hostageofeurope · 5 months
🎥 Despite refuting claims that my shelter obstructed pedestrian pathways and highlighting my protest outside the UNHCR office against protracted confinement and deprivation in their country—demanding a swift resolution—authorities disregarded my situation. Watch 👆
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panoswest · 4 years
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ritware1850 · 7 years
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#Repost @dp_mind.and.soul ・・・ #American #tourist, #BakariHenderson, 22, was reportedly beaten to death on theGreek island of #Zakynthos, due to an argument over a selfie, according to witnesses. Early on Friday, witnesses claimed, Henderson was at a #bar on the island and wanted to take a #selfie with one of the #waitresses, which reportedly angered the #bouncer. According to police, at least ten people then followed Henderson out of the bar, including the bouncer and at least one #baremployee. They beat Henderson badly and then left him #unconscious in the street. #Greekpolice said that Henderson died from severe head injuries. Eight people have since been arrested in relation to the beating death and charged with voluntarymanslaughter, though an attorney for one of the accused claimed that there was no intent to kill Henderson. The Henderson #family has expressed shock over the slaying, though they are reportedly now focusing on getting Henderson’s #body back to the #UnitedStates. The United States State Department is reportedly working with Greek authorities to do so, and a #GoFundMe page has already raised over $45,000 to cover the cost of the funeral as well as transportation expenses. #foodforthought #rbg #problack #blackboyjoy #blackexcellence #blackwomenrock #blackisbeautiful #blackgirlsrock #blackmenrock #education #greece #serbia
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apostolisdim · 6 years
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"Ἔτι δεόμεθα ὑπέρ εὐκρασίας ἀέρων, εὐφορίας τῶν καρπῶν τῆς γῆς καί καιρῶν εἰρηνικῶν καί ὑπέρ τοῦ εὐλογηθῆναι τόν νέον ἐνιαυτόν τῆς χρηστότητος τοῦ Κυρίου." 🇬🇷 Επίσημος Δοξολογία ἐπὶ τῇ ἐνάρξει τοῦ νέου ἔτους 2019 #Πρωτοχρονιά #Μητρόπολη #Εκκλησία #Αθήνα #Ελλάδα #Ορθοδοξία #Σημαία #Σημαίες #Άγημα #Αστυνομία #ΕλληνικήΑστυνομία #NewYearsDay #Cathedral #Church #Ecclesia #Athens #Athina #Hellas #Greece #Orthodoxy #Flag #Flags #Police #HellenicPolice #GreekPolice (στην τοποθεσία Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsGQmtPnd9D/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j2m7y1vgz2i0
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karlhto · 7 years
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@greekpolice @greek_police_fans (στην τοποθεσία Putain, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia)
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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انگلیسی/فارسی During the last few minutes of my 31st day at hunger strike, at around 12am, a number of motorcyclists parked in front of me, and my banners, and threatened me with a knife! I used to write critisisms in Iran and Turkey. The police, the mayor, and the government used to threaten me and torture me. They often tried to get rid of me by approaching me in civilian clothing to threaten me. #Fascist and #Dictatorial thoughts are not limited to state borders. There is a suppressive and violent discourse in the heart of the #EU and among the #HumanRightsDefenders. I do not know why the government and fascists are spending so much energy on threats and surpression, while they could alternatively focus that energy in creating #Peace, #Harmony and #Justice. Since beginning my hunger strike in an attempt to defend the imprisoned people on hunger strike, there have many been attempts to hack my email, facebook and other media outlets. I have been