to pair her with her brother Brambleclaw)
Peloditornado/Tornadofur: Stormfur
Ciccio/Chubby: Purdy
Chiccod'orzo/Barleyseed: Barley
Attila: Scourge
Mantodilava/Lavapelt: Cinderpelt
Pelobruno/darkbrownfur: Russetfur
Granito/Granite: Stonefur
Ormascura/Darkfootprint: Mistyfoot
Stellacadente/Shootingstar: Croockedstar
Oh but it gets worse...
Lozoppo/theh*bbled: Deadfoot
Loscorticato/theflayed: Barkface
Guercia/Sq*inter: One-eye (I don't understand why they didn't called her Occhietto like Onewhisker)
Losfregiato/thedisfigured: Clawface
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l-art-stuff-l · 7 months
for my ocs . grayfur centric. or rather graypaw as it would be abt its apprentice years. they are not fun at all and gray goes trough the shredder
that’s awesome i love torturing fictional characters. also when i read the shredder i immediately thought of tmnt shredder but specifically the 1987 version. who would win in a fight
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I made this warrior cats family for fun
AmberTail is me
Treefur is my little brother which is 3 years younger than me
[Im 19 yours old]
[He is 16 years old]
The other 3 are ocs that I added to the family for Fun
Hollysparow, jaybird and blueeyes are a litter of three and are older than
AmberTail and treefur a litter of two
There parents are moma g-bird and daddy timberstone
Ambertail has a mate named Jaywing
And 3 litters of her own
1 litter of5 kits
Romerose, lennyboxy,
Girls Peanutbutter, gingerBarry and temperfoot
2 litter of 4 kits
rubyeyes, Hazelfur, snowball and Hollyspring
3 litter of 2 kits
angelwing and snowbird
Jaywing has a mom name Autumnsong and dad nightstorm and his littermates are 3 brothers and 1 sister
Hollysparow has a mate named stormmist and 1 litter of 2 kits 2 girls name frostMask and VelvetPool
Jaybird has a litter with one boy and one girl with a loner name skypabble and grayfur
G-bird mom is silverrose and dad Blazebarry
Timberstone mom is clouddust and dad is bluesight
Right new I am still working on the family tree so far when I do get done with that then I'll start with something else and thin i well look at the personality and storyline together I do know what there personality would look like somewhat but the story not yet However I would look at it later on when it comes to it than.
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esynk · 1 year
yepp!!! im geniuenly enjoying the process of making it bdww ilovee making picturess movee and those cats do silly things (and buthst imean put them into methaporical meatgrinder - iam very much putting my girl*™ grayfur in terriblr situations)
yippee :D
i tried animating a few things in the past but i didn't really have the patience and passion for it fhsjk
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sneefsnorf · 2 years
grayfur be like she has ambiguous curse that doesnt do anything but also ruined her life shes autistic shes queer she had romance with clan outside her clan but they brok up cuz other cat realised ohgh shit my girlfriendboy is a ccamnibal her mentor is fucked up she killed her she can talk to ghosts but also cant talk to ghosts she has adopted son and gets foudn family arc after she leaves clans includi ng few noncats egrhehgrhe.
augh grayfurs lore goes hard im excited for any stuff you make w her :33
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dog-autism · 23 days
not a canon interaction in my story, but one could imagine
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[id: drawing of two cats, Graypaw and Midnightkit. Graypaw is a large cat with spiky mane on her neck, tuft on the right ear while the left is thorn, and right eye replaced by a shattered bleeding star. Its nose is also bleeding, and it is covered in many injures. It looks calmly at floating Midnightkit, who is upside down. He is small, with spiky fur, tufts on his ears, eyelashes, and right eye also replaced by a shattered bleeding star. His tail has a star on its tip as well. His expression is not visible, but he appears to be rather whimsical. Lineart is black, and the only other color is beige, both cats remaining uncolored. / end id]
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archasquirrel · 5 years
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Here's Grayfur, Nightwatcher's son! ;v; This one's probably going to be the last one with a full background like this for this challenge ^^; Grayfur -- This Willowclan tom has always been a skittish cat. He has an irrational fear of the medicine cat's den since he was an apprentice. Nothing bad's ever happened to him in there, it just has a different demeanor within it in comparison to the other dens of the camp in his mind. If it were up to him, he'd prefer to be treated in the clearing of their camp. Thankfully for him, he seldom needs medical attention. Art (c) Me Grayfur, Starclan's Omen (c) @cobalt549 and I Warriors (c) Erin Hunter
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ask-grayfur · 10 months
I mean... I don't have a life in the same way that you do. There's nothing I can do but sit back and observe how things play out.
It's like how sparrows are obligated to fly, and spiders are to weave silk. I am a spectator by my very nature.
- 🪨
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[id: First panel shows Grayfur with neutral tired expression, rising up from the sitting position. The surrounding void stars slowly spinning, with black streaks circling around Grayfur.
Text in the speech bubbles reads "What are you then? It seems like a pretty boring and horrible existence"
The second panel shows only Gray furs silhouette, with camera zooming out, her now appearing tiny. Grayfur is fully standing up now, and the void is circling around it.
Text in the speech bubbles reads "Also where is this even coming from?" / end id]
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star-chloe · 6 years
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I wanted to see if i could draw them in a different style
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It doesn’t look that bad
( @warriorcatsanimated )
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warriorcatsrebuked · 6 years
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Finished some sketchy headshots of some... friends? Yeah, we’ll go with friends. They’re friends. Happy CloudClan friends.
Rumblestorm/Grayfur is the top gray w/ white cat
Galewhisker is the bottom left black cat with GIANT ear poofs
Stripedfur is the bottom right brown tabby with the torn ear and scarred eye
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