threatened and arrested. #UNHCR has still yet to react to try and put an end to this hunger strike. The only joyfull event that has happened has been my brothers release. This little victory does not mean that our demands have been responded to. This was never my only goal. Despite all the threats and the surpression, I will keep standing. You may react to my physical presence by arresting me, by approaching me with knives, or even by murdering me, but you will not dispossess me and the people who walk alongside me. You will not stop our thoughts and our struggle. Stop! Stop this foolish behaviour, stop this violent aggressive behaviour. Otherwise you will carry a burden of shame through this struggle. #ThePeople and #TheMedia are witnessing our ongoing struggle. How can you treat us like this in front of the eyes of #ThePeople and #TheMedia, the people who have struggled so much, who have suffered so much, and who are utterly oppressed. IF you surpress Arash today, hundreds of oppressed people will stand up against you. As long as there is injustice, there will be people who struggle for justice. If we were afraid of people who decapitate people, we would not dance among the gathering of lovers. We are here. We will remain here. We will keep our vow. We will continue on untill the day of freedom. While you plan on surpressing us, #BehroozAresh and #KozhinHussein are vanishing into the darkness of death. They are now on their 33rd day of hunger strike. They are risking their lives simply to be released from your illegal and damned prison. Does it cost more to continue on with your ‘balderdash’ and us with our hunger strike as opposed to releasing the prisoners whom you have unjustly confined? What is going to happen to me, Behrooz Arash and Kozhin Hussin?The #UN, the #GreekGovernment, and the #GreekPolice should be held responsible. They are the ones who confine us and torture us. They have forced us to protest angainst their injustice. They hold the keys to the gate of the prison. They can open the doors whenever they want and release the innocent. They can end this injustice whenever they want. If they do not act then they are the ones responsible for our eventual death. دیشب در لحظات آخر سی و یکمین روز اعتصاب غذایم ساعت دوازده شب چند موتور سوار آمدند روبروی من و بَنرهای هایم ایستادند و با چاقو تهدیدم کردند! در ایران و ترکیه هم که دست به اعتراض و انتقاد و نوشتن میزدم یا از طرف پلیس و شهردار و سپاه و حکومت مستقیما تهدید و شکنجه میشدم و یا از طرف مزدورانش که با لباس و شمایل مردمی سعی در حذف من میکردن! افکار #فاشیستی و #دیکتاتوری مرز و محدوده جغرافیایی نمیشناسه افکار و رفتار سرکوبگرانه و #خشونت آمیز رو در قلب اروپا و حتی در میان نویسندگان #منشورحقوق_بشر هم میتوان یافت. نمیدانم چرا افراد فاشیست و یا حکومت ها بجای انکه برای سرکوب و تهدید هزینه و انرژی صرف کنند برای ایجاد #صلح و #آرامش و #عدالت این هزینه و انرژی رو صرف نمیکنند‌! بعد از شروع اعتصاب غذایم در حمایت از پناهنده های زندانی شده ی در اعتصاب اتفاقات نه چندان جالبی برایم افتاد مثلا ایمیل و فیس بوکم و ..‌ هک شد و تهدید شدم و دستگیر شدم و..‌ ولی همچنان واکنشی از #سازمان_ملل ندیدم برای پایان این اعتصاب! ولی یک اتفاق خوشایند هم افتاد که آزادی برادر کوچکم بود ولی این اتفاق کوچک سقف خواسته ها و هدف من نبود و نیست و من باوجود تمام تهدیدات و ناملایمات همچنان خواهم ایستاد. بله شاید که شما بتوانید به حضور فیزیکی من لطمه بزنید با دستگیری و یا چاقو و یا حتی کشتن من، ولی ایا میتوانید افکارم رو ازمن و امثال من بگیرید؟ امروز آرش رو سرکوب بکنید فردا صدها آسیب دیده ی بی عدالتی دربرابرتان خواهند ایستاد. تا وقتی بی عدالتی هست مسلما عدالت خواهی هم خواهد بود. بیاید و دست از این رفتارهای ابلهانه و خشونت بار بردارید که اگر چنین نشود بازنده و شرمسار این رفتار و این مبارزه خود خود شما خواهید بود. #مردم و #رسانه ها شاهد ماجرایمان هستند حال خود میدانید که در جلوی دیده گان رسانه ها و مردم چگونه میخواهید با حق طلبی های آسیب دیده گان و مردم بی پناه رفتار کنید. در هرصورت ما گر ز سر بریده میترسیدیم در محفل عاشقان نمیرقصیدیم! ما هستیم و خواهیم بود بر سر عهدمان بر سر حق طلبی مان تا روز آزادی. در لحظاتی که شما نقشه سرکوب ما رو میکشید #آرش_بهروز و #حسین_کوژین با مرگ دست و پنجه نرم میکنند و در سی و سومین روز اعتصاب غذایشان هستند فقط و فقط برای اینکه از زندان نکبت و ناحق شما آزاد شوند. آزادی کسانی که به ناحق زندانی کردید هزینه بیشتری دارد یا ادامه ی این زورگویی های شما و اعتراضات ما؟ هر اتفاقی که برای من و آرش بهروز و حسین کوژین بیوفتد در وهله ی اول سازمان ملل و #دولت و #پلیس_یونان باید پاسخگو باشد چون انها هستند که ما را زندانی و شکنجه کردند و وادارمان کردند دست به اعتراض بزنیم و کلید درهای زندان در دستان آنهاست و هرلحظه میتوانند درهای زندانشان را به روی بی گناهان باز کنند و آزادشان کنند.. و به این بی عدالتی پایان دهند که اگر چنین نکنند باید مسولیت جان ما رو بر عهده بگیرند. Photo by Kini Von Teesdale #refugeesgr #refugee #mytilini #prison #Police #freedom #Europe #Hungerstrike #unhcr #humanity #humansrights #Greece #deport
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ismylifegr-blog · 8 years
15 αντιδράσεις Ελλήνων χρηστών για την εξουδετέρωση της βόμβας στη Θεσσαλονίκη - Ismylife.gr
15 αντιδράσεις Ελλήνων χρηστών για την εξουδετέρωση της βόμβας στη Θεσσαλονίκη
H βόμβα του Β΄Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου που εντοπίστηκε σε πρατήριο βενζίνης στο Κορδελιό Θεσσαλονίκη –και αναμένεται να απενεργοποιηθεί την  Κυριακή, δεν πέρασε απαρατήρητη -πώς άλλωστε θα ήταν δυνατό- από τους χρήστες του Twitter.
Θεσσαλονικείς και μη επιδόθηκαν σε ένα ανηλεές τρολάρισμα με αναρτήσεις τους στη δημοφιλή πλατφόρμα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.
«-Φιλε, απο το Κορδελιο της Θεσσαλονικης εισαι ?-Ναι…. Που το καταλαβες ??-Μπαμ κανεις..», έγραψε ένας χρήστης.
«Λογικό είναι η βόμβα στη Θεσσαλονίκη να είναι εκεί από τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο. Χαλαρή, δεν θα σκάσει κιόλας», έγραψε ένας άλλος χρήστης στο Twitter, ενώ ένας τρίτος ανέφερε: «Τα ποτα στο Κορδελιο ειναι μπομπα»
Επιστρατεύοντας χιούμορ και φαντασία οι χρήστες προσφέρουν για μία ακόμη φορά απίστευτες στιγμές γέλιου με τις ατάκες, αλλά και «πειραγμένες» φωτογραφίες που μπορείτε να απολαύσετε στη γκάλερι που ακολουθεί
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rⒶpⒶnⒶstⒶ @rapanasta
Βρέθηκε γερμανικό βλήμα στο Κορδελιό. Εντός ΣΚ η εξουδετέρωσή του. #Kordelio
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Souko @souko_news
έτοιμη η παραγγελία σας… #kordelio #popa
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CiNeMaPeL @CiNeMaPeL
#kordelio #bomb @PatoulidouVoula #ditoikessoinikies #δυτικα#θεσσαλονικη #thess #thessaloniki #bombsquad #greekpolice#greece
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Ο ΣΚΛΑΒΟΣ ★ @Osklavos
Εξουδετερώθη το βλήμα των Γερμανών στο Κορδελιό; #Kordelio
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Λίλα Τρου Στόρι @Lilasta
Δηλαδή τώρα εγώ πρέπει να μετακινηθώ για μια βόμβα;#tatianalive #lilatruestory #kordelio @TatianaliveE
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giorgos spanakakis @giorgos_span
Ιδού η προετοιμασία εξουδετέρωσης της νάρκης στο Κορδελιό. #Κορδελιο #Kordelio
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Ο ΤΟΛΜΩΝ ΝΙΚΑ @outevimapisw
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Mary Myers @MaryMyersK
#kordelio #bomb #tsipras #gameofthrones #Greece πουτανα όλα…!
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thomasnaomi-blog · 9 years
Everyday I’m queueing
In line (pardon the pun) with my whole career, my time at Moria was focused on queues and tickets. I can’t escape it, but it’s what I’m good at and so I was THRILLED to be able to do this here. Working the registration lines became my thing. I could have continued to do it forever for two reasons – firstly, because it is such a valuable and helpful job and secondly, because standing outside in the cold with refugees for hours and hours is an ideal way to get to know them!
Registration happens inside an old prison. The police come out and tell the volunteers what numbers they would like to process and how many. This often causes surges and pushes since the gates only open every hour, sometimes two-three hours if the police/frontex are changing shifts inside the compound. They let through up to 50 people at a time. I worked on both the Syrian/Iraqi line and the Afghan/Other lines.
The line is organised and maintained by the volunteers. We separate it into two lines, one for families and one for single men. We try to let the families in first, the single men wait quite calmly while we do this – they understand – it’s much harder for the babies, toddlers and pregnant woman to stand there for hours in the cold. Occasionally, I saw single men help the families hold the babies next to them so the mothers/fathers could rest their arms. The police mostly agree to let the families in first, as long as their number is valid. For example, if the family’s ticket is higher than the numbers they are currently processing, tough. They wait longer with their children and the single men with the correct number go though. This causes distress for families and children. When the single men go though, things can get a bit chaotic. They often push and get pushed and the police do not like it. At all. The police shout, and push them back and scream at them in a language they don’t understand. If the police/volunteers cannot get the line under control, it’s shut down after hours and hours of queuing.
Volunteers bring tea/water/blankets/food to the lines to comfort people and keep the mood from becoming too dampened. They won’t eat or drink much though, maybe a sip and a mouthful. If they leave the line to use the toilet- it’s the back of the line for them. The hand-outs work both ways though. The refugees were grateful we were helping. After being stood along side them for hours, you form a sort of bond. They kept me in good supply if cigarettes no matter how much I tried to refuse. Even though they had very little, they wanted to show solidarity.
Having a translator on the line makes things so much easier! I had an Arabic speaker with me on the Syrian line and there was a Farsi speaker on the Afghan line when I arrived but she left and Naomi and I took over. The speaker makes it easier to give instructions and answer questions and also to chit chat with those who don’t speak English. When you don’t have a translator, you get by with clear gestures and the use of a willing refugee who speaks English.
When I say chit chat, this is SO IMPORTANT. It keeps people calm and happy, given then they have been queuing for HOURS. You don’t really need to speak the language for this. You can ask for an English speaking refugee who might be nearby when things get tricky but you can definitely get by on a few choice words to keep things cheery. It’s also a great way to interact with the refugees. Mostly, it makes them feel that someone is on their side, giving them strength to wait for the sporadic police to come back. Convincing them that they will get through soon and they do not need to worry is not an easy task – these people have been traveling for miles and months.
Not everyone can be coaxed into smiling. It’s not a happy situation in the slightest. Families are depressed and crying. I did my best to comfort and reassure them that they will be OK and the police are NOT discriminating against their family. It’s hard to explain the ticketing/numbering system to someone who doesn’t speak your language and is very agitated.
I heard stories about the police. Volunteers had been arrested across the island apparently. However, my experience in the Afghan line with the police is a positive one. They were thankful to us for helping and we got a good rapport going. We asked them when they would be coming back for more people and how many they would take so we could inform the line. Approaching the police about this was a ‘no’ ‘no’ form what I’d heard, but for whatever reasons, they were allowing us – amongst a sea of international volunteers, maybe they trust the Brits on their queuing!
When our shift on the lines was due to finished at 1:30am (since 17:00), the police came out and let EVERYONE who was in line through as a sort of favour to us. This was an INCREDIBLE feeling to be left with. We got them though. All of the people we’d spent hours talking to. About to be registered to be on their way. The line was clear and empty. Until tomorrow, anyway. TW x
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hostageofeurope · 5 months
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📸 The one-hour standoff with the UNHCR on February 15th, 2024, culminated in police intervention to assist with their mission-bound white van’s departure, disregarding my concerns yet again and necessitating another urgent email to them to promptly address the unresolved issues.
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hostageofeurope · 5 months
🎥 Continuing my protest outside the UNHCR office after the recent destruction of my seventh shelter, I have received no aid from the UNHCR, NGOs, or civil society. For three days, I've been without food, surviving on a small bottle of water left near my banner during a brief absence yesterday. Your support remains crucial. 🆘
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hostageofeurope · 5 months
🎥 In light of today's unfortunate destruction of my seventh shelter outside the UNHCR office, I am pleading for your gracious support through my fundraising initiative by donating and sharing. Presently, I am without access to food and lack the financial means for sustenance.
